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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1962)
o 10 Th Ntw-Rviw, Roitburg, Ore -Sat., Moy 12, 1962jHeIp Wanted Women 16 .Apartments For Rent 26 Mobile Home 32; Real Estate 34 Real Estate 34 Real Estate 34' LEGAL NOTICI TO CRIOITORS All ptrsont having claims oint tht Ev ltt pf Htnry F. MtMrd, (Wmm. rt htrt bv notified to prtwnt the amt. verified required by law, fo the undersigned at the Uw office of Geddei, Felker. Waflon 1 Rich mond, Rotbyrg, Oregon, within tlx months from tne dale of ihii notice. Dated April 21, ltu. ALTON 8. HEBARD. Execulor of the Last Will ird Testament of HENRY F. HEBARD. deceased. NOTICC OF FINAL HEARINQ NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN that Tues day, tht 5th day of Juno mi. at 10 o'clock a.m. In Court Room B, Court House, Doug las County, Roseourg, Oregon, has been fixed for time and place for hearing of obltctlons. If any there be, to the final account filed by the undersigned In the mat ter ot ;;n ssrsf; Marcus L. Schubert, deceased. Dated and first published this 5th day of Way, CARL M. FFLKER, Executor de bonis non under the Last Will and Testament of MARCUS U SCHUBERT, Decea sed NOTICI OF FINAL SBTTLEMBNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Tues day, the 5th day of June, 1962, at 9:00 o'clock a.m., in circuit toun Koom o. In tha County Court House, Roseburg, Doug las County, Oregon, have been fixed as tha time and place for hearing obecllons, if mv. ta the Final Account tiled by the undersigned In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for uougies toumy, rrwan u partment, and for the settlement thereof. Dated and first published: May S, 1962. ORAN G. LEWIN, Executor of tha Last Will and Testament and Es tate Of EVA I. LEWIN, deceased NOTICC TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tha vndfioned hat been appointed Executrix t th Vitata of ali-nku 3CYEP de ceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are notified to present tha same with proper vouchers with in six months after the dale of this notice to tha undersigned at the office of Daniel P. Keoheno, Attorney at Law, Equitable Building, Roseburg, Oregon. Dated and first published thli 2tth day of April, 1962. BETTY MAY ZUCK, Executrix of the Estate of ALFRED BOYER SR., Deceased. Classified Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES Advarlialnf For Bualnaaa Within floiaburf Trade Aral Cord of Thonkj . . $1.50 I -Day rot 2 lines - 1.00 3-Day rat 2 lines ............ 1.7S 6-Day rat 2 lines . 2.50 30-Day rat 2 lines 5.50 I -Day rat 3 lines . 1.50 3-Day rat 3 lines 2.50 6-Day rat 3 lines . .. 3.50 30-Day rat 3 lines .. 7.50 CRIDIT Anora ratal aublect to SO canti tatvici chain tor cnQlt DEADLINES tint! Party Aavartlalni 2 P.M. Oav Prior t PuDlicatian. Tha Nawi-Rtviaw raianraa tna rttht to dainty, nil or rojict any Claaailiad Ad copy. ADJUSTMENTS If your advanlaamant appaara Inionactly, notify ua immadiataly. Wa will not aa raiponalble for noro than tna Incorrect Inaartion. Such raiponiibflity II llmitad to o corract Inaartion of tavartlaamant. lafaifl will Hal la Half Mire That layl PAPER DELIVERY If your paper ii not delivered Call OR 2-3321 . Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM Where To Go s $ SPECIAL MOTHERS DAY MENU Mother save the dishes Dad save Mother Take her to The Broiler for a fine Sunday dinner. A complete meal with choice of Broiled Chicken, Baked Ham, Baked Turkey or Roast Beef. Dessert included. Regular family prices $1.75 All Mothers $1.00 Don't forget now, that's at THE BROILER 719 SE Cass OR 3-3445 $ 1 OPEN SUNDAY These Firms Will Be Open Sunday For Your Shopping Convenience. ELLISON'S MOBIL STATION Hertl Trucka & Auto Rentoa) 1468 SE Slepheni OR 3 7412 "KELLEY S TEXACO SERVICE Automatic Cor Wosh Wheel Alignment Machine OR 2-9064 iiM Nl t'awiana It. SUBSCRIPTION KATES it Out" - lr Mill - tie emit, 11 TS; tkrtl siiatli. WW; us atlii, MSI; par, )U M. Oatstdo if 0fi lr Mail in MMtl 11 75: Urit atbl. IMS; III Mill, Hi SI: HI tUM. Carrier m ftittlr P. t. lint Oil utata, 11.79; lii until. Ill II; a $11. M. Pit Stll tin lt. Mill litis ipilr Oetl-Ce Citf LienU Mtil SNkuriftitai Malt It Pail ! Mm Personals ORINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An onymous Or 3-M2?. YOUNO WOMEN of any faith needing con fldentlal advice may contact Catholic Char Mies, 271 W. