2 The Newt-Review, Roteburg, Ore. Thur., Jon. 11, 1962 Exotic Entree Curried Lamb mm mm mmmn . i n - - -w yf- i-i -. si v-Va W'tywui L ifa. ....... .. Curry i becoming a favorite main dish of American families. Basically, curry is a fancy name for stew in India. Curry powder, a blend of sixteen apices, more or less, is added to browned and braised meat Indian Curry is traditionally hot hut this can be controlled by the amount and type of curry powder added. Rolled oats are used to thicken this curry recipe. The cereal improves the nutritive value by the addition of protein, B vita mins, and minerals. The condiments served with curry allow the imagination to take full sway. Chutney, railing, peanuts, coconut, and chopped egg white are some of the most commonly served. Eatt Indian Curried Lamb COURT HELD 2 pounds boneless lamb, cut into cubes 1 tablespoons fat 2 large onions, peeled and sliced 1 clove garlic, minced 2 teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper "t teaspoon dry mustard 'i teaspoon ginger 2 tablespoons curry powder 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 medium-sized apple, peeled and chopped Vt cup tomato sauce -i cup rolled oats, quick or regular, uncooked 3 cups water 3 bouillon cubes Beef or pork may be used. Brown lamb in fat in large fry pan. Add onions and garlic; saute until onions aro transparent Add remaining ingredients; stir well. Cover and simmer until meat is tender, about hours' Serve over hot buttered slightly crushed shredded wheat or fluilv cooked rice. Yield: 4 6 servings. amh Rumblings BY WAYNE MOSHER Douglas County Extension Agent Cattlemen in DouKlas County Excluded from the compulsory who have been somewhat concern- testing will be dairy cows going ed with the attempt of the National! to immediate slaughter at an cs llide Association to outlaw the use j tablishment having meat inspec- oi a lire Drana on came, can rest easy for a little while at least. In a meeting called, in Chicago, on Nov, 28 for the purpose of dis cussing the possibilities of outlaw ing the hot iron brand, Don Hotch kiss, president of the Oregon Cat tlemen's Association, reports that no attempt will be made to outlaw the brand at the present time. He states as follows: "Though the move by the Hide Association to cutlaw the hot iron brand may not iie dead, it has at least been delay d. The National llido Asso ciation has admitted that cattle on the range have to be perman ently identified and that only posi BiiiiatE55B puDi.c tm( by Kit COLLEGE of LAW WIL'AMETTE UNIVERSITY ; This column is to present general principles of law. It it not to be taken as legal advice. Slight changes in the facts may change the outcome of a case. If you have a problem, see an attorney. An Oregon statute authorized school districts to distribute text books, free of charge, to parochial schools. Title to the books remain ed in the school district, but ordin arily the books were never return ed to the district. Several taxpay-' ers brought suit against a school district to compel it to refrain from providng textbooks to a parochial school within the dig trict'i boundaries. The plaintiffs claimed that the Oregon statute was contrary to both federal and stale constitutions. The first Amendment to the U. S. Constitution prohibits any "law" respecting an establishment of re ligion, or prohibiting the -free ex ercise thereof." Article 1, S5 of the Oregon Constitution provides that "no money shall be drawn from the treasury for the benefit of any religious or theological in stitution. . . ." THE COURT HELD: Judgment' for plaintiffs. The statute violates the Oregon Constitution, hence text-, books may not be distributed, free of charge, to parochial schools. Whether the statute violates the federal Constitution need not be decided, since in any event it vi olates the state constitution. The books may neither be loaned nor given. The defendants had argued that the main purpose of the free textbooks was to benefit the chil dren, and that any church benefit was purely incidental. However, the court was skeptical of this child benefit" theory, and felt that in any event the aid to the church was substantial. ! The court declared that "the teaching of the precepts of Cathol icism is an inseparable part of the educational process in the "paro chial schools." We are not un- Minr..l Ika f,i.l thai namitt. ok., nn (hoi,. jthHrfron in C thnii schools must bear the double bur den of supporting not only their own parochial schools but the pub lic schools as well. But the added burden is self-imposed; instruction in the public schools is available to all. Catholic schools operate only because Catholic parents feel that the precepts of their faith should be integrated into the teaching of secular subjects. Those who do not sharo in this faith need not share in the cost of nurturing it." Dick- POP CORN