The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 04, 1961, Page 8, Image 8

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    Indians Fall To Pelicans, 56-52, A her
Holding Klamath Falls In 3 Quarters
Roseburg Quintet Shows Battle
In Saturday Comeback Attentat
Roseburg's Indian! staged real
battle before falling to the Klam
ath Falls Pelicans in the claim!
minutes nf .Saturday's ini at
Klamath Kalis.
The Pelicans were farced to ex
lend themselves to their limit as
the Indians proved they were not
to he counted out too early. Rose
burg led until the final period
before falling behind the talented
Whitebirds and dropping a 56 52
Friday the Indians lost by I 63
52 margin to the defending state
Coach Curt Jarvis was well
cleascd with the fight shown by
the scrappy Indians, and feels that
as soon as soma oi in players
get the football kinks worked out
and are fully recoverd from Ihe
flu the Indians will be hard to
Still Recovarlnf
Ray Pslm and Bruce O'Keil
could not bo used much in Satur-
day's gam as both are still re
covering from illness. O'Neil, Rose
burg's t i sophomore sensation,
put on an outstanding show while
in the game both offensively and
Days Creek Drops
Three In Jamboree
Dsys Creek's Wolves rsn into
trouble Saturday as Prospect's
Cottsars dominated a four - team
jamboree held at Butte Falls.
The Wolves opened the Jambor
ee on the hort end of a 12-7 quar
ter score ai'ainst the host loggers.
Days Creek was then slopped 1810
hv the St. Mary's Saints, and end
ed the evening by being blanked
7-0 by Piospect.
Prospect finished the jsmboree
undefeated, followed by St. Msry's.
The Saints' only loss was to Pros
pect. Athletes Selling Season
Passes At Douglas High
Season tickets for Douglas High
winter sports are now being sold
by the basketball players ana wres
The ticket is valid for all home
basketball games and home wres
tling meets.
Nine hssketbsll gamea and sev
en wrestling meets have bean
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ot IN
mvmm ete2 O
t ailOCtAliOM
defensively. The lanky post man
was rugged under the boards as
he fought for rebounds, and ended
the game with nine points of his !
own in spite of seeing only limited
Guard Spike Moore look the high
point honors for the Indians
for the second night In a row. The
speedy 5 7 are hit for a total of
14 points, swishing five field gosls
and making four of eight free
throws. Moore's U points brings
his total to 37 for the two-game
Following Moore in the scoring
was guard Marv French who hit
four of eight tries from the field
snd three of five charily tosses
for 11 points. O'Neil was three for
five from the field to follow the
Again Ihe Pelicans boasted of
four of their five alerters in the
double figures. Sherm Allen topped
the list with 19 points. Following
Allen with 11 points each were
Gary Patzke and Kent Hunsaker,
while Rich Bogatsy waa credited
with 10 counters.
The Indians were deadly from
the field hitting at a .364 clip
sinking 20 of 55 attempts. Klam
ath Falls matched the Tribe on
field goala with 20. while winning '
the game from the free throw!
At the foul lii.e the Pelicans
swished It of 23 si tern pis for a I
.698 average and Roseburg made
12 of 21 tries for a .371 percentage.
The Indians outfouled the home
team by Iwo 20-18.
Opening the season with Iwo loss
to the Pelicans, the Indiana will
rest until Dec. 15 when they take
on the Grants Pass Cavemen. Jar
vis will run Ihe Indians throuxh
their paces as he prepares fur
the series against the Cavemen.
The head mentur feels that his
team will be ready for the coming
season by Ihe time they meet
Grants Pass as the football players
will have had a chance to get in
some practice time.
The Grants Pass outing Dec. 15
will be the first home gsme for
the Indians. Dec. It the Tribe will
travel to Grants Psss to complete
the two-game series.
Scare by quarters:
Roseburg 11 10 1252
K. Falla 10 15 13 18 5t I
County Basketball
Bulldogs Edge Dram
fn Cage Tilt, 47-46
Sutherlin's Bulldogs came
through with a strong fourth quar
ter to edge the Drain Warriors 47
46 in a non league basketball game
played at Drain Saturday.
The Warriors took a 17-14 lead
in the first quarter, and remained
in front by 30-29 and 38 37 margins
at the following breaks. However,
Ihe Bulldogs proved they were not
lo he outdone as they came from
behind to take Ihe lead midway
through the final stanza and man
aged to hold it to take the win.
