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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1962)
6 Th Ntwi-Rviw, Roieburg, Ore. Thur., May 10, 1962 ill COURT HELD public ssmcs b iht ', COLLEGE of LAW WILlAMETTE UNIVERSITY Thli column It I peasant aanaral BrincMea law. It it net t b tkn total advic. Slight changaa In fact may chant th outcome) of a cat. If you hava a aaa an attorney. A man alighted from but at a . time when the itreeti were covered i with mow. He noticed Immediately , that there wai a snowbank three to four feet high between him and the tidewalk. The but ttarted up within five tecondi after letting him off and wai turning the corner in a way that crowded him againtt the tnowbank. He beat on tne. win dows of the but in an effort to get ; it to atop. He wai in full view of the driver. The but continued and : the former pastenger attempted to inch his way toward the back part of the but. in to doing, ne tuppea , and fell under the but and wai ' run over. The man brought an action aiainst the street railway com pany, who owned and operated the : but, seeking damages lor we in ; juries he bad suffered due to the : driver'! negligent conduct The company contended that the man wst no longer a passenger at the . time he was injured ana mat nit injury wai due to hii own negligent conduct. tubs rntiBT MHLBf The Mln- neiota court held that even though he was not a passenger ai ina ume of the injury the company still owed him a duty to operate the but in a reasonable manner until he had a chance to get a sue on- nna fwM if tia rnitrt awarded damages to the injured man to compensate mm lor me injuries suffered, i tie court saiu mat no UaA Wn nrilhnnf fault and WAS merely trying to get to the walk at tne time me injury uw pino. (Patton v. Minneapolis St. Ry. Co., 247 Minn 368, 77 NW 2d 433,1956) PTA Housing Chairmen Ask Reservation Calls The housing chairmen for the forthcoming itate PTA convention in Roseburg have issued a plea that requests for reservations for housing for the convention be di rected to them. Mrs. Jamei Medford and Mn. Willis Coble reported they had made arrangement! to hava hotel and motel unitt pledged, but sep urate reservation arrangements by ithen have been causing trouble In this program. The women said they would ap preciate it It reservation requests be directed to them at OR 3-3925 , nn 9.171 K The convention is ichcduled ; Sept. 17-20. FABULOUS ASSORTMENT LOVELY SUMMER COSTUME JEWELRY m it YOUR AS YOUR CHOICE CHARGE IT I Baadl, McktaCM, Mfrlngi, pin and braca ltt ell ton Mian half prkal Many MylM ond colon, and it'i oil new, in tnt lattft fatniom for tummar. L2Si EASY TERMS t i-3 Gan't Sick! Forestville ULTRA-MODERN SUNBURST CLOCK A BEST SELLER WITH A NEW DESIGN DIAL A 17.95 VALUE (FECIAL LOW PRICE I2! ONLY l.OO MONTH l-OAT FRONT WIND MOVEMENT 0lmiR braiflnlihed rayi surround the eaiytoread dial with embomd figures. 2", dlameteri Never before inch quality at iuch a lew prlcel Makei fin flftl There is one thing you can be sure of, ond that Is thot you won't kick after you see the results that a News-Review Want Ad will produce for you. When if comes to selling Items around your home that are no longer needed but still useful to someone else, you Just can't beat these little want ads. They are easy to use and Inexpensive. Just coll OR 2-3321 fodoy and a friendly ad taker will be happy to help you write cn ad thot will put cash In your pocket! DIAL OR 2-3321 NEWS-REVIEW CLASSIFIED WANT ADS ft Weisfield's Prices Slashed I On Appliances Just In Time for Mother's Day SUNBEAM MULTI COOKER-BAKER Frys & Bakes. Buffet style handle. Complete with control & 6 position baking lid. Keg. 29.95. SUNBEAM LARGE FRY PAN. Complete