The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 19, 1961, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Th News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Tuei., Dee. 19, 1961
Sukarno Opposes Separate Dutch
Government For West New Guinea
Bloodmobile Gets 'Shot In Arm'
From Local National Guardsmen
WASHIN'fiTOV AP1 Presiilint vias relayed to Kennedy In Palm to the Dutch fur withdrawal from
Sukarno reportedly tuld 1're-ulenl Beach, Ha.
Kennedy that Indonesia would no'. a. f,.w houn later, SuVirao an
ait idle while the Netherlands nouncid in broadcast from Joe-
moved to set up a separate itov- jakarla that he was ordering the
ernment in West JSew (iiiinea.
Kennedy appealed last wc k to
both the Netherlands and Indone
sia, for a pracrful settlement of
their territorial dispute.
Sukarno answered Kennedy's
letter in a messane delivered la!e
Monday to Secretary of State
Pean Buvk by Indonesian Ambas
sador Zairin Zain. The message
Hi million Indonesians to mobilize
to liberate West New Guinea from to nave urged the Indonesian gov
St Picture Page' Three
The K"d Cross bloodmobile re
ceived a shot in the arm Monday
niKht in the form of a special dona
tion by the Itosehurg unit of the
their portion of the island before Oregon National Guard.
making any military move to oc ! Thirty-two members of the guard ( the donation during
IUT uiuiucri nig Mb uie Ullll I project oi me Ullll.
"" I EulMfll mmluH rt
lie Liiiu-ii tiuiri was it-puiii-u
Roseburg Post Office Handles
Peak Holiday Mailing (It Hopes)
meeting Monday night, marched Roseburg's Post Office Monday.
lo me I-..KS temple, rolled up their went through its peak day of noli-
The heavy part of the Christmas post mailing is running IS to 20
sleeves and gave a gift of life to
the blood bank.
Capt. John Parsons, company
commander, led the volunteers in
the annual
mail rush started a week ago Mon
Dutch rule.
sources said
eminent to
Sukarno , llun While
Red China Raps
Indian Invasion
HONO KONG (AP) - Red Chi
na's official paper here today
crilirizrd Prime Minister Nehru
for India's invasion of (ioa.
The comment, the first official karno
Chinese Communist reaction toi
the invasion, was in sharp con
trast to the Soviet l.'nion's ex
pressed approval of the Indi
It was another example of the
growing divergence of views be
tween the Kremlin and l'eiping.
The paper Ta hung
charged the invasion of (ioa was
a desperate attempt by Nehru
"to regain his sagging prestige
among nations of the African -Asian
The paper did not condemn
the invasion as such, in view of
communism's basic antieolonial-i-t
policy. But Red China's cur
rent animosity toward India was
reflected in editorial ridicule of
Nehru and his motives.
Communist China and India are
having a verbal battle over the
Chinese-Indian border dispute.
told Kennedy that by setting up a
new government for the 700.(100
Papuan people who inhabit West
New Guinea the Dutch were pro
voking Indonesia to use force to
settle the issue.
Indonesia has claimed sover
eignty over the Dutch adminis
tered territory since Indonesia
won its independence from the
Netherlands. West New Guinea
was a part of the old Netherlands
Kast Indies.
U.S. officials took the view that
Sukarno was moving closer to
armed action against the Dutch
government but would not close
all doors to negotiation.
It was expected here that Sil-
would issue an ultimatum
reach a
peaceful solution of
Expert Workmonihip 9!a Tears
PH. OR 3-8435
if-! Psychiatric Exam
Slated For Palmer
Norm. Palmer. 52. formerly of
''a0 Clendaie who last week was found
guilty of a charge of contributing
to the delinquency of a minor, has
been ordered sent to the Oregon
Slate Huspilal for psychiatric ex
amination. Circuit Judge Charles S. Wood
rich issued the order Monday when
Palmer appeared for imposition of
sentence. Psychiatric examinations
arc mandatory in all convirtions
on sex offenses. Palmer was found
guilty by a trml jury Dec. 13.
The case involved Palmer's alleg
cd attentions to a 11 year-old boy.
He was ordered to surrender
himself on Dec. 26 for delivery by
the sheriff's department to the
state hospital.
Mt. Nebo Cross
Is Shining Again
The lighted cross on Mt. Nebo,
viewed from miles around Rose
burg, is again a project of the
Junior Chamber of Commerce.
Members Gene Stewart, as
chairman, and Ralph John under
took the job of inspecting the
cross, replacing ' burned out neon
tubing and making other minor re
pairs. itosehurg Neon donated the nec
essary tubing to keep the cross
properly lighted, said Stewart.
