Hispid out jQOfls ''jhorfe FhB Rbhobb r3ffij: Wnt, Atla D13! OR. 3 - l a Real Estate BEAUTIFUL acreage in the oaks, maples and myrtlewoods along river. Fisting, boat ing. Room (or horse or calt. Fruit, berries and garden. 1100 sq. ft. modern cottage home. OR 3-4442. Three Bedroom Westside With built-in oven and range, fireplace, fenced backyard and shade trees. In good neighborhood. OR 2-1915. CHplCE LOCATION THREE bedroom Westside home. Near schools, bus line and shopping center. Lois of expensive shrubs and landscap ing. Home in top condition, large rooms. Must sell In next 30 days. See this hem and we will discuss terms. Call OR 3-6571 days. OR 3-5321 after 4:30 p.m. Town O- Country Real Estate 1348 SE Stephens OR 2-1316 SPACE PLUS THREE bdrm home, 1" i baths, nice kitchen, dishwasher, garbage disposal, built-in range and oven, utility, huge parly room, large living room, fire place, double carport, beautifully landscaped. $20,750, FHA approved. SPARKLING new 3 bdrm home on river, Vi baths, dining room, large living rm, fireplace, double carport. gSx400 ft. lot. S 1 6,300. lerms. WESTSIDE LOCATION TWO bdrm, all modern, kitchen, din ing area, large living room, circulat ing fireplace, hardwood floors, attach ti jjsraa: t'w. terms. PLACE YOUR LISTINGS WITH US. CALL EVENINGS Paul H. Krueger OR 2-1994 Hfc el Nelson OR 3-402 Norman W. Scanland OR 3-8217 HOME and BUSINESS SALES and SERVICE DIRECTORY To List Your Firm Here DIAL OR 2-3321, Ask for Classified ALTERATIONS DOUBLE-BREASTED suits reslyled to sin gle. $19.95. Mrs. Gilford, OR 3-64B4. ALTERATIONS and plain sewlna. Guaranteed work. OR 3-34M. APPLIANCE REPAIR ELECTROLUX Sales, Service, Supplies. Electrolux rep., H. Floyd Tatum. OR 2-3878, Sulherlin 2793. ' P A R TS SALES S ER V I C E MAJOR - SMALL Generally 1 day service Best stock ot Appliance parti in .aunty TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 721 SE Oak OR 3-5521 NORGE and EASY Is the way lo buy appliances At Frank Bergh's Service parts bank lerms. PH OR 2-llifil U-Save Stamps AUTO REPAIR -SERVICE Winston Automotive General Repair and Tune Up Brake Service Tractor Service Gene Mlncher, 5SS Main St.. Winston Phone OS 9-5W6 eves os y-s-ia oays AUTOSERVICE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS General Auto Repair OR J.31S7 at' SE Rose t Oak Roseourg, Oregon Welly Wright Res. OR 3-S730 Swede MicKelson Res. OR MM BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES Beckwith Cycle Co. Motorcycles-Bicycles Trail Bikes Scooters SALES - SERVICE 28 W Harvard p.,1 2 BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. Young. OR 3-7419 COMPLETE building service. New, remodel, repair. Free estimates. OR2-4646. FOUNDATIONS" house raising, leveling, re pair. Work FHA approved. Cement, blXK work, lireplaces. Free estimates, Cal Mer ger OR 2-4345or 0 3-8844 ' PAT'S CABIN ET SHOP 1052 NW Keascy Road Cabinets Formic. Light Mill Work Pat Jannelli OR 3-5446 CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery CRANE SERVICE CRANE SERVICE ERECTION work, concrete pour'na. Call Cliff Thornton. dv or night. OR 2-2H04 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL WIRING, supplies. Open t days wk. Lansing & Oliver, OR '-4634, EXCAVATING. SAND, GRAVEL EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING Call OR 3-fl4i2 LARGE-ANDS VALLbaci'hoe work. ScwrV wflter lines. Shovel aid trontend loader, rental or contract, OR 3-41 19. DOZI NO, leveling ;"a!so gravel "rock, river loam and road materials. Charles Keely, OS 9-S117. Die R"K X CAV ATI N G Bonded and Injured Ditcrunq and sewer worn Dim! Isaacson, owner - operator OR 2-34B4 FLOOR FINISHING COVERING ience. Lnvlmj, sanding aVd finin.ng. Old doors ref.msried. OS 9-5752. PFAFF's Floor sanding, fimsh'nq and refinithing, OR 3-3S34 BOB ALLEN'S FLOOR COVERINGS 1570 S E. Stephens. Dial OR 2-1M1 Featuring DuPont's 501 Nylon Carpet. Wool Carpet of all quality and desinn Sales Installation GARDEN EQUIPMENT Moto Mower Ttneri and retory mowers Sates Serv.ce Parts ORVILLE'S FIXIT SHOP 531 NE Garden Valley Blvd. o OR 2-4311 34 1 34 .Real Estate FIVE BDM westside. Near school and stores. $11,000. 