14 Th Ntws Rtview, Rouburg, Or.. Thur., Dtc. 7, 1961 I OUT OUR WAY By J. R- Williams .Real Estate 34 , Building Materials 4 1 , Building Materials 4 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RAT IS Aitrtfcn re mn .ttt lMH ItMl a'M Card r "TWA . 1-Day rot 2 l-noi 3 Day rata 2 nt , 6 Day wit 2 Imot 3 4-Day out 2 liw 1 Day rait 3 line 3 Day rat 3 linot . 6-Day rott 3 lin , 30 Day rata 3 linos .... crioit ki).t 'I'M luftitct W Cttt iirv.ti ft dtat DEADLINES rtiti Umtnc irM.li Pi Ti -V is The, rtft t"al f ft rs t4U1, M4 (eject C MMlMt IttillOSt oswal ADJUSTMENTS it iwriitw. tVe nt ke 'MMf"tui Idf IMt'kti.tT lia.let It lOliKl tMf in m totsjeet till M fell He n H lift Engineer Is Preparing Assessment Proposals Computing assessments for last aiimmpr'B Hlreet pavinic projects and lha Lynwood sewer improve ment i an activity presently en Kaging the Roseburg city Kngineer ing Department. City Knmneer Kenneth V.eng said the department experts to have recommendations on assess ments ready to submit to the city council after the first of the year. If the council okays the recom mendations, notice of proposed as sessment will be sent to property owners involved and a public hear ing set. City officials also reported that all departments are working on budget proposals for the next fis cal year. Grading Work Finished On Winnemucca Route SAI.EM (AP) The acting stale highway engineer, r'orrest Cooper, said all grading work on the Warner secondary Highway, known as Ihe Winnemucca-to-the-Sea route, was completed Wednes day, i A 14-mile section southeast of Adel wai surfaced with oil earler this eyar. The remaining 22 miles now has been covered with a light, temporary rock surfacing. Cooper said the route can be traveled except in periods of rain, thaw or snow. Me said plana to complete sur facing will be considered later. California Places Quarantine On Pine SAI.F.Nf (AP) Quarantine regulations on all varieties of pine slock moving into California from states not infested with European Pine Shoot Moth were put into effect Dec. 3. The Oregon Agriculture Depart ment said recently it had re ceived word that the regulations require that the pine stock, in cluding any from Oregon, be ac companied by a certificate of origin. This regulation appliei only to trees or parts of trees intended for propagation, he said. Auto Rental Firm Gets 675 Traffic Summonses CHICAGO (APi A company named Courtesy has been served with 67 summonses (or traftic violations from 1958 through 1U. The firm is Courtesy Iase-Save Plan. Inc., a division of Courtesy Motor Salea, Inc. Police Capt. John J, Kelligan said each offense carries a maxi mum fine of $200 upon conviction. Jim Moran, owner of the parent firm, said he doesn't know wheth er the leasing company or its customers can be held liable for violations by diners of rented autos. Portland Musicians Set Jazz Marathon Record PORTLAND (AP) The world jail marathon record was claimed by a trio of Portland musicians this week after they played continuouitly for some 90 hours. The trio drummer, pianist and trumpet player started their session at Portland might club Friday nixhl. They wound up Tuesday afternoon, breaking what they said was the old record of Mt hours and seven minutes, set by B Calilorma pianist. Welfare Department Has List Of Needy (troupn or BBnrio IntprritlpH in obtaining minri of nerly families fnr thf purpose of diKtrihuttnti (hritma batkcl are invited lu contact the Dims la County Wel fare? Drpartmrnl. Each yrar thf ttrlfart other pro Ykfr nimn of, famihre. which h a vp pa rt ic til a r nt ed for food . rlothmg and tfUtv Mjurint Rtturnt Home PORTLAND ( AP) Sen. Man rine B. Nfubrrnpr. D Orp , who tirwierwent an nnralmn for an in leatinal tumor Nov. 16, went homr the hospital. Attendant i aid Mm. Npubergpr recovering aalialaclurilv Doctori earlier reported the tumor they removed at the alow (trowing type. They Raid there, was