The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 06, 1961, Page 7, Image 7

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    Holiday Hours Set j
At Canyonville PO ;
.Norman Hanson, Canyonville
posimisler, this week outlined hoi-:
irlay houn and services of the post .
office for tlx holiday season. I
.Monday through Kriday hours
ill be from 1:30 a.m. until 5 30:
p m., a half hour longer than usual. I
Saturday, Dec. IS and 23, the post
office will be open all day from1
( 30 until 5 30 Sunday, Dec. 17.
and 24, mail will be distributed to
the post office boxes and dispatch
ed although there will be no star
route service these dates.
Patrons can expedite the han
dling and delivery of mail by sort
ing cards and letters in local and
out of town bundles and using the
labels provided by the Post Office
Department, Hanson added.
WtdrMtday, Otc. 4
RoMburf Art and Embroidery
! Fair Oaks Grange
Has Installation
Wed., Dec. 6, 196l-The News Review, Roseburg, Ore. 7
fink it r hnma nf 1 rc I nrna l .-..- .a L' r- una in-i il!.t,l
Ballroom Dancma classes, be- clllt.k 412 tt i )pqua 2 p in. treasurer, and ttalte- trauturd ex
ginniiiu and advanced, at t ks ,ecutive board committee member
lemple. 8 pm. Open to public, Thursday, Dec. 7 a, , re4.em mretini! of the rair
Kegistir at Klks Temple. i ,, c,.mi.r .17 "aks (irange. reports Mrs. Jerry
Ro,.bur9 Road Runner. Motor. . st 7 . m TV'n m Sullierlio correspondent.
Shop. Harvard Ave.. J 30 p.m. SE Koberls M.. t a.m. to S p m. , . counly deputy,
Air Force Reserve. 1811 ft. liar- ' W P ...n.. ..-;..
vard Ave., 8 p.m.
Moon ledge, Moose Hall. 8 p.m. '
Doug Eft's, Sheriff's Mounted 1 P m.
Army Reserve. 1K11 W. Harvard.
IOOF, loot' 1UU. Jackson bu,
Patrol. Fairgrounds. 7:30 p.m.
City Hall, noon,
Salvation Army, at the church,
1:30 p.m.
Die-Hards, at the clubhouse, 8
Raseburg Lien Club, Umpqua
that man destroys more earth than
any other element due to foolish
Westside Church Youth
Set Dinner Thursday
Young people of the Christian
Kndeavor group of the Westside
I hmtian - Church will cook and!
serve a dinner Thursday at the
church as a fund-raising project 1
with profits earmarked for the
purchase of a new duplicating ma
chine for the church office.
A full course dinner will be serv
ed between the hours of 5:30 and
7:30 p.m. The public is invited.
Your choice of
pencil topped with
colorful holiday
with a
was irisUllinE oliicer.
It vn nanuunced that the people
(w.LI aain have a chance to vole
on fast or standard time.
i". f. - J .
"Twn aqu.r.t vf Bimicr w.w p.m. ,- -L;riPUiure The book
square dance lesson, at the Pre,-!
iiicm d.iii, q-iv v. Ml. 1uug fliw iiuuiv v. .11,0. ultima wunnv,, i ,jv
ly instructor. i Dm.
Laurel Lodge 1J. Glide Shuffler, beginners square handling of soils.
Drain Lnamoer t ummirn, i aance lessons, loininuniiy tiuua jjy anj j,er0 Craven became
"'"" "" " ""iing, a p.m., time unucri insmic- m,hi- i.f iho r.rniiii anil will
lor. ... I soon receive their first and sec-
Civil Air Patrol, at the airport, j ond degrees.
7:30 to 9 30 p m. Discussion was held concerning
Lady Elks, KlkJ Club, 8 Put., rflmmilsnrv ihool renrcanization.
Satan Chauffeurs, at the club,' I ine group voiea io sena iu 10
404 NE Cummins, off of Diamond Uieliranye National Youtn fund
Lake Blvd 7 30 p m , Music Store, 8 p.m. irgie Williams received a gift
Umpque" Regional 'Timing At. Elks. Elki Ujdge, S p.m. from the Grange for her work on
ciat,on, 4M NE Cummins" 6:3a H;vioft Su.r.. pattern danc the- fair booth,
p m. : workshop at the barn on Melrose; Mr. and Mr. Howard Cracroft
Sheriff's Posse, business meet- fioacl 810 P m- i and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson com-
Courthouse, 8 p.m. i Women Roseburg Country prised the refreshment committee.
fcmblem Club, executive board riuonuusc, luiiiucua sur
meeting. Elks Lodge, 8pm i lowed b e,kly h"dse play.
Christian Women's Club, Gold1 Timber City Chapter of Sweet
Rnnm I miwin. iioi.i ionm i Adelines, Inc., Kiverside School,
Urnnaua Lion. Clut.' rial.', ir.f. room 19, caU OR 2-4313 for in-!
