J From On All SAN FRANCISCO (AP Juni or niit-numhered seniors nrl Ihe 19S1 Aasneialerf Trras all Pacific Coast football tram named Thurs day with Washington Slale end Hush Campbell the only unani mous choice. Six juniors and five seniors comprise. Ihe first team. Three players Campbell, quarterback Terry Baker of Oregon Slale and Orecon tackle Steve Barnett made last year's team as sopho mores. Campbell ranks first nationally in pass catching, and Oscar Dona hue of San Jose State, the other nd on the first team, grabbed the No. 4 position. The Washington Stale star caught 53 for 723 yards while Donahue nabbed 35 for 527. Both caught five for touchdowns. Ording Named Also named to the first eleven were tackle John Meyers of Wash mgton, guards Mickey Ording of Oregon and Britt Williams of Southern California, center Ron Hull of VCI.A, halfbacks Bnhhy Smith of CCI.A and Charlie Milch ell of Washington and fullback Ben Wilson of CSC. The juniors are Campbell. Barn ett. Ording, Baker, Mitchell and Wilson. - Second team positions went to ends Hat Bedsole. Southern Cali fornia; Roger Johnson, Oregor I State and Ret Carolan, Idaho; tackles Foster Anderson, I'CI.A and Frank Buncom, Southern Cal ifornia; guards Tom Walsh, Stan ford, and Jim Sages, Washington; renter Ray Mansfield, Washing ton; and hacks Chon Callegus, San Jose Slate, Mike Haffner, UCLA, Jim Stiger, Washington and George Reed, Washington State. Twe Tie Johnson and Carolan tied in the voting. With Barnett at 252 and Meyers Baylor Slams In 47 Points By THC ASSOCIATED PRESS Monday night, Klein Baylor on I six-week reprieve from Army duty while he appeals his recall scored 50 points and led the 1is Angeles Lakers to a 131120 vic tory over Syracuse. Tuesday night, Baylor scored 45 points. 10 in row at a late stage, I and the Lakers wnippea me Mala 125-120. Wednesday night, at I.os Ange les, the Lakers beat Syracuse in overtime, 12.1121. Baylor scored! 47 points, including 7 nf his I learn t 10 points in the overtimel period. The three-game streak has' helped the Lakerf build their KBA Western Division lead to 5 gamei over runnerup Cincinnati, I which lost 103-102 to the r.astern rout-makers, the Boston Celtics, Wednesday night. In other games, St. tiuis, with Bob Pettit scoring SI pointi and newly-acquired Vein Hatlon pro viding backcourt help, beat Phila delphia 137-132 and Detroit Crushed New York, 133-97. The Celtics blew most of 21 point lead before beating the Roy als, who outscored Boston 27-13 in ( just-miss fourth quarter. - Rookie Johnny F.gan, former Providence star, provided De troit's spark getting eight straight points just before the end of the half, when New York had pulled to within three. Fivn Trniinc 'Big 5' Picks SAN FRANCISCO (API-South ern Calif )rnia, which tied with Washington for second place in the Rig Five Football Conference, placed iu men on the all-conference team announced Wednesday by the league. Washington had three players nn the first tram, and I'CI.A. the conference champion, two. Stan ford placed one on the squad. UCLA and Washington dominst ed Ihe 14 man second team. The Bruins placed seven men and the Huskies five. First team Ends Hal Retlsole, SC and George llonore, Sianford; tackles, John Meyers, Washing ton, and Frank Buncom, St: Suards. Biitt Williams, SC, and im Skaggs, Washington; center, Ron Hull. I't'LA. quarterback, Pete Beathard, SC; halfbacks. Charlie Milchell, Washington, and Bnhhy Smith. UCLA; fullback, Ben Wilson. SC. Second team Knd., Don Vena, UCLA, Andy Alkire, Washington, and Lee Bernardhi, Washington ttiei; tackles. Foster Anderson, I'CI.A, and Marshall