The strong Bulldog attack was
led by three players who broke into
the double figures. Gusrd Marcus
Mann topped the scoring with 14
points, while forwsrd Doug Philo
and renter Ed Hill fallowed close,
ly with game totals of 13 and 12
High point honors for Ihe game
went to Drain's John Snesd. Snesd
collected four field goals and was
seven for eight at the foul line to
rack up 15 points. Gil Henderson
bucketed 11 points for the War
riors. Sutherlin made it a clean sweep
ss the Bulldog reserves dumped
the Warrior Jayvees in the prelim
inary game.
The Bulldogs will host the Elk
ton Elks Tuesday in their second
warmup game of the 191 62 sea
son, while Drain will go lo Eugene
Friday to open Emerald league
play against the SI. Francis Ssints.
Scare by Ouarters:
Sutherlin 14 15 8 10-47
Dram 17 13 ( -46
Wiley, Russell Lead
Yoncalla In Victory
Red Wiley and Roger Russell
accounted for 33 points in the Yon
calla Eagles 50 39 victory over Ihe
McKenzie Eagles Saturday
Wiley hit lor right two pointers
snd connected for four chanty
losses for a grand total of 20. Kua-1
srll added another 13 points for
the winning cause 1
Taking the visiting Eagles bv
storm the Yoncalla quintet sent
McKenzie into a state of shock bv
grabbing a 12 1 lead by Ihe end
of the first quarter. McKenzie gut I
back in Ihe game as it trailed by
only Iwo points. 25 13, at halftime.
The Yoncalla quintet added three
points lo the margin in the third
quarter. i
I While' Wilev and Russell were ,
'the h, ona Dennis
Raldndge bucketed II points for !
me losing r.agics. i
In the preliminary cunlest Ihe'
Yoncalla hoopsters made Iheir
domination complete by romping
lo a hard fought 33 29 win.
Yoncalla will be out lo defeat the
I A 2 McKenrie squad again Tues i
day this time playing at Mcken
I lie. Fnday tha local Eaglea will
A 2 MrKenne squad again Tues
host Ihe Oakland Oakers. i
8 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon., Dec. 4, 1961
Timber Tribers Lose
Second League Match
Roseburg's Timber Tribers end
ed on Ihe short end of a 12-8
match score in Sunday's Oregon
Professional Bowling league en
counter with the Medford Cyclones.
In the team competition the vis
iting Cyclones topped the local
keglers 8-3, while Roseburg won
Ihe singles action, 5 4. However,
the Timber Tribers margin in the
singles was not enough to over
come the lead acquired by the Cy
clones in the tesm action.
Bonus points proved the down
fall of Ihe Timber Tribers as the
Cyclones gained four bonus marks
in the tesm competition and Iwo in
the singles. The winners added
four match points in the team ac
tion and two in Ihe singles.
Petersen, Gaechter
Awarded Top Honors
EUGENE (AP) End and co
captain Kent Petersen and half
bark Mike Gaechter are winners
of the Hoffman and Clarke awards
presented annually to University
of Oregon football players.
Petersen, the 1961 team's lead
ing pass receiver and a standout
blocker and defensive man, was
picked by squad members as the
most valuable playe- and received
the Huffman Aware" at the Oregon
Club's annual banquet Monday
He also was informed by coach
Len Casanova tha'. he had been
selected to play for the West in
the annual Shrine game with Ihe
Fast at San Francisco Dec. 30.
From there he will go to Hawaii
for another post season contest in
Ihe Hula Bowl.
Score By Quarters:
McKenzie S 15 I 839
Yoncalla 12 13 11 1450
Last-Second Basket
Drops Douglas Five
Roger Gould's last-second lay-in
counted and the Douglas Trojans
went down to defeat by a heart
breaking 47-46 count at Ihe hands
of the Mapleton Sailors Saturday.
Douglas led all the way until
Gould's successful two-pointer. At
the quarter breaks the Trojans
held leads of 11-8, 22-15 and 31-29.
The game was played at Douglas.
Bruce I.edgerwood led the Tro
jans as he copped the high point
honors for the game. Ledgerwood
sank seven field goals and was
eight for nine at the foul line for
a total of 22 points. Dan Dodd's 13
ranked him second for the Trojans.
Gould made 19 points for the win
ners, and Jim Norwood hit for an
additional 12. Most of Gould s count
era came on lay ins as he drove to
wards the bucket using screens to
clear the way.
