thousands Strike Br Air. Sea (IS. I 71 . l." In The News - By ifrank Jenkins EDITORIAL PAGE 4 Th New.-Rtvtew, Roseburg Or. Tuti., Dtc. 5, 1961 LOST, A FRIEND By ChirUt V. Stanton DEAR ABBY Abigail Van Buren The Stale of Orecon lost a dedicated and efficient erv ?nt, while Douglm C'oitmv lost a (food friend, in ths recent death of W. C. (Dutch) VVilliams. Williams, as atale hixhway- engineer, nerved the State of Oregon at a moit critical time. Not onlv was he called upon to plan highway construc tion M-ith mirmil alula hiirhwav funds, but the federal B-ov-lem. We have planned a church correct end your husband It ernment joined with Die states in construction costs con- j wedding nd our minister said my t.a.e. Th. bo.t way t. h.ndle . . ... , . , , u -u. ...... , irL-n t husband must wa k down the aisle tease Is to ignore him. nected with its Interstate Highway program. Then, too, ilh (he , M,ndel.. Oregon rapid population growth created increased de- ,, -wedding March" fur ourl DEAR ABBY: May I shake your mand fur secondary routes. record player, and we have prac-Siand lor advising young wives to Because of these factor "Dutch" Williams was a Heed "marching" every nisht. My believe their husbands no matter Wedding March Blues! I)KAR ABBY: Our only daugh-1 forgets. Thanking you. I remain, ter is to be married in three i WEARY MOTHER weeks and my husband is the prob- DEAR MOTHER: The book is Editorial Comment THI BAGASSE Crow's Lumber Digest At the initial glance, the title above might he mistaken for a new Latin dance eraz ... or something worse. It is not however, a terpaichorean fad, such as the "Twist" that currently got every one wriggling from Canada to Louisiana. However, Louisiana does fit into this piece. To be more specific, i town named Armani, La not be much of swinging metropolis since we can't map-pin it) Da7v Bible Reading Menage By Roscburg Ministerial Ann to choose a new government by POPULAR VOTE. 1, anybody happy? If o. the dispatches fail to re flect it. There are general strikes and mob violence all over Santo Do mingo. Rut You will say Santo Domingo I an underde veloped country. Its people don't know very much about running their own affairs. They can't be expected to know what really is best for them. Let's take a look at France. Since General de Gaulle took over in France some three and a half years ago. Frenchmen have perhaps NEVER had it so good. France's industrial output has soared over one-third. Every meas ure of living standards, from auto ownership to meat consumption, has shown I sizable gain. Thanks As this is written, the world is in what might be described as a nat-iino itipm. Nohndv seems to be able to Ret along with anybody mighty busy man. else. Nobody seems to be happy! Despite the tremendous work burden placed upon nim, with things as they are. However however, together with the many pressures from all sides, things are, people seem to want j)f preterVed a most friendly and likeable personality, lie them to be different. wgs understanding of and sympathetic with local aspira- OvVa"long period of time, the tions. Kven though he was unable to meet all the many people of Sanio Domingo were provincial requests, he exhibited a tolerance that was amaz rulerl by a bloody tyrant who held, ing when one considered the often biased and intolerant in his hands the power of life pressures to which he was subjected, and death. Then, suddenly, the ty-i rant was slain. The members ol VVjt Cooperative his family fled the country. Anj interim government took over and He was most cooperative with the needs of Douglas ia running Sanio Domingo's affairs I County and preserved a friendly attitude toward the coun until general elections can be heldjjy-g aspirations. Tartly this was true because County Commissioner El mer K. Metzger and Engineer Williams were friends of long standing. They had the highest mutual respect. Metz ger presented the for roads in Douglas County most ally. As an experienced contractor he could talk the same language as did Williams. He was able to offer the coun ty's road proposals in a manner Williams could appreciate. It was a language couched in engineering rather than po litical terms. Commissioner Metzger is exceedingly active in promo tion of road construction in Douglas County. In his spon