Mon., May 7,' 1962 The Newi-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Si Home Rule Charter Measure Included On Benton Ballot ! o PATRONIZE NEWS. REVIEW ADVERTISERS Tonight "PARRISH" Troy Donahue Claudette Colbert Karl Maiden plus "THUNDER IN THE SUN" Susan Hayward Jeff Chandler Bath in Color Box Office Open, 7:00 Show at Dusk Open 6:45 Show. 7:00-9:15 HURRY! Ends TUES! Walt Disney ..L5iniirr. . i HERE COMES H1TN02FTheBIG 3! Starting Wednesday STATE FAIR NONE DAMN TWIN MUCK WHi- FArt CORVALUS (AP)-On the bal lot in Benton County is a proposed home rule charter that would put into effect a council-commissioner form of government. It would establish a seven-member council as a legislative body and retain the county court as the administrative body. The positions of sheriff, clerk, treasurer, survey or and assessor would become ap pointive by the commissioners, subject to the approval of the county council. The charter also would redis tribute the functions of the county among six departments. The main changes would allow for central ized purchasing through a finance office, collection of taxes by the finance office instead of the sher iff's office, and a public works de partment that would consolidate the work presently done in this field by the surveyor-engineer, and county court. Each depart ment would be uiider the super vision of an elected commissioner. The charter also would allow the county to initiate and super vise improvement districts, sub ject to remonstrance and referen dum, tions. The charter would go into ef fect next Jan. 1. At the May pri maries in 1W there would be an election on whether the county court is to be discontinued and its powers vested in the council. The council would have authority to appoint an administrator. The charter also would transfer the functions of the juvenile court, now under the jurisdiction of the county judge, to the circuit court. Five of the members of the coun cil would be elected from four zones to guarantee representation on the council to all areas of the county. The Corvallis zone, with a predominance of the population, would elect two. Two others would be elected at large. Opposition to the charter comes from those who feel the city of Corvallis will dominate the coun ty government, and those who feel the city of Corvallis does not have a full voice in county government. Hey Bub, get your DR. PEPPER DAIRY 'QUEEN 1144 W. Horvord Movie Showtime PIERRE Mother's Day at our house is going to be a special re lax fij I day, planned for Moth er, I'm taking the five child ren on o hiking trip, but, lest Mother forget those little ong els, I'm leaving her the child ren's latest portrait Chris took at his studio, 427 S. E. Moin Street. BILL Tuesday, May I. ml INDIAN THEATRE Doori open 6:45. Complete show 7:00-: IS. "Moon Pilot" 7:35-9:55. STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open Frl-Sat-Sun only. PINE DRIVE-IN Open Frl-Sat Only. CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN ( Sutter lin) Box office opens at 7:00. Show at dusk. "Par- rish" and "Thunder In The Sun." Monday, May 7, IfU INDIAN THEATRE Doors open :. r nmolete shows 7:00-9: 15. "Moon Pilot" 7:35-9:55. STARLITE DRIVE-IN Open FrI-Sat-Sun