mi ill ! 'm i ;-t I CM',' ! 35 ' i i i i i f APRIL 24 is fha" date of the annual Easter luncheon spon sored by the women of St. George's Episcopol Church at 12:30 noon at the parish hall on SE Cass Avenue. General chairmen are Mrs. Kenneth Bailey (left) ond Mrs. Elton V. Jackson (second from right). Other chairmen include Mrs. Floyd Warner, decorations; Mrs. Donald Matson, chairman of serving committee, and Mrs. William Lind sell, luncheon chairman. The affair is open to the public ond reservations ore to be made by April 21 by colling either Mrs. Bailey, 3-3309 or Mrs. Jackson at 2-3793. Cards will be in play during the afternoon. (News-Review Photo). ' Oakland Man Is Honored At Birthday Open House A. B. Grubbe was honored Sun-1 Lamoreaux, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred day at an open house at his home i Hand, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Metz in Oakland in celebration of hi I gor. Mrs. Rolland Grubbe, Chuck- 80th birthday, The honored guest is a native Oregonian who was born at Wil bur and who lived all his life in Douglas County. Mr. Grubbe's son and daughter In law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grubbe, and his daughter, Alpha bell Grubbe, were host and host esses for the affair. A beautifully decorated cake was served with ice cream and coffee. Those signing the guest book were Mr. and Mrs. Bue Person, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Curran, Mr, and Mrs. Clifford McKay. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox, Mrs. Blanch McCullock, Harry Mahonoy, Fred erneKorn, Bum unenowcin, a. w, Carlisle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thompson, Mildred Culver, June B. Wangeman, uarDara irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pinkston, Mrs. Es ther Pealer, Mr and Mrs. Ed Bridge Winners The Umpqua Duplicate Bridge Club held its weekly Thursday ses sion Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Roles. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Fillmore held high scores. John Horn and Dr. Bruce Tuck were second, and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Huston were third. Bethel Members Initiated At Oakland On Wednesday ie Grubbe. Barbara Iverson, Cor delia Slane, Mamie Pelzel, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kiggs, Edna Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grubbe, Lois A. McNaff, Alphabelle Grubbe, Ralph H. Hickey and Lee J. Tread-well. Mrs. W. Newman Is Club Hostess Mrs. Wesley Newman and Mrs. Frank Shulze entertained Thurs day at a luncheon for members of the Elenrnse Comfort Club at the home of Mrs. Newman In Melrose. During the business meeting Mrs. Stringer was elected presi dent: Mrs. frame irnrion, vice president; Mrs. Steven Griffin, sec retary, and Mrs. C. H. Parks, treasurer. The door prize went to Mrs. Stringer and the traveling prize to Mrs. Newman. Present were the Mesdames Carl Backlund, Fred Graves, C. H. Parks, Stanley Sjo gren, Henry Lander, G. G. Graves, Frank O'Brien, Steven Griffin, 0. Stringer, Arthur Faulkner, Fred Alberdlng, Ralph Stewart and the hostesses. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Faulkner. Oakland Bethel 42, Order of Job's Daughters, enjoyed a six o'clock potluck dinner before their meeting Wednesday. Wanda O Ban ion, honored queen, presided at this inspection meeting. Escorted and introduced were: Sharon Stamey, honored queen of Myrtle Creek Bethel 8; Mary Tur ner, honored queen of Glendale Bethel 28; past honored queens, Waneta Woolman, and Annabelle O'Neal; princess, Elaine llornscth of Myrtle Creek Bethel 8; junior princess, Carol Major of Glendale Bethel 28; grand bethel represent ative to the state of Delaware, Kathy Hubbell; grand bethel treas urer, Bonnie Wright; grand guard- Ian, Evelyn Suit; deputy of grand associate guardian. Harry bmitn: guardian, Mrs. Tim McKern of