Kuss Anderson's 16 points led Ihe
Douglas Jayveea to a 32-22 win
over the visitors in the opening
Douglas will lake on the Phoenix
Pirates away from home Saturday
in Iheir next practice contest.
MAIM. ETON 8 7 14 18-47
DOUGLAS 11 11 S 15-46
Myrtle Creek Falls
To Bobcats, 47-35
Myrtle Creek's Vikings hsd trou
ble scoring as lhe fell 47-35 lo a
powerful group of Bobcats at Myr
tle Point Saturday.
The Viki managed to slay within
striking distance throughout the
first half trailing by Iwo al the
first break and thrre al halftime.
However, the Bobcats started hit
ting at a deadly clip in the final
16 minutes lo move well in front
0( iha invaders
Dirk Down pared the BoWats to
their victory as he bucketed 16
points. Dean liahrrson was the
top scorer for Myrtle Creek with 10.
Mvrtle Pom mad a rlean sweep
of the exening's action by downing
Ihe Viking Jayvees 32 24 just prior
lo the varsity game,
The Vikings will continue lo pre
pare for I mpqua Valley league
play wilh weekend outings against
Illinois Valley and Myrtle Pmnt.
The Viks will trave' In Illinois Val-
-v rrluil.v men nosi me noocais
?,"L1!")'; .
lu" UUT
J!"'!' ,Vrc,k
7 12 7 9-35
9 13 12 13-47
Myrtle Point
KOflllP RlVPT rVPttC
"Jv "HH a.ftll
m 111. I rt I I
NfflrP With IllPntlfllP
the ;!,
Rogue River turned the table on
lenilsle Pirat on Ha hnmt
r t Ssmrdav by handing the lo
! Roseburg's points came on two
bonus points and a match point in
team competition, and Iwo bonus
and three match points in the sin
gles. Dick McKenzie of Medford rolled
the top game in the team compe
tition as he topped Ihe other howl
ers with a sizzling 248. Bob Shroy
er was high for Roseburg with a
In the singles action, Fred Vrd
drr's 227 for Roseburg proved the
top score. Hertford's Sam Soren
son was tops for the Cyclones with
I 223.
llalflime entertainment was pro
vided by Genny Reeves, a totally
blind bowler from Oregon City.
Miss Reeves thrilled the specta
tors by rolling lines of 157 and
Sunday's loss was the second In
a row for the Timber Tribers in
OPBt, play as they Inst their open
er to the Eugene Emeralds. The
next match for Roseburg is sched
uled for Dec. 31 when the Timber
Tribers travel to Klamath Falls to
clash with the Craters.
Dick McKenzie 246. Sam Sorenson
20O, Grant Ford 156. Charles Mc
Whorter 187, Bob Dempsey 176.
Roseburg; Bob Shroyer 222, Paul
Ryan 163, John Tilley 157, Monle
Rowntree 177, Barney Root 129.
McKenzie 162, Sorenson 223, Demp
sey 207, McWhorter 180. Andy An
derson 181. Roseburg; Shroyer 199,
Rowntree 188. Fred Vedder 227,
Bill Wagner 198, Arlo Jacklin 163.
Score By Halves:
Medford 8 412
Roseburg 3 5 8
eal A 2 quintet a 48 44 setback.
Friday the Pirates had stopped
Rogue River 55-44 in a game play
ed at Glendale.
The home team started with a
hsng in Ihe rugged contest Satur
day, building a 138 lead in the
first quarter. Rogue River charg
ed on lo lead 21 15 at halftime and
34 25 at the three-quarter mark.
The Pirates staged a comeback in
the final eight minutes outscoring
the winners 19 14.
Barry Franti and Rill Cooper
led the charging Rogue Valley
hoopstera with identical 16 point
totals. Jim Bowen, Rob Allen and
Carl Burke provided the Pirates
with most of their points as Ihey
racked up 12, 12 arid 11 respective
I In Ihe Jayvee outing Rogue Riv
er walloped the visiting Glendale
squad 44-27. Larry Yoder's nine
points and Mirk Derschrid's eight
i led the Glendale Jayvees.
Glendale will travel to F.agle
Point Friday for a battle with Ihe
! Eagles, then return home Sstur-
; day to face Ihe Illinois Valley Cou-
1 gars.