only. PINE DRIVE-IN Open Frl-Sat only. CLOVERLEAF DRIVE-IN (Sotherlin) Box office opens 7 p.m. Show at dusk. "Par rlsh" and "Thunder In The Sun." WINDOWS Expertly Washed P.J. BARDELLI OR 2-3837 t ij Th. following radio and television programs are printed as a fret public service far News-Review readers. All program listings are published as received from the respective stations. The News Review does not accept responsibility for variation from original schedules furniihed this newspaper. KPIC-TV Ch. 4 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 4:00 Continents t Classroom (Math) 6:30 Continental Classroom (Gov'nt) 9:15 ETV (Tuc-S., thru Frl.) 9:30 Play Your Hunch 10:00 Price Is Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impressions 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:55 Day Report 12:00 Jan Murray 12:25 NBC News 12:30 Romper Room 1: 0ft Young Doctor Malont 1 : 30 Our F ive Daughters 2:00 Mates Room For Daddy 2:30 Here's Hollywood 2:55 Afternoon Report 3:00 December Bride 3:30 To Be Announced 3:30 Blue Angels (Tues) 3:30 Men Into Space 4Wed-Thurs) 3:30 Home Show (Frl) 3:45 Public Service (Mon-Frl) 4:00 Public Service (Mon) 4:00 Talk of Ihe Town (Tues.. Wed., 4:00 Pet Corral (Frl.) 4:15-Pubc Service (Frl.) 4:30 Captain; Shipwreck MONDAY 5:30 Jeff's Collie 6:00 Northwest News 6: 15 Hunlley-Br inkley 6:30 Deputy 7:00 Sea Hunt 7:30 World Of Tomorrow 8:00 National Velvet 8:30 Price Is Right 9:00 87th Precinct 10:00 Thriller 11:00- Report 11:15 Tonight TUESDAY 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw 6:00 Northwest Newt 6:15 Huntley Brink ley 6:30 Rlpcord 7:00 Whiplash 7:30 The Defenders 8:30 Teen Date 9:00 Dick Powell 10: CO Cains 100 11:00 Report 11:15 Tonight LOST YOUR LICENSE TO DRIVE? SEE ROLF'S INSURANCE FOR FAST SERVICE Installments Available 939 S. E. Stephens: OR 3-8166 'Yam0 SERVICE IH SERVICE CUtRHHTEED PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO Cr TV In noieburt 23 Yesrs 1308 NC Staph em it Garten Valley let NEW ARRIVALS Princess in Dacron White & Pastels Latest No-Collar Elbow Length Sleeve Unpressed Pleated Skirt INTERESTING STYLES U'l to 24 Vi 598-1498 HOUSE of UNIFORMS 720 SE Main OR 3-4187 ROSEBURG RADIO and TELEVISION 9-9 Weekdays 9-5 Saturday 1455 W. Harvard OR 3-3002 Free Est'mates AM 0'k Guar. YOUR PHONE CALL m no mhi WILL PUT THIS Spact to Work for You, Youi Business THE NEWS-REVIEW KBE5-TV Cli. 5 PACIFIC STANDARD TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY :J5 Cooco Show :5-CBS News (except Tuesday! 10:00 Love of Life 10:30 Search For Tomorrow 10:4S Guiding Light 11:00 Colleoe of the Air 11:30 As The World Turns 13:00 Password 12:30 House Party 1:P0 The Millionaire 1:30 Verdict Is Yours 1 : 54 CBS News 3:00 Brighter Day 2:1S Secret Storm ?:30 Edge Of Night 3:00 Kaleidoscope 4:00 Johnnie Linn Show MONDAY 4:30 Higher Education And You 5:00 Uncle Bill Show 5:30 MapJc Land 4:00 Your TV weatherman 4:05 Channel 5 Report 4:15 Eric Sevareid, News 4:30 Cheyenne 7:30 The Real McCoys 1:00 Danny Thomas 8-30 Andy Griffith :00 Hennesey 9:30 I've Got A Secret 10:00 TBA 11:00 News Final TUESDAY 4:30 Sky Kinq 5:00 Uncle Bill Show 5:30 QuicK Draw McGraw 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4: OS Channel 5 Report 4:15 Eric Sevareid, News 4:30 Leave It To Beaver 7:00 The Fllntstones 7:30-Oobie Glllls 8:00 Red Skelton 8:30 Ichabod And Me 9:00 Garry Moore Show 10:00 Naked City 11:00 News Final KOIN-TV Ch. 6 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:0O College Ot The Air 7 30 Cartoon Time 8:00 Caotain Kangaroo 9 00 Calendar 9301 Love Lucy to oo video Vdisoe 10:30 Clear Horizon 11:00 Love Ot Life 1 1 : 30 Search Fi r Tomorrc 11 45 Guiding L'nht 17 00 HI Nfiohoor 12:30 As Nw WorW Turns 1:00 KOI N Kitchen 1:30 House Par.y 3:00 The Millionaire 2 30 Verdict Is Your 3- w Brighter Day 3:15 Secret Storm 3:70 Edg ot Ntqht 4:00 Cartoon Circus 4:15 Early Show V4! Newffene 4: 15 Waiter Cronkite, dens MONDAY 4- 30 Mantovanl 7:00 The Pioneers 7:30-To Tell The Truth 8:00 Golden Showcase 9:00 Danny Thomas Show 9:30 Andy Griffith 10:00 Hennesey 10:3O I've Got A Secret 11 00 Nlghtscent 11:30 R.C.M.P. TUESDAY 4:3" Kingdom ot the be 7:00 King of Diamonds 7:30 Mar? hal Dillon 8:00 Password 8 30 Oob'e Gillis 9:00-Red Skelton 9:30-lchabod and 10:00 Garry Moore Show 11 00 Niqhlscene 11:30 Border Patrol KEZI-TV Ch 9 PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME MON DA? THROUGH FRIDAY 11 00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 11:30 Yours For A Song II 00 Camojflage 11:30 Window Shoopintj 100 Dv in Court 1:25 ABC Midday Reoort 1:45 Homemaker Hints (Mon Wed.) 1 45 Farm Jojrnl (Tues. Thwrs 1 1-45 America's Newsreel (Fri) 7,-rAr Jne Wyman snow 2:30-ETV 3 0ft Oufn For A Oay 3-30 Open House 4 On Am-rlean Bandstand 4:30 Jack's Kartoon Clubhouse 5 00 Jack's (Cartoon Clubhouse (Mon. Wed. Frl) j: CO Teen Beat fTue,. ThurM MONDAY 5 30 All Star Theater 4:00 News Nine 4' 15 Evening Report 4 30 Matty's Funnies 7 00 ETV J 30 Cheyenne 8 30 The Rifleman 9:00 Surfside 4 10:00 B-n Casey 11:00 ABC News 11:15 News Nine Final TUESDAY 5'30 Broken Arrow 4:0O News Nine 4:15 Evening Report 4:30 Crusader : 00 Everglades 7:30 Buqs Bunny 8 00 Bachelor Father 8 30 The New Breed 9 so Yours For a Song 10:00 Suspicion 11:00 ABC NW1 11-15 News Nin Final Radio Programs-Mo idav thru Friday KRNR 1490 KC I om., PST, Monoay throuqn Saturday Lnwe'l Thomas 5 p.m.. PST, Monday through c'r- KRNR BrNoc....n. U ,rs. . d.y. ; "' j week, Monday through Saturday r ; r,M on the hour. Sunday through -cfurMy. j M0N0V THROUGH FRIDAY TBS features on the helt hour. Sunday-Sat- ; i) (T Ail NigM Show uraay rn Goss, 7:30 rn.. PST ViS' 4 05 Bab Johnson how 8 35 Sutherlln Hour 9.10 Monty Smith Show 11 00 CBS B-xk 1J:10 Montt Smith Snow 4:10 R'etc Johnson the 7 00 CBS Block 7-35 N gnf Watch II 00 All N'gi haw KQEN 1240 KC MONOAT THROUGH FRIDAY 4 00 Sign On 4 30 Local New 45 Weather Capsuie 4 50 Paul Harvey N?w ABC 4 55 Late News ABC 7 00 Frank Hemingey News ABC 7 30 Local News 7 35 City Hall Reports 7 5S S'ock Market Repo' on Don Alen News ABC I ij Ma i or League Scores 4 30-Locat N( 9 55 Late News ABC 10-00 Morning News ABC 10:15 TelW Test ABC 10:30 E change 10 4nNws 4 Notes 10:50 News For Women 10 is Lafe News ABC 11:55 Lae News ABC 12 00 Mid Day hews l?:IO-Sports News '3 SO Market Report 17 S5 Late News ABC 1:00 Local News 1 S5 Late Newt ABC 7 ECh3noe 2 55 Lle Nfr ABC 3 00 Frank HeTiingoey Mew ABC j )0 A- Oreier News ABC 3 IS Soeag O Sports ABC 3 SS Cte News ABC 4 00 Paul Harvey News ABC 4:15 Maior League Scores, 4 40 Local Sports 4-45 P-por From Th Capitol 5 O0-Edward P. Morgan ABC 515 Fish ft Gam Report S 3o-Chvron Newt ABC 5:45 HanK Weaver's Wetter Sports ABC 5: 55 Lai News ABC 4:00 Local Newt 4-! 