Negroes Plan
Mass Vote Walk
Negroes protesting alleged vote
discrimination planned a mass
mass march on the registrar! of
fice tonight in the wake of the ar
rest of nearly 300 sympathy dem
onstrators. The Consumers League of
Greater New Orleans, a Negro
group, appealed to President Ken
nedy for protection.
Police Supt. Joseph I. Giarrusso
said his department "positively
will not stand for any demonstra
tions by marching groups."
Police speedily broke up a
march Monday by Negro youths.
They said they were protesting the
a st week in
the guard
became members of the Gallon
Club with the donation of the pint
of blood having given seven pints
A total of 66 pints of blood were
taken by the bloodmobile on this
trip to Roseburg. A goal of 150
had been set.
East Oregon Crash
Claims Idaho Man
NYSSA, Ore. (AP) An automo
bile crashed off the road between
Nyssa and Ontario Monday night
and killed one of its three passen
gers, Juan L'riate Monasterio, 21,
Weiser, Idaho.
Police said the car sheared off a
utility pole, then continued on into
a plowed field where it overturned.
Two other persons were injured:
Jose Anthony Comesa, 23, and
Paul Gallegoes, 21, both of Nyssa
ine cross, wnicn sianns en leei arr,.st f 75 Negroes
nign, is permanently installed and Baton Kouge. where officers used 1 They were listed in fair condition
nas ueen maiming ior more inan tear gas t0 break up anti-segrega- at a Nyssa hospital today.
The Umpqua School Christmas
program will be held at the school
Thursday at 8 p.m. instead of Fri
day as previously announced.
been extensive, from the elements
or from thoughtless children's un
erring rock throwing.
The cross is lighted for the
weeks before and after Christmas
and again at Easter time.
Faith Lutheran
Slates Program
a cozen years, wnen jaycee mem-iw, ,imn.ir2n,,n
bers built it- ! The arrests in New Orleans in-
rrc-m lime io lime flamage has ciu,ied 290 Negroes and two white
youths. Many of the Negroes were! last year for bravery. A
students at Dillard University and ' policeman at Fort Lewis
the New Orleans branch of South
ern University.
The Rev. Avery Alexander,
president of the Consumers
League, wired President Kennedy
that the students "were run down
and hunted by dogs like animals
and arrested while walking peace
fully to a local slate office build
ing to prutest the tear gassing
program anj inhuman treatment of stu
dents at Southern University in
Police have not determined who
was driving.
Gallegoes was cited by the Army
he was
wounded while shooting it out with
a man who attempted a robbery
at the fort.
It was the 474th traffic fatality
of the year on the Associated
Press list for Oregon. That is 24
more than at this date last year.
The anni'al Christmas
of faith Lutheran Church will be
held at the church Friday at 7:30 Baton House.'
p.m. ano win leaiure ine prnduc- Police said
(ion of "Behold, the Lamb." by'ii,i, tr,;..A
.tiaiKdrri r asnani.
A junior choir, made up of pupils
from the upper grades, will com
plement the recitations
Boys Suspected
In Radio Theft
the demonstration,
were made under
I t
Choice 4 Colon 2 Year Warranty
Woihable Dependable Sleep-Guord
Sale Price 15.88
Double Bed Dual Control 25.88
Hair Dryer $24"
Fry Pan $2370
WT a" Stoinlots Steel $)?90
IP Coffee maker Li
(fki E,ecHe MA95
3g Can Opener 10
?y 1995
5j) Steam Iron 10
Toaster Oven $2795
f) Washer-Dryer J
cv r 2t 51 hns
ri OR l ilt
passed last year to ward off im-
nrnmntil racial rlnmnndrfilinnt It
The children will bring gifts to, ..,-.. . irmit n in .j.,.,.
bf ,?ont. t,;.B,"'PlW Mission, a 0f scheduled marches, including
children s hbme in Axtell, Neb. lhe War(11 (;ras parades.
following the program candy.
treats will be distributed to the'
ci.prs:rv",:,s,ntd- I Forest Engineers Attend
An 11 pin. candlelight service It ! r ?
will be held at the church on IUCHI limning JcSalOll
Christmas Kve and will include!
short devotional. Christmas mu- Seventeen rorest Service engi-
sic will be presented. neers from the six districts of the
ine public is invited to attend i!m.,n,,. v,i;.,i v,...
