e Oregon Education Board Meets Today SALEM (AP) -j The state Board of Education will meet today in Salem to consider asking the state Emergency Board for $35,000. The noney would be needed to implement the Manpower Develop ment and Training Act of 1962 when federal funds become avail able. The act provides money to train WILLIAM M. WEEKS DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE County Clerk & Recorder 1 , fx ,. William M. Mxki VOCATION . . . Taught school In the following stares: Mississippi, Louisiana, Illinois, Wyoming, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon as m coach, teacher, principal and Supervisor. OTHER JOBS , SUMMER JOBS . . . Railroad, Sawmilli, Wheat Horv.rt, Chtmiit In Oil Company, Paper Chemist and Sugar Chemist. TAUGHT SCHOOL In Douglas County In Comal Valley, Days Crook and Glendala. Taught Scionca, Commercial Law and other tub jacti. IF ELECTED I WILL BE THE FIRST ONE AT THE OFFICE AND THE LAST ONE TO LEAVE AND WILL NOT HIRE HELP TO RUN THE BUSINESS OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER. THIS IS A PROMISE! Pd. Pol. AoY, William M. Mieki, Mi. 8o 1365, RneDuri, Ortgon I i -seMetsaaiaM.seeiiiiiiiseai The following radio and television programs arc printed at free public service for News-Review readers. All program listings are published at received from the respective stations. The News Review does not accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furnished this newspaper. KPIC-TV Ch. 4 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY :Oa-ontlnental Clauroom (Math) :30 Continental Clastroorr (Gov'nt) :15 ETV (Tuai., thru FrI.) :30 Play Your Hunch 10:00 Price II Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impressions 11:30 Truth or Conseqvences 11:S-Oay Report 12:0D-Jan Murray 12:25 NBC News 12:30 Romper Room 1:00 Young Doctor Malone 1:30 Our Five Dauohters vAr SERVICE Ll SERVICE 6uSnTEED PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO & TV II llltlirt 21 Visrs 11M HE Stlltias it Sarin Valley let LOST YOUR LICENSE TO DRIVE? SEE . ROLF'S INSURANCE FOR FAST SERVICE Installments Available 939 S. E. Stephens OR 3-8166 KBES-TV Ch. 5 PACIFIC STANDARD TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY :45 Copco Stiow (Tuei) 9:54 CBS News (except Tuesday) 10:00-Lov of Life 10:30-Search For Tomorrow 10:45 Guiding Light 11:00 College of the Air 11:30 As the World Turns 13:00 Password 12:30 House Party 1:0O The Millionaire 1:30 Verdict It Yours 1:54CBS News 2:00 Brighter Day KOIN-TV Ch. 6 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 00 Colleqe Of The Atr 7:30 Cartoon Time, :00 Captain Kangaroo 9: 00 Calendar 9:30-1 Love Lucy 10:00 Video Village 10:30 Clear Horizon 11:00-Love Of Life 11:30 search For Tomorrow 11:45-Guiding Light 13:00-Hi Neighbor 12:30 Al The World Turns KEZI-TV Ch 9 PACIFIC DAYLIOHT TIMI MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Tennessee Ernls Fore lltJOYours For A Sone 12:0n-Camouflaga 13:30 Window Shopping 1:00 Day In Court 1:15 ABC Midday Resort l:4S-Homemaker Hints (Mon. Wed.) 1:45 Farm Journal (Tues. Thurs.) 