5 Ma lor Leagu Scores 4 70 Business News 4 55 Lete News ABC 7 50 Civ Hall Reooii 7 55 Late Nws ABC 8 00 Teigun U:i5 Major League Scores 11:30 MusiC , n 55 News Fin! 1 11:00 Sign Off KYES 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRlD Y BROADCAST TIME: weHtoayv 4 a m. if 4 ti p m ; SwJavi f am I 5 p m MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY: 44-!l- news on m nouf; Wtnr-Vn if minutes past Tr how; news summary tfi 25 minutes past th nouri Communitv Ca ten- noon, WedM Thurt.f Sutherlin ren-Bat, -tar at 45 n.nutes past th hour p.r4 Sat.) ftotburg Tevrvfteit, I: JO p m. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Suy-Swap-Setl, Si Sat i Hi-Fi Club ): pm Self Sunday- am. von- rues., "hurt- Sat.- Counter- how chntlian Science Head, 9-45 .m., Po-nt, 45. Vo-v. lues., tito.. Ttxirt- Frl t glons, II m.j ftr14 O Fgtk WK. IJ M Stortes cr Pacific Powfinj, 17 . "on.,pm.; Luthtran Hour, I pm.t Pondeu Jen, Wed. Thuri., Frl i Vuscal Matin, I e m ., . ? pm.i M Muk, 1 .m.i Old Fthond Mor Tim., Thurt.j Walking Tt Beat, U I Revival Hour, a pm. no FREE GIFT WRAP, OF COURSE just wear a smile and ajtmlZCIl ,?VtV TfSsH IbWJ . . fit Freshest, newest shade for the sun. Inspired by that frolicky, rolicky fragrance for. fun . . flashing, dashing STRAW HAT RED ... to wear with an air the Straw Hat way . . . so chic '. . , so gay... so Faberga ; Straw Hat Red Oval Lipstick Extraordinaire $2.50 Sparkling Nail Glace to Match $1.50 Straw Hat Ensemble of lipstick with cologne $3.75 the set Knitted to perfection . . . this curvaceous sheath is traced with a delicate abstract pattern of white on a solid background. The round neck line dips to a very low. flattering backline. And, perfect fitting French bra cups are now framed in Power-net to keep them in place . . . "Maze", size 10 to 16, $12.95. Also 10 to 18 and 38 to 44 HANDBAGS $ from plus tai beautiful selection Nylon. . . Straw . . . Vinyl . . . Burlap , . . Others. Many with , zippers and pockets. Clutch style . . . Ring bags '. . . Bags with handles. Choose from white, black, ..fawn, bone. A "natural" Mother's Day gift.; PIMA JUMP SHIRT end SAILCLOTH SURFDIGGER by f MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL LUGGAGE Vinyl cover. . . Polished aluminum locks . . . Beautifully lined. ..Yes, it's washable. .. Choice of blue or white. 3-PC. SET 26" Pullman (full size) Weekender Troin Case COMPLETE . 195 plus tax Tailored with the good looks ond extra fashion touches 1 that White Stag knows you wont. Jump shirt has sleeve pocket and side-vents for in-or-out wear. Fly-front, knee-length Surfdigger has two pockets in back.two in front. "Sonforized Plus" cotton with easy-care finish. Pimq Jump Shirt $6.95 Surfdigger $6.95 Sizes 8 to 20. Navy, white, red, turquoiie. FREE GIFT WRAP, OF COURSE One HounFree Parking With $2 Minimum Purchase PARKING FOR 100 CARS AT MILLER'S WEST ENTRANCE Open Friday Night Until 9