The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 09, 1961, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 The Mewi-Revlew, Roieburg, Or. Sot., Dee. 9, 1961
Balaguer Foe Says New Pact
Will Solve Dominican Crisis
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican ; as persons connected with the
Republic (AP) Viriito A. Fiallo, i government,
leader nf the opposition National i Agreement Reached
Civic Union, said today agree- Agreement wai finally reached
ment hat been reached with the after US. Consul General John
government on formula to solve C alvin Hill and U.S. Deputy As
the Dominican Republic's politi-1 sistant Secretary uf Stale Arturo
cat crisis.
Fiallo, who heads the chief op-
position movement, said the for-1
muia calls for establishment of a
seven-man council of state, with i
President Joaquin BalaKuer at the j
helm for a limited period.
The agreement excludes from
the council members of the board :
of the opposition faction as well 1
Madman Swallows Spoon Handle
While Awaiting Slaying Probe
MIAMI. Kla. (AP) Stomach
surgery was performed today on i
madman who
swallowed ai i
spoon handle while
transfer to New York where he
is accused in the slaughter of his
brother-in-law i family.
Mat (Mike) Ivanov, 37, Yugo
slav immigrant, underwent the
operation at Jackson Memorial
Hospital where he was moved aft
er swallowing the 3'j inch spoon
handle in his cell at Dade County
Ivanov, lodged in the jail as a
federal prisoner, was served a
meal shortly after 5 p.m., Friday
along with other prisoners and
was given a spoon. Jail attend
ants in a corridor reported hear
ing later a scraping as if
something was being sharpened
Oregon Highway
Conditions Told
The travelers' road report for
Oregon at 8:20 a.m.:
Highways 99 and 199: Pavement
bare. Some fog.
Coast Highway: Some icy spots
on northern Oregon coast.
Sunset and Wilson itiver: Icy
spots near summit.
High 97: Light snow at The
Dalles. Pavement mostly bare.
Cascade routes: Icy spots at
Warm Springs Junction. Icy spots
in Willamette Pass. Trace of new
snow in Santiam Pass.
Old Oregon Trail: Cloudy at
Portland. Light snow at The
Dalles. Pavement hare at Pendle
ton, but packed snow in the Blue
Mountains and at .La Grande. Icy
spots at Baker.
Cross-state routes: Light snow
pack: in Orhocos, at John Day and
in Blue Mountains along Highway
26. Pavement bare at Burns.
Trace of new snow at Lakeview.
Temperatures east of the Cas
cades generally below freeung
mark. Lowest reading: 4 above at
The Mt. Hood Loop Highway and
the West and Kast Diamond Lake
highways are closed.
Sun., t:30 a.m.,, Chan. 4
Sunder, 7:1 S P.M.
N. W. Geraen Valley Rd.
A beautiful new Bible will be presented to the
owner of the oldest Bible entered In this) contest
by January 5, 19S2.
Your noma
Dota found In your Bibla ..
Mail this blank to: Old Bibla Contest
P. O. Bog 929, Roseburg, Oregon
or call Information to OR 3-7932
SpNMrd y th Seventh-lay AeVfffitiit Churtll
to konor the 350th itnivtrMry t
Kief James Vernon ( Ike l.ble Itlt-lfit.
Murales Carrion kept an all-night
vigil on the negotiations.
Principal mediator in the crisis
was Nicholas h. Fichardo, presi
dent of the University Professors'
Association and one of the leaders
of a crippling general strike
called 12 days ago to bring pres
sure on the Balaguer government
The official newspaper Kl
and when they entered Ivanov's
cell, they found he had broken
ijoff the spoon
off the
handle and swal-
lowed it.
After other attempts to remove
the spoon handle failed, Ivanov
underwent stomach surgery, po
lice said. Following the opera
tion, he was placed in a detention
cell at the hospital with two de
tectives on guard.
Assistant Nassau County (N Y.)
Dist. Ally. William Cahn arrived
during the night. Two county de
tectives and a court reporter ac
companied him.
Cahn said he brought with him
a warrant charging Ivanov with
murder in the first degree. He
said the Nassau grand jury had
not met to cunsider indictment of
Ivanov. The jury goes into session
Tuesday, Cah.i said.