Mink. UCLA; guards. Frank Msni, UCLA, and Tom Paton. Ul'l.A; center, Ray Mansfield, Washing ton; quarlrrhark, Mike Haffner, UCLA; halfbacks, Hermit Alex ender, UCLA; Martin Wyatt, Washington; fullback. Grnrge Pierovich, California. Jim Stiger, Washington and YA Summing!, Stanford (tie). Honorable mention Ends Frank Talilucd, Stanford; Tom Giitman, UCLA: Frank Rutin. SC; Duane lockname. Washing tnn. Tackles Al Hildehrand, Stan ford; Mike Bundra. SC; ('. B. Simons, Stanford; Rod Scheyer, Wash. Guard John Fihy, Cali fornia. Centers John Butler. Manford: Chus Cottle, Stanford; Dive Morgan, SC. Vuar1erhark Randy Gold. California; Krrniit .lorgenscn. Wash. Halfback Gary Sargent. Sififnrri. Fullback Al mnse Thnmpon, I'CI.A. Oregon -Coast 11 : at 2tn. the first tram line aver ages 2IS pounds and Ihe barkfield includes passing and running ; strength. , Both Baker and Smith can : throw as well as run while Mitch ! ell pruved one of the most danger ous breakaway men in football. Fullback Wilson plunged consist ently for key yardage during the campaign. Injuries eliminated the chances of several fine players this cam I paisn. Halfback Mel Renfro of Oregon, hurt in the second game, missed four more. He then came hack and in 10 minutes against . Stanford routed the Indians, scor ; ing twice and passing for another touchdown. He and Willie Brown I of Southern California, both in- jured this year aa sophomores showed tremendous potential for coming seasons. Buc Grapplers Topple Crater Uespile having to forfeit one match to Crater, Glendale's grap plers edged the Comets hv one point Wednesday night as the Pi rates opened the 1961-62 prep mat season. Taking a fairly young team to Crater, coach Bob I.ee pitted 13 of his boys against a heavier Crat er squad and came out on top 29 20. The forfeit in the heavy, weight division cost his team five points. Pins Made But lA-e't speedy crew over came that difficulty with pins by Jose Gallego, Leon Smith, Johnny Foster and Jim Mohr which ac counted for 20 of Ihe team's points. The other nine points were gained through decisions won by twins Phil McDowell and Slave McDow ell, and Larry Robison. Smith and Mohr, according 16 I-ee, seem to have competition be tween themselves as to who can pin his opponent the fastest. Smith pinned his man in 40 seconds while Mohr took 50 seconds to pin his I man. Three seniors made the trip to Craler while freshmen Frank Elst and Bonnie Young filled post' on the squad. Jayveis Lese The Pirate Jayvees, despite pins by Kick F.sles at 115 pounds, and dary looley at 115 pounds, lost to their hosts 22 28. Results: 98 pounds. Jose Gallego ((J) pinned I Hamilton in second round; 106 pounds, Phil McDowell IG) decisioned J. Asquisth: lis pounds, Steve McDowell (G) de cisioned II. Tidemand; 12J pounds, Larry Huhison (; decisioned D MrKey; 1.10 pounds. Bob McDow ell (O) lost decision to D. La Fever; 1.16 pounds, Larry Troxel (G) pin ned by J. McCalvy; 141 pounds, Leon Smith IG) pinned G. Gidney; 148 pounds. Frank Fist (G) pinned by A. Hughes in second round; 157 pounds, Johnny Foster (G) pinned K, Boe in Ihe second round; 168 pounds, Ronnie Young (G) pinned by D. Cornutt in Ihe second round; 178 pounds, Jim Mohr (G pinned U Baker; and 191 pounds, Tom Fachet (G) pinned by D. Burns in first round. OSC FROSH WIN VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) The freshman of Oregon State eased to a 78 62 basketball victory over Clark Junior College Wednes day night. Jim Jarvis 1rd the winners with 25 points. Willie Thomas was high for Clark with 18. At the half, the freshmen led 36 30. Baylor To Vsw, i -n I J I I rv-t w "v i I J S f'Jw 1 4 I LOOSENING UP Fullbock Roy Harvard, corrving boll, j is tackled by Mel Montalbo during o Utah Stale University I fivilboll practice ot the Polo Giounds in New York Wednes- I dov. The Aqq.rs will meet Bcivbr of Tfxos in the? first I Golhom Bowl gome in New York Saturjjoy. (UPI Telephoto) : ' 1 s twit ton MwmrwM fJfKf?? " U I . i 4 v4J fob T 1 X;i? I (mimhi L ITT v"'rfcnT Wi Jl N. I ' J luiMtwwti UltfAft 14 SJ f'H jT ' T 1 ALAAII wuo I , JV -v I " ceuo . ' v, l itv iitunii ciLMtno '.'