Food Facts ACROSS Vetctible 5 Soft drink SUeit paste 12 Love god 13 Prayer 14 Mine entrance) 15 Beginners 16 Light brown 17 Distant (prefix) 18 Bind ft) Mourns J2 Pecan 24 Han's nickname) 5fi Calmer 29 Color S3 Eggs 34 Co by sea 36 Location 37 Flowerlecs plait 3? Health resorts 41 Homing moisture 42 Handle 44 Baby . attendant 4 Faucet 48 Scottish mer 49 Ripens 53 German rher I 57 Above I 58 Decay , 60 Recording material 1 61 Com bread 1 62 Anger 1 63 Level 1 64 Finishes 65 Confederate general 68 Marsh plant DOWN 1 English county 2 Region 3 Noose 4 Hebrew ascetic 6 Butter serving 6 Egg-shaped 7 Punitive 8 Official documents 9 Arabian gulf 30 Tip 11 Summers IFr.) 19 Exposes to light 21 Middle iprefu) 23 Beverages 25 Pliable 26 Always 27 Unusual 28 Tears 30 Military assistant 31 Roman road 32 Tidings 1 12. 13 14. 5 16 17 8 9 10 11 fj rj-j rj is rrj it re is riu 5T ' 1 g znn H L-L-' 25 126 127 '.TJJiS 30 i jj ns 35T3S 2 !r rp "T-ja 111 W 150 151 52 53 j&o js 51 55 59 - 60 si a a a u u I'll I I . . 9 NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. PJuaasuiiiLotv oant to if tTis " S?thats real music! i cant stand flj I I HEAS SOME REAL lCZLl THAT'S THE SORT OF MUSIC lT!rJJ5TCANT fJf E V'M05lC?U5T&i y Vrll, THAT PEOPLE LIICElNOTTHAT STAND IT.' JaJJi A VjOTrllSiJ. . OL' BEETHOVEN 5T0FF! f- ? Is S Qi Zii3 A tit?? & was?' P I : 1 1" OH. BUT I T WIS VSTHE " I HAVEN'T , I p . Kpriscillai this REAL who's worked out all ) ? GUESSWHAXN J?" AY J TIME. I V.TUIWS M. VHE DETAILS! 7 . ! man 'jssm max r v- tmwmA I is-i ttii. i; ,0-a jtsssm 1 1 TiM. .. .t. on. i lsJaUltssSSr WWTl MA66IE.uU'T' N0W..BWTO I I OF AIL THE T DOtfT PEAL WITH HERil I IT'S NOTlteOLAll'L) WA5 fAV LftTE HUS6HND.I Nl aryrtui t au Tu&nncii. aiutiueA iL-b-cpl lAl I I TUSri I U..K&E.! i4PraurjyS.ul It AaVi ICrtl WOU COULDU'T 41GM EITHAH... I V THROW TH15 BIITHFBFV5O01 . WUaf WUB.TnP' It. DEAO AND AS MV HEIR..N0T WITH H Ul HE4) LE6ALL.T DAt! NOWi SET I p I l,tTi ff611 F0R ME BURIEP! WEV MB STILL ALIVE'. J pW7fi3kw UT' WU HLWWSl- fcrT 1 urn- - timrn- v.- llf ., .. . .... ... it snu put np SFpne twat3 ciuTr ( tjL-rc tup maim I 1 (mini noo im a vcui uc uini h hki't I IN THAT TIMS- JSOUHAOANY I REASON THE BRAIN-TRANSPLANTIN3 ) HAVE ANY BRAIN ) o I II MACHINE FOR MY BRAINS, YOU'D V DOCTOk WANTS 1 EXPERIMENT WOULD J TO TAKE OUT BE- JV'fft 1 . , -.PROTECTION? if TAY AWAY FROM , HIM, OSCAR... S CUT HIS WO(?k" BY r FORE PUTTING PB'aGosHri Ievehywing-V i wmatIfive AFTErCI Isee.evemthe dashboard ) I UnAon-iCninicciAV ut. ao-ii it-it- rn NJ TIMET I TWO CLOCK rS fiZA Sr . V r NEW SPOP.TS CAR , HANSEM (rWPLIES rOOURSE ' ISoir L"' WHY? r 1 grp 1, PPW I SS" p 5' ; i , f VORc LOViNj' SENNY-TOR " THIS U'LTRAGEDY " VlT WERETU'"M W.WE,TH' A THASS MIGHTY A L IS HERE TO COMPORT MO,' I HAPPENED ASA RESULT T!J,t1fl I GOVAM1IMT K SPORTIKJ'O'TH' ) BIDDER VOKUM yf O' UNDERGROUND SfrJ ( CHEEBFULLV ) GOVAMINr K J " it J (NUCLEAR TESTING )JLj (ADMITS IT.V r-l' " ' I f . a, m . 'i- I HAVEN T CALLED h alp 1 HERES vX'? NWj .-., SEED IT T I " ( COME? . ( - (OLSOstV..- phonebook, V "V. .-N-r- v e"-- 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1. 1 ; O ' ' s. .a i o o o Anewer t Prsviftut PuttU INE 5 O R Tl Ig EC O I 1-1 LiQssssmsisa3 III Sir pIeIaJmisWa E Slop lEaIrinI 5mTTtieT 1 U SJEI JLX 2 y R A70nM,-lL-!lsstfig w T C a BloiMisr" a aw5 L E eIntIrIeiei elai n& gtTSlElRisl irIaItItIaIn 35 Deposited 38 Dispositions 0 Meat dish 43 Sailor 45 Sway 47 Danger 49 Sulk 50 Stratford river 51 Care for 52 Painful 54 Rescue 5 Fencing sword 56 Rip 59 Golf device Wed., May 9, 1962 The News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. 