The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 18, 1961, Page 3, Image 3

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    ALBANY., N. Y. POLICE CHIEF Lourie Prirchett tells Martin Luther King left and Dr. W.
G. Anderson thot they are under arrest ofter they could not produce a permit to parade
Revi Martin Luther King Jailed
After New Albany Race Parade
ALBANY, Ca. (AP) A Negro hall that has been the focal point' in the absence of Anderson, said
desegregation drive moves back
into the courtroom today following
a week of demonstrations that re
sulted in more than 700 arrests.
Hearing! for some of those ar
rested were scheduled in the city
Defense Denies
Charge On Oil
of the demonstrations.
Negroes en masse marched on
the building five times in protest
of segregation and the jailing of
eight "Freedom Riders" and
three Albany residents.
The Freedom Kider group was
arrested after trying to desegre
gate railway facilities Dec. 10.
The Rev. Martin Luther King
Jr., of Atlanta led the latest
march Saturday am was arrested
along with 265 others, including
Dr. W. G. Anderson, president of
the Albany Movement and the
Rev. Ralph Abernathy, secretary
of the Southern Christian Leader-
1 ney were
fpnse ninar1mnt hat Hoenrihrl
. ini.nrriwt rorvirt that nnr f I ship Conference
the fuel used hv iTniteH si ales I charged with parading without a
military planes in the Far East is ! P?r mit- obstructing traffic and
derived from Soviet crude oil. blocking sidewalks. Each was
In ncwa ni. ' . jonru U1IUC1 OW 1AIIU.
rpDOrt. m Ppnlaffon snnkpsman'
said five refineries
East supply jet fuel.
One of these firms, ldemitsu
Kosan Co., a Japanese firm, ob
tains some of its crude oil from
Soviet sources, but certifies that
none of the jet fuel supplied U.S.
forces is processed from the So
Met crude petroleum, the spokes
man said.
This certification
their campaign. M, S. Page, who
that an economic boycott of white
merchants would be pressed, and
Christmas celebrations would be
postponed until civil rights goals
were achieved.
Abernathy, who posted bond and
returned to Atlanta, read a state
ment prepared by King in which
he called for a nationwide pil
grimage to Albany to support the
desegregation drive.
The statement reiterated a re
quest to President Kennedy to is
sue a "second emancipation proc
lamation treeing all Negroes from
their present state of second class
The Negroes arrested were
taken to jails in the Albany area.
King was one of several taken to
jail in Americus,
Jackie Scores
A New Success
In S. America
quehne Kennedy steeles down ton
a Christmas holiday rest in Palm
Beach today with her children!
auer scoring anotner person!
success in Colombia and Vene
The First Lady reportedly was
fatigued from the hectic pace of
the 6.300-nule trip to Latin Amer
ica. She had kept up a steady
pace for some 18 hours on the Co
lombia leg of the presidential trip.
The day before in Caracas it was
16 hours.
She and the President entered
Bogota to a tremendous reception
lroin a half million or more cheer
ing, flag-waving, enthusiastic Co
lombians who showered thein with
confetti and flower petals.
Mrs. Kennedy gathered crowds
of many thousands as she went
to visit a charity children's hos
pital. Men. women and children,
some of whom had waited for
hours, turned out to catch a
glimpse of her.
Mrs. Kennedy early this year
had won acclaim in Canada,
France, Austria and Grea' Britain
on official visits with the Presi
dent. There was no doubt she had
added Colombia and Venezuela to
her list of successes.
The crowds in Bogota shouted
"Look! Look!" and "What a beau
ty!" as they caught sight of the
32-year-old First Lady of the Unit
ed States in a gay yellow wool
suit and malchin-; straw hat.
Even though Mrs. Kennedy's
schedule ran two hours behind,
the crowds waited fur her.
She changed her costume four
times for her public appearances
in Bogota.