sorship he worked closely with the State Highway Commis sion, particularly Engineer Williams. Through cooperation from the engineering department and the Highway Commis sion he has been successful in keeping road projects mov ing with speed. A good example is to be found in the progress of our North Umpqua-Diamond Ike highway where full allot ments have been authorized for construction purposes. Pre viously some of the money available for this road went to other projects. But Williams and Metzger, working togeth er, with the approval of the Commission, have advanced the project to the fullest extent. Douglas County offers other problems, and a headache, to the Highway Department. Hiehwav 99. also officially designated as Interstate No. to a hefty surplus of exports oven,. j,a, m0t one-third cf its entire length in Oregon within imports, rrencn u. I Douglas County. more ZnVpYr "n" The French I l A an Interstate highway it is to be multi-laned through franc has become so etrong that! out its length. some other countries are suggest ing that France should follow the lead of Germany and revalue its currency upward. Business men abroad regard County Offers Problem The state's engineering department has built a four lane highway south from Portland to Eugene. It is now France's future with confidence. Working on the section between Eugene and Cottage Grove. American investment In France is Within a few more months the highway will be four-laned increasing at a more rapid P fr0m Portland to the north border of Douglas County. At now than m any other country. ,he lime 1Je hil(hwHV heiug hMt 1q nlaKard in lhe (south part of the state. We have some four-lane sections in In, p,W the,, signs and par- ',ou' "'' re re h D(ffas fenls of prosperity, France is torn ' o'mt.v is slated to be known as "bloody alley , nntll the by economic discontent that is j freeway can be widened throughout its length. Accidents practically prostrating her eron- are to be expected when motorists must change from four- lane to two-lane highways frequently. The person who succeeds Williams will have this prob lem with which to wrestle. Douglas County, with one-third the highway but with n very sparse population, will need a friend when so much money must be poured into this area despite pressures from the more populous regions. "Dutch" Williams was one who planned his work on the basis of engineering, not politics. He strenuously op posed the action of the last session of the Legislature where roads and bridges were engineered for political purposes rather than on formula. Williams served Oregon well. The people of the State of Oregon can be grateful for his service. His passing brings us grief. nmy. An important economist tor an international agency said in Paris the other day: 'Tve nev er seen a country in such good shape WHERE SO MANY PEO PLE ARE SO UNHAPPY." It is a strange paradox." But the paradox isn't confined lo France. All over the world, people seem to be unhappy and discontented. husband goes to pieces every time how tall the tale sounds. Here is I put the record on. He gets weak my story: in the knees and cries and it just My husband used to come home tears me apart to see a grown1 at 4 A.M. and say he'd been at man sob like that. He says he his "club." I never really believed can't do it. I love our daughter, him because I knew the lights too, and she is marrying a fine i went off automatically at 1 A.M. young man, so I can't figure out One night I had to find out for my what my husband is all broken up self, so I left my baby alone and about. Would it be proper for me walked to the club in the bitter to go down the aisle on the other cold. I saw his car parked near side of the bride to help hold my by, so I waited and watched, husband up? I About 3:45 A M. his friends starl- BRIDE'S MOTHER ed coming out of the club. He was DEAR MOTHER: Sorry, but y.u!wi'j1 them . One man said. "Jack, w .k. .i.u ,k. will you drive me home?" My hus- brid. to "help hold your husband , ba,n1 replied "Sure!" up." I su.,.,t you quit rehears-1 ? . 1 lte hfme1.1'"d ing. When In. big moment comes, ! " " " " JZ.. k...k.. a win ,,.,!, '"-ling o ashamed for having dren. ONE whr fToloT V"y7. ed Mm Ye, Abby. he was NOW. I b the bi,..., e ing : m. h? 