The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, January 03, 1962, Page 4, Image 4

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ThtMStuJt Strikey Mr, Sta
Ess iai ......'"
""" III
; The
News .
lErcnk Jenkins i
This u written on New Year's
Day and custom decrees Out
on the first day of each new year
editors shall write a piece fore
telling that, no matter how good
or how bad the old year may have
4 Th New-ReWew. Rojeburg Ore. Wed.. Jon. 3, 1962
Abigail Van Buren
Silence Reings!
DEAR ABBY: We would like! DEAR ABBY: ilv erandfather
your opinion on t subject that has 1 who has bren ill for quite some
caused a lot of discussion around time, is expected to die at any no
our office. One of the men who ment. is it necessary to have my
works here claims that in the 29 grand mother's relatives to the fu
years he has been married he has neral? If they do attend, re it nec
never had a fight with his wife. He j essary to have them sit in the
says she has never argued with pews reserved for relatives?
By Charles V. Stanton
Fear i wing expressed by some newspapers Ihroufrh
out Oregon that a proposed revision of our slate Constitu
tion would reduce the Highway Commission' autonomy
and would open the door to political distribution of high
way revenue.
The danger I fear is great. The committee, I antici
pate, will be under a great deal of pressure to lift the
lid to the highway fund cash box and let politicians get
their fingers in.
The last session of our Stale Legislature authorized the
formation of a committee to prepare a complete revision mm, questioned mm or disagreed Tney are such rough and inor.
Constitution, l nts committee u..u:..u,c. c waimiant pe(
of our out-of-date Oregon
now is at work. A good many people with pet projects
are urcinir the committee to include their proposals in the
been, the new year will be better, i Constitution being prepared for submission to the people.
One of the proposed changes surrounds Section No. 3
of Article No. 9:
a Alexander Hone said couple
of centuries ago in his Essay uf
"Hope springs eternal in the
human breast;
"Man never IS, but always TO
BE. blest."
So let's have at it.
Will the New Year that began
at 12:01 this morning be better
than the old year that ended at
Throughout the approximately
three and half centuries since our
forefathers landed in this New
World that is our world, things
have gotten better and better.
This we must remember:
As, over the long decades of the
past, things have gotten better and
better, it has been because our
people have been willing to WORK
to MAKE things better and bet
ter. Some dangerous new thinking is
getting loose in these modern days.
We are being led to believe that
the only wav things can get better
is for GOVERNMENT to make
them better. Our forefathers be
lieved that the only way things
could get better was for the PEO
PLE to make them better by hard
work and sound planning for them
selves. We've come a long way since
then. I sometimes think we've
come TOO far in SOME direct
ions such as leaving everything
to the government.
In a remarkably realistic ad
dress to the British people the oth
er day. Prime Minister Macmil
lan told his countrymen that in the
new year that is coming up they
must remember that Britain is not
A great ration not to mention
THE great nation.
No longer, he said in substance.,
is it T11K1HS to decido how the
world is to be run. In the world uf
today, he Indicated, Britain must
be a follower, rather than the lead
er. Whv?
The decline of Britain, of course,
began with two devastating World
Wars that sapped her substance
and took a tragic toll of her young
I manhood, t or her courage and
her willingness to make whatever
sacrifices were necessary to de
fend her way of life in those ter
rible conflicts, Britain deserves
;our everlasting respect and grati
tude. But
We must remember that the de
cline of Britain from her long posi-
No tax shall be levied except in pursuance of law, and
very law imposing a tax shall state distinctly the object of the
same to which only it shall be applied. The proceeds from any
tax levied en, with respect to, or measured by the storage,
withdrawal, use, sale, distribution, importation or receipt of mo
tor vehicle fuel or any other products used for the propulsion
of motor vehicles, and the proceeds from any tax or excise
tax levied on the ownership, operation or use of motor vehicles
shall, after providing for the cost of administration and any
refunds or credits authorized by law, be used exclusively for
the construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair, mainten
ance, operation, use and policing of public highways, roads end
streets within the State of Oregon, including the retirement of
bonds for the payment of which such revenues have been pledged,
and also may be used for the acquisition, development, main
tenance, care and use of parks, recreational, scenic or other
historic places end for the publicizing of any of the foregoing
uses and things.
Policy Questioned
The above-quoted section of our Constitution sets tip a
fund completely divorced from the state's general fund.
