Way Lays Open For U.S. To Lead 10 Trie Newt-Review, Reieburq, Ort. Men., Dee. 18, 1961 PATKONlZh KEWS.RFVIEW ADVERTISERS PIERRE You dill have ima. I lolttd t Chris at OR 2-3212 this morning ond ha hot 3 thtott of film left, 4 llaih bulbi, ond enough proof poper to show oil those wonderful proofl to your girl ond let her moka her own selection for your finished por trait. BILL HOLIDAYCIeaning Dress up your home with freshly cleaned drapes for fhe Holiday Season. Our very special drapery-cleaning service brings life and makes every day more cheeilul! WE DO EXPERT Alteration Open All Day Saturday Across from Courthouse 1019 S. E. DOUGLAS Tttt fdUwlfif nil n4 televitloN rfrmi ere print! trae puMit service for Nwt-ltvltw tMift. All proflram titttiif bb aubtithW e receive tram tha reipectlva ttetient. Tha New, ft aria feat Mt except mptwlkility tat rerietlee, tram erifieel ictieaulat hirntilier. tMa nevrtpepet. KPIC-TV Ch. 4 i- MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 4 Centtfwntal C I as room Matl 4 30 Conttaantai Clatsroom (Gav'ntt trlWCducettenel TV (Twee, thin Frf) rjtPtav Your Hunch W-Ott-rka t Bnjhl 19: lO-encarrtratran 11 : 00 Truth or Centeouencea 11:30 it coum Be Yau 11U-Oay Bapert If 00 Jan Murray 11:10 Romear Room 1:00 VourtQ Doctor Mthmo J:0O Maka Room For Oaedy MO Hare'i Hollywood :U Aftornoon Newt ! 3 00 OKambar Irioi : JO tchooia (Monday enly) mo SERVICE 11 SftVICf SUIHIKTtfi PHONE Ok 3-4123 KLUYER RADIO & TV la emkori n ram IM M Slastaa at lartao Tllwi JcL KBES-TV Ch. 5 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 16:45 CBt Hawa 11:00 Lova O Ufa 11:30 Saarrh Far T mar row It:4-Gjefjlfrj light 13:00 Coilroa Of Tha Air 1 Aa Tha WarW Twni 1:00 taa Tha Wart 1:30-Hovta Partv 9 00 Th Milltenatra J-35 Vardtct la Yawn 1:4$ CBS Nawa 00 tricjMar Oay S:IS Wraf ttarm J:J0 too a Mloht 4:00 Ovte Program KOIN-TV Ch. 6 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7-00 Colraoa 0 Tha AIT 7-30 Cartoon Tlma 00 Captain Kanaaraa 4 00 Calandar 4:301 Lova llKV 14:00 VVdaa VMIaoa 10:30 Surprlaa Pachao 11:00 lava Of Lira 11:10 Saarrh Par Tomer raw 11 49 Sudln LIvM 17 00 HI Natghbar (Mm. ftvawoh THyrs) 17 00 Haatau Houa (FrMfav) 17: JO A i Tha Wort Tuma 1 00 KOI N KhVhan Party KEZI-TV Ch 9 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY iVOtV-Th Tavri 11:3ft-yoiir Pr A o9 1 00 Alt-OaV Krwnrf M:l rjwat?t Wwi-W'at1rr Ortoon Farm ioum (Twtt-Thuri) 1 Mafc A Pace 1 00 Oay In Court 1:I-AnC MMMV VapArt 1 JO CrV MuUt IMen-vVad VH1 ' VJft iTVttaratvr tTwea-Thu? ) V-Mvmtr Pf 9 9 tarVW KV I m -Qwaaw Far A Day Radio Programs-Monday thru IfRNIR 1400 ffVIll IVW KN. . Breevtcaitrnf U hour a, art Uvt fMeke FAendey ttweuoft Setureey. CBS nawt en the hnur, Suneev throuoh tatunlay. TBS feehjrea en tha half hour. atmday-Sat-W'av FrenK Ceat, 1 em.. FIT, t.aS KQEN 1240 KC MONDAY THtOUBH MlOAY a He-Newt Aretrntl the Wert-ABC 10 local Newt 4 oveether CmmuM) 4 County Aeent BO Memtnowav ABC ? 