She and the President shook
hands with some 400 guests at an
evening reception in their honor
at San Carlos Palace, the historic
16th century residence of Colom
bia's President Alberto Lleras
C a mar go.
Mrs. Kennedy, who is fond of
antiques, told Latin Americans
she has long admired their cul
ture. The final black tie dinner on the
Kennedy's schedule was held in
.-? .'-1 --
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Mod,, Dee. 18, 1961 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3
Early Rogue Construction
Recommended By Engineer
construction of some works in the ,
Rogue River Basin is recommend
ed by Army Engineers in a rc-1
port on flood control and water !
resources development of the
area. i
Rep. Edwin R. Durno, R Ore.,!
said a report released Sunday by i
district and division engineers
outlines a general plan for com
prehensive development of Rogue
water resources. I
KISSES BRIDE. Sen Henry M. (Scoop) Jackson, D-Wash.,
kisses wife (formerly Helen Hordin of Albuquerque N. M.)
following wedding Saturday in chapel of Central Methodist
Church in Albuquerque. (Telephoto)
Washington Senator, Bride
Take Honolulu Honeymoon
King said in a iail interview
that he experts to soend Christ. I the palace dining room
mas behind bars. I stately chamber with massive ma-
"1 will not accept bond." Kinelhogany beamed ceilings decorat-
took command of the movement! said. "If convicted I will refuse ed 8olc' anc toy red.
to pay the fine. I hope thousands
will join me." j w j
Christmas Preparation
Are Evident In Oakland
Dave Miller, New York Herald
HONOLULU (AP) Sen. and
Mrs. Henry M. Jackson plan to
spend a honeymoon of about two
weeks here and then return to
Washington, D.C.
The 49-year-old Washington
Democrat and the former Helen
Eugenia Hardin, 28, were mar
ried Saturday in Albuquerque,
They left for Los Angeles after
the ceremony and arrived in
Honolulu Sunday.
The Rev. Dr. G. Lemuel Fenn,
pastor of the Central Methodist
Church of Albuquerque, married
the couple in the church's chapel
It was Jackson's first marriage
and Miss Hardin's second. Her
first, to Dr. William Fuller of
New York, ended in divorce.
Jackson is the son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jackson of
Everett, Wash. His bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M.
Hardin of Albuquerque.
They met in Washington, where
Miss Hardin was on the staff of
Sen. Clinton Anderson. D-N.M.
Among the approximately 100
wedding guests were Anderson,
Sen. Warren G. Magnuson, D
Wash., Mr. and Mrs. John Salter
of Washington and Dr. R. A. Ouig
ley, the doctor who delivered
Salter, who roomed with Jack
son in Washington when both were
bachelors, was the best man.
The bride wore a dress and
jacket costume of ivory colored
French silk, patterned with pale
pink roses. Her short veil was
held by a pink velvet coronet.
She carried a nosegay of pale
pink camellias and stephanotis.
The board of ensinccrs for riv
ers and harbors will review it.
The report calls for early con
struction of reservoirs and other
works at the Lost Creek site on
the upper Rogue, at the Elk Creek
site on Elk Creek in the Upper
Rogue Basin and at the Apple
gate site on the Applrsate River.
Estimated construction costs
are Lost Creek S7t.5oo.tioo. Elk
Creek S17.4O0.O0O and Applegate
Creek SU.6O0.0O0.
Skirls lake a brand ncio fashion turn!
Box Pleat
Eipert Workmanfthip 9Vl Years
PH. OR 3-8435
s s f VTi ti iv a
unity Clvlhfs by
Tribune writer, quoted King as
savin? hp Kit "heind trpatnrt lilcp
The Oakland community Christ- nrisoner. I wsh some neonle
mas tree has been installed at could be a little more courteous.
periodically not only by the U.S.
Joint Area Petroleum Office but
by Japanese customs officials,"
Hie spokesman said. Reports so
far have indicated "no Russian
crude" in the delivered jet fuel,
he slated.
