The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, February 15, 1962, Page 17, Image 17

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put off
start of
Era Of Harmony Hangs Over
Steel Negotiation Opening
PITTSBURGH HP) An un- but Hie two key figures
precedented era of harmony hung until at least Thursday i
over openinii steel labor contract a huddle on their on
negotiations Wednesday with both, As in the pa-t, it was expected
the industry and union bent on that McDonald and Cooper and
achieving the quirk settlement their aides will eventually ham
asked by President Kennedy. nier out the new agreement termt
Selection of Valentine'i Day for privately when the spadework hat
the bargaining start was de- been done in larger meetings,
scribed as strictly coincidental in Washington, Secretary of
But it fit in with the sweetness- Commerce Luther H. Hodccs pie
andlight approach the negotiators dieted an early, non-uif!ationarr
seem to have adopted in place of settlement one that won't re-
their knock-down battling stance quire "much
in prior years., any" in steel
Today s initial talks were ex
pected to be mainly exploratory,
clearing the way for private meet
ings between President David J. i r.-ll rtf f-.-La,
McDonald of the United Steel-1 lUII Ul VTHCKer
workers Union and R. Conrad I .,
Conner chief negotiator for U.S. ' WASHINGTON
KST Says'
1 m ivMurf
.an increase. , k. mMXtSOX
Washington 5 ;
Boxes lis iOTSfy?A5 -
(APl-Waslims- - N-vi
nier President liar-' 1;ft,kVW ' 2 -JL , 'Vii.v t'V.
n. is -full of chicken .- t. ,v5 y . A fVs .i V i , J-TVUivflf '
rackerboxes.- ; , .W. V .1' ' V J
Thars., Feb. 15, 1962 Tha News-Review, Roteburg, Or. 3
5 . .1. T. J .V
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boked short ribs Mount Vernon
Washington's Birthday Is A Good Time
To Have Baked Short Ribs Mount Vernon
As every school child knows, ! Pennsylvania Dutch origin, it was
February 22nd marks the birthday' probably served frequently to
of our great country's founding I .Mount Vernon's guests. To cele
father, George Washington having : brate the holiday, what more ap-
been born near Fredericksburg
Virginia, in 1732. His father man
aged the estate at Hunting Creek
on the Potomac which was later
' named Mount Vernon after Admir
al F.dward Vernon. When he was
20 Washington became manager of
the large plantation and for the
next 20 years his life cintered
around Mount Vernon where house
parties were frequent.
Washington employed a Pennsyl
vania Dutch cook whose creations
were much acclaimed, and baked
short ribs being a hearty dish of
propriate dish could you produce
to tanalize your family's appetites
than this savory combination of
beef short ribs, onions, carrots
and varied condiments.
Baked Short Ribs Mount Vtrnon
4 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon salt
Vt teaspoon pepper
4 pounds beef short ribs
2 tablespoons butter or mar
garine 2 medium onions, chopped
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon vinegar
L-i teaspoon dry mustard
'j cup catchup
Kj cup beer or ale
1 cup beef bouillon
6 whole carrots, scraped and
Combine flour, salt and pepper;
roll short ribs in mixture. Brown
ribs on all sides in hot butter in
skillet. Reduce heat; add onion and
cook until tender, but not brown.
Combine brown sugar, vinegar,
dry mustard, catchup, beer and
bouillon. Turn into a 2-quart cas
serole. Bake in a moderate oven
(350 degrees F.) l'i hours. Add
carrots; bake 1 hour longer.
Yield: S servings.
Steel Corp. and the industry.
With the bargaining getting un.
der way 4Vi months ahead of the
June 30 expiration of the current
contract, nobody has formally
stated a target date for a new
agreement, but it is generally be
lieved to be in early March.