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. Diamond 5-34? . ' E7G. high District manager Mutual of Omaha United of Omaha Life Insurance Income protection. Hospital coverage for any age. 735 SE Jackson Bus. OR 3-8022 Res. OR 3-6033 IN DEBT? Dont let bills cost your fob, your credit, everything you gwni IF you are In debt beyond your ability to pay and sincerely want to get out of debt, see BUDGET CON SULTANTS and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. One place to pay all bills, at a pay ment you can afford. No security, no co-signers. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Roseburg, Oregon Ph. OR 2-3591 433 SE Main St, Help Wanted Men 15 BARBER wanted, experienced, Fort Wain- wrlght. 1130 week after taxes. Can make more. Quarters s0 month. Gaudiane Bar ber Shops, Box 1407, Fairbanks, Alaska. CR 90714. TRUCK SALESMAN Good opportunity for man who knows trucks. we oner rne best deal to tne ngni man, Sea Mr. Barcus or Mr. Boone. BARCUS MOTORS Your DODGE Truck Dealor 1420 NE Stephens. OR 3-S566 EXPERIENCED Used Car Salesman EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for right man. LOCKWOOD MOTORS SALESMAN WANTED To Sell America'i Most Popular AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS Salary and Commission Contact Mr. Hansen at ROSEBURG MOTORS Help Wanted Women 16 BEAUTY operator wanted. Irene's Beauly Shop. I TELEPHONE appointment clerk. Take appli cations over phone from your nomo in Myrtle Creek Canyonvllle or Riddle. Work I 9 rtour per auy, 3 says par wvk Interview write Pyramid Life Insurance. Care of Rob ElHs, General Delivery, Roseburg. Ore 10 S T SOUTH STEPHENS MARKET I Open Sundays and Holtda . 7.30 AM to 10 00 PM OR 29164 o a' i-)3 St Strpherii WO-EJLD YOU LIKE ' vour buln! luted n thta spate. It't eav ond ittf cot n low. Juat dial OR 2-332 1 W' H help you a'd you ad. WOMAN fo live In, help with Invalid, room and board, wages. OR 3-5CUS. WORKING COUPLEwanlilive"ln mitijrt women for light housekeeping and baby Sitting. Phone OR 2-314. WANTED Woman with om bookkeeping and credit experience. Good salary good working conditions. Fringe benefits. WEISFIELD'S INC. 650 SE Jackson OR 2-1606 Work Wanted 17 HAVE YOUR summer clothes made now work guaranteed. OS 9-B64S. ' HOUSE WORK by"" the hour Phone OS 9-5054 BABY S I TT I NG my home days. Pay by day or hour. Or housec leaning. OR 3-8507. PLOWING AND DISCING n 9-543 after 4 LAWN MOWING rototMIIng tree removal. Heve pickup. OR 3-7105. WASHING, IRONING AND MENDING. OR 2-3621. ALTERATIONS both men's and women's. . Call after p.m. OR 3-3393. BABYsYff ING, my home, days. Pay by day or we k. OR 3-4141 or OR 3-3414. Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS OR 3-721 Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, also equities. Phone OR3-6l?3or OR 3-6OT1. FOR SALE house contract. $7,500. tt.000 balance, at 7"o on IS years. Phone 292 Oakland, Oregon. WANTED to borrow"-W5.0O0 will pay 8s. interest. First mortgage, good security. Call OR 3-IJlH. REAL ESTATE LOANS to SI500, also 2nd mortgages. Automobile, furniture and sig nature loans. Laurent Ide Industrial Finance Corp., former Commercial Industrial Fi nance Corp. 113 SE Oak. OR 3-4494. Family Finance Home Owned and Operated Loans Up to fl&OO On motor vehicles and furniture 729 SE Washington OR 3-5561 Business Opportunities 22 FOR SALE Business building 54x30, plus living units. Near Drain. Ph. Sulherlin 3220. APARTMENT HOUSE, $250 per mo. Income. Close to city center. Call OR 2-1680. SMALL CAFE, good location, priced, right. Sickness forces stie. OR 2-7251 or aner 1:30 p.m. OR 3-4260. FOR RENT or sale Beauty shop In Win ston. Fully equipped with modern fixtures. Building also has apt. OS 94493. FOR SALE HOTEL CANVONVILLE with Coffee Shop. Only hotel In town. Consider trade. Call 839-4641. SEVERAL CHOICE pieces of property for sale. Ideal for drive In restaurant, motel or coin operated laundry. Will consider trade, OR 2-9191. HANDLE FACTORY (rough square). Two man or family operation. Complete mill Including equipment, good V-i ton truck and I'j acre of ground. With year around source of material and year around sales outlets. Only $4500 cash. Home also avail able tor only $5500 Including all lurnlture. Owner retiring. Don't pass up this good opportunity. See D. M. Webb, Hub Realty at Rice HIM on U.S 99, Yoncalla. Oregon. VI 9-2472 . Business Frontage!!! PROBABLY tht best bet In Roseburg for Investment It this large plot front ing on three streets. US' on Stephens. 