8 The News-Review, Roteburg, Ore. Tuei., May 8, 1962 UUIKOTICS r nones or personal watam tax varraws KOTICE IS H2HEiK GIVal to you wkose nars tro hereinafter set forth that for the reason of delinquency of the payment of the taxes on the hereinafter described personal property for the year and in the amounts as sol forth, that the tax collector Tor Douglas County, Brecon, 'has issued warrant to enforce payment or the said taxes, together with Interest thereon to date of issue or said warrants, against the following .named persons as the respective owner of the several personal properties hereinafter described, as appearing on the latest tax rolli Tax Interest Total Warrant Oat of Vans of awntr Mntytten Ko Issue as shown by of property latest tax roll 1 Warrant Pate of llano of Owner inscription Tear of Mo. Issue as shown by of property delinquency . . latest tax roll 11 3 b 5 10 u 12 13 lb IS 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 2U 26 2? 28 29 31 32 SAS62 tester Adams dba Kach. & equip. Lester Adams Const. Co. SAS6? Earl & Bill Allen dba Hdse. 6 Fix. Allen brothers United Service SAS6? Orvill C tt ifary Allen Per. Prop. 51562 Ross J. Bovleo dba Alsea Lumber Co. Hach., equip. & ndse. 51562 Deltert Anderson Cacti, & equip, 51562 Larry W. Anderson Per. Prop. 5156? Cloy Anlauf tuck. & equip. SAS6? lolet army Kach. 6 equip. 5156? turene S. Arnold dba logglAS equip. Arnold Logging Co. - 5156? C.A. Asselin 51562 Ervin P. Ax. Cach. Si equip, equip. 1957 252.72 83.10 1956 (67.90 j&.Oi 1957, 23.13 9.28 1953 27.05 1959 L25.67 72.36 1960 33.17 3.1-Jt 1961 53.1a .60 1959 92.57 J5.71i 1953 7.77 1.9li 1953 51i.ll' 13.53 W59 50. Ill 8.52 1960 16.36 U.1T 1957 156.U 50.05 1957 70.90 23.t0 58 53.1:0 J3.35 1959 20. PS a.91 1960 29.0U 2.61 1961 , J0.79 .31 1956 30.96 12.07 1957 73.3li 2li.20 1953 73-19 18.30 1960 33.37 3-1:5 1955 71.28 31.93 1956 56.1:5 23.Ui 1957 U.80 U79 1.3 L5 U w 16 336.12 123.91i 37.1:1 19 27.0S 193.03 I1I.6I 53.98 620.67 50 51 103.31 9.71 67.61s 53.66 .-'6.1.6 9li.30 66.75 33.79 31.65 21.10 2E77J7 1:3.03 97.Sli .91.1:9 532.06' 1.1.82 55 106.21 79.59 . 59.58 ns.yi JA562 Bakor Logelng Co. Bach, fi equip. 1956 5156? Elwood It Irene Sercvell 1959 dba L.S. logginc Co. livestock, men. I960 tt equip. 321.60 131.86 153.1)6 167.S3 119.50 23.53 10.76 5AS6? Harry F. Darker 4 John i. I-lcCall For. Prop. SAS6? LeRoy & Uyitt 3srnett Woe. i Stock dba Harnett Used Care 51562 Merle 0. Bashore dba Mac., ?ur. & S'inuton Jewelers Fix. 1953 195? 