both events. I nateri in a nnp-riav training tcinn
Monday in the Federal Bulidinfi
Due to the number of absences ltoiv.irrt Kmrieh Tinh,,r nmr.
at the School the past Week the oua National Fnre.t .nolneei. .1.
vocal music department of the tached to ih
Fremont Junior High School has was in charge of the school, assist
canceled its Christmas concert' ed bv Tom ftlerhaelt Pnrilan.t
originally scheduled for Thursday, a member of the Forest Service
n'shL I regional engineering staff.
did not use Roseburg City Police said today
to break up I they are seeking two teen age boys
The arrests in connection with the theft of a
i city statute i table model radio from Trowbridge
Electric Co.. 721 SE Oak Ave.
last Saturday.
Raymond Sims complained to po
lice that the two youths came inio
the store about 12:40 p.m. and
asked to see a record player. Sims
said while he was talking to one
of the boys, the nther walked sus
piciously out of the store.
Then the other boy left. It wa3
then that the radio was discover
ed missing. Officers said it is be
lieved the boys are about IS and
IS years of age.
aay mail, postmaster Kooert bni-day, Snider said. To handle it he
oer estimated loaay. his 45 regular men and 13 sub-
His office handled 160.139 pieces jututes on the job.
ui man ruinpareu iu last year s
corresponding day of the week in!
which 149,113 pieces of mail were
handled. Last year's total for the
day. Snider said, was near the
In the canceling department
where two to three men can be
found most days, eight men
Snider said he believes parrel
neak nf th uoann l tie office has noted a cutler-
He felt Monday's' total was the!ence ov,r !ast S,ear'. mh- Tnis
peak. On oarcel Dost alone. hisl' ln Prcel Pst mailing.
office on outgoing mail shipped 2.
4110 packages compared to 2,000
for last year's peak day.
Ahead of Last Year
Mail handled by the Roseburg)
omce mis year is running a bit
ahead of last year, Snider indi
cated. Friday, his office handled
over 2.000 more pieces than it han
dled the same period of the holiday
last year. -A
total of 140.800 pieces were
handled compared to 138,600 last
County Veterans' Taxes
Under Oregon Average
The average ex-GI in Douglas
County with an Oregon veterans'
farm and home loan paid a proper
ty tax of $188, compared with the
statewide average of $245 this
year, $221 last year and $194 in
In this county the tax on 155
properties was $161,620. The state
total was $5,631,491, against $4,477,
092 a year ago, reports Roy V.
Bell, State Department of Veter
ans' Affairs auditor, who paid the
1961-62 taxes in November on
22.941 World War II and Korean
veterans who have state loans. Dis
count of 3 per cent was $174,169.
The borrower pays his taxes
monthly to the state veterans' de
partment along with his loan repayment.
Two Pickup Trucks
Involved In Mishap
Two pickup trucks were involved
in a collision Monday afternoon on
Garden Valley Blvd. near the
Roseburg Rural Fire Station.
There were no injuries.
Roseburg state police said the
vehicles were driven by Ira James
Seitz, 63, of 2934 NW Oakridge
Ave. and Alfred Eugene Smith, 35,
of 1650 NE Morris St.
Officers said Seitz, driving a 1960
pickup owned by Industrial Spi
Co., was traveling east. Seitz, ac
cording to police, applied his
brakes and lost control of the vehicle.
His pickup swerved
per cent ahead of any given day
last year while letter mal is run
ning less.
Operation Smooth
"But everything seems to be
running well. . . .and very fait,"
are he said.
i Snider said this year, for the
first time, his office is receiving
all of its mail via truck rather than
any by train as in past years.
The system is working fine, he
Snider quoted his men as saying
the whole operation is running
smoother this year than ever.
But most of his crew will be glad
when its over. Snider said his men
are putting in 12 hours a day and
are starting at i a.m.
Normally the office, in I non
holiday period, will handle 50,000
pieces of mail.
Beer Reported Stolen
From Distributor's Van
and collided with the other truck
in the westbonnd lane of traffic,
officers said. Seitz' vehicle receiv
ed a bent right front fender and
was driven from the scene by the
Smith's vehicle, a 1956 pickup,
received extensive front end dam
age and was towed away by Billy
Mohr's wrecking service.
Six six-pack cartons of beer
were stolen early Monday morn
ing from a beer true'- after the ve
Mcle was forcibly entered, the
Roseburg Police Department said
George Sherwood, owner of
Roseburg Distributing Co., told po-
crossways lice the theft occurred while the
truck was parked at the south end
of the distributing firm's building,
located at 15 SE Burke Ave. He
discovered the theft about 7:30
Police said entry to the truck
was achieved by breaking a pad
lock on a door panel by use of a
blunt object. Investigation is continuing.