.,'., i ALL-AMERICANS The 1961 United Press Internotionol All-America college football teom is shown here os picked 8 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ernie Davis In Grumbles About Race Issue NEW YORK (AP) Ernie Da vit taya he's not interested in be coming a guinea pig in a profes sional football racial dispute. "I wish Ihey would quit bring ing up this race stuff," the Syra cuse University halfback said to day. "I don't want to be another Jackie Robinson. I just want tni play football, and I'll go where I can get the best offer." The 210-pound Davis Wednesday night became the first Negro in 27 years to receive the Heisman' Trophy as the best college player i of the year. Davis Wanted j Now he finds himself the pawn in a giant tug-nf-war between the National and American Football Leagues on the one hand and the government and George Marshall's Washington Redskins on the other.! Davis w as the first pick of the I Redskins after Marshall, whose; teams have been picketed by racial groups, was given a stiff warning, bv Secretary of the Interior Slew art 1.. Cdall. Marshall was told' he must hire a Negro player to criminatory practices. The Redskins are the only NFL! Pit Passing ' I J IVl UP. Al L Ore. Thur., Dec. 7, 1961 Tug-Of-War, team that has never had a Ne gro player. The Syracuse halfback also was drafted by the Buffalo Rills nf the American Football League. He says he nan been contacted also by sev eral Canadian teams, with Calgary making a particularly good offer. Big Pay Offtrtd On top of this, Harry Wismer, owner of the New York Titans, in sists that he will make every ef fort to get the rights to Davis from Buffalo and will pay Ernie $100,000 for three years, plus a J2.V0O0 bonus. Asked about the different offers. Davis was noncommittal but said he was interested. Would Marshall's past attitude about sinning a Negro player affect his decision? "Not it all. Davis replied. "I don't worry about the racial issues. lie is a good business man. If he makes me. the best offer, Ml take it." Davis, 21, born in Vniontown, Pa., but reared in Klmira, N. Y., said before making a final deci sion he would confer with several advisers. "I want to play pro football for about 10 years," he added, "But mainly t am interested in the long range benefits security and things like that.' Against Utah NEW YORK (APi-The Bsvlort Bear knows it must feast on beef! j to heat Utah State in the inaugural ifiotham Bowl game at the Tolo ! drounds Saturday. Coach John Bndcers thinks the Rears' pro-type offense may be1 just (he answer. i "I know," the Bavlor coach said after he ler his 4S man ; squad into Now York from Waco. Tex.. Wednesday mcht and was I reminded that unbeaten Utah j Slate will outweigh Ihe Bears by aliout 20 pounds n man. Included! i in the Utah beef-trust are three j linemen. Merlin Olsen, Clark Mil-' ler ami Clyde Brock each of j whom go,s 2j0 or better up to i UKcn s z V "Rut we like to pass a lot." i Rridgers added, "and we aren't. afraid to throw from anvwhere on the field. We're kind nf hoping that our passing Will open them j up a bit." I Ihe