8 The Newt Review, Roseburg, LEGAL SUMMONS CASI NO. Ut IN THI CRCUIT COURT OP THI SI ATI OP ORIOON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY lOBrN H. CORDER, do ROCKET LJMCSR COMPANY, PUinnif, VI. YrtM BERGER. olio known at THOMAS BERGER; JANE DOE BERGER, wit e Tom Berger, H ho Is married; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF TOM BE RGE R If he It deceased; STATE OF OREGON, THROUGH ITS STATE TAX COMMIS SION; STATE OF OREGON, THROUGH ITS STATE UNEMPLOYMENT COM PENSATION COMMISSION) STATE OF OREGON, THROUGH ITS STATE IN DUSTRIAU ACCIDENT COMMISSION; nd, also. ALL OTHER PARTIES UN. KNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TI TLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendant. Tj; TOM BFRGER, lso known as THOM AS BE RGE R; JANE DOE BE RGE R, wife of Tom Berger, H he It manned; THE UNKNOWN HEtRS OF TOM BE R GE R, it ho l decesdi and. also. ALL OTHER PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ES TATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendant! IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hreby arh roqulred Jg appear and answer th complaint ol pUmtilf filed against each of you In th above ontttlad court -and caus on or o tort tour U) Wftki from In data of the first publication of tht summons. If ydu fall to to appear and answer tald com plaint, then pi Int. H, for wanl thereof, will apply to tho court for to rettef preyed for In laid complaint, a succinct itatamonl Of which la at tollowi: That II bo dcred plaintiff It tho own er In te limp nd entitled to tho possession of ho following described real property situated In DouQiaa Coun ty. Oregon, to-wit; Lots 3, 3, 4. S, and 1, Southeast Quarter of tho Northwest ojuartor, East hart of tho Southwott quarter, South vst quarter of tho Northeatt quarter, and Writ half of tho Southeast quar ter. Sac t Ion 30, Township 2 South, Range a Watt, WHIamottg Meridian, Douglas County, Oragon, and that th right of possession and title 1o tald prmis ho foravor quiet ed In pi.ntltlj and that It bo further decreed that any claim of defendant! or any on or more of them. In or to Mid premises or any pari thereof. It without foundation in law or In equity, and that plaintiff It lha owner In le Of UHl premitefi and Of tho vhol thereof, fro from any and oil claims and Interest of Hid defendant! and any on or mora of them, of any kind or nature whatsoever j and that Mid defendant! and all pertont ctaim tng by, through or under them, or any en or more of them, be forever re trained and noined from asserting any right, title, estate, lien or interest In or Mi taid premises or any part thereof i and for such other and further relief at to th court may appear ogult ahle. Thu tummont It oervwd upon vou by publication thereof once aech week for tour (41 succmsIvo weekt, making five (S) publication! in all, In the Roteburg Newt Review, a newspaper of general circulation at provided by statute, pubilahed and It auad by Roseburg, Oouglat County, Oregon. BY ORDER of th Honorable Char let S. Woodr Ic h, J udq of the above entitled court mad on November 30, la1. Th first publication of thii summons Is en December 2. 