Rio nm formation, 8 p.m.
Winston-Dill. rd Job's Daughers noi.ry imyqu.
Douglas School, 7:30 p.m. Hotel, noon. (The Roseburg Branch of the
MU Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi' Women's Society For Christian i American Association of Vniver
8 p.m. ' Service, Kosebuig First Methodist sily Women has been notified by
Camas Valley Toastmistress ' '-hurcb, executive board meeting! the Association's Educational
Club, Bart's Cafe 8pm i at the church, 9:45 am. j Foundation in Washington, D. C. of
Ke'ilogg Grange, at the Grange1 Douo,, County Inter - Agency the establishment of the Founda-i
Hall. 8 p.m Council, courthouse. 9:30 a m. turn's Hosier of Women Holding
Elkton Christian Women's Pel.! 0,,n prrin Chapter , Dis-1 Earned Doctorates, according to
lowship, Elkton Christian ''hurch iD'et American Veterans, Veter-i Hazel Marsh, Lookingglass corre-1
at the church, 1 p.m. 'Jan's Memorial .Hall, 8 p.m. jspondent. I
Chapter Bl, PEO Sisterhood, at' Flin Fanciers of Oregon, at Location Aided I
the home of Mrs. G. C. Finlay, ; home of Lois Mazill in Myrtle This is a unique locator service
11B2 SE Main. 8 p.m, ' ' Creek, 7:30 p.m. I which will assist colleges and um-
Westside Christian Women's I Dillard-Winston Women's Society I versilies to find trained, able pro
Temperance Union, at home of por Christian Service, Martha Cir-1 fcssional personnel. The roster
Mrs. K. D. Knyjge, 1038 SE Fuller-i c'e- Pot'uc"; the church, 12:30 j was established in 1955 to help
ton, 1:30 p.m. ' p. m . I meet the critical shortage of train-
Blue Star Mothers, at home of aurnernn isvoeKan s,ooge, iwr i eo. lacuiiy ana to neip women la-
iiiiii. o u.ui. vanre wunin me eaucauouai pro-
University Women
! Announce Roster
Roseburg Chapter No. 8, Order fession
of Eastern Star, Masonic Temple A $20,000 grant from the Fund
8 p m. for the Advancement of Education
Roseburg Toastmasters Interna is making possible a two-year pro-
; tional 604, dinner meeting at Bird-
Vmtors wel-
gram to improve and expand the
association's roster. Women who
want to be included in the roster
Mrs. Blanche Gray, 1413 Mill St.
Bring sack lunch.
Roseburg Writers Club and Rose
burg Unit, Oregon State Poetry
Association, at home of Mr. and
.Mrs. H William Bladorn. 123 NE
Pleasant Ave. Call OR 3-4240 orlsonS tafe. 7 Pm
OR 3.XI21 for infurmalinn i Come.
Women's Society of Wilbur Metti-1 Garden Valley Women s Club, at will pay a small registration fee.
odist Church, noon luncheon, Busi-itl,e clubhouse. 2 p m. (Additional information may be ob-
ness meeting at 2 p.m. ! Glendale Rebekah Lodge, at the taincd from Mrs. Gerhard
Voncalla Women's Christian i IOOF Hall. 8 p.m. i man. president of the local branch
Temcerance Union, at home of Mri p' ch'f ,h Pythian Sis- of the AACW.
Delbert Dickey. 1:30 p.m. Bring re. Christmas party at home of
unwrapped gifts for Children s ' aiargarei uoerson, d-io inc. tnesi-
Farm Home in Corvllis. !"". P . Bring Christmas
Mvrtl. C-uli Mom Frttntinn ! for exchange
at Mvrtle Creek Grange Hall. Pot-I N" Douglas Rainbow Assam
luck lunch at noon. Christmas gift -ly, Urain Masonic Hall, 7:30 p in.
exchange. Project basketrv. I Den Mothers Training Worksbip,
Oregon Ladies Auxiliary 1813, 1 St. George's Episcopal Parish Hall,
National Association of Letteri 10:30 a m.
Carriers, at home of Mrs. Jim! Chapter CU, PEO Sisterhood,
Project Goals Set
For Deer Creek
Godfrey, 2777 NW Mulholland
Drive, 7 p.m. Gift exchange.
Umpqua Mineral Club
Slates Christmas Party
luncheon meeting at home of Mrs.
B. A. Young, 1117 SE Kane, 12:30
Non denominational
Services, meeting room of Hose'
burg Medical Dental Clinic. 7:45
Riverside Home Extension Unit,
The annual Christmas dinner and " 1 m T.vfi
gift exchange will be featured at iJW3 E Douglas 10 ..m Textile
a meeting of the Umpqua Mineral P""'" mn s,",'0"'k ls'm"
Club set for 6:30 p.i Dec. 14 at"P exchange, fotluck at noon.