The present program dates
back to 19S9 when the U.S. began
buying some aviation fuel to as
sist the Japanese petroleum in
dustry. About 600,000 barrels
come from the five Japanese
firms. ldemitsu is a major supplier.
Old Bible Contest
Set By Adventists
The King James version of the
Scriptures is celebrating its 3.'i0lh
anniversary this year. How old is
the oldest Bible in the Roseburg
A local church, spurred by the
American Bible Society's annual
Bible reading campaign, has start
ed a drive to tind out.
Pastor Paul Riti. of the Seventh
day Adventist church here, an
nounced today that an area-wide
contest is being conducted from
now until Jan. S in a search lor
Scriptures with a long history.
"The award for possessing the
outstanding Bible will be a new
Bible," Pastor Ritz stated. Owners
of the Bibles will not be expected
to give them up. The only require
ment is that they furnish proof of
the publication date.
"Publication date is obscure in
some cases," said Pastor Ritz,
"but often a figure giving month
and year is stamped at the bottom
of one of the hack pages. Family
histories in a Bible may also give a
Persons wishing to enter their
Bibles in the contest are asked to
call OR 3-7932. or write to Old Bi
ble Contest. Box 929. Roseburg. If
an owner is not able to present
his Bible personally, an inspector
will be sent (on request I to his
home to examine the volume and
enter its characteristics in the record.
Second and Locust St. by the Oak
"verified , land Lions Club and the Volunteer
Fire Dept., reports Edith Dunn
Festoons of greenery and lights
The guards in this jail call me
'boy.' I might note that I am the
pastor of a church with 4,000
Juvenile Court Judge Hudson
have been strung across the streets! Malone released 33 girls and 38
and small Christmas trees have
been placed in front of each busi
ness bouse. .
Homes are being decorated for
the lighting contest, sponsored by
the Garden Club.
boys who were arrested in Satur
day's march. He made them
wards of the state, released them
without bond to the custody of
their parents and warned them
not to violate any laws.
Names Bunch As Master
A. O. Bunch was elected wor
shipful master of Oakland Lodge
16, AF & AM, at the annual elec
tion of officers.
Edith Dunn, News-Review cor
respondent, reports that other of
ficers elected were Leroy Gauf,
senior warden; Homer Trusty,
junior warden; Leo Sparks, trea
surer; and Marvin Steinbach, sec
retary. Appointive officers will be nam
ed prior to installation of new of
ficers Thursday.
Set our display of unique gift Itvmi, hand
knits, fancy work, ceramics, rugs, tc. All
products from local crofters.
Also Housewares, clothing, appliances. 1
Consignment System
OSborne 9-5495
New, wonderfully new! Twin sister to your favorite
Pendleton Turnabout-this one a stunning; Box Pleal
Turnabout!! Two-skirts-in-one to turn topside inside or
inside topside a smash both ways. Fashion stripes in
lively, lorcly virgin wool. Pendlcflecce cowl collar sweater
in coordinating colors, 36-40, 15.95. U.S. ? No. 5916741
Open Until 9 P.M. Tonight Thru Friday
Portland State Picked
For Arabic Study Plan
PORTLAND 'AP) Portland
State College has been selected
to participate with five other uni
tersities in a national overseas
Arabic studies program
I'SC has a Middle Ka-t Studies
Center, an interdepartmental pro
gram which is the only under
graduate center of its kind in the
The other universities partici
pating in the program will ne
Princeton. Columbia. Harvard,
Georgetown and I C1A.
The program will be e'tabli-thed
h a Carnejie Corp. grant, the
size of which has not been an
nounced. Selected students will
spend a !iunmer of intensive
study of the Arabic laniuaue at
one of the colleges, then to
Lebanon for a ear to live witn
Arabic -'peaking person'.
I Winston OSborne 9-5495 I
'I 1 1
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