42? Fair St.. OR M4?3. FOUR BOM. house. 2 full baths, sawdust furnace, fireplace, bsmtja.500. OR 2-32CI BARGAINBYbWNER: 4bedroorn house. 1 1 acre. Young family orchard, W.OQO. Some terms. 141 Currier Road. Ribg. TWO BEAUTIFUL shaded acres on No. Ump- qua river. 3 bedroom home, alt modern and landscaped. Fireplace, double garage, work shop, barn and chicken house. Ber ries, garden and frglt trees. IZI.500 terms. OR 3-4l. Lots And Acreages 35 LARGE lot near National Plywood. Reason able. Call OR 3-4791 after 4 PM. THREE LEVEL ACRES, Garden Valley, S2.2S0. Call GY 4-3434. TWO FARM lots with houses, East Booth St. I ml to city. OR 3-3734. HILLSIDE Lot close to Eastwood jvhol. On Sewer. $850. OR 3-S0S7, evenings. AC R E AG E . Good home sites. Roseburg School Olslrict. Electricity avail. OR 3-l3. 40 ACRES, springs, some timber, some cleared land. GY 4-3405. LOTS in Green Oist. City water and sewer avall&ble. UOO ea. $25 down. $10 mo. OR 2-2348l VIEW lot, Ridge wood, .0 acre, on paved road. Ideal tor split level home, $2750. Marv Waipole, OR 3-4444. LOT for-trailer, iw acres' with sewer, water and lights. Small dn pymt and low month ly pymti. OR 2-391S. Farms And Ranches 36 700 ACRE STOCK RANCH HIGHWAY frontage, 16 mi. from Roseburg. 150 cow potential. Running 75 head now. 100 acres In permanent pasture, fenced and cross fenced. Abundance of water, 3 barns, equipment shed. 4 bdrm modern house, ? ear aaraae with apt. upstairs. I-car port, wood shed. Appro. 50CCCC fct f Handing timber 80X00 assorted surfaced lumber. $60,000, one-tmrd down, win sacri fice full line of farm and logging equip ment and 75 head of livestock to buyer for $15,000 if wanted. Illness forces sale. Write Box 792, Roseburg. GARDEN EQUIPMENT J&l Garden Equipment SALES SERVICE RENTALS Bolens, Simplicity. Torro, Lawn-BOY Trad Ins New, Used Custom Work 2365 W. Harvard OR 3-3491 LANDSCAPING TILLING CUSTOM TILLING. 50" TILLER. Call OR 3-6781 after 7 p.m. DAM BUILDING, clearing, leveling - all types ol cat work. OR 3-4119. CUSTOM tilling, mowing and yard work. Free estimates. OR 2-4587. CUSTOM "TILLING, weed-brush cutting, grad- Ing, leveling. OS v-5548 eves. M. H. Foss. CUSTOM" PLOWING OR2-2709 PLOWING, leveling and grading. Lawns, yards, fields, gardens. Ed Luderman. OR 3-4732. FOR YOUR landscaping problems call Mrs. Lee Wilson, landscape designer and con- wii.r.i. CS LOANS Loans Auto - Salary Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Burdick Manager 644 SE Stephens OR 3-fifififi MOTOR REWINDING-REPAIR JIMMIE'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP Exclusive Delco Distributor Motor Rewinding Repairing 350 NE Garden Valley Blvd. OR 3-316) PAINTING, DECORATING SANDBLASTING and painting. Industrial, commercial. Call collect 756-5716, Nortn Bendt Ore. Our representative will call on you. PIANO SERVICE PIANO TUNING, repair, cleaning, and de moting. Harold Baxter. 3-3202 or 3-3M. PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANING iT Ij house cleaning time. Let me com. plelely clean your home. Walls, ceilings, rugs and upholstery. Call 3666 Sulherlin. ROAD BUILDING ROAD BUILDING Road grader - and doier work. Road materials. Driveways. Located in Glide area. Art Andrus Whistlers Lane, Bx 40 Phone OR 3-5737 ROOFING FOR TOP QUALITY ROOFING call QUAL ITY ROOFING CO. OR 2-1319. SEPTIC TANKS SEWERS AJAX Septic Service, tank cleaned. Prompt service. Reasonable. OR 3-044 or OR J-404i. SE t T I CT A N K S C LEANED RoteburgSani. tation Service, Phone. OR 3-335 SEWER INSTALLATIONS " - Reasonable rates. Estimates. OR 3-4C41 or OR 3-8474. TOOL RENTALS DO It YOURSELF And Save tube loo 7-c. O'l chana 30 per c"t oft with lobe?. Stall rental St per nr. Transmission fluid change SOc qt. Roselund Union Station 20.V) NE Stephens OR 2-9033 CHAIN SAWS Post Hole Augers Roseburg McCulloch Co. 102 NE Stephen OR 2 .1621 TOOL SHARPENING PLOW SHARPENING. wldtnQ. 