I i Pork Continues As Leading Value In Pacific Northwest This Week I Fri., Dec. 15, 1961 The Newt-Review, Rosebura, Ore. 11 i Solon To Lois Tirltj By MARTHA A. POOLTON I the Pacific Northwest this w eek Consumer Marketing Agent j l'rices for all cuts of fresh pork Written fcr The Associated Press are reasonable, and baron prices Pork continues to be a leading have shown a noticeable price de value in the meat departments m dine in recent weeks. 1 BUDGET TERMS hi i'i i ' ELECTRIC BLANKETS Choice 4 Colors 2 Year Warranty Washable Dependable Sleep-Guard PER WEEK Sale Price 15.88 her Double Bed Dual Control 25.88 (5)(S)c 1 Higher prices for ham can be expected lor inrutmaa ana rew Years; however, in comparison with the same period last year, the price level will be similar. Retail prices for beef are still on an upward trend with a shorter supply locally and in other parts of the country. featured items in beef will generally be several certs higher according to infor mation received by the Consumer Marketing office of Washington Stale University. Consumers will see good values in lamb with a wide selection of cuts being offered at attractive prices. In poultry, chicken is an excellent buy with low prices on both whole and cut-up fryers. Look for very good prices on tur keys for Christmas this year, with only slight variations from the ex ceptionally low prices at Thanks giving. Production of Pacific oysters remains good this month and fish ermen are bringing in large catches of red snapper. Frozen halibut and salmon are in good supply and kippered halibut is also available. Solid-headed Danish cabbage from Oregon is still in fairly good supply and tew cabbage from California and Arizona is arriving on the market. For best values in vegetables include cabbage, car rots, celery, potatoes and Hubbard squash on your menus this week. Hair Dryer $24" Fry Pan $2370 All Stainless Steel $0090 p) Coffeemaker Li (lefrie Hit95 Can Opener 10 Steam Iron 10 ToasterOven$2T (h $OQ95 gpJ Washer-Dryer OJ 26 SE Stephens OR 2-3393 I Although there has been some I cold w eather in the producing areas, lettuce prices are continu ing to be very reasonable. Green I peppers from Texas and Florida may be featured at attractive prices, also. I Among the moderately priced I vegetables are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and sweet potatoes. Root vegetables give added variety to meals at moder ate cost, too, with parsnips, ruta bagas and turnips in good supply. Tomatoes in the tube pack are generally moderate in price. Call fornia vine-ripened tomatoes are in short supply and higher in price where available. In fruit, juice oranges and grapefruit, particularly the Flori da and Texas pinks, are good values. Small size and fancy grade Winesap and Rome Beauty apples are reasonably priced. Ap ples of these varieties which are larger in size and of the extra fancy grade with deeper red col oring are higher in price, as are the Delicious variety. Late Howe cranberries from Massachusetts are in good supply for the holidays. Most of the Washington grown supply of fresh cranberries is used up now, and the shipped berries will be priced a little higher than the local crop. Late Howes are recognized by their oblong shape and their color which is slightly lighter than that of varieties coming to market earlier. California winter the Futrte variety greater supply and may feature them of avocados are also in some stores at attractive prices. When avocados are offered at varying prices, consumers may notice some difference in the out Jackson, 49, and Helen Hardin, ,28, of Albuquerque, obtained AI.BIQI'ERQLE. KM. (AP)- ii-i'i just like any olher man ' at tills nuint " (nv. Ki-n Itxnri' I side appearance of the fruit, since , m. Jackson, I) Wash., who soon marriage license Wednesday, several grades are available on 'will relinquish his title as the U.S. j They are to be married here Sat the market. Senate's most eligible bachelor, lurclay. fMIlUillikP U If MJ Hi s Study Contends Federal Grants To Parochial Schools Are Legal WASHINGTON (AP)-An agen cy of the Roman Catholic Church made public Thurs. a legal study contending that federal grants to aid in teaching secular subjects in parochial schools would be con stitutional. Thus, the study said, there is no legal bar to including funds for church-connected schools in the general school aid bill advocated by President Kennedy and now before Congress. The study was put out by the National Catholic Welfare Confer ence, the agency of the Catholic bishops of the United States. Con ference spokesmen emphasized, however, that the document had been prepared by the conference's legal department and was not be ing issued in the name of the bishops. The study said Catholic schools provide educaton accepted meeting state standards for 13 per cent of the grade and high