1960 7.S5 1.96 17.91 6.77 tl.53 3.77 51562 l.L. Bass Hach. tt equip. 5A562 Beaver Food Service Pur. , Fix. , ! Hdse. 51562 Eblyn W. Bennett Farm Impl, & livestock 51562 Borsaw & Chandler dba Per. Pro. B 4 H Logging Co. ( 51562 Olen E. Beymer dba Per. Prop. B 4 W Logging Co. 5A562 O.J. Blelman ft Henke Hdse. equip, dba Bielman-Hsiuce Shingle Co. 1957 6?. 73 20.70 1958 89.83 22.U7 1959 Ii8.60 8.26 1V60 73.59 6.62 1961 27.02 .lil 1955 30. 27 1I1.O3 1956 1.0.82 I6.7I1 1956 115.1:2 1:7.32 ly57 103.9li 3iO0 1957 155.56 51.33 1955 176.96 86.71 5A562 Ernest Bilger I'jcli. It equip. SAS62 Hal Billing Per. Prop. 51562 Paul S. Billlngaley Hdse. 51562 Addle Diss dba Swing In Service Hdse,, hit. It rix. 51562 Wilson Boy SAS6? P.P.. eratton Per. Prop. Kach. tt equip. 5A56? P.C. Bripfi dba Miles., Fur. 6 Western Saw and Karine Fix 51562 Boyd Brougher db Fur., It Fix. Figure Fasliioit 5A56J Ollbert Brewer dba Ilach. equip. Brewer Bros. Logging Co 1955 1956 957 .958 1959 1951a 1955 1058 1959 153 1959 1957 1953 1059 1960 1961 1959 I960 1959 1960 i960 67.10 76.1:0 33.32 3li.71 2.51 53.66 11.15 l.Lo 5.1-5 7.63 10.U 77.25 91i.50 90. 3U 76.07 52.99 73.12 56.67 32.77 o.o5 3C.E7 29.SO 11.00 8.63 30.58 S.W 1.91 1.77 2S.L9 23.62 15.36 6.S5 .79 12.1:8 5.10 t.59 e.10 196.36 130.26 36.62 9.31 26.63 15.65 112.35 56. 86 80.21 27.1:3 360.23 1.5.10 57.56 162. 71i 13'1.?1 2C6.69 263.67 97.97 106.20 li!i.32 lt3.39 2.9b eii.Jii 16.61 l.LO 69.79 7170 9.5U 1.?1 5T775 102.7U 118.12 1C5.70 82.92 53.73 163.26 65.90 .61.77 U77T7 37.36 93.15 135751 171.60 15.U1 IS7.0I1 33 5156! layton Brown Per. Prop. 1956 11:3.29 53.75 JOJ.rti 1957 72.05 23.78 95. e3 1953. 35.30 8.63 U..13 "kij.oo 3i SAS62 Charli R. Bruce " Hach., equip, 1953 ll?.!i!i 28.11 11,0.55 Fam imp. - 1959 7li.91 12.73 67.tti 1960 79.29 7.11a epjjj 3K7SS 35 5A562 Carl H. Bryan Fur. Fix 1960 16.22 I.I16 17.63 36 5A562 Bay M. Buchanan. Per. Prop. 1957 $0.90 29.9? 120.8? 37 51562 John Budd dba Per. Prep, 1957 13.50 6.11 :u.el Budd 4 Karris 38 5A562 lyl Buell dba Lyles Tawrn and Cafe. Mse, Pur., it 19T 163.02 27.71 10.73 FU. lvtO lol.'JJ 11,. 57 17b.50 l.K- 153.uO 2.30 1:.7Q "5::.9J 39 5A5bl I. Buell t D. Graves Fur. , Tix, ltO 20,ti 1.86 ?:.50 11 1.'.7 .19 1?.- 1-tO 23.21 2.P 25. 30 1901 10.91a .25 17.19 1'tO 1:3.59 3.2 67.51 1961 3t,.(i5 .55 37.1.0 150 1J.71 1.77 21.1:3 19tl 10.73 .02 If.W 193.15 1:0 5A?2 1 and Dorothy Jane Buhl I960 ;J.J6 1.76 2o.92 dba A 6 D Feed Store Ms., Stork, Fur. Fix. o 11 51562 E.C. Buralk Farm InQ S 19 - .?5 Livestock 1"'. t.75 .81 5.5o lo L.is .9 L.7U 19ol .03 . .03 , '..11 l57cS O 12 5A567 Can Calvert Per. Prop. 1953 67.70 Li.00 111.70 56 60 61 62 63 6U 65 66 67 63 6? 