OUT OUR WAY Apartments For Rent 27 Rooms For Rent 23 I Tkt Nw-Ritw, Rstaburg, Or. Tuai., D. 3, 1961 Plywood Maker Says State Department Works Against Industry's Interests WASHINGTON (AP) T h ev though dommtie production and U S. Stair pppartmrnt had oriei Stat Department wn pictured recently by a U. S. plywood man- ufacturer working against the! best interests of the Industry! through its trad policies. I Imparted plvwood, much of It produced in the Philippinei and Japan in planta built with IT. S. foreign aid funds, has captured, more than half the U.S. market, Bryon E. Bryan told House La bar auhcommittee. He aaid the plywood Industry haa twice been denied r I i f through higher tariffs hy rulings of the Tariff Commission, even Hospitalized Would Enjoy By MRS. CIRALD B. FOX Joan Bufkin, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bufkin of Glendale is reported to be making a good recuperation at the Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital in Medfnrd fol lowing surgery done on her back Nov. 14. However, according to her parents, she will be confined to the hospital for at least six to twelve weeks. She is not allowed to turn in bed and ran move her head only slightly. She is, however, al lowed to have company and en joys cards and letters. Friends may address her at Room 2.1ft, Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital, Medford. Residents Injured Harry Humphrey of Glendale re quired two stitches on the crown of his head recently as the result of bumping his head on the signal arm of his logging tmck. James Brock of Glendale was badly scratched and bruised around one eye recently when a tree limb broke off and struck him as he wss walking in the woods during a logging operation. John Gaederke, a, son of Mr. nd Mrs. Art Gaederke of Azalea, required three stitches recently when he hit his finger with a sledge hammer. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Berns of Lebanon, Ore., visited recently' California Family Gathering Attended By Glendale Folks By MRS. CIRALD B. FOX Mr. and Mrs. Vie Opperman and daughter, Lucy, returned recently from a week spent visiting in Cali fornia. They visited with Mrs. Opper man a parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Hen ry Sage, and with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schmidt and family in San Diego nd with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, .Edward Jo seph and family in Chula Vista where they were joined by other family members for a Thanksgiv ing Day get-together. They also visited in West Covina with her brother, Ellia Sage, and hia wife. The younger Sage is attending the Baptist Theological Seminary at West Covina. En route home they visited with friends and went sight seeing in San Francisco. Parents Visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Nichols and daughter of Kelso. Wash., spent Thanksgiving day through Sunday at the home of Mrs. Nichols' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reed of Local Post Office Sets Longer Hours Extended business hours were announced today for the Boseburg Post Office, starting Dec. 11. Postmaster Robert L. Snider esid the post office windows will be open weekdays from S a.m. to p m. from Dec. 11 through Dec. 22. On Saturdays, they'll he open from a.m. to S p.m. Saturday afternoon office service on Dec. 9 and 18 will be limited to sale of stamps and acceptance of par cel post only. No other counter service those days will be pro vided. Snider urged that all Christmas mailings for long distances should be sent before Dec. 10. He said the 11 "Mail Early for Christmas" campaign is now in high gear. But, he said, mailing of Christmas gift packagea appears to be lagging, and too many people io not realtie the need for careful ; n.rbinO .nH urrannirt. n I thai, i parking and wrappinf of their "Il'l hard to undrraland hr ppopk will br o rarrlraa ahniit puttinar valuable Chrnlmee jifli into lhr maile in flimey hoxr and Inneply wranned parkacre Many n( the pnorly wrapprd Rifta limp ly cannot aland lh nrrenaary nanniins, Snxler alio rmphaiiird th Im poiianca of careful Chnilmaa mailing prucrdurct. "Kor ample." he laid, "il l beet to print the recipient'! full name. atreet