43 local Now 7 a Jaul Hervey ABC KYS 950 KC ' M P heurr CemrnaMtfy Ceten. I MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ificial f hog ami, Bur-Swap'!, 4 B BOA DC AST TlMBt waaadeva, ft mm. telam. Mon , Ttm . isun, t ; f rxm-1 4 iS P m i Irttavtay 9 em tn ) J p m Fntril, 7 , Man . Titaa , wa1 , Thurr,., P rt i I MONDAY TMBOUBM SATUtOAVr Maert irvai rt Far FtwaneAF. DM. Men., nne nawt An Mw nur i Waothaa-Vane 1 wart, Tn,.rt,. Fn i Mtn-rai Matinae I em, mtnwtet BAM the heurj newt Mnvnery et Men Twat Thwri.j naitnf The Baet, ll . Sutherlin Folk By MRS. JERRY DeMUTH i Frank DurVin it reported con valescing satisfactorily at the Vet erans Hospital in Vancouver. Wash., where he underwent recent surgery for a broken arm. Mrs. A. C. Hensley underwent! recent surgery at Douglas Com munity Hospital. j Admitted to Mercy Hospital re cently, to undergo major surgery was Mrs, Al Lehman. Also i surgicil patient at Mer-I ry was Mrs. Jerry DeMuth, who is, WE PUT LUSTER AND YOUR DRAPES OR 3-1291 1-lift-Parents ak aboirf tcheota (PrU only) J.JB-Taia. of I he town (Tuesday, Wtdnetday, Thursday) 4 00 TV Topict (Monday only) 4 : 00 Public Sarvlce ( T im. On ly ) 4 00-OH Ta Marti at (Wad. only) 4 00 PubltC Sarvice (ThuM ) 4 00 Pat Parada (Fr(. only) aMSAmarlce At Work IMon. aniy 4:14 Social Security (Wad. only) 4: ti Public Service (Pri, artry) 4 30 Captain Shrpwrack i:0O Karloon Karnlval MONDAY 10 00 Chrlitmai Church Service (Spatial) 1:30 JaM't Colli 4:00 Nor tnweit Nawt 4:15 Muntlay Brink lay 4:30 Naw Horltont 1:00 US Marshall YOUR PHONE CALL sZ, TO OR 2-3321 V la. I WILL PUT THIS Space te Work far Yau, Yom luttnttt THE NEWS-REVIEW MONDAY 4: IS Kataldounpa 4:30 Uncta Bill (how S M-Maqte Land 4 00 Your TV Waatharman ':U Channal S Raport a IS Doug Edwards witfi Nawt 4 30 Four Klntjl af MwilC A Falura Flla 7 00 Tha Kaai McCoys 30 Chavanna I io-WkeMw On Main Itraat 9 00 Oanny Thnmat Shtn f 10 Andv Griffith 10 00 Manoawy 10 10 rva Got A Socrat II 00-ABC Lata Nawa J 00 Tha Mllllanalra 30 Vardkt U Your j oo Brightar Oay 3: IS Sacral Storm Edga Of Night 4.0& Paopla't Chaica (MW-P). WaUrfront ( Tu-Thuri) 4 10 Cartoon Clreoa 3 Oft Rocky And Hit Prlandt SMS Man Prom Cochlta (m-W-P), Irak an Arrow (Tua-ThurtJ 1 Nawwtna 4. IS Doug tdwarrf MONDAY 4 HI Montavani 1 OO Saa Hawk 7 JIW Ta Tall Tha Tnttt South A mar It a 10 Opan Houta 4 00Artwitan feair1nti a: mKKart NawtttanaJ $.00 Jec am &now MONDAY 5 Ahtsnff 4 Cmtfl'le OA P yanirxj tefxyt t m Taiaheiswe ?000 ? 00 p TV ' 10 Crtyftft I HV-Tha e.tlamM 00 SorUktt 1 m-en ruw I 11 00 A AC Naw F" Pals Mendar hreuon Katurtlav, Lawvll Thorn f m, FT. Wmg,y throuoh Pri. I ' Tim m- Mendey tnrejffA Frtfliy. :U pm, Saturday. MONOAV TMFOUOH FRIDAY :j r ah Nent snow 4 O-Bo jehnien Ahew t 1W stork Marka taper ( 00 CHH I-xjra ABC 10 Loral Ntw I A-Waathar Caele t 00 Braakfaaf Chtft ABC l SO Fichavnoe II 0O Mo Vornlrf Nawa ABC 11-1 Talte Tait ABC 11 10 Nawt For tVomet) 11 Oft A Oay Nawt U IB AAertat Baport Recovering now convalescing at home. Masons Attend Meet Jack Fox, Harmon Page, How ard Weinkauf and Henry Halvor sen, Sr. attended the special meet ing for Select Maslers and Royal Arch Masons of Roseburg Yorki Kile Bodies held in Cottage Grove recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bielman have returned to their home in Suther lin following an extended camping and hunting trip to the John Day country. They report successful hunting and visits from their son, PECIAL This Week Only! Per Panel Cash 1 Carry FULL SIZE LINED DRAPES UP TO 54" x 84" 59 YOU SAVE UP TO 65c PER PANEL sparkle to fine droperies , BCDY BACK IN 7' 10 Miami Undercover I 00 National Vaivtt I 3o Pr tea it Right t 00 4fh Practncl 10:00 Thrll laf 11:00 Report 11.1-Jet Peer TUESDAY 510-Ouldr Draw McOaaj 4 00 Northwest Htw 4- IS Hunt lay Brlnklay 4 30 Rlpcord 1:00 Teen Oata I 30 Tha Dftrtr)ra 30 A If r