70 71 72 7U 7S 76 77 73 7? 80 81 82 33 8!j 65 66 67 83 8? 90 91 92 5A562 Robert II. Cameron & Tractor L.l. Klllmick dba C.K.C. Logging Co. 51562 3.1. Carlisle dba Jim's Auto Repair; 51562 Cue Carlson 51562 H.H. Carlson, dba The Cedars 51562 Carter Jewelry 51562 A-11. Cass dba B & C Lumber Co. & Cass Lumber Co. Kach. It equip, livestock Pur.' & Fix. Fur., Fix. ,61 Inventory Hach. 4 equip. 5A562 P..A. Cavin 5A562 Roy Chandler Fam Imp. Per. Prop. 5156? Horman T. Chappell Kach. It Equip, dba Chappell Logging Co. Fur. k Fix 52 5A562 A.J. Churchman Per. Prop. 53 51562 O.V. & Hazel Churchman Farm Imp. It equip. 5!l 5A562 David Clark, dba livestork, Northwest Cattle Co. Farm imp. 5A562 Josle Claughton dba Hach. It equip. Valley Trucking It Repair 51562 E.A. Clauson dba C & F Logging Co. Equipment 51562 Mason R. Cleveland Hach. k equip, db 10 Logging Co. Inc. 51562 Ken Cllne dba K.C. Logging Co. Lynn's Cafe 51562 Lloyd E. Cochran 51562 C.R. Clumpner 51562 Warren Coleman Duight S. Collins Hach. & equip. 5A562 51562 5A562 51562 W.D. Coleman & Pamell C. L. Compton D. O. Conner, dba Phillips Oarace 51562 Russell Cook, dba Oregon Food Plan 51562 5A562 Tom Cook Don Coon, dba Superior Service Station Livestock & fam mach. Per. Prop. Kach. 1 equip. Per. Prop,. Hach. i equip. Hdco., stock, Fur. tt vouip. Per. Piiiv. Hach., tquip, mdje. itock 5A562 Lauren J. Costelloe For. Plop, 51562 Don Cote 51562 SA562 SA562 SA562 Fam rv.cn. Jt livestc-;x ton Cote, 4)ba Fur., Fix 1 Inv. Fashion Floor Covering Harold Cox dba Harold's Tavern M.A. Crader Donald Arthur k Arlene Crumley dba Diamond C Lodging Co. 51562 J.H. Cummins dba Cumnins Automotive Hachino Hdse Per. Prop. Equip. Kach. & equip 51562 SA562 Robert 0 Duiielson Charles B Darling k Davidson dba Davidson and Darling Tear ef Tax kite rest Total Warrant Date ef Kane or Owner delinquency k0. issue as show by l-TU.1t tlx roM fjei-sriettan of property 1956 1957 51.L5 10.53 20.07 71.52 9h 3.1:7 U.0O 95 96 1953 36.L1 9.10 1:5.51 195? 12.51 2.13 Hi.ct 1960 19.0U 1.71 20.75 1961 51.35 .77 52.12 07 133707 1959 lu.82 2.52 17.3li 1960 11.72 1.05 12.77 98 1961 6.5li .10 6.6I1 "36775 1957 183.65 60.60 2UL.2S 1951i 1955 1956 1957 1959 M.lli 30u.91 111.17 157.09 90.3U 26.87 119.1:0 L5.53 5l.8li 15.35 99 100 1953 2.78 . 70 3.U3 195? 3.39 . 