Glendale Bethel 28; associate guardian, Tim McKern of Glen dale Bethel 28; guardian, Mrs. II. W. Hubbell of Oakland Bethel 42: associate guardian, Floyd Ross of Oakland Bethel 42; past guardians, Mrs. L F. Stearns and Mrs. Her man Fugate, Oakland Bethel 42 worthy matron OES Chapter 91, Mrs. Arthur Treman and worthy patron, Artnur Treman. The princesses' project will be a box social April 21, it was an nounced. A poem was read by Erline Bui' lock. Glendale Bethel 28, Oakland's buddy bethel, took the traveling gavel from Oakland. Barbara Tre- man was honored on her birthday, bandra Johnson and Misan MM- lin were initiated into Bethel 42. The new members each introduced their parents and they received corsages. Jackie McQuary received her proficiency award. The girls gave a drill for the grand guardian. Mrs. Floyd Ross sang "April Showers." Bob Bonner. th youngest Ma son, was In attendance and was in troduced. ' LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER f ... j A J&A AJk BEVERLY BROOKE 10 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Wed., April 18, 1962 Clarks Honored On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. I. F- Clark, for merly of Drain celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary Sunday, at the Ridgefield Rest Home, Ridgefield, Wash., where they make their home. Celebrating! with them were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clark, wasnougai, Wash.; their daughters, Mrs. W. L. Traylor of Drain and Bessie Cham berlain, Washougal; and their sons-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Loeffel of Washougal and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hathaway, Cor vallis. I The couple has five children, 21 grandchildren and 51 great-grandchildren. The couple received a book and a beautiful three-tiered cake. Others attending were grandchil dren, Caroline Cooper and Karen Chamberlain, both of Washougal, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hathaway and their four children of Corvallis. Cake and punch were served. Kirklies Feted On Sunday Night Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kirklie were honored Sunday night when members of the Yoncaila Metho dist Church held a special night for them. Mr. and Mrs. Kirklie have worked hard for many years as librarians in the Sunday school. They recently resigned. A potluck dinner was enjoyed at seven o'clock. Congregation sing ing of old-time songs was followed by showing colored slides of var ious church activities and some of the beauties of Oregon scenery by Ben Emry, Clifford Emery, Eldon Lee and Mrs. Noble Snider. Mr. and Mrs. Kirklie, whose hob by is making beautiful wedding and other special occasion cakes received a lovely gift of material for their hobby. Included were a new book on cake decorations, props for cakes and other things relating to cake decorating. About 75 friends of the Kirklies were present to honor them. Douglas Court Meets Douglas Court 18, Order of Am aranth, met Friday at the Rose burg Masonic Temple. Mr. and Mrs. James Fleshman, royal pa tron and matron, presided. Escorted and given honors were Nancy Finlayson of Eugene, as sistant grand lecturer; Henry Hal vorsen, grand warder; and past matrons, Inga High, Ivena Hal vorsen and Genevieve Philippi. Decorations were spring flowers. On the refreshments committee were Henry Halvorsen, Lois Clough ana vioiet waucins. I Ik - v. Decorating Program Given For Junior Club Members A very interesting evening was spent recently by the Roseburg Junior Woman's Chib when Mrs. Harry Hanlon, program chairman and her committee, Mrs. Dennis Harman and Mrs. Larry Kvidera, presented a delightful program on interior decorating. The filmi "Your Home As You Like It," was shown. Dennis Har man from Carsten's Furniture spoke on "What to Look for when you Go Carpet Buying." Mr. Har man told of the different weaves