TKur., Dte. 7, 1941 The Newt Review, Roicburg, Ore. 1J sr- FREE GIFT WRAPPING SERVICE I , , .jjUjyULr.nn ....... JUKI. I HI HlllHJlHllllll '-, 11 11 '" " ' ' M ' Tl' ' ' ,-r...-H ) -ymMKWimm-' (.W.KWIK' ' FIND EXCITING, WANTED CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR EVERYONE AT MARK'S DEPT. STORE! LOW PRICES, TOO Plus S&H GREEN STAMPS! swpi SWEATER SHIRTS MEN'S WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Men's Watches Columbia or Wottclox. IncludM thoebproot, warorproot. onti-mog-nortc modclt. Mom Floor. Plut tax, from - Transistor Radio t Traniittor Hi-Fi Supoiton. mod I with loathor com and oarphona. Tho girt eory man co .to. Choice of popular ttylol, complete tiro tonga. Priced Outdoor Store. Only Barometer Tharmo motor Long; or short sleeves, latest colors. S-M-L, From COAT SWEATERS 100 all wool, reinforced bws. Sues 31 to 46 in mosculino colors SKI SWEATERS Extra colorful. Fancy knit wrtk novelty collar. A 16.95 volu. Man's Waar Mai Floor iQ7 .1 ItftlA 10" -& sir 4-Inch Elec. Drill "Power Haute". Locking trigger twitch, cast aluminum housing. Outdoor Sroro - .... Two precision instruments in ana handioma gift. A ecu rota storm guide tor sportsmen. Outdoor Sroro ond up ft , , 3,000 Orbits par minuta. Tha han dyman will appraciato this. Out door Store 6-Transistor Radio Adapted to 4 remove bla from hi-fi ioud sound system! Makes port able or lorge table radio. Earphona, caso incl. Reg. to 39.95. Out door Store, now .... Men's Gift Sets Toiletries by Williams, See forth. Max Factor. Drug Dept. Plus tax, pricas tart t only 15" WlM i97 KS mmm m mi mrm . n i " w i p Ladies' Watches ly Times and Wettclov. Include shock rosiitant, anti-magnetic med als. Guaranteed. Mam Floor. Plus tax, from Prolon Vanity Sets Loditt' brush, comb, mirror. Pink, kluo. orchid, t'OO". rollow. Druf D.DC. 1 J n . r I, Deaunrui, rumy t&X PEGN0IR SET 4'" ; ty Movia Star. Gown and oagnoii lovely postal shades. Full siso range. Manicure Sets By La Crosta, in sippared leath casas. Drug Dept. Plus tax, from . Jewelry Cases Leatherette bound, vol vat lined. Ivory, blua, pink, rod. Drug Dept. Prices start - Musical Pwdr Boxes Jri Stationery Women's Gift Sets FROM ONLY Morol, io loolv colon. Druf Dept. Flui tot lipTcK.rm Ripplo crulhcd bond. 100 U Sh..ti, SO oo'olopn. A 1.75 voluo. Toilotrioi by Ma Foctor, Coly, Tui ly. Cologno., powaon, porlumoo. Druf fricot troit, plu lo .... 4 4 195 I4' J i- W 'Mb V Jeweled Sweaters A fl98 Perfect holidoy fashions. I M Black, white, pa it els. From .... Nylon Hose By Mojud and Cannon. With or without teems, . lovely shades. Sues B''i to 11. Pair, from Ladies' Gloves By Kaysof. Smart fathion. Black, whito, brown, gray. Stretch typo 99' 497 I Womon'o Woor Fothion ftolcony 9 f MARK'S DRUG SPECIALS f AniVHl f 1 9.95 Ronson Hair Dryer 1177 1 VvUUMs fPro-Chrirtmoo opociol. Now - THE NEW WONDER cc 1 BOOK 12 VOLUME ENCYCLOPEDIA SET LADIES' SOFT, FURRY SLIPPERS MEN'S COMFORTABLE ROMEOS BOYS' CORDUROY SLIPPERS :ff 0.73 Jieam vapunier Q Prab-T-Kol. U Hour oiio. Dr. West Tooth Brush Germ Fighter. Buy one, get second for A $39.50 sot of books that aro It n tor school children on w V outboritativo reference for adufts :ff ... specially printed on non-glara, natural agg sheH paper. OR SPRAY SET FULL IS OUNCES DESIGN