'ruth. Knovv w a. , . . .. i NA.MENT BRIDGE by 'candlelight! DEAR ABBY: My son is in the UM mJ Btmt , don.t WJnt aiiiu ... ... ;to embarrass my greatgrandchil nun a uwa. a.".... .no wi ton Churchill. Every night my boy reads the book in bed for about half an hour. When his father gets ready for bed he will say, "Good night, Ralph. I'll bet you Chur chill was born in Brooklyn." Now, Abby, on the very first page it says that Winston Chur chill was born at Blenheim Pal ace, England. November 30, 1874. Could vou please tell me where Brooklyn comes in? I keep asking Scripture: Matthew 5:17 44 On another occasion, when asked what the first and Greatest com. (which must j mandment was, Jesus replied. The first of all the command- is the scene of what couirj be a most significant threat to the mil-1 ments is Hear, 0 Israel; The Lord lions of dollars invested in the many plvwood plant, and hoard inuruGod ' "nf Ifr,d.: nrt. ,hn'' ..,.,.,,..,.,., ,sha t love the Lord thv God with plants that dot the Pacific toast. : ,. . . lh ... liw "Threat" is the proper word. saut ,nd wlth all thy mind, and For some long time row, it has been mentioned that someday, with all thy strength; this is the a better (or at least much cheaper) mouse trap in the romposi-1 first commandment, t'on board world might be refined, and because of vastly more I And the second j, like, namely reasonable raw material cost, raise unholy hell with wood and wood derivatives that have for years gone into panel manufacture. We've heard of everything from corn stalks to manure mentioned as pos sible agents that could be utilised. So meet bagasse. Bagasse Is nothing more than heat-up old sugar cane. Il l cheap er by the ton than alfalfa ... no, wait up a moment . , . alfalfa is very expensive when one compare, it to bagasse. Now to get to point, . . . A new plant, that will be in production within a few month, at Armant. I.a.. is enine tn churn nut a enainnsitinn hoard, hv the dry process method ... and the already mentioned bagasse wiU i interpersonal relationships, it would ... , - . , I mean the utter loss of meaning constitute the basic raw material ... for such wordj murder There's no use kidding oneself. It could well be a crude at- adultery divorce, etc. Jesus ha. tempt at lirst, lending do danger to tne board market, we mow today. But it i, a definite start that ran ultimately create new markets by infiltration vhich is, of course, the whole idea. Per haps it won't create new markets, so much a, steal your existing ones. It will definitely be directly competitive with plywood and board, and sheet, from wood shavings, sawdust, ground wood or any of the others that we know of now. This wilt not be a wallboard nor an insulating board ... the liquid resin added binder will not exceed 14 per rent by weight. woman TAIICHT A ! But it can and will be plain or faced . . . V-grooved . . . shiplap- thu, Thou shall love thy neigh bor a, thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." Some would glibly speak of thi.i Golden Rule as easily followed. However, our scripture portion to. day show, us how love for our neighbor must be worked out in every life situation. Love for God never be found through law. If this love that Jesus i, talking about were universally in man s LESSON Everybody has ' a problem. What's yours? For a personal re ply, write to Ahby. Box 3.165. Bev erly Hills. Calif. Enclose a stamp ed, self-addressed envelope. you name it, and seemingly Ralph to ask his teacher, hut he, Calif. For Abhv's booklet. Have A Lovely Wedding." send 50c to Ahby, Box 3365, Beverly Hills red . . . tongue and grooved they'll be able to do it No reader of this page need be reminded that wood products are in for a tiger fight to control their place in the construction sun in the years to come. It's not going to be a lessening situation . . . more of a growing one. Wood people have research brains and tUSt at their disposal. "How To when a sweet-tasting big weed can commence to do the job, more brain, and more $."