115' on Wright St.. US' on Winchester. A line business location with plenty of parking. Older two story home. Upstairs rents for $75 per mo. Oown. stairs may ba used for home or additional rental, W strongly urge your consideration of this properly at tht low price of $15,000. Come In or phone Roseburg Realty, Umpqua Hotel, OR 2-3344. Evenings, Or 2-3553. Commercial Rentals 24 IDEAL location available for Ice cream or drive In type rtsfauranf. Phont OR 2-919), OFFICE building, St. level, across from courthouse. Reasonable, or 3-7471. Wanted To Rent 25 WANTED to rent pasture for 2 cows with storage space for hay and furniture. 3-S790. Apartments For Rent 26 TWO ROOM furnished apt. Private entrance. Clean. OR 3-7071. THREE roor.. furnished apt. Water and garbage paid. Garden Valley Blvd. at 143J NW Fairmount. , ATTRACTIVE redecorated 1 BR apts., elec tric heal, all utilities turn. Priced from $65 to$. M'7W. Harvard. OR 2-U42. BLOCVS FROM DOWNTOWN LARbE. unlurnishod apt. Utilities furnished. Call after 6 p.m. OR 3-6392. FURNISHED APTS., adults only. $40 and $50 mo. Close, convenient location, 146 SE Brock way Ave- Apts. OR 2 9039. TWO bedroom newly redecoralrd apt. Refer , slove. water, and garb, service turrmhed. 1739 NE Klamath, OR 3-7984 or OR 3 6765. ONE BR apt. Washer, dryer, stove and refrigerator furnished. Close in. OR 3-4J81. eves OR 3-4741. FURNISHED court apt. Electric heat, wash ing facilities available. Water, garbage serv ice turnlthed. Phone OR 3-6202 or Inquire Garden Valley MM, Kohlhagen Apts. Modern, rea&onable rent Jackson SI. at Lane Ave ADULTS OR 31244 "A Good Place To Live" Kl 'HMSHK 1) A PA KT M K NTS EAST SIDE ground floor, private entrance and hath. Slove, retng , double bed. 1 or 2 adults. $60 month, plus electricity for modern apt. with separate bedroom and kilthen. $30 a month for combination room plus tjtn wtth tub and shower. Includes heal and hoi water. Phtrne OR 2-1577 TOPI) "APARTMENTS 1-7 1 bdrm. apis . furnished or unfurn. Water and garb. serv. provided alio heat in some. Rent from Sl un SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts q equipped Winchetter Ct Hot water heat Vita Homes Hoi water heat Wetlvue Ct Waher-dtver Oanhill AoM - Radiant Heat o 3 my OR OR J-4.1M OR 2-JW OR MUO HARVARD AVE. DRUGS Open Sundova 10 AW to 7 PM Dnva U0 Wrlndow Gold Bond ItaniQl I 175 W. florvard OR 21961 24 hr. Emergency Prescription Service Coll OR 3 3J46 WARD CUMMINGS TEXACO Gold Bond Slompt Open All 0.iv Sunday , 1230 W. Ho And OR J J 1 20 I THRE6 room, clean furnished apt. 950. 1147 5E Pine it. CLEAN 5 "room furnished If tali OR MM VERY ATTRACTIVE. Apt. newly turn. 3 rms., me earn. s. mo. OR 2-45U. EXTRA NICE furnished apt. Suitable for coupie or small family, or j-4354. ONE bedroom aptT JS0 month OR I ONE bedroom court furnished apt. Electric neat, water and garbage service furnished. , Washing facilities available. Phone OR 3- tJi or mq. oarocn vaney Mkl Narraaaaaiaaar'ajaaaarfaaM ; Rooms For Rent 27 SLEEPING ROOM. U weak. or yrin SLEEPING ROOMS for 8nttman. 117 s. E. Blakely, l' Dlks S.E, from Bua Depot. Houses For Rent 29 TWO 8R UnlurfliahM i.wi St Wi-cr:'"' OR JM441 TWO BR house, extra rooms In tosimtnt. Cloio Jn.OR 3-72. FURNISHED CABINS. Weekly rates. m Nt iiepnens. pacific mow. UNFURNISHED I BR redec. duplex with private garage and stort room. OR 2-143. SMALL Unfurnished house! Close-In-Adults. 142. OR 3-5431. SMALL unfurnished house, 160. Phone OR 3-4WM oner i p.m. TWO bedroom house, carport. Cool Top fur nace. North Roseburg. OR 3-3692. ONE Bdrm. furnished cottqe7"$50 mor'Water garabe service furn. OR 3-7127. TWO bedroom house with retrig-stove. $65 mo. UK 3-7014. FOR RENT two Ivtroom house, $70. Green district. OR 2-2749. TWO bedroom house. $55 month. Close to town. OR 3-4244. THREE ROOM furn. house, fruit, garden. $45. 