To manage this fund, there has been created a State High
way Commission. This commission is appointed by the
The Constitution, in effect, places the Highway Com
mission outside legislative control. Some legislators do not
like this provision. They point out that the Federal Con
stitution puts complete control over the purse strings in
the hands of the Congress. The Congress has been ex
tremely jealous of this power. Time and again it has re
fused requests from various revenue-producing agencies to
allow receipts, or any part of funds received, to be used
without direct appropriation.
Some legislators feel that all highway revenue should
go into the general fund to be parceled out by the Legislature.
Then, the criticism comes from at least some of the
legislators that the Highway Commission is too autocratic;
that it has made of itself a government apart and that
legislative desires fail to penetrate the bureaucratic shell
of the Commission,
System Is Good
it is my opinion tluit there is extreme danger m per
milting the legislature to direct the building and main
tenance of our highways.
The latest reapportionment moves give Portland and
its bedroom area a decided control over the Legislature.
Should the Legislature get control over roadbiiilding, it is
obvious that the Portland area, where there is a great
need to take care of the concentrated population, would be
able to 'hog" the highway money.
Too. there is a big question in my mind that legisla
tors with little knowledge of the problem of highways,
ignorant of engineering factors, are capable of such a
technical job.
The Highway Commission presently works on a formu
la which involves a number of factors. It does not have
people it would embarrass us
to have them sitting with the rela
tives of my grandfather. In other
words, the whole family is ashamed
of them. However, we will do what
is right.
DEAR ABBY: My daughter is al. ZV"1.
vorv malnr. Ahm, I fm"T mil irarai
he has never heard her raise her
voice. IS this possible:
DEAR CAN'T: It's possible, but
most unlikely. Perhaps there is
something wrong with his hearing.
a week ago she started wearing an
identification bracelet a boy at
school gave her. In her crowd it
means she is "going steady."
This afternoon I got a phone call
from the boy's mother. (I have
never met her.) She said she was
terribly upset to learn that her son
had Riven my daughter his I I).
bracelet and she wanted my daugh
ter to return it. She said the brace
let was a "good" one. and a birth
day gift, and she didn't want any
thing to happen to it. I told her
that my daughter did not STEAL
it, it was given to her and, further
more, I did not run my daughter's
life and 1 hung up on her. Did 1 doi
DEAR SORRY: You should be.
No eleven-yea cold is old enough to
"run her own life." Tell ' your
daughter to return the bracelet,
and the sooner the better.
by invitation .only. Your grand
mother's relatives have e right to
attend, end to sit in the pews re
served for relatives.
AND LOST": Your letter reminds
me of en old Chinese story: "One
tear met another tear floating down
the river. The first tear said, 'I
am the tear of e woman who lost
her lover.' The other tear said,
'I am the tear of the woman who
got him.' "
What's yours?
a problem,
a personal re
ply, write to Abby. Box 3365. Bev
erly Hills, Calif. Enclose a stamp
ed, sell-addressed envelope.
For Abby's booklet, "How To
Have A Lovely Wedding." send 50c
to Abby, Box 3365, Beverly Hills,
Pacific Northwest Lumber
Industry Hud Difficult Veur
PORTLAND (AP) The Pacific! of the year was 10 J billion square seaboard markets at prices under
Northwest's big lumber industry! feet. By June it is expected to, Oregon-Washington mills' levels:
found 1961 a difficult year. Sales be 10 S. The 1961 sales of S 4 bil-1 increased log costs because of
were down and so were prices. I lion square feet were up S per j stepped-up Japanese log purchit-
Plywood showed some contrast, cent over I960 and the 1962 sales! es; high prices for federally
It set a production record as new I will have to cl'.nb 2 per cent over! owned timber: and continued
plants were opened, but John that just to Keep even with in-1 lumber production in excess of
Martinson of Tacoma, president creased rapacity. I demand.
of Douglas Fir Plywood Assoria There is some hope they will1 Bright spots were low invento
tion, said this just continued "am do so. The industry has an exten-ries in dealers' hands and predic
era of profitless prosperity." sive advertising program under itions for an increase in the num
Prices remained low. way, including a national televi- ber of housing starts. Stepped-up
The Western Pine Association sion network program, and looks! remodeling, too, was in sight,
said the region's pine output for also to increased interest in such I There was no firm sign of a
the year was running 6 5 per cent new features as permanent fin-1 price increase for lumber. An ef
under that of 1960 and appeared ishes and coatings. ! fort was being made at the year's
likely to total around 8 2 or 8 3 Just what improvement fir and end to increase plywood for vary
billion board feet compared with pine lumber may get is uncertain. ) ing amounts depending on grade
8 9 billion a year ago and 9.9 i Spokesmen for both said some and type. The extent to which
two years ago.