no idem it bad apread ehe where. .. lit I 1 00 I I T J li Section 3 a I 1 ' I I SUSKtlPTION RATH I U I Is Oraite It MhI i pat m m, tun. 0ett4e tf lreM If tteff Mt .MIS, tl It: UIM MMtttl. ft lit Mil, tllM, IM (HI, III.). temsf sol lataaaff a. I laiet Baa mmm ft lit in ateetae. til Ht Ml tta, Silas. Pit Can Ut. Ml I MM 1M WUM in) lasra Mill SasMtiatieel MM ll PM) II SIlMtt Paper Delivery If your paper it not delivered Coll OR 2-3121 Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sot. Only 3 to 5 PM Cards Of Thanks CARD Of THANKS W with hnk our hotl of trltndt tor tho hndni orxl iymofHy snow) wa dur. inf lha tlintM aod Ion of our lovtxj ont. Mrs, JoMpfl Novar rd faimilw Personals DRINKING PROBltMT Call Alcoholics An onymous. OR J-tW. VOUNO" wbMFNof-.ny' faittl nllngca fldontlol advtco may contact Catholic Char tflai, 771 w. Broadway, Euflana, Or toon. Dl S-3M2. IN DEBT? DOMT ttt t"h) coat your loo, your cradif, vsKylfiing you ownl IF you or In debt boyond your olllly Id pay and tncaraiy want 1o 01 out of dabt. aaa BUDGET CON SUITANTS and have ua avplaln our DFBT REDUCTION PLAN to you. Ona plata to pay all bilU, at pay mant you can afford. No tacorily. no co-eignari. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Roseburg, Oregon Ph. OR 2-3591 433 SE Main St Notices 11 ABSOLUTELY not rtiponiibt tor any bilk 01 nor than my own, Doug Rica Lost & Found 12 LOST la ft. Ilont bHMt plywood boat. Lloorat toward. Call avomnot, OR POUND Plywood boat. Ph.ctafclandj3as LOST Vic Dairy Quoon farnalo Calico hlttan. OR 2-2M7. LOST Fam. Beaglohai llcanta. Ctiildran'a it. Ana.h) "Panny.' SS. Bow. OB Mali. Help Wanted Men 15 MAN to put on SS squares wood shingles La bor only. See Mr. Surber at US Forest Svc Toketee Falls ranger station or Ph. t F 4. MEN wanted to work part time selling Fuller ruth products. Phone OR 3-1 Jt I between 2 and f p m. WANTED Experienced Salesman Opportunity for qualified man to make real money selling our complete line of Dodge, Chrys ler, and Imperial cars. Aho Dodge trucks and pickups. BARCUS Motors Inc. 1420 NE Stephens St. OR 3 56 Help Wanted Women 16 LIVE IN babv sitter. Call OR 2-1)4 Saleslady to sell Sterling silver, tine china and cryttel. Commission basis Car helpful Celt or write Patricia Hedrkfc. Myrtle Creek, UN 3-4511. Work Wanted 17 CARE tor smell child, my homo days Reasonable. OR 2-2334. BARNEY OLDFtELD. contracting "f-cxi -via leans. Sidewalks, misc. repair. OR i-it ODD JOBS, tree removal, yard wort.. OR j-4 HOUSEWORK wanted. Have Own tf anspor- tenon. OR 3-;iJ TRUCK. AUTO TUNEUPB RAKES transmission. Estimates. Phone OS 9 t?t9. IRONING AND MENOING. mm OR2-eJI IRONING tt HOU'S OR 2)74 HOUSEWORK. HIS tKwv OR 2-2727. hour. Own trensporte- IRONING $1 HOUR SfJ NW Coral Avt.. OR IBO" C AR Pf N T E R "and cabinetvort Ai"ef all types of formica Installed. OS 9-54 11 ALTERATIONS All werfc'fuarenteed. or yam XPfRIENCtD RESTAURANT COOK OR 2-1247 PART TIME worS. wanted by epenenced bfOfc keeper. Also ixpeneixed In pay" end personnel. OR a-aotO Instruction 19 PRIVAfl OfttVING INSt RUCT IONS OR 2 7217 PRIVATE" TUTORING Mau'nla MCarl1y. cer lifted teacrwr. OR 1-J9V . i Loam And Finance 21 ; WANTED discounted contracts, eisa eou.t.e I Ptane OR 3-419 or OR 2-4091. RFAL f STATE LOANS to" SJWoTel" martgapes. Automobile, tyrmture nd I'd ; nature toans. ievrentide tnpwstnel f - nante Corp, fornertv Commercial fndws tnal Plnantie Corp l) SE OaS. OR 2 4 Family Finance Loans UP H )1M On m or v,set p fvrnit re 779 $( wasnangten OR 2 141 Try Wont Adsf tow Cost ond quick rtkulrt Mil. I I Jai I vcig ivp Bfcu Vimi i Lirc tmcpcc v rT-"" 1 DEPOSITlWCOiMSItOMV LEFT, VOU'P BETTER USFTHI& I PIA BANK AM' WOW ITS I AT THE RATE VOU'RB SOlKJO, ITLLTAICE J SO FULL IM HAVWA VOL) LCU6EKTOMAKE fOUK i I hAKDTIME &6TTII0& t WITHPHAWALSTHAtJ V THEM OUTI'VE 60T l IT PIP YOUR .' ! i!ftt,TO 66T STARTED OtJ J V PEPOSITS I agSS THE WQggV WAgT T.J-7 Business