Bears, although thev had I only a is season record to Utah 'Stale's 9 0 1, were able to heal Pitt and Texas Christian, holh of I whom have plenty of bulk, e-ix-ci- ally in trie line, year alter year. Iniurirs. Ihe Baylor camo feels. hurt considerably a team that mtKht have done much better. Before moving to Balor. Bndg-. ers was an assistant with the Baltimore Colts and his specialty was coaching the huge Colt mid dle linemen. Both clubs scheduled workouts . (oiliv, cheerr-4 by the announce ment that t'e game would he televised naticrVilly by ARC ! starling at 11. pm. (Kadrrn iSiamlard Vime. Baylor and I tan , had accepted mutation on Ihe linsts of an equal split of 7S per cent of the gross gale, including anv TV or raslio money. The tele vision contract reported!)' calls fur alvout Snsi.msi. i Attendance isn I evpecled (, go over rv.Vki I Coach John Ritstun sen! his 1961 AMERICA stiatna - , . by a nation-wide poll of sports writers and broadcasters. (UPI Telephoro) -BOWLING SUTHIRLIN MITROPOUTAN LIAOUI L C'ty Bern In Off Town C Ptpii Col JaKki Signal O'chl Shtll CfMt Alhty'f Jonntont Insulation WtlUrn Auto Four Wind Riturnt Walhvr'a IMA, Htflh MfhM: Gorg Cotvin 77 303 I7)-W3 y. Walkers B.M.A. Hflh gmr Al Conv 771. City RernlrtrMr. 1UTHIRLIM TURKIY LIAOUI W L Ptt. SoartM n 13 3 Road Runnari Wi J Easgln if U ) Old Crewi i; if a 3 P-4n H 20 1 Sn'M II 35 1 Mtgh un: John HardcatM ilO-lTf-14 $45. OKI Crot. Roseourg Neon 34 1 Sutrterhn Ttre 30 33 Bert'4 Food Market 31 34 Jug'l Club 77 35 Sutherlln Drug 77 IS I Smart Shop 72 30 City Reminder ji 31 Walker' B M A. if 33 High series: Cn Mr Griff 4A3. Jug's Cluo. H'Qh gam-? Fay Rlnndn tM, Smart Shop. SUTHIRLIN INDUSTRIAL LIAOUI W L Town CMt 31 'i TO', 1 Kenwlsher 3d1 t 3)i So. Oreg. Const. ?s , 73-, Kobleri 37 35 Flying A Service 34 71 Nickel Bowl 14 34 High series: Garrison Wmslon TOfrlSft-ltS 541. Kobiers. High game; Ron Ken wither 4ll, Kenwlsh- ers ROSIBURO tBR. SWINOSTIRS LIAOUI pl( I Douglas Veet I Four Lads ! Straight Shooters Gangster j Bearcats jj 11 30 31 17 74 14s !7't 7l-i li'i I7'i 19'j 14 If if 13 71 14 PI'S 17 71 14 M.gh series: Phil Teltertl 333-170-lSt SJ3, Gangsters. COMMERCIAL LIAOUI w L Pit. Bartow E'ectric 74 13 34 Knights Of Columbui 74 13 15 Ridenour E lectric 73 14 31 Winston f Tavern 70 17 71 Richmattf let Cream 17 37 77 Umoqua Liont 17 77 33 Winston Fire Dept. 14 33 33 Lumber Si let 11 31 15 High sriet: Barlow 547. Barlow Electric. High game; 3 1 7, Knights ot Columbus. COACH RESIGNS PORTLAND (API Wea John nn uhn ha. rn.oh.H hioh -hnnl I '. . j sports for 17 years, announced Wednesday he was resigning as ! football coach at Tarkros. High I Sch(H)l. - State Beef Aggies throiiRh their first New York workout Wednesday and con centrated on pass defense, as ex pected. "We know they'll try to throw against us." the personable young coach said, "and well have to be on our guard." Southwest Calls Oregon Quintet KIT.KNS ( AP) The Oregon basketball liquid leaves today to play the I'niversily of New Mex ico Krvriay night at Albuquerque and Ari7o,ia Slate Saturday night at Tempe. Oregon won it firt Eme lat weekend, drfratins Portland veteran Charlie Warren tied the achool ncoring record with .16 points. The 1ra.eli.ifC squid is made up of Warren, veterans Bill Sim mons, Wally Knecht and John Mark, and non lettermen Jerry Anderson, Jim Johnson. Pave Harovetto, S'cve Jones, Tom Tut tie. earle Pearce, Sandy Nosier and Elliott C.lcason. Oregon wilt return to entertain Washington Pec. lit. FAMILY GET-ACQUAINTED PLAN tatl Sunday Is Family Day at RENT A LANE Sunday 10 A.M. . 