Score by Quarters:
Glendale 8 7 10 1944
Rogue River 13 I 13 1448
Cellers Scores 28
Points In Cat Loss
Despite a towering 28 point out
put by guard Darrrll Cellers, the
Glide Wildcats found themselves
on Ihe short end of a 60 52 score
Saturday against the Eagle Point
Cellers turned Ihe game into a
; one man show in Ihe final period
as he suddenly got hoi to bring his
game total from 8 to 28 points.
Most of the flashy guard's points
I came at the foul line where he
I swished 14 of 13 attempts includ
ing 12 in the last quarter. From
! Ihe field Cellers sank seven two-
1 pointers.
The performance by Cellers on
delense also led Ihe Wildcats as
he overshadowed strong showings
of all stater Steve Geren and ccn
tcr Dick Wilson. Wilson tossed in
21 points before fouling out in Ihe
third quarter, and Geren was cred
itrd with 20 points. 1 vie Charon
added 11 points to the Glide cause.
Scere by Quarters:
Glide 7 14 21-5?
Eagle Point 12 16 15 1750
(' Vit's latraece
Joit Oft Harer: Ave.
ell W. Wk.ftt St. OR 2 4011
e Aiitemetive Tvne U
Cafftoreters eGajfrrert Rebuilt
I"sIh Rtlinest Itfancetis
THIS IS tale of the tope for the Floyd Patterson-Tom Mo
Neeley heavyweight title fight set tonight in Toronto,
Patterson Is A Prohibitive
Favorite In Scrap Tonight
weight champion Floyd Patterson
is a prohibitive 10-0 favorite to
hand strong and rough Tom Mc
Neeley Jr., Ihe first defeat of his
brief career in their 15 round ti
tle fight tonight at Maple Leaf
There was every indication of
a quirk and explosive battle in
Canada's fir.t world heavyweight
championship contest.
McNeeley, a 6 2, 200 pound for
mer Michigan State tackle, pre
dicted he would win by a knock
out "within aix rounds."
"I'm going alter him," said
McNeeley. "He won't have to go
looking for me.
"I think McNeeley might be the
kind of a fighter who will gam-'
ble and try lo lake over the
fight," said Talterson. "If hei
does, It could be up and down
like the last (Ingemar) Johansoni
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son fight with nobody giving up.
So I'll gamble in the first round
if he's willing."
Patterson declined to make any
predictions, but he said, "I wiil
be 100 per cent betler than I was
in the last fight wilh Ingemar last
In that fight, his third with Jo
hansson, Patterson rallied from
two first-round knockdowns and
kayoed the husky Swede in the
The Patterson McNeeley title
fight will be the second half of
a closed-circuit television double
header. The opening bout will
match Sonny l.ision. the reinstat
ed No. 1 contender from Philadel
phia, and stocky Albert Westphal
of Hamburg. Germany, in a ten
rounder at Philadelphia's Conven
tion Hall. Spectators at the two
arenas will see the other city's
fight on four-sided movie screens.
r- i
.... hXtr V T
Canooo. Potterson is the overwhelming favoritt though
McNeeley states the champion won't have to come looking
for him in the ring. (UPI Telephoto)
College Scores
College Basketball Scares
Ohio State 72, Florida State 57
Cincinnati 86, Indiana State 63
Wake Forest 96, Davidson 62
Oklahoma 66. Southern Calif. 56
Purdue 86, Pittsburgh 70
Kansas Stale 94, New Mexico 52
Sports Calendar
Elkton Elks vs. Sutherlin Bull
dogs, 8 p.m., Sutherlin.
Yoncalla Eagles vs. McKenzie
Eagles, 8 p m., McKenzie.
Oakland Oakers vs. Canyonville
Tigers, 8 p.m., Crnyonville.
Roscbur; Junior Rifle Club, 7
pm , Roseburg Rod and Gun
Club, Winchester.
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0, P
Montana Tops OSU
In Cage Tilt, 56-54
surprised Oregon State. 56-54, Sat
urday night and gained a split in
the two teams' opening basketball
series despite 29 points by the
visitors' sensational 7-foot sopho
more, Mel Counts.
He scored 28 in Oregon Stale's
82-76 victory Friday night.
The lead changed or was lied
26 times in the Saturday game,
with the halftime score 32-32.
Bob O'Billovich of Montana got
four of his eight points in the final
50 seconds to clinch the victory.
Mac Wood
That Good-Chevron