SATURDAY Frtih Trout our own bi Itcrric popper. Lean --Meaty Blade Cuts row BALLOONS for all children with par ents, Friday, Saturday, Sunday COFFEE & DONUTS Friday, Saturdoy and Sunday tiun. Also those officially tested ; man v. School District No. 620, for brucellosis within the prior 30 '3 Oreg. Adv. Sheets 645 :Nov. 15, days or those animals that re i) vaccinated and under 30 months of age. This should be helpful in keeping brucellosis under control here in Oregon. As most of you know this is an accredited, modified bangs free area and we'd like to keep it that way. Many of our farmers have not felt that the getting away from the yearly tests was the right step and this may be some help in maintaining clean herds. In regard to brucellosis vaccination, there has been one slight change in the program making it possible for any live method, as of now, is the hot ; veterinarian in me county, who is iron." . I designated as a county veterinar- Thc Hide Association indicated! iaV. vaccinate cattle. Previously, that no legislation woud lie asked I ' 1 nad ben st UP on an for now to outlaw branding, but tl ba5, w,th each veterinarian as intends to ask Congress for anl?'!ned lo Particular area. This am-ronriatinn for a research nrn-1 nas bwn changed and soon they ject to find a better method of c;!n vaccinate for anyone, any identitication for cattle other than wnfre 'he county. The new pro- the iron brand. Brand Retained At the annual meeting of the Douglas County Livestock Associ ation, this was discucd to a lim ited extent and the Livestock Asso ciation passed a resolution asking that the hot iron brand not be out lawed, as it was very definitely needed for identification and own ership proof of rattle. We can read ily understand the difficulties that can become involved with the do ing away of permanent identifying cedures should make it easier for Activities Planned By Winston Church The Winston Christian Church Department of Evangelism is spon soring a calling program during January. Callers will go out in pairs on Wednesday evenings to tell others what the church has como to mean to them. Praytr Period Set On Monday, members will Join Christian Churches across the na tion in prayer periods. Members arc asked to sign up for 15-minute periods from noon until midnight on this day. A call has been made for the return to the church building of all used Church School quarterlies and papers. They will be mailed MIRACLE I WHIP I WEEKEND SPECIALS Round Bone PORK ROAST Ib. Fresh Pork Pure Pork Pure Lard nebergall Sliced Bacon Round Steak Fresh Ground 39 Hocks Sausage Boneless PORK ROAST Boil 'em with beans, cabbage or where ever extra flavor is needed Our Own Special Grind & Seasoned .'S In Reusable Refrigerator Plastic Container Rath's Sun Vale Tender Flavorful 3-lb. Pkg. SHEEPHERDER BLUE CHEER CLOTHS TOWELS Round BREAD From Our Own Grinders White or whole wheat (frozen) DISH DISH 2 free plastic tumblers in each package Package of 13 Woven Cloths . ib. 25' ... 45' 69 2139' ib. 85c ,b69c 397' 79' 87' GIANT PACKAGE California Hand printed terry 287' PLASTIC SHOWER CURTAINS 107' SKIRT LENGTHS 5?r 2.47 cattle owners to take advantage of to the Philippines where they the viluntary vaccination program which is part of a state wide aim towards eradicating bangs. Dogs Run Door There have been reports, recent ly, that dogs are running deer. In some cases these are stray dogs, but sometimes pets are in volved. The deer used in reaching the unchurched and provide reading material for the under privileged. The church board will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday. The pastor's cabi net meets Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. School of Missions programs are scheduled for Jan. 21, at 5:30 p.m. to hp nrercited hv nnllnclr eon. at this time of ...j i..- .. tin vi.ar hitmtt in n K.tx.n.t.l. I.....L . .... . r . - - au,,"nlluk "t'i!nr n n ihtmnnl enen condition, arc protect themselves not able to well against methods in cattle because nf (he " " 'llev might, SO 1 would en- difficulty that we have in perman-l c,"rllt;e a" "f 5"u '"K owners to entlv ulentifvine sheep. This is onei "" 1",- "r l '5 uuring inis nf the real difficulties we run into,,lmr of yfar "penally. This is a in trying to do anything very effrc-i rcal ras' ,lm' 'oi"' dogs to live in controlling theft of live stock. A news release from the state Department of Agriculture camel In lie in rei'arrt in Ihn f-nmnitlwiw-v I ' get into trouble. There is a law here' in Oregon that any dog caught running deer can be destroyed. It also, of course, is illegal dog running at large an additional program, with si- S -n-'ay pre'rams in all. Church members will join with otm r entireties in the Leadership i Training School to be held at the Rosehurg Methodist Church. A long range plan for landscap ing the church grounds and to pro vide much needed parking is evid ent on the south wall of the fellow shin room. The nrnnprtv Hpnurt. o have Intent asks that the memhers lonk off the over the plans and contact Glen BORENE C-20 wsTo::c Pkg 95c TREND DETERGENT 239c DUTCH CLEANSER Rceo9n229c 245c KLEENEX PAPER TOWELS 43c DEVILED HAM U2Qn239c 43c VANO LIQUID STARCH Si. 29c KT 53c CHOCOLATE TOPPINGS. 