The FBI identified Ivanov as
the man wanted in Mineola, N. Y.,
for the Nov. 25 bayonet massacre
of five persons.
The victims were Peter Gregov.
39, his wife. 35, and their three
sons; Peter Jr., 17, Ronald, 15.
and Michael, It. Kven the family
poodle was stabbed to death with
17 wounds. A French bavonet
found neaiby was descirbed as the
murder weapon.
Ivanov was picked up by immi
gration authorities on Dee. 5 on
charges of illegal entry into the
United States. He was found pos
ing as a Cuban refugee in a row
boat near Marathon in the Florida
A fingerprint check by the FBI
disclosed his identity.
Records showed that Ivanov and
his wife and four children lived
with the Grcgovs vher. they ar
rived in the United Sates from
Trieste on the Yugoslavian border.
Later, Ivanov and his wife had
domestic difficulties and she and
Gregov had Ivanov committed to
I mental institution.
Authorities at thi mental Insti
tution described Ivanov as not
dangerous, but a victim of chronic
mental illness with symptoms of
paranoid delusion.
Police Seek
Mother Of 3
NEWARK, Calif. (AP) Po
lice said Friday night that Mrs.
Josephine Ann llansell, 32, has
disappeared. She is the only mem
ber of her family not showing
symptoms of arsenic poisoning in
the past six years, authorities
l'olire said no charges were
pending against Mrs. llansell, the
irmther of three children.
She had been reported by tela
tives to be in seclusion but police
said they cou'd uncover no trace
of the woman.
The llansell family came to
Newark from Salem Ore., s 1 x
years ago.
Mrs. Hanscll's husband, Alfred,
37, is in Veterans Hospital in near
by Palo Alto recovering from
..v.. ....l.j -
wnai auinomies caueo sympioms ,
of arsenic poisoning. A son. Den
nis, 2, also was hospitalized but
was released.
A daughter, Carol Ann, had
been treated for similar symp
toms before leaving Salem, au
thorities said. She was then eight.
A baby boy died in Salem. The
cause of death was listed as
pneumonia. Salem authorities
have been requested to exhume
the body.
Caribe reported earlier that anj
agreement in principle had been
At the same time the opposition j
radio network. Vol del Tropico,
announced the general strike had
The reports followed Friday
night's 12 hour negotiating session
between government and opposi
tion representatives. After the
session recessed, the National
Civic Union, largest of the opposi
tion groups, said it would contin
ue negotiations today , despite an
ultimatum that it would withdraw
from the talks unless a settlement
was reached.
Meanwhile, the United States
announced it has withdrawn a
fleet of warships from the vicinity
of the Dominican Republic. The
ships appeared off the coast
shortly after two brothers of slain
dictator Rafael Trujillo returned
to the country apparently to try
to restore a Tightest dictatorship.
The Trujillos, Hector and Jose
Arizmendi, were forced out of the
country a few days later by an
air force coup.
In Washington, U.S. govern
ment sources declined to discuss
the significance of recalling the
Opposition groups have insisted
that Balaguer, a former front
man for dictator Trujillo, and all
other holdovers from the Trujillo
era must get out of the govern
ment. A general strike called to
hack the dema.ds entered its
12th day today.
The basis of the latest govern
ment-opposition talks
opposition 1
sources said, was a proposal for
a ruling seven-man junta to be
headed by Balaguer who would
resign before the end of the year.
However the government rejected
this Thursday night.
meantime. 1
The government,
has taken over the operation of
15 more business concerns for-
merly owned by the Trujillos or
their associates, placing a total j
of 50 companies now under gov-
crnment operation.
Appling, Solon
In Lease Debate
PORTLAND (AP) State Rep.
Clinton Haight, I) Baker, and Sec
retary of State Howell Appling Jr.
debated at long range today the
state's handling of oil exploration
Haight, chairman of the legis
lative interim committee on nat
ural resources, said the state Land
Board was raking it a bargain for
oil companies.
Ho said the board was leasing
land at 25 cents an acre while
owners of adjacent property were
getting twice as mucn.
