fJfc I 1 - 1 , t - - i T ill "li i urn ii in I 'm il il -1i ii mi J MEL COUNTS, Oregon State's 7 foot basketball center who is th talk of the west, will be in action at Corvallis Satur day ond Monday nights against the Stonford Indians. Counts has scored 28, 29 and 20 points in his first three varsity games. Roseburg's Indians will play the Corvallis prep quintet Monday at 6:05 p.m. as a preliminary to the collegiate game. Stanford brings one of its best teams in years to Gill Coliseum for the game. (OSU Photo) Big Five Schools Pledge Work On Sporfs Disdained In U. S. SAN FRANCISCO fAP) Big- Other subjects covered Wcdnes Five schools are pledged to try U,y included a discussion of how to drum up interest in Olympic , control crowds at baskethall sports that U. S. competitors games and a new method of count usually disdain. i ,ng tj , various sports. Athletic directors of the Big ! . . Vive (Athletic Association of West, i ern Universities) agreed Wednes day to attempt to atrenglhen pro grams in such sports as rowing, wrestling, fencing and volleyball. The NCAA recently requested colleges to give more attention to these minor sports in which other countries excel in the Olympics. Sfowirwi Proarama All five schools said they intend ; lo strengthen their rowing pro- grams. California and Washington . . already have top rowing programs! Mf Miritn firtiflOrC and annually rank among the too"" VlUUCI J crews ui the nation, naid lorn Hamilton, Big F'lve commissioner. Washington intends to elevate wrestling 10 major siaius. aouin-l ri.i-i -i- k. . . -JTrr. .r intends lo start one. Hockey Results National Hockey League By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wsdneiday Result Boston 2, Chicago 2 (tie) Thursday Games Boston ai Drtioit Friday Garnet No games scheduled SAVE OX A JFWfJ Eeomtoiime Van thiriiitf our huj SAVMXGS PAUADK Low price and high trade-in make your Ford dee.1 fTi "Saving Tarade" the top truck event nt the year. Come in before December 29 iind you'll be dollars abend! Ford Kronolint 'an is priced $223 Mow I hevvy 't ( orvan. And testa have shown that a Ford Krono line Van can save $319 on gas and Urea alone during J(tO.ntX) mile of operation. That' a total of $541! land you aave on oil and maintenance, too!). Now 'a the time to buy your Kco online or big Styleaide Pickup or a thrifty Falcon Ham hern. Take advantage of jour l ord di-aler'a "Savings J'aradc ".' bawd a a fomaarUna af lai,4 aattifartarr' ruia'! it ptirft ''Sarinij Parade'' ttpvcial iioir thru Iter. '211.,, at LOCKWOOD MOTORS, Inc. 74S S. E. Rot . HOCK 1IOTTOM Maintain Control Hamilton said directors agreed to crack down on coaches and players to help maintain crowd control. Directors agreed to count foot ball ties as half a win and half a loss in conference standings. Thus a team with one win and three ties would finish behind aia n '"m lln ihrct '" nl a loss I Top Fremont Cagers tpi,. ,,i. rv... u :.u i ne Myrtle Creek ninth graders !f"i,,il'' trong second half to 51'! 34 setback Wednesday night. The Generals hurst inln 10 5 1 lead in the opening minutes of ac- j lion, but were not able to hold on as Myrtle Creek came back lo lead by three points at halftime Myrtle Creek continued on the rampage in the second half as it : b" rrler h g,in'd 125 'ar(ls ran off and Jcf; the Fremont ninth m 25 ""P" graders. , Myrtle Creek's winning effort ' RACING was paced hy Jim Coon't 16 points Following Coon for the winners! SAN BRUNO, Calif. Tillie's was Steve Gordon wilh IS and Baby ($1.20) romped hy three Ricky Ahrahamson wilh 14. i lengths in headliner at Tanforan. I'llH i:.S IX YSY.W County Prep Hoopsters Set For 16 Games Over Weekend Loral A-2 ami B hoop squads burst forth in 16 games scheduled fur Friday and Saturday niiihls as warmups continue fur all except' the Drain Warriors. i The Warriors, currently lied for first in the Kmerald league with a 2 0 recurd. will face a lough test Friday inconferenre action when they travel to Pleasant Hill to clash with the favored Hillbillies featuring talented junior Bruce Kradshaw. Bradshaw led the Hill billies to the Kmerald League championship last year and ii ex pected to pace his team to a repeat I performance for a berth in. the A 2 state tournament. Saturday the Warriors will step out of league play when they try Providence Set To