The West Coast Lumbermen's
Association said Douglas fir pro
duction in Oregon and Washington
was down to 7.75 billion feet. A
year ago it was 8 34 billion
cautious optimism was warranted this would succeed was uncertain,
but others said they could see lit- Meanwhile the holiday shutdown
tie prospect of change from the of many lumber mills was ex
depressed market. I tended in some cases to undeter
They said reasons for the trou- mined dates in the new year as
ble included expanded sales of owners waited for the 1962 market
Plywood's capacity at the end i British Columbia- fir in Eastern I to open up.
Economic Machine Expected To Go
Info High Gear With 1962 Start
By JACK LEFLER icars during the week, compared ' face expulsion, which would put
AP Business News Writer with 149,285 the previous week and ; them out of business.
NEW YORK (AP) The: 86,573 a year ago. Output for the Th XW VnHc sinr-ir,.
economic machine idled between
holidays in the past week but in
dications were that it would go
James Mario w
Kennedy Will Be Compared
With Men Who Had His job
year was estimated at s.sia.uuu, expressed support of the NASD's
.... J . ... l. 0 ,n, , , i . , iun I
vumptficu wtiii D,D9Q,iio in injv- statement
Chrysler displayed in New York stm-k ih.r.. aa a,. h.
into high gear when the starter's City a turbine-powered car it sid!week totaled 7 25'52t sh"r
flag drops on 1962. I couki use almost any liquid fuel. compared with 17.716.070 for" the
It had pulled out of the mire ; It plans to make about 50 or 75 1 previous week and 16 537 084 for
of recession in the last half of for final tests in 1963. tne comparable 1960 week. Bond
wis .scar ami aermcu aire, pruuucuuu upemi iuu mi-1 sale, am0unted to $27 .477 .000 COm-
enuuKU putter lu auccu vcu imu , er uavuig reacueu a u-iuuiiiii
the new year. ! high of 2.225,000 tons during the
The post-Christmas week found i week. The operating rate was
the automobile, steel and many estimated at 77 per cent of ca-
now on, after a year in office.
President Kennedy more and
more will be compared in poli
cies, performance and personality
with men who had his job or have
one like it.
Kennedy is more like former
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and British Prime Minister Har
old Macmillan than any other
world leader of recent times.
Haughty, stubborn French Pres
ident Charles de Gaulle is a com-
lete opposite. So is earthy,
bouncy, extroverted Soviet Pre
mier Khrushchev. So is former
President Harry S. Truman
Truman was more outwardly
aggressive and the result was a
lot of conflict for instance.
with Republicans and particularly
Sens. Taft and McCarthy which
he seemed to enjoy,
Some of his conflicts mislit
in getting opposing factions to
work together.
This is how he operated with his
Democratic opposition. It is clear,
after a year in office, that Ken
nedy is following with his Repub
lican opponents the same course
Eisenhower pursued with the
Even though this is a con
gressional election year and he
wants more Democrats in the
Capitol, an authoritative source at
Palm Beach let it be known Ken
nedy is making a peace offering
to Republicans before Congress
opens for 12: he won't do any
heavy politicking.
Eisenhower went less than all
out on some of the programs he
asked Congress to pass. Kennedy
already has shown a great will
ingness to compromise.
Both men, like Macmillan of
Britain, have shown an immense
other industries operating at a I pacity.
curtailed rate.
Eyes On Future
But all eyes were on the future.
Leaders in various industries al
most unanimously came out with
glowing predictions for at least
the first half of 1962.
The year 19G2 gives every 197 million to 98 million. It
pared with S30.642.0O0 the prevt
ous week and $26,732,000 for the
comparable week of last year.
Briefly around the business
j , . j!eene: The 102-story Empire State
Demand for steel was reported R,.jiHinff in u, Vnrt i. .....
beginning to tighten.
bought by Prudential Insurance
Co. in a $65 million transaction
. . . Every person in the United
States had an average of 520 tele-
Steel Tonnage Up
An industry publication predict-
1SM piouu"'"" phone conversations in 1960,
ions, up ru.uuie.i '""'"American Telephone . Telegraph
97 million to 98 million. It said I,-. ,,.,. r t..,i,-. .u.
promise of being an excellent one!as much as 65 million tons might j American Stock' Exchange this
for business," said r redenc G. I be turned out in the first half to , vear exce(.dcd the record 479,140i.
uuiuier, cnaii mail ui uvaci ai satisiy oraers iruin useis uuuums : 071 n sqoq
.Motors x-orp. up stockpiles as a neage agaiusi
Henry Ford II. chairman ofia possible strike.