335? SW Ca;"e Ave w.crune Shop. OR )-ui7. TREE SERVICE TOPPEO. Pruned, trimmed and turoary. Cv timatM olftdly OR 3-4041 or OR -a44. WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nolning down on approved credit. VOHR WELL DRILLING OR 7-U2I 1772 $E Jack Mr) It's Easy to use News-Review Want Ads In Person, by Mail or Phone 545 SE Main OR 2-3321 Farms And Ranches 36 1 40 ACRES, fenced; 1 bdrm house. Sheep. 13 ml. out. OR 1400 ACRE sheep ranch, all seeded lo per manent pasture. Located 10 mites south Roseburg. Price $80,000. Owner Larry Bai ty. P. O. Box 474, Grants Past, Ore. Ph. GR 9-1926. SOUTHERN OREGON LAND COMPANY 223 No, Main St. Myrtle Creak, Oregon RANCHES 7S ACRES all Irrigated with a nw 3 BR home and 3C00 ft. of river frontage. $45,000. 4M ACRES, live creeks; with ac cess to freeway. 2-story, 5 BR home, shop and outbuildings. $30,000 440 ACRES, 45 acres of hay, appro , 150 acres seeded to permanent pas ture. 3 bdrm home, 3 barns, large chicken bousa. $30,000 with one-third down, 1650 ACRES, 1W acres Irrigated, 100 acres of cultivated ground, besides 1700 acres seeded to perm, pasture. Good 3 BR home, lots ol outbuildings. This is located on several creeks as well as bordering the south Umpqua river. $200,000 with one-half down. Ranch Listings Wanted YOU LIST 'EM WE SELL 'EM Office Phone 843-3B61 Home phone 163-3392 Frank and Luella Zimmers. Sat?s Reo5- Exchange Real Estate 38 ONE LOT, 3 spaces, in The Garden ol De votion, Kelso Washington, trade tor equal space In Roseburg. OR 3-5M1. GRANTSPASS FOR ROSEBURG AREA THIS property has 3 bedrooms, den, Vi bains. Automatic central heal. Lots ot storage. 3 car garage. acre Irrigated. tilDen and iiv'.1 trss: main hwy near shopping- S3,500 value. Write to Mir Rogue Rtver Highway. GR-43. Timber And Sawmills 40 RELOG TIMBER, ON IDEAL GROUND. Write Box 444, News Review. WANfEDTO8UY Sfumpage for portable sawmill. OR3-l27afterjp.rn. WANTED" Imber to log. Large or small tract. OR 2-3674. WANTED western "Red Cedar, cash paid for 6' and 7' cedar bolts delivered in Roseburg. Call OR 2-14l9after6 30p.m. WANTED Douglas fir", cedar lugs and cordwood In" multiples of I ft. w load and haul If piled along accessible road. Keller Lumber Co. OR 3-1791. 160 ACRES TIMBER AND LAND for sale In Douglas County Write Patrick McKenney 57910 Elba. St. Clair Shores, Michigan Building Materials 41 CEDAR FENCE POSTS, 35c Call OS 9-5477 Cedar Fencing and Fencing Materials of all Types Designed and Built to Order Deady Lbr. Co. 2 mi North of Wilbur OR 3-7H4 ALUMINUM SCREEN DOORS "MAY" PIGGY BANK PREMIUM Regular $16.95 $12.45 cash and carry Includes a $3.50 grille and all hardware. GERRETSEN Building Supply Co. Flegcl BIdg. Odcll St. OR 2-2636 NEED A NEW FLOOR? YOU CAN Hove a New PRE-FINISHED (Room size 12x12) WOOD FLOOR For $33.21 Plus approximately 3 hours work Always open I 111 13 Saturdays PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE OS 9-8781, Ext 70 Halfway Btw. Winston -Dillard REYNOLDS Lifetime Aluminum SHINGLES No other part of your home takes o much punishment Irom lun, wind, roin, ileet, ond snow as your root. Reynolds Aluminum shingles give you o lifetime roof that will take a beating, reflects up to 95 per cent of sun's radiant heat, reduces fuel ond oir conditionmg cost. Comes in 6 attractive colors plus notural Aluminum. Costs are from $32,95 to $37.95 For full particulars coll Ward's and ask tor Ed Dovis in th buildmg deportment. DON'T JUST BUY IT Buy H installed. Coll for FREE ESTIMATES Montgomery Word OR 2-4311 building Materials 4 REJECT LUMBER $12.50 