1:45 America's Newsreel (FrI) 3:0u Jane Wyman stiow J:J0-ETV 3:00 Queen For A Day Radio Programs -Monday thru KRNR 1490 KC KRNR. .BrMdcutlno U hours, ir dan wtek. Monday through Saturday "SS news on ttw hour, Sunday through Saturday. CBS features on trvt halt hour. Sunday-Saturday Pranlt Gosi. : i.mrf PST 1:45 KQEN 1240 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 00 Sign On 4:10 local Ntws :4$wiathtr Capsulo 4:10 Paul Harvty News ABC :SS tatt News ABC 7:00 Prank Hemingway Ntws ABC 7 JO Lrxal News 7:$-Cty Hall Reports 7:15 Stock Market Report I 00 Oon Allen News ABC I. isMajor Leacu Scores I 30 Local News I tj Weather Capsule I SS Late News ABC KYES 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY BROADCAST TIMI: weekdays. a m. ta 145 om.; Sunday! m to 4 f) o m. .MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY: ead - Tin mm. mi ths hnuri WMther-Van minutes past the hovri news summary individuals who are unemployed because they lack a needed skill. Oregon is scheduled to get $285,000 during 1962-63. The board also will consider matters for possible legislative ac tion, i report on the regional edu cational media research organiza tions and administrative proce dures of the Oregon program. IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, TRY, TRY AGAIN. 1 would ik to toy "Thank You" to your fins vote in lost - titction, ond ck your support gain on May 18. ' PERSONAL . . . Married . .". Wife. Dorothy , , '. Daughter Linda, 13 years . Son, Billy, 10 years ... Da ugh tor, Mary Ann, 5lj yars . Son, John, 3 Monrhs. EDUCATION . . A. B. Dear from Mississippi College. Bu sinew Course at Mississippi College. Training at Mil saps College, Tulane Univ., L. S. U., U. of Illinois, S. O. C. at Ashland, U. of Oregon. , Probation officer and Juvenile Judga- 10 years. 3:00-Make Room For Daddy 2:30 Herrs Hollywood 2:55 Afternoon Report - 3:00 December Bride l:30-Puollc Service ,Mon) 3:30 Blue Angels (Tuei) 3:30 Men Into Space (Wed-Thurs) 3:30 Home Show (FrI) S:45 Feature Shorts , 4:00 Talk of the Town (Tues., Wed., Thurs.) 4:00 Public Service (Mon, FrI) 4:30 Captain shipwreck TUESDAY $:30 Quick Draw McGraw A :00-Norfhwest News i :15 Huntley Brlnkley :30 Rlpcord 7:00Whlplash ForThe Finest In WEDDING INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL M & M PRINTERS ORckant 3-ISI1 IT'S EASY TO PLACE A NEWS-REVIEW WANT AD I iL sTN I nO Uril courteous, helpful ad Just Dial UK Z'043Zl'"' ""p your od for best results. 2:15 Secret Storm ,2:30-Edge Of Night 3:00 Johnnie Linn Show 3:30 Kaleidoscope TUESDAY 4:30 Sky Klnq 5:00 Uncle Bill Show 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw 4:00 Your TV Weatherman , 6:05 Channel 5 Report 6: 15-News 6:30 Leave It To Beaver 7:00 The Fllntsfones 7:30 Dobie Glllis 1:00 Red Skelton 1:30 Ichabod And Me 9:00 Garry Moore Show 10:00 Naked City 1:00 KOIN Kitchen 1:30 House Party 3:00-The rVilllloouIre 2 30 Verdict Is Yours 3-00 Brighter Day 3:15 Secret Storm 3:W Edge Of Night 4:00 Cartoon Circus 4:15 Early Show 5:45 Newjrene 6:15 Walter Cronkite, News TUESDAY 6:30 Kingdom of the sea 7:00 King of Diamonds 7:30 Marshal Dillon 1:00 Password 3:30 Open House 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse 3:00 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse (Mon, Wed. FrI) S:00-Teen Beat (Tues, Thurr) TUESDAY 3-30 Broken Arrow 4:00 News Nine 4:15 Evening Report 4:30 Crusader 7:00 Everglades 7:30 Bugs Bunny 1:00 Bachelor Father 1:30 The New Breed f:30 Yours For a Song p.m., PST, Monday through Saturday. Lmwit Thomas 5 p.m., PST, Monday through PrU day, Sportt Tim 4:10 p.m. Monday through Frloiy. S:SS p.m. Saturday. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:01 All Night Show 4:05 Bob Johnson Tiwm t:S5 Lat News ABC 4:00 Paul Harvey News ABC 10:00 Mid Morning News ABC 4:15 Major Leagui Scores 10:15 Teilo Test ABC 4:J0 Local Sports 10:30 echngt 1 4:45 Report From The Capitol 10:40 News ft Notes 5:00 Edward P. Morgan ABC 10:50 News For Women 5:15 Fish ft Gam Report 10:55 Late News ABC 5:30 Chevron News ABC 11:55 Late News ABC 5:45 Hank Weaver'! Western Sports ABC 11:00 Mid Day News 5 55 Late News ABC 11:10 Sporti News 4 00 Local News 1150 Market Report! 4:15 Major League Scores 13 55 Late News ABC 70 Business News 1:0O Local News a:S5 Late News ABC 155-Late News ABC 7:50 City Hall Report 1 K Eichenge 7:55 Late News ABC 1 55 Lite News ABC 1 : 00 Teieoueen j 00 Frank Hemingway News ABC 11:15 Mejor League Scores 3:30 Ale Dreier News ABC 11:30 Music 3 45 Speaking Of Sports ABC 11:55 News Final 3:55 Late News ABC 11:00 Sign Off M minutes part the noun Community Celen W at 45 Ttinutet past the hour, SPtCtAL PROORAMS: Bvy-Swap-Setl, 4 5S l m.. Mon., Tuts., Thgrs., tat.) Counter Point, 1:45, Mon.. Tues., Wed.. Thuri Frl.i ! Stories of Pacific Powerland, 11:30, Mon., 15 1 Wed. Thurt Fft.i Mustcal MatfnM. 1 a.m. ; Moo Tues., Thuru Walking Tho Beat, I f ' NEW KITCHEN in operation at Hucrest School in Roseburg ends the district's problem of transporting food to the school each day. Above, students are served by Hucrest's hot lunch staff. Note sneeze shields, now mandatory in public eating places where food is served cafeteria style. For nearly four years Hucrest's hot lunch meals were prepared at kitchens in other schools. This spring the school board authorized completion of the Hucrest kitch en out of funds left over from a school district bond issue. The new kitchen solves one school lunch problem, but for Hucrest it introduces another. Commencing next fall, Hu crest School will be delegated the chore of preparing hot lunches for neighboring Riversdale School. (News-Review Photo) LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS The American Legion Auxiliary will meet tonight at 7:30 at the home of Airs. Geui'ge Caskey, 219S NE Stephens. The three girls who will be attending Girls State this year- will be present. ICEE Tho Coldest Drink In Town EXCLUSIVE at tha DAIRY QUEEN 1144 W. Harvard 7:30 The Defenders S:30 Teen Date f:00 Dick Powell 10:00 Cains 100 ' - 11:00 Report ll:15-Tonlght WEDNESDAY 5:30 Yogi Bear 4:00 Northwest News 4:15 Huntley Brlnkley 4:30 Global Zobal 7:00-ioey Bishop 7:30 Wagon Train 1:30 TBA A 9:00 Perry Como 10:00 Bob Newhart 10:30 Brlnkley Journal 11:00 Report 11:15 Tonight ROSEBURG RADIO and TELEVISION 9-9 Weekdays 9-5 Saturday 1455 W. Harvard OR 3-3002 Free Estimates '-All foV Guar. 11:00-News Final WEDNESDAY 4:00 To Be Announced 4:15 Kaiser's Corner 4:30 Uncle Bill Show 5:30 Yogi Bear 6:00 Your TV Weatherman 6:05 Channel 5 Report 6:15 News 6:30 Deputy 7:00 My Three Sons 7:30 Checkmate 1:30 Dick Van Dyke Show 9:00 US Steel Hour 10:00 Father Knows Best 10:30 To Be Announced 11:00 News Final 1:30 Oobie Glllis 9:00 Red Skelton :30-lchabod and Mt 10:00 Garry Moore Show 11:00 Nlghtscene 11:30 Border Patrol WEDNESDAY ' 6:30 Whiplash 7:00 Johnny Staccato 7:30 The Alvin Show S:00 window on Main Street 1:30 Checkmate f:30-Dick Van Dyke Show 10:00 St el Hour 11:00 Nlghtscene 1 11:30 Assignment Underwater 10:00 Famous Playhouse 10:30 Close-Up 11:00 ABC News 11:13 News Nine Final WEDNESDAY S:30-Death Valley Days 4:00 News Nine 4:15 Evening Report 4:30 Man without A Gun 7:0O-Lock UP 7:30 A. B.C. News Analysis 1:00 Straightaway I 30-Top Cat 9:00 Hawaiian Eyl 10:00 Naked City !1:00-ABC News 11:15 News Nine Final Friday 1:35 Sottwrlln Hour M0 Monty Smith Show 11:00 CBS Bixk 12:10 Monft Smith Shew i;10 Rtck Johnson Show 7:00 CBS Block 7:3-N!ght Watch 12 00 All Night Shdw neon, Wed., Thyrs i Sutherlin Teen Beat, 1 p.m. Set.i- Roseburg Teen-Beat, 1:30 p.m. Set.! Hl-FI Ctub 3:30 p.m. Sat.f Sundey The Bible Speaks To You, t:45 a.m.; De votions. II a.mw World of Folk Music, 13:30 p.m.t Lutheran Hour, 1 p.m.i Rondeau Jan, 13 1 Revival Hour, 3 p.m. i Mr, Mum, 3 t.m.i Old Fashioned 4 Ul WAV: 1 WW tfc.