Kennedy has said the "earlier
the better" will suit him for a
new steel contract thereby avoid
ing the threat of a midyear strike,
disruptive effects of a steel inven
tory buildup and a consequent COLUMBUS. Ohio (API The
economic letdown later on. customer kept insisting that tav-
The talks today brought union em operator Joseph Letow shake
bargaining teams into separate hands with him with the left
sessions with representatives of hand, letow finally acceded,
the 11 major steel companies. A hall-hour later, l.etow told po-
McDonald was expected to look lice, he noticed his Ssou ring was
in on the U.S. Steel meeting, missing. So was the southpaw
where Cooper also may show up, I shaker.
Oregon Celebrating
I Its 103rd Birthday
SALEM f AP) Wednesday was
I (Hr tun i lo:lrd birthday.
I The congressional act making
i Oregon a state was signed Feb.
j II. is;9. but Congress attached
: some conditions that had to be ac
cepted by the Oregon Legislature.
These weren't accepted until June
3, 1X59.
The new state's delegation to
Congress was seated Feb. 14, 1839,
Gov. Mark O. Hatfield asked
Oregonians today to give some
prayerful thought to the sacrifice!
of the early Oregon pioneers.
ry S. Truma
coops and
lruman, chatting with a report
er about Washington's new build
ings, added: "I'm no architect,
but some day they are going to
have hailstones here and we II
find out about these cracker-
Left-Handed Shake
Socialists Jailed
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) A
revolutionary court Wednesday sen
tenced 20 members of South Ko
rea's banned Socialist parties to
prison terms ranging up to IS
years for pro-Communist activity.
Two defendants were acquitted.
FOR THE FIRST TIME in Marina Junior High's 25-year
history, one student Marilyn Ann Johe, outgoing stu
dent body president of the San Francisco school won
the four major awards available to graduating ninth
graders Miss Johe, 15, shown here with her trophies, won
the PTA scholarship as student with highest grade average
for six terms; American Legion award for student "out
standing in scholarship, service, character, leadership ond
honor"; Walter Nolan award for "outstanding service to
the school"; and the Lions Club award for athletics. (UPI
Melrose Store
mki -
B2&Mv&r m. i -T in n ii I
Polynesian fish dinner
Polynesian Fish Dinner Exciting
Way To Prepare Rice And Shrimp
The new bride wants to prepare I mix well. Then cook, stirring con-1
a dinner that's not just run-of-the- stantly. until mixture thickens;
meal when she first begins to en-iset aside. Cook shrimp according
tertain. Polynesian Fish Dinner is to package directions; keep hot.
a glamorous new dish to show-off Combine rice, water, salt and but-
Hollywood 'Thank You'
Slated For Reservists
her artistic as well as culinary ter in 3-quart saucepan; heat to 'all.
talents. i boiling. Reduce heat to medium
The tangy-tart, sweetly - sour;low. Stir once with fork. Cover
sauce that's so delectable boasts j tightly and simmer until liquid is
canned pineapple and fresh red i absorbed and rice is tender, about
ripe tomato wedges, and can be j
made and refrigerated the day be
fore. However, the tomatoes should
not be added until the final heat
ing when they soften and add
their succulence to the dish.
The rice and shrimp may be
prepared last minute. Deep fat fry
or hake the shrimp to a crisp,
crusty gokien. Then nest them on
a hed of soft snowy rice kernels
and smother them with this Poly
nesian flavored sauce.
Zesty Chinese egg rolls are in
keeping with this meal, making ex
cellent before meal nibblers. Bake
or fry the frozen kind, serving
them with the customary sauces.
Bakerv - made Chinese almond
12-14 minutes. To serve reheat
sauce; add tomatoes and cook un
til soft. Spoon rice around edge of
large serving platter; place shrimp
in center and pour hot sauce over
New Clues Turn Up
In Hunt For Woman
FT. LEWIS (AP-A Hollywood
type thank you is planned for Wis-'
clues were revealed by author!
ties Tuesday in the search for
Mrs. Grace R. McMannamay, 43,
missing almost two weeks
Tl... IwwJ.. f kn, kinkanl An.
it i, 11 drew, was found in the Columbia
Arranged bv the division s in-' Riv" Hood River Feb. 4.
formation office, the show will,1"0 day " the couple was
hav. m.ih Sahl n.,iUiriwi enme. i reported missing from their
rimn. as master of ceremonies, i Springdale home.