ad Hitchcock ' 00 Dick Povctt 10-00 C ain't 100 II 00 Bapert 11:15 Jack Paar ROSEBURC RADIO and TELEVISION - Wa.kdoya -S Saturday 1455 W. Harvard OR 3-3002 Froa tiKinotn- All Work Guar. TUESDAY 4 is vuif with City Poiica 4:30 Sky King 5 00 Uncta Bill Show S 30 Qurctt Draw MrGraw 4 00 Your TV Wwitharman 4 OS Channel 9 II apart 4 IS Oejwg Edwards With tha 4 10 It It Writtan 7 AO Tha Pltntilona 7 JO T RA a oo Dick VnDva Show. I TO Dnb'a G.llil a 00 Rad Ska It on 4 Vt-khattod and Ma 10 AO Carry Moor a Show , ii tw-ant. L,aia naws I II IS Nakad City I 10 Window On Mam Straat 4 OO Danny Thomat Shew 4-30 Andy Griffith 14 00 Hannasay 10 10 I'va Cot A Sacrtt 11-00 NiOhtKan 11:30-1 haaiar TUESDAY 4-n-Klnodorn a tha Saa 7 00 King af OUmondl 7 JA Marshal Dninn 00 Otck VanDyka Show JO DoM Ctttt 4 oo ft: ad Shaiton t jo ichahod and Ma 10 00 -Carry Moorg Shew 11 00 H ghtcana Jo Thaatar ll.lS-Naw Nine Pinal TUESDAY ITU. TrM Rt Irfl fvanino RtfMMi IV-Ntwi Nine 1ft Cruner V 00 ftrntnar ftrannagar) l-10 Aire Bunny oo Ractwter Father ' JO Tha Naw Braed Vasir For a Sonf HI 00 Soecial C -v-.it m $htm 10 J6-AA Squa 11 00 A AC Naw 11 l-Nawt Nne Final Friday t Ife Stitharltn Hur f 10 Annty 4tnim Shew 11 lift-CB BkKh J ,ft Mrantt Smith hrw 4 lftp,-ti jAhnten hew J oo cm B'k 7 3 N o" Watch 1 00 Alt N.nf irMW 1 no leral Nawa t 00 Kae Oaeen r.'aan 4 00 Xomtneway ABC 4 Drar ABC 4 IWfcnaMH.ne Ot lfrtA BC OA Paul Harvey ABC 5 10 Naw ABC 00 fd Atorean ABC 4 II Loral haw I fvT aioqtiton 1) 00-S.en Ort Mten. we , Thun fcrttwrltn Teon-Beet. 1 p m. Sat) Bntt,ro 1m Itit, M p m. St f Mi-Fl CH IM pm. Sat I Utornjev Mnw Chrietian Sctanre MaaH. 4A a m.f C wat.nn. Mam; wnrar pt Wnm ;. 11 Ml pm i Lutharen I em i lvtw jatt. I pm, Mr Mtc. I ( o4 Fhened Btvivel Hevr, 4 F-m, Following Major Surgeries J. B. Rielman and K. D. Bielman. both of Corvallis. Before returning to Sutherlin the Bielmans spent the weekend with their families in Corvallis. U.S. Air Farce Man Hare Airman 1C Kenneth Lehman of Camp Beale, Calif., spent 1 re cent weekend with his parents, Mr. Anna Maria Is Back For Glance Behind Formerly Closed Doors By BOB THOMAS AP Movie-TV Writer HOLLYWOOD (AP) A new Anna Maria Alberghetti is back in town for a glance behind the doors that once were closed to her. Anna hit the big time as the waif Lili in "Carnival" on Broad way. She is glowing evidence of what a difference a hit play makes. "Before I left Hollywood, I was earning good money, but many doors were closed to me." she remarked. "1 decided that if I was to open those doors, I would have to take a chance. And going to Broadway is a chance because if you don't make it, the doors can be more tightly shut.' She made it and the results "Before. I was known as a singer," she said. "Now 1 am also known as an actress. The whole field of the stage ia now open to me. And so are movies." Anna ia here on a two-week pass from the employ of David Merrick, producer of "Carnival." He has been termed the Abomi nable Showman, and seemed ea ger to live up to the title when Anna was ill and out of the show earlier this year. He proclaimed Santa Plans Visit To Glendale Area Santa Claus will make his of ficial visit to Glendale Friday at 7 p.m. according to information i given to Mrs. Gerald B. Fox, cor respondent, by Don Blakely, Glen dale Volunteer Fire Department chief. Santa, as in past vers, will be escorted into town, riding aa pas