and textures of carpeting and pass ed samples around for the mem bers to examine. He also told about the various drapery materials and ifad samples of these to show. During the evening three lovely door prizes donated by Carsten's Furniture were given away. These were won by Mrs. Jack Snodgrass, Mrs. Don Cummins and Mrs. Paul Arrasmith. The shadow boxes had been at tractively decorated by Mrs. James Pratt and showed various acces sories for the home. At the close of the evening, re freshments were served to mem bers and guests by Mrs. George Grubb and Mrs. James Pratt. Music Director Is Guest Of Beta Pi Chapter, ESA Beta PI Chapter 1991, Epsilon Sigma Alpha, met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Leslie Heaton with Mrs. William Gildersleeve as co hostess. WALK ON THE LIGHT SIDE, by Jacqueline White unllned eruehed kid ( He Ivh'.aet, both In walMnfl and hull Tow, pointed. Heeto, mldhlgh and etacHed or tall. Trlme. airily open to compllmanral mi taan In Vogua. 1499 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. ond Mrs. T. B. Thov-! son of Roseburg announce the , engagement and approaching marriage date of their daugh-! ter, Morilyn M. to Herman L. ! McDowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McDowell of Dil- lard. The bride-elect was grad uated in 1961 from Roseburg High School and the bride groom-elect was graduated the same year from Douglas High School and is employed by Curtis Trent. The weddinq will take place May 26 at Faith Lutheran Church. (Picture by Bob Leber Photo Studio). Plans For Rodeo Made By Group . Beta Iota Chapter, ESA, met recently at the home of Mrs. Floyd Irwin. . The president, Mrs. Charles Bail ey, conducted a short meetim? at which plans for the rodeo were dis-1 cussed. Mrs. floyd Irwin was ap pointed as general chairman for the rodeo concesson. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Don Rogan; vice president, Mrs. Dick Bcrney; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Joe Sinko; record ing secretary, Mrs. Bill Werth, and treasurer, Mrs. Dee Boyer. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Irwin and the co-hostess, Mrs. Mike Wooton, to Mrs. Roland Per sels, a guest, ' and Mrs. Jack Mathis, Mrs. Charles Bailey, Mrs. Don Rogan, Mrs. Bill Werth, Mrs. Dick Berney, Mrs. Joe Sinko and Mrs. Dee Boyer, members. Mrs. Wilson Long-Time Umpqua Valley" Employee Mrs. Howard Wilson, pictured here, has been employed in the housewares department of "Umpqua Valley" for 16 years. This dates back to the time the housewares department was added to Umpqua Valley Hard ware in 1945. To her many friends, Mrs. Wil son is known simply as "Bun ny." She was born in Butte, Mont., and attended schools in that city. The family moved first to Couer D'lene, Idaho, then to Portland, Oregon and finally to Roseburg 17 years ago. Bunny was employed for one year by the J. C. Penney Co. before joining the house wares staff at "Umpqua Val ley." Bunny says that she left Mon tana for the usual reason, win ters that were too long and cold. Among her hobbies, she lists gardening, sewing and housekeeping. With her hus band, Howard, who is a baker at Weber's Bakery, she resides at 2112 W. Foothill Drive. The couple has two daughters, both married and away from home. At present, Bunny is busy help ing to move the entire house wares department into -the "Umpqua Valley" Hardware lo cation. This is a consolidation move that will offer new con venience to shoppers with all the hardware and housewares n Vj l -3.' it displays on one floor. Bunny in vites you to stop in soon and let her help you with anything in housewares, gifts or small appliances. You'll find com plete, high quality merchandise selections at "Umpqua Valley." Where Most People Trade For Quality And Service 630-648-658 S. E. Rose St. 635 S. E. Stephens Phone OR 2-1616 Applianco Store located next to old Port Office on S. E. Stephen! St. , Hardware ond Housewares locat ed Vi' block north of old Grand Hotel building cm S. E. Rose St. 635 t. t. Stephen! GD 630-648-658 S. L Roie St. WE GIVE AND REDEEM U - SAVE STAMPS Your Bank Night Store Open Fri. 