1647 SE Eddy. OR 3-5321. ONE Bedroom aupie. us;c. cnt, c-rrv?rt; economical noai, unfurnished, or 2-1090. TWO BR unfurnished house in Little Valley. pn. uk j-400. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes tor families or single elderly. OR 3-i4. ONE BEDROOM partly furnished house near wiiDur, sjs mo. can OR j-5913. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom house on Rus sell St. Completely redecorated. OR 3-4867. FURNISHED I BR houseV'by Mark's Shopping (.enter, water, gar cage service included. $60. OR 3-6122. ROOM modern house. Store" room and garage. 3 miles west of Melrose Store. OR 3-7869 FURNISHED I BR cabin, water and garbage disposal supplied not gas cooking, hnat Inq and hot water. $50 mo. Hartz Cabins, 2485 Diamond Lake Blvd 2 BEDRCOM UNFURNISHED. 1046 Ridgevlew. $80.00 Mo. Water allowance given. Yard cart a necessity. Winter Real Estate OR 3-704.1. 9 to 5 P.M. Mobile Homes For Rent 30 TRAILER HOUSE, for rent. 50x10 ft., In Winsion. Call OR 2-4270. EXTRA NICE I or 7 Bdrm .modern furnish- eo trailers, aouiis only, inquire Timber Town Trailer Park. 2010 NE Stephens. OR 3-6354 Mobile Home Parks 31 TRAILER SPACE Shade. Walking distance 10 town. 1451 SE Short St. OR 3-7105. TRAILER SPACE available. Winchester VII- lage on No. JJmpqua River. OR 2-1945. "CENTRAL TRATLERCOURT Just 4 Blocks From Downtown 1561 Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 2-4477 LOOK at the rest And lor"s2S per Mt. LIVE IN THE BEST TOWN & COUNTRY MOBILE PARK 277 NW Mulholland Or OR 2-1151 TIMBER TOWN Troiler Park 2010 NE Stephens Best accommodation for all sire trail ers, incl. all electrics. Paved Sts., land scaped, big lawn, metered gas. I block from Safeway. Adults Only. OR 3-8506 Mobile Homes 32 1958 CAPRI house trailer, 3 Bdrm., 47X10 $J650. see al 409 W. 61 h, Oakland, Ore. 1953 27 FT, modern trailer house. See at 5E oougias and Leland Sis. EQUITY In 10' X S5' 1960 Deluxe Melody nurno. van un j-ohv or uk j-mjs. 26 FT. ELCAR. One bedroom "modern. Ex cellent condition. OR 3-4036. 25 FT 1960 KENSKILTTrlle7r$2,6007 OR 3 B0B4 TRADE EQUITY In 10x50 3 BR trailer for 2 BR house, Green Dist., or furniture. OS 9-5366, Offer 6:00 p.m. 10x50 TRAILER, "r acref'Welirgaraqe. land scaped. Quick sale, $5800. Sell separately, accept part trade. Wilbur. OR 3-6774. MUSH TRADE equity 10 "wide ?bdrm An geles trailer, large lot, garage, utility room, washer and dryer. 5 miles so. of town for clear trailer. Cflll OR 2-3759.. SEE THE ALL" NEW TERRY And FLEETCRAFT Travel Trailers Best on the Road Also rentals ROD & REEL 1145 W. Harvard OR 2-2:42 : NOW! NEW!! Nashua!!! SKK the now NASHUA M il M A. Oregon Code. Modern or Provincial, all models. "Pon t Hiiv Refore Yon Try" SHADY POINT Trailer Sales I Mi. S. Hwv. 99 BR OR 2-1438 "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N By Great Lakes At J Or J Trailer Sales 4!H NE Garden Valley Blvd. See It Now 53 Mobile Home With 2' x ii' Living Room Angeles Airst'eam . Traveleje YOU'RE-NEVER Too Young or Too Old to "joy tivmo In LFtTWOOD x ELCAR mooite hore Drive Out To RAINBOW Trailer Sales e-rt etr l-oe teW'oo ef ne ax3 nM met) fi tl iABl TOtV'NCV 0I1 0" 99 KR at WinchfMf-r OR 3-7271 19S TENWIDE 3 BR Fleetwood. Best offer in cash or appliances tor large equity. Call OR 2-3040 EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES CO. Pan Pacific Van Dyke Paramount Complete Line Trailer Supplies 10 NE Sfeohens OR -IM Real Estate 34 THREE Bdrm bungalow house on large lot, 2 blocks from Benson School. $5750, terms. Phone OS 9-571. CABIN, Vt acre. South Coos River, trade for Roseburg properly, or $4500. OR 2-3096 or Write PO Box 385, Roseburg. - SELL 3 BEDROOM home In Myrtle Creek, near schools, or trade for property in Win ston or Diiiard. Call 863-4369 after 5 p.m. THREE "bedroom home, 2 full balhs, 1800 sq ft of living area. Plus 12 x 32 covered Pi'0. tM tw'fffg $16,900, lermi. OR 2-1287 THREE bedroom "modern house with car port. Large utility room. Overlooking Win ston Valley, $7900. Consider taking in trailer house. Phone OS 9-567lJ OWNER"TRANSFERRSD. 