Ford Motor Co., said, "I expect Merchants were rejoicing over
1962 to be a solid, prosperous earwhat was generally agreed to be
for the general economy and the, the greatest Christmas shopping
automotive industry." season on record.
Both expressed optimism that y0UT big Chicago mail order
seven million passenger cars firms issued their spring and
would be built in 1962, making it,SUmmer catalogues and prices
second only to 1935. ' were much the same as consum-
l.ynn A. Townsend. president of ers paid this year.
Chrysler Corp.. said: "Confidence 1 The Commerce Department es
on the part of businessmen and:umated construction expenditures
consumers, cumbined with hisih 1 this vear at a record $57.5 billion.
levels of personal income and
savings, should result in sustained
and stable prosperity in 1962."
Sees Business Increase
have been avoided with different desire to avoid personal conflicts.! On other industry fronts. Mark , Security Dealers warned broker
tactics but this is not to say he which in a way is a good method ;W. Cresap Jr.. president of West-aj!e fjrms against ar-anging ex
was wrong, given the time and of staying popular. iinghouse Electric Corp., predicted 1 P(.s5jve compensation for selling
circumstances of his presidency. On the other hand: at a time: an increase in ousiness ior me
The country will be forever j when the Russians have weapons electrical manufacturing industry,
grateful to hiin for his decisive-j just as sudden and terrible as ; and M. L. Dye, president of the
ness in beginning foreign aid, his this country's, both Eisenhower j L'n'ted States Savings & Loan
military alliances and stiff-arm-! and Kennedy must have felt the (League, forecast an increase in
ing the Russians. j day-by-day American political housing starts in 1962 over 1961.
and a dozen , slugging of the past is small po-i vtiui plants ciosen .wonaay ana
In all tliesn areas, and a dozen , sluccine of the oast is small 00
nt'Hrlv pnninrh niniipv in liniM nil tlio i-nn.U nonl, nnn.l others, there was contlict of one tatues compared with the grealor Saturday, auto production skidded
Htld would like to hfive. Consequently it is constantly tin- "' "r antlu'r- .... . ! cunfhet with commnism. to an estimated 1Q3.000 passenger
I .11 urn 01 Ills willingness 10 ai-.
In lilt Malltr of DONALD ELI WITCHER,
Th Mlt will b held on th ICIh dv
of Jmiarv. 193. mt 110 o'clock P on
j tho front steps of tho Douglas County Courl
! House. Roseburq. Oregon, or at such meet.
Ing place within the Court House proper
as the Trustee shall designate al tho time
of the sale.
The property w.ll be told upon oral bios,
to tho highest bidder, subject to anoroval
of tho Court. Bids will be called tor ait
parcels in bulk. Separate bids then will
be called for each parcel. The property
Will be sold ta the hlanett hull, hirtntr.
the stocks of new companies. It I unless the ul of the highest bids by seo-
thflt Violator WOUld " " -VH'tnia.ffi more man in n-qnesr
mat MQiators "wmh , which case In. separata lot
bids tnalt prevail.
The properties may be viewed during
business hours any day prior to the tela
by appointment with the Trustee. Karl L.
Waoner, 39 East Seventh Avenue, Eugene,
up 3 per cent irom ismu ana c
per cent above the previous high
of 1959. I
The National Association of
tion as leader of the world received (o vvman toucrh" to keep
lalE TM-nu Jll l-A funm ?- nnn -fa... 4 1 . I 1 I L. 1. -
I" ..u... uue Jdiuuii, UK-ll nuillfl. n, lias-,, ,. hl. nnliliral f.l-
its expenditures somewhere ture on j, r,0 (011,t was in part
Hat Boyle
product of his early background i
That the LeKishiture, however, is amenable to political m Mlssmin precinct politics. j
pressures is quite evident hy its authorization of bonds for,, 'j1', pUy,M! P0!111,0 ' 'J'e
.,. l ........ ivl i 4i i i . .i j .i had been plavul for generations.!
special purposes. hue the Lettislature ran t order the cx- , ,,, ,, ' v , i. S(,on
the ,
doned the free enterprise system
and went over to the wtl.rAKt
That is something for I S to re
.h.. 1S..U, YW. II.1V ' " "" '"C aH..-...l...r SO I I S SUI-t llir. A- H,,, ,,jt y.j.y m;,y
L ,,i;ii rim, nut tiir I'ftKl 1 1 u re ot normal revenue, it can order bonds issued for, again for some tune if only
old and ring in the new. jspecitic projects, by that means it directed the commis- cause the circumstances of
i.t'. nnt vine n too much of the'. "ion IO sen oonus ior a section 01 lliirhwav It 1. it unveil presidency are oiiirirni
Welfare State.