school pupils in the nation. It argued there has been a long history of government help to church educa tional institutions. I The study's views oppose those expressed by Kennedy, a Catholic. He told a news conference last March he thought Supreme Court decisions had made it clear grants and loans to parochial schools for general educational purposes were unconstitutional. The study, on the other hand, said that the court had several! times affirmed the constitutionali ty of aid by government "for the accomplishment of public welfare objects through church-related institutions." MMtllkftl.ftfcl,MikkIOiMftM Melrose Grange Women To Serve At Bloodmobib Melrose Grange ladies will be hostesses at the Bloodmobile which will be at the Elks Club ballroom Monday from S p.m. to 9 p.m. and on Tuesday from 1 to 5 p.m. It is requested that blood be given for a Melrose Grange mem ber who recently underwent surgery. Coffee and cookies will be serv ed by the ladies and it is hoped that a large group of donors will contribute. PP&L Directors Urge 2-For-l Stock Split I PORTLAND (AP) Directors of Pacific Power and Light Co. of Portland are proposing a 2 to 1 split of common stock. ! Stockholders will meet Feb. 7 to vote on the proposal. The shares have a par value of $6.50. Under the new plan there would be twice as many shares about million valued at $3.25 , each. The Federal Power Commission and state regulatory agencies also would have to approve the pro posal. The directors also authorized a quarterly dividend of 45 cents a share on common stock. HERO PIGEON STUFFED FORT MONMOUTH, N. J. (AP) "01 Joe" is now on display at the Army Signal Corps Museum here stuffed and mounted in all his feathered glory. "GI Joe" is the World War II hero pigeon that saved the lives of 1.000 British soldiers by flying an urgent message in Italy. The hero ic flight occurred Oct. 18. 1943, and averted an Allied bombing over Colvi Vecchia, an Italian town just captured by British troops. When the Army inactivated the training of homing pigeons more than three years ago, the bird was shipped from Fort Monmouth to the Detroit Zoological Park. "GI Joe" died June 3 and now has been returned here from Michigan. Give the New POLAROID J33 Electric Eye Land Camera i . ' m j (BED ll'l: ' ' Vvl Here's your chance! This Christ mat you can afford to give the mott exciting present going, a Polaroid Electric Eye Land Camera. The new J33 has everything in cluding a price to fit your budget. Fully Automatic The electric eye chooses the per fect exposure. No Focusing There's nothing to set. Just pick up the camera and snap the picture. No Accessories Nothing extra to buy I You don't need an expensive light meter. Evan the flashgun It built in. 10 Second Picture The best feature of all: ten seconds after you snap it you have the fin ished picture right out of the back of the camera. Why welt r Ihlt Christmas give the camera everyone wants to own, the Polaroid Electric Eye Camera. (Dont be shy. Ask for one your self, too I) THE Photo Lab Ph. OR 3-6125 J27 S. E. lackson Sr. fVs4 tVa-! Cttt t ' '&k XV 5 vi rest mi. ! 1 P j i j! h : I vim 1 A, I. 15 ' t j in Super-Suave acetate tricot by pRRAIN- 4.00 A graceful etching of nylon lace frames the arm openings and nylon lace 'n sheer define the dashing line of the throat. Softly gathered bodice, spiced by shirring at the shoulders . . . and the gored skirt is gathered at the sides for relaxed flowing lines. Pink, blue, mint, aqua, rose or lilac in small, medium and large sizes. i f i i A Ni; . ----.Or itk : T ft mi torn RVstVerfA v a- m nrf r.r-nn, n ; aWl Activi-Tee THE "BUSIEST DRESS IN YOUR WARDROBE Expensively detailed, this dresa with the famotw Activi-Tee elub collar, turn back culls, fly-front skirt. In a fine woven plaid ging ham that drip-driet obligingly. Blue, lilac, Siies 12 to 20, 12V4 to 22'.',. Only gg Hand Bags New Shipment Just Arrived n timt for ymi to havt new ChristiMi Mltction 2.98 plut fox Fabric!, ploltic. Ntwoit Styles, (lock, brown, ettor. psttfjlatQ &iiJ !,. 1...-3 llltli yWnTty America? TO URISTER THE Triumphant New Improved Tri-Taper o NEW PALMGUARD HANDLES cushioned with foam rubber for carrying ease NEW SUREGLIDE LOCKS that set low, swing easy,' will not snap open o RICH NEW INTERIORS for that "jewel box" look TWO NEW COLORS . . . handsome Cavalier Brown ana smart Princess Tweed Added to these are proven Touriiter fea tures . . . reinforced with Fiberglass con struction, stainless-lleel interlocking closures, lovely Permanite coverings, and 25 greater payability. roi eMi! in inn ttMM mm, tonKsi tin, lilm . PriKsn Tm-1S H tt H.SS" FOI MIH rm tun Is liinr tut, Cmlitr Item -is u n il" Tot.ntod' P.atvrc TRI-TAPER by OPEN EVERY NIGHT (except Sot.) UNTIL 9 $2 minimem perchoM entiries yon to ONI HOUR FREE FARKINO l PARKING FOR ONE HUNDRED CARS AT MILLER'S WEST ENTRANCE