addreea. city, ion. number ano iraie on eacn maitm lahel. fire Department, with the fire-1 makin aure tn include an eitra ,,-, ,xiliary alio aniiting with: label mild, your fift packaSe..":,h, fr , - I fc'ie-a ("Kif ll.l. Vh.Um aiJ Ik. Crosby Likes Culinary Efforts, So Hires Cook LONDON (AP) Mra. N.ncy;,v dialnhulrd to the chil Velvtlle. vh rooked (or Bins rfn- Croehy and Bob H.ip when Ihey ahared houa here thia tall, ia coin( to America to rook for Bine. J SJ "!"'wminj in fashion for .tyl..h and Crmthv had offered her a hia California home and she had areeptH it w;th pleamire. CronhT. Horts and their families ?!' ljA",lunnf lh filming nf 'Tht Bnad lo Hong Kong. aalra hava dropped ateadily dur - ing the laat 10 years while imports went up 1,500 per cent. "Our industry is in this predica- ment due to the foreign trade pol - icy which has been adopted by , our government and which we i understand the administ r a 1 1 o n wishes to enlarge to a point wnere all tariffa can be eliminated and industries such as ours be com- pletely destroyed," Bryan said. During the 1959 tariff hearings. he aaid, the Philippine government opposed the industry's request for I increased duties by noting that the Glendale Girl Cards, Visits with the Frank Berns family of Glendale. Other recent guests in cluded Mrs. Berns1 aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist of Med fnrd. Scouts Aid Baiaar Members of the Azalea Roy Scout troop, which met at the Azalea Grange Hall Wednesday, unit nine urr uinr iiif-cuiiK '" decorate the meeting room for the Inter-Church Bazaar which was' held there the following day. The saie and as a part of their dec oration project, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carr of the Carr Store in Glendale spent sev eral days recently on a buying trip to Portland and Seattle. Residents Reurn Mr. and Mrs. Bill Krlnn and daughter, Edda Sue, have moved bark to Glendale. Mrs. Kealnn was previously employed by Dr. Robert Roth at the Glendale Clinic and the Keaton family moved to San Jose when Roth moved his practice to that city. They had been Glendale residents for I,,r number of year, previous to that tim e. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson and son of Glendale spent several days last week visiting with the formers parents in Arlington, Washington. Glendale. Frank Reed and Mr. and Mrs. John Reed were also Thanks giving Day guests. Mr. and Mra. Charles Day of Wolf Creek have returned from spending ten days visiting with the alters brothcr-in-Jaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Geary Feagens of Nevada City, Calif. They also vis ited with her brother, Norman Skrlton, at Red Bluff. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chalker and family of Springfield, former Glen dale residents, visited over the hnl Mays with Mrs. Chalker's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Moody, and family in Glen dale. Newcemers Here Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen of Canyonvillo moved to Glendale re cently and are living in the Bill Ham house near the Superior mill. Allen works for the California Pacific Utilities Co. as a telephone installation man, replacing Mac Napier, who is now working out of the Myrtle Creek office. F.d Opperman of Glendale re turned early this week from a month-long elk hunting trip in which he waa one of the success ful members of hia party. Others who participated in the hunt in cluded members of the Clenke fam ily, the Rippo family and the Al len family, all of Canyonville. Vic Opperman'of Glendale also joined the group but stayed only a week Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Brown of Grants Pass were Thanksgiving Day hosts to the Clyde Marriott family, the Bill Keaton family, and George Pike, all of Glendale. Student Injured Delon Hatton, 13. son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hatlon of Glendale, fractured his elbow in an accident which occurred at school Friday during basketball practice. Doug Dollar and two of his sons, Doug and Steven, are in Glendale, staying for the present at the hpme of he former's mother, Mrs. Kssie Miranda. The two boys have re-entered the Glendale schools. Mrs. Omer Elam of Glendale is now