$$$ must he poured into the battle. There", no other way out. James Marlow Castro Is An Emotional, Not Intellectual, Marxist LET'S TRY THESE WAYS FIRST Pendleton East Oregonian With the disclosure hv the state Tax Commission that the state's general fund may be in the red by the end of the blennlum (June 30 1963) we are hearinc renewed demand that the state have a ote. tar li i. h.!n :t ik.t r i. .v. ..i .k.i f-vil men wno aurinuie me sun- given u, a pattern lor this love in the love of His Father when s He declared ". . .He maketh Hi, sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust." Each of our live, is like an April day. .not all sun, nor all cloud. For sun we have had love at home, a happy childhood, a loving wife, sweet children, long spells of good health and a meas ure of prosperity. For rain there have been season, of ill health, suffering, sorrow, disappointment, and sometime, want. These things come to the just and the unjust. There are thousands of home, where God's name is not honored, but where goodness and mercy, like guard ian angels, follow the members all the day, of their lives. Why is this so? Is it because the world moves by a blind ma chinery? No. 1, it because Cod ha, no concern whether we are good or bad? No. H i, because God loves His enemies and hlessc, those that curse Him and i, kind to the unthankful and unloving. He doc, thi, that He may lead them to repentance. WASHINGTON (AP) Fidel: cause it ga Castro i, an emotional Marxist, not an intellectual one. And. be cause he is. hi, road to commu nism in Cuba should continue to be unpredictable, erratic, oppor ave him some sense of r.a, neither a tax on tobacco or a retail sale, tax. Thi, i, the time of l" 'luck do nnt ivhich he didn't seem to yer when tax statement, are coming out of the county courthouse, reaiZe that it is God who has direction, whi have, and, above all, it was ex- and we are hearing the anguished cry, "Property can't carry this pedient. tax load much longer!" If it can't another tax must be found to off He may have a social conscious-1 set it and that would be a sale, tax. ness. but if he has a Doliticall m, r .nKi.i..,. n.;. ..... .... ; .... u: t-i.. . ...... ., ' u.c litis .1,1 IU1 .1 VirilV llllll. i IIC K-KIldllM s t-mi lldl- tunistic. and probably Dioooy ann , phlosophy ,t ,, expediency. If pd ,h,t jn(.ome rtvtnwi . chaotic. anyone doubt, it, look at the . . , The difference between intellect! record. Pr cent' budgeted expense, accordingly estimating that a and emotion in Castro wa, spclledj On Jan. S, 19.19. a few dav, aft-l1' "nt " '"come would bring the state to the end out in hi, Saturday broadcast in cr he took over, he promised to!0' ,rie biennium with a surplus of less than a million dollars, which he explained how long it"gjVe the people love." Since In the first four monthc of the hienium income tax receipts are took him to become a Marxist-, then he has executed over 600 .up less than J per cent. It could get better but there isn't anyth Leninist. people. 0n the horizon now in indicate that it will But then, admitting he 1, tak- The State Department white We h,ve bfen vjn? for , ,on(, tjme nat nroc L w7 be " Marx- if The Castro "revolution' I., been ! to Oregon a, surely as the ,un will come up tomorrow morning. But ist Leninist but adapted to condi-ithe history of the calculated de-we wam IO ae,ty ' lon possible. We want to explore every lions existing in our country." struction of the free-spirited rebel other avenue before admitting that a sales tax i, the only way out. . ai-mu nf Ihii He n.r.... Vr.f ntf ..,.'H 1L. .. ... U. .... V U 1 t .1-1 I ii"i -.: Ini, makes nun no ira a hm. -,. - .,' , ' " hers of our own fami v etrr e or lem for the United Slate, but in tlon. imprisonment, exile, and , ingle fault with Oregon', tax structure is that it places too much of frienHs. time it should also make nun a , ---u..i... . ...... ...uci. w tne DurCen n the high income earner. There are not enough of those animals in Oregon. We are resigned to the fact that the Legislature is not likely to , alps' tax is coming both Moscow n,l supported Dr. Castro. i Ho promised, before he took over, to adhere to the Cuban con nd "Il'w'k stitution and he guaranteed free- take "y of the load off the high income earner, but we continue to . tn. w"rd,.used !n lhls P""p What to do about all this? I wouldn't know. But it seems a pity that human beings can't learn the lesson that i, taught so vividly hy the fable of the two mules that aiood haltered together between two lush shocks of hay. They were hungry. But every time one mule pulled one way the other mule