senger in the Glr-ndale city fire truck, and bringing with him a sack of treats for all children of the community. The fire truck will be parked beside the city Christmas tree on Pacific Ave., at Third Ave., across from the Glenway Market. In case of rain or snow, Santa will pass out his annual treats from the Glendale Citv Hall. The Glendale Volunteer Fire De partment and Glendale merchants are cooperating with Santa Claus in providing sacks of goodies. A community sing will be held by the City Christmas tree tor in the city hall in case of bad weather) at 6:30 p.m. Friday, or half an hour before the time scheduled for Santa's visit. The song service is sponsored by the Glendale Area Inter-Church Fellowship. Sutherlin Schools To Have Programs I Christmas programs will he pre 1 sented at East Elementary School and Sutherlin Junior High School this week, reports Mrs. Jerry De' Muth, correspondent. The first graders will perform at 12:43 p m. Tuesday in the music room of the East building. On Wednesday, the second and third graders will present a program at 12 .10 p m. to he followed by the fourth grade at 1:30 in the music room. On Thursday afternoon at 1:15 the fifth, sixth, aeventh and eighth graders will prewnt their annual program in the high school gym nasium. All parents are cordially ivited to attend these programs. There will be no admission charge. Canyonville Schools Slate Holiday Program All nf fanvnnvill'a hAAl uiiM join to presrnt a rombinpd mil-1 siral Christmas program 7 pm in the gymnasium Thursday. A briffl F'TA mfptmg will hr held at th I conclusion of the program, reports , .Mrs. K. r.. Proctor, coirvspondcnt. According to Canyonville Supt. of Schools Norman York, ahsrn tpfism because of flu in the s.-hoolo while hish, is no more than usual at this time of the year. Out of ISO enrolled in the six year hith ! school. 2J were absent while out 'of 22 in the elementary grades 3A were out. j rnmary Citirens of the Week. Brian Cam and Mary Davis of Mrs I Mullarkey's second grade, have been ritiiens in name only, not he j ing able to raise the flag because of ' rain. Punishmnt Bill Vttoed TOVER. TVI. (AD A hill which would hv? tf-f thh?hd ) capital punishmFnt in tVlaware j has h!. VFtnd by Gov, Kl hFrt N. Carvel. PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE HORACE C. BERG SmooI tim-lm JO I Paciftt BwiMift Off. Ot J.740, 1. OR I ri and Mrs. Al Lehman. Ronald R. Coffman, radioman 2C, ia serving aboaid the USS Pickway which docked in San Di ego Dec. 12, after having spent the past six months in the western Pacific with the Seventh Fleet. He will spend Christmas with his wife the former Peggy Jean Austin, and son, David, in Sutherlin. publicly that her understudy did a better job. The Italian-born soprano re turned to the show after five days in the hospital and five at her apartment. Oddly, she displayed no rancor toward Merrick. She repeated their conversatnon. "1 had to protect my show," said the producer. "David, you should let me in on these publicity stunts, so I can go along with them," she said. "I'm certainly not against pub licity. But please, let's do some thing with a little dignity." "How about the six-month ex tension?" said he. Anna sees the whole thing as Merrick's plot to get her to sign for another half year in the show after her June 30 deadline. She said he was doubly disappointed; that she has made no