'til 9 On hour frw parking In tit her lot with $2 minimum purchase. THE STORE WITH THE GUARANTEED FIT 529 S. E. JACKSON , OR 2-2531 The educational program preced ed the meeting and was presented by Richard Kaiser, music direc tor at the Oakland High School. Kaiser, who served with the 56th Army Band, was stationed at Camp Zama in Japan from 19S5 to 19S7. In addition to his many duties in the Stith Army Band he was also a leader of a Japanese choir. He showed a number of interesting slides taken at various places throughout Japan. Some were of the Pearl Farms south of Tokyo, some of the Ncco Festival which is held in Ncco, Japan in May of each year. A great many were of the Japanese temples and the col orful costumes worn by the Japan ese. Some of the slides were taken in the homes of Japanese families. A very informative and interest ing talk was given by Mr. Kaiser during the showing of the slides. following the educational program refreshments were served on in dividual trays. Each tray contain ed a small Japanese parasol. Chapter president, Mrs. Robert Stearns, conducted a short meet ing following the educational pro gram. The coming state convention to be held in La Grande in April was discussed. Also mentioned was the Founder's Day luncheon to be held May 5 at Ruth Bradley's Oak Tree Inn. The luncheon will be at 1 p.m. and is sponsored by the Douglas County Council. All chap ter members in Douglas County are urged to attend. Members present were: Mrs. Kcnnelh Manning, Mrs. Doris Neel ey. Mrs. Paul Schulze, Mrs. Don aid Eirkhoff, Mrs. Louise Stearns, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Don Fer guson, Mrs. Jack Smith, Mrs. Sam Henry, Mrs. James Runge, Mrs. Rrtty Adams. Mrs. William Gil dersleeve and Mrs. Leslie Heaton. Birthday Party Is Held To Honor Mrs. R. Monett A very delightful surprise birth day party was given for Mrs. Rob ert Monett at her nome near Ump qua Thursday afternoon. A beautifully decorated cake and lovely gitU were presented to Mrs. Monett, and refreshments were served to Mrs. Archie Moore, Mrs. Eric Johnson, Mrs. Lawrence Haines, Mrs. Pearl Brandner, Mrs. Harold Crouch. Mrs. Walter Slat er, Mrs. Walter Davis and the gue.it of honor. WE GIVE M$TAUP$ WE REDEEM DU PONT '501' Nylon Corpett And Quality Was) Ceroatl BOB ALLEN FLOOR COVtRlM Phono OR 2-1501 Nwfaw '-'. . is wm mm mm m m ms COME IN SOON! EASTER IS THIS WEEKEND! CHOCOLATE BAR CROSS Six-inch decorated croit made of Mart Milky Way Chocolate Bars. EASTER TREAT 29c EASTER BUTTER CREMES Assorted bunnies, chicks, etc. 39 C lb. COLORED GUM DROP BUNNIES Fresh and Good! 29 c lb. EASTER MIX 49c All types of Eotter candy, mixed Humming Bird Eggs 39c Ideal for party baskets and good eating JELLY BEANS 29c The eJd-tothiontd type. All colon. BASKETS AND TOYS FILLED WITH EASTER COODIES Huge assortment! Gala boskets filled with toys end candies. Tracks, (will, many oer toys with OA. A AO delftiout candies 'C X.70 7ton LARGE fl SMALL II " CHOCOLATE EASTER EGGS LARGE 8 -ox. Decorated Chocolate Egg JP . lLf " f'fX MEDIUM 'Stf 1 -,. Hollow EASTER 'skVJ Milk Chocolate IS jFy tM- i"mHi SMALL 2-OI. MILK CHOCOLATE 29c EGGS AND RABBITS 24 Hollow chocolate eggs, in foil Box of five SOLID CHOCOLATE RABBITS 79c 49c SMALL SIZED HEN EGGS 39' lb. MEDIUM JELLY BIRD EGGS 29' lb. LARGE TURKEY EGGS 39' ,k. NEWBERRY'S! IDEAL PLACE FOR YOUR EASTER SHOPPING. WE HAVE LOVABLE. PLUSH TOYS! WIDE PRICE RANGE. WEEKEND SPECIAL BRIW.E MIX Chocolofe covered nutt end candies. Reg. (9c Ik. 2- '1.00 CHOCOLATE BUNNIES Three types of 3' i -ox. bunnies. Eoch in it own gey, Easter box. 49 j.j.YVautovU REGISTER HERE FOR BANK NITE OPIM fRIDAY FROM 9-9