Contour Pants With a New Cut Super Patriots Promote Hate, Claims Truman Mon., Dec. 11, 1961 The News-Review, Roteburg, Ore. $ WIN A FREE CHRISTMAS FOR '61 x j V f Jll , - ' U 5 CeBtoared pints cut with a stockinglike fit ire worn here with colorful tops. Trl-colored poncho (left) is done in lilie, green ind black. Sleeveless, bip-length shirt (right) is in combination of orange, blue, sand and black. Home Rule Draws Strong Support In Constitution Revision Group SALEM (AP) The home rule provision in the Oregon Constitu tion drew strong support Friday before the Finance and Local Government tub-committee of the State Constitutional Revision Com mission. Alex Brown, Portland City attor ney; Kenneth C. Tollenaar, Asso ciation of Oregon Counties execu tive secretary; and Mrs. William Crooks, Corvallis, League of Women Voters, supported it. Tollenaar said that while his association has not acted specific ally on the issue in connection with constitutional revision it had in the past supported county home rule. "I think it Is safe to say that we ire in favor of home rule for counties," he said. Tollenaar urged consideration of a constitutional provision to prevent the legislature from add ing additional costly county re sponsibilities without providing money to carry them out. He said under Oregon Law counties pay 30 per cent of the state's share of state public wel fare costs but have nothing to say about how much will be spent for welfare. The legislature, he said, author ized medical care for the aged it and again did not provide the counties with funds to pay the biU. Brown said both the state legis lature and the Oregon Supreme Court had not treated home rule very charitably although it still was coming into its own slowly. Douglas High's Choir To Sing For Kiwanis The Douglas High choir is sched uled to perform at the Winston- Dillard Kiwanis Christmas party tonight in the latest of a scries of concerts. Last Wednesday evening a half hour tape recording made by the choir was heard on the radio over station KQEN. The television appearance is also scheduled for the group this week. Thursday, Dec. 7, the choir at tended the UVL choir festival at Oakland in which seven schools were represented. He said cities of Oregon should be relieved of the prohibitions against local licensing of busines ses, trades and professions. These groups, he said, look to local gov ernment for benefits such as fire, police, health and other services. Cities are entitled to constitu tional protection against abuses of state sovereinty, Brown said. Mrs. Crooks said the league be lieves any new constitution should recognize the county as an im portant unit of government, make it flexible and responsive, and still limit its authority. U.S. Slashes Aid To Poland WARSAW, Poland (AP) The U.S. government has slashed its aid program to Communist Po land for next year more than 90 per cent, informed sources report ed recently. The reduction is expected to be made public sometime this month when a new Polish-American aid agreement is signed in Washing ton. It is expected to provide for the sale of about o million oi U.S. surplus commodities, mostly wheat, on long-tern, credits. This represents less than half of last year's agreement, which gave the Poles a loan of $130 mil lion worth of surplus wheat, to- Beauty School Graduate Slain TOPSHEM. Maine (AP) A 17- year-old girl, on her way to grad uate trora beauticians school met death instead, in a gravel pit at the town dump. The victim was Shirley Rollins. Police Saturday held Jerome Michaud, 22, of Brunswick, and said he will be arraigned next week on charges of stabbing and beating the girl with a brick Friday. State police said Michaud signed a statement relating he picked up the girl as she waited for a ride to Portland for the graduation. The statement said they halted at the gravel pit, and that the girl taunted him when the engine stalled in his car. He stabbed her with a hunting knife, the state ment sairf, and then beat her on the hea with a brick when she tried to e. The girl was found unconscious on the ground by town workers, who took her to the Brunswick hospital. She was pronounced dead on arrival. Michaud was arrested later. Michaud is a paper mill worker and married. His wife is expect ing their second child. BEVERLY HILLS. Calif fAPi Former President Harry S. Tru man says "super patriots" are promoters of hate and "the sick among us" "but don't let them worry you much. They are so volatile they blow themselves out." Addressing a fund raising dinner recently for U. S Smi. Wayne Morse, D-Ore., Truman praised Morse as a dissenter. Thn he added: "The voice of dissent has played an important role in the voice of the nation. Throughout our his tory, the constructive voices -f dissent have had a profound influ ence on the improvement of the ! lot of our people and the strength-1 ening of our institutions. 