would puH the other way. This went on for days. They got hungrier and hungrier. They were about to starve. Then. . .one mule whispered in the other mule's ear. The other mule listened. As it lis tened, it grinned, and nodded. They then trotted together over to one shock of hay and polished it off and then trotted tn the other shock and finished IT off. They lived happily ever afterward. Human being, rnuld do likewise if thev could just learn to WORK TOGETHER, as the two mule, learned to do. Hal Boyle Letters You Like To Get, But Seldom, If Ever, Do problem for Feiping. Thf Russians are having trouble enough wi t h df)m of Jpewh Jnd n rich(s one anomer .. wen, back: tn.m lU ater without seeing Castro riding off, in still another direction iikc Yugoslavia', Marshal Tito. It is no wonder Premier Khrushchev, in his Vienna talk with President Kennedy last June, called Castro unstable and said he is not a Communist. Castro listed three stage, in his development which show he be came a Marxist a, a result of event, and not of a cool intel lectual determination. When he was a student in Havana, son of a rich landowner, he was not been good to them. We might for the experience of these men edit a new addition to the parable ot the prodigal on this wise: That when the father in the distant home heard that his son had spent all, instead of letting him come down to the herding of pigs and the eating of their husks, he sent him day hy day supplies of sump- tnnnc fnod nn each hamnpr nf 11,8 i which these words were in- scribed: "I love thee still: come home, make haste to come home:" Someone says, "But do you nnt feel that Jesus i, asking a hard thing?" Indeed it is! There i, a natural love, a love for the mem- This is not at all hard. It is just natural affection. There is a Greek word for it; hut that, is nnt Reader Opinions fu 4 u . i He 'think that the Legislature wilt spread the. base hy asking the middle 1 ,J" ,L '""h " " ,i ..." and low income earner to do a little more. It is for that reason we wlth" which is the one emplnyed see merit in the net receipts tax. It could spread the base without here. It i, that love that God the oppressive effect of the sale, tax. 1 through Christ would impart to Secondly, we'd like to see greater concentration on bringing in- ev"r' one of N'5 children who diutry to Oregon. Gov. Robert Holme, started it and Gov. Mark'5? ,or. "' Thls 15 ,he Rre,t nM,(i of our dav. May God grant that we as in- Hatfield ha, stepped it up. Hatfield has been able to enlist the assistance ot many oi tne states business and inoustrial leaders. But . dividuals "may brighten the cor- there is much more to be done. Bidding for new industry i, highly ner with it where we are;" Local Firms Lauded For CDUF Support WILBUR WOMEN SET MEET ir.w YUKR, lAi'i more irag-, aepanmeni i, leanng up tne 15 w, inn,ienced. he said, bv cam- t-,, in,,i ;,,:. a in .h. ment, from letters we'd like IO parking tickets and the ticket he talist propaganda. This would in- Rosehurg area. It was my privilege get but rarely do "That song your teen age son sent us, 'I Cave Santa a Bongo l.rum, iuoks jiko uie uiK nuvrny i hit of the year. A, you are his! gave you for running through red light, and we apologize for any inconvenience we may have" "And while it ha, been nice competitive. If Oregon i, to get its share greater effort must be ex pended and we must have more of the daring and imagination that I went into Gov. Hatfield', selling program that induced the Boeing Co. to get into the aero-space business in eastern Oregon. A sales tax is inevitab'e. It i, because Oregon, a, it, population Dnrinir thn mnnlh nl KnvemKer grow, and more neoole nlace more demand nnnn tlat pninrn. Mrs. Harold McKav and Mr,. Marxist because ne ,ne yrariy dnve or ,he I nited ! ment. won t be able to gel the job done without additional revenue. : ('arl Lehmann will be hostesses But the concentration now should be on overhauling our present tax nJ nann. "mrn''nn ,m'"!?.8,. 