home after recent major sur gery at the Josephine General Hos pital in Grants Psss. Mra, Flam's 1 h M nirrim W' of Mm ' nenota. visited her for leveral weeki. Theatre Party To Aid Yule Basket Program Canned food of any kind will I he the admission price for chil dren who will he attending a upe cial movie at the Benetta Theater ' Saturday at 10.30 a m. j The theater party and appear- i lnia nf ! n t ek I ' I 1 1 el is ei ix.r atrmA hy the Wintnn l)iliard Volunteer i all chikircn arc invited. The can-i ned goods thev bring will be used j to make up Chnstmn baskets to be distributed to those, in need. During Santa's appearance, can TL -.. w: ' "'5 I "n.ni.-ss. iu.-s (aii Rrcri Canem foars that tvict tniv h ! j" micatiiioui wasnintfion miiB. ! Ht rime to this conclumon Sun I fr0m rrscut hrhroptrr.' It c ami nay after findtnj? hia Connecticut . rtnwn too fMl am1 iTwk . Avenue thnn Innterl nf about W IW irvKa .,..n.j k.. . in wigi and toupeea, hit atock in itradt. ' , nally advised the filipinot to ! make plywood for export to the tinted Si airs and, through its for- i nan aid program, had provided 'the money to build the plants. "We are confident that other countries have had the same ad i vice and have taken a like posi i lion. Bryan said. I "The State Department does not support American industry in these matters." Another plywood manufacturer, Harold R. Jones of Eugene, Ore., j said his company has suffered ! heavy losses as a result of what he called "the glutting or tne market by imported plywood." "If tariffs are decreased," he added, "this added advantage for foreign countries, particularly Ja pan, will most assuredly force our closure." If that happened, he said, it would deprive the economy of Eugene of the $13.7 million the company pays nut annually in local expenditures and payroll. A spokesman for Northern Mm nesota iron miners echoed the call for import restrictions, attribut ing the closing of Minnesota mines , nirecly t0 imnort, ( ore from Canada and Venezuela. . t . La r mar fil?nnnlP- Resident Visited By MRS. GERALD B. FOX Mr. and Mrs. Don Blakely of Glendale drove to Eugene recently and visited with the Ray Patter sons, formerly of Glendale, and with some members of the Bill Perry family. Birthday Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. Clark M. Will of Salem spent a week recently visit ing at the home of their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. r...:u. . .1 II it .Att.AII l 3;.. H. beV guests were here. Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Plansoen of Glendale were Thanksgiving Day hosts to the latler's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Duke and family of Grants Pass, and to her brother and sister-in-Isw. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roberts of Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts remained at the Plansoen home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hildehrand of Eugene spent the Thanksgiving weekend at the Connie O'Roke home in Glendale. Sandra Granriy, freshman at Pa cific Union College in Angwin. Calif., spent the Thanksgiving hol idays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grandy of Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson and children of Springfield, former res idents of Glendale, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Thomp son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Thompson of Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. I.ester Schleigh of Medford are the parents of a baby girl born Nov. 24. Mrs. Schleigh is the former Beverly Johnson and was a resident of Glendale several years ago. Student Intured Dennis Carlton, 9. of Woir Creek, fell at the Wolf Creek school re cently and hit his head on a drink ing fountain. Severe head lacera tions required two stitches. After undergoing treatment at the Glen dale Clinic he was hospitalized overnight at the Forest Glen Hos pital in Canyonville. Charles Jones. IK. of Glendale. required two stitches recently as a result of a snowball game on Pacific Avenue, Glendale's main street. Jones ducked a snowball and struck his head on one of the posts on which parking meters Wt?rp installed in the City Several years aKo. Small Woodlands