58 3.97 1960 1.93 .18 2.11 1961 2.2U .03 2.27 TT733 1957 65.LS 23.20 113.65 1960 51il.89 li8.77 590.66 1957 l,268.1i6 U8.59 1,637.0? 1958 1,227.35 306.03 l,53li.l8 1959 633.W 107.69 71.1.16 1958 6.03 - 6.03 1959 163.32 27.76 191.03 1960 135.95 12.23 11:6.13 b,3?U.3u 1956 I1I6.68 171.65 590.33 1957 U:5.6S U7.06 592.71 1,183. 6I1 1958 2.1:0 - 2.1i0 1960 35.72 3.21 38.93 T3733 198 15.50 - 15.50 1960 HJ..29 12.99 157.28 1961 60.29 .90 61.19 533757 1958 .liO - .UO 1959 3.60 . 61 li.21 1960 3-12 . 53 3i65 875C 1957 591.07 195.05 736.12 195? 158, 9 26.93 135.67 1960 233.93 21.50 260.1.3 Luo.lO 1957 JluliO 11.35 15.75 71i.01 li51i.31 156.75 208.93 10S.6r 102 103 lOli 105 106 ' 107 103 109 Fur U Fix. 1953 1.30 195? 35.39 6.02 1960 33.56 3-02 1961 30.86 .I16 Per. Prop. 1 1960 57.55 5.13 Per. Prop. 1955 163.06 79.39 1956 103.51 Ii2.l:3 1.30 lil.lil 36.58 31.32 110.61 113 62.73 m 21:2.95 11:5.91, 3B3787 1956 1957 1960 1956 I960 I960 26.27 10.77 37. Oli 7.36 60.66 63.30 72.63 5.63 2.',3 S.16 9.79 66.12 115 116 117 118 28.00 96.30 6.51i 79.22 11? .51 6. Hi 120 1955 1957 1953 1960 1961 15.17 7.58 23.05 l2li 33.57 U2. 36 130.90 lc7.9!i 11.03 103.09 11.78 2.52 Ui.65 125 515.W 126 11:2.63 170.1,6 3TJ7IS Per. Prop. 195 3u.71i 11.1:6 !i6.20 hach. 4 equip. 1957 5!i.60 13.02 72.62 1953 1,2.63 10.67 53.35 1959 31.73 5.91 lo.hi 5A562 Honroe E Bavi 51562 J. 9. Deal S1562 lemon C. Dean Kaon. 6 equip. Livestock Per. Prop. Imp. on lano) SASA-2 telnar 1 Iris Deardorff Fans tmp. livestock 5156? Janes S. Decker dba Fur., Fix., Consumer's Dept. Store at inv. 5156? riwln DeOnath 5A562 Soy S. Dnman Fan tap., livestock, each., It equipment Farm mach. k Livestock S15b2 CD. Dennis 4 Sons Contractor dba Dennis k Rennells equip. Construction Co. 5A562 C.L. Dietrich Fact'., equip. rdse. 1955 1957 1957 1953 1959 1953 1959 1960 1901 1957 1959 19cO 1901 1955 1956 153 I960 333.32 198.07 33.71 11.12 571.89 U1.B3 111.27 76.76 86.70 5TS77J .91, 25.23 25.33 26.55 737S5" 133.9? Li. 22 173.21 63.66 63.01 7li.l0 .81, 21.01 23.28 26.16 27.61 15.75 12.60 3.67 2.10 .3? 127 128 129 130 131 83.9I1 115.93 5. 71.7li 12.20 IO0.I1O 9.53 57.1? .36 9.2? ii.SS 13.SU l,:6c.x L?l.!,o 1.751.LO 1.X6 SJ.97 70.73 S..n 1.06 S1562 J.S. tooUlUe 1 ftT. Prop. Sn 515A-2 Hrtrt Doman, dba Fch., equip, urnan Roofing Co. nd.e., fur. .t: fix. S15c' rrlvin Levis Bounty Hach. e-jui?. ea Po-v.hty Jrofers 195i L?.30 27.53 1.96 6u.23 71.70 137773" 75.'3 P"3 ?.f5 - 2.r? l.O? 19. 1.3 8.U 57.:a 77 1'53 l.'