Fight For Ranking By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Providence Friars, winning solidly if not spectacularly, are still a week away from their first of two big tests in a bid for rank ing near the top of the nation': college basketball teams. The defending Ml champions, boasting one of the nation's big. gest front lines, takes on touring San F'rancisco F'nday, then next week makes a trip to DePaul and , STANFORD, Calif. (AP) The'won again at Rome in 19WI. X,.VT ?f 0 ' , ... . u- ,s"v'et Union has a group of doc-l Soviet men set three Olympic lhat trip marks the rirst big tors who have developed what they records at Rome and Soviet worn hurdle for Coach Joe Mullaneys; ca sporls medinne. They may en set five Olympic track and field ambitious team. Ihe Holiday Fes- ,l American roaihes and trainers 1 mark. tival in Madison Square Garden; the following week is the second. So far the Friars have been play- ing-genrrally-just good enough to win. The only exception on their 1 intN. r. .n... - . - j i.nitcd Stales and the Soviet Un- 51 rout of Mount St Mary s. 1he!jon ,raok and (lcld ,eams next largest margin of victory was I , d ha, hn -rn0n,lin seven points, Wednesday night s SO 73 triumph over Brown. Duke, the only other ranked team in action Wednesday night, got a phenomenal shooting per formance from Art Heyman in a 16 69 victory over previously un beaten South Carolina. KassoTo Have Try will, uenver rroi CORVAU.IS (AP) Oregon State's versatile Don Kjjso ii going to give It a try as a pro fessional with the Denver Broncos of the American Football League. The Broncos tabbed Kasso, a halthack two years before moving iA .lit nH thi fall as their tftlh choice in (he collegiate draft. He u.. 1h 17lh mrlc of the St. I.OUIS Cardinals N atlonal Football League team. I Kasso. S it and 184 pounds from Berkeley, Calif., caught 20 pass.-i for 2.'8 yards this season. As a SAVE IM THE NEXT 100,000 MILES ORchord 3 4485 TIM I KS.TOO! to avenge their only loss, brain will lie at Sutherlin to fare the Bulldogs. The Bulldogs won a thrilling 47-46 decision over the Warnurs the first time out. and have gone on to post three atraight wins. Bulldogs vs. Yoncalla Friday the Bulldogs will put their undefeated record up against a group of determined Yoncalla Kaglcs. The Kaules boast a 31 record, and are unliealen on their home boards. Friday's outing will be played at Yoncalla. Glide's Wildcats will host the1 F.agle Point Kayles Friday night in hopes of getting revenge for their' lone loss. Led by center Dick Wil-! son the Kaiilrs are undefeated in 8 The News-Review, Roseburg, 1 Sports Medicine May Be Shown By Soviets about it here next summer. I'ayton Jordan, coach of Stan - ,Pam. ig director of a meet srhed.iat Hnm. ,n iqko .nH wnm. o... 1lcd here Ju,y 2122 hrlwp(,n the wiin uavriri roiookov, coacn oi in the Soviet Union who are as the Soviet national track team. j signed by the government to study Sending Delegation ; training techniques, diets and the The Soviets plan to send a party 1 psychology of athletes, of 78 men and women here nine! The analyze youngsters, their days belore the meet opens. Jor-! physiques and bone structures and dan said Wednesday there is a good chance the Soviets' track peris will conduct a pre-meet clin- ic on their sporls medicine. I The United Slates dominated track and field until the 19S6 Olympic dames. when t h e V.S.S.R. won at Melbourne. They Prep Cage Teams Must Get Together DAYTON, Tenn. (AP) Rockwood's basketball team Arrived for a game with Day ton High. The gym was dark. Dayton's team was in Kock wood, at another dark gym. The game will be played later after they get together on the site. Sports Calendar Wrottling Riddle Irish vs. Glide Wildcats, 7 p m.. Glide Myrtle Creek Vikings vs. Doug las Trojans, 7 p.m., Douglas Mapleton Sailors, Sutherlin Bull dogs and Oakland Oakers, 7 p m , Oakland Archery Oak Rose Archers. 7 p.m.. Rod and Gun Club range, Winchrs'.er Friday Basketball Non-Ltague Grants' Tass Cavemen vs. Rose burg Indian. 8 p m Roseburg Klkton Elks vs. Oakland Oak ers. 8 p.m., Oakland Eagle Point Fugles, vs. Glide Wildcats. 8 p m . Chile Sutherlin Bulldogs vs. Yoncalla Eaules. 