move to re-sign; that she failed to flare back when he slurred her per formance. "You're not like Callas," he said disappointedly. Despite the beef, relations be tween Anna and Merrick are sur prisingly good. She said that he came backstage on the last night before her vacation and gave her a hug and kiss. "Careful. David," she told him. "You'll ruin your publicity." It was on that last night that she realized she needed a vaca tion. She was all tears after the curtain went dwo and sobbed to her replacement, "Take 'care of my puppets." LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Slocum and son. Randy, left Sunday for New Orleans, La. The attorney and his family plan to remain for the holidays, visiting relatives, and will, be home after Jan. 1. Pamela Steele, small daughter of Mr. and Mra. Larry Steele of Portland and formerly of Roseburg is now at home after having under gone open-heart surgery at Doern becher Hospital. Her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murray, were with the Steeles while Pamela was in the hospital and until last week when they returned to their Rose burg home. Tenmila Church Slates , Yula Program Thursday There will be a Christmas pro gram at the Assembly of God Church in Tenmile Thursday at 7 p.m., reports Mrs. Wlater Coats, correspondent. There will be recitations by the Sunday school children, and a film, "I Beheld His Glory." On Friday at 7 p.m. the Rev. Paul E. Chastagner, missionary from Africa, will show slides and curios. Everyone is welcome. FUR TRIMMED COZIES Delightful surprise gift in dainty metallic thread on pastel with fur topping only. Sizes 410. .... m i - a. i m m i -affr s aaasawaaaaH West's Quest For Berlin Bargain PARIS (AP) The way lay open Saturday for the United Stales to lead the West's quest for a Ber lin bargain with the Soviet Union! but only on condition the Rus-1 sians make major modifications! in their policy. I A high U.S. source said the re-1 cent public statements of Soviet' leaders do not lend an acceptable! basis for negotiations. ! President Kennedy and British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan got the approval of the North At lantic Treaty Oorganizalion for eign ministers to chart a cautious course for the West's next move. Kennedy and Macmillan will meet in Bermuda Dec. 20 and 21. They are expected to draft a di rective that will send the U.S. ambassador in Moscow, Llewellyn Thompson, to see Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko and perhaps Premier Khrushchev himself to explore prospects of a compromise on Berlin. As foreign, finance and defense ministers of the 15 nation Atlantic alliance traveled home, a high French official unfolded the in triguing drama of the Allied duel over Berlin policy played out be hind the sedate scenes of the three-day parley. This is the story as the French man gave it: France opposed talks with the Russians on grounds that Khrush chev, who manufactured the Ber lin crisis, would see it as weak ness. Almost all the other Allies favored negotiations, fearing that the crisis in the divided city could become a flashpoint of pos sible nuclear war. Foreign ministers of the four big Western powers directly con cernedthe United States, Brit ain. France and West Germany- thrashed the matter out in two Tomorrow (TUES) Night presents CURTAIN at 8:00 A Delightful, Charming, DeSica Romp! It's the