with 5 position lid. - Reg. 28.95 SUNBEAM HAND MIXER Complete with beaters. Model HM. Reg. 19.95 G. E. STEAM & DRY IRON Model F70. Reg. 17.95 PRESTO AUTOMATIC FRY PAN Largo sixa. Completely, immersible. Control & Caver Included. Reg. 28.9S SUNBEAM HAIR DRYER Model HD3, 4-way heat control. Complete with hood. Reg. 26.95, UNIVERSAL AUTOMATIC PERCOLATOR UNIVERSAL AUTOMATIC PERCOLATOR 8-cup capacity. Reg. 29.95 TOflSTMflSTER' AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC I TOASTER j Formerly 188 19.95 n I REG. $5.00 LARGE SIZE JEWEL BOX with upswing mr CHARSI ' III J 3 qt., 1 'i qt., qt. 3-pc. Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl Set g 788 95 J sei 11 PC. SALAD SET Value el LARGE SHYING IOWI S SAUO IOWLS irt, sssving srr PLSNT 7-Pc. Knife Set A knife for every kit- (i chen cutting chore. Hardwood holster. 9.95 T-3.BUTANE k i ALL NEW LOWEST PRIVE EVER! 19.95 Complete Only 2inlth putt so much power and psrtofmanc sucrt rich full font Into a radio so smalt I Plays up to 75 hours on 2 ponlite batttries-cotts only Ai for 10 hours optration. 5 rich colors. ALU TRANSISTOR SHIRT POCKET RADIO with Deluxe Gift Package frk INCLUDES U CUSTOM CARRY CASE J ELEGANT JEWEL CASE f) CD SET 0F BATTERIES yTT?' 'y'i fyi Regularly 7.50 Gold-Tone Brocade French Purse Chic relief embroidery In old-gold and silver on beige background, gold-tone metallic thread. Sis window card holder Included. m lajLinift nrwrwi ELECTRIC SHAVER FOR WOMEN NOW ONLY Four times more shaving area and exclusive Guard Comb protection. So safe, it can't chafe. Shaves in either direction. No need to switch sides for legs or underarms, NEW BENTLEY BUTANE if LIGHTER Wiih Throw-Away Futl Tank. AdUitabt Flam Slylti f Special CAarae (If QUALITY BUILT III MltlU 'mm earn jaaa varnaa m. m mm.t'.mm -'mmmmTr'm'mmmMm'mm'mmmZ" CVJEiWAMTf NEW ACCOUNTS ! COLORFUL 18-INCH DECORATIVE PLASTIC FLORAL FLY SWATTER Ones (Mat A I i v In Inn. fulleolor "mum" or roit. tha othtr an tfficitnt fly waUarl Beautiful color moldad claar through. Uia ai-watl ornamanr flowar arranQtmant, qift trim. ' -SIB.. ASSORTMENT OF F. B. ROGERS SILVERPLATED HOLLOWARE MADE BY NATIONAL SILVER COMPANY ; REGULAR IOC 7.50 to rovR mijyo 10.00 CHOICE VALUES TMi kMIM lUKWri ml tUrurtmfi k.ll ltre !- - ' i. MM.UI. ml kMi bM. NMMM, nttk ri, wMNrilk elrM. kew llumaui. "f No Monev Down ... Only 1 .00 A Monlh POLAROID! LAND CAMERA I j. I $4 f) Electric Eve " Li Camera for . . I r 1 Terms Low i FULLY AUTOMATIC SIMPLEST LAND CAMERA EVER e NO FOCUSING. NOTHING TO SET Polaroid Land Film Gives You 10-Second Pictures Polaroid $ by Polaroid Corp. MM- . Ait . iiwa- 1 IF1 ,.- . . V"f"?" 'a1 etu 1 S3 r - -1 .fj ilM -ft L'W ' . taf SMI i isr.J" Hi'..! If You Can Aim This Camera m You've Got it Made! YOUNG ADULTS You Don't Hava Ta Be 21 To Open Your Account At WEISFIELD'S M )m Portable TAPE I M I -Anywhere, Any Time$, Operates on 4 Standard Flashlight Batteries Truly portablt, liahtwtieV and compact tapa racordar it complataly lalf-contatnad in scotch-grain Itathtr cat. Ftalarai Inclvda a built-in ipaaktr, microphona, 3 raal af tapa that oet 50 minutat of play, Tatte-xp raal, plm a handy pawia button. Ideal for anyone who travail or far family fun! Tours for Only 95 7 EAST BUOGET TERMS PHONO-TRIX ACCESSORIES fc ssiri'i MlSKr r-fitt TM la lit yaur rCAtrll M 110-V C rxti-l. ara- lorn Ira at aalttrln . til II T- ! sin on a.) ism ai art it tTI!NOiC0rt-1iPE UPtitVU Rlttl t tfKli Rrdi lrt tar tyV'W I I I Itltt ptei !)F Cllll. rar 'tct rt- tytft train rad or ponericn f 1 II WTM WftiMtl I arwacy ti.-i. V 1 tti it ana or J KUC' . . . Itlt rt 11 ma auni'iti. -o Cu'llt fC5fd Of 6JA '0i at CMfru: eat; a-wpLfitt fcr f0L0 iK'ft It Ifl I rjntii tiKfiao rue . ti i