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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1962)
o Bride-Elect Pre-Nuptial ShowerS Held iThur., May 10, 1962 The News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. 11 Miss Kathie Vang was guest of honor at two nuDtial showers nrev. Party On Third Birthday Given For Sherleen Wells Sherleen Wells, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Price Wells of Glendale. ! celebrated her third birthday at a Oilman and Mrs. Dick BIchm, at the McDonald home on Lester St. Family Potluck Is Given At Ernest Wheeler Home An Easter Sunday family potluck dinner.was a delightful affair at the Ernest Wheeler horns in Cam as Valley. Enjoying the affair besides the Wheelers were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown and daughter Camie, from Fairfax, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Viscogni and sons. Neal and Ross, from Milwaukie; Mrs. Ethyl Brown, Mrs. Winnie Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Brown and children, Bill, Richard, Elizabeth, Barbara, Pam and Chester, all of Camas Valley; and Esther Brown from Roseburg. and her mother, Mrs. Lloyd Hill; grandmothers, Emma Reitmann and Lillian Hill; Mrs. Rudy Meyer, Mrs. Cecil Thompson and Jill and Teresa. Mrs. Willard Reitmann and Randy, Adelle Reitman and Timmie and Jenifer, Mary Ann Olt man, Sandra Blehm, Ann McDon ald, Mrs. Dan Blehm, Mrs. Rich ard Alexander, Mrs. Larry Lane and Barry and Tracy. Tony Hill and Debbie Ewens. Weekly Bridge Enjoyed Six tables were in play Thurs ious to her marriage Easte. Sun-1 day to Nathaniel White. The first Suitable games were p!yed. In vited to the lingerie MnH linen shower were Mrs. Larry Howe, Erna Hedine, Mrs. Karl Larson, Mrs. Joe Havens, Mrs. Hugh Wells, Mrs. Jack Holmgren, Mary Wells, Mrs. Eldon Howard, Lillian Hill, Mrs. Clem Schneider, Mrs. Lloyd Hill, Mrs. N. W. McMillen, Mrs. Dan Blehm, Mrs. Larry Lane, Emma Reitmann, Adelle Reitmann. Ann Robinson, Betty Moore and Mrs. Jim Ewens. The second shower was held at tie home of Mrs. Larry Vang when the family monthly potluck dinner was held. Attending the family gathering were the guest of honor day evening when the Umpqua and her daughters, Mrs. Howard Duplicate Bridge Club met tor its weekly session at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Roles. High score was held by Raold Stroup; second, Mrs. James Rex and Dr. Bruce Tuck; Mrs. Loy Lin aman and Mrs. Earnest Peel, third; and Mr. and Mrs. Roles, fourth. The group meets weekly at 7:30 p.m. at the Roles home. Further information regarding the club may be obtained from Mrs. Linaman at OR 3-3797. party at the Wells home. Games were played, with prizes going to Pauline Wells and to Mrs. Charley West. The hostess served refreshments. Each youngster re ceived party favors. Those present included Mrs. Ted Wells and Bobby; Mrs. Floyd Hat ton and Floyd, Jr., Mrs. Charley West and Rhonda and Pamela; Mrs. Earl Bock Jr. and Vickie; Miss Joyce Morgan; Mrs. Pierce Furlong and Bradley; and the hon oree and members of her family. Azalea Circle Has Meet At Henry Gaedecke Home - The Azalea Community Church Mission Circle met Fdday at the home of Mrs. Henry Gaedecke. The hostess served refreshments to the 14 members present. Mrs. Leo Allen had charge of the devotional meeting and gave a mis sion report. Members answered roll call with Bible verses. IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS rf Go -v. Y 2 MR. AND MRS. ROY DODD SR. are shown above opening some of the many gifts they received on their 43rd wed ding anniversary, when they were surprised at an affair attended by 90 relatives and friends. Surprise Party Celebrates Dodds 43rd Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd were pleasantly surprised at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd Jr., Easter Sunday afternoon, when nearly 90 friends and relatives gathered to help them celebrate their 43rd wed ding anniversary. Misses Barbara, Nancy and Lin da Dodd, granddaughters of Mr. and Mrs. Dodd, served punch, cof fee and cake to the guests. Included in the guest list were Mr. and Mrs. Blair Harrington and family; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Farrell and family; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Applegate, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDan iel and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Turpin, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cona way, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Tobiasson and family; Mrs. Dare Kingery and grandchildren; Mrs. Lloyd Means, Mrs. Bernice Radtke, Mrs. Golden Kruse, Mrs. June Bowman. Mrs. Dolly Goodrich, Mrs. Judy Moriu, Chauncy Smith, Jim Wiley, Air. and Mrs, James Dodd and family; Mr. and Mrs. Pid Dodd, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd Jr , and family of Yoncalla. From Oakland were Mr. and Mrs. James McHugill and family; Mr. and Airs. Sam Croucher and family; Mr. and Mrs. Cody Long and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cocker am, Mrs. Agnes Johnson of Elk ton; Mr. and Mrs. Hank Schmitt of Cottage Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Max Dodd and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mizeur, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Draeger and family of Drain, and Mrs. Bonnie Schmidt and family from Camas Valley. CELEBRATING their golden wedding anniversary April 28 at Winston-Dillard Park were Mr. and Mrs. Tom William Hester, above, who received the congratulations from their many friends. i Anniversary Celebrated At a special celebration In the Winston - Dillard Park, Saturday friends and neighbors attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Tom William Hester. Attending the luncheon were the Rev. and Mrs. Ray G. Musgrove, Rev. and Mrs. Charles Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Estel Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Coy McAlister, Mr. and Mrs. David Pritchett, Larry Fredricks, Mrs. Fred Coffman, Mrs. Ann Patter son and daughter. Louise; the Youth Choir of the Winston Church, Mrs. John George and Rex Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Hester were mar- Mothers Honored At OES , The mother with the youngest child and the grandmother with the youngest grandchild were hon ored at the regular meeting of Ore gon Chapter OES Wednesday at the Canyonville Masonic Temple. Worthy matron Mrs. Wade Worthington presented gifts to Mrs. Calvin Robison, the mother, and Mrs. Guy McGee, the grandmoth er, in a special program designed to honor mothers. In other business, Mrs. Ray Wright presented proficiency cer tificates to Mrs. Robison, Mrs. Leo Davidson and Mrs. F. R. McCabe. Mrs Loyal Boyd, a member of the I.ongview, Wash., chapter was not ed as a guest. Following the meet ing refreshments were served by the men with Charles Pruden as chairman. Election of ofifcers and memor ial services are scheduled for the next meeting. 5-Year-Old Celebrates Birthday At Dixonville Miss Jeannie Hamer of Dixon ville was guest of honor at a birth day party Saturday, celebrating her fifth birthday. Little guests included Scotty Hanlin, Jill Shellquist, Ruth Broad water, Jimmy Hane, Debbie York, JoAnn Clark, Susie Schmid, John Ruhn. Steve Collins, Kathy Ham er, Jimmy Williams and Dickie Weseman. The children played games in the family room, gaily decorated with colored balloons. A lovely decorated cake and ice cream were served. Jeannie received nice birthday gifts. ried in Lebanon, Mo., April 28, 1912, and later moved to Southern California where Mr. Hester was in the plumbing business for many years. In October 1952 the Hes ter's moved to Oregon. Mrs. Hes ter was born in Buran County, 111., as Cleo Madge Hunter. Mr. Hester was born in Lebanon, Mo. Mrs. Hester is active in the W.C.T.U. and has served as presi dent of the United Foursquare Women's Club. 'GnsmaSSiMcr ilKULonia I SAVI . 1 ' L ft ': i oS. ..(;. Of.;, B RECK 16 oz. CREME RINSE SPECIAL PRICE $1,39 J 1.75 Value Both mothers and little girls find Breck Creme Rinse helpful when combing the hair after a shampoo. A creme rine takes only a minute and eliminates snarls, tangles and fly-away hair, leaving it soft, easy to comb and arrange. It gives the hair lustre and body without leaving an oily appearance. Breck Creme Rinse is especially helpful in the care of dry, brittle hair. Penneys LAST 2 DAYS ADONNA Dacron Polyester Nylon 'N Cotton Reg. 2.98 Ruffled and slim line full length stylet in white, black pale tones. Pet?te, average, tall 32 to 44; one to 52. Half slips Reg. 1.98 . Full Slips Reg. 2.98 . 1.66 2.33 Nylon Satin Tricot Full Slips Reg. 3.98 Frothily femine. Shadow-paneled. White, garden gay colors. Petite, average, tall lengths. Sizes 32 to 44. Half slips Reg. 2.98 . Full Slips Reg. 3.98 2.33 2.99 (If Dr OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. !;, 1 V few h'-w-'l Ff IP A S 1 & t i t V - ilk ' I Wt'A DRESS CARNIVAL J SUMMER IS WISP WEIGHT 'N COOL DACRON Llghtest-wearj lightest-core, even the frills ond fui on these float snub the Iron If needs be. Styles ore chic ond worldly with pockets, tabs, and Chanel effects for a young and feminine mood. A darzllng color range. Misses, Juniors, ond half-sizes. 8.95 to 12.95 MOTHER'S DELIGHT FOR DAY OR NIGHT s -( ' 4 , t r I HI :;. ii 1 X x.Ak 1 .ZriW 3- ;v; ..:fS& NYLON SLEEPWEAR Dream Time Glamour To Please The Most Feminine Fancy Shifting layers of nylon sheer over tricot caught In a ruffled yoke the utimote in feminine foshion. Boby 3 QR doll, walti ond full length gown J O Nylon tricot robe with lace trim and barrel cuffed short sleeves, is loose lined in nylon taffeta, Small, Medium and Larg . 6.95