111 . . . ... . . , the Women , Societv of the Vi bur structure and at the same time putting all the brain, in the state to Mptnndls. , hrrn ' , for v.rinp,. Robert D. Hempel. First Church of the Nazarene Youth Survives Plunge From Golden Gate Span pirate he wa, then antl-LommU- tn h imnn. a cirnnn nf Rnsehnro nist. He wa, 25 when he was women sent to Portland for the "rk on the task of attracting industry to Oregon graduated from Havana Vniversi- specific purpose of visiting manyi ty in 1950 with a law degree and social auencie, given support by a doctorate. ' this fund. In other words, through At 26, he said, his thinking was this fund you and I have helped pretty much a, it is now. But. these asencies. The agencies in .i k. ... k. h.iiieit ihi ran turn helr us bv assistance in cases I for something steadv. and have h,, . k.n the rase smre that require more than our local 'landed a swell job in real estate he then said he didn't become a community or county can econom- j ana met a swell doll, and guess i Marxist Ininist until he took "." pnr. inruuxn iw-15 1 11 settle down out here. Hope ! ...... uha three Years aiiO at 12. , Douglas County ha, sent 264 peo- you and sis won t mind too much. Th. Cohan Communists had P'e ".' ,ne 1 '""land agencies ana legal guardian, we are sending! "ving wun you all tne last six you a royalty check for S50,ooo, month,, I thought while I was out and assure vou this is only theihere in Arizona I'd look around first of a ' "The doctor say, the sprain isn't too bad, but that I should rest it for a few week,. Thi, means I won't be able to pay you and Madge my annual holiday visit, a, 1 have done every year since you marrrd my daugnter 'day in the church annex. Your brolher-in-law, Joe." I doubt, about him. When he was they have given to Douglas Coun- child East-West Conclude Agreement On Laos GENEVA (AP) The Western powers and the Soviet Bloc con cluded a far-reaching agreement today on how to maintain the peace and neutrality of Laos. .1 ... 1 .... iv su.s'j total aav, 01 cniui care. mi.i. n,,r...iv. ....... I . i. "i .. . " , , Transportation to for and was me six-point agreement was r!'c" P.'.'lle "'"' "I .n our c ! dictatorship of Milgenc.o Batista.! ' Dronl,m .... w mor. adopted at a closed session of the 21 year, ago. I hate to break this iu,"y-. ,"' , ,L'" """H wh'-h " Wi-A " 'h' b,si"nm5 than adequately answered by one 14-nation Lao, peace conference r. L4 f ... . 1 irarlitiAH rtiil " : " " -..-. NOW AVAILABLE Excellent- Office Space In the Conveniently Located PACIFIC BUILDING Very daiirable etfice arte all one fleer tome privet effictt water atevater end janitor sorvtcos fumiihtd. Lets f perkfnf space in vicinity. me wrong of 19.S9. the lomniunists refused ,..,.,, ,,r- Th. p..,i Pnu,. It will become nnerative when the SAN FRANCISCO (API Fran- Thi. It tost a memo 10 let vou lu" . . ; ' lu " " r er A Light placed a IK -3 at tne neuiraiuy ireaiy now oeing nrati- pa ei. Patrick Kennedy., the second know, Jim , .(, ,h. first rnt ft t,r r.'...i?. ! ...... . ..... ... ,hp 1 n"r1 Fu.nd Ap-, ed by the conference i, completed. J person ever to survive a leap;. ., vr you'll have the title . . V .V " 1 ' ..-rn- peal, t ertamiy tnis was a line op-1 some important onstarlet re- from the Golden Gate bridge, re-: of ..... Dri,irn. ,nd 000 more f 1, the amount you ac- mrnt white paper said earlier pnrtumty for P. P AL. tn make a main to be overcome, particularly mained in critical condition to-!.,. ,..,' The rate of bourbon : IV. ' ,vrP'1 last year. If we this year, "when Castro first went friendly community gesture in a the integration of t'.ie hostile Ijo d.v. ;that come,' with thi, note 1, to Tr' hon"t UxP,v,r llk';to the hills the Cuban Communist new community and they should t,.n military force,. But todav's The 20 year-old Oakland Youth . . ,,ihrat vnur " lOU . . . party dismissed him as 'hours- be comm.-nded. Yet. that alone agreement marked the most sub vaulted over the railing Sundav , !". ', J, J"' , 1 of I could sell you a ,nt 'putschist '" cannot suffice at the only reason, slantial step forward yet taken and dropped more than 150 feel 1 ., ".".. "j I., n,w ,urn,c J""' really want to! a, recently as Nov. 27, 10. They feel slronsly enough that hv the conference and wat hailed onto rain softened earlh. ' "' . " ' ." i 10 all mat expense. But theiM.r Frankel. writing in the New I niied r und has merit and sincere- bv Western and Communist dele- Coll Room 301 or Phone OR 3-7195 H. C. Berg a3 He arm, suffered fracture, of both,""""" .. . ,,ulr' " '"" old one is working fine, a, far vrk Timet about interviews he Iv enough that thev are willing to gate, alike. and mtmernirs internal in . 