Thur., May 10, 1962 Tht Newi-Revlew, Reseburj, Or. 3 Mother art our favorite people ond we enow our favoritism In many ways thot moke shopping here a pleasant interlude in mother's busy day. For on thing, there's our friendly, courteous service she finds so refreshing. Then there's our vast varieties of the foods she likes best all displayed to ease her menu-planning and speed her shopping. And there's our storeful of low prices to give her "BOU QUETS OF BARGAINS". These ore the ways w make mother's day happy 365 days of the year. BYRD'S LOW COST MARKET Everyday yV 5--fv Will Not Knowingly Be Undersold On GROUNDS T jf WHITE BREAD 599c UMPQUA ICE CREAM 79 38 j WESSON OIL 39c a polyunsaturated pure vegetable oil BIG 24 OZ. BOTTLE CHUNK TUNA AA LARGE EGGS - 2 75 CHUBBY DOG FOOD No. 1 Tin (Limits Observed) 5' Vital Statistics Tide Tree! P & G's washday wonder detergent Giant . Package Armour's Luncheon Meat 12-oz. can 59c 289' (of. Cheeses 49r 25' 1299 and Nehi Flavors 12 ounce cans .... Chubby Kibbled 25 lb. Bag Welch's Frozen 6-oi. can . 1.99 R.C. Cola Dog Food Grape Juice Borden's Milk Honey Olives HOT POPCORN for every shopper at Byrd's SATURDAY 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. YOU CAN ALWAYS DEPEND OF THE TOP QUALITY OF DIAMOND A CANNED FOODS CUT GREEN BEANS 5 WHOLE KERNEL CORN -303 can 699 3 303 can 699' 10-lb. Bag Tall Cons Sioux Bee Firewccd Big 24 ounce jar Madera Broken Pitted or Gem Site, No. 1 699c 669e 49' 489' J A taiM tingling treat hot off our "Burger Buggy" Grill mod from our own freih ground beef end served on a big Williams Bakery bun. A whole meal in itself! FRIDAY 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. SATURDAY 10 AM to 6 PM HO 303can 699- IT'S THE GREATEST! BYRD'S ONE STOP PRODUCE DEPT. WHERE YOU FIND THE GREATEST HIGH QUALITY FRESH PRODUCE AT LOWEST BUDGET PRICES U. S. NO. 1 ASPARAGUS Crisp tender Oregon Grown Green Spears A Real Treat .... FRESH CRISP CARROTS 39 Pink Indian River 2 2 Lb. Sacks C GRAPEFRUIT A MApqBiipi&giVo ' pLICED GREEN BEANS VUI HHA ULHI1J ... '303 con VI 11 CREAM STYLE CORN '3.3n699c PICKLED SLI. BEETS 3 3, 6 99 SLICED CARROTS ..699' PICKLED WH. BEETS RED KIDNEY BEANS DICED CARROTS SLICED RED BEETS DICED RED BEETS 899' CHERRIES Royal Ann in hvy. syrup . . 303can 399' BARRETT PEARS 3.3..489. Divorce Suits Filed ( Sharon Ellen vs. Edwin A. La- Vigne. Harried Dec. 31, 1958, at Riddle. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks restoration of her former name. Frances L. vs. Fred G. O'Neall. Married at Tacoma, Wash., on Feb. 27. 1932. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks decree awarding to plaintiff certain real property in cluding 18 building lots located at Bellingham, Wash., a 1959 foreign model car and awarding to de fendant other real property includ ing Glen Dale Motel at Myrtle Creek and two other properties in uougias county, as well as other personal property. uora Jane vs. Donald Lloyd Smith. Married Aug. 10, 1957, at Millbrae, Calif. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks custody of two minor children and $45 monthly support for each child. Wilma Nadine vs. Warren Brown Mann. Married March 28, 1952, at Bakersfield, Calif. Cruelty charg ed. Plaintiff asks custody of seven minor children, $250 monthly sup port for the children plus attorney fees and costs. Plaintiff asks court order restraining defendant from molesting plaintiff or children or removing any of the children from plaintiff's possession. Willard P. vs. Mary J. Jurgen- sen. Married Nov. 23, 1948, at Van couver, Wash. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks decree awarding two minor children to defendant's cus tody, requiring plaintiff to pay $25 mommy child support for each child, awarding household furni ture and furnishings and a 1962 foreign model car to defendant and awarding 1953 automobile to plaintiff. Dorothy vs. Otto G. Kenwisher. Married Oct. 22, 1941. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks custody of three minor children. $50 monthly support for each child and award of household furniture, fixtures and furniture. Robert H. vs. Mary E. Jenkins. Married in December of 1949 at Vancouver, Wash. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks custody of two minor children. Delvina Jannett vs Francis Hu bert Conley. Married Sept. 23, 1981, at Myrtle Point. Cruelty charged. ' Plaintiff asks award of 1960 sta tion wagon, television set, two ri fles, a pistol, along with attorney, fees and costs. Plaintiff also asks restoration of former name, Del vina Jannett Hendrick. Wyona vs. Frank Glen Perry. Married Jan. 30, 1960, at Roseburg. Cruelty charged. Plaintiff asks cus tody of minor child and $35 month ly support for the child. Divorce Deems Mary from Ervut Goetz. Plain tiffs former name, Mary Smith, restored. Defendant ordered to pay attorney fees and suit money. Louisa K. from William C. Jen nings, Patricia Jo Anne from Gerald D. Baker. Plaintiff awarded cus tody of two minor children, $50 monthly support for the children, attorney fees, suit money, house hold furniture and furnishings. 1955 car and defendant ordered to pay certain family debts. Bernard from Louise Skarloken. Plaintiff awarded real property de scribed in Charles M. Ervin plat, certain household furniture and furnishings. Plaintiff's former name, Louie Giliam, restored. DA LI Ail At? Golden Ripe DMNMNMJ Tropical Fruit . J STRAWBERRIES Fresh Giont Sixe Berries . POTATOES Oregon Grown U. S. No. 2 5- FRESH TENDER RED LETTUCE 3 lb. 48c Iflc 4 cup.89c HEAD IvL 20-lb. II Kb . Sack 303 can 699 303 can 699' Toledo Council Votes Fast Time TOLEDO, Ore. (AP) The To ledo Chamber of Commerce voted Tuesday for observance, starting Sunday midnight, of unofficial daylight saving time. It took the action at the request of the Toledo City Council. The Chamber had voted April 24 to stay on standard time de spite the fact that many surround ing communities in the coastal area, including Newport, were changing to fast time. But Cham ber members indicated Tuesday they had lost business by remain ing on standard time. School officials said classes, for the present at least, will be con ducted on standard time schedules. 303 can 699 303 can 899 Monk Swapt Ovtr Fills NIAGARA FALLS. N.Y. (API- Brother Constantino Sandner, 68, of the order of the Brothers of the Holy Infancy of the Roman Cath olic Church, was swept over uie Horseshoe Falls Tuesday. A coroner s verdict was with held pending recovery of the body. M UfMfll VJfWfll III frtcirr ni rriKi triCM hi ttiu Iwi MffrtiunMlt it Wet IMit tfcrMrt Inl. Mir 11, mi. Mm trkM Mty ffi rttifTl tH riM t Unit. itrry, "lit ti liiitn ir tkf.r npriiniaiifii. iiiry fda uli with Mr iMMtlitlMti tt lalufKtiM t jwr niitr nfufi. At Ihiu fMii, liaitatiM rigkti trill m tUMtf itftriM, 930 W. HARVARD 2 BLKS. W. OF COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Discover the Mapleine Secret T MAPLEINE Mtkt your own bsttiMhaifr bottlsd syrup at much kns cost Simply pour I cup boiling water vtr2ipjsuiar,sdd H tetspooo Mapleine. Wondsriul fltvw u4 trams from a secret formula, fins' Waphlna in 0m blue tad white tea.