13 -a It Your Paper Hat Not Arrived By 6:15 P.M. Dial OR 2-3321 Between 6 & 7 P.M. Saturday Only 3 To 5 P.M. FROM NINE TO FIVE "We're making up our i ni By o Fischer vacation schedule." Lutheran Women Hear Reports At Group Meeting In Umqpua By MRS. GEORGE MUNSON I Mrs. Paul I'rben of Umpqm was I hostess (or the St. John's Luther an Women's Missionary League meeting held in the recreation hail of the church recently. At the business meeting, reports were given by those who had at tended the district league meet ings in Albany and the zone meet ing in Medford. Devotions were then conducted by the Rev. E. Borchardt. Quilting was the work of the day. Colltgt Visit Mads Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Murphy of L'mpqua and Mrs. Km ma Lansing of Cottage Grove, drove to Mon mouth Saturday where they were i guests of the Murphy's daughter, Peggy, who is attending college there. The former attended a meet ing of the Dad's council, of which he is a member. Mr. and Airs. George Trombo of Long Beach, Calif., former resi dents of this area, were house guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anderson near Umpqua. They were on their way to Can ada, to spend a short vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson of Grants Pass were weekend guests at the Robert Monett home. Mr. and Mrs. James Nichols of Eugene were guests Friday at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Archie Moore. Andtrson Visits Lloyd Anderson of Eugene spent a few days at the home of his : parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ander son. I FPC Members Set Fish Tour WASHINGTON (AP)-All five members of the Federal Power Commission plan to tour Pacifie Northwest power and fish facili ties June 17-22. The commission announced a tentative itinerary Tuesday call ing for arrival in Portland, Ore., Dy plane June 17. The commis sioners will return individually to wasmngion June 23 and 24. I The tour will include a visit tu the Bonneville Power Administra tion, inspection of Columbia and Snake River dams and dam sites and of the Canadian portion of the Columbia, and observation of fish farming and experimental facili ties. During the trip the commission ers will confer with Bonneville officials at Portland, the North west Public Power Association at Seattle, the Mountain States-Pa Icific Conference of the National Association of Railroad and Utili ties Commissioners at Seattle and I officials of Pacific Northwest pow ler companies at bpokane. The last scheduled event will be la June 22 tour of fish farming facilities of the Washington De partment of Fishcrcics in the Puget Sound area. The commissioners will visit Grand Coulee June 20 and go by plane to Columbia Lake and ice fields, which are sources of the Columbia River, to inspect poten- tial dam sites. SWEETNESS AND FLIGHT LULA, Miss. (AP) Due to his sensitive nose, Dr. Namo Veates keeps his office fresh by spraying perfume around every now and then. This practice backfired in one case. A male patient arrived home smelling s'veet and his auspicious wife opened up on him with a pistol. The fellow ran for his life but was plugged in the leg. So back he went to Dr. Yeates, office to have the bullet cut out. "1 didn't charge him," Dr. Yeates said. Please publish the following classified ad for days i Enclosed $ . Be lure to encloss payment. Count 5 words per line. Codification NAME ADDRESS Mail Your Classified Ad With Payment To The Classified Advertising Department, The News-Review, Roseburg, Oregon . News-Review Classified Want Ads MARKET PLACE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Read For Profit Use for Results! Mr. and Mrs. B. Siarr drove to Eugene Friday to visit their daugh ter, Eleanor, who is an instructor in the school of nursing at Sacred Heart Hospital. She returned home with her parents for a short visit. The youth group of the l'mpqua Sunday School will hold ils next meeting in the Sunday School Build, ing at L'mpqua Monday at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. and .Mrs. Guy Zoh ring will be special guests of the evening. The Rev. Mr. Zchring will be in charge of the dcvotionals and Mrs. Zchring will direct the music. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lane will be the hosts of the evening. i i SUBSCRIPTION RATES ll flre - By Mail - ni minth, I fl.15; thru iMRtlit, $1.31; in LMatbs, $S Mt m ieit. M.H. Outittfi tt Ofllil Sr Mil - Ht Mth $1.13: tkrei nMll. S3.I3; HI antht, SU.5I; )'. i:i Cirriti Raitlurg P. 0. Bmi -0m $1.13; tu mnlii, SI 1 51; tu yiar. Par Smi't Cii ie Unl Ralas Apply fljli ii City Limits Mul Suascnptiaii Muit It ri la JMi-iaca PAPER DELIVERY If your paper is not delivered Coll OR 2-3321 Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM FROM THE HEART OF A LITTLE GIRL Daddy, if you know we're hungry, Know, that we are very poor, It must break your heort in heaven 'Cause you never did insure! Mamma wonders why you didn't Save the dimes you threw away; But you felt too strong and healthy For insurance, people soy. You were taken without warning, Leaving us to fight alone. You'd have taken out insurance, Daddy, if you'd only known! 'Twasn't that you didn't love us, I recall how dear you were; But your little girl must suffer 'Cause you failed to save for her! Mamma just can't make the living! She is wearing out, she soid! I shall have to miss some schooling For the sake of daily bread. When she's gone, I guess they'll take me To a place of charity To be clothed and fed; but, Daddy, It can ne'er be home to me! Mary's daddy left insurance, And their home will still be theirs. They're not hungry. Sometimes Mary Gives me cost-off clothes she wears. They don't have to take In sewing, Mary's mamma doesn't cry, For her daddy left insurance, But you didn't daddy why? Annie Denman, E. G. District Mutual Of OMAHA Life Insurance Hotpilel coverage 7M SE Jackto.i Res. It's Easy To Place A News-Review CLASSIFIED WANT AD Mail Your Want Ad Today! Be sure to count the address ondor telephone number. WRITE YOUR AD BELOW ' C(a55ifiecl Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES AavcMiSini lot Bunnell V. it nit ftost!iur 1ri3 ifi Card ot Thoiks SI. 50 I -Day rota 2 lines ... 3-Doy rate 2 lines . 6 -Day rate 2 lines ... 30-Dqv rate 2 lines I -Day rote 3 lines ... 3 -Day rate 3 tines .., 6-Day rate 3 lines ... 30-Day rate 3 lines ... 1.00 1.75; 5.5o : I 1.50; 2.50: 3.50 7.50 CREDIT Abot rites subject to SO cnti ,fV!Ct cMjrjt tot cedii DEADLINES Private Pi'ty Ajvadinni 7 P M. Day P'lor t Pu3 1 1 tit i o.i. l:n h a .s-Revitw rerv tnt f.( u to dissi'i. eoit or tiiit anjr Classified AJ cop ADJUSTMENTS It your Hvanitrmmt apofirs incorrectly, notify us immediately. Via mil not bo responsible tor more trart one incorrect i n iff t-ot Such ifiponjtbilttT it limited to a conect insertion a advertisement RHunlt Will Nut Be Nil Mere Thu U Days Personals IN DEBT? DON'T let bills cost your lob. your credit, everything you own l if you are In debt beyond vuur Ability to pay and sincerely want to gel out ol debt, see BUDGET CON SULTANTS and have us explain our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. One place to pay all bills, at a pay ment you can aflord. No security. r.s t-9gnv- NOT A LOAN COMPANY - Budget Consultants , Licensed and Bonded Roseburg, Oregon Ph. OR 2-3591 433 SE Main St. HIGH Manaqer United of OMAHA Income protection for any eg Bus. OR 3-103 OR 3-4003 CASH RATES Lines 3 Davi 6 Days 30 Days 2 $1 75 $2 50 $ 5.50 3 2 50 3 50 7.50 4 3.25 4.50 9.50 5 4 00 5.50 11.50 6 4.75 6 50 13 50 Above rates subject to 50c service charge for credit. Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An. onymout Or 3-429. yOUNG WOMEN ol nyaith needing con fidrntlal advice may contact Catholic Char ities, lit w. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon. Diamond S-J64I Where To Go 10 UP THE CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE Can be a real lough situation, But at least you won't go hungry when you have a picnic lunch from THE BROILER All you need is the appetite, we have the rest. Plates, Utensils, Napkins, Cups, Broiled Chicken, Salads, Rolls and Dcsert. So the next time you're up the creek, be sure and have a lunch from, THE BROILER 719 SE Cass OR 3-3445 Banquet Room Available At No Extra Cost REGULAR FAMILY PRICES es lT Notic I WILL NOT BE reiponjlble lor any debts vmii "mmi my own. Edward L. Rife Lost & Found 12 FOUND PARAKEET OR 3-US LOST Male cat,' dark tiger striDti, tTtoei on front leet. Reward. Pleaie call OR 3-5247. alter p m. Help Wanted 14 CARETAKER for email aot. house. 3 roomi turn, with utility. 52$ SE Lane. MONK mFV F YOU want to make more money than rw vcr inouonr possible and still t assured of steady work with a very prom, islng future - apply at Ml SE Stephens, 'A ? m- weekdays. OR cell OR 7-3681. Help Wanted Men 15 WEST COAST LUMBER grader. Apply Mile Feero, 3m(lesiouthof Dlllard. MEN wanted tor motel mTnagemenTTra li mg. See Classification 19. WANTED Energetic 1 "dealerfo7iiclui0 new appliance. Good profit Hem. Every nome owner a prospect. Ph. Eugene PA 6-72O0 or write Box 44-. FJ d..,i..u TRAILWAYS DRIVERS neededat oncd " ' v-'waT cxperienc oeuraoie out not required. 20-20 vision without glasses. ,...., ,, tnoracter a muir. ir nor available Immediately do not apply. 'Con- ITT, - rear., rrtone Ul 3161, Euaene. O rearm, fnr inisti-ulouj TRUCK SALESMAN Good opportunity for man who knows trucks ... ,.,, UUBi wai io me ngm man. Sea -Mr. Bortut or Mr. Boone. BARCUS MOTORS Your DODGE Truck Dealer 1420NE Stephens. OR 3-5566 MAN WANTED Need capable local young man tor ne usmiin. uuil inCIUOO msKJB COStller and credit work. Accounting experience or training holplul, tome tales experience de sirable. Salary, achievement bonus, retirement plan company Insurance, elc. Excellent oppor tunity for advancement. Phone tor per tonal Interview. The Sherwin-Williams Co. 5tl se Jackson OR 2-3531 ATTENTION YOUNG MEN With or without experience HERE is an excellent opportunity for a young man to join an or ganization and enter the business field even though he may not have experience. WE will train and develop the man selected. Base income while training is $455 per month, with bonus added after training. THE position is interviewing per sons after a very intensive adver tising campaign. REQUIREMENTS are clean back ground, a desire to meet and talk with other people, able to be away from home four nights each week, car in good condition and be legal age or over. This is a full time position. WRITE: Personnel Box 7047 Salem, Oregon and give your name, marital status, age, phone number and address. Help Wanted Women 16 WOMEN wanted for motel management train lng.See ClassHlcahon J9. LIVE IN 'child' cere and housekeeping, ISO mo. Call Srtlr1eyLOR 1-407 before 1:30 p.m. "BEAUTY operator "wanted. Irene'a Beauty Shop. ' WANTED Woman with torn bookkeeping and credit experience. Good salary good working condlfiona. Fringe benefits, WEISFIELD'S INC. 650 SE Jackson OR 2-1606 Work Wanted 17 BABY SITTING, my house. OR J-3M IRONING in my home. Winston area. Call OS 9-m alter 3:X. BABY SITTING my" home day. Pay by day or hour. Or houtec lean ing. OR 3-8507. PLOWiNuT"AND DISCING OS-Ss atr 4 LAWNMOWINO rototflllng tree removal. Have pickup. OR 3-7105. t WASHING. "IRONINCT AND MENDING. OR 3-16M. ALTERATIONS both men's and women's. Call etter ep.mOR 3-13tr BABYSITTINO my home, days or OvesT. Green OUt. OR 3-370t. ABYSlfTINO."my home, dayt- Pay by rtav or we k. OR wia or c Instruction 19 PRIVATE 0lVINO INSTKUCTIONI or rcw WOT E L MANAGEMENT: WENT-WOMEN ANO COUPLES wanted for lmmdlit. tr.tnlng. Ectlltnt Murt. Amsrlcin, Inc., Box 4a, AMAZING lot of values in one place - that's ! "Miscellaneous For Sale"