Prosperity And Perplexity
Newly patented. The -Dot- olacer mining;-. i'"";" "'
Or"m w"-clrT...Vo'Sil The will be"',,.,, payable ,;
,?',?.", .XhC h' ,opro.lm.S! tb. conclusion of the sal. at the t,m.
hSMBM i yards Will average SJ 00 p yard I " "nouncement by the Tru.tee of the
M OT seli to ' tSUMiM. One-tilth :''' " " . forthwith following !ho
down, balance on terms.
Ceroid L. Looney
Bos 42 Camas Valley. Oregon
Cell a-1
Water Fluoridation
Talk Due At Meet
PORTLAND (AP)-A discussion
of fluoridation of Oregon water
supplies will highlight a ronfrr
rnce nf community leaders trout
throughout the state at Eugene
Saturday. I
The meeting is sponsored by the.
dental health education niinmi'.-
tee of the Oregon State Dental;
Association. The organization says ,
fluoridated drinking water reduces
UmiIIi decay in children.
Dr. Arthur S. Klemnung. presi i
dent of the I niversity of Oregon. I
t.i tbo linn lu-lt-ae nt j- .,,.1 ,i i .,.! ...i i..,.i.. i...t i In the Truman years and all of year will 19(52 Ix-'
I i i,. ,.", ., ' ..." .:..': " ', I ... 'those that preceded it-before a A look in the murky crystal ball reaching 40 wil
...... .. mr ru K l'Jv ir ui ii.Ke at sioriil. , trlRacr on nvnr0i,cn missiles discloses it will be one of the to be cheerful about during 12.
! , ? 1'Httern. it seems to me. should be pre-! coull) devastate a continent-a more memorable years of modern, Here are a few fanciful predic-
I served. While there may lie a question about putting: nton-1 president could afford to occupy times, a mixture of national pros- ,jon5 tna, mav come ,rue during
ey into the hands of a department, it is my opinion we himself more with domestic poll- perity and international puzzle- ine present year:
should continue as we are, rather than pork barrel inn our ,,ll'.s- , ... i,mlm' , . , i On the international front;
hlsrhwav riroui-am wmr inner hismuuiiu-s mj, ai- , vccoruitig 10 our aiiuudi in..
I ..L.. ....... .. n.h t. 'i : , .
, so explain me iiitiiisr win.,. jorecasi
taken place in ine presidency as
demonstrated by Kennedy and El
senliowrr. For instance:
I 1. American rtohtics mav be en-
two appeared near the breaking """R mor sophisticated period
sale by agreement with the Trustee and
prior to consumation of the salt and ap
proval thereof by the Court.
Each parcel will be conveyed by a Trus
tee's Deed and an Owner's Poifcy of Tito
; Insurance, tn the principal amount of the
purchase, furnished to the purchaser ef each
parcel. Each parcel will be sold free and
ount In tho Circuit i InoM specified above and Immediately be
Oegon for Douglas , tew fh description nf the parcel,
nent, and that Won- POSSESSION
day, the On day of January, It, at the pA,,,inn . .
Something hour ot 10 o'clock In the toronoon ot taid uoon mrml of the sale by the Court.
,n sw. -uv" - , suoiect to tna tenancy of tha month to
pointed as the time and place tor the hear- , montn tenants, terminable upon 30-days writ
ing of Obiections thereto and the settlement ,ic. Rental Income will be pro-rated
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, as administrator of tha estate ot
has filed his final account
I.: i .1 : . - V.. , ' Court of tha S:afe
isiiiu uiry sic -iijw in i. irs... in iCou,y, pbate Department, and that Won-
eryDOUy everynmly except Wives: gay. the n day of January. 1!.
Castro Names New Envoy To Vatican
Minister f'idel Castro has ap
pointed a new ambassador to the
at lean in an apparent move to
ease strained relations between
his pro Communist regime in
Cuba and the Human Catholic
Castro's appointment of Luis
Amailo Hlant-ii v Kei'n.initey he-
will be the featured speaker ,,.,,. knmln Tuesdav with the rou
Hemming is a long time support- ,,,, poi.iicnon f jn. i2 ,t,reC.
cr of adding fluorine to water. ,,.,. ll( le ,ipinlaiic co,ps a0-
Dr. David M. Witter, director , credited to the Vatican,
of the dental health section of the i An official at the Cuban Em
state Uoard of Health w ill speak j basy confirmed the appointment
on the present status ot fluorida-1 of Hlnnco y Fernandez, but said
lion in Oregon. he had not vet arrived in Home.