per unit. C&D Lumber Co.,Riddl, Ore. TR 4-im PLYWOOD 6LOWScdmpitte stock. See us tor your best buys. Mt scon kii era, Sutherhn, Phone 273? FORSALtf"- Reject-Jxi studs $ per 100 ft. unit. If bought In lots of 2 or more units. Keller Lumber Co., 4411 Keller Road. Roseburg. PAR WOOD plywood, rtg. price $2, now 75c sheet SEAL TAB roofing, reg. $12.95, now $10.95 GALVANIZED roofing, sheet 11.59 WE can furnish installation on root ing If desired. INSIDE outside 1st grade paint, Schom brand, by Dutch Boy, reg. Sa.at. gal. now S3 12 FT WIDE FLOOR COVERING 2 x 4 50 lor $5 LUMBER priced as low is $3a per M BATH SETS, 3 PC $7995 ALUMINUM windows 40 Of ALUMINUM and wood trim molding, 30 off PEGBOARD, reg. $3 sheet, now $2 WALLPAPER sale now onl BRICK, drain tile, doors, hardware, appli ances. FIBERGLASS, tor patios, greenhouses, etc. 42c ft, now 29c ROBINSON BLDG. SUPPLY Sulherlin, Oregon Ph. 2112 Open Sunday, nose sai, Fuel 43 O & C Fuel Co. Dry fireplace oak nd tin also fir heater wood. OR 1-7S0B. SPECIAL 24" planer ends and rough mill ends. Pickup loads on planer ends, si. 50, while they last: sawdust 50c load. You haul. OR 2-2979 after 4:30 p.m. summerTrTces Large Core GUY ft FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-1524 LARGE PEELER CORES DRY OR GREEN Sawdust Blower or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 281-! NE Douglas OR 2-1524 WOOD PEELER CORE & HARDWOOD Red Diamond Fuel Co. New Location 1767 N.E. Airport Road UK 3-5U82 Wood-Sawdust (blower or dump) POND LILIES PLANER ENDS SLAB WOOD . DRY OAK LARGE PEELER CORE All Deliveries C.O.D. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 SPECIAL SUMMER RATES Order your winter's wood now Red Diamond Fuel Co. 1767 NE Airport Road OR 3-5082 Wood Sawdust Spring Rates on Planer Ends Now Until July 1st, ONLY!!! Save $3.50 per Double Load Customers using GREEN SLAB should order EARLY) Green slab will bt DISCONTINUED late this tall due to the manufacture of chips tor partlcal board. DRY SLAB available throughout the winter. Also available: Large Peeler Cores Dry Oak Wood Pond Lilies Sawdust tor mulch Blower or dump ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 BE WISE!!! ORDER EARLY!!! Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FARM SALES ESTA1ES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade Auction every Frl. t ' P.M. Roseburg Auction Col. V. Munlon. Ownr end AucMomer OR a.io? TRADE IN SPECIALS 3 HOOVER Current models. Like new, One-half price. 1 ELECTROLUX Automatic model E Cord reel. Like new. One-half new price. 2 COMPACTS. 23rd Anniversary models. Like new. FLOOR polisher, magic disk, and hassock optional or $90 complete. CI IDCI'A SEARS KENMORE. Latest model $25 G.E. Your choice : $25 AIRWAY SANITIZERS $20 ea. HOOVER upright with paper bag $30 ea. SINGER upright. Latest model $15 7 FLOOR polishers. All makes $20 ea. All reconditioned ond guaranteed one year by Kirby Co. of Roseburg. Parts and service on all makes. TRADE TERMS - AND RENTALS KIRBY CO. OF ROSEBURG 2161 NE Stephens. OR 3 - 6356 Miscellaneous For Sale 45 ELECTRIC RANGE. S40. 1540 NE Stephens Call OR 3-4055 alter 3 p.m. STANLEY HOME"PRODUCTS."Cell OS -M0 or OS M7 or OS -? or OR 3-5il. MAYTAG wringer washer, good condition. JIM. OR 3-M13. $KIL-SAW and carpenter' hand toots. or ytn TOP-SOIL -"finest of Mam soiLTiiaM and easy to handle. Charles Keely OS t-SHM DELUXE push button radio" tor 1961 "or '62 Chevrolet Corvalr. OR J-43M. TABLE SAW, I"li1tlng arbor, Vt Hp" motor, on stand. 175. OR 2-415. DOUGLAS "COUNTY FILTER" QUEEN SALES 7044 W. Military Ave.PhJR 2-4133 VESP A Motor scoot e V lO'.i HP. Grand sport I960 modal. Call tves. OR 3-4317. S2S0. USED elec. range, excellent cond. Reason able. Rose City Motel. JIG SAW AND"CHAIN SAW OR 3-4140 F-115 McCulloch power saw with 3 bars 30, 36, 40-inch roller bar with chain. 