1HI. GEORGE LUOMA Attorney for Plaintiff Umpqua Savings 4 Loan Hdg. P. O. Bos W Roteburg, Oregon NOTICI OP SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th utv dertigned will otter at private tale and sell to th highest bidder tor cash all th right, title, and Interest which Louis w. Jotta, defeated, had In and to the follow ing, described real property at th 11m of hit death or which nil oilata hat since acquired, to wit: Th following described property In th Northeast quarter of Section 13, Town. hip J South, Range A Wett, Willamette Meridian, Doug let County, Oregon: Beginning at a point at th Intersection Of the North tin of Northeast Chestnut Street, alto known at Rivertlde Road and the West ling of Roteburg Win chester Highway at described In Velum 107, page 44U Deed Record!, thence South U 01' West along th north line of Northeast CtwVnut Street, 174 feet, to hi Southwest corner of parcel described in said deed above, thence North f W Wett along th Wett Una said parcel 1144 feel to the South tin of Amines' Addltlonj thenc North W 01' East along the South Una of tald Addition II 770 feet to th West line of said highway; thence South 71 01' East along the Wett Una of tald highway 137 teat Hj In place of be ginning. EKCepting portion for road described In Volume 117, page 70, Deed Records, Douglas County, Oregon. Said tale will b made on tho 76th day el December. 11. Written bidt will be re ceived by th undersigned at the office of Geddet, FeUer, Walton & Richmond, attor neys, 43-5 S B. Kane Street, Roteburg, Ore gon, up tn and Including 10 o'clock a m. on the Jth day of December, ltel. Said sale it tublect to confirmation and approval of lha Probata Court of Doug let County. Oregon. Right la reserved to relect any and ail bids. Dated and first published this JMh ey of November. IH1. HARRIETT D. JOSSE, E lecutrli under th Last Will and Testament of LOUIS W. JOSSE, Deceased. NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT Th undersigned. Executor of the estate of Thomas E. OHivant, Deceased, hat filed In the Circuit Court of th State of Oregon for Doug la t County, th final account of hit a mm titration, end said Court hat fixed i .iiy, December 19th, mi, at 10 00 or lock 4n the forenoon of tald day, at the time, and Circuit Court Room "A" In the Court House at Roteburg, Oregon, as the place, for hearing obec lions. If any, to ad ftnel account or to I he settlement of a-d estate. Oated November ttfh, 1H1. THOMAS DONALD OLIIVANT Fecutor of the Estate of THOMAS E. OLLIVANT, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims aoalnst Ih ovale of CONSTANCE AGNES SMITH, De ceased, now pending In th Circuit Court Oouglat County. Oregon, are hereby no tified to present th tame duly verlhed as required by law, to me undersigned et th taw offices Of KELLEY A GARRISON, 70S Douglas County State Bank Building, Rose burg, Oreqon, withtn six months from the date of th first publication of this notice, whch date it December 7, t4l. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND Administrator o th Estate of CONSTANCE AGNES SMITH, Defeated. NOTICI OP PINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE It hereby given that Monday. tVcrmher IB, 1M1, at the hour of in or m tn th Circuit Courtroom "B" In the Douolat County Courthouse, Roseburg. Ore gon, hat been fixed at the time and place tor hearing ebectont, ft any, to the Final Account tiled by the smdersioned in the stat of Dan F. C ler. whose full name was Daniel Franklin ClarO, deceased, now pending In said Court DATED and first published thit ISfti day Of November. Itet. JUANITA M. CLARE. Adminis tratrix of the estate ef DAN P. CLARE. Deceased. NOTICI TO CRBOITORS All persons havinf claims against th ). i tat of irtwm L. Knapp, deceased, now ; penrlinsa Wi the Circuit Cnurt ot th Stat of Orsxyws for Drugiat County, ar heretty not-1 Ified to present tn same, duly verifief as required toy law, to th iwtsMr signed) at th law otfioet of Georg Luoma, Umpqu Sav '"OS & Loan Bui-dng, Roseburg, Oregon, w-ihln ' rnontM from tn date of the first Ptrtii . Of mi fMtKO svntch dt I hovemhor 