Opportunities 23 FOR IALI tavtrrt and rttawr-n(. GY a-aus THREE RENTALS In Wintton, will lak cf tar equity. Q f-JUf. PART- TIMEBuinM With OOOd t"tra tncoma potential. Raquirat amall catli out lay OR M4. APPROXIMATELY J acra with tour rental uniti tuilaBte tor traitor park or wrecking yard. In induatrial area. ReaMnabM lormi can be arranged. OR Mill, TEXACO has slatiun for LEASE on Garden Valley Blvd. Good potential For information call OR 3 375: OK 3-3533 Miscellaneous Rentals 24 PARKING SPACE, downtown, SS mo. OR J-JitQ. 1014 SE Pine. Commercial Rentals 25 FOR RENT OR SALE - Commercial build- l-lirvi u M I ar Burkina mf HM' mo. 1771 NE Stephens. Dial OR 3444. I j WESTSIDE OFFtCE THRFI ROOMS, outs.de entrance front and ' hark. One room suitable tor single apt wfh kitchen and full bath. 17 W. Harv ard. OR 2-1S77. Wanted To Rent 26 GARAGE, tn vicinity of NE Winchattar and Polk. Call Ok 7-3310. WANT TO BENT OR LEASE t Fab. I: ) tr 1 battroom homo, untumlanad. wail lido location OMirvd. Man. wita. ton (oeo III. DIAL OR UI. Apartments For Rent 27 THRfcH I BR apt..., Westhlll Apis.. 2117 W. Harvard. All utilities paid. ONE ROOM furnished apt. for single lady. t?S. S20 Se Floed. OR 2-1 M0. VERY NICE APT. Furnished 2 rooms and bath. Winter rales. OR 2-4144. TWO BEDROOM furnished upstairs apt. Util. turn. $40. OS 0-S4U. FURNISHEO APT. Outside entrance. Adults.) wests.de. 2314 wcrestview. i iHREE room rum. apt. Close In. Parking. Adults. OR 3-I1U. I CLEAN, comfortable apts. With or without furniture and utilitlts. OR J'M- END API. of trl-plex. Refrig., stove, water, garb. serw. furn. OR 3-4745 or OR CLEAN, furnished apt". 45. f4l S E. Jackson DUPLEX one BR Heat, water, and lautv ! dry facilities. OR 3-5297 orOR 3 S1W. " LARGE APT. OR 3-511 ONtJ BR-Apartment,- dean. Adults. US. inquire 1252 SE. Stephens. TWO BEDROOM apartment. Range and re trigerator furnished. CelljOR 3-4534. FURNISHED" APTS . adults only. $ nd $ mo. Close, convenient location, S44 SEBrochway Ave. Apts. OR 2 90. ONE BDRM furn or unturn'apf. Adults on,y. Ph. OR 3-3TO belore 15 m. or after 4 JO p.m. 14 SE Hoover. FURNISHED Apts. including water, elec. gar bage, good location. $40 and $50 mo. Union Gap Apts. Sutherlln, 4314. PINE MOTEL kitchen units, utilities, linens j furn . weehty or monthly, winter rates. I 99 Business R1 , North, JDR 3 403. UNFURNISHED 1 'bedroprrT duplet and gar-j I ge. I block to Postottice and banks. Adu'U. j No pets. Lease. OR 2-513. LAR(E unfurn. downstairs 2 Bdrm ant I CMve to Rot School City Center. OR mn j j TWO and 2 room' turn apts.. $40 and $45 mo 1 Private entrance, private bih. Oowntown I tocafion. SE Douglas. OR lsl j f OR RFNT furnished sleeping room, 1-1 I bdr. apts., furnished) 7-odr apti . furnished See Hart's General Insurance j 109 S. Main in Riddle 'COMPACT APARTMENT, furnished "stove, I retrio. tltad dratnboard nd shower. Eaty sjtAeep. ground ttoor. outsido entran-e. Eastside on city busjtne. $55. OR 2 1517. iFUffNI$HEDl Bdrm court opts. Water. garbape service Mm. Wash.no feol.ties available OR M202 or inq. Garden Val- I ley Market . TWOAPT$, at-ta54'SESteohen7UPtatrV Bees. apt. unfurn, $M Front apt. partially turn, 19. See McAneney Real Estate at I H14 SE Stephens for key and mtormation. 1 " FrKMSHKI) APARTMENT I ONE bedroom, separate kitchen, ground Moor, r on v en ient parking. Private entrance, full bath with tiled n tub and shower. closets and storage. $J. Uf W. Haivard OR 2577 Kohlhagen Apts. Jerkson St. at Lang Ave, Mooern, reasonable rant ADULTS OR l-KM "A f.OOd ' I IV2 Bachelor Apt. PURNIShCD. Easts ide, cempec. easy t-o keep Lerga closet, private entrance t-e dramboerd and Otower. 