1150 cashOS 9-I659. WELL ROTTED or fresh manure, dHlverd anytime. Sscked, delivered weekends only. Call W3-3S85, Myrtle Creek. GARDEN TRACTOR with all attachments. SIOO. Also bed, complete, and misc. Holel Canyonvllle. SMALlT older model We'sllnghouse refrigera tor, will sell lo highest bidder or trade for vacuum sweeper. OR 3-7111. TOP SOU. irom new 'ocation The best you I havn ever seen - no root or weeds- ; Raluh Fiiher. Winston. OS 9-U93 RESTAURANT dishes, french fryer, pre case. some pots and pans, hand sneer, silver ware. Entire lot, (210. OR 3-S445. LARGE 34' oil "burning range. Cost over S600. Never used, sen for o. pnone bjv-4jui. Canyonville. FOR BIG FAST crops, plant Stark. pM'd fruit trees. May Special: buy 2, gel i free. Also wholesale comm'l orchards. Lie. Rep. OR 3-5321. 1151 SE Main. GOVERNMENT GRADED qualify meals for best freezer sallslachon. custom cunmg, wrapping and quick lree!g WINSTON LOCKERS, OS 9-5133. TWO BR house h,is to be moved. Forced air heat, metal kit. cabinets, nnrawooa floors, utility room and garage. Real buy at S500. See at 444 Military or OR 2-4145. HAND PAINTED OIL PORTRAIT on Silk. by Japanese Artists, irom your nnoto or snap. One person, head and shoulder. Site 8x10, S9.95. Phone GY 4-3519. Ke'len Spe cially, P.O. Box 172, Roseburg. RIDING mowing machine. 3 wheels, 562.50; electric drill, SIS; cotfee tables; library tables; Maying washing machine. All in first class shape. Call OR 2-2993 before 9 a.m. or aller 4 p.m. BARGAINS CHEST FREEZER, very good .... tHO APT. size range Ut CROSLEY refer I WESTINGHOUSE w. dr pr I l TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 721 SE Oak Ave. OR 3-SS11 CAMERAS1 New and Used KODAK Pony US mm. with sunshade and case i?9.9S REVERE Imm Movie camera with case ... SI9.95 I KEYSTONE Imm roll Him movie camera. 1.9 lens with 1.9 Telepholo lans. S39.95 1 BELL and HOWELL 8mm movie camera. Sundial model . .- $19.95 CLARK'S STUDIO & CAMERA SUPPLIES 711 SE Jackson OR 3-8526 USED APPLIANCES NEW 21 cu. ft. RCA Freezer. Still in the crate. Factory sug gested price $439.95. U-Haul price $350.00 RCA Victor Strato-World all transistor 7 band short wave radio. New price was $195.00 Now only $ 99.50 1961 WHIRLPOOL washer. ( repossessed ). Come in and see it REPO WHIRLPOOL conven tional washer. Reg. $159.00. Now only $ 99.50 WHIRLPOOL fwashcr-dry- cr) pair. Reb. $I?5.00 Now $90.00 WESTINGHOUSE (washer dryer) pair $75.00 BENDIX Combination. Like new $911.93 NEW Iflfil RCA WHIRLPOOL refer. WAS $239.95. NOW only $199 95 1959 WESTINGHOUSE Laun- dramat. 2 evele 10 lb. capa- city, with water saver. ... $99.50 ' OPEN Till 9 Mon. thru Fri. Open 7 Days A Week SOUTH STEPHENS HARDWARE & APPLIANCE 1212 SE Stephens. OK 2-3751 $10 and UD Miscellaneous For Sale 45 REFRIGERATOR, stove. TV and misc fur . niture. Call OS 9-5344, evenings. TABLE model hand separator, Ilka new, 575. OR 3-U79. CEDAR POSTS, 40C EACH OR 3-372 SAWDUST 'furnace" complete. Irs excellent shape will sell reasonable. OR 3-I302. HOUSEHOLD furniture and appliances. CALL OR 3-4512 GARDEN TRACTOR and equipment. tiller. Phone OS f-51al. JOZ CERAMICS, "green ware." Ilrlig' Rote-! . treei lessons. OR 3-B0IQ. l TV RENTALS Rant may apply in down payments. Horn's Appliance. OR 3-5511. CERAMIC lessons free Wet Kilns tor sale. Ceramic sup. Treva's Ceramlcs, OS 9-5133. USED household furniture. Bargain prices. Earl Smith Trailer Sales. OR 3-JJ5. CURING" AND" SMOKfNGrpork.beerand , poultry. Winston Lockers. OS t-5133. . - - - - - - i dltlon, (150. OR 3-SI57. VACUUM CLEANER repalringTAlVwayTCo'riv pact, Electrolux, Hoover, Kirby. also parts, J. E. Newberry. OR 3-7010; or3-3S91. Glass spinning rod and reel with line; land ing net; pair rubber hib boots, never worn. size I; assortment of steel extension rods; automatic deep fryer cooker, 4 qt site, never used. Can be seen at 116 SE Hoover. WALLPAPER 69c, 79c, 89c. 99c, $1.10 Per Single Roll COLORCRAFT Paint & Wallpaper Store 7!l SE Stephens OR :-!!Sl MANURE $1 PICKUP LOAD Douglas Livestock Market Wilbur, Oregon Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy. 99 N. Winchester OR 3-7272 OVERSTOCKED SALE We must move tome ot our new NORGE waihera and dryeri. New 11 models at COST plut 10S We give U-Save stampi BERGH'S APPLIANCE South city limits. OR 2-1661 Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTED used furniture and misc. Rose- burg Furniture. 