1. mi. JF ANNE T T f KNPf, t.tvutru ot the f-stale and Wilt f EDWiN L. kNAPP, DecMoed, NOTICI TO CRtDITOOl AH persons haven clams agasnsf the Ft - taie et LOUISE Mt VER. Oerad, pending having claims against th tate ef James tn th Circuit Court Of th Stat ef Oregon (W Atken. oweasad, r reojured to present tor Dm , las County, or horetvy rsntlfted t ' them with th proper voucher withm present th same, duly verified as regu'red rnnnths from th dtg )! the first putt'l bv iw, to th ttnoerilgned at thg law of- i cation ISereof t m gnderttgned at fn fires of Georg Luoma. UnfUO avngs i ettic g Yates 4 Murphy, attrtrney at a, Lrutn Building, Rosetturg, Dreyon, within law, m IE. JKhson t , Roseburg. Ore si n months from th Oaf of th tirsi puh'l- gon, ration ot this nolle, which del It Novonv Dad and firif n6lisne4 this llttl gay ber la. mi , gt Novomper. m ESTHER M BENTLFV, FLFANOR I. A'.fN, Bt.tri Eserutn nf the Estate onft WlH gf of th Efat nf JAMES . LOUIS! VLTtR, Deceased, i AIKEN, ChxeasM Ore Sat., Dec. 2, 1961 LEGAL NOTICE OP STREET VACATION IN THE COMMON COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ROSLBUR6) DOUOLAS COUNTY. ORIOON Notice It hereby given that by resolution duly adopted by the Common Council of the City of Roteburg, Oregon on November U, ltel, proceedings have been initiated hy said Common council to vacate the follow tng proper! vi PART 1: That portion of N. W Utah Drive that Itea W. of N. W, Kline and between Blocks 3 and 4 of Hucreit Piel A, being a Una aft1 X '. PART J: Beginning at a Iron pip on th W. right of way line-of w. Bellowa Street In th City of Roteburg, laid point being the S. E, corner of that property recorded in Vol. 140, Page 403, Deed Records of Douglas County, Ore gon; thence S. 0 degrees OS' W. 40 feet to th N. Itn of that property owd by School Oniric No. 4 and recorded In Vol. 304. Paget VJ and Is; thence In Westerly direction along the N. line of said School District No. 4 prop arty 7 feet more or lest to th N w. corner thereof; thence m a Southerly di rection along th W. Una of said School District No. 4 property appro Imete ly 10S feet to its Intersection with th Easterly right of way line of U. S. Highway t: thence in a Northwesterly direction, being an extension of the U S. Highway tf right of way, to a point en the S. Line of tald property record ed In Vol. 140, Page 403; thence In an Easterly direction 1 17 feet mora or less to the point of beginning. Any person or pertont having an ob lection or remonstrance to the vocation of said property may In writing make and file the tame with the undersigned Recorder of said City at or before the time set tor hearing of the objections and remonstrances. The time and place of said hearing will be at the regular meeting f ma said Common Council at 1 30 o'clock P.M . on the Dth day of December, 1H1, in the Council Chambers of the Ctly Hall of Roteburg, Oregon. oaieo and first published thit November IS, 25 and December 2 and 9, INI. WILLMA D. Hill City Recorder Roteburg, Oregon NO. 1444 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THI STATE OP OREOON FOR DOUOLAS COUNTY EUGENE A. HESSELGRAVE, Plaintiff, vt, ALVA A. HESSELGRAVE, Defendant TO: ALVA A. HESSELGRAVE, DEFEND ANT ABOVE NAMED' IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP ORE GON: You era hereby required to appear and answer th complaint tiled against you In the above entitled Court and cause on or before the expiration of four weefci from th date of the first publication of thit summons upon you end If you Jail to to appear and answer plaintiff will for want thereof, apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In