-tes ;:aV. Ml . v -1 1 - 'sV. ,:';,! . .W T , -.4.1 Jmw B Tuesday, May IS Buckeroos, beginners pattern dances, at the barn, 8 p.m. Roseburg Kiwinis Club, U nip qua Hotel Civic Room, noon. Glide Kiwanis Club, 7:30 p.m. Associated Volunteers card par ty, Veterans Hospital recreation building music room, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Army Reserve, 1614 W. Harvard, 8-10 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, basement of Pacific Building, 8 p.m. For in formation call OR 3-6629. Boots and Calico, pattern dance lessons and workshop, Winston Community Hall, 8-10 p.m. For in formation write PO Box 104 or call OR. 3-3436. Ward Cummings caller. Sutherlin Girls Drill team, prac tice. East Grade School play ground. For information write Box 262, Rt. 1, Sutherlin. New members welcome. Roseburg Duplicate Bridge Club, Umpqua Hotel, 7:15 p.m. This is an open club ana all bridge play ers are welcome. Anyone needing a partner or the play is asked to call OR 3-4566. Molroso Grange, Grange Hall, 8 p.m Umpqua Post No. It, American Legion Post and Auxiliary, at Vet erans Memorial Hall, 8 p.m. Job's Daughters, Bethel 8, Ma sonic Hall, 7:30 p.m. South Umpqua Archers Shoot, Riddle Warehouse, 7 p.m. Slo-Kart Cart Club, Roseburg Cartways, 7:30 p.m. Workmen Circle Workbasket, 7:30 p.m. Roseburg Art Association. Rainbow Garden Club, field trip. Missionary Society of Melrose Community Church, business meet ing. 10 a.m. Oregon League of Seniors, Can yonville IOOF Hall, 2 p.m. Lookingglass Home Extension, homo of Mrs. Perley Oar, noon potluck, installation of officers. Elkton Rebekah Lodge, at the lodge hall, 8 p.m. Hucrest Garden Club, home of SALESMAN WANTED To Sell America' Most Popular AUTOMOBILES ond TRUCKS .Salary & Cam minion St Mr. Hann at Roseburg Motors . , -""4g!VjJ. WOOD SAWDUST ' I ,lpF iii!fBLOrE R V S ERVICE Y ? I jiAf mm j"T.l JAl SPRING RATES on PLANER ENDS Until JULY 1st ONLY! SAVE $3.50 NOW! Customers who ute GREtN SLAB should order EARLY this year. Green slab will be DISCONT INUED some time late this fall, due to the manu facture of chips for Particle Board, DRY SLAB AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT THE WINTER Also Available: LARGE PEELER CORE DRY OAKWOOD POND LILIES SAWDUST FOR MULCH . . . Blower or Dump All Deliveries C. 0. D ROSEBURG LBR. CO. OS 9-8741 OR 3-5508 BE WISE!! ORDER EARLY!! CALENDAR OF EVENTS Mrs. R. C. Grant, 924 Charter, 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 16 Roseburg Road Runners Motor cycle Club, Beckwith's Motorcycle Shop, Harvard Ave., 7-30 p.m. Air Force Reserve, 1614 W. Har vard Ave., 8 p.m. Moose Lodge, Moose Hall, 8 p.m. Doug-Ett's Sheriff's Mounted Pa trol, Fairgrounds, 7:30 p.m. Drain Chamber of Commerce, City Hall, noon. v Laurel Lodge 13. Woman's Home League of the Salvation Army, at the church, 1:30 p.m. Satan Chauffeurs, at the club, 404 NE Cummins off Diamond Lake Blvd., 7:30 p.m. Die-Hards, at the clubhouse p.m. Umpqua Regional Timing Assn., 494 NE Cummins, 6:30 p.m. Teamsters Local 