8 p m., Yoncalla (ilendale Pirates vs. Illinois Val ley Cougars, 8 p m., Cave Junr tio Cold Bearh Tanthers vs. Myrtle Creek Vikings, 8 p m., Myrtle Creek Days Creek Wolves vs. Mvrtle Creek JV'S, 8:30 p.m., Myrtle Creek Towers Cruisers vs. Tacific, 8 p.m., Tacifie Emerald League Drain Warriors vs. Pleasant Hill Hillbillies, 8 p.m., Pleasant Hill Wrestling Roseburg Indians vs. North Rend Bulldogs, 7 p m., North Bend (ilendale Pirates at Grants Pass Invitational Tournament, 1:30 p.m., Grants Pass Indians Cridders To Appear On TV The Rn-itfrhurfl Indian, stair A I football rhimpion, mil h honored tonight at 30 on KF.1TV. t hannel 9. Kuucnc. The half hour program will IValiire thf tram and the coaching staff according to head roach Roy Thompson. The 11 season will he hich lichtrd, along with the overall athletic program at Roeturn and the trememlom commun ity Mipiort. Sports In Brief By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i BASEBALL i XKW VlhK Mickey Mantle1 signed his l2 ronliact with thr Yankees fur a reined SX'.ouo. FOOTBALL RAIKICII. X. C. Carolina State fluaiirrhai-k Ro I man Cahnel signed a pro con trart wilh the Ins Arteries Ran of the Xational Football Iea;ue four games and are ranked as the number six A 2 team in the state. Wilson is the top scorer in A-2 competition in four games with a total of Hi! points. The F:agles topped the Wildcats 60 52 in (Hide's season opener by halting a fourth quarter rally which saw the 'Cats come to lile. Myrtle (.'reek will try to improve its 3-1 rernrd over the weekend when the Vikings host the Gold Bearh Panthers in a two game se ries. The Viks opened the season with a victory, then lost to Myrtle Point befure coming bark with a pair of wins. The Panthers will be trying to bounce back after losing a game Tuesday to the Powers Cruisers. Ore. Thur., Dee. 14, 1961 1 Seven Records 1 The United States set seven doIph nf ,ne l nj(.d Sa ,h( women's record for 100 meters with 11.3 seconds. Jordan said there are doctors recommend the sDorts and events ex-jthey should concentrate on. Avoid Trial, Error -By studying these things, in- eluding the particular emotions of the individual athletes, thev often avoid the vears of trial and error which many of our athletes often go through before they find the evenls for which they are best suited." Jordan said. Jordan was director of the 1960 Olympic track and field trials, held here at Stanford's 90.000-seat sta dium. He was an assistant coach of the U.S. track team that defeat ed the Soviets in Moscow in 1958. ! $4?5 5 0' fci." ' Both nights at .Myrtle Creek the 'preliminary game will feature the Days Creek Wolves and the Vi-t king Jayvees. The Days Creek games are set to start at 6 30 , ! The Wolves have competed in two jamborees to date, but have been unable to play a regular game be-1 cause of the flu. i j (ilendale's Pirates will take on a pair of Rogue Valley League I opponents over the weekend. Kri- day the Burs will travel to Illinois Valley for an outing with the Cou gars, then will return home Satur-j day to host the Eagle Point Ea- gles. The Pirates will be trying to get back at both teams in the weekend series. 1 The Oakland Oakers will he nut Maris And Yankees Fail To Reach New Agreement NEW YORK (AP) Roger Mar is, the baseball home run king, held a 30-minute talk with Gener al Manager Roy Harney of -the New York Yankees early todav Without reaching agreement on a 19K2 contraet. Both Harney and Maris d? srribed the talks as '"amicable" and Harney issued a statement later whirh said the conversations would resume in January. Maris' salary last year was a reported $37,500. Associates have said he is demanding double that in 12 on the strength of his rec ord 61 home runs which made him perhaps the game's greatest gate attraction. The Yankees are believed ready Yoncalla Cridders Honored At Banquet For Title Play i The Yoncalla Eagles, state B co champions in foothall. were hnn- . ored at a banquet Monday eve ning at the Scntts Valley Grade School according to Mrs. George Fdes, Yoncalla correspondent. i Individual trophies were present ed to Red Wiley, the most inspira I tional player; Dwight Pontius, best ! tackier: Dennis Carney, best block er; and Steve rarrell, most im proved player. Head football coach Blair Har rington acted as master of cere monies and introduced the team. Guest speaker for the event was , Hal Childs of Eugene. ; Varsity Awards Varsity letters were presented to Red Wiley, Dennis Carney, Far rell, Pontius, Bill Woolman. Jim .fazek, Scooper, Guv Palmer, David McHaffie. Jim Wales, Bill THE UIVT THAT SAYS SO WELL WHAT YOU WAXT A IS I FT TO SAY ftV-ta site. J -4 . 