Tiny Bug Has More Effect On Alabama's Grid Team Than Last Fall's Opponents TL'SCALOOSA. All. (AP)-A big chunk of Alabama's undefeal- tiny bug has accomplished what ed and untied football team flat ten big football teams had been on il hack. unable to do thu fall it pn a Nineteen memhera of the na- i 1 I! V If? 1C CAPPING THE CLIMAX Fronk Thomos ot home in Pitts burgh shows the baseball cops he has worn during his Nationol League coreer. The slugging left fielder wos sold by Milwoukee to the New York Mets. He previously hit home runs for the Pirotes ond spent a yeor eoch with the Cincinnati Redlegs ond the Chicago Cubs. Musial Shows His Fielding Is As Strong As His Batting CINCINNATI (AP) Slan Mil aial. seven-lime halline champion, is no slouch as a fielder. The St. Louis veteran set a National 1-eague record in 11 by com piling the highest average among the outfielders for the third time in his career. This was disclosed todav with the release of the official National League fielding statistics. They also showed that the Milwaukee Braves took team and individual honors. The Braves finished wilh an .9?2 mark, five points higher than the runnerup San Francisco Giants and Cincinnati Reds. First baseman joe Adcock, sec ond baseman Frank Boiling and shortstop Roy McMillan of Mil waukee were the leaders at their positions, Adcock with .933, Boi ling wilh .988 and McMillan with .97.5 Jim Davenport of San Francisco topped the third basemen with .965 mark while Smoky Burgess of nttshurgh headed the catchers with .991 and Bob Anderson of Chicago led the pitchers, handling 52 chances flawlessly. Musial made only one error while handling 159 chances in 103 games for a .994 average. Frank Robinson of Cincinnati and Felipe Alou of San Francisco tied for second at .990. tional championship team were put to bed with a virus infection Wednesday. it's a mild illness hut it put a crimp in drills for the Crimson Tide's New Year'a Day date with Arkansas in the Sugar Bowl. 10 In Infirmary Dr. W. C. Baty Jr., team phy sician, kept 10 players in the Uni versity Infirmary overnight. The other nine were confined to dor matory beds. Baty said they would miss prac tice today but would be allowed to go back to work Friday. All of the ill players, live in the same dormitory but Baty said there was no indication of wide spread infection. Receiving Medicine "I think this thing is under con trol." he added. All of the ill players are re ceving medicine to combat nau sea and diarrhea the two most common symptoms and all are on a strict diet. A few of the stu dents ran temperatures a degree or two above normal. Bill Battle, a 6-2, 197-pound end. was among those who caught the bug but he was released by the doctor Wednesday night. "He was feeling good and he had a test he wanted to study for." Baty said. Others missing practice because of the illness included ends Jim my Dill, Dale Layton and Tommy Brooker: tackle Steve Wright, guards Rob Petty and Steve Al len; fullbacks Larry Wall and Ed Veraprille, and halfback Gary Mart. Out With Injuries Fullback Mike Fracchia and end Butch Henry are still out of prac tice recovering from injuries re ceived in the Auburn game Dec. 2. Ring Record Fight Results By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Miami Beach, Fla. Virgil Akins, 149. St. Louis, stripped Vince Bonomo, 149'?, Miami Beach, 4. Phoenix, Ariz. Caspar Or tega, 147, Tijuana, Mexico, knocked out Bobby Brown, 14934, Los Angeles. 4. Long Beach, Calif. Johnny Newman, 146, Los Angeles, out pointed Sergio Rodriguez, 14S, Mexico, 10. Davis, Sarette Give Syracuse Edge Saturday PHILADELPHIA (AP) Ad vance weither forecasts tuday stacked up in favor of Syracuse but the big factor which has es tablished the Orange a favorite' over Miami In the LiberVy Bowl Saturday is the one-two punch of All-America halfback Ernie Davis and quarterback Dave, Sarette The weather forecast for the I third annual nationally televised: (NBC) football classic is near freezing temperatures with possi ble precipitation which would hin der the passing of Miami's! George Mira to All-America end Bill Miller. i No Muddart ! "All we're asking for is I fast. track cause we sure don't have any mudders," said Miami Coach Andy Gustafson. Gustafson said, "You've got to give Syracuse six points every time Davis walks on the field. Why 1 would have no right to expect my boys to stop Davis for one entire afternoon. We may stop him six or seven times in a row but he'll get you the eighth or ninth." The Miami coach, accustomed to warmer temperatures, said the only way to beat Davis is to score a lot of points "and our offense is spread out wide enough to do uiat." Coach Ben Schwartzwalder. meanwhile, said Sarette could fill the air with passes if the Hurri canes concentrate their defenses on the rushing of Davis. Noting that Miami has a big line. Schwartzwalder said a passing attack "is in our thinking." Both teams planned final work nuts today and Friday in the 100,-000-seat Philadelphia Stadium. AFL All-Star Game Set For San Diego DALLAS. Tex. fAP)-The first annual American Football League All-Star game matching players from the Eastern Division with the Western Division will be held at San Diego Jan. 7. AFL. Commissioner Joe Foss said the game will be played at Balboa Stadium tinder complete sponsorship of the San Diego Junior Chamber of Commerce and would be nationally televised by ABC. Sid Gillman of San Diego will he head coach of the Western All Stars while Wally Lemm of Hous ton or Mike Holovak ot Boston whichever team wins the Eastern Division title, will coach that squad. COEwS W TOM Hours: Mon-Sot ' 8:30 to 5:30 Open Monday 'Til 9 P.M. 510 S.E. JACKSON ST. Next Door to Roseburg Jewelers ORDERS FOR DELIVERY TAKEN AT EITHER STORE OR PLANT (FLOED AND MILL STS.) Phone OR 2-2471 TAMLIY TOOLS AND HARDWARE SKILSAWS Were 38.95 Now Only . . $2,95 90 PEGBOARD 24"x48" Piece, Eoch . 10-Pc. Bundles 7.50 See Our bargain TAE$D It Something New Every Week Medicine Cabinets Cabinet Pulls and Hardware PAINTS "Direct from the manufacturer" As well priced as any paint in town! Interior, Exterior & Floor Paints Luminal! Acrypolyrene 6.50 Exterior House Point. Paint in wet or dry weather. Wos 8.45 a gallon, now ... Gal. Always a Sale ON PANT PAINT BARGAIN COUNTER Concrete Floor Paint Cab. 1,98 Qls. 98' Masonry Paint 1.98 o,98e Gals. College Scores Br THi ASSOCIATED PRESS East Providence 80, Brown 7.1 St. Josephs (Pa) 77, Richmond Temple 65. Princeton 5i Army 79. Lebanon Valley fit Rnode bland 64, San Francisco 54 Villanova 69. Kordham 4H Rutgers SI, Columbia 59 Cornell 8:1, Syracuse s Lehish 72, C'olsate 71 NYU 78, lona 65 Holy Cross 106. SI. Aiielm's 79 Penn 81, Swarthmore 37 Harvard fM, Wesleyen 78 Manhattan 81. Paterson Slate 32 Wagner 85, long Island 70 South Fluke 76. South Carolina 69 Navy 60 .Citetysburg 5.1 Memphis State 107, San Kran Cisco State 49 Midwest Loyola (Chicago) 87, Western .Micnigan 85 (ot) Detroit 96, Assumption (Ont) 45 Southwest Baylor 71, Trinity (Tex) 58 Far West Seattle 76, Idaho State 64 New Mexico State 58. Colorado State College 45 Thur., Dee. 14, 1961 The News-Review, Reieburj, Or. 9 Pirate Granplers Take 29-25 Win Over Grizzlies On Ashland Mats Glcmlalr's Pirates built up an early lead in the lighter weights and managed to hold the Ashland Grizzlies off in the heavier brack ets to cop a narrow 29 25 wrestling victory over the southern Oregon Al school Wednesday night, The victory was the second in a row for the Burs over A 1 rnmpcti-' tors. Last week (llcndale squeezed inut a 29 28 win over the Crater (Comets Winning the first four matches, 'the Pirates built up a 16-0 lead over, the Grizzlies before the home team I managed a victory in the 130-pound class. Ashland closed the gap, but I decisions in the 148 and 157-pound brackets, combined with a draw at 141-pounds and a pin in the 178-' pound hracket provided the Pirates ' with their winning margin. ; : Three Pins I Steve McDowell al 114 pounds. Larry Rnbisnn at 123 pounds and , Jim Moh' at 178 pounds provided the winners wilh the three pins. Ashland scored on lour pins, a decision and a draw. In the Jayvee outing the Griz zlies downed the Glendale reserves 2011. Gary Tooley, wrestling at 123 pounds, recorded the only pin for the Glendale Jayvees The Pirates will be back in ac tion Friday traveling to Grants Pass to compete in an invitational tournament. Also on hand in the tourney will he the Klamath Falls Pelicans, the Crescent City, Calif , team and the host Cavemen. RESULTS: 98-Jose Gallego, G, dec. Bill Shaw, A. 103. 106-PhiI McDowell. G. dcf. Rod Judy, A, 2-0. 115 Steve McDowell. G. pinned Ray Vance, A. 1:24 of third. 123 Larry Robison, G, pinned Dave Price, A. 1:08 of second. 130 Jeft Baker, A. dec. Bob McDowell. G, 2-0. 136 Keith Broslad. A. pinned Cliff Morns. G. 1 31 of second. 141 Leon Smith, G, and Dean Luehrs. A. draw. 4 4 148 Dave Rranutn, G, dec. Ed Rhodes. A. 9 .1. 157 John foster, G, dec. Ron Bemis, A, 10-2 1B8 Ron Goodpasture. A, pinned Bill Hugler, G, 1:25 of first. 178 Jim Mnhr, G. pinned Ron Scholer. A. 1:12 of third. 191 Jack Mills. A. pinned Tom Fachet, G. 1 34 of first. Heavyweight Galen Robersen, A. pinned Ben Thelps, G, :50 of first. Team Scaring: Glendale 29, Ash land 25. Western Hockey League By THE ASSOCIATED PRE . (Wednesday's Results) Spokane 7, Edmonton 3 San Francisco , Northern Cali forma All Stars 1 (Exhibition). $ MONTGOMERY WARD 14S1 NE Stephens OR 2-4811 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 (except Sat.) RIVERSIDE 4-SQUARE GUARANTEE II. Again! rood hoiordi for h pcifte) tim. AdjuttmonH pro raltd on mo uwtl. H 2. AqoiI dtTeehtttitoitf toll, work- faoniKtp for Wo of Heed. Adjutt f J mitftti pforottd ot tried wor. 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