Haight made his remarKS at a
meeting of the committee in Port
land. Appling replied at Salem:
"As Mr. Hsight knows very well.
the Land Board has for some time
been engaged in studies designed
to accomplish the very thing he
now glibly pretends to have in
vented. As a matter of fact, con
firmation of an increase in rates
to SO cents is on the next Land
Board ager.da and I
am confident '
it will he adopted
"I would remind him that it lias
been only recently that there was i
sufficient major oil company in-1
terest in Oregon to be able tot
command the higher rates and ,
still preserve an active search for
this potentially valuable re
source." Panama Ship
Down At Sea
MANILA (AP1-A Panamanian
. V"
freighter sank in a storm in me
South China Sea Friday night and
it was feared 33 on board may
have perished.
The 1.722 ton freighter Com
bined One, en route to Hong hong
from Mngapore with a cargo of
logs, apparently went down just
west of l.add Reef, in the Spratly
Island group about 6r0 miles
southwest of Manila.
The US. Navy said five sur
vivors had been rescued and two
bodies recovered.
No additional survivors have
k.... .i..i,i'i .-m . ..,.. .,..,
at Sangley I'oint .Naial Base.
The I S. 7th Fleet landing ship,
Kpptng Forest, reported rough
seas and 35 knot winds were
hampering rescue operations,
A fleet of 13 merchant ships in
addition to the V.pping Forest are
scouring the choppy waters for
In Singapore, the Royal Air
Force quoted survivors as saying
most if not all 34 of the crew got
away in boats and rafts.
According to reports radioed by
British search planes, the survi-
. - ...i.i ... ,.
.u.i. ... ... imuri. ii.eir snip lank
in 10 minutes alter it look water
in a storm.
Will Be Closed
Monday, Dec.' 1 1 th 3 am to 1 pm
In Respect To Mr. Jack N. Bard
Our President Who Passed Away,
Thursday, December 7th.
fay. a)iia
T Y- jSr ,74; J&'ltt&Xi
SHAPE OF BLAST AREA in which an otomie device will be set off Sunday is shown here
in on artist's conception based on Atomic Energy Commission sketches. At left is the
hooked, self-sealing end of the tunnel where the device will be detonated. The point
of detonation is 1,200 feet below the surface. The tunnel's end is 1,100 feet from
the shoft entrance to the detonation point. (UPI Telephoto).
Camas Valley Home
Destroyed By Fire
A smouldering pile of burned
embers is all that remains of the
hopes of a Camas Valley family
that they would be in their newly
remodeled home by Christmas.
The one story, three bedroom
frame home of Air. and Mrs.
l' llo-,,,! ItuUnu.,
,re ,ast ms,lt A passeruy saw the
flames at about 8:30 and called
the Volunteer Fire Department,
which responded to the call but
arrived too late to save anything
beyond a few sheets of plywood
and small bathroom fixtures. The
almost - coniDlete structure was
nartiallv insured.
Lost also were the tools of
Charles Delaney Sr. who had been
working on the house. j
Crushed with disappointment arei,rom au 10 lm minion ions 01 irsi
'two small Delaney children who Khrushchev asserted the So-
lor the past tew weeks could talk"'" union nau uumus even ingci
or nothing but the expectation of,ulan Ju" mesaions.
havini! a huce. bis" Christmas Then appearing for the
tree placed before the picture win
dow in their new home.
Mrs. Delaney, in talking to Mrs.
William Banks, News-Kcview cor
respondent, said that though the
blow of losing their home was
great, there was much for which
to he thankful.
Mrs. Delaney said. "I am grate
ful that no one was hurt. Then,
too, we could have lost all of
our household possessions, which
were packed and ready to move
into the new place."
The Dclaneys, currently living
in the Cummings rental in Upper
Camas, plan to rebuild on the
same site sometime in the future.
Local Bank Picks
Two New Directors
..!. v j
ui.ii nn.,ieiirr ..I n iiii oesier nn
Horace C. Berg, Roseburg, are new
members of the board of directors
of the First National Rank of
Roseburg. reports Elton V. Jack
son, president.
They have been appointed to re
place two directors who no looser
reside in Douglas County.
