The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, December 04, 1961, Page 10, Image 10

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GRAND GUARDIAN, Mrs. Evelyn Suit, Medford, is pic
tured obove ot the Bethel No. 72 affair held in Roseburg,.
With Mrs. Suit ore guide, Nancy Craig; senior princess,
Gail Neuner, honored queen, Mone Paulson; junior prin
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oranu ouuruiui i
Inspects Bethel
Mr. Evelyn Suit, of Medford,
grand guardian of the Interna
tional Order of Job's Deuuhten
of Oregon, wa in Roseburg re
cently to inspect Bethel 72.
Preceeding the meeting a pot
Juclc dinner was given by the
guardian council in honor of Mrs.
Suit's visit.
Other guests of the evening were
Mrs. C. D. Elhart, past grand
guardian of Oregon from Medford;
Brooke Young, honored queen, and
princesses, Mollie Ware and Mary
Beth Hill, of Bethel 8, Roseburg;
Bertha Patterson and Alvin But
ler. Dast guardian and past as
sociated guardian of Bethel 8 and
present guardian and associate
guardian or. uemei n.
Following the meeting refresh
ment were served in the dining
cess, Sandra Butler; marshal, Nonda Patterson, and past
grand guardian, Mrs. Martha Elhart. (Picture by Clark's
Social Meeting
Thursday Event
' Pastors of several Glendale
churches met Thursday evening
at the home of Kev, and Mrs.
Bruce Manning for a social eve
ning. Some time was also spent in
discussion of interm- church pro
Plans were also made for month
ly social meetings between the pas
tors. None is planned lor Decem
ber, but one is scheduled for Janu
ary at the home of the Kev. and
Jlrs. Norman Naugler.
Plans were also made for an Inter-church
lay fellowship. The
first meeting will be held Thursday,
Dec. 7, at 7:30 p.m. at which time
representatives from the various
'churches will make Christmas
At the close of the meeting re
freshments were served.
I .1'. ; 1 U I Kj-V: -
MRS. EVELYN SULT, grand guordion of Job's Daughters of Oregon, is pictured above
with newly initiated Kristin Thorne, ond honored queen, Maria Paulson, ot the Bethel
No. 72, Job's Daughters meeting (neld in Roseburg. (Picture by Clark's Studio).
Yule Party
Set Dec. 14
Women of the Roseburg Country
Club will have their Christmas par
ty for members Dec. 1-4 at the
clubhouse. Tho social hour will be
gin at 10:30 a.m., followed by
luncheon at noon. A gift exchange
and program will precede the aft
ernoon of progressive contract
bridge play.
Reservations lor the affair
should be made as soon as pos
sible by calling Mrs. Harold
Schmeer at OK 3-4082.
Winners of the regular Thursday
bridge play were Mrs. Harry
Stearns, first; Mrs. James Hughes,
second; and Mrs. William Forrest,
Glendale Girls
Hosted At Party
itev. ana Mrs. isrure Manning of
Church Social
Held At Umpqua
A very delightful Thanksgiving
Day service was observed at the
Umpqua Sunday School recently.
The Kev. Don Darling was guest
speaker and Miss Paula (iermond
was guest pianist. A lovely ar
rangement of fruits and vegetables
had been made by Mrs. Dale Judd.
The long table, with its white
linen cloth, had places set for the
Rev. Don Darling, Stephen and
Joy, Mrs. l.loyd Leonard, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Louden. Kugene An
derson, Miss Connie Koss, Pat and
Bill Murphy, Ivan and Kathy
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lane,
David. Danny, Tommy. Becky and
Debbie: Miss Sharon Wilson, Miss
Paula Gennond, Mrs. Dclmar Mur
phy, Mary Kamp, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Judd, Mark. Randy and Ed
die; Mrs. Hiram Germond and Da
vid. Kddie and Clyde.
The afternoon was spent visiting
Dinner Party Enjoyed
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Justis of
Winston, with their children, Ron,
Jerry, Randy, Kathy and Bruce,
were guests at a delightful dinner
Thursday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Lotten in Myrtle
Creek. A pleasant afternoon of
visiting was enjoyed.
10 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Man., Dec. 4, 1961
Dinner At Baptist Church
Enjoyable Holiday Event
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wilson and
children, Ruth, Paul, and David,
who are visiting from Nugata Uni
versity, Niigata, Japan, were
among some 280 persons attending
the loth annual Thanksgiving din
ner held at the First Baptist
Ralph Preston emceed the pro
gram which fullowed the dinner. A
humorous radio skit was present
ed by three young people, Donnie
Pearson, iJancy hnckson and Don
Raines. Mark Davis and Stephen
Given Party
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Schneider of
Garden Valley were honored on
their 23rd wedding anniversary
Sunday at a surprise party.
