Tut.. Dee. 12, 1961 The Newt Review, Koseburg, Of. 11 ARLENE PAULSON ond Clarence Bakken were recently chosen girl ond boy of the month for November for their academic ability. Both are active in school affoirs. Roseburg Band Sets Activities Candy sales, bazaar, calendar sales and dances are just a few of the fund-raising activities planned by the Roseburg High Band and Band Parents for the next few months. The money will be used for the coming trip to the Seattle WorW s Fair. Saturday, band members had stands in vamous sections of the city where candy and Christmas corsages were sold. Friday and Saturday the RHS Band Parents sponsored a bazaar at Graves' ilusic store. Christmas decorations, aprons, fruit cakes, jewelry and notions were sold. A calendar sale is scheduled for the near future. Koseburg resi dents will have an opportunity to have the date of their birthday or anniversary put on a commu nity calendar for a small fee. Or ganizations will also be able to have scheduled meeting dates printed on the calendars. Dances featuring the RHS dance band are scheduled for the first months of 12. The exact times will be announced at a later date. American Heritage Association Opens Competition For Summer Foreign Tours By PAUL JOHNSON Rotburg High Newt Bureau Oregon high school students will have an opportunity to tour the Eastern V in ted Stales, Mexico, and Europe next summer under programs developed for the Amer- 31 Roseburg Area Pupils At Academy The Milo Monitor, Milo Acade my's monthly school newspaper, lists 318 students at the school this year, of which, 31 are from Rose burg and vicinity, reports corres pondent Inez Hitchman. MUo Academy is one of the nine twelve-grade academies - in the North Pacific Union Conference, which includes Oregon, Washing ton, Idaho and Montana. Enrolled there from Roseburg are Dennis Denton, Holly Doyle, Larry Gessele, Carole Gregg, Cher yl Munroe, Jim Ruckle, Nadine Towler, Sharon Trenholm, Brenda Van Allen, Norman Wilson and Daniel Woodman, freshmen; I .any Aldred, Burton Dietrich, Fr e d Graves. Diane Konzack, Karen I Ritz, Rose Ruckle and Jeanne Wil I son, sophomores; Ronald Age, Ter I esa Hansen, Lynetta Kruse, Littell I Rhodes, Jerry Snarr, Marilyn Tow- ler and Claire Trenholm; and Lyn da Cook Jim Gregg, Kenneth Mc 1 Farland Jr., Patricia Tonole and jBillie Carol trange, seniors. Seven On Honor List At Camas Valley High Seven students made the honor roll at Camas High the first nine weeks. The Juniors had the highest rep resentation, with Norma Randall, Teddy Heilman, and Helen Kirken dall. Bette Spencer was the lone senior, and Jerry Heilman, the only sophomore listed. Theo Uolgert and Mike Priest represented the fresh man class. VA OFFICIALS SPEAK Speaking on mental health at a recent assembly at Canyonville Bible Academy were Dr. Harold Dickman, chief psychologist, and Gale Wegener, chief clinical social worker, of the Veterans Hospital at Roseburg. lean Heritage Association. Tours of the Fast are from 18 28 days and include visiting historic places of the eastern United States, attending Congress in session and meeting the elected representa tives. The 28 day Mexican tour groups are designed for students who have completed at least two years of Spanish, according to M. Hail ey, former II HS Spanish teacher and now foreign language consult ant in the Depaitment of Educa tion and director of the program. Each of the three groups will study conversational Spanish, Mexican culture, attend classes for one week at Mexico City College and meet Mexican youth, as welt as see the historic sights of Mexico. The European program lasts nine weeks and will consist of two groups, a western European and 1 a French and German language group. Groups will study local cul ture and customs aud attend gov ernment briefings. Interested students should write to the American Heritage Associa tion, 1225 S.W. Oak, Lake Oswego, Oregon, for application cards. BIBLE CLUB ACTIVE The Bible Club has been very active this year with meetings be ing held each Wednesday at Myr tle Creek High School. Quizzes over the Bible are now being given to all the members of the club. Officers presiding this year for Bible Club are. President, Sharon Stamey; vice president, Pat King and secretary treasurer, Jernc Sims. 