2 PM rniiD mmr.e daui sutherlin TVUIX llllllJ DUVVL OR 2 1627 SUTHIRLIN MIRCHANTI LIAOUI W L Ptt. Seal too Int. 30 II 43 City Barter Shop 15 43 Goodwin's Aop I lane. 7 17 31 Torrcy Hardware Co. 74 If 05 Bidt-A WM Car M 4 H Marital L & H Lumbar Co. Magic Gat Sunset Amusarnanf Co. Gilhesont Station 35 33 IJ'i Tf's If'i 13 33 U SuthtM-lin Auto Parts Roseburg Neon Signs 1' J3' H'i High scries: Monti Rowntrt 211-211-104 434. City Barbers. High game; Adolf Olson 334, Goodwin Appliance. SUTHIRLIN WINDY TIN LIAOUI Umpqua Dairy 1) I porttr-a Ecvhng ' Cofnil U-Ssv ivi Ri,i. city variety 75 77 75 37 Barne's Fuel Oil Pepsi Cola If 33 Douglas County State Bank 14 34 Pat's BroaOr IS 37 H igh series : Babe RuJ lfJ-ISS- 374403. High game: Babe Budd 374. UMPOUA WOMAN'S LIAOUI W L Ptl. Umpnn Ice Cream If 37 Lowell's 35 71 35 Cinders Signal Service 33 33 33 The 30 30 36 Hlltop Motors ? 37 7f Treasure Tonet 73 33 73 Bob's Eectric 70 34 70 Byrd't Market 14 40 14 High series; Eileen Simpw 1 1-11-1 II 53 (Sub for Bab's Electric). High game: Eitoen Simpson IU. MERCHANTS LIAOUI W L Ptt. Per ma Rooting Todd Building Co. 75 14 Johnson & Thile Used Cart 35 14 j Douglas Painting 71 t Lainam wnoitsai 14 71 73 J Southern Oregon Battery 13 74 4 UOQua Gun Slore 17 77 14 Roourg Javcees 13 74 15 I H.gh series: Leonard Tyler 143-311-303 3J7, Douglas Painting High gmi Irnig Crom 333. Laths m while sale. PIN DUSTER LIAOUI W L Ptt. Bob's Trophy Sale JJ II 31 Ctark'i Stitdio 33'i 33' 1 37 t umpque oatry 11 7$ 11 Food Marl ? ?T 3f Peter Pan Beauty 7J't 71' 1 7T',s Curtis Bros. 74 31 74 WiestieWs 71 IS 31 Ken s Cieanert 70 34 30 High series: Emmy Handy 1-147-lf7S23, Urnpque Dairy. High game: Helen Curtis 311, Curtis Bros. WOMIN'S CLASSIC LIAOUI Pts. ?un"' A'fc Mul Co. 70 Soft a Frank FlyinQ A Eimom u onvi , F,rfw,wr' cimtn , L7,, 2. i0" Lunch Bowl 71 14 M-ller's Dept. Store 71 3 Mtgrt int: Dot M.tnA 1-21-J3 4tt. Boo & Frank! Flvno A. I Hgn so""- Dot M.ton 1U. Ann 1 Sron.4 MOOSK PUN LIAGUB W PH. Town 1 Country Rlty 1 ni. SeV LtunOry J3 l M si M Prlnltn i RfitMirg OMic Mhin ?0 1 Go Go Otnri 70 19 H . k a n a. ii ji j E isKtrtc Motor Strvk U 7J jy , IreriMMntMnt Trtcfor Ssrvk 14 )S li 1 M.jft Srlf LfXJ SirwtJrt 1-'tt-l5 S54. ; WoStHifQ OfftCt Attiien. , High gm Lou S"non ?M ROCK A ROLL LIAOUff j Th Ninety Hint Hrt i BMuty Stn I Montgomery Ward 3i n I Work Booft j Doug! County Ranti 1 Py.m Cot 7 Dougm Inn Motal E TRirn Cub j Mr triti: Lucy TNynwin $. Oogl Inn. j Hgri 9n- Lwcy """nM" ?flt TUISOAY TVRO'ft LIAOU Drlvt N Sv sj' , i , NrtM Eln J', (J., Wmittjn Ofry OuMtf) J , J3-, CnHni Conifuct.on J )4 2 Buv 5N ji u Nnrtht.ds Sn.c J 1 Mrtn B'Of 0r Jt f H.igrv. Harlv OftvttlMM. ' , . Ltnm Whole i V t 7 Umogtia Dairy y, 1 H-gh nt Rr Langlny 114 IjA-lW 4J., Z i Rfauty Shoe I High gamt; Rom Lngly 1M. J Ruty euiiN an Liaftui w t Junction C 41 1 Gii(1 Chevron Woman gf ma Mv y , jj-, kttNR ir, W'twf National Kan of RntatHirg Jj )i W.r.trtn Ban. ji j, Vtff(n Anm.n.jtattOO Jfl J j aat" Dnrg 'I ji Hti irrn jaan MarthaH 1H1T.'13 n Jwo' cn Cat jaan Marfan 11 FOUR WINDS BOWL $2 00 per nr. sue frttue 3841 Roseburg's White Eighth In Scoring KANSAS CITY. Mn. (API - Stvrral football players Irom Ore gon's small colleses were among the leaders in Ihe final fool ball statislics of the National Associa tion of Intercollegiate Athletics, re leased Wednesday. Steve Reguin. star I. infield col lege halfback, topped the list. II was second in individual scoring with 114 points, only a touchdown behind Jerry Domescik of Villi kin (111.), who scored 120. Right behind Beguin was John Nacht sheim of the University of Minne sola at Duluth, who had 112. Beguin was sixth in individual rushing