Host for the occasion was tneir
16-year-old son, Marvin. Assiting
him in keeping the secret were
Mrs. Kittle Winniford and Mrs. .
S. Booth.
Neighbor friends were Invited.
Friends called between 2 and 4
o'clock and enjoyed coffee and
cake. The table wa beautifully
arranged with a winter scene of
driftwood and candles.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs.
E. S. Booth. Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford Hess, Adam Schneider, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Bayliss, Mr. and Mrs.
Emmett Walters, Amelia Thron
burg, Ralph Thronburg, Mr. and
Mrs. K. C. Layer, and Kittie Winni
ford. Several more were invited,
but were unable tn attend because
of storm conditions.
Sorority Enjoys
Social Evening
Tau Eta Eta sorority recently
had a very delightful social at the
Earnest Peel home.
Games were played during the
evening. Prizes were won by Mrs.
Peel, Gloria House and Avis Jen
sen. Door prizes were won by
Edith Kandow and Evelyn Stew
art. Guests present for the affair
were Avis Jensen, Edith Randow, I
Evelyn Stewart, Pat Raffensperg-
er and Betty Sporer.
Members present were Gloria
House, Ramona Peel, Nita Elliott,
Barbara Phillips, Dorene Wheeler,
Juanita Woodall and Pat Vrettas.
Lovely refreshments were serv
ed by the hostesses, Mrs. Elliott
and Mrs. House.
The next meeting will be a busi
ness session at the Vrettai resi
dence. Family Members Enjoy
Dillard Dinner Party
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Buell
were charnrng host and hostess
at their home in Dillard at a de
lightful turkey dinner for relatives.
The 2:30 p.m. dinner was served
at a beautiful pink linen cloth cov
ered table centered by a lovely ar
rangement of fall flowers.
Places were set for Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Paroz, Scott. Jeffery, Julie
and Timothy; Mrs. Grace
Barnes, Mrs. Belle Clark. Charles
I Siegel of Tenmile and the host and
hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Stanford
I Buell.
Gerlitz, Wayne Patterson and Dan
Franklyn each entertained with a
clarinet-coronet duet, accompanied
by Mrs. Roy Patterson. A devo
tional on the Thanksgiving theme
was given by Wayne Shullz, Y.MCA
director. Donna Shelton sang, ac
companied by Mrs. Patterson.
The movie. "God is My Land
lord," was shown.
The dinner had been prepared by
the women's society under the di
rection of Mrs. Lynn Everson. Col
ored leaves, chrysanthemums and
paper turkeys carried out the
Thanksgiving theme in the decorations.
Recent Bride Inspiration'
For Shower In Canyonville
Mrs. Robert Huhbs was the In
spiration for a bridal shower at
the LeRoy Morris home near Can
yonville Friday evening, with Mrs.
Mitzi Reynolds of Roseburg and
Mrs. Scottie Coleman of Azalea,
Mrs. Hubbs, the former Joyce
Morris, was married in Reno,
Nev., Oct. 30, wit'. Mr. and Mrs.
Gene Brady of Sparks, Nev., vit
nesses. Mr. Hubbs has the Shell
station in Canyonville and Mrs.
Hubbs is a senior in Canyonville
High School. The couple is now
at home in the Mittendorf apart
For the shower, the living room
of the Morns home was decorated
with white streamers and wedding
bells. Ice cream, a wedding cake
and coffee were served alter an
evening of games.
Included were June Brainard,
Mrs. Leo StuemDges. Mrs. T. J.
Nicholas. Mrs. John Perry, Patty
Gross, Mrs. Ernest Naylor, Jira,
Bill Bourns, Mrs. Bruce Fergu
son, Mrs. Mary Kincaid. Mrs. Pat
Brayton, Mrs. Bette Pete, Ruby
Bishop, Mrs. A. Zufelt. Mrs. Arden
Neet, Gene Sharp, Mrs. Carolyn
kino and Mr l.erov Morris. Sev
eral others sent gift.-, who were not
able to attend.
Add-A-Ne'ghbor Members
Entertain At Potluck
AM.a.Koicrhhnr rinb members
were entertained at a noon pot-
luck luncneon inursaay i w
home of Mrs. Harold Curry.
Tkrt,. nFont ii'Pr Mm. Flovd
Jacobs, Mrs. Don E. Jones, Mrs.