27c CHOCOLATE SYRUP 245c APPLE CIDER Thoifj 49c BOYSENBERRIES 35c From Our Snack Bar BYRD BURGER Grilltd ffrath ground bf, with mustard, rlih, onion on thick t 19? PIE Made fresh daily in our own ovens. 20' STOUFFER'S FOODS (In our big reach-in refrigerator type deep freeie) ESCOLLOPED CHICKEN & NOODLES pkg.65c WELSH RAREBIT pkg.55c MACARONI AND CHEESE ... pkg. 39c SHRIMP CURRY pkg. 99c POTATOES AU GRATIN pkg. 39c SPINACH SOUFFLE pkg. 39c CORN SOUFFLE pkg.49c livestock or to game. hnuellmis let nf rl.-nrv rati In I OWIHT's property. Owners are ll-l Vi-ltnn rh,l,n... This would be at auction yards j fble- in case of damage, either to! Wilson.' who drew' the and stock yards. It reports, that on Jan. 15 here in Oregon, dairy cattle, moving through auction yards and stock yards will he re quired to be tested for bangs dis ease with three exceptions. This move affects, primarily, the cat tic that will be going bark to farms and ranches. Mrs. Lee plans, for or ques- Surveyors Seeking Needle's Location New Speaker Visits Ulh.cn In Hospital WASHINGTON (AP) -Vllman, I) Ore , whose Hep. Al left leg ll rhral Houshey of th Coast ami was amntltated al the kn.... n(l..r : ...... .j. arir irmg to additional information turns An outdoor sign has been made hy C.len Neilson for the thurch building. It will be lighted in the near future. White gifts from the church were delivered to the Northwest Chris- ttan Home at Reavrrton by Mr. Vy 1 - A coupU' of a"1 lrs- I'wiKht Havidson. The men huddled in a blackberry nnn Community Service, under the lit 'he f"'1' ,of Msndia direction of Mrs. Barbara Nelson. luff on the north edge of Klliott f,xrd up several baskets to be Hay Una week, squinting through harcd during the holiday, an instrument at the Space addition to the white gifts ' ",",' r.ish donation was made to the The two, James Stanleton ami home. ELECTRIC BLANKETS Famous name Fully guaranteed TWIN BED SIZE 8.97 Double Bed Single Control an auto accident last month, said vtcancviay ne Is ntaging satis faetorv progress at Hcthcsda Naval Hospital. "The doctors say I'm coming along fine ami I f.el all right hut I expect to lie in the hospital fur a while yet, probably another two weeks," he sjid. I'llman underwent skin graft sur gery last I'ridajr to close the wound. Among recent visitors, said I'll man, was Hep, John W. Motor mack. I) Mass., the new speaker of the House. Mrs. I'llman. whn suffeml Hack exact location of the spue on the site of the Seattle World's Kair. There are Iho goid reasons uhv this is necessary, said Capt M R Wennermark, the agency's district chief. Kr one thing, the top of the fioo-foot spire often is wreathed in fog. and its precise position must be noted on aviation charts. And Wennermark sas the tower also has become a prominent land mark for ship naii;ators. To find the exact latitude and longitude of the Needle. Stapleton an-.i nousney are sighting in from injury in the Dec. 8 accident three location. !,... t n... . ' . near V. m-h.-sior v. .7".. -- ami mnrrs . '- " !" n ine souin side ol r.lliott Ba ed making satisfactory progress, the Federal Office Building Mie Is not hospitalised but must downtown Seattle, and from Ma wear a partial body case. ;nolia Bluff Church Meetings Slated By Winstcn Adventists A series of meetings is being con ducted at the Benetta Theatre in Winston during the month of Jan nary each Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday at 7 IS p tn , sponsored by the Seventh day Adventists Church. Principal speakers will be the Rev. C.eorge Vandeman and the Kev. (ieorge K knoulcs. All subnets dealing with "A Creat Battle Between V.at and West." " The Problems Modern Kurope. ' "The World Tomorrow'' will be illustrated on the screen. There will be no ad mission charge and the public is inwtcd to attend part or all of PLANT NOW! ENJOY for YEARS Just Received for Immediate Planting HARDY ra 3 l the Winston Dillard crusade. CYPRESS and JUNIPER EVERGREENS FRUIT TREES HEATHERS, 5 varieties !r DWARP FRUIT TREES-SHRUBS, all types This is the beginning of our selection of shrubs, plants and fruit trees. More arriving doily. See our selection before you buy. All are reasonably priced. All will grow into plonts of beauty end enjoyment. BYRD'S FARMER'S MARKET r " m CAMPBELL'S FROZEN SOUPS (la our big reach-m refrigtrotor typt dtp freest) OYSTER STEW .. 397' CREAM OF SHRIMP 397' CLAM CHOWDER .,, 397' VEGETABLE BEEF PEA AND HAM CREAM OF POTATO 5 97' Rg 39c . Reg. 27c . 397' 5 07c i i r ii iniMhitw - , r Wtt I