plaintiff's complaint, a suc cinct ttetemenl thereof being as follows: for a decree of this Court forever dissolving Ih marriage contract now and heretofore existing between plaintiff end defendant, awarding to plaintiff all of the real and personal property at his sole and separate properly and requiring the plaintiff to dis charge any Indebtedness thereon said real and personal property and for such ether relief as to the Court may teem lust end equitable, the aforesaid relief being sought upon Ih grounds that defendant wilfully deserted plaintiff tor mora than one year immediately prior to the commencement of said suit. Thit summons Is published by order of the Honorable Charles S. Woodrfch, Judge of th above entitled Court mad and enter ed on th 1st day of November, 141, di recting th publication of this summons once each week for four consecutive week a hi the Roteburg Newt Review of Roteburg, newspaper of general circulation In Douglas County, Oregon. Date of first publication 4th day of No- lt. WILLIAM H. JONES Attorney for Plaintiff 411 Pacific Bhtg. Roteburg, Oregon NOTICE OP SALE OP REAL PROPERTY Notice It hereby plven that under end pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Douglas County duty made end entered of record In the matter of the estate of Henrietta Long, Deceased. eumortitng m undersigned, at administrator i of said estate, to tell the reel property here inafter described! NOW. THEREFORE, t. Donald I. Kellev. administrator of the estate of Henrietta Long, Deceased, will at the office of Kellev A Garrison, 201 Douglat County Slate Bants 1 Building, Roteburg, Oregon, on end after the ltlh day of December, (fit, offer tor cash in hand, at private sale tublect to confir mation by the Court, the following described real property belonging to Mid eitete, to rn? Beginning at a point 7 S chains north of the quarter section corner between Sec tions Nine and Sixteen, Township Twenty-nine South. Range Eight Watt, W M .i running thence North 7.S chainst thence Wett 340 feet to the east boundary of the Roteburg-Coos Bay State Highway right ef way; thenc Southerly along ih east boundary of tald highway right of way to a point 160 feet west of th point of beginning; thence East IM feet to the point of beginning! said bounded and described tract containing approxi mately three acres, more or less. DONALD $. KELLEV, Administrator of the Estate of HENRIETTA LONG, eka HATTIE LONG, Deceased. NOTICI OP PINAL SETTLEMENT Notice it hereby given that the under signed Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Estate end Will of IVER L. ERICK SON, Deceased, has filed his Final Account m me Circuit Court Of Douglas County, i gon, and tald Court has fixed Tuesday, December 1. 141, at 10 00 o'clock AM. In Courtroom "A" of the Circuit Court In the Courthouse In Roseburg, Douglas County. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing obiectiont. If any there be. to said Final Account and for the settlement thereof. GEORGE LUOMA, Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Estate and Will of IVFR L. ERICKSON. Deceased OATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION; November it, mi. NOTICI OP FINAL SRTTLRMRHT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN mat the undersigned Administratrix of th Estate of Berth Berber wh. Deceased, hat tiled m the Circuit Court of th State ef Oregon for Douglas County her final account In settle ment of said estate, and Tuesday, th md aay or January, ihj t io 00 eclock a in tho forenoon of said day, tn Circuit Courtroom A. has been fixed at the time end place tor hearing ebiectloni. If any ther