STEREO OR HI-FI 12-INCH If 9t h 2.48 Value Pepsodent Toothpaste QAc . ft' I Iff Tuboc, only Vi 5 f Cologne, Perfume Combination 023 & record alb"ms $ iff Lo Gui Imhtloroo), Rf . J. 30, now plut tax M :jf n A collector tot or Dotin Com- n V m. n r n J ) . PO'blo F.doliry rocordl . . . gun carry v.reme rarnagA Utmoor I. boouty coro. Ro. 2.S0, Toorty worm ond comforrablo. Irown, wilb olottio lido IniorH Colorful ploid, oloilic lido ImorH lorfo choico or protty portol lor 0 inuf. comlortoblo lit. SilOi lor tnuf M. Km 'fl. Rof. colors tho likoo. Siioi S-10. o-n. 2.27. plut tax Juo rax Tussv Eau De Coloane Salarl, Flamingo, Oration, Contraband, 4-oi., plul tax ploy on any phonofroph oivo lull tound ronoo on aithar itaroo or hi-ti phonogropht, SIMPLY FILL IN ENTRY FORM 65 f DROP IN ENTRY BOX! 2 59 1 99 AT MARK'S SELF-SERVICE SHOE DEPARTMENT 5 6 r i n mm r Timco Multiple Tree Lights 129 7 Lujhtf, ooch bum! indepondonrly Sure Lights 185 Outdoor woathorproof. 7 Lightt, bum indopondontly. ... I Timco Multiple Lights 475 25 Light., burn indepondontly. Only i Noma Twinkle Lights O10 7 Light., Ho on ond or Mparataly, juit M J?J t I mm Tinker Toy Set Up to 36S pieces provide hours of fun. It's education. From .... Playwriter Desk Sturdy wood construction, large 12"xl8" writing surface, integral seat. Reg. 4.98. Santo special Marx DUMP TRUCKS 4 STYLES FROM 1.57 to 8.87 57' 3" I WALK! I TALK! I'M BEAUTIFUL V 7 24 INCHES TALL .4, j;, 1988i:iaf liiftft ..iV?-i::v?Jp3 ft 14 ii"!' Glass Tree Ornaments All tiioo ond doiignt. Par box o 12, from Icicles Fireproof, several sites. Also So ran icicles, from Christmas Wreaths Many designs, for indoor or outdoor decorating, from , Tinsel Garland 11 Feat, assorted colors, flemeproof 3 Rolls Fancy Gift Wrap Each different. 20 Inrfwt by 160 mckoo total. ..... 6 Rolls Fancy Gift Wrap Eocb diftoranf. 2 Inch, by S04 inchc total Hallmark Christmas Cards Jumbo bos, 21 cards, 15 favorita greetings. - 271Si Erector Set By Gilbaft. America's graatest construction toy. lottery oper ated motor Housecleaning Set Pmk Lady cleaning sat with largo metal sweeper, from 10" 497 I U f mounted, numbered panels of as- J fc: 7 torted swbiects. From m m 888 Sunbeam Electric Blankets 72x84", SINGLE CONTROL 88 30-Inch Doll 36-Inch Doll rt s Dual Control ivioaai Main Floor 2488 PLEASE TAKE ME HOME Drapery Yardage Special Q Qc :ff DiKontinood pottamt. Voluw to 2 yi Td. wU v n:ll.... . c.i. riiiwv vuv jci HAVE YOUR HALLMARK CARDS PERSONALIZED At low at 3c per cord for 100 cordt! 93' I 89c Stroller And Doll Strollor ith wibroolioblo 21" drink, ond wot doll in tun tuit Idoll not tko.n). Rog. 11.91 . . Model 80-C, Rtg. S.49 R J.t, Rtg. 10.98 ,97 ,97 ,97 Bosad. Pricot start at only if ;rkoH r.tff c. ft lit II Blivn" ws Coostcr WQQons g mumu " Boxed Towels AjJ h Art oKMmblo. Pricoo ot.rt at only m 7 I SO-Pc. Stainless Steel Set 1187 I ' S T,W roc I - - I I 6" I Main Floor Modtl 9, Rtg. 7.98 . Tayt Mo Floor Pricei good thru Sunday, Doc. 10. W roienrt right to limit. OUTDOOR STORE t (mm mmms mm Thii Melmac dinnorwar It toft for childrtn, guaranteed break retittant, tat in any dithwother. 45 piece let WHEAT CREST A omh) .iocont MO toon) ond gold .hoot ponara Willi too toon) Mm am ' m f'wm l.-rc. trmnmw Jr. t. tool, owrtogt. Miiod ptoM colon. A. JI7