Case histories of fluoridated 1 he previous 1 uban envoy, Dr
areas in the state will he renewed Jose Hint Vclasco. presented h
bv two panels of medical and a , creilenlials in March iO lie
ler authorities, educators and recalled by Castro less than ninni
message from Poie
expressing "sincere
Christian proscrity
loed Cuban people
lislied in Havana
The brief message replied to a
New Year s greeting from Resi
dent Osvaldo Porticos. It ac
knowledged Dorticoa' message of
best wishes.
New Year's
hopes for
for I lie le-
' was pub-newspapers
Increased Allowance
Urged For Servicemen
community leaders.
Health education problems will
he discussed before the meeting
by representatives of dental soci
months later.
Castro's ouster of several Ro
man Catholic priests from Cuba
led to further strain between the
atuan and Havana, ami hy last
summer' relations between the
The News - Review
Ptabliiheol by News-Pte.e Publishing Co.
S4S S. I. Mem St, Koiebui, 0e(o
Editor Businesi Manager
Managing Editor Disploy Adv. Mgr.
Member of the Associated P.esi. Oregon Newspaper Publishers
Association, the Audit Rureau uf Circulation
Entered as second class matter May 7. I3.'0. at the office at
Roseburg, Oregon, under act of March 2, U.J
Subscription fialri on Classified Advertising rn
YY AS1 1 1 N C. TON (API- Secret a ry
of Detense Hubert S McNamara
has recommended increases in
the quarters allowance for armed
forces peisonnil Tin
lie about $-'.'0 million
Presumably the money is Iveina
requested in the military hud.-et
tew being made r-a.ty for sub
mission to Congresv
the increases are scaled to cov
er vanous ijnhs.
An example of the proposed in
ciease is Hut for lust sergeant
or sei ileant ma ior. It he has m
tlrpcnitrn!s be now c,rts a $t 10
a inont'i ai!ov,anc an,! voul.t
.;rt $s. A uriilrr the pnyosrd new
With a w.te and one or two clul
iln-n he now lereives $77 H and
would t.-t Sil i .si With a wile and
thiee or none ilolilien, It.s ptes
ent $' W would to up to Sl.'.'i lo
when the traditional rat and dog
fights between a president and
Ins opposition look old fashioned
and lime w asting.
Hut more than the Kennedy Pi
senhower presidencies will he
needed to .show whether this is
the case
2. It mav be simply that Ken
nedy and K.iscnhower either think
it shrewder and in the long run
more fruiilul to compromise and
avoid brawls or thev lust don I
have the stomach for
To put it another way. it seems
to be a necessary part of their
j nature to avoid embroilments. K.I
senhower did that with Taft, Mc
Carthy, and with everyone else
' when he could.
But then, of course, he duln t
come up through the American
political system, cither. I'.ven as
a general he had made a reputa
ost would lion tor avoiding o(en breaks and
year. '
the American common following iresmem s rsenneuv .
man will earn more money than av'ee on personal puysic-i i..-
he ever did before in Ins life- "ess programs. Premier hhrush-
and still be unable to understand eh"' ,ake a special corres-
where it all went. pondenee course in muscle-build
lie will eat both the cake of " . ,
ine Lmteci Males win snooi a
plenty and the bread of crisis, as
the Russians find new strings of
discord and unrest to thrum.
Most people will he living more,
hut maybe wondering whether
Administrator of the Fstste of
Casa Na. l4
a National Banking Association,
I Plaint.lf.
I vs
Textbook Petition
Deadline Extended
:ntn n.sK.t i rx,l Ilia
man miiii. saini iiiv ei itar r.i cicnu k ..,.
will immeiliairly orbit a beautiful bJ)ntJ' ,nd oregon stati tax com-
fem.ile snv to keep an eye on him. vission.