be, to tald final account and tor the tenement thereof. Dated and first published this tnd day Of December, 141 JUNE LUCILE PAETZ. A.tmlnlt tratrl of th estate of BfcRTHA BERBERICH, Deceased NOTICI OP PINALSlTTLSMtJNT NOTICE IS HFREBY GIVEN that th Circuit Court f Douglat County. Oregon, hat fixed the th day of January. lsj. at th hour of MOO o'clock am, as me time, end Circuit Courtroom ,A' me Dftuglet County Courthouse M Roteburg. Ore gon, at me pier tor heerln of obiectiont. : if any, to th line! account of th edmtmt , trator herein. DATEO this feth day of November, 141 FRED OLDFIELD, Administrator f th I state of IV. M, OLO FiFLD. Deceased I Sdilts and Jayn I Attorneys at Law S E Main Street -Roteburg, Oregon NOTICI TO CRBOITORS All persons having claims against th St,. 11 of EfFlE ASTON PRINCE, Deceased, rn w pending tn the Circuit Courf of Douglas County. Oregon, r herenv tsotified to pre sent me tame, duly vriftd regulred by law, to th undersign at th law offices Of Georgo luoma. Umpou Savings 4 Loan Btiisoirsg. Rotattwrg, Oregon, withtn ttv nvtnths trnm th ctt gf m first puMrtlnn of th. notk. whKt) dot I Nvrnbor II. IHI. IfO R BUNNFIL. Anvnlntttrator with th Will AnnOied of th Ettat r FFi ASTON PRINCI. Droaa4 I NOTICI TO CREDITORS 1 Nntic is herenv aivsm iKat rt HTunrn OUT OUR WAY .i lii i. i.ii. 0h), I'AA SURE SHE't? V 6AV Y FOR. HIM, VES FOR. SOU, ijl.'ijin &OOJER YOU'PMAKE I THAT '5 WO BECAUSE VtTU'RE y ,) J - HER feOMETHItJC-. A A ( TH' PEOJ TVPE HE LL r J I KJ,CE CHRISTMAS y GOOO MAKE TH' PRESENT IN VVk" V AKiP PUT THE AAOWEV I IPEE, FIVE MlMUTES AKlP HAVE Yyjf i IkJTHE BAWK I I AthJ'T Jl TH' MOWEV IkJTH' BAKJK I r ( KWOvV'MY MOTHER J IT ? ZrN TEW VEARS... VOU'LL riir riff . . HEgQES ARE MADE -MOT BQgU T'."''1'2 Classified Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH SATIS Tnd. ArM Card of Thanks .. $1.59 1-Day rait 2 lines 3-Doy rot. 2 linn 6-Day mt 2 Imtt 3(i-Day fat, 2 linn 1-Day rat, 3 linn 3-Day rata 3 line, H. 6-Day rat, 3 lines 30-Day rat, 3 lines CREDIT bt nlit eubr-ct to M etntt untie, chi'll (Of eriaiL DEADLINES rri.it Mtrtii:t I tn. In Prior To Publxition Tho ' 0i. t.ttrv.i tnoj riM to cuii'tr, t o, tr.tct oij c iit.;i4 U cr. ADJUSTMENTS If your ttvt'liscmot oootiro locorrwllr, oo'tfy. oo ioimta.:tolT. no il oot bo tttporilm ler. pvo tnio on, lororroet miorlion. Svl nf spofli'bilirr Is hm.tM U conoct lourtios sf ln.i.m.t i lotoolo Dill fM h It Hots Ton U lift lUBSCmfTION RATES It SrtM tf Moil on Biotft, ft til I0IH aooUi. 14 Hi hi i.ttl, SI Ml 000 oor, (U N. ttiito of Shim noil oh ootb. $1 IS: tbrot Miotst. tsfli lis ootli, 111. Mi oos loir, Ut OS. Corrier OH toiohorf P. SJ. toiof Se Htl, SI Tit III Mtlt. SIS IS; oos tow. f!l-M- PM SiosiO Copi ISC Hill IMoo IoiH tartltSo till tlaiH Mill Soluniliool Molt Io PH M Uiski Paper Delivery H your paper ii not delivered Coll OR 2-3311 Mob. thru Fri. Between 6 and 7 P.M. Sot. Only 3 to 5 PM LEGAL NOTICI TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That th undersigned has been duly appointed Ad ministrator of th Estate of JOSEPH B SYN AN. deceased, by order of th Circuit Court of th &lat of Oregon tor Douglas County, and has duly qualified sucb. Ail persons having claims aoalmt said estate r hereby repaired to present tne same with tho proper vouchers, duly veri fied as by law required, to the under -sioned at th offices ef Long, Neuner . Dole, H0 S E. Douglas Ave , Roseburg, Ore gon. wtthin six months from th date hereof. Dated and first published: Nov 11. 