'yi Km v ; .'ret . . A diamond-cut decanter of Seagram's 7 Crown encased in glittering foil. What better way to express your season's greetings than with this gift of America's great whiskey, i.ivi: si; .i. rs ami in: snu: to get even with the Klkton Elks; for an earlier loss when the Klks invade "Oakerland' Friday. Satur-i day the Oakers will host the Can ' yonville Tigers and it will be the Tigers turn to try and even thej score. The only victory for thei F.Iks thus far has been over Oak-: land, while the Oakers only win has been over Canyonville. Cruisers Set Action Powers' Cruisers will take on a pair of A 2 opponents over the weekend. Hitting the road the Cunsers will play Parifir at Lang ! Inis Friday, then clash with Bandonl at Randnn Fsturday. j The Riddle Irish and the Doug las Trojans will play lone games1 jto go to $55,000. An agreement may be reached at a SfiO.OOO level. "We're not far apart," Harney said. Maris' teammate. Mickey Man tle, signed Wednesday for a re ported $82,000. Maris, who hit a record of 61 homers last season, also will ask for the best contract he ever re ceived during a conference with General Manager Roy Harney. The hard hitting outfielder was paid about $45,000 last season. Sees No Trouble ' "I expect no trouhle from Rog er." said Harney after signing Mantle for an estimated $82,000 Wednesday, a raise of about $10. 000. "I wouldn't he surprised if Thompson. Everett Johnston. Bill Wilson, Mike Latham. Tommy Coggswell, Dick Wales. Roger Car ney, Roger Johnston, Larry Hnag land. Rod Jackson. Dick Langdon. Don Langdon and Don Wiley. Hon ored for their work as managers were Mervin Pew, Gordon Smith and Aethel Wise. Assisting Harrington with t h c coaching throughout the season, and also honored at the banquet, was assistant coach Ted Bennett. The decorations for the banquet were done by the school home economics class. In the back ground were signs spelling "Con gratulations Team" and "State Co-Champions, 1961" done in the school colors of blue and gold. The championship trophy was presented to the school at the banquet. if . --- their 2 1 record up against the Il linois Valley Cougars before the home fans. In an earlier outing the Irish topped the Cougars in over time. The Trojans will be trying In improve their 12 record when they travel to Mapletnn la play a return engagement with the Sailors. In the first meeting the Sailors swish ed a two-pointer as the final buz zer sounded to edge the Trojans 47 46. Douglas' lone win came in the season opener with Myrtle Point. ' All varsity action is set tn start at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Jayvee games wll preceed tha varsity outings at 6:30. he signs right away. I spoke to him briefly earlier this week and ihe didn't sound tough to me." Mantle signed after a brief meet I ing with Harney, who said, "Mick ey has reached Babe Ruth's fig ure." Later, he admitted, "it'i a little over $80,000." Mantle thus became the second ! highest paid player in Yankee his tory. Joe DiMaggio received $100.- 000 in 1951. Ruth got his $80,009 'in 1932. ' Best Contract "It's the best contract I f v e r ; got." Mickey beamed. "I only 1 hope I can live up tn it. I'll be satisfied if 1 have another year like the last one." Mantle had 54 homers, finishing second lo Maris. He drove in 128 runs and his .317 hatting average was the fourth highest in the American League. "I figure Rog's home run rec ord will stand for a while," th 'boyish Oklahoman said. "I had my shot at the record last year and couldn't make it. I think we "1 both hit our share and it'll be an other close race." The switch-hitting outfielder pre dicted the Yankees would win the pennant again in 1962. I Mantle was the first Yankee lo sign. Mickey, who lives in Dallas, jTex. and Maris, from Raylown, I Mo., are also in New York on 'other business. They rinsed a deal I with a clothing manufacturing firm ! Tuesday. Pro Basketball By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NBA Wtdnesday Rtsults Chicago 113, New York 112 Boston 123. Philadelphia 113 Cincinnati 136, Syracuse 126 I, os Angeles 137, St. Louis 13n (nt)