The Congolese will organue Not,ce is ,:ve that pursuant to a Decree
their Own version of the "Peace of the above ent, tied court made and entered
Corps." and send their first train- i ""'v-."" ?" " '" "''" "
1 . , , entitled wit and by virtue ot a Kuril of
CCS over here to help rescue ..Kui,on issued and sealed by said court
No. Umpqua Extension
Unit Meeting At Glide
The N'M !h X nipq i.i Home K
'HMnn I nit will iiivt Jan 10 al
10 "o a ni. at the C.lule I'oinnnirity Mr .,lly ll.riM ti nxui M-
An. nr W.ikrrvon w ill jri.'srnt th
p-ni.-il. 'Nl.uu .lfi Mt'riiKiit'
I lit n' te a Mi!:it'k hint 'n-.-n
at lUH-n wi'ti Ine It .it r fut niluiu
ieM it
All thr wriu n tf ' 0 i'Mnmunit
m it. J t
rt .iist lt
.uiH-vl bv n
,lhv s,(l:
SAl.KM (AIM The deadline for
slam bar.jj film: petition for reheannii in
the parochial M'hool tetlook case
was extcntied hy the state Su
preme Court Tuesday to Jan. 22
The deadline had been Jan 4
I eo Smith. Tort land, attorney
for a group of parents whose did
dren anen. an treion t ity Ro
man Catholic M'hool, asked for the
The Imfh court ruled 6 1 Nov l.S
that si-hind districts no longer can
supply tree textbooks to pamchul
schiHils It c:ted a pioii'-ton in the
Mate Constitution which bars
spendin.: public money for re
hi;iius purpoM
The suit was brought bv a croup
of t.ixp.ivei against the Orecnn
t ity School Iislnct. The litnct
lost the case, and Simih inter-
ned in tavor of the tiee text
n. it h hs vt-hl be nn;ht artvil
t 'ie I ii.ted Si .'te S-iprerne
oi;rt if tiie st.ite upteme 1 tt: t
tlrnics his M-tit ii in ft r rehear uu
1 lie co;nt won t U a!ie ti art nn
Ins hM it ion tint .1 Lie J.inuai u
l.'.torm.itt.m t-JT:v rebuui
ii may be he huh couii aw wiants a
t!v P'-n i-pheai mc In liKI. it denied eer
ps 6 tVMi re ieanru p'tition that wa f.ied
! Americans stranded
i jams.
The I nited Nations will seek to
solve its financial woes by having
itself listed on the stock exchanges
of New York. London, Pans.
Rome. Bonn, and Tokyo. Shares Zl ,n
wil. also he sola secretly to ine
ltt tratllC commanding irt ! t't MrtinaMttw 0-
' c iturd DroorTy 1o wfufy th claim o
m plaint iH on Ihfj lrdl ftrn Ot-
cnbd m tht following vimt. Totl mourit Farctl I, kxntotl at 1: NW
Of Ufjgmfit Tviro Tho sjurtg Svntv-Fiv RosDug. Oftgon: T f aird
rd 7 100 eHr, ($?.07i?l ofj-th'' itn Thf Harm on-nirft o tof
tn farther n-m of O" Hundred E'Ohtv-Two UVPQU FBUIT RANCH in
r-d f4 100 dollr it'i:V4) pllinlifis Tnnh d V Sosjth, Rnot
io tho data of approval bv thg Court
l ina Mt
Parol A, toefttod at 3ij o:onvillt Pint,
Rosoourg, Oregon, Tax Card No. 47?M:
(Lot oi (1) and two (? in ftlock ont (1).
ting located in tM tubdivii on of Lot 3.
to tha City of ftostourg, Douglat County,
I tgn.
i Parctl A wilt b oid frt and tiMr f
U lions and tncvrnprancai tcspt tht tal
lowing 1. ftoadt ard highways and tha rights of
the public therein
2. Subject to th twMbilltv of an overlap
Along the we,t tide of the parcel arising
from the tact that in platting thtj tract
the engineer Harl-d at the southwe-.!
corner and wtvit north 7 12 30" we!,
Imtead ot oo. nq oue north. 1 called
tor in thi original plat T"i error makes
It Impossible to warrant title to ppron
mattly the westerly 1 ft of Parcel A.
3. Douglas County taes, witn penalties ond
tntrrtt conOiited ta January U, lfJ;
lif)-57 throuoh If6'-H, Total S:i1 73
Grove Lan",
pi-e H ef
SHt'en II.