1 or 2 adults $40 mo. OR mi;;. roOO APARTMENTS I M bdrm apts . furnished or unfur" Water ad parti serv provided aio Mat sn somt. Rents from WJ up. SWIMMINO POOL Twf, Apts ees eottipoed OR 11 WMxnester C net v.ater heat OR i I Vitia Homes- Hot water heat OR I4R West we CI -Washer ryer OR 2 Oak h. II Aots-Raoiant Heat OR -4-a Rooms For Rent 28 'NICE sleeping repmo I7 $ E. Ba4ety Ave. I i t biocss if from bus depot Cl EAN, furnisned housekeeping room, util. i paid. Vl$ mo Uil SE Short $t Room And Board 29 , ROOM AND MID at Jg Ann oWdng , OH 4r. IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE N E tt R K V I K W ADVERTISERS Houses For Rent 30 SMALL 1 room twrnltnad houM. US monllL 414 N E. Jackson TWO Bdrm modern home, wturnisnad. Grton Ont & OS t-l, ONE BEOROOMhou, partly hjrnisnM, US ptf mo. Ofi NE Club St.0RJ-4J4 thbor VmT" fQ1Jtl ROOM houw Inqy.ra RoHtng M.llt JS4 NE it90timnt. UNFURNISHED 7 Bdrm. house, electric heat, carport. 1019 SE Roberts. ONE BEDROOM, furnished house near down- j town, Si. Call OR 3-4U1 after 2 p.m. , FOR RENT or tele Large 3 BR houtt, I near downtown. $. OR 2-3171- TWO BR hourclose In7 M5"mo." OR 3-37$ after a pm TWO" BOOM unrurtL-caWn. tU moTbillara area. OS 9-Sl3 i - THREE ROOM furnished house in country. z room turn. apt. tn winiion. os v-Mil. CLOSE IN, Westside. 1 " Bdi m 'coftao. Phone OR 3-4444 days. TWO Bdrm clean modern unfurnished house. ! - u r.y.ce.. urn UAALL J Rdrm hnitt. U m Call OR 2-1794 alter 3 ONE BEDROOM fum.'house at Winchester. Ph. 263 Sumerlin for appointment. SMALL two bdrm unfurn. hoV' Jtjtan' J tula ted; garage. ISO month. OR 3-1715. j MYRTLE CREEK 2 Bdrm house. Christian Addltlon.on Thomas V. $W. UN3-J4. ONE and one-half BR unfurnished house. OR 2-WS0. TWO Bdrm house, nice yard. $70, OR 3-2542 alter 4 p.m. GOOO aBR "house" on'wesUrdeTllOO mo. OR M0IO , LARGE one room furnished modern cottage tn a quiet location. OR HJ4. CLEAN, 2 room turn lined house. ; 1143 SE Stephona. OR 2-3270 ONE BEDROOM rnooern house. S miles out block top road. $M.OR 3-7300. ONE T 6 FOUR Bdrm homes tor lamlHes or tingle elderly. OR J-4A4I. FURISHEbhousekeepincablns. K NE Stephens. Roseland Auto Court. FURNISHED CABINS. Weekly rates. 44?0 Nt Stephens. Pacific wiotei. or rv "" FURNISHED SMALL 2 Bdrm house OR J-5045 CLEAN, roomy 2 bedroom unfurnished du- plea. Close In. $54. OR 2-4224 ONE BEDROOM house, near Joseph Lane Sen. $40 per month. Water furnished. Williamwn Real Estate OR 3-4302 NICE FURNISHED duples. suitable for cou TWO BR house, 45 SE Mill St. $55 mo. Write John L. Rundell, P O. 801 454, Drain, Oregon. Or phono TE 4-MJI TWO BEDROOMhouse Fremont Ave. Hdwd floors, fireplace, wired for washer-dryer. Garage. OR 3-4712. NICE 2 BR house, unfernisjted. Fuirbae ment. 2 fireplaces. Garage. N. Lincoln St $45 mo. Williamson Real Estate, 3-4302 SMALL FURN. -house, man may earn part of rent in exchange for yard and handy-, man work. $70. OR 3-e0. TWO BR unfurnished house on pavedstree ' in Winston. Ret. requtrrxf. Inquire at The j Diaie Auto Court In Winston. FURNISHED7V2 bedroom "cabinsWalerand I garbage disposal' turnuhed. $35-$45. 245 , Dtamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-336$. DUPLEX for rent In' Winston. Completely fur.,ished one bedroom Water, gas, .ind garbaoe disposal furnished Ph. OS 9-0437 1 qbj room furnished house. $55 mo. Gar ! den Valley Blvd. Call Eves. OR 2-140 or OR 3-491. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished duple one block from Greyhound Depot. Adults only. 1 OR 3-7505 LARGE 2 BDRM unfurnished houe. oil fur- ! nace. carport, a blM to City center. Adu'ts I is me, 1541 Diamond La-e Blvd. OR 2-410. GOOD RENTALS I I I ONE BEDROOM furnished house, I mi'es I south. $a0. j ' ' ! CLEAN, roomy ekl heme en paved Harrison, i WJ "v"'u N t BEULAH newer roomy ? Bedroom , w wlB, ttrpiot, nd anacned , ; Baraga. U7. ' I In on BIG CLEAN old 4 bedroom, clove Mam Street. Can be used as dupiea. NICE WESTSIDE M0 2 bedroom oopies Roseburg Realty & Insurance Co. Recltors Umooue Hotel LeMv OR 7 '34 Evenns: Bnb Morn, OR J?e) lm Ooyie. OR 2-JUJ Mobile Homes For Rent 31 MODERN I bdm trlr hse wm or w'ttsout I pace. Adults. $50 mo Doy-os. OR 2-724 J MODERN 3S 