962, at Labor Temple, 7 p.m. Pension plan to be discussed Umpqua Lions Club, . Dale's Cafe, 6:30 p.m. Winston- Dlllard Job's Daugh ters, Douglas School, 7:30 p.m. MU Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi 8 p.m. Camas Valley Toastmlstress Club, Bart's Cafe, 8 p.m. St. Joseph's Altar Society, St. Joseph's Church, 8 p.m. Winston-Dillard Home Extension Unit, Evergreen Grange, 10 a.m. Women's Overseas Service League, 7:30 p.m. For information call Mrs. E. A. Post, OR 3-8700. Wilbur Winchester PTA, pre school tea, at Winchester School, 1:30 p.m. Chapter Bl, PEO Sistertwod, at Mrs. C. K. Allen's cabin on Fisher Rd., salad luncheon, 1 p.m. Douglas County Council PTA, workshop at First Presbyterian Church in Roseburg, registration 9:30 to 9:45 a.m. Only workshop before state convention. Roseburg Writers Club, home of Mrs. Robert Davis, 3038 W. Sher wood, 8 p.m. Pre-School Tea Slated At Winchester School The Wilbur-Winchester PTA will sponsor a pre school tea Wednes day at 1:30 p.p. at the Winches ter School. All children of the area who will enter school next fall, with their mothers, are invited to attend. Principal Tom Mcchan will ex plain school schedules and policies and orient the future students to the first grade. A school nurse will talk to the mothers on preven tive shots and other health proced ures. . Tues., May 15, 1962 The Hucrest Cafeteria Kitchen Now Serving Hot Lunches The daily "headache" of trans porting food from another school kitchen to maintain the Hucrest School hot lunch program is a thing of the past. Hucrest is now serving hot lunch es out of its own kitchen, much to the relief of district lunch offi cials. For a long time Hucrest School had no way of preparing food. The school had a cafeteria, but the kitchen sat unfinished. Funds were not available for its completion. As a temporary arrangement, the district arranged to transport lunches from the Fir Grove School Lookingglass Visitor On Grange Program Master and Mrs. Charles Schulze and other members of the Look kingglass Grange visited at the April meeting of the Sutherlin Grange and provided a number for ine program. Washingtonians Visit Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swift and sons of Kent, Wash., visited the past week with their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Swift and Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Pow ell. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marsh drove to Corvallis Sunday to at tend the dedication service for the WCTU Children's Farm Home Chapel. Marshall Dana of Port land was featured speaker. Mrs. Elton Grass spent the week end at Oregon State University as the guest of her daughter, Nancy, who is a student at the university. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schulze at tended the World's Fair in Seattle for two days last week and visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark in Raymond. Wash. On their return home, Mrs, uark and son, Dennis Dean, re turned with them to spend two weeks with Mrs. Clark's parents wtiilD Clark is attending a Boy Scout counselor school In Portland. Mrs. Delton Thel of Yoncalla vis ited one day last week at the home her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs, Fred Schulze. Course Completed The hunter safety course at Lookingglass has been complet ed. Ed Wilett and Larry Zuver conducted the class and awarded certificates to Rory and Jeff Scott, Roy Ellis, Larry Green, Jim and Bill