1 eominiung it oecause 01 our pur) 1 1 rIn t However, you did had with Communist leaders al- help in Hie education of the pub-i The agreement names Britain juries in the fall the equivalent ,n" 11 n""n ' V? u ""f have a little trouble with your most two year, after Castro came lie toward placing many of the and the Soviet t'ninn as joint, of an 11-story plunre. ; accounts which remain inaclne; thermostat, which I adjusted. The t0 power said- "The party has charity drives under one organna- permanent guardians of Laotian In liMl, Cornelia Van lerland. lor longer than bli ; 1 ... . j.f........ h i. ,.. tion with one irive. neutrality. 22, lumped irnm the span and' - jusi a, you susperieo. a poysi-, ..Mv . ... .1,.,, u.n.i- ,.,jn. . ,.... ,K... .1 .. ,u. landed in the water 220 feet be-1 cal examination ha, disclosed that , 'd r,,hr. th,. .j. , ' , .,. summer, stumbled on a way to fre he unilerstiKHl.' " make money. Not play money.! one of the leaders told Frankel: Real money. So instead of just "in the earlv dav, after Castro bringing you another necktie this teired power here the Communist low. Her present whereabout, are patrolman Kelly 1, both nearsight unknown, ed and color blind. Therefore the The News -Review Pualilhtd by Nll ll li.hmf Co. S4S S. I. Main St., Itaiekvrf, 0rOO The I niled States National Bank The British and Soviet delegate. and Pacific Velephone in the com- re the cochairmen of the t'i munity alo save of time and mnn- month-old conference, t'nder the ey toward making this trip to Port- new agreement, their govern land a anion, and a pleasant one ment, are to consult each other AUo cur thanks lo Lock wood Mo ,nrl decide what action to take year. I dee-Jed Id suronse vou . had ,., rf,.ai.r..m.t. ""."'" " ." "."'.never n peace or neuiraiuy CHARLES V. STANTON Editor GECRGE CASTILLO Monoging Editor ADDYE WRIGHT Business Manager DON HAGEDORN Display Adv. Mgr. llember of th Associated Tress, Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, the. Audit Bureau of Circulation Entered a, second diss matter ttay T, l!Kn. at th pct office at Rosehurg, Oregon, under act of Warch I. lirfl Subscription Rates on Classified Advertisinf Pai hy giving you something you could with him atumi u.-tirt and uieol.i really use. Enclosed are ten genu-' gv Graduallv. however, it was me tlOO hills. Have a merry j ahle to convince him that anti (hristmas! Sincerely yours, Santa , communism wa, a threat to Ins ',us- ' revolution and p.iwer. "Thereafter, the uleoKiKic.-il dif of I aoa is threatened. ahle. The asreement also gite, the It does seem that hy sharing of $oVlr bloc a veto over all major the of a campaign as decisions of the three nation enn- well as the volunteer work needed tro communion for La'",. The it can be made to go further and commission, made tip of lanada. provide more ior the services that India and rolarxi. is to supervise ceasefire and mmmi ax 1 ; terences wnnereil away until now need it so ilrDcralely. l'erliapt observance of the The xoncalla women Christian there are onlv 'little thinct he- Heniamm t'ranklm hat said it in Laotian neutrality. Temperance I nion will meet at I ween us' 1'iemier Castro doe these .onl: 'They that do good. The agreement stipulate, that 1 1 p m. Mednetriav at the home not like a few of our idea, and not only do gid Ihemselvet. hut formal recommendations of the of Mrs. Pelbert Pirkev in Yonralla we do not like a few of his hv their camples are the 00 a.ion commi.sinn can onlv be made hy Member, are requested to bring nothing important " of muvh being ione by others." unanimous tote, hut situation re unwrapped gift, suitable for chtl In short, Castro wat had. He Mrs, .' K S'atlerv portt and other minor decisiont dren al the Ckildrrn's Farm Home botisht Marxism not heraute he Pox l A. Whi.Mrrs Ijine ran be approved hy majority in Corvalh,.' ,had thooght it throush hut he , Rosehurg. Ore. , votet. .-7 1 " r f, I WOOD I SAWDUST : , 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' . Vj CS 1 BLOWER l- SERVICE I J j NOTICE... DOMESTIC SAWDUST CUSTOMERS Rcmtmbtr Tht Holiday Shutdown! PIjs Hjv Your Bint Full By Dee. 20th ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. PH. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508