1bdrm trailer; iU per mo! ' OR 2-4414 Or OR S-IJOO TWO houst trailers for rent. Modem-Adul'C , no pets, ce" mi afternoon. OR i-00 TEN IDE. 2 .''drm traiVer "n gu-et oeeceiul T-moer Town Treiier Park Adults onif 20t NE Stephens OR JeJi EBTRA NKC t av 2 Bdrm moctern ,mi.tv ed trailers. Aduts on'v Ir-ovn pcil Trmoe Town Tra-ler Per. M10 NE $tpn- en. OR J-eji Mobile Home Parks 32 TPAILER SPACE AV All Afti f . t va nes- ter Village, on Norm Umpqua. OR 2 isii timber'town ! TRAILER PARK 2010 NK Stephen! Bst atemmodBien sv a t e i. e-s m.i an e.tis ved S't i 4 KiBewd e-o lawn, me- en gt a ftort Sa'ewak AfKits P-y OR J. i Ui Nbwi Rivitw Want Adi Mobile Home Parks 32 CENTRAL TRAILER PARK 1S4I DIAMOND LAKE BLVD. Space all paved. Just t blocks tt busmau center. Adults. OR I-4I0 Real Estate Wanted 33 I THREE 4 BR home with ecrvaoe. 14 mi let of Ro&eourg. aex 39, Newt-Review, awB.-wa.w.ta-a.i f.- C lVCal bSlalG 34 MUST SELL Poor health, J unit apt., clear, Qood location. ORJ-5M WILL sell equity in nice 1 BR home, south- ' '""":, 500 OR 3-M5I THREE BDRM home, small down payment. Consider trade. OR 2-77U. ON RIVER. 3 Bdrm home, fireplace, hdwd 1 floors, baths. SUOO, OR 3-4U4. FOUR LOTS In Eugene Memorial GerdeniC- Garden of Devotion. OR 3-74;. 1 TWO BR house, 14 yrs. old, close in, small yard, attached garage; SW0. 1323 N. E Commercial. OR 3-4111 after 4. I WO bedroom small home, south Deer Creek. In walking distance of church end school. 14,000- Call OR 3-27S4. SMALL HOUSE and lot Torsa leTortrade lor trailer house under 20 ft. Write 424 S. 3rd, Corvalhs, Ore. TWO" Bdrm house,-533 "W BroccoilT-fake sport trlr or trlr house es dii pyml. Call OR 3-S4U btwn 2-5 p m. OWNER - TRANSFERRED: NICE3or" a bdrm home, patio, garage, tile iMth, full basement, well insulaled, hdwd floors, ec onomical oil turnece Extra lot. fine neian borhood. S14.m FHA approved. OR 3-4311. SEE AND COMPARE this lovely 2 bedroom. 2 bathroom home on view lot. Real large living room and fireplace. Hardwood floor., kitchen, utility and furnace room Patio, garage, worhthop- FHA. Just off Hwy f9, 140 E. Joroen, Winston. $14,000 THRFE comfortable bedrooms. Birch pleasure kitchen with snack bar and built in appliances. Attractive dining room with beautifully paneletd tire pace wall. Ceramic tiled bain with vanity Termite resistant Terms available. By Builder I Take rade. Call Today OR 3-5977 CANYONVILLE JUST 3 blockt from tha new Senior Cttnons Homo. It tnit lovaly 1 Bdrm homo with IMwO floort, larg. utility, ftoublo garaga. 3 lots nic.ly lano tcaoad. patio. Only $10,500. Shown Dy appomtmanl Call Shady Point Trailer Sales OR 2 1438 3 NEW HOMK.S 2 Bedrooms, built-in appliances, fire plate. Other desirable features. so to $1900, Reasonable terms. Possibit lease option. THE HOMEFINDERS Real Estate 435 S. E. Main OR 2-4721 Day or Night MELROSE DISTRICT 2t ACRES, modern 2 bedroom home, barn, chicken house, shop, woodshed and gareo On county road. Lots of water, SI. 500 $1,000 down. WESTSIDE MODERN 2 bedtoom home, or can be used as 2 bedrooms. On good lot. Close to shopping center. $4,250 wttfi gootf terms on balance. HANDY REALTY HARVARD AT PILGER OR 3-5458 Doug Warren. Salesman OR 2-4M4 $500 DOWN, FURNISHED neat I bedroom homo near Vets facility. Early potsetsien, street and sewer paid. Just $'150. Immediate Possession ONE ACRE coiy 1 bedroom homo, ' j fireplace, oil forced air furnace, roof- i ed patio, carport, small barn, good J weil. New Gl Appraisal, $U.e00. May i i rent pending tinenc'ng j FULLERTON REALTY ' 1 TT) He stwan OB l-Jtrj-BM. OB Satoj New Listings l SACRIFICE 2 bedroom home (cowfd be 4 bedroom with completion of tte uostatrsi t I 10 acre fenced lot. fruit trees, etc Nice k.'cnen with none, laroe inside utilit. double carport and wtn the prce drastically reduced for quc se to VV ta'O Or let down Pceient opoortumtv tor handy man to do some painting and trimming. Roberts Creek Area. J $ W L iNNEl L AVE Att'artivs 7 bedroom home wtn ha'dweed foors. hot wa'er heal, j'tacned prue, eiceiiet lot. t'-eceee. etc A good home tor retirement coupe f small tamnv. priced at lOOQ Wttti terms. 