Heard, Clark Mathews, Faye Ollivant, Jens Paulson, Lois Pow ell Robert and Kenneth Trimble, Paul Titus, Gary Tollcfson, Robert Vandervelden, Kenneth Wittrock, Tom and Shcrrie Wuson, Don Rob ertson. The class was conducted in the Lookingglass Grange Hall and the shoot was on the Elmer Paulson ranch, . EXTENSION MEET SET The Azalea-Glendale HEU meet ing will be held Thursday at El liott's Trailer Park, beginning at 10:30 a.m. A potluck picnic will be shared at noon This is the last meeting of the spring, and new officers will be installed at that time, reports Mrs. Gerald Fox, correspondent. m MT0C MEMBERSHIP NOW OPEN IN PAY LESS PRESCRIPTION CLUB PAYLESS DRUG HAS BEEN SAVING YOU MONEY FOR YEARS -NOW- PAY LESS DRUG REDUCES PRICES FURTHER BY MEMBERSHIP IN PAYLESS PRESCRIPTION CLUB YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WILL RECEIVE DISCOUNTS OF PAY LESS DRUG STORE 613 S, E. JACKSON Newt - Review, Roseburg(Ore. 5 kitchen. This involved preparing the food at Fir Grove, transport ing it daily to Hucrest by use of school vehicles and then bringing all of Hucrest's dirty dishes back to rir Grove for washing. This was an operation of no small proportion, school officials pointed out. Parents were anxious that the situation be changed. But those days are over. Recent ly James It Stritzke Construction Co. of Roseburg, low bidder, com pleted the kitchen. Total cost, including installa tions, was $15,374. The new facili ty is modern in all respects, with stainless steel equipment, sneeze shields at the serving area and a piece of equipment that none of the other school kitchens have: A garbage disposal unit. The Hucrest hot lunch program serves between 280 and 310 young sters each school day. Movie Showtime Tuesday. May is. 15-41 INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 4:4) p.m. Complete shows 7:00-9:30. "State Fair' 7:3O-:40 STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open Frl-Sat-Sun only PINE DRIVE-IN open Frl-Sat-Sun only CLOVERLEAF DRIVE IN (Sutherlin) Box office open at 7 p.m. show at dusk, "Madison Avenue" and "Never on Sunday" Wednesday, May 14, 1111 INDIAN THEATRE Doors open 4:45. Com plete shows 7:00-9:10. "The Horizontal Lieu tenant" 7:35-9:45 CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN (Sutherlin) Box office open at 7:00. Show at Dusk. Buck Nile. "Stalag 17" and "Johnny Dark" SOPHIA L0REN ACADEMY AWARD' WINNER! 'BEST ACTRESS' THUR-FRI-SAT-SUN Wednesday Only BUCK NITE "STALAG 17" William Holdon Robort Strauss "JOHNNY DARK" In Color Tony Curtli Plpor Laurfo Indi Tanlphr "MadlMA Avmu" "Novor On Sunday" Box Offico opons, 7:00 Show of Duik iowo JOIN TODAY Ok 3 BRING YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION TO PARTY DATE CHANGED The Sutherlin Community Grange will hold its monthly pi nochle party on May 25 this month instead of the usual third Friday of the month. 0 The change of date is necessary because of the primary election and the use of the Grange Hall as a polling place. TrilEtlllMIl JWMtMMMtlSSSSSSSSSMM TONITE...Show 7:00-9:15 "STATE FAIR" 3 WED! thru Sot. Jhe anoUS Saga of the bravest soldier who ever fought a war... ......iir HORIZONTAL ! UEUTMIT j hutton prentiss cTrter wm MiYOSHlUMBtf AT PAY LESS DRUG YOU WILL iw flat iistfcltljeSS BE ASSURED YOU WILL RECEIVE THE HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCTS AVAILABLE IN THE COMPOUNDING OF EVERY PRESCRIPTION OFF OUR PRESCRIPTION PRICING SCHEDULES SAVE ON EVERY PRESCRIPTION ROSEBURG O