1 "By the voice of dissent. I doi not mean the voice of a bully, the i coward, the rabble rousers, the; bigots and the superpatriots. "They are not typically Ameri-j can. They are the remnants of the foreign ideologies and are actually the voices of doom or probably the damned. ... "These are the voices we toler- i ate. but also we ignore them. They belong to a vocal minority who crave headlines and foster hate, j In my opinion, these are the sick among us." Truman also referred to Cuban Premier Fidel Castro as "a whisk-1 ered little squirt" and criticized: the Eisenhower administration for, as Truman put it, allowing Castro to set up a Communist re-1 gime "right at the front door of Florida." The dinner was billed as a trib ute to ' Morse as "a senator for all Americans." Asked why it was held in south-1 ern California, Morse said he of-1 ten has campaigned for local, Democrats, has many friends in I Southern California labor, and was happy to accept when the in vitation was extended to him. Deaf School Job Let SALEM (AP) - A low bid of $166,825 by the Lantz Construc tion Co., Salem, has been accepted by the State Board of Control for the construction of a vocation al education building at the Ore gon School for the Deaf. The bid by Lantz was the low est of nine and was below the $225,000 estimate for the construction. Four-Week Strike Ends At St. Regis Plants PORTLAND (AP) A four-week-long strike at St. Regis Pa- bacco, feed grain and edible oils, per Co. plants in Washington and Muniana trnueu rrtuay wnen lumber workers accepted a con tract proposal by what a union official aaid was a narrow margin. ballots taken at four Lumber and Sawmill Workers Union lo cals were forwarded for counting at LSWU Western Council head quarters in Portland. I he new contract affects saw mill, plywood, logging and manu facturing operations at Libby and Troy, Mont., Tacoma, Morton, Klickitat and Glenwood, Wash. . A union spokesman said the con- tract included wage and pension improvements that were in line with other lumber settlements. The cutback was attributed to the Kennedy administration's dis satisfaction with the record of Po lish Communist attitudes toward the United States in the past year. Two factors said to have played an immediate role in stiffening U.S. policy toward Poland were the Poles' economic assistance to the Fidel Castro regime in Cuba last year and adherence to the Moscow line in the current Ber lin crisis. Since 1957, when the United States embarked on its program of assistance. Poland has received a total of $126 million in U.S. loans and credits. Only a tiny amount of electric or magnetic force is needed to control the action of electrons at very low temperatures. A kangaroo doe normally gives birth to only one baby, or joey, but she seems to produce with un flagging enthusiasm. Some New Fashions in Fox Fur PP(9 I. t L 5 if I: - -.7 t. ?J : i, ?- SUNBEAM QUALITY T85I CHOICE SCRUBS MUSHES WAXES BUFFS CLEANS RUGS 3:v 4. ,j - r (Sunbeam AUTOMATIC LIQUIDS DISPENSER Applies Waxes, Suds, Shampoo Hvum it Otif if On 0SUNSUM OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9:00 D n u 721 S. I. O.k OK 1 SJ21 Yes, Drive-N-Sove Will Help Moke This The Biggest Christmas Ever! Enter Our FREE CHRISTMAS CONTEST NOWt The Lucky Person Will Win ... . $100 Grocery Order $100 Cash To Buy Presents $20 Gift Certificate For Each Member of Family No Gimmicks . . . No Purchaitt Rtquirod . . . No Solas Stipe le Sota . . . No Fuu, No Mgu. All you koto to do to ontor it liH the entry blanks el the front ot tne tor Mck Mm you oro In. Intor at orton el you oiik, but ko sure you ontor. Prises will bo o wo rood Sotureoy, Docombor 16th ot I P.M. in our store. You do not novo to bo preaonr to win. Initios limitod to oonons 11 yooni or elder, impleyeet ot the Orio-N-Sovo end their immediate tomilio not oUojblo to ontor. Golden Amber fox is worked by top desicners into fur fashions of (treat beauty. Three piece nit of pale beige Jersey by Monte Sano has coat with the fur worked horizontally. Indispen sable tapelet (right) is by Bernard, ran be wern day or evening. ti minimum purchase entitles you to one hoot free oorktnf. nowdrift Shortening Tru Soya Salad Oil n n n Luncheon iilieai Velveeta Cheese 3 lb. tin Quart 12 ei. tin 2 lb. loaf itllayonnaise Canned flflilk Drive-N-Soye Quart Cottage, Tall tins, Limit please ea. APRICOT NECTAR For whiter brighter clothes PUREX BLEACH S & W Brandied Flavored MINCEMEAT 23ez Jor. For your automatic dishwasher CASCADE 46 oz. tin . 1 gal jug . Hershey'i INSTANT COCOA MIX S'L Western CHILI CON CARNE 15V4 oz. tin 29c 45" 39' 69c 699c pkg. 399- COUNTRY STYLE Spareribs BUTT PORTION Pork Roast GOLDEN RIPE Bananas ib. SWEET --JUICY Tangerines ib. RED-ROME BEAUTY Apples lb. 12' 19' 10 Drive-N-Save SYRUP 22 oz. bottle W hite x Cloves Reg. 59c AlECA-SEOIES? Reg. $2.50 Christmas Cards SPECIAL SERVICES Poyroll Chocbt Ceohod Poraonol Mono Ordort O PottofO Stomal For Solo a Film Precettina Prictt Effcctiv Mon., Tucs., Wtd., Dee. 11, 12, 13 ..,,45' 29e 98ef 10 lb. bag .... "V Jl 40oz.tin I 4 b 39c I Elbow or Long pkg. i ; 5e oil flavors Dka. L 2IW i SO Cards to Boa H J C 1 With Envelopes it B I I Betty Crocker PANCAKE MIX Market STRAWBERRY PRESERVES3' Haley's BEEF STEW Best Bet SPAGHETTI Jells Best GELATIN DESSERT 21 tablets to bottle 100 10 Oc fj 89ef mi iiim