1 acre at Win chester. New 3 bedroom home, 18x25 liv ing room, large utility, hardwood floors, circulating fireplace, fully Insulated, gar age and carport, strawberries, caneber ries, new fruit trees, garden spot. $12,750. OR 3-6744. Three Bedroom Westside With bulll-in oven and range, fireplace, fenced backyard and shade trees. In good neighborhood on W. Berdine. OR 2-1935. BY' OWNER,-new" 3 Bdrm, home7""sell or trade for trailer. Carpet In living room and 2 bdrms, circulating fireplace, ma hogany panelling In living and dining room, ceramic tiled bath, mahogany built-in kit chen. Large utility room and double gar age. OR 3-4775. OWNER BEING TRANSFERRED MUST SELL nearly nw 3 bedrm home In West Slopes. Lawn and shrubs In, paved sts. and curbs, on sewer. Built In range oven. O'siied garage, covered patio. Can assume F.G.I, loan or refinance FHA. Call OR 3-4029orsee at?4l4W Lorraine. fwb'BEjAUtlFUL shaded acres on No. Ump qua river. 3 bedroom home, all modern and landscaped. Fireplace, double garage, work shop, barn and chicken house. Ber ries, garden and fruit trees. $28,500 terms. OR 3-6921. NEW Your choice of two new three-bedroom homes. Stone fireplace, birch kitchen, floor furnace, fully insulated, spacious living room. See to appreciate. FHA or Gl fi nancing available. 1492 Newton Creek Rd. Phone OR 2-1359 A REAL STOCK RANCH 850 ACRES, 400 tillable, now In per manent pasture. Nice buildinqs, larqe barn. Ti miles on river. Good terms. TWO bedroom house on Jackson St. Reqi good buy at $5500, $550 down, $55 per month. SMALL acreage with' nice 2 bedroom house and garage. Good water, about 6 acres under cultivation. Only $10, 600, terms. THREE bedroom house with 3 acres nice land. Only $5500, $650 down, $60 per month. WILLIAMSON REAL ESTATE 1157 N.E. Stephens OR 3-4302 Wiley's For Real Estate WESTSIDE 3 bedroom, large, elec tive, IV) balhs, oil furnace, larqe utility. Nice lawn and shrubs, paved street and sewer. West Slopes. $16,500.00. - SOUTH SIDE. Older 2 B R. large lot. Very good home for older cou ple, walking distance to stores, etc. Paved street. Gas heal. $5,500 00. 1200 A CATTLE RANCH, !10 miles out, 8.R. house, 3 barns, 2 reed heds. Fences very good, 3 creeks, lots of springs. This Is a well water ed grass ranch with lots of out range. Some re-log. $75,000.00 GOOD LOT IN RIDGEWOOD-$3,SO0. 1 BR. UNITS duplex, income $110.00 per month. Price $9,500 00 EARL WILEY Real Estate 428 S. E. Main Ct OR 2-2629 Home OR 3-3403 OR 3 3903, Roland Springer Bauer Realty 1693 W. HARVARD AVE OR 3-8001 S76,SOO 3 bedroom, Vi bath, 2 fireplace!. JI7.WO Weitjlde, top location, 3 bedrm. IIS.000 WesMlrfe, 3 bdrm. oil heat, walk ing diitance to shopping center and schools. 113,7503 bdrm. fireplace. Built In appli ances In kitchen. $35.000 100 acres, river frontape 40 acres bottom land, balance in perman ent Dature. Irrigation system and farm equipment. EVENINGS CALL Charles Mumby OR 3-730t Marge Martin OR 3-603 Jim I. Helen Baiuer OR 3-105 THE HOMEFINDERS MOTHER'S DAY (live her the ultimate gift! A home of her own fur happi ness and security. Look oer the following list of homes, se lect the one that fits your needs. We will be happy to show them lo you! II j wo 3 BEOROOVS. WESTSIDE. Seo paral dining room. Private land scaped yard, full bamnt with ihower and 3rd bedroom. FHA terms. US :oo NEW 3 bedroom j balhs. fir. i place Bum I UmuM iver f'mo. 10 dom. W W TWO bedroom home, carport. Oil i heat. Only 1UC Oown. jiO 450 TWO bedroom Wrt oe We" 'o i wall carpet, oil h.t, i"jkp1. F treplace and oato win out I oe fireciact- Terms. tl TWO bedroom. tl iyi"0 room Double garage with ccxffU floors and fruit cvPbOJ'd Term. f Stt THREE bedroom, seoarjle alng i area Garage, haidwocd floors, f IISO Q. i house FHA terms, ' i XO THREE bdroom. V; twlh Flg. I'm fi'MJitKe- ctrK heat Sd .vir nmg room Singa gAfAee lt)- do. Wl 4j0 THREE bedraoms O't heat, g' j age RuQ- so. 'rpiete f. lures. flo ref, oowi 0 end oil tank included. Terms (Si 11 K IV J I.Ar BUtl Oil 2-4477 antime OR 2 34M te. FOUR BOM. house. 