St. George s f.piscopal Parish Hall
is all it takes to transfer your
savings to Equitable, A signed
card w ill authorize us to handle
the details of account transfer
for you without fuss, bother or
a day'j loss in earnings.
savings 2 O jV;,';;
Interested friends and families of
members are invited to attend
according to Mary Weikum. pub
licity chairman.
Specimen Exchanged
Members are asked to bring
their favorite pofuck food to add
Glide Church Notes
Damage By Flood
The Clide Baptist Church pdf
Members of the Deer Creek Com
munity Club executive , board met
recently at the Deer Creek School
to discuss plans for modernizing
Gospel i the Community Club.
Setting goals for securing much
needed equipment for the school
and children of the community was
a prime subject of discussion.
Ways and means of accomplishing
these projects were also discussed.
Steve Bowman left for Newport
Wednesday to spend a few days
visiting his father, L. E. Bowman, i
Mrs. Frank Perry spent several.
days recently visiting her husband,
who is confined to Good Samaritan!
Hospital in Portland following re-,
cent surgery. '
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Counts
spent some time recently visiting
Th nllnneH tiirkev dinner in, 'or and Sunday School rooms, lo-1 their son, Richard Counts, and fam
Inff en? ouantitv to orovid" " the basement of the Hy in Grants Pass, and the Ross
he r lamilies and inv5ed gues I church, were under three feet of Koundtree family in William,. ;
Thev are also asked to bring gift 1 water by flooding from the receut ! Grover Tison has returned to
wra'oDed packages of rock ore or ' storm. i his home after spending the Thanks
other mineral specimens for them-1 The Rev. John Manitsas. assisted g.vmg holidays with his son and
selves and guests to add to the b' members of his congregation, i riaughter in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
rhn ispent mree aays cleaning up me jisnn, at l.rams rass
resulting debris. Damage nas not
Proiector Purchased I vet been estimated.
The club has purchased a slide Friend Visited
Recent visitors of the Wavne Mil
lers were Mrs. Norma Jolly of Al
bany. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller
projector for use in programming! Mrs. Carl Messing spent the i of Kugene, and Mr. and Mrs. John
and will present a group of color Thanksgiving holidays at the Home
slides at the Dec. 14 meeting. Karl of Mrs. 1-ee larn in i.oia tun.
Ilenhest will be present with some! Mrs. Vance Cox, chief cook at
nf his nnnils tn add urogram van-i Glide High School cafeteria, was
Myers of Myrtle Creek.
' elv with several Indian danres
i The club has elected the follow
ing new officers to serve for the
coming ypar: Dorothy Teater, pres
released Wednesday from Commii-1 Tanney of suburban Mount Uban
nily Hospital in Roseburg after re-1 on felt sure back in August he
ceiving medical treatment for a , would be elected justice of the
-(burn which resulted in bluod poi-1 peace in the November election.
Iident: Vern Whitlenburg, vice i soiling. Mrs. lyrle Haynes is sur s,0, when the telephone company
president; Everett Teater. secre- stiltiting lor Airs, cox unui sne revised its phone directories in
tary-treasurer: F.lla Hutchins. fed- returns. j August, Tanney had himself listed
oral ion director; Mary Weikum.j The Rev. and Mrs. David Doerk- a, a justice of the peace in hth
'publicity chairman: Milo Godfrey sen of Denoir, Calif., were recent; the main directory and the yellow
land Vern Whitlenburg. co-chair-i guests at the home of Mrs. Carl pages.
I men for programs; and Dr. II. C. j Messing. The Rev. Mr. Doerksen , On eleclion day, Tanney, a Re
Church and Joe Johnson, co-chair-1 was a former pastor of the Glide publican, defeated his Democratic
I men for field trips. 'Baptist Church. .opponent by 5.402 votes.
Grandma haJ to heat w ah fire, but yoj don't!
Join most otTier modems and put a (famous, fueless, foo'proof electric
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Eliminate soot, smoke, fumes and all other mey flame by-prod-tts.
Live in t're surshire-cJean warmth thct only cn electric Vesting system can
Talk to your favorite ColOre Electrical Lcogue
wiring or heating contractor. Find out how you
con install a truly modern electric heating system
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little as $10 a month!
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Take the freeway to
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complete home entertainment center
new TVstereo amphitheatre
II 90-day service . . . including parts
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no money down . . . no monthly pay
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Danish etyle 3 -in-1 ompru
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23" lir-fr TV vlewhis
ntagsific! 4-spaker iter)
Come took, come listen, come marvel at
this economically priced masterpiece of
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Same fine feature as above plus 2 ad
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Powarful canister with Ihec
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Pushbutton reverse, built-in light
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