gay and glittering goings-on . . . . ond comings-off ... of a man who knows everything obour love . . . ALMOST everything! "irl . a ' ) ishkeyour JN, a. u f ' ' 1 JtHDyAILOfl'O MAID iVITTORIO DeSICA Doors Open 7:30 Adults-18 or over.. . $1.25 FUR COLLAR MOCCASIN Such warmth and comfort in choice of seven colors. Women's sizes V- fe. Children's sizes 9-3. ' JtiyJ:Js I I days of intensive talking Monday and Tuesday. The. trench found themselves isolated. When the NATO Council began its meeting Wednesday the sub- iect was discussed at length' again, for most of the day. The same pattern emerged France was odd man out. The ministers ordered their experts to try to reconcile the conflicting view points. They worked at the job nonstop for 13 hours, producing draft after draft. Finally agreement was ar rived at on a brief passage fitted into a general communique of the NATO conference, which totalled about 1,900 words. The whole communique u,ilh' its 14 points, was placed before the ministers Friday. The Berlin formula, neatly di-! vided into two parts, said: "Thei council heard statements on Ber- i lin by the foreign ministers of, the countries most directly con- cerned, and was informed of .the intention to resume diplomatic contacts with the Soviet Union, 1 in accordance with the aims ' which the West is pursuing for the maintenance of world peace j and in the hope that these con- tacts might serve to determine I whether a basis for negotiation could be found. ! "Their colleagues approved the j resumption of diplomatic con tacts and expressed the hope that! a negotiated settlement could be achieved. After full discussion of the situation, the council agreed . YULI PROGRAM SET The annual Christmas program jof the Fair Oaks Community i Church will be held Thursday at 7:30 p m. Mrs. Evelyn Gourley. Arlys Edwards and Daurice Pyles iare in charge of the program. ORchard 3-6537 4-10. FIRST QUALITY NYLONS SEAMLESS DRESS SHEERS OPEN SUNDAYS AFTER CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING OPEN 'til 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS 55$ S.E. JACKSON that the alliance must continue 'on its resolute course, comnining strength and firmness of purpose : with a readiness to seek solutions j by peaceful means." Movit Showtima MONDAY, DiC. IS. IMI INDIAN THEATRE Deort n a as. 0rlttly On complala irw at Parauasian" 1:10 only. 1:00. Naplas" 0:40 only, GRAND THEATRE (Sothtfllnl Sho alarta at 1:10 only. "Tnt loot Sunt!.1 AIM MMctad inert wDctt. TUESDAY, DIC. 10. IMI INDIAN THEATRE Deora oean 1:39. lata at 0:00. "Tallor'i Maid" At I: adulti only GRAND THEATRE fiuthtrUnl aiarlt at 1:30. "Th Laal lunaa" TaNtfkt "THI LAST SUNSIT Rock Hudn--Kirk Deufles Doralhy Malona Rltaa Sa!acra Short Subjects LAST TIMES TONIGHT "Friendly Persuasion" ot 7;20 only "It Happened in Naples" at 9:40 only TUESDAY NIGHT is "CURTAIN at 8:00" fset oihr Adv.) WED anly, Dec. 20th IMITATION of LIFE at 7:10 only Suddenly Last Summer of 9:20 only THUR only, Dec. 21st HELL to ETERNITY ot 7:10 only The GREAT IMPOSTOR ot 9:30 only FRI only, Dec. 22nd WHERE THE BOYS ARE ot 7:10 only BEND or the RIVER ot 9:00 only SAT . . . thru Christmas! IrVNS BERUW I brm iiMBiMe B5PM VJTVjOOIWMC CHILDREN'S BEADED MOCCASIN What wonderful snugglies and with a fur collar, tool In four colors. Children's sizes 9-3. pr. pr. PARK FREE At Aa'air'o ar ln-Ur-at Lws. SI taxliw l hou rati