Group In Salem Meet Saturday Tax laws Will be the crux of the meeting on Saturday at the County' courthouse in Kugene beginning at 1:30 pm. W. (J. Nash, Creswcll, president, predict that at least 100 wood land owners from Western Orecon counties eager to learn more about the new tax law going into effect !Jan. 1, and the 1IM1 woodland option law for owners of l.ooo acres of timber land or cs will attend. Paul F. T.iniger, tax commis sioner with the Oregon State) Tax Commission, will explain the. for est taxation law passed during the lWl session of the legislature. K. , . tt i Kugene Wanock, staff forester in the protection division Of the state Forestry Department, will . , ' , ' , . i-icuss ine sipuiinai tax law. man- Ock hi in Charge of the Oregon Forest Conservation Act. the for-. t f anH v.nlH l.v W .rt th- 19tH wooxiland option tax law. Another forester. Tom Cochran of the Industrial Forestry Associ ation, will discuss the tree farm movement in Oreson. . . err ActOT Suf tCTS I ftnf HpH Cufr 1 W HOLLYWOOD MP) Tomedi an Roh Hope eulferrd a Iwo-inra cut on hia forehead hen he was hit hy a champagne hticket while (ilminf a skit for his Dee 13 tele- ! vision show Sunday nisht Hope and artre Nancv Kuan Wl?r portly, n two movie stars ......t. .i.- . and th huckf-l ntpnorl In K - lnwv-r iM sk- k.. hurt. Ho returned the ah it ,th an adheti patch on his forehead. OUT OUR WAY By . R. William SST.' Sp V If YOU FOOt. V THEY SAV ALL I OW--MV I AUVBODyAS CROOKS BLUMPtTRl A V SISTER A SMART AS SOME TIME" J 'V LOOKIM' SISTER; A10P WE ) THAT SPOTTEO "fey e I FOSAAEAM" J CAkT LOOK, NECKTIE TOWSOE I V IT MEAKJ& J WE'RE SURE- IS YOUR J i y nwork.so missimsa r bll'wpeh, r V - jj I POUT LOOK pi SHOW.' J i ILL BET.' ) (, I !'J -S U,:r. ,-..N" Z A f A..! ' I I " Trie h.jm ,.JJT.I.' r., a Californian Leaves If?? j) 7jHelp WanteJ Men -15 After Tenmile Visit LlateMed L,.!!!. 5 I (3), Winston (I). Sutherlin 11), Oat lend By MRS. WALTER COATS I u per month plus ir.no I f A It benefits on tlrt steos of promotion. These Mrs. Lyle K. Robertson left t . 'J'1"'!? Mrs. Lyle K. Robertson left Thursday for her home in Costa Mesa, Calif., after spending two weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coats, in Tenmile ,nd ner ,on Jnrt dauBhter Mr. and Mrs. Keith Christopher sun and daughters Lori and Gayln. Trip Taken Mr. and Mrs. Clare Coats and Lorena Loomis drove to Eugene Saturday to visit Mrs. Coats' broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beatty, They returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence tack wood and daughter Cathy and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lockwood and family of Fort Bragg, Calif., spent several days visiting relatives on Lockwood Rd. LEGAL NO. WH7 SUMMONS IN THff CIRCUIT COURT OW TH1 STATS Of OREGON fOR DOUGLAS COUNTY ARLENI NEUSTEL, Plaint iff, v. CLARENCE 0). NEUSTEL, Dtftndant. To: CLARENCE O. NEUSTEL: IN THE NAVE OF THE STATE 0 OREGON: You r hrby lummooaxJ arvj requirttd to appr and ontwer th com plaint at plainhtf ft led hrtln aoAintt you In tho abov tntHlod suit on or boforo four (4) wk from tnt tint publication of tht tummont. and If you fall to so ap pear and anwr, for want throf, plain tiff will apply to th abov entitled Court for a deer awarding to plaintiff an abso lute dacrta of divorce from defendant, tor cuitody of plaintiff and defendant' children, and for relief demanded in plaintiffs com plaint. Thi lummoni It published puruiant to an Order by the Honorable CnarisM S. Woodrich, Judge of the above entitled Court, med and entered on the ttt day of Dec . 11, which Order direct! that thi turn mont be published once week foe tour U week i In the Roteburg NewvReview, a newspaper of general circulation publish ed tn Roseburo. Douglet County Oregon; the date of the first publication of this summons Is: December, y 191, -S- D. R. OIMICK D. R. Dimlck, Attorney tor plaint ff 311 Pacific Building, Roeburg, Ore, no. wm SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY SHIRLEY NELSON, Plaintiff, vs. JOSEPH NELSON, Oe'endenf. To- JOSEPH NELSON: TUB NA.AAF OF THF TATF OF OREGON: You a-e hereby summoned and requirea to appeir una nvwer irw cosrv plemf Of plaintiff filed herein aoamtt yrM in the above