243 KB Jackson. OR 3-5)04. WANTED -- US and Canadian coins, some recent wanted. Free appra'sals. Timber Capitol Coins, 591 Roseland. OR 2-3595. WANTED - Western Red Cedar, cash paid for ' and 7' cedar bolts delivarad In Rose-1 burg. CallOR M4)9alter4:30 pjri. WANTED - ANTIQUE colni. gun-,, china,1 giassware, lewelry, clocks. Priscllla't An tiques ?47 SE Jackson. OR M431. WANTED: cooler tor trailer root; 3 year crib. Don Evernden, Bob Hit Trailer CI. No. 4. Roseburg, Oregon. Westside Auction CONSIGNMENTS wanted Cash tor furniture and miscellaneous. Buy Sell Or trade. Auction every Sunday, 12 noon. OR 2-2501. rjFM, Trade Miscellaneous 48 Musical Instruments SO PLAYER plno Willi Iboul U mill. Call aflsr 4, OR ,-5391. UPRIGHT PIANO 1100. Good condlllon. 105 NE Barao.r. OR 3-ftlaO. Sewing Machines 52 $2.95 Special For on. week only, will cl.An, oil and adlutl any make of tewing machine. Necchl-Elna. OR 3-632S. Sporting Goods 53 VOLKSWAGEN bus camper for sale. OR 3-215? UAr&TintJ TOAILFB rental!.' Rod's. Reel OR 3-2142 VACATION TRAILER RENTALS week or month. Phone 3133. Sutherlln, tor reserva tions. SELL ALJO lM. trailer hour almost new, or, Irade for Hereford callie. OR 3-7893. Boats And Motors 55 I'M WlZZARO 7' HP outboard motor, good h.pt, or j-uio. j u ft "plywood bout and traiur, i. ! 0R 3'8" - -- , 10 HP JOHNSON outboard motor, naarly ntw. OR 3-1170 FOR SALE or trade 13 HP Sea King and U HP EVINRUDE, C OS ?-52l Of ?-B?l. 15' PLY BOAT, 10 HP Johnson motor, fac tory trailer and axlras. 1350. OR J-4S4S. 13 FT. SKI boat, 77 HP motor, lac'ory trailer (495. Call OR 3131V 14' Fiberalasied plywood boat, heavy duty trailer and IS H.P. outboard. W2S, 1150 down.tJS3 SE Ooyglas. OR 3-il?7. BOAT-and trailer, antra wheel and tire Real buy, S700. DornnlU Florists. Myrtle Creek. WJ-MiV Food And Produce 57 GET YOUR MARSH RANCH APPLES at iht Farm Bureau WINE5AP" cooking apples. $150 bo. Naal WW' n niHM wcii Of Lwrnggass. APPLES Orllev. Mwrlof. Marsh Ranch, Uokinggtiis. Bring conlaintrs OR 3 MIS. vsvs w.w, Seeds - Nursery Stock 59 ELWOOd" Cvprttf. 3 to 4" USD liu bo. 3-Wl. Eves and Sunday OR J-4SAI PLANTS NOW READY, garaniums, Marlha , ac HO 10 CAT, chockrs, lira tools, Una. Washfnglon-ruchsia's, Ivy geraniums, Clos-j block, ftc. 50 cash. OR J-Wl or morn ad Tuttdays and Saturdays. Phona ! ng, QR 7-3144. f R . Holm, S.ittwrlln, ptl I Road Hay And Grain 61 SHELL or car corn for (ted: Call Jamas Conn, OR W07 Livestock 63 AT STUO BLAZER BUCK. Perm. reg. Quarter horse. Privale treaty, OS Ml3. GUERNSEY cow with Whltfc calf- OR 3-4 CALVfJ nd jurw milker. OS -S4H SORREL GELDING," W5 OR 3-730 SMALL wcttern saddle and heckamore bit in ec!ient condition, US. GY 4-3313. WANTEO "Cattle Of kind UN 3-4? or UN 3-3114, Myrtle Crek. W. A. BUckerl. TENNESSEE WALKER ' s'urj. regtsterert. Bst ot Moodlinet, OS M10. GUFRNFY mitk towi. 3 calvS I whilf i tac. J-33JJ, Myrlil CrK. Mon - Mv 7 62 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 11 Livestock .63 AT STUD Registered. Appeioosa stallion. Call OS 9-5435 QUARTER HORSE mare, "five years old, U50. Two horse trailer, 1250. GY -3335. 