2 full betrts. sawdust furnace, fireplace, bsmt. $8,500. OR 2-3208 5 ACRES, two bedroom, attached garage. Aluminum siding, 17,500. OR 2-1290. ON RIVER, i Barm hom: rtrpidce, now I'OO'-S. JV7 fhilhS $16,500 OR J-48S4 TWENTY FIVE acres. llveaDle house. Eli tricily, water. Close in OR 2-3911. TWO BEDROOM home In West Winston, for saie or trade. OS v-5720. TWO BR home on river, Green District. Call OR 3-366 NICE 1 Bdrm home, carport, garage and pano. wan uk i-ui. nt LOmoardy. ONE bedroom house needs-some repair, small lotCloje in S3CC0, small dn, 2-257f WESTSiDE, large 3 B R-older-tomeTbeauti- fully redec., bsmt.. landscaped. OR 3-8165. GLENDALE 2 BR home with 7 lots. $3500, $1000 down, bal. terms. Ph. OR 2-4021. BY OWNER Nice 2 BR home, Fairhaven District. Gl terms. OR 2-2445, weekdays a"er:ju p.m.; anytime weekends. FOUR BEDROOMS, 2 bams7earFu:ierton School. On Slate Gl now. $17,500. 314 W. Susan. OR 2-4284. OWNER TRANSFERRED, newer 3 bdrm nome, near Airport. Landscaped, fireplace, hdwd flrsjjtil., paved street, sewer. 2-2849. GCOC iv.s bdrcf" h"e. qaraae7concrete foundation, large lot on Mwer. U2iO cash. OR 2-4271 LARGE 2 Bdrm house, dining room, ' wood furnace, large lot. Close to market. $7000, $1000 down. OR 3-3576. THREE bedrooms, fireplace, hdwd floors, garage, larqe fenced lot, FHA terms, avail able. $14,000. OR 2-4114,aller 4 and Sat. TWO ACRES pumice "soil In GlidVTreaTAIso 55 acre ranch, Tenmlle area. Call GY 6-3134. NICE 1 bdrm home, spacious living room, ceramic tile kitchen. Good buy at $6950, terms.l034 NE jOamath. THREE BEDROOM home on west7ideTn Winston. Good location, reasonably priced. Near school. OS 9-5058. MUST SELL my two br. home. LoPlOTxlM7. Fruit trees, grapes. Shade trees. Terms. Ray Lynes, 1C82 N.E. Malheur. LARGE 2 Bdrm home,fl rep lace hardwood floors, -lestered walls. Caport, patio. $7600 Termsavailable. OR 3-3750. FOR SALE by owner 'YAcr, 3 BdTmT, Muirt finors. Cool Top furnace. School bus stop. Ph. OS 9-5632. SOUTHWEST SUTHERLIN 2 "bedroom house, years old. l? acres land. City water. $7000, 10S down. Contact W. Hel berg, 813 Monroe. Corvallis, Oregon. 8 ACRES on crecK,twobuildings, l35ir house trailer. V,2 miles west of Looking glass store. $850 down, $5,850 full price. Phone OR3-6837. BY OWNER 2 bdrm house, separate"dl Ing with patio sliders, covered porch, fire place, hdwd floors, full basement. On paved street and sewer. Full price, $11,000. Call OR 3-3462. Consider pickup as oart down payment. NEW" HOUSE ON-FisFe7Road"2lVv'eT, 2"i baths, 3 bedroom (could be 5) 7 fire places, Ige family room, birch kitchen, built-in appliances, forced air heat. Double carport. Call OR 3-6560 evenings. Inquire at 737 W. Luellen. JOHN M. FLECK REALTOR SUBURBAN 2 bedroom home, ward robe closels. Knotty pine kitchen cab inets. Part paneled living room, at tach, garage. 10 years old. $5300. refinance or will consider some trade on house trailer. WESTSIDE Close In older 2 story house on large lot 68' x 318, zoned for apartments. Asking $8,000 with $1000 down, S50 per month. BUSINESS LOCATION West Harv ard corner lot 60' x 160'. Near Mark's. Has comfortable 2 bedroom home. Only $13,500. Trade considered on nice 3 bedroom home. 21 ACRES . On West Military Ave. 2 bedroom home. Garage, water well and springs. The small horse ranch almost in city. Excellent view build ing sites among oak, laurel and fir. See for yourself the quiet living and future possibilities. Only $12,500 with $3500 down and terms. HAVE several nice 1 bedroom homes and all priced right to sell. Call lor appointments lo show. OR 2-2511 Bronch Office 433 W. Military Ave. (Wait of Oak St. aridoa) Leslie Black, OS 9-8612 LACKEY REAL ESTATE (An Exchange lor burnt and aellari) HAVE 5 hrlrm 9U hM. o l.:.u . .. - - "nt, & mich, 2 din. nn., party rin.. split level lumu, i acre land, oil heat S27.500. Want smaller home lo S10-515.0O0 What have you? WESTSinE SUM rjnn J ri... close costs), 3 bdrm, blt in oven range, hood. Din. rm brkfst nook, oil piped heat, 1200 sq. ft. Slav we show? NEWTON CREEK beautv. $13,750. SHOO dn (plus close costs), 3 bdrm, large din. rm fireplace, base board heat. Ceramic-tiled bath with heat lamp and countertop, roof line patio, garage. WESTSIDE, $15,000. $430 rin (plus close costs I, rancher. 