entitled wit on or before four (4) weeks from tte firtt publication of this summons, and If you fail fo 0 appear end answer, for want thereof, plain tiff will apply to the above entitled Court M.''Zr.ur'.'; cuttodv of DlnlntiM Mna defenflnnt'i chill. and for relief demanded In plaintiffs conv en Order by tne Honor eh Charles S. Wood- rich, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 1st day of De cember, which Order directs tnt this summons he published once a weetx for four (4) weeks In tne Rosehurg News Re view, a newspaoer o general circulation published In Roseburg, Douglas County, Ore gon; the dAle ot the first publication of this summons Is: December S, 141. s- D. R DIMICK D R Oimicfc. Attorney for plaintiff l Pacific Building. Roseburg, Ore. RESOLUTION IN TMf COUNTY COURT OP TMi STATI OP ORKOON fOR OOUOLAS COUNTY In the matter of an e change of certain I County, Oregon through foreclosure of I !"M w otnerw.se , Now on this Km day of November 141 com )or. th c ttv mf ; proposed change of certa.n land with "'" -a"' company, a New corporation; end whereas, it appearing to the Court that an eichanoe would b to the best '"Z1' , r,ty w the purpose ? W recreeint pr poses near Hl'on. Oreor: av It farther epoearmg that tni Court (hall de Clare Its intentions te mae Kith an e change as P'ov ided tn Oregon R ev ised Statutes cnao'er J 1X1, and IT IS HEREBY ORDERt-O tte Pfhiica tlon pf a teoal notice of suin nient.rxi h mevfe ence each week for two consetyt.ve weeks tn a newsoaper ef gener al c ircwwi tion In me County Tte Cou'f does a tM tt day of De- cemner teat, at me tyjajr efiOWAM Parity Standard Tmg ef sa d day for hearrrvf of Ot) ( -rtrs. It any mere be atoa'nst me P' orvsseo" esrhane of tanns A OetriDtnn of tne real propevtv pr noosed t t- otd Mi escnne ts etwUMd es o'tews. to 'f l.It UN AT IONAI PAffm) COMPANY TO DOUGLAS COUNTV, 0tC.ON Tnwnsnip l) toutn. Range Veif w u Sett.on J All ft-at part e I o 4 Ivnej , easter.T of Keonoo F ton County a-waa) j Ne. II, Containing are mote fr te Vjl.(rt S'4 4J ,Sf ,r- toims-y, nfl.oN T0 imh-, Trennifi Js) Viutn. a'tga j Aet W. Vftpfn JO lots t. 1 and X cor-'n- ' Inf e tS K-M tere V less Va.vtn. ft '! 90 fAi'NTV CP"' DOt'C.L At COUNT V. Otf (OH Av V. lACHSOH Cnun JiNSae R P. Me pee . tav tw"f Cutsf Caavpvs i.orPr i f . P". Tuevley. Dec. 1 or : em. iherp. JCCLLUIL 5 Wennpvtty. DM. i. Cor.l Room. Ump- qua Holal. Roieburg. Oregon. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATES t S.i'll W.lhls iMtbwf Tr3, ArM Cord of Thanks . 1-Day ratt 2 lines Hn 3-Day rare 2 lines 6-Day mte 2 lines . 30-Day far 2 lines 1 -Day ra's 3 lines 3 -Day rate 3 lines 6-Day rate 3 lines 30-Day rats 3 lines ..... :I.5 . 1.00 - I.7S , 2 50 . 5 50 . .30 . 2 50 . 3 .SO - 7.50 I CREDIT AftOM rites lub'.ct t, W ttnts Mrvic, ciui(, fw creeit DEADLINES I tint, Smy Mmii.t t p.m. an pi ti! Publication. Lie N,s-K,vie rmrv.t tl riitit te ciiliil;, PPM tf irjtct j Clittfies Aa copr. I I ADJUSTMENTS j 'tt yeur i4virtnni.iit loptirt incorreHlr. tetlff! I immidCtlir. VII mil not bo ritponintt tor eioro ttMfl oco Internet mtirtion. Such re opontibilitf It lim.toe cornet tntimos or OiWor1iront, lull Will Sit So Sill Mirt Tom St liri SUBSCRIPTION RATES le IrifH Sr Mill one suiti, fl.TSi tlrto niitoi. St M; in until, SI M; MO joy, SIS.ee. ti ll ot lrtoe If Mnl ooo mm. $1,71: tt'M III. tHi MI nut, Sll.sii ooo yur, lli.os. Ctrrior Ml Soiiooff P. t. Iiih lie eiotl, ti ll; in until, stist: ho Ji, tlSI. Per lioflo Cipi Ik. S Ittil llltf totlioo tlt lleitt Holt tofetiriotiOM Molt l Pots Mj (lime Paper Delivery If your paper if not delivered Coll OR 2-3311 Mon. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sat. Only 3 to 5 PM Cards Of Thanks CARD OP THANKS We with to thank our host of friends for the kindness and sympathy shown us (tur tng the Illness and toss of our loved one. Mrs. Cfartes Orerner en" family Personals DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics An onymous. OR 3-442. YOUNG WOMEN "of "any faith needing con fidentlal advice may contact Catholic Char ities, Kt W, Broadway. Eugene. Oregon. Dl f-)e4l. IN DEBT? PONT tat hm cost your lob. your credit everything you own I tf vou ere tn debt beyond your anility to pay and smcere'y want to get out of debt, see BUDGET CON SULTANTS and have u evpialn our DEBT REDUCTION PLAN to vou. One piece to pay all bil's, at a pay rnent vmi can aHord. Ne Secunty, no ce-s-gnert. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants Licensed and Bonded Roseburg, Oregon rh. on : ? 4T1 V:n St Notices 11 - . ABSOl UTu Y not resttwihia for an Mil ettvtr fnen env eon. Do -a tke Lost & Found 12 LOT IS ft. liQhf hHie Dlvfwsnd Pat. eward. Can evemngi. Ot J M FOUND e'vwwt ooet. e Oak 'and yys Iftsr vc 0-v Qveen tema Ce 'ce li.ee. Ot l-;je7. Th People's Market Place the NevR?view Oossi f.ed Want Ad Dral OR 2-3321 Salesman Wanted SELL Frigidaire Appliances BETTER Than Average Earnings Apply in prrson UMPQUA VALLEY 6.15 S E. Stephens St. Help Wanted Women 16 WANTEO Housekeeper. Ph. 2941, 1107 Maryland Ave.. P.O. Box 17, My r lie Point. Work Wanted 17 ODD JOBS, tree removal, yard work, OR3-S4v6 FOR SALE or hire II yard rear dump trailer and Jruck. OR3-S637or OR 3-4OTI. HOUSEWORK wanted. Have own" transpor tation. OR 3-7452. HOUSEKEEPER R el ie bTe, ex peVl'enced for edutts. References. OR 3-7132. TRUCK, AUTO TUNE-UPBRAKeT transmission. Estimates, Phone OS 9-52M. IRON ING AND MENDING. OR 2-32l. IRONING SI HOUR OR 3-3746 HOUSEWORK, SMS hour. Own transporta tion. OR 2-2727. IRONING SI HOUR 374 NWCorl Ave.. OR 3-1035 CARPENTER and cbinetwer)r,rAlso ail types of formica Installed. OS t si3. ALTERATIONS AIIwork, guaranteed OR 3-41 M Instruction 19 PRIVATE DRIVINO INSTRUCTIONS OR 37217 PRIVATt!TUTORING Mauri l McGarily, certified teacher. OR 1-39!?. Loans And Finance 21 WANTED discounted contracts, also equities Phone OR 3-4193 or OR 3-4091. REAL ESTATE LOANSto JISOO. also 2nd mortgages. Automobile, furniture nd sig nature loans. Laurentide Industrial Fi-t nance Corp. formerly Commettil Indus- trial Finance Corp. 113 SE Oak. OR 3-4494.1 Family Finance Homo owned end Ooereted Loans Up to SI 300 On motor vehicles and furniture 779 SE Washington OR 3 Uat Business Opportunities 23 FOR SALE tavern end restaur -nt. GY 4 335 PART TIME Business With good eitra Income potential. Requires small cash out lay. OR 2-143. APPROXIMATELY "ecres'with fourrentel units suitahle tor trailer park or wreck inq yard. In industrial area. Reasonable terms can be arranged. OR ?-tl1. TEXACO ha sst a t ion"" f oTTE ASE on Garden Valley Blvd. Good potential For information call OR 3 3753 OR 3 3.V13 FOUR PLEX 4 1 BEDROOM PURNISHFO apts. Situated 4 blocks to City center. Each unit fully modern, separate baths, in come l?40 per mo. Total price I4,0. WEST ROSEBURG NEWER DUPLEX - Built in Hsj. fireplace, both win electric heat, in come S'45 per me. EicelVent opportunity to live m ene unit, rent ether. SO0 with tooo down, or will finance PMA. STEVENSON REALTY 7 SF Pint St. OR 2 lfil t Miscellaneous Rentals 24 PBtclNO SPACE, downtown, U me. OR Commercial Rentals 25 FO-t RF NT Ot SALfi Conweeclal bitiloV I lr-a VX q ft leroe partetg eree S.jd m. W7i hE Steonens. O el Oft ) . WESTSIDE OFFICE TMtFt tOOMf. eu'S'tse et'pca ant e4 tx 0e room s"ta for i-oia aot . hf( nd Ml fatlV 1S47 . ft'v O'd. Ot Mi?. Wanted To Rent 26 OAtAGE. n o hf ejincne'er enrt Ca'i Ot : JJU AA,T 0 tFNT Ot LEAlf'bv J If I ref1'oorn Pfve irrw" sert Aest ( eoraii on Man. fnn (age l' i 0'i. Ct isaa PATRO N Tz K X E w S R E V I r. w ADVERTISERS VERY NICE APT. FurnisAed 1 rooms and bath. Winter rates. OR t0 BCD ROOM fum lined upstairs epl7"ijt"l turn. a0. OS f-MD FURNISHED APT. Outiideentref.ee," "Adults. Westide.HU W. Crestview. THREE room turn. apt. Cute lnPaViTir"tj. AaultsOR 3-71l3. CLEAN, comfortable apts. With" or-without furniture end utilities. OR 3-UV3. END API. Of tri-ple.Retr..j stove." water, parb. serv. turn. OR 3-7S or OR S-WM. CLEAN, furnished aolTS4S. ft S 6. Jacuvon DUPLEX one BR Heat, water, and lauii ary teciiit.es. OR J-iJM or OR 3 jiw. LARGE APT. OR 3-5117 ONE BR. Ape rtment7c lean. Adult.""s5. inquire 13S3 S E. Stephens. TWO BEDROOMaparlment. Rrioe ad re- trigerafor urmsrved. Call OR 3-4i3. FURNISHED APTS . duds-onlyWerid S0 me. Close, convenient location, 44 SEB rock way Ave. Apts. OR 2-W3. ONE BDRM turnor-unti7rnapt. Adults only. Ph. OR 3-3?90 before :IS r. r after 4 30 p m. UJ SE Hoover. FURNISHED Apts. Including water'elec, gaT- bage. good