191 STANLEY iVNAN, Admin ilratrv of the Estate of JOSEPH B. SYNAN, deceased NOTICI TO CREDITORS All persons having claims aaemst th Ft fate of Merfh E. Peterson, Deceased, now pending in th Circuit Court of th Jt.ita o Oregon In nd for Douglas County, O' -gn. r hereby notified to present the sam. duly verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the law offices of George Luoma, Umpqua Saving and Loan Building, Rosenurg, Oregon, within n month from the date of the ttrft publication of this notice, which date is December 2. 191 FLORFNCR NAA$. Etecutrli of th Estate and Last Will ad Trstamenl of MF Rt HA I. PE TE R SON, Deceased. NOTICI TO CRIOITOR1 AH persons havinf c'aims aga's He Estate et NffLEN A BUNNELL, decease. I now pending tn Ih Circuit Court of Dougiai County. Oregon, are herenv notified to pre sent th tame, duly veritted required bv low. to the undersigned at th taw of fice of Gnvge L uoma, UmpQU laving a Loan Building. Rosehurg, Oreonn. month from th Oat of th fir t ptiniira- lion t this notc, whch date l November is. mi. LEO BUNNFLt.. AnministratM' nf ttt fstal of HELEN A BUNNELL. Deceased. NOTICI TO CREDITORS All persons, rtaving ca m ao'st the i Estate op eooar eoison pellett.' DFCEASFD. now pending n th Crcuit notified to present tn same, ovv verified as required law. Nt th lertejr il(jrset sit i 1.00 1.75 2 50 5.50 1 30 1 n 3 50 7.50 th law o'fe ef Gorg F We.gum, Cwt RELIAAlt MAN whs ca'pr'er. pK""h ttotis. Rosehurg. Oregon, ysnthm . months1 tng nd mK. !. Call 4I1 Oaia"d trnm th da O th t.r.t pvht.rat.on Of ALT fc RAT (ONS A.. 'Wrantea netiC. wn.ch oat -s Nvemor 4. IHI i n Vi m IN A F PELLFTT I OR 3-4 Eierutri 4 the last W H . Teturnenf of FfK.AR EDISON PELLRTT, Oeceased. Wt will be glad to help you word your want od for Best Results. Dial OR 2-3321 Cards Of Thanks CARD OF THANKS We wih Io trunk our host of friends for the klndnew and ivmwthy shown us our. ing the Illness .no loss of our loved one. Mrs, Cnerlet Doerner end temily Personals RIDER WANTED for Oklahoma or Arkcnui. OS t 33 DRINKING PROBLEM? Call Alcoholics Ar onymout. OR 3-M2. YOUNG WOMEN- "any tsith" rifhcoo. tidential advic mriy contact Caihoiic Oar- Itiet, 771 W. Broadway, Euaanc, Orcaon. Dl S-JW1. IN DEBT? DONT ft blit coit your lob your cradit, tvtrything you own I IP vou art In debt bevond your anility to pay and sincerely want to get out of debt, tea BUDGET CON SULT ANT$ and havt ut explain oof DEBT REDUCTION PLAN t you. Ona elaca to pay all bills, at a pay. ment you can afford. No sacurlty, na co-iior.tr t. NOT A LOAN COMPANY Budget Consultants LirensprJ and Bonded ' Hose burg, Oregon Ph. OR 2 3591 433 SE Main St Lost & Found 12 LOST 14 ft. light btua plywood boat. Ltbaral reward. Call averting i, OR J-3120. WILL THE PERSON who mistaktnly too lady's wrong black coat at tha Bamboo houM Friday night. Nov. 17 pteaia con taco OR t-iili. Help Wanted 14 RETIRED COUPLE with Mobil horn Io aiiitt park manager. Call OR 7-1 S1. CREDIT MANAGER MUST bo experienced. Immediate opening In Medtord, Oregon perman ent position. Writ P O, Bo. 940, Roseburg, giving age, penance, starting salary desired, ate. Inter view will b Sunoay December J, In Roseburg. Help Wanted Men IS PART TIME msurenc Inspector for Riddle, Canyonvitie, Myrtle Creek. No canvassmq, no selling. Apply Box 91, Eugene. Ore. MEN WANTED - Part tlm or full time, for established Fuller Brush Rout. HOC weex guarame to s.ari ror full time. Phon OR 2-1391 between 7 and P.M. Salesman Wanted SELL Frigidaire Appliances BETTER Than Average Earnings Apply in person UMPQUA VALLEY 635 S.E. Stephens St. Help Wanted Women 16U4 7(l. HIT Maryland Av., P 0. Box 7, Myrli. Point. Work Wanted 17 ODO JOBS, tree revivai, yard rorit, OR i-UH FOR SALE or h.r It vrd resr" dump trailer and true. OR J-06J7 or