Thev are Robert Davis, now liv-
in? in Grants Pass and unable to
attend regular board meetings, and
Karl Mollard. formerly manager
of llanna Nickel mine at Kiddle,
who has been transferred to Ohio
Mollard is one of the original di-
rectors. Davis was elected later to
fill a vacancy.
Berg, Itoseburg insurance repre-1
sentative and one of the owners of
the Pacific Building, was one of
the organizers of the bank. He is a'
long-time Roseburg resident and,
well known here.
Amacher, likewise is well knon!
here, especially for his interest
i ...... .ii.n.. ..j
......... ................
aeuvnics. lie owns me iiamuuw
Trailer Sales at Winchester. He is
chairman of the stale Came Com
mission and member of the Doug
las County Park Board.
Berg and Amacher will serve on
the board until the annual stock
holders meeting and election the
third Thursday in Januarv.
Foy William Walker
Funeral services for Kay Wil
liam Walker, 69 year old Sutherlin,
resident who died Thursday, wiili
he held at 1 30 p m. Monday in theICar collision occurring Friday on,:, Stewart Smith, instructor.
Sulherlin Church of Jesus Christ
of l atter Day Saints.
F.ldcr A. I. Martincati of the
Sutherlin LDS Church will offici -
ate. Interment will follow at Fair
Oaks Cemetery. The Sutherlin Oak
land Mortuary is in charge of ar -
i rangemcnts.
Sneedcr Drawl lail
Bruce Hordeau, 20. of Riddle, his
been committed to the Douglas
County lail for 10 days in lieu of
a S fine for holding a speed
: nA ... ... a t... i...
...m.-.. u. u-,
tice of the I'eace Mna rietiold at
! Canyonulle.
nfj .pi lesi.
a i'l I rowik and I 5 i 1 1100 it. I V
Khrush Says New Weapon Hangs
Over West Like Damocles Sword
MOSCOW (AP) Premier Khru
shchev said today the Soviet Un
ion had built 50- and 100 megaton
bombs so that they would hang
over the heads of Western powers
like the sword of Damocles.
He told delegates to the Communist-dominated
congress of the
World Federation of Trade Un
ions that the Soviet Union had no
plans to use such bombs "but we
shall certainly use this weapon
against the enemy if they unleash
a new war.
Declaring that ths Western pow
ers do not yet have a nuclear
Domb in ,he 50 to 100-megaton
range the destructive force of
lime to brandish the Soviet super
bomb as a terror weapon, he de
clared: U.N. Assembly
Gets Sad News
The Gancral Assembly pot the
sad news today. It will have to
continue paying out at least $10
million a month to keep the U.N.
Congo operation going.
Acting Secretary-General V
Thant told the 103-nation world
body that the blowup in Katanga
made it impossible (or him to
estimate how high the Congo co3t
would run in 1962. But he made
plain it would not go below the
1 SlO-million mark for months to'to West Berlin
"The task of guiding the Congo j "They still think of the Soviet
operation becomes possible ofjL'nion as it used to be. They do
achievement," Thant said in his j not realize we have changed our
600-word message, "only if I can ; shorts for long pants."
count on the good will of member
governments and especially their
readiness to provide financial sup
Thant has been trying to drum
up approval for his plan to float
a $2O0 million bond issue to keep
the U.N. out of bankruptcy until
September when the next as
5em"'y conV""- . . .
I I ills WU1IIII I lit' till I '"6
three times the amount of the an-1
nual U.N. budget. It results from j
refusal of the Soviet Union and
other nations to pay a cent to-j
ward the Congo bill or for the i
U.N. Emergency Force in the'
Middle East. i
The United States and six other
nations have
proposed that the
world lourc ne a
..h ; d othcr na,i0ns
. .
nave a rigiu i" n'.c .
their share of the Congo bill.
The United States, in addition
to paying its Congo assessment of
nearlv $ million, is contributing
more than J15 million io neip oe -
tray 30 per rem or nunc ui "-.o( concession stands. Entertain
; assessments of the small nations. ! ment chairman was Dan From
No Injuries Reported
In Two-Car Collision
No injuries resulted ft'Om a tWO-
SK Rose St. just south of the SE
I Washington St. inte -section.
j Rsehurg Citv Tolice aid the
1 ,Ccident involved autos driven by
ernon Howard Austin. 41. 891 NW
' mack Av(. , Marion Luther
Vcaich, T2, lOtSJ NK Stephens St.