1 NORTH UVOi A RiVER rws deep ad coe e beaittt f bedroom rome. t oa'ns is 7 i vg room. oeavd cet'.ng crcuitmg ftfp.ce. te-oe saraoe room i eve'v lawn. nrue erd la'pe snade trees This is we e tne linest soots on me rer. US. 0OO 13 0O0 oown 4 MO AC Oft nea' osebvo, i9 A bot'om SO eermaenf pah-re enced "4 tress fenced. oentv avater for sNxk pood afiitD bam a pee catt an reesarv eaipme"t tor rait-ej n a-e g an J bedroom nome witn gravity tiew wa'er. A good bur at SJC.PX-S OOU awwn. TWO 'OR PNf5 - 4 bed'rsivw. eo'e d ung 'tx " U-ee txKv.ce room Ptus iixome trtti eve bedroom rental One hjtt ace beiit,n,uv ianivand bines from fciwn ad shopp.g ten'er -n Sutherlm. $IJ J0C W-ll accept pn. thing of eue as a down payment. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS 4ra Stevenson Realty 9o7 1 E. PiNE ST. tvr'iipy - lontrd OR I Till ScoocB, ulhrrlio XA S'ioq OR 3 87 Lackey Real Estate (An f icltanoo for buyers end sellers) 1 BLOCKS from tfowntowm. US0O. Tkim 1 S00 n f mm Of contt-KI. MMmnl, Mt turnatl. Cood canOI- lion. LAURELWOOO area, perfect location tor hgfi KnooJ. Mercy or Community notorial paraannal. ID. 500. Approa. 1700 14. ft. 3 bdrm with batamani, laroe tp't dining room, large twing room with It replace Mall kept. Treet to, oowne bal. PHA or state 6 L tnnced. TRADE moderi Green DiSt. 3 barm, fireplace, sept dining room end utility, large living room witn Am. tlegVone fireplace, elect, heat. pet'O. Contider amall 1 bdrm. to UM0 Pull price lU.iOC. Wa can ar range financing. WEST SLOPES. ) large bormi. lew living room wtth fireplace, intercom, 1 befni. dbe carport with ttoreue and office rm. im eg tt. 10 down F HA. 1 ACRE Garden Valley. 1 bdrm ok den, del forced air heat, fireplace, dtie carpon. tree. I7.00. el car n down pay or to PMA, Lackey Real Estate 413 S. E. Jackson OR Ma lor Miller OR 3-4W7 Gene Peck OR 2-4li Eva Lewi Oak 2143 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE PRICE REDUCED OWNER TRANSFERRED, want tale thit) week. Meulvo older home on I acre of good Mil. i bedroomt, large living room, den, Irg dining room. bg kitchen with bullt-m disn v a Uver, full basement, furnace, 3 fireplaces-. This charming home can be your for iust Sle.SOO, SI3O0 down payment, balance at Ife a month. Thu won't last call lor appoint ment. 916 S. E. Woshington Ave OR 3-5594 Douglas County Realty $500 DOWN And we will help you finance the oown payment. Neat 2 bedroom home south of city, '-i acre of ground, on paving. Roman file fireplace, full bath, carport. Full price $7250. C I. LEASE WITH OPTION New 3 bedroom home on the westside. all large rooms. Sliding door closets, brch kitchen, large garage. Total price $13,000. $1500. $1000 down buys this trim 2 bed room home on good residential paved street near Vet's entrance. Oil circulating heat. Inside utility. $12,900, Brand new J bedroom homo in fine residential section. Three large bedrooms, dining, birch kit Chen, fireplace, I'? baths, big gar age. See this one now. $250. DOWN Older 2 bedroom homo with basement, oil furnace heating, l'.t baths. Full price $7500. CRAIG SHORT Reoltor 1118 S E. Stephens St. OR 3 4020 Roy O. Young & Son Wa appreciate your listings. 2 BEDROOM home with deep lot and walking distance $500 down, balance at seO a month Incl. interest. Total price $5900. t BEDROOM modern home on a 100 X 100' lot. Newly renovated. 4 mile out. Only $400 with $500 down. Balance to be arranged. Owner will carry the paper. ACRES On paved highway with a auostential 3 bedroom home. 1 acres cultivated with fruit nd garden spot. A good stream runs through the place. acres of pasture and timber. $10,000. 20 ACRES on a live trout stream and not far of paved road. A log house that can be renovated and ground that can be teedest to pasture, $$500, term can be arranged. 