N. R. Fisher, Mrs. vouie w,
Mrs. Elmer Schlender, Mrs. Rus
sell Chase and Mrs. Curry and
her daughter, Cindy.
Names were drawn for the
Christmas party which will take
place Dec. 14 at the home of Mrs.
and Mrs. J. F. Heidenreich of
Euqene announce the engage
merit of their daughter Jean,
of Albuquerque, N.M., to Paul
V. Delker, also of Albuquer
que, son of Mr. ond Mrs.
Frank H. Delker of Henderson,
Ky. The bride-elect is o grand
daughter of Kotherine Heiden
reich of Dixonville. She taught
in Roseburg High School from
1956 to 1958.
To Marry Jan. 6
Of much interest in Roseburg Is
the approaching marriage date of
Miss jian Heidenreich. who taught
at Roseburg High School from J-6
to 1958, and who will become the
bride of Paul V. Delker of Albu
querque, N.M., in that city Jan. 6.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Jlrs. J. F. Ileidenhrch of Eugene.
Miss Heidenreich was graduated
from SU Francis High School in
Eugene and received a Bachelor
of Arts degree from Marylhurst
College in 1U.6 after which she at
tended I niversity of Oregon for a
year doing post graduate work
.She taught English and drama in
Koseburg and for the last three
years has been employed in the
personnel department of Sandia
Corporation in Albuquerque,
Mr. Delker is a memlier of the
staff training department of San
dia Corporation, which is engaged
in atomic research under con
tract to the Atomic Energy Com
mission. He was graduated from
Notre Dame I niversity with a
bachelors degree in English in
m and maste'i in philosophy in.
the Glendale Assembly of God,nd plaving s,meJ.
Church held a slumber partv fori
her class of junior girls at tbeir' Aj. n.i'
home Friday evening. Mrs. Man- WOtSOn KCCCptlOn
Slated Dec. 10
ning was assisted in arrangements
by Nancy l'otheringham, one of
the high school girls of (lie church.
The girls attended the one-act
play contest at the Masonic Tem
ple In a group, then returned to
the Manning home where they pop
ped corn and made candy.
Thos present included Pamela
Britton. Karen Wells, Gloria Shep
pard. Daren Mehl, Patty and San
dy Demaris, Susan Tooley, Phyllis
and Sherne Cossey, Vicie Coate
and Pally Staplelon.
Yoncallans Give Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Fred I-ee of Yon
calla entertained at a dinner at
their home Thursday, having as
their guests Mr. and Mrs. Malt Wavne.
i AKtropp ot Millierlm and Mr. and week
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Watson of
Glide will celebrate their 35th wed
ding anniversary at an open house
held at the Glide Community Build
ing Sunday, Dec. 10, from 2 to 4:30
p.m. All friends, neighbors and
relatives are cordially invited to
Birthday Celebrated
Four birthdays were celebrated
Thursday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Keas at Oakland.
The birthdays of Joe White, Dean
roeas ana .Mel navis and son.
all occurred dunng the
; Mrs. Percy 1-angdon, Virginia and
Pick I.angdon, Mr. and Mrs. El
don Ie and family; Mr. and Mrs
Those present for the occasion
were Mr. and Mrs. Davis and chil
dren: Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Som-
I vie i and family and Rodney i erville and children and Joe
Pontius, all of Yoncalla. i White.
Dessert Supper Is Enjoyed
By Zuleima Friday Night
Zuliema Temple, Daughters of
the Nile, Roseburg Club, met at
the Episcopal Parish Hall Friday
A delicious dessert was served
to the members present by host
esses Mrs. A. C. Spencer. Mrs.
I a hi Stephens, Mrs. Ralph Cooper
and Mrs. L. E. Henninger.
Members attending were Mrs B.
A. Smith, Mis. W. II Brydges.
Mrs. G. H. llarnll, Mrs. A. J.I
Slandlry. Mrs V. A Roirers. Mm.
Rudolph Kilrman, Mrs. D. B Hei
ne r. Airs. Sig Fett, Mrs. H. K.
Halvorsen. Mrs. Sam Weisman.
Mrs. Paul Newman, Mrs. Fred
Darby, Mildred Bloom and Mrs.
Orville WinxI.
The original decorations in the
Thanksgiving theme, plus the ar
ray of fall flowers from the Rudie
Kidman gardens, were enioved by
A business meeting followed the
dessert. The meeting was high
lighted by a discussion of the
clubs contribution to the Shrine
Hospital s Thanksgiving and Christmas,
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