3 bdrm, fire place, Hollywood door, oil heat, patio, attract, yard, view. WESTSIDE 3 bdrm, new. Calif, ranch, $17,200. 10 per cent dn, 6 rms. 2 hths, hlt-in range, oven, hood, garb, disposal, fireplace. Hollywood dr to cov'd patio, sept am. rm. ! Page Road 3 bdrm, rancher, l'j jbths, quality const., sep't din. rin, jkitch, brkfst nook, fireplace, shop and guest room, natural setting I among large oaks. $25,750. 65 ACRES near Melrose, drilled well, 2 bdrm cabin home. Mostly cleared rolling land, trees. $8950. $3000 dn. 7'i ACRES. Garden Valley nay. river frontage, free soil. 2 story 3 bdrm home, garage. $17,700. $3i- 000 dn. ' Dl'Pl.EX new. 2 bdrm each. $12, ! 000. Oil furnaces, sep't service me j ters, Est. rent at $80. per unit, .l.ate model car accepted as down payment. HIDEAWAY, 5'a acres well tim , bered, near Mt'lroe. 3 room cabin, spring. Only $4800. $1000 dn., $75 1 month contract. HAVE U'i acre level land, free soil, 2 or 3 bdrm home, chix house, i small barn, garage. $14,500. WANT 'small 2 bdrm in exchange near I Veteran's Hospital to $KiO0 or clear 2 bdrm 50' trailer. What have you? 1050 ACRE ranch. $90 noo. $30,000 : dn. balance arranged. 650 in perm, pasture. 2;!0 acres young timber, j -a mile rier frontage, woven wire ; fenced, 3 bdrm older home. 2 new barns, full line implements, stock ed. $11,000 S.150 dn (plus close costsi. , Newton Creek homes. 3 bdrm, cer amic tiled bath, k itch with st'l Wt-ins, fireplace, oil heat, "trees. Sue. . 413 S E Jackson OR 2-1659 F.a OH Crn. Ma i Jim wonn. oat !-;w 6a Pec. OK I-4JJ4 BY OWNER - S tit Newton Cree home. Fireplace, hdwd floor, carport. FHA ap praisal, 1 1.CC0. Selling price. 110.200. OR 3e7S. TwTCELbCATTON"" I THREE bedroom Westside home. Near schools, bus line and snopoing center. Lots of expensive shrubs and landscap ing. Home In top condition, large rooms. Must sell In ne.rt 30 days. See this hrrre and we will discuss terms. Call OR 3-6571 days. OR 3-5321 after a:30 p.m. LITTLE RIVER SPECIAL 3'4 A. FRONTING on this beautiful stream. Rustle and homey modern 3 B.R. home with extra large fire place. Garage. Work shop. Garden, flowers and lawn. Black top. 1st time offered and real value at $1750. $2000 dn. Imm. Poss. McANFNEY Real Estate OR 2-1371 Jim Cook OR 3-247 Maxma Savall OR l-:i!S Paulina Raaia GY a-3374 WESTSIDE ATTRACTIVE, compact, 2 bedroom home in desirable location. Wonder ful fireplace and oil perimeter heat ing system. W-W carpet. Outstanding landscaping, Covered patio with fire place. Attached garage. Only $10,900. Ask for Bob Horn when you call. BEST FOR THE MONEY, I have seen; will b your opinion after you see this roomy 2 bedroom noma. Gooa s!:s4 kitchen with plenty of bu ill Ins and eating area. Gas furnace. Living room Is 15X20 with w-w carpet. At tached garage. Full price only S750O. This should go In a hurry. Call now about thisl Let us snow you. CHARMING 3 BEDROOM, very close In. Excellent condition. Charming stairway ap proach to upstairs. Separate dining room. I'i bath. Stove and refrig. in cluded. Cool Top furnace. Basement with concrete floor and storage. Gar age. Attractive garden area, paved st. Would make Ideal combination home and office set up. Full price, $16,000. 1 12 ACRES NEWER 2 bedroom and den or 3 bed room home. Double garage, barn. Garden tool house. This Is fhe one you have boen asking for. and only $11,500. Full price. LOT 1 FULL ACRE. Fisner road area. Only $1100 full price. J2S0 down, S2S per month. H.J. WINTER "A Most Trusted Name In Real Eslale" REALTOR Phone OR 3-7043 525 S. E. Main St., Roseburg MrJ$ Loia Winter. OK r. if t'LZ Rita Barcus avt. Ph. 3-3W7 "Bob" Horn, OR 3-4740 NEW LISTINGS 1 S27.500.00. 5 Bedroom home with 3 bathrooms situated on 1 acre of land. $5,000 down with loan value of $22,500. Owner may consider taking hi good contracts or mortgages. Quiet. Don't overlook rest home possibilities here. 2 $12,000.00. WINSTON 3 bedroom home situated on the Look ingglass road. Attractive and well situated with excellent view. Circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, carport, fully plas tered, large living room, inside utility, sunny kitchen with good built-ins and nicely landscaped. Try your Stale Gl, Federal Gl, or FHA loan here. 3 512,900.00 is the asking price on this attractive 3 bedroom home situated North of Roseburg. Oil furnace, hardwood floors, wall-to-wall carpeting, attached garage, blacktop street, sewer, etc. FHA or Gl financing. 