10 YEAR OLD Geldingr Inquire Kelley's Tex aco Station, Hwy99 No. near Airport, jm. SMALL PONYand sa"ddler250. OR 2-31M .FOR SALE Gaming Quarter horse and saoate. uk 3-WI3 alter p.m. BEAUTIFUL Buckskin Quarter Horse geld ing, very gentle for cnlidren or teen agers. SJOO.Sutherlln 3224. THREE year old cows wlth"calves and " year old heifers. Rt. 3. Box 1115, OR 3-335 or OR 3-4951. FOR SALE 7 year-" old-Shetj,ndpony gelding. Broke to ride and drive, also, pony saddle. Ph. OR 3-7497. ATD s. registered thoroughbred "Sully's f' SXi'vf m,0"1 ' Sk00,Ch by prmcequino. OS 9-eaio. SUNSET MARKET - Custom meat cutting and wrapping. Open J days a week. Lock ers - storage. allOR 3-2392. APPROXIMATELY vtad : unshornew"es with appro. 30 head lambs. Package sale. MOO. May b seen after S or Saturdays or Sundays. Call OR 3-4le. GREG VALLE SHEEP SHEARING CONTRACTOR. 4 exper ienced shearers. Phone 433). On Rt. t, Box 307G, Sutherlln Oregon. SCHRICKER & SON AUCTION Phone Sulherlin Jt 46 Livestock sale every Saturday at 13:30 p.m. Atwayi a good active maiket tor all kinds ol livestock, G. A. Brown, WelarmMSt-r Dr. Don Rone, Veterinarian Schrlcker and Son. Owners Mgrt. SALE Every Thursday at 1 P.M. ! ivis!nck of all kinds. Pick-up and delivery service. Propor feeding facilities. Livestock received at any time. DOUGLAS LIVESTOCK MARKET Wilbur, Oregon OR 2-4071 Pets & Pet Supplies 67 REGISTERED Poodle pup. C-7 Ntbo trail er Park. FREE GERMAN Shepherd, young female, very good witn children, rail OR 2-7103. REGISTERED Ptott hound and 1 Walker and Plolt cross hound. OR 3-8238. WANTED - Toy Manchester PhJ 0S 'S137' FOR SALE Purebred Sable Collie puppy. has shots (no papers). 515. OR 3-3144. SIArVtESEkltfen.Pedlgres. Seal and" choc olale. Ridge wood Cattery. OR 3-1483. JACOBS7" KENNELS7Boardlno"cfltVtnd"dogs. 126JNE$tephens: OR 3-4293. DOUGLAS COUNTY HUMAN F Society Ani mal She ltd- OR 3-3907 BART'S BOARDING KENNELS, cats ana dogs. Vi mile NE of Diamond Lake Blvd. on NE Rille Range Rd. OR 3-7514. OBEDIENCE TRAIN YOUR DOG Mixed breeds as welcome at purebredt BOI.EN KENNELS OR 34013 Poultry And Rabbits 68 300 Sex-Sally leading brown egg layers, 11 mo. old, SI eachj 300 Whltt Leghorn, nice (or freezer, 40c each. Ph. 399B. Oakland. Farm Equipment 70 JOHN UtCKC ri. S. ttTSSS frvtr. cedent machine. S57S. Call 7767 Oakland. 13 MODEL Ford truck with It' flafbeo with slock rack, S900; bala loader with motor, WOO. Both In excellent shapa, soma spares. Together SI00O. GY a-3135. GEHL No. 11 Held chopper with A' direct cur, windrow pickup, Continental tnt good ... ISM GEHL loragt blower, 30' pipe, wagon un- loaaer .. . 3U FORAGE wagons, 1x14, rear unloading, each 1150 Set our stock of good used equipment Ranch Equipment Sales ; 1 Ml B. Ol Oays Creek, Ore. Ph. 115-3141 i NEED LUMBER? FOR FRAMING and sheathing houses. barns and outbuildings, a i studs, ' boards and J" construction lumbar. Avail able In mast slits at wholesale price. Umpqua Mfg. Co. I mi. S. on 99 BIT OR J-4I1 REO 3 Factory Warranties! I 1. Full-year warranty on mower and engine. 2. Lifetime warranty on safely steel deck, 3. Unconditional lifetime warranty on crankshaft. Motor Wheal Corporation will repair or rt- place any defective steel deck and bent or broken crankshaft on Its rotary mowers during the life of tho units. Any defective pans in engine or mower on an umn wtu be repaired or replaced within one year from date ol purchase. THE POWER MOWER THATS A CUT ABOVE IN QUALITY FARM BUREAU EXCH. 522 SK Washington OR 2-2083 Loeeine Equipment 74 FIRE PUMP tank and how, donkey truck. AC II cat. GV a-l!. . aiitb - - -n ...r..f pi Gv 4.3172 1 m - - - M l, ,-, ' C. U0 Btrgr yardpr, with blocks, lines, , tc. Ph. I4J-J3S1, Myrtlt Crtth, tves. O 4 CAT, bladt, winch and canopv. Vary good shapa tl.100. Call flvtnirtgs bttwtcn 4 and I, OR 3-5M1. 1NTFRNATIONAL log "irocfc. nw0 Cwrn mlna molar. Pnrltn Irallar. llskti. Kalt. CC. QS f-U3l, Ot H1S. ' Mn M rT. lli.oof will corisldar orootrry or anything ot valm up to ww as own payment call aval (.amas vaiiey w, a tk lor Jamai R.Jonts 700 O HOMECITC chain iaw" 30" bar Cha.m 111 AACCVIIOCA. 