45 YEARS IN ROSEBURG. 733 S. C. Cats Ave. Pacific nvag. Phone Office OR 3-71 Evening call LeNoir Krvso, OR 2-2951 (eicept Friday evening and Saturday I Exchange Real Estate 38 FOR SALE or trade, equity in 3 bedroom house with fireplace, largo rooms, and two car gareoe. Pius furnished dup'e. eh having two bedrooms. Tnese dwell ings on same lenasceoed lot of appro 9 10 acres Located out of town. City water, store, end school very handy. Bus mail and paper rotate by door. For se-e with easy terms or trade equity towards down payment on farm with good modern house, approst 40 pr 30 A plus o irrig. land. Write Box 407. News-Review. Timber And Sawmills 40 LOGS. ROUGH LUMBER AND TIMBER WANTED. Hub Lumber. OR ?-J7tS. WANTEO large or small trad of timber OK J-4J0I WANTED Douglas fir, cedar loos end corowood m multiples of 0 ft. wa toed ano haul if piled along ecroislbse road. or Lumoer to, or a-i ni. Building Materials 41 . BOARDS SH1PI.AP RISTIC FENCING ALL GBADES- h.'i antf w4ar. Cl.afl uo loaot at toacial oraa. Cuttont cut- tlUQt OTOct from tawm.ll PBICEO FOB YOU Lumber Sales Co. PHONE OR 2-161 " USED BoiMine malaria 1300 he SIM" or can uwrto tantt. Co. oa 1-U04. LVWOOO BLOAS complata stoch. Sa ut : tor vour bau butt. Ml. Scott Sctail Yard. Sutnarltn. Pnona 1W CESAWIC TILf - atock' tall oot - ALL tam oo at Itc to. It Trim tnamoara ol 10c oaclt. UAIPCO Conit. OB 1-4XM. SAVE $$$ PARTEX 3-D SIDING Shop 48" x 96" $170 M or $5.40 Panel PARWOOD i4" 48" x 96" $62 M or $1.98 Pane! PACIFIC FOREST PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE Halfwoy Btw. Winston-Dillord USED doors Vak.es to $11, $2. ft aa. WOOD molding 20 art. 100 GAL. rubber base paint inside or outside ail colors, reg. $7. gal Now . ... . 312 GAL. PAINT, reg. V M gat on sale for $3 gal All colors and hinds In side and outside. Free paint thinner witn paint purchases. RUBBER BASE paint, reg. tt e 1 Easy to apply, washable, dries 20 mm. SHORN brand, made by Dutch Boy. out. side paint, all colors. U - now $3 .99 SUPER Kemtone, Kemglo, $2.25 to $2. 01. 200 GAL. discontinued paint, values lo $7.70. $3.n gat. GALV. iron, 12 ft. S3. it sheet LINOLEUM inlaid, to prka. Discontinued patter nt AAASONITE 41 'finish Inside) t 29 Sheet. Use tp cover old finishes, sucn as wall paper, ate. ALUMINUM windows JOS off 15'i"x1T,"k22,i" y sheets parte le bd. 0c to $1 0ch Use tor floors, walls. siding, ate Think of tha economy. 2a s, I' length, 100 $1 SQ 20001 unit of 2" lumber, $30 00 STEEL fence posts, 75c; t3t V2 ft. field fence, $I7.5j heavy barbed wire. $10. CHIMNEY bracks, M 1 bid. blocks only 3ic. 12 WIDE floor covering, largo stock, xl2 LINOLEUM rugs $5 fi CARLOAD all kinds wood molding, 20N art lures, for SH U. or $7t bare. PLUMBING. PIPE ALL It IN OS, 20 Off: ' oft on all used fittings; i off on compression fittings. 4 x S STOVE pipe, W price PATio Fiberglass, A -grade, only 30c ft. iso fiat aus at uc n. S20 TON tor scrap Iron In trade 20c lb. tor copper tn trade. ROBINSON BUILDING SUPPLY Sutherlln, Oregon Ph. Jl$2 SERVICE DIRECTORY Firms And Individuals With Better Serviea THESE SERVICES SAVE MONEY IF YOUR SERVICES ARE NOT LISTED HERE PHONE OR 2-3321 FOR ASSISTANCE ALTERATIONS DOUBLE-BREASTED tuitl rctylod to ain Ola. Ilf.as. Mr. Giltord. OR 3-itW APPLIANCE REPAIR MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR. BOB MIL- LER SERVICE. Dial OR 3-SiH PARTS SALES SERVICE MAJOR SMALL Ganorallv 1 day tarvieo Boat stock ot aoplanca eartt In county TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 7?1 SE Oak OR 3.S53! auto soor LET HARRY DO IT! EXPERT body twrfc Painting our wclalfy. Frao aatimata. Insurance and rsnn'i. Ail ork ouaramced. Call F-al Motors Body Shop. 214 NE Staonont. MiOI. BARCUS MOTORS Inc. Painting, body and fender work to your specification. Free estimates, fast service. All Work Guaranteed 1420 N E. Stephens OR 3 SMS BOOKKEEPING BOOKKEEPING SERVICE. Pm uo and da. Ilvor locally. Raasonablo rates. OR 3-tW. SUILDERS. CARPENTERS CARPENTRY ond cobiners. Harry E. Vaung. OR 3-t4lf. FOUNDATIONS." houia-raiting, lavaTing. ra pair, worn FHA aoorovad. Camant. Corx ork. tireolacas. Fraa attlmataa. Cal Mar. gal. OR 7-41.5 or OR 3 M44. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery NORH ROSEBURG KINDERGARTEN OR 2-j0ai OR tIM CRANE SERVICE CRANE SERVICE I HfmON sverk. COnret DOur"f Call I Clirt Thornton, gay or vo.ht. OR 2-2h09 ELECTRICAL WORK j ELECTRICAL WIRING. suooie Ooets tsavs wl. Lonsinej 4 Oliver. OR J-H. EXCAVATING. SAND, GRAVEL EXCAVATISQ art SK 'ting Cell OR J-S4; or OR J lM OOIiNG. evei -g , a 'so gravel rocv, river nam ant) roe me tenets. Crwrktt Keeiy. Mm. D4R KXCAVTINU Ondosl Ond insured Ne sey Ferowson :M Backhot) Oi(cn-nej ants sewer svor. Oarrtl Isaecsen 9w-pi esera'or OR ; :4 FLOOR FINISHING B-'aitr ruivaj jrM; ij veri apr Nnce. Levn. sandinj and fto,ninaJ. u-d ftoors rertn.t-ned S-s7ij FURNITURE REPAIR AIL K'NOS PURNITURE A ; Rwefm V -1 r ei.av pipp oe "er vv i . ton Fvrnitvraj. OR -l. tJI W. Bam Ui Newt Rtvicw Went Adi WARD'S CUSTOM KITCHENS Make your Christmas wish es come true. A beautiful, practical kitch en custom-made just for you. Cobinet components custom-fit every floor plon. Built-in appliances lighten any kitchen task. Countertops, accessories styled for convenience. Created exclusively for Wards by Dave Chapman. Listen to the "Bucky Bates Show on KRNR. Mon. Wed. Fri. 6 45 - 7:00 AM Montgomery Ward CR 2-4811 Fuel 43 OR Y OAK WOOD Call OR 3-3O0J rTARDO00 FIREPLACE and HEATERl OR 3-sJI O t C FUEL CO. Dry oak H" and W also, tr' fir, on wjm PLANER ENDS2x4M and wider 24" longl Cash on Delivery. OR 2-2t7t after 4:30 p.m. WOOD Peeler Core & Hardwood Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR 3-5082 LARGE PEELER CORES DRY OR GREEN Sawdust Blower or Dump GUY it FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-15? Wood-Sawdust PLANER ENDS Pood lilies snort butt cuts from old growth fir. Slab wood Dry oak and laurel wood Large Peeler core All DeMverits CO D. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ph. OS 9-8741 OR 3-5jOS Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FARM SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trade' Auction avary Fri. at I F.W. Roseburg Auction Cot. V. htunion. Owner ond Auctiontor OR 502 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Umpqua Valley Hardware Fairbanks Morse Domestic and irrigation water systems. Estimates gladly given 648 S. K. Rose OR 2181S LANDSCAPING TILLING LANDSCAPING Quality nursery stock reasonable prlct. Brown's Valley Haven Nursery. OP 7-TfHJ, LAUNDRY. DRY CLEANING laundromat' " Laundry trouttias? Buiv? Laavo It. Wa II do It. Cornor of Court ond Main. Pit. OR 3-1011 LOANS Loans Auto - Salary Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Burdirk Manager S44 SK Stephen OR .l-fiAtf MIMEOGRAPHING CHRISTMAS LETTERS, mlmoograoxad ." coiorad mk. Smollo Stano Service. OR 7-J444 MOTOR REWINDING.REPAIR JIMWIE'S ELECTRIC MOTO? SHOP Exclusive Delco O'stritujter Motor Rewindino Repairing ISO fit Garden Valley Blvd. of e,y tj Electric Motor Service Company Al Hammell Promot reoeir ond rin3i AH Worn Guaranteed I rTvte south Fo-rgrounas. BOrt e Pencaxe Houo Ph. or .r4:an PAINTING, DECORATING HAVE YOUR HOWE redecorated forhoi oavs. Winter rates mo. to pay -.e Interest cneroe Mam s Paintmo Servce, ,"arsi Prston Can 0 ?.Wa s e m SEPTIC TANKS StRTiC TANKS CLCANEO 0SODwr (an. tet-ton Serv-ce, Rn. OR Mj4. STENOGRAPHIC SERVICES lyoiNG. friimefSBrapn.nij, duocattng Don-a C..-ery CO yu'i or PR J t?n TOOL SHARPENING PLOW SHARPCN'IMG. sveltf.n. J3 Ca-fe Ave. Vaf'"e Snoo OR i-4' TREE SURGERY TRfF $URC.ERV-Rpwr..n, ef tears e local ree'e-(.s JACK MAT LANOKAPt C OR J-'XJ or CR J-eoe WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling he"o it" en er'oved C'00t. MO ElL DRh li