4 S12.750.00 is the asking price on this well constructed K bedroom home with hardwood floors, oil furnace, attached Rarage, paved street, sewer, etc. Make an offer. Gl or FHA financing. Situated in the Newton Creek area. 5 $11,750.00 DUPLEX situated close in on S.E. Main St. 1 bed room furnished apartment upstairs which rents for $75.00 per month. Downstairs has Cool-Top furnace, fireplace, utility room. etc. $4,000 down or owner may trade for Roseburg 3 or 4 bedroom home. ATTENTION GIs. Don't Lose Your Loan Rights Call Us. Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. PHONE OR 2-161 9 Evenings Leonord. OR 3-7711 Suvfnson, OR 3 8744 Sconce, OR 3 4053 Reynolds Real Estate 806 S. E. Cass Phone OR 2-1413 BEAT THE HIGH COST of living on this 16 acre ranchito with 10 acres tillable balance woodland pasture. Only 15 minutes ride to Roseburg on black top road. Newly remodeled cozy cottage type home two bed rooms, cheerful living room, kitchen and dining combination, bath, barn, workshop, garage, two large chicken houses, good well. You will want lo see this. $10,000. THE PRICE IS RIGHT 3 bedrooms (could be 4!, big carpeted living room, dining room, compact step saving kitchen, large lot. room for your own garden, fruit trees and berries. On sewer. Just $8,750. Approximately $1,000 will handle down with payments about S66 per month including taxes and insurance. Better than paying rent? You bet! HIGH QUALITY RANCH 6J0 acres all seeded to permanent grasses and clover. First irrigation right for 71 acres with all equipment. Beautiful 3 bedroom home with dining room, tub and shower bath, wall to wall carpet and fireplace. 6 barni. 4 creeks, oodles of springs, paved road. If you are a rancher sou will like this one. Call us for information. STEAL THIS 1 bedroom home completely turmshed on a very large lot just out of town. City water. $3,500 with $7u0 don baUnce so easy. 0 Lou Bossetr Eltan Zuver E H "Doc" Pocock Dick Scott O LARGE I bedroom, Lennox furnace. FHA appraisal. Phone CR 3-0:. QUICK POSSESSION OWNER TRANSFERRING. Must sell good 3 bedroom home on Urge lot with large block building suit able for shop, warehouse or 2 bed room apartment. TOTAL priee 38. 500. Will carry own contract. For details phone OR 21914 anytime. If no answer phone after 6 p.m. FULLERTON REALTY LARGE FAMILY HOME Handy to market and bus. Large living room, fireplace, 3 large bedrooms down, 3 up partially finished. Nice kitchen nook, uiiilty. Oil furnace. Fenced yard. Street and sewer paid. Just $11,600, very good terms. 15 ACRES, beautiful setting, river Irrig. Nice 3 BR ranch home, dole fire place, patio, I'i baths, plus expan sion room. Triple garage and shop. GOOO oar h, 'xtl t?r.Z4 Miture. 1 2 A alfalfa-lotus. Good family orchard. Top location. Enough said I You mutt see thi I we are happy to show those who want a better home. SPACIOUS, neat 4 bdrm. home. In top residential district. Large living room, den, full dining room, Kit-nook, 1 bdrms down, 1 up, I'i baths. World's of storage, full basement. Double garage. Forced air oil fur nace. Lovely yard. $19,300. ' FIVE Bdrm. home, sewer connection paid. Extra large lot. $9950, $1000 dn. Immediate possession. SEVERAL good building lots, good terms. 723 N. K. Stephens OR 2-3172 Eves OR 3-6998 WHERE IS 525 S. E. Moin St.? The News Review is 545 Main Si. Oregon Water Corp. is 535 S.E. Main St. WHAT IS 525 S. E. Main St.? WINTER REAL ESTATE! WHAT IS WINTER REAL ESTATE? The best real estate service in Douglas County. This is the opinion of Harry, Lois, Rita, and Bob. Who Are They? A most aggressive, well-trained staff of specialists who want to convince, by showing you, that the type of service you want, can best be obtained at WINTER REAL ESTATE Call OR 3-7043 and ask for Rita Barcus Bob Horn Harry Winter Lois Winter We Want Your Business!! OR 2-3838 OS 9 5339 OR 3-8259 Sufherlin 4058