'Sleighride Fantasy' Winter Formal Slated Thirty lighted Christmas trees will be the featured decoration at the Glide High School annual Win ter Formal to be held Saturday evening. "Sleighride Fantasy" is the theme. Norma Haas and Barbara Miller are over all chairman of the event. Committee heads include Joyce Hatfield, Arlene Paulson, Jill Cun ningham, Pam Holm, Jeanne Hat field, Sharon Haas, Beverly Bog ner, Dianne Huseby, Vivian Loon- bv an A Unftv Stuart .w , Jim Muhoney and his Melody- men win pruviuc live music. Homemaker Exams Given Roseburg Girls Senior girls o( Roseburg High School took the Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow test Dec. 5. The test was open to all senior girls. The girl chosen from RHS will compete with girls from the other high schools in Oregon for the state award. The state winner will then be eligible for the national honor. Paulette Talbot of Roseburg was the state winner in 1960. Mar garet Stein, KHS 1961 winner, re ceived second place in the state contest. Billy R.Meloy Pledges To OSU Pi Tau Sigma Billy R. Meloy of Roseburg, is one of eight upperclassmen at Ore gon State University picked for membership this fall in the me chanical engineering honorary, Pi Tau Sigma. Scholarship, leadership, and promise of future achievement are considered in selection of members for the honorary. Meloy is a junior this year at OSU. Fremont Magazine Sales Drive Ends Fremont Junior High recently ended its annual magazine cam paign with a sales total of 7,120. This campaign is sponsored each year by the Curtis Publishing Co. which publishes such magazines as The Saturday Evening Post and Ladies Home Journal. Jim Richmond, Steve Erickson, Steve Esselstrom and Olivia Leik en were the four high salesmen. Each sold over $100 in subscrip tions. Students could sell subscript tions only in Green, Melrose, Kir Grove, Rose and Fullerton IV areas. Sales money earned by the stu dents will go to buy new equip ment for the school. CHRISTMAS BALL SET The annual Christmas Ball for Yoncalla High School will be held Dec. 20 following the school Christmas program. The ball is sponsored by the high school chap ter of the National Honor Society. Girls' Glee Club Eyes Television Appearance Featured on the Vern Reynolds Show over KP1C TV Wednesday evening will be the Roseburg High School girls glee, under the direc tion of Robert Robins. Selections to be sung are T11 Be Home For Christmas." "Star of Bethlehem," from 'Ben Hur" and "This Little Babe,' from "Cer emony of Caiols." Approximately 41 girls will participate. CONCERT PRESENTED The Milo Academy Chorale pre sented a short sacred concert be fore the Friday evening service at the Koseburg Seventh-day Advent ist church recently. Director for the group is Rudolf Strukoff, the academy's voice teacher, who was one of the solo ists in the recently held presenta tion of Handel's "Messiah" at the Dougla County Fairgrounds. PIMPLES? At last a medication that really works! Maw Mtlbl(l whim crM prmmmt teftolt rot 14 for pltpl, mtmm mr mt sfclM blnlh of trwl rlfa. Iff! Ja ffvifc nhwttl-Mvtfi aiMliJ H . Cmmkmtt Pimmt 0rmil tHul ronUlns Tymthririn, m powerful ntibkili that rimhiii growth vt tirRin-pvillv grrtna in pin pin. Otlm Ua Plmplmit Th torn til nfttlon mt to ltd lrinrnl in UlvJ h-lpa dry up ptm pka, anwfot lealona. Hfi rv rtfwry OffflgvrcaMMfi ftrralrhini mT ntMt'uta la nKly vr nti-itrh irtKrrdirnt I Menwu-atn) tn l-'tl met loral fcnnthrttr, glv ImmeilnU nothing rlif from ornM ad itching, let i;ul tod?. Yon mtiot b mHM r your mo? kttk I At U crugalurra. UTOL Anfiliaric cru lr $k!m kjrgiea wrist wXtch I fl I LTV I n;!"' 40 d Handtem man's I I 1 yBJ irmffi' r lAD,ES' wrist watch tilrJ m jj If llJT' 7 W.t.r J iliock-r.mt.nt l.di.i- if Mjjj VHf MAN'S WRIST WATCH PS Pf mmn4, both wUr, thck rtiittant. Ji xl'SJ WEISFIELD'S OPEN Until 9 P. M. Until Christmas 650 S. E. Jackson DIAL OR 2-1606