.OO ie.ro J'v ci.A) U.Olo 7,.n lyeo 33.17 J.U. tl.tl 19oi UM .k l'.n 73773 133 13i 135 136 137 133 no ui 5A562 Clarence Drisnell 1 '( eqjl-. Glen st Kenneth Miller 5A562 Donald Dulanay far-, .iac.'-. 51562 CP. Duncan Per. prp. 51562 Kobert Duncan dba Fach., equii., Duncan juildir.g fur., fix., t Supply Co. merciianCise 51562 Vs. C. Dunlan doa Fur. Fix, CaiyonviLle Auto Parts Tear ef oelinquency 1956 Ta Interest Total 5A562 Phillip Durnan 51562 Woman S Dueten doa Lutman k Dusten Hdse, Fur. & Fix. Per. Prop. SA562 Hrs. D. Restarting Hds. 7W. i dba Easterling paj'less Fixtures 51562 A.-H. loward ;-;ach. St equip. 51562 Harry ' Margaret Ele Per. ?rop. J'ach. ri equip. 5A562 O.J. Sndicott aba Endicott Lodging Co. 5A562 Thomas iipoing Fate Farm inp. 1 livestock 51562 Al Farenbaugh dba Man., Tur. i F 4 W Floor Coveriiig fixture 51562 H.9. Folks 51562 D.3. Fox Per. Prop. Hach. A equip. 51562 Leonard 0 French, cba Md:e.,eqjip Canyonville Fruit St ?ur. !t Fix. Produce 5A562 Herman Fujate Far i'no. 5A562 Olen Sarboltien 5A562 V.H. fiardiner Per. Prop. Farm Ix.p. 3t Livestock 1951i 1955 1956 1953 1956 I960 1956 1957 1953 195? 156 195? 1959 1961 1959 1959 1960 1961 1958 1957 1953 195? 1960 1956 1960 1961 1958 I960 1961 1957 1953 51562 Dale V. Oastafson dba Hdse., fur. k national Auto lilass fixtures 51562 A.V1. nervals dba Gervais Logpin Co. 51562 Joi!i B Gilbert 5A562 Walter li. Glllett Hach. H equip. Per. Prop. Per. Prop. cciuij.. 1957 35.07 11.57 iic.'J, 121, 5A562 1956 3.0 - 3.03 195? 1A3.62 25.26 173.33 1960 H,0.2U 1.7.62 152. S6 1961 131.3U l.?3 133.32 . TITO 1956 62.51 25.63 83.1i 122 5A562 1951, 65.70 37.L5 103.15 1955 70.7U 36.66 105.1:0 . 553755 123 5A562 1956 79.92 32.76 112.69 51562 W.R. Godwin Jr. dba Itach , Limber Llio Lodging, uo. 51562 James Oourley It Sons Hach., equip., 1 dba Gourley It Sons Merchandise Logging 5A562 Ted & Darrell Gourley Fur. It Fix. 5A562 Paul V. Graham Equipment Virgil It Belva Grant Farm Imp., mach. tt equip. June S. Griffin dba Fur. Fix. Anlauf Lodge S1562 George C. Grimm dba Fur., Fix., Si Grimm's Grocery Inventory 51562 Kaynard Ourney 5A562 J.D. Hollamn Farm imp. Per. Prop. 51562 Opal Hagan, dba Fur., Fix. 4 Big Harry' a Trading Hdse. Post 5A562 Harry D. Hagberg dba Hach. equip., Rambler Center tndse., fur., ti Tlx. 5A562 Joseph Haillecka dba Kach., equip., Riddle Lumber tt Supply Hdse. , fur. & fix. 5A562 Philip Hamilton Machinery 5A562 David Herdekspf dba Hach. i equip. Dave' Reralr Shop 132 SAS62 Vesley Barrieoft 51562 O.J. Kartnan 5'15o2 t3wooo Tarvey Farm lrs. St eauis. Per. Prop, lac. I eff:ib. 51562 Dianond It. Vatcrer 'c' ' eq'iin. dba Palladium Gold Niina SA562 u.l. avilind .r. Prop. L2.35 17.36 59.71 1953 20.70 5.13 25.53 1?55 52.52 25.73 73,25 1956 2.55 1.05 3.U5 W57 2.69 . 