OR 3-401 MOUSFWORK wantrt. Havown trrspor lition. OR 3-'4$3. HO'JSE xE f PER Reliable, m per fenced for adults References. OR J-'UJ t ruck, auto tune up. brakes fransmniion. Eitimales, pNon OS TW IRONING AND VENDING. OR 2-Jl. IRONJNC. l HOUR CR J-J?4 HOUSEWORK. Ii is hour, lion. OR 1VV. Own transport. IRONING It HOUR VI NV Coral Ay. OR i- l"r,,V" "na "P'"T svor type of formic IrMteiwd. OS ?1J Instruction 19 PR IV AT OR'VING INSTRUCTIONS J CR i'tJ i PiVATu1fORlNG Vau' tiMc"a'i cert i t,d toocner. OR tVERY WEEK IS THRIFT WEI.K IN WANT ADS 6 J. R. Williams Loans And Finance 21 DISCOUNTED contract for ta. Town K CounrryReatty. OR i-UM or OR J-407J. WANTED diKountad contracts, alio tqultlt Phona OR am or OR 3-60tl. REAL ESTATE LOANS to S?5t, also 2nd mortgages. Automobile, furniture nd sig nature loans. Laurentida Industrial Pi nance Corp., formerly Commercial Indus trial Finance Corp. Ill SE Oak. OR 3-4494. Family Finance Horn owned and Operated Loans Up to $1500 On motor vehicle and furniture 729 &E WtMngton OR 3SSII Business Opportunities 23 FOR SALE tavern and restaurant. GY4-U44 APPROXIMATELY acres with totr ranfai units suitable for trailer park or wrecking yard, in industrial area. Reasonable terms can be arranged. OR 2-9191. TEXACO has station for LEASE on Garden Valley Blvd. Good potential For information call OR 3 3753 OR 3-3533 FOOD COMPANY Need man or woman, full or part tlm for choir. Oregon and Wash. rat. No selling. Car necessary to deliver to com pany cslab. grocery accounts. Ittl Invest ment secured with mdse. Potential wtv limittd. Writ to Del Norte Food Co. Box 40S. News-Review FOUR PLEX 4 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED apt. Situated 4 block to city cantor. Each unit fully modern, separate baths. In come 1240 per mo. Total price Slt.tOO. WEST ROSEBURG NEWER DUPLEX Bull! In Ifli. I liroolece, both with electric hoot. In come S10S per mo. Excellent opportunity to live bi one unit, rent other. 91,,. SM with 17000 Down, or will llnonce FMA. STEVENSON REALTY 967 SE Tine St. OR 2 1614 Miscellaneous Rentals 24 PARKING SPACE, downtown, $J mo. OR 2-3590, 1014 SE Pin. Commercial Rentals 25 FOR RENT OR SALE Commercial build ing 5000 SO. ft. Lrg par trig area. 1150 mo. 1771 NE Step hen s.0.l OR 3-4444. WESTSIDE OFFICE THREB ROOMS. Outsid entrance front nd back. On room suitable for singi apt., with kitchen nd full bath. I a? W. Harv ard. OR 1-1577. . .IT T j VYfllltCd 10 KCIlt 26 WANT TO RENT OR LEASE by Feb. 1: a , bfoom home. unturni,nd West- Mtl0n 4., M- w(h)i Uot II). DIAL OR 2-3544. Apartments For Rent 27 LARGE unhjrn. dfiwnstelr 2 Bdrm ot. Close to Rosa School City Center. OR 3-702. CLE AN roomy 1 BR furnished duple. Eict. heat. Adults. No dogs 2144 Harvard. OR 2-324 eves or weekends. '.". "' K't o? soT ""Mobile Homes ror Kent Jl COMPACT APARTMENT, furnished, stov, ' reinrj , tiled dramboerd nd shower. Eay , uokero. oround floor, outbid entrance. ! Easttid on City bus line. tiS. OR 2-1S77. FURNISHED 1 Bdrm court aots. Water, Oarttago service turn, Washing facilities TWO APTS. at 1S4 SE Stephens, upstairs EXTRA NICE 1 or 2 Bdrm modern furnish Back apt. unfurn, 130. Front apt. partially I ed trailers. Adults oniv. Irouire Peaceful turn. 10 See McAneney Real Estate at M4 SE Stephens for hey and Information. I STROLL SHOP CROU Mir sMwntnwn ttrvamtmed ant with -.r-t F, .r.ntrr-nl call no vw windows. For appointment call OR 3-4':. ) FI RNISHKD APARTMENT i ONF bedroom. eerte h itchen, grnund finor, convenient partung. Private ntrfv. i full bath wth toed in tub and shower. I Large closets and storeg. IS. 1f W. I Harvara. OR Kohlhagen Apts. Jachsnn St at Lang AvO, Modern, reasonable rent ULT1 OR 31344 'A Good Place T live" Bachelor Apt. FURNISH? tV t astsift. compact, easy ip t j "f Largo c-oset, private entrance, t-i i i f-t"noafo Brs tnoMtir. ejr a oouits. 