Spokesmen for the division said; Bloodstains on a bedsheet found
these other eatertainment figures at Benson State Park that same
have offered to donate time in dav have been identified as the
recognition of the service of na- same type found spattered in the
cookies or lortune cookir
fimh the nr-al. with a refreshing
fruit sherbet or fruit cup featur
ing banana slices
Polynesian Fish Dinner
4-6 servings
i3 cup (1 stick) butter
'-i cup chopped green pepper
Two-thirds cup minced onion
'i cup firmly packed liht
brown sucar
cup vinegar
2'. cups tl lb. 2-oz. can) pine-
aprle chunk
2 tablc-pons corn-taich
1 tea-poon salt
1 table.-poon wakr
2 10-ounce package frozen bread
ed shrimp
l'a cups rice
3 cups water
'i tra-wtins salt
2 tuM'--P"ns i)li:,'r
2 medium fre-h tomatoes, cut
into weUts
In ,iucenan melt hutter Add
rr,.,.n p P(--r a:.d or.h'n. sd.ite i'n
Til tinder K-m.e fium heat; a-M
hn,n suar. iiJi'.jr, and un
dr.iir! l pi-'MPrle umbine cm--M
ttl. s.t t aT:-i rf'rr to f i:ll a
smooth pate; a id to s.uce and
might s,lllu-,MS" an" ni in , it-
serists nuring ine uernn crisis.
They include;
Dorothy Provtne, a movie and
television actres; Jaye P. Mor
gan, singer. Morey Amsterdam,
comedian; Deni.-e Darcel. movie
actress; Nick Adams television
actor. Joan O'Brien, singer ac-
I tre-s:
Jack Carter, comic: Connie Ste
vens, sinir; Jim Hutton; Leslie
said Capt. Gordon
Multnomah County
couple's home
Auborn of the
Sheriff's office
Auborn said another clue came
from Grants Pass, where a motel
operator told police a man, wo
man and dog stayed at his motel
Feb. 4.
He told police the woman
somhled a newspaper picture of
Mrs. McMannamay and the dog
Parrish. TV actor; Fabian, sing- matcned tne description ot ine
er; Frankie Avalon, sinser; An- family pet
netle. sinter; Sam Cooke, enter-1
tainer; Dodie Stevens, sinter, and
Donny Brooks, entertainer.
Diane Crosby Improves
HI HBANK. Cal.f. (AP) Bar
bara Diane Crosby. 23, wife of
siriKt-r l.imlsay Crusby. is report
ed slightly unproved hut still on
the critical list at St. Juseph Hos
pital Yrs Crosby hat not regained
consciousness since she was tak
en to the hospital from her San
f' rrjn'io alley home Sunday
n. Jit.
1 lb 59
2 lb 1.17
6 ox. Instant 89c
10 oz. Instant 1.39
Village Market
7 4'JT'J"" "Ja v;'.a:.T,,WT- f' T' i - -vr- v-rrm,v f ,u .. i 1 1
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i, Ft'L v. ' i . f VV.i 1:1 i l
Mrs. Oregon knows that she can hest satisfy her family's appetite (or
fine tuna and salmon by putting BUMBLE BEE Brand on her menu.
BUMBLE BEE Tuna, with the clear, clean, lifiht look the fresh look
that's proof of fresh, prime-quality tuna. BUMBLE BEE Salmon
one of the world's most nutritious foods, and an excellent source of
Vitamin D. It's the finest salmon packed, and the freshest packed.
Mrs. Oregon knows she's serving "the bet fro-1! the sea" when she
serves her family the salmon with the BUMBLE BEE on the label!
In 62 years of packing, our company has played an important part in
Oregon's prosperity. Over the years, consumer demand for the BUMBLE
BEE Brand has steadily increased. This growing preference for
BUMBLE BEE has caused constant expansion of facilities. It has as
sured year-round employment for more and more Oregonians. And, as a
result, it has added millions in new taxable wealth to Oregon's economy.
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