Fruechre Draws Fine
Don F. Fruechte, 28, of 1124 NE
Fremont Ave., was fined $50 and
costs in Roseburg Municipal Court
Monday after pleading guilty to a
charge of being intoxicated in an
automobile. Fruechte was arrest
ed Sunday on the charge by Rose
burg City Police.
R. Frank Denton
Announces Moving of His Office
Dog With Master Who Cares
Saved From Caved-ln Mine
GILBERT. W.Va. (AP Brown-, chased into that urn,. .iii
le, a o-yca r-om raiiDii nouna wi n urotiahlv a rahhit seemeH m
a masier wno cares, settled down: have provided him with enough
today to replacing the 25 pounds j food to keep him going for a
he lost during 50 das entrapment j while.
in a caved , n mine shaft. Brownie'i whimpering and
A bulldozer late Monday uncov- b,rklnx waJ heard by one ol
Irnr1 hn a liiailmrl in n ttiiw aH-tO .....
.... ...c Kicnard f
iiuu mncn toe uog nisappeareu
almost two months ago.
Brownie, with protruding ribs
and eyes bleary in the daylight
he hadn't seen for so long,
clambered into the armsfof equal
ly bleary-eyed Richard Hatfield,
21, his master.
I'ntil a week ago, Richard's
struggle to free his trapped pet
had been a lonely and seemingly, .
his neighbors made it a commu
nity project.
Richard had tried lassoing
Brownie through a narrow crev-
he had tried luring him into
numerous cousins
the small community of Hamp
den, tommy Kennedy told Rich
ard he had heard Brownie bark.
That was 32 days ago.
When Charles Dillon, one of
Richard's neighbors, crawled into
a narrow break in the stony
mountainside. Brownie was at
first immobile and seemingly
blind. Afler he adjusted to the
Canyonville Man Alters
Plea On Driving Count
David Leroy Winship. 24, of Can-'
yonville, was fined $150 and sen
tenced to 60 days in jail after
appearing Monday in Douglas
County District Court and chang
ing his plea in connection with a
charge of driving while under the
influence of intoxicants.
Winship's case was scheduled for
trial Monday. He had entered a
plea of innocent when arraigned on
Nov. 13. Monday he changed his
plea to guilty.
ln Drain Justice Court over the
weekend Lavern Hanks Giles, 44,
of Eugene, was fined $175 after
pleading guilty to a charge of driv
ing while under the influence of intoxicants.
Winston City Council
Sets Hearing On Sewer
t sack: but nothing worked.
For 18 days after Brownie
appeared while on
with Richard he
Winston City Council at its meet
ing Monday night set Jan. 22 at
7:30 p.m. as the date for the pub
lic hearing on the proposed sewer
assessments for recently com-
nUflH touwr Ylpnsinn in the eitv
ing daylight outside, he trotted f ,,., .cenrdina to Phehe Mc-
out to his master. Itiuire. Winston correspondent.
Richard had visited the break j Sewer extensions are on Brant
every day since the dog had been ! ley Drive, Snow Ave. and "T"
located, dropping food down the 'street.
slit to his pet. Water was plentiful j The hearing will be held at the
inside the shaft. i rreu.- council meeting at the
His- Even so. Brownie's ribs were city hall.
hunting trip in plain view when he came out. I Routine business occupied the
was though; His weight dropped from 45 to1 remainder of Monday night's ses-
dead. But whatever the dog , 20 pounds. But his tail w agged. I sion.
Niagara cyclo-massage
Special Demonstrations by FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES
at Mark's Department Store
A dynamic, new, clinically proven force for us at
an aid ta better living. Used and endorsed by such
famous people at Arthur Godfrey, Roy Rogers and
mony others. Come to Mark's Department Store and
participate in a complete demon
stration by a factory representative
of the fabulous Niagara Cyclo-Massoge.
Most Niagara merchandise in stock.
Special items such as selected site
or color available on special order.
w ' earn a ay k
w i n i ill il j
Our Leosa Has Been Terminated As Of Dec. 31, 1961. We Are Quitting
Business end Must Sell All Inventory and Fixtures NOW. Here's Your
Pittsburgh, Schorn,
Bruihat, RolUrt, tc.
948 S. E. MILL
All Fixtures & Equipment
1954 FORD F-600 FLAT BED
OR 3-6614