Officers said Austin's car crash
ed into Veatch's vehicle as Vealch
was pulling out from a parked pos-
moil. No citation was issued,
I r II L C a
lOUth rCliOWSrliP jSTS
i '
Singspiration Sunday
A singspiration for all young peo
ple in the community will take
place Sunday at IS p m. at the
North Roseburg Church at 1SS3 NF.
The sing is being sponsored by
the youth fellowship of the churcn.
Tlie Rev. F.dgar Albee. minister
of the church, says the young peo
ple hope to make the singspiration
a regular monthly affair, to tie
held at various churches in the com
"The 50- and 100-megaton
bombs will alway: hang over
their heads like the sword of
Damocles," he said.
The Russian premier drew his
allusion from ancient Greek his
tory. Damocles was rebuked and
forced to sit at a royal banquet
with a sword suspended over his
head by a hair.
Speaking excitedly from the
platform in the Kremlin's red
and gray Hall of Congresses, he
said that there was not a point
on the .lobe that could not be
reached by Soviet rockets and he
thought that was a strong deter
rent against aggressive forces.
Khrushchev expressed dismay
that not evervbodv in the world
appreciated the "correctness" of!
; sume nuclear testing in the air.
lie said that man- honest peo
ple had expressed concern about
the health danger.
But, he claimed, "The socialist
countries have to think first, not
about fallout shelters but how to
avoid having nuclear bombs fall
on our heads.
"Do you want us to create con
ditions in which they would throw
bombs at us and also clean the
air for them?" he said. "We
would be slobbering idiots if we
did not carry out the nuclear
tests. This is the only correct line
and the one we have chosen."
When Khrushchev concluded
there was stormy applause and
the delegates gathered from all
over the world stood up and
joined him in singing the Inter
nationale. Khrushchev laughed at Presi
dent Kennedy's proposal for an
internationally controlled corridor
, ..Slra !. :j
Senior Carnival
Queen Selected
Diane Brittell was chosen to
reign over "The Roaring 20's,"
Roseburg High School senior class
carnival last night at the Armory.
Her court as composed of
Joyce Clute, Naomi Naugle, Judy
Parks and Jan Simpson.
The carnival, given to raise mon
ey for caps and gowns, offered
much in the wav of entertainment.
",l a
speakeasy serving soft drinks.
"Customers' at the '"speakeasy,"
present at the time of the "raids."
received free tickets for the con
cessions. Bruce was general chair
man of the carnival. Pam Davis
jln(1 Snilrim to(le were jn ch,rl!e
nam. i.ecorauons were oone ny
Jeanie Laws, Ray Meyers and Bob
Mitrhel. Doug Green and Don
Lowe were in charge of ticket
sales. Publicity chairman was
Rick Johnson.
HaH .r'vitnr f.r It.. ..ninp j.t.E
Ceramic Tile
50 off
On AH Crmic Til In Stock
Fro inttmctiMit nJ toot
Lcs Newport
1J7S I. W. Kee'ell--Olt 3-3014
Blast To Seek Peaceful
Uses For Atomic Power
CARLSBAD, N.M. (AP)-Amer-Iran
scientists plan to explode
Sunday the first nuclear ''bomb"
Fitzgerald Gets
Umnua Timber
A pair of Umpqua National For
est timber sales in Roseburg Fri
day brought almost $50,000, the
supervisor's office reports.
The first, container 850,000 board
feet of timber 44 miles east of
Roseburg on 250 acres, dold to Fitz
gerald Logging Co., Ore., Ltd., of
Roseburg. It bid $24,049 for the
tract appraised at $23,052.
The company bid $28 80 for 830,
000 feet of Douglas fir appraised
at $27.60 and $7.25 per thousand
for 20.000 feet of western hemlock
and other species appraised at $7.
20. Other bidders were Morgan &
Engle Inc. and Douglas County
Lumber Co., both of Roseburg.