Wit, A. Ham.
ftte Meridian. Oauaiji f ou-ii
ooefllence to W d wf-t VvlM Pare' B w.H b told l-e a-vd r oar nf
ivpon and will o'er tor M tg tri hgnet a't lien and tncumtKances eteoT the tau
Russian public bv stock and bond t"(Wr ,0f cain tr 'T,," ron 'nct towng
i - ...... . . o th Courthow at Roetjorg, DouQiai . Reir:i a. higha- and r at of ht
County Oregon, on the ?S'h oay of Janyar. px.'0' c thorem
14;. at io 00 o t oc A v e u d gay, ail 1. Dougie. Count tj.M .i pia-t ef ar-d
rlO. t.tie and interest which detendan't Mar- Jer't romouted to January ,,. i2:
one Pr-arl Shrifts t.'w "W m Mario'lf ' !-? fhrouqn Total si 05
Pearl S"feds (.ieaon a-d E berl G isw Parcel C, kxattvt upon i-,i.r Raaa. Roso
her rH.'voana d o Fepryary i, mi, or bvg, O-eoon Ta Card Ko :-7-
salesmen parachuted into Siberia
by the Allies.
On the domestic political front
John F. Kennedy Jr . will grow
some more baby teeth
Mis father will ask lontuess to
put some more adult teeth in the
present income tax laws, and ev
eryone on an expense account will
go into mourning
A Han aid professor will decline
a federal ro eminent appoint
ment, rlaimini he prefers to
teach After bems cleared of any
taint of suhersiim bv a toajt fac
ulty congressional commiuee. Sen
Bany iloldujter will oiler him a
post on hi
(iov. Nelon A Rockefeller
friend will otier a $.3 iit reward
f ir a ny h ost : er w ho can
come up wdh a Republican xte
liettins slotfjn U'tter than "New
IV! I- a.r Dejl." or "New
Krnn'ier "
All in ad. promises to be an
interestinis and suipninc car. If
sou don't en;oy it. it 11 be our
own fault
now have n v to tn toliomg described
re' P' ooert v to
B-g.n"i- at a poirt n tne Wori bOxfV
rv of tre Second Add t.fsn o Broo at
said PO-t bfing 1 0 cha j Eat of i"t
E corner o F rf JiM'I'jn
P-oo o to Rcsehwo. as eia a-d
led m fse o-ct o te County c -i'l of
Dox'tj a C ov, C'tgof
txete EeO JM cna is a'no -e Jw"S
bounda' 9' "e Second ar-d T 'd Anc
t V ot B oo - 9.
f-er-ce Sf'"
t-- i et : if ti'- oa'a 'el to f-
Kv boxxtda't ot tad Aj 'of of
fece Sxx;h l Vrf a 1-m r t e
rU -wi.-g it Set" an ' T-r-p '7
SK,'n Ra-o S ve, W1 'aee iVe"
o n OOvfl'a U C'oo
K:' j g 0 hi bv MS
0. I I P S'f tie p,ir; r K
'ciiff as trie ( e 0e. a 3
9 s e
-'0 . "0
iix a-i "r(jsi ext t u4 sa
y xt;t s rirt,on pv sad c"
-d .r-t to 'oer on as p'o dd t
o Ve'e ot Oregon aO to U-"ed
o' Amenra
P)'ed e-d tiri pwb.srxd Dece-be V.
C tRD.
f a ru a fx--. C f6n
B.. A'aa E. wa"tT. Decxi'y
All ot Tra:t T ad t-ie -nenv us f ieef
O T-act A. PJt B CEt C BE E OR
CMAP9 TRACTS. Ooxjg m COx'y. O'eoon:
t XC EPTlhO tferetrem trxat t-ct cunvtvyi
tg P. ,. I and a. 7er-ar hy d"eo r
f nr-M .n V?'','"- :J 9 t-xe t-d RcorftS
o Hoxg at Cowr-ty, Cegon, Rex-orger So.
Pa't-I C 'I be .0'J f'e a-d c 0
ait i e-s a 4 e-tun-o-ences e-cept t oi--a
1. R-.f a-d t ghax a-d r g--s a t-a
IH'O C txre.n
I D,o as Covty taies p-na" et 'I
fi px'td o Je" -a' u ':.
IS X tr.rrjgt, TxH'-eJ To'al C
Parcel O. io- ad at Ji K r O" v.
RoetK'g OrMti T as Cart So CK
lot 0 ( Kt-sn
5 AfniTirs TO ROSE SuRx,
On n- C a", Coo"
Pa'tei O H he v d -eo a-rt car n
a i -s a-d fti-more-HiM ceat t'e fo'-
I . ad hgniaa.s a-d rg's
Px o- c tn-n.
I " i P'oo-' i et " 'e bov -i"s
P'VeJV ad is sut-x-t ieyes
d axxere"s a tat D." c
J D 9 as Cnc-ty t m m pena es a-d
ie-et r-rtveJ t je-xiary ' 'Hi.
7 t-xro IH1? Tll t''1 '
tv a a i, l. y AxisE T ii'H