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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1962)
o 16 The News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Mon., May 14, 1962 Drain Woman Has Surgery Affer Breaking Hip In Fall By JO CARLILE Annie Burdctt of Drain fell t her home Sunday and was taken by the Drain ambulance to Cot tage Grove Hospital where X-rays revealed a broken hip. Mrs. Bur dett had major surgery Monday. She is reported getting along sat isfactory. Ninctwck Hat Surgery Glenn Nincheck had major surg ery at Cottage Grove Hospital Thursday. He was released Mon day and is convalescing at his home in Drain. Mrs. Vernon Todd visited with her cousin in Salem recently. Guests at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Don George tills week are the former's mother, Maltie George of St. Joseph, Mo., and the Georges son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rachl and son Russell of Seattle. Lora Wood has been appointed in attanti th Rnsiness and Profes sional Women's convention in Eu gene, May 17-19 at the fcugene no te!. i, .nrf Mrs William Gasser and daughter attended the Business Mens Assurance convenuun iu Se attle, Saturday through Monday. While there they also went to the World's Fair. Harry and Bertha uavis are planning to return to Drain in the iiaip fiitura in make their home. The Davis's have been in Salem for a year. Patient Vltlt.d Dorothy McCormick, Morine Lev ins, and Margaret Duncan were in Portland Wednesday where they visited Marge Yoder who is a pa- Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch Relieves Pain rW Tk. 11. T. (SpI.I) - For tht first time science has found a new healing substance with the aeton lehing abilitr to shrink hemor rfceids, step Hhin. and relieve pain without surgery. In ease after ease, while gently relieving pain, actnal reduction (ahrinkage) took place. Meat am axing of all restdta were eo thorough that aofferers mad astonishing atatementa lika "Ptlea haTo ceaaed to be a problem!" The eecret ia a new healing eub atanee (Bio-Djrne) discovery ' a worid-fauiws research (natitnte. This substance is now available ia mppontorf or ointment form under the name Preparation B. At all drug counters. tient at the University of Oregon Medical School Hospital. Myrtle Davis accompanied them to Salem, and spent the day visiting there. Rose Yonemura, a student from the University of Oregon, was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant McCormaek. Miss Yonemura helped the high school students decorate for the junior senior prom which had the theme "An Oreintal Garden." Miss Yonemura was a special guest at the prom. She was dressed in an oriental costume and ate with chop sticks. Mrs. McCormaek returned her guest to Eugene Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mattoon are visiting the home of their son and daugter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Boyd and family at Redding, Calif., Sam Houston Will Join Nuclear Sub Patrol CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) The nuclear submarine Sam Houston soon will join six other Polaris-firing missile subs on op erational patrol following comple tion of a series of test firings. The Houston's crew successfully fired a Polaris yesterday while the sub was submerged SO miles off Cape Canaveral. Meanwhile, the submarine Thomas Edison is here preparing for its first Polaris firings. and with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bob Day at Marysville, Calif. Mrs. Alice Seaton visited for a week with relatives at Bothel, Wash. While there she attended the wedding of her grandson, Al bert Seaton, and Diane Lewis of Bothel, held in the Lutheran Church. The young couple will make their home in Los Angeles. Joint Legion Auxiliary Meeting lit Sutherlin Draws Drain Women Neorsu Resident Killed In Crash DELAKE, Ore. (AP) BiU Knight, 17, of the Oregon coastal community of neotsu, was killed Friday night when a speed ing automobile went out of control on a Delake street. State police said Knight and two other youths were thrown to the pavement. The two others, identified as D. Adams and Buster Brown, both 17, Neotsu, were seri ously injured, police said. They were taken to Pacific Communi ties Hospital in Newport. Joe Malmson, state police offi cer, said he spotted the three youths traveling at high speed on Highway 101. Their car turned off; the highway onto a side street at Delake, he said, and went out of; control. The death was the 133d Oregon i traffic fatality of the year, in the I Associated Press tabulation. I Twelve have died in May. By JO CARLILE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smeed, Mrs. Levi Asker. and Margaret La Grander of Drain attended a joint meeting of American Legion Auxil iary at Sutherlin. Other units rep resented were Oakland and Yon calla. The annual report was made by Drain president Elva Smeed. It was learned that the Drain auxiliary had contributed to the Roseburg Veterans Hospital books, puzzles, playing cards, games, and home made cookies with a total value of $183.75. The next auxiliary project will be the distribution of memorial poppies. Resident Hospitalized Catherine Kelly entered the Uni versity of Oregon .Medical School Hospital in Portland Monday for extended medical care. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Johnson and Skip accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell of Eugene to the Ice Follies in Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Landcaster of Mosby Creek and Mr. and Mrs.l Arol Thompson and children of Portland were weekend visitors! with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Asker. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ferrell of, Hemet, Calif., visited Ferrells sis-! ter, Polly Painter, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Monty and! Neva Milsap of Eugene and Martin Stone of San Diego, Calif., were' Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Milsap. Horace Cunningham went to Port land for a checkup at the Veterans Hospital Thursday. On returning home he accompanied his brothers-in-law Ed Hunter and Elmer Hill to Redmond for a visit. Kathie and Jim Stumm of Mor ton, Wash., are guests at the home ,of their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Mclntyre for a week. Mr. and Mrs. John Christopher son of Mullan, Idaho, have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Crooper. Elanor Orr was released from the Sacred Heart Hospital and is convalescing at home. SALESMAN WANTED To Sell America's Most Popular AUTOMOBILES and TRUCKS Salary & Commission See Mr. Hansen ot Roseburg Motors DUDLEY C. WALTON FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE Defender of the people's interest it A Lawyer it A Republican it A Veteran it A Family Man it A Leader it A Conservative Pd. Adv. Walton for Representative Committee, Bill 3rrua', Chrmn, Olds, Ore. "styled lira CdiforniaT in sunburst colors By ) MONTGOMERY WARD 1481 N. E. STEPHENS OR 2-4811 OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9:00 Fabulous California! Land of surf and sun .. . land of mountain peaks and lemon groves! And, now, the most exciting pace-setting fashions in the country! Vivid, vibrant colors . . . easy - going, wide open - spaces styling. . . carefree clothes for carefree summer days! Wards has everything for every member of the family... and Wards has a whole - family - budget point of view! So, play it cool ... play it sunny . . . treat yourself to a California vacation, now ... at Wards! come see glamorous Janis Paige star in Wards fashion show Don't miss our full color film spectacular. Styled In California, featuring fashions for all, ALL DAY TODAY, until 9 tonight, just to the rear of our snack bar. 17 I I i fmmmm Pall 4&Y "7 i t v ' ill ml I mm imbr T ft mm n '- m u n 1 7 i-msadm is if ii r--yr m man ia -n l 3.98 B ! 3 is i i I is J i . V Ik mil mn :r WARDS EYECATCHING COLLCT:OIm fancy shorts and pants sets! BE A HEADTURNING BEAUTY IN WARDS SAUCY CHARMERS dresses and gay separates A wondrous selection for your leisure living ... at Wards little prices. (A) Cotton gingham sundress, black, fashion colors, sizes 7-15. . . , 10.98 (B) Arnel triacetate blouse, vivid polka dots on white, 8-16. . Amel triacetate permanent pleated skirt, white, 8 to 16 o Play the heiress in Wards sportswear for leisure living ... it looks like a million dollars . . . costs so little I Colors and styles with a look that is new . . . dramatic! The clothes you've been wanting for vacation so hurry down to see them I (C) Black, turquoise, pink and white cotton, 8-16,4.98 (D) Black, pastel cotton, 8-16. Pants, 5.98 Top, 3.98 (E) Black and vivid colors, cotton, 8-16, 6.98 set Zaney straw hats, gay fashion colors 3.98 ENTER WARDS "NAME-THE-BRAND" SEA-LURE SWIMSUIT CONTEST You can win a 7-day trip via Pan American Jet Clictner to rh CARLTON BEACH HOTEL in Bermuda (if you live east of Hi Miuiuippi) ... or to th Sheraton ROYAL HAWAIIAN HDTFI U H,:: (if you live west of the Mississippi). Ask for details in Wards Misses' Sportswear Department. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED oryour money back! NO MONEY DOWNwhen you buy on crecfit at Ward: A