The second sale of timber was on
260 acres 58 miles northeast of
Roseburg. Total volume is 800.000
board feet. It was appraised at
High bidder was Forrest Indus
tries Inc. of Dillard. The bid was
$25,760, based on $36.10 per thou
sand for 700,000 feet of Douglas fir
and pine appraised at $24 and the
appraised $4.90 per thousand for
western hemlock and other spe
cies. Other bidders were O. E. Clay
ton, Tinker Logging Co., Douglas
County Lumber Co., Morgan and
Kngle and Fitzgerald Logging, all
of Roseburg, Tilley Logging of Suth
erlin and M. . Engle of Glide.
Luther Starmer
Luther Francis Starmer, 87, a
former resident of Roseburg died
Friday at a rest home in Eugene!
following a prolonged illness.
Starmer was born Dec. 25, 1873,
in Nashville Tenn. He moved to I
Roseburg in 1890 where he owned,
a farm and later worked for the'
Southern Pacific railroad and was
transferred to Eugene in 1926
where he worked until his retire-1
ment several years ago. I
Graveside funeral services will
be held at the Odd Fellows Ceme-i
tery in Roseburg Monday at 3 p.m.
with the Roseburg Odd Fellows
Lodge officiating.
All Odd Fellows are requested
to he at the services.
Wilson's Chapel of the Roses are
in charge of arrangements.
No Admission Charged
" Registration Entitles
10 AM You To The Door Prize COFFEE
to ' Adults, SI Students, 50e ond
Sheriff's Posse
Wishes To Express Its Thanks and Ap
preciation To The Following Merchants
and Individuals For Their Sponsorship
of Trophies and Ribbons.
More Than ISO Entries From State of Oregon
For Our Highly Successful 3rd Annual
Fall Harvest Horse Show
Fulleiton Realty & Iniuranca
Carl B. Johnson, Wire Rope & Le-gging Supplies
C. M. McDermott, Dist. Tidewater Oil Co.
Carter Tirt Company
I Droger Food Center
Mock Motors Inc.
Diesel Injection Service
Suburban Gas of Roseburg
Walt's Towing and Ambulance
Flury Supply Company
Mohr's Wrecker and Ambulance
Roy's Truck Parts
Zip Lemkt, Sutherlin
Roseburg Jewelers
Allen's Western Goods, Winston
Cardinal Tira Company
Tepea Tavern
designed for purely peaceful pur
poses. The underground blast was set
for 10 a m., with witnesses .'rnin
at least 10 foreign countries. Most
are newsmen, but one official ob.
server already on hand is Dr.
Francois Perrin of . France'!
Atomic Energy Agency.
The nuclear device is a baby
in power compared with modern
weapons. It is equal to only 5.0(h)
tons of TNT as against the 10-to
20 millions tons or more in 11- I
It is hoped the experiment will
show how to use the heat, blast
and radiation from nuclear ex
plosives for constructive, peace
time tasks, such as blasting out
harbors, generating electricity
from heat trapped underground,
or creating useful radioactive
The explosion site is a chamber
in a tunnel 1.200 feet deep in salt
rock 25 miles southeast of
Atomic Energy Commission of
ficials expressed confidence the
explosion would not rupture tha
earth to toss radioactive fallout
into the air.
On the outside chance of release
of radioactivity, however, they
might postpone the test if strong
winds should arise, which would
carry fallout toward Carlsbad or
toward an expected 400 newsmen
and observers lVa miles from the
The foreign countries represent
ed by newsmen or official observ
ers are Japan, Canada, Australia,
England. France, Spain, Switzer
land, South Africa, Norway and
Coin Club Slates
Display, Auction
The Umpqua Valley Coin Club
will hold a combined auction and
coin display Sunday at the Com
munity Building at the Fair
Grounds between the hours of 10
a.m. and 10 p.m.
Public Invited
According io Jer1 Hcidrick. chair
man and club secretary, members
will auction items from their indi
vidual collections at various inter
vals during the day. Many un
usual and interesting items will
be offered and displayed, Heidrick
stated. The public is invited to at
tend the all-day affair.
Drawings will also be held dur
ing the day and registration must
be made for these at the sale.
Refreshmerts will be served dur
ing the day.