10 mo. OR MS77. I fOOO APARTMENTS I I 1 Mrm apt , fum.shed or uirrn W ) a-d garh. terv. prov dd a iso boat m somg. Rent from S3 uo, SWIMMING POOL, 're Apts gas oovipped P J vester Ct xot water heat OR 3-.m Vuta Homes Hot water neat CR S-aJM Ct Washorryer OR MUf Oatrvii Apts Radiant Heat OR 3-431 TWO NICE APTS. f jgsiUMFO 1 Brtm ns P"vat. inv. 1 lv rownn-ngs 0- w n ct-pevt g'Ne pa Automat luno'v fa, .t. Adults only, no dogs. Ingu.ra ! 0" c Of SHADY POINT TRAILER SMTS 1 mi Smith 99 BR OR 2 1. l pa giad to h'P wne-d vvr i ed tor pest retu'. 0 CR 1 -Ji. Apartments For Rent 27 FURNISHED APT. Outside entranc. Aduttj. Westsida. 2114 W. Crestview. THRC E room ttrn. apt. Adults. OR 3-113. CtOta in. Parking. ' i FOUR ROOM unturn. apt. with gas rang. Uttiities hjrn. 40. OR3-4lM. CLEAN, comfortable apts With or without fur tit lure utiiilkcs. OR 3-74T1. END API of tn-plei. Rt'r-g , itov. water, garb. sarv. turn. OR 3-;S or OR WW4 FURNISHED 1. t. ard 3 room apartmcnta, Call OR J-KM CLEAN, tumished' t. Ui. 741 I.E. Jackson TWO bedroom tarnished upatairs apt. Also two-room cabin. OS -S4I3. TWO BEDROOM-apartmentn Rang ndf trigerator furnished. Call OR 3-4S34. FURNISHED APTS.. dultl orTty,-140 and SU mo. Close, convenient location, 44 S6Brochwy Aw.Apis.ORJ-03. ONE BDRM turn or unturn apt. Adults only. Pn. OR 3-370 bet or I IS a.m. or after p m. 17 SE Hoover. FURNISHED Ad's, including water, elec, gar bag, oood location. MO and l& mo. Umon Gctp Apis. Sutherlin, 43 14. PINEMOTEL itchanunits. utilities. Ilnr?ns turn., weekly or monthly, wmler rat. f9 Busiest Rt., North. OR 3-4043. UNFURNISHED j'bedroom duplex and oar ge. 1 biocK to PestoHica and banks. Adults. No pels. Lt. OR 3-612. Rooms For Rent 28 WANTEO middle age lady to shar utilities and housewortt. Phorx OR3-324t. NICE-slrfjping'roomi. 117 S E. Blakly Aw. IV blocks 56 from bus depot. Room And Board 29 ROOM AND BOARD et Jo Ann's Roerding House, OR 3-70U. Houses For Rent 30 TWO Bdrm clean modern unfurnished house. 170. Near US Ply. call OR J-S133. ONE bedroom house Wests ide, near Mark's. wood hatr, S50 mo. OR 3-1370. TWO 'Bdrm 'house. 2733 W. Bradford Drive, 140 mo. OR 2-2S40. ONE-BEDROOM turn, house at Winchester. Ph. 243 Sutherlin for appointment. SMALL-twoMrm"unturn. housa. Clean, in sulated; garag. SS0 month. 0R3-I7)S. MODERN- "room-larmhous, l'l acres. Availabl Dec. 10. 0mo.OR 3-6M. THREE BR house, Newton Cr. Addition. Rent or leas. OR 2-3741. DUPLEX 1 BR near Mercy Hospital. Laurel- wood Dlst. inquire 473 Riverside. OR J-siw-SMALL-2 BR hoys JS5.?v99 Newton Creak Rd. OR 2-1 3Sf. after 5. SMALL unfurn. or partly turn, house, S40 mo. Set at NElvan.OR t?S3. WINSTON Clean, turn. dpi. 1 blk W. Bus. sect. Also turn. bach, cottage. OS 94UJ4. MYRTLE CREEK 3 Bdrm house. Christian Addition, on Thomas St. S90. UN 3-34". TWO BR modern house, unfurn , near US Plywood. Call ves, OR 3-150. RENT or lease small furnished house. 1 or 2 adults only.Waterpaid. J)R 3-4W1. NICETWO Bdrm house, M5" mo. CallOR 3-4512 OnTBR modern furnished home to 1 or 2 adults, in Gardenvalley. OR3-49?. ONE and-on-half BR unfurnisned house. OR 2-1350. WESTSIDE 1 bedroom unfurn. duplex, gar ag and Storage room. OR 2-143. TWO Bdrm house, nic yard, $70. OR 2 2542 alter 4 pm. GOOD- "BRhouse on westsid, 1100 mo. OR 3-0010. LARGE one room furnished modern cottage in a qo ietkca t ion. R 3-634 CLEAN, 3 room furnished houi. 123 SE Stephens, OR 2-3270 ONE BEDROOM mooem house. S miles out