39 341 1956 Ui.63 17.57 62.25 171.50 102.U, 39.?d 97.76 S0.01, 36.3? 269.26 15?. 13 1?6.?7 513731 33.1,3 9.61 L3.0!, Li.22 13.13 62. 55 U,.3!i li.Cli u3..'J li6.?2 52.07 29.37 30.73 19.21, 17.32 7.3li 5.23 66.16 69.79 36.71 36.01 203.67 11.33 L.6S 15.93 122.23 20.73 11:3.01 11:?. 95 109.00 177.36 220.30 iSi.71 261.0U 25.W 1.63 Ul.3li 37.514 16.35 3.92 53.73 l!.69 120.25 96.68 85.07 M 130.25 32.31 19.13 39.63 ?1,.17 II4.U6 7.60 53.1.0 2.26 2.59 25.20 152.13 13.6? 115.20 1.73 5.31 1.33 175.Ui lin.'.3 i?3o."bT 221.70 Vv.'.Ou 261:. 90 5E3705 73.U 159.93 120.0s 99.51 92.03 133.6S 3I..57 2'.07 5o75C 25.20 165.32 11.93 357755 5.96 C.'J, T57U5 1960 9.81 .83 10.6? 1961 9.65 .Hi 9.79 Tom 1959 21.53 3.66 25.19 1960 L9.61 6.I16 5.'i.Q7 T?753 1953 725.33 131.35 906.73 1957 30.30 10.00 10.30 1953 30.82 7.71 33-53 1960 27.97 2.51 30.33 1961 30.1i!l .1:6 30.TO 6T723 1958 ' 2.55 - 2.55 1960 Ui.63 li.02 I18.6S 1961 1,1.99 .63 1:2.62 5373? 1960 1C63 .96 11.59 1961 10.62 .16 10.78 55737 1956 130.90 7b.l7 255.07 1956 13.10 5.37 18.1,7 1957 18.1,3 6.08 21i.Sl 1953 20.5L 5.Ui . 25.68 1959 18.1,5 3.1li 21.59 1960 lli. 82 1.33 16.15 1961 13.71 .28 13.99 15573? 1959 63.17 10.71i 73.91 1960 17.96 1.62 19.58 53715 1959 89.93 15.30 105.23 1960 82.0li 7.38 89.12 1961 58.50 . 83 59.33 5517753" 1956 2li6.05 100.88 31.6.93 195? 9.1.2 . 1.60 11.02 1960 9.90 . 6? 10.79 537EI 1957 20.30 6.70 27.00 1953 ' 2I..33 6.21 31 -Oli S875S 1958 95.12 23.78 118.90 i960 220.37 19.83 21.0.20 19ol 163.15 2.Ui 165-59 t5577? i960 78.31 7.05 85.36 1956 3.26 1.3li I1.6O 1956 130.20 53.38 133-53 lcS.W 1953 26.99 6.75 33.7li 1959 31.1.8 5.35 36.83 1960 I1O.06 3. 60 1,3.66 1961 23.61a .35 23.?9 133755 1953 12.W - 12.L0 1959 75.96 12.91 88.37 19eO 165.01 U..SS 179.86 19ol 122.u9 1.8U 12!i. 33 L05.L6 1956 3.58 3.61, 12.52 1957 9.27 3-C6 l-1 1?59 9.6o l6.?li 110.60 1960 1M1 1.-9 I'-."' lycl 5.?9 .09 5.' 1057 "2.69 30.5? 123.23 1953 90.76 21..1? 30-')5 51562 1'ajtar Per. Vren. 1958 2.'.?6 5."? 2?.L' 515c2 Cral; leath Per. .To-.. 1957 UO.?!. U.51 137. 15 5A562 CD. Vedterg lachintry 1;. liv.Cl 60.00 2;i.C 51562 rl t. -erricc cei lie!, i e-.te. V", 57.31 23.32 o.U jliuc 'lcir licr. Co l;.io l.Cy 7.10 2,..' q 1957 1. 7- S,62 -Xxf '-ejilir. ota ;.ach. i eq-.ip 1-cO 11.70 l.CS 1V7S fcia Cycle Club :.-. & Stock i.Jcl aV.li .37 25. .'1 T3755