30" bar chaln. Alio smalltr loggng iltms. I4J-3044, Myrtle Craafc. '54 WEsfCOAST' Irittf national" long logger. Cummin ngint, Roadrangtr trans, K31 aui. Power sutflng. Paarleis trailer, Hat si ttakat, scaias, chains and binders. 3 soar wtv-vta and tires. Both units new ly painted. Euaplionalty clean throughout. Reasonably priced. Can be sn at Row burg Petroleum station on Diamond Lake PN1 Qt l-'iw. Auto-Truck Parts 75 FORO molar, S.000 ml. on eMChanoe block, complete. 113. OR i-aMI. FOR SALS Used truck lantt and tank trailer, varloua capacillei. Wire, phone r write dcall Pipe and Tank corpora lion inn N. Huro.rd t . Portland Oregon. leiephona v a-KJI. Trucks For Sale 76 14 INTERNATIONAL pickup. V) T, 4 tpd Irant. OR M773. '4t'GMC" Wton " pickup74 speed" J2W. OR 3-M3J LONG and short tog trucks or trailers, Call ORJ-4754 1tS3 4 ton Chevrolet, commercial wheels, radio and heater. OS -iil3. 'ir CHE vrT,tltbedrduaf wheels, racks", exc. cond.. new paint, MS, or trade tor car etc. equal value. Phone 139-4471, Can yonvllle. DUMP-TRUCKS ENTIRE fleet. One or all. 3 same as neve Fords. TIS0, 534 motors. Fords and Inlerna. ttonals, 9 in all. All In A-1 cond. Gone Ihrouqh shop and painted. Priced to sell. Ph. U9-430I, Canyonville. COMMERCIALS '59 FORD VI M ton pickup. 4 speed .. 11291 57 FORD VI Ranchero. R&H U09S '54 DODGE 4 speed 9 passenger panel. . I 495 54 FORD Panel. VS 3 speed. Motor completely rebuilt In April of 1961. Use as a passenger car I US S3 CHEVROLET Vi ton 3 speed S 391 '47 STUDEBAKER 1 Ion, 4 speed I 191 '47 FORD Customized Ranchero .... I 24? '41 FORO pickup 1 speed. VI , S 191 Lock wood Motors 2 Big Used Car Lots Oak and Rose OK 3-6321 1430 SE Stephens OR 2-1411 Motorcycles I960 HARLEV DAVIDSON FLH, dual IgnU lion, extras. STO. OS e37V7. Auto Insurance 79 THE BEST FOR LESS! State Farm Agent. . NORM BLEAKMAN OK 3-5084 1229 W. Harvard Automotive Wanted 80 CASH ON THE LINE For Your Late Model Car or Pickup Highest Prices Paid NAPIER Auto Sales 1240 S Stiphtns OR 2-224S USED CARS - PICKUPS Wanted Cash or trade tor equity. Johnson and Thiele 3358 SE Stephens OR 3-6391 CARS PICKUPS WANTED Your best cash Price! Before you sell see: ATEN AND PHILLIPS 1328 SE Stephens OR 2-3421 Top Money Paid for clean used cars, pick ups and travel trailers FRANK'S USED CARS 840 SE Stephen; OR 3-3131 Autos For Sale 81 a STUDEBAKER I floor. HIcK ami over. m.loma Irafla tor?? 0RM1?. 'al VOLKSWAGEN sell or traoT fn on adlscounled contracKOR 3-?M avfi. '41' JEEP. oood condition. OR WJ4 'iaTMStrMelr'opolllan, R& H. A bargain. Call OR JOSJe 150 C ADILLAC SI SO 1,31 Wait Harvard If St BECVEOERE"Plvmoum door Hard top. W-W. healer. SU)30. os T-Hiik sa DODGE Convertible. Matt offer. 2AS4 Diamond Lake Blvd. 41 vvv 1 door aedan In good condition. Sl.soo. OR j-jaio. '47 FORD, "good rubber, good condition. OR M7!4 'SI f'ORD"Vceilenl"condillonri?S. Slick VI. OR Mill 'SPORD"VI, 0dr. goodsnaoo. slliS. Notlw ing down. 160 per mo. OR 3-477. GOOD DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION $17 DOWN on approved credit '54 FORO VI Ranchwagon. RfcH, Ford omatic WW '54 CHEVROLET 4 door dn. t cyl inder, ftlH, Powerglld. Sharp ... Ul '53 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan. fUH, slandard transmission '53 CHEVROLET cyl. 4 door sedan. R1H, standard transmission 2H '52 CHEVROLET 4 cyt. 4 door Mdan. R&H. powerglld S24I '53 CHEVROLET cyt. 1 door Mdan delivery. Good fishing, hunting, or roustabout car - S1 CHEVROLET BelAlr 1 door hard too R&H, standard transmission. New cover and new paint I3l OLOSMOBILE II 4 door. R&H. Hy dramatic transmission. Top running condlllon It it wsn't tor It B we'd guarantee It. 'S3 PONTIAC 4 dr. ledan. ilartdard Iran Lockwood Motors 2 Big Used Car Lots Frank Sumstine Oak and Rose OR 3-BXi Horry Underwood 1130 SE Stephens OR 2 1411 - - t , . Bml . We will be glad ' iw Mil reaulti. OHI 0 IU!I. r