statistics with 1.134 yards total for an average per game of 113 4. Any yardage the Linfield fullback runs up in the Camellia Bowl game against Pittsburg (Kan.) State Saturday rill not be counted. Mark To Receive Gift From Kansan PITTSBURG, Kan. (API Pres ident Leonard H. Axe of Pitts burg State College is flying to Sacramento, Calif., today, and bringing a gift for Gov. Mark 0. Hatfield of Oregon. Axe is making the trip to at tend the Camellia Bowl game Saturday between Linfield Col lege, McMinnville, and Pittsburg Slate. The gift is from Gov. John An derson of Kansas. It is a special Colt .45 revolver, a museum piece, with a Kansas Centennial seal on the barrel. In turn. Hatfield is giving An derson a blanket made in Mc Minnville. Dr. Harry L. Dillon. Linfield president, will present Hatfield's gift to Axe. Hatfield Sending Robe To Kansas Governor SALEM f AP) A woolen auto robe manufactured at McMinnville will be sent via the Linfield foot ball team as a gift from Oregon Gov. Mark Hatfield to Kansas Gov. John Anderson, Jr., Hat field's office said today. The Linfield team will play Pitts burg State College ot Kansas Sat urday in Sacramento, for the Na tional Association nf Intercollegi ate Athletics championship. PERFECT BALANCE gives a player extra points -gives Carstairs extra smoothness Compare ... for taste nd price $430 i Q. Cort Nn. 2223 $70 Pint Only CarsUirs has perfect balance . . . it's never too lieht, never too heavy-but a subtle balance between the two. Light in body, yet rich in ta.'te. That's why it's the choice of the man w ho cares. CARSTAIRS fe the perfectly Balanced w hiskey w ! ;:-: 0 -i;tm toer.r mm iii'ui irsniteui'int 1; u ca.'.w sr. an I Beguin was named as third string fullback on Ihe Associated Press Little All-America. Rilly (ByeByet While. Port, land Stale' halfback standou', jwas tied for eighth place in scor ins, with 84 points, j Other Oregon players , among the national individual leaders: j Rushing Rob Pennell, Ore. Ron College of Education, Tth; !Gary Grill, Lewis It Clark. 8th; While, PSC, 9th; Mickey Hergerl, Lewis 4 Clark, 12th, and Bill Dressel, Linfield, 13th. I Pass receiving Howard Hart man, Southern Oregon Collei end. 11th with an average nf 7 9 yarris per game: Bob Wendel. Pacific University. 18th; Val Barnes, Linfield, 23d. Passing Doug Olsen. South ern Oregon, 5th, with 103 comple tions in 195 attempts and an av erage of 153.2 yards per game; Bill Parrish. Linfield, 12th, with a 122.9 yards-pergame average. (Parrish threw 17 touchdown passes; Olsen, 10.) Total offense Olsen, sixth, with 1,464 total yards for an av erage of 162.7 yards per game. In team statistical honors, Lew is & Clark was fourth nationally in rushing, with a total of 2,591 yards for an average of 287 9 per game. Lewis & Clark placed sev enth in total offense, running up a 3,484-yard total, or 387.1 per game. Southern Oregon, mostly on the strength of Olsen's throwing arm, was seventh in total passing of. fense with 1.427 net yards for a 1586 yards-per game average. Linfield was 16th in rushing, garnering a 2.525-yard total for an average of 252.5. Yon ca Ha Grid '11' Due For Banquet The annual football banquet for Yoncalla High School's state champion football team is sched uled at the Scons Valley School nsxt Monday at 4:30 p.m. The team battled its way into the state football B-school finals and tied with Pilot Rock for the state championship. Tickets for the affair may be obtained at the high school of fice, Yoncalla Feed Store, von calla Shopping Center or Yon calla Barber Shop, reports cor respondent Mrs. George Edes. fslUTW I ' WW m ir. it