tocatton. no and SM mo. Union Gap Apts. Sutherlin, 4314. PINEi M0TETrkitchenitsrVfHits7"linen"s turn., weehlX or monthly, winter rales. Business ftt. North,OR 2-403. UNFURNISHED 7 bedroom duplex and gar- ge. 1 block to PosloHice end banks. Adults. No pets. Lease, OR J-S143. LARGE unfum. downstairs 1 Bdrm iot. CiO!te to Rose School City Center. OR 3-JO 21. TWO and 3 room turn, apts., $40 and 4i mo. Private entrance, private bath. Downtown location. I70 SE Douglas. OR 3-S44I. COMPACT APART WE NT, furni.htd, Stove, refng , tiled dr a inboard and shower. Ea.y upkeep, ground floor, outside entrance. Eastside oneity busjine. J- ORMi77. FURNISHED 1 Bdrm court apts. Water', garbage service turn. Washing facilities available. OR 3-el02 or Inq. Garden Val ley Market. TWO APTS. at 14S4 SE Stephens, upstairs. Back apt. unfurn, 130. Front apt. partially - turn, S40. See McAneney Real Estate at 1434 SE Stephens for key and Information. TO SHOP FROM your downtown streamlined apt. with view windows. For appointment call OR 3-4112. FURNISHED APARTMENT ONE bedroom, separate kitchen, ground floor, convenient parking. Private entrance, full bath with tiled in tub and shower. Large closets and storage. US. Utt W. Harvard. OR 2-1577. Kohlhagen Apts. J nekton St. at Lane Ave. Modern, reasonable rent ADULTS OR 31244 "A Good Place To Live" Bachelor Apt. FURNISHED, Eatide, compact, eaiy up keep. Large closet, private entrance, tne dr a inboard and shower. 1 or 1 adults. UO mo. OR 2-1577. TODD APARTMENTS 1-2-3 bdrm. apts , furnished or unfurn. Water ann garb. serv. provided also heat in some. Rents from !& up. SWIMMING POOL Terrace Apts qs equipped Winchester Ct Hot water heat Vista Homes Hot water heat Westvuo Ct. Washer -dryer Oak hi II Apts. Radiant Heat OR 3-M OR 3-744 OR 3-43AI : OR l-254t OR 3-4340 TWO NICE APTS. FURNISHED 1 Bdrm apts. Private, love ly surroundings. One with carport. Water garbage paid. Automatic laundry facilit ies. Adults only, no dogs. Inquire OHice of SHADY POINT TRAILER SALES 1 mi South 99 BR OR 2-11.181 EVERY WEEK IS THRIFT WEFiK IN WANT ADS SERVICE DIRECTORY Firms And Individuals With Better Service THESE SERVICES SAVE MONEY IF YOUR SERVICES ARE NOT LISTED HERE PHONE OR 2-3321 FOR ASSISTANCE ALTERATIONS DOUBLE-ROE AST ED suits retyled to sin gle. 119 . Mrs. Giftord. OR 3 448. APPLIANCE REPAIR MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR. BOB MIL- LER SERVICE. Dial OR 3-SS 1 1. PARTS SALES SERVICE MAJOR SMALL Generally 1 dy service Best Itocti of appliance parts in county TROWBRiDGE ELECTRIC ??t P OK OR 3-S71 AUTO BODY . LET HARRY DO IT! ! EXPFRT body work Painting our Specialty. Free est mares, insurehce and customers. , AH work guaranteed, en pi Motors Body Shop, 2144 NE Stephens, 2-2401. BARCUS MOTORS Inc. Tainting, body and fender work to your specification. Kree estimates, fast service. All Work Guaranteed 14?0 N K Stephens OR BOOKKEEPING BOOKKEEPING SFRVICE. P.c UP and da-1 liver locally. Reasonable rates. OR 3-M42. BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY end cabinets. Harry E. Ywng. t FOUNDATIONS, house raising, leveling, re I pair. Vorfc FHA approvert. Cement, b'ocfc 1 wo'k, fireplaces. Free estimates. Cal Mf ! gel, OR ?-4jS or OR 3 ""44. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery NORTH POSEBURG KINDERGARTEN OR OR CRANE SERVICE CRANE SERVICE TCtON wnrk, concrete pourmrj Call C ff Thom'on, rtav or pgiit OR 2-2M9 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL WIRiNC, ifooiifi. Oo 1 d.vl M. Lenttng L Oi .fr. OR 3 14. EXCAVATING. SAND. GRAVEL D07'NG. kv.''q: .1 e'lv.l rot., ,'V.r DAK KXCA MING Bonded avt irsw'd Ne Vs Fe"jusnn 2 Pckiy) n.tcfi.ig ero seer Dsrre4 Isaac'-m e"r ecer'rjf re : - floor Finishing Mt'S Fwor SY'Ce. IS yi l '. sa-1-g t.-i v- re i snl. 0 t I? 12. FURNITURE REPAIR AlL ."", r ...SiTl QC BfP l.rCP erg F-H et P - ver A i- sm fu'i e. Ct 41. r IT r.Y5 To PATRONIZE N F. W . R E V I : W ADVERTISERS WANTED middle ge tedy ta mare utlllfie i end housework. Phone OR 3-3341. NiCEsleptng roomTH S t- Blaktly Ave, i I'i bei SE from bus dope. Room And Board 29 ROOM AND BOARD ! Je Ann's ReeSinf Home. o ynu. Houses For Rent 30 UNFURNISHED i Bdrm. house. electro heat, carport. lOlt SE Roberts. ONE BE OROOmT furnished house near down town, (S5. Cell 0R4I41 tter 1 p.m. FOR RENT or" "sale Large 3 BR house, near downtown. S90. OR J-3I7I. Two br houie.'dose tn. US me. OR 3-7371 after 4 p.m. TWO ROOM unfurn. cabin, S3S mo, Dillartj area. OS t-4413. THREE-ROOM hjrnVshitd house In country. 1 room fur, apt. In Winston. OS 9-S4II. CLOSE IN, Wests Ide, 1 Bdrm cottageT Phone OR 3-4444 days. TWO Bdrm clean modern unfurnished houiew IO. Near uSPiy,eallOR3JI33. 6ne"BEOROOM turn, house at Winchester. Ph. 7643 Sutherlin tor appointment. SMALL-two bdrm "unfurn. house. Clean, in sulated; garage. S5fl monthL OR 3-17 IS. WlNSTONCtean.'lurn. dpli. t blk W. Bus. sect. Also turn, bach, cottage. OS 434. MVRTLE CREEK 3 Bom house. Christians Add it. on , on Thomet StSW. UN 3-341 1. TWO BR modern house unfum., near US Plywood CallevesOR yiSM. RENT-or lease small furnished house. or 3 adults onlv. Water aid. OR 3-1. ONEand one-half BR unfurnished house! or a im TWO Bdrm house, nice yard. S70. OR 2-3541 after 4 pm. GOOD4 B R house" on" wesliide," SI0O mo. OR 3-M10. LARGE one room furnished modern cottage In a quietJotion.R3-l34; CLEAN, 3 room furnished house. 1143 SE Stephens. OR 2-3270 ONE BEDROOM mooem house. S miles out black top roAd S50.JDR 3-7300. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families or single elderly. OR 3-4S4S. FURNlSHEDhoustfeping-cabins. NI Stephens, Roselervtf- Auto Court. Furnished cabins, weekty rates. 44 NE Stephens. Pacific Motel. OR 3-7f3. ONE ROOM furnished cabinclose to Na tional Plywood. 130 month. CallOR 3-3711. " FURNISHED SMALL 2 Bdrm house OR 3-S04S TWO BR. furnished house. Call OS a-4iii FOR SALE OR RENT J Bdrm housed S4imo. OR 37. ONE BEDROOM house, near Joseph Lane Sen. 140 per month. Water furnished. Williamson Real Estate OR 3-4303 THREE room modern cottage, furnished. S45. Or sell, easy terms. Walking Out. OR 3-S321 N'CE FURNISHED duple, suitable for cou ple or smgie person. Near AUrkt No. L 145 mo. OR 3-4551. TWO BR house, '5 SE Mill St. SSS mo. Write John U Rundell. PO. Box 454 Drain, Oregon. Or phono TE e-tl2. TWO BEDROOMhouse FrerrtontverHdwdl floors, fireplace, wired tor washer-dryer. Garage. OR 3-471 J. LARGE 2 bedroom house with big dinlnq room. V mi. on Happy Valley Hwy on Poner St. Ph. Ken Dresser, OR ?-17. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished duplex one block from Greyhound Depot. Adults only. OR 3-7505. fwo"BR unfurnished house on" paved-street in Winston. Ret. required. Inquire at Th Dixie Auto Court in Winston. FURNlSHEOri-2 bedroom cabinsa7erand garbaqe disposal furnished. S3S-S4S. 241 Diamond Lake Blvd. OR 3-334. LARGE 2 BDRM unfurrvihed house, ell ftir n.ce. cerport. blkt to city center. Adult. 'S mo. liol Diamond Leke Blvd. OR 3-41M. I PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Umpqua Valley Hardware Fairbanks Morse Domestic and irrigation water systems. .Estimates gladly given fil S. K. Rosp OR 2-ll LANDSCAPING TILLING LANDSCAPING Quatlty nursery stock, reasonable prlres, Bmwn's Valley Haven Nursery. OR )-?e'l. LAUNDRY . DRY CLEANING LAUNDROMAT Laundry troubles' Busy Leave ft. We'll on it. Corner of Court and Main, Ph. LOANS Loans Auto . Salary - Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Burdick .Manaeer ! f 14 SK Stephens OR 3.MKH I MIMEOGRAPHING CHRISTMAS LETTERS, mimeoaraphed wh colored Ink. Smaile Steno Service. OR 71444 MOTOR REWIN DING-REPAIR JIVVIE'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP Eciusive Oelco Dutrihuttsr Motnr RewnamQ Repair mo 30 Garden Valley Blvd. CR iV-i Electric Motor Service Company Al Hommell Prompt repair and rewindlnf All lAorfc Guaranteed I mile soiitn Fairgrounds, next to Panrafce House Ph OR s .-ti PAINTING. DECORATING HAVE VOUR HOME rMwy,M for hotl- 0. vi. Wmtw . mo to pv no th.rg. V,'l P.!nne Sv.. V.-l P.. .'on C.M OP ) 4, I P M. SEPTIC TANKS Sfptx tanks cleaned ReeeouTi enp 1. f on Service. Ph. OR niA. STENOGRAPHIC SERVICES Taping. P"p"epq. duc'-ctine Oewi C. vy. CP :-' 5 er OR J TTU TOOL SHARPENING PlO SMAKOFS'NG, vrldtrg. JJSJ A 1 Ci"a Ave Vr- Sev p J as TREE SURGERY TBf S .':.FyP.ua. ef OH hands. Yea'S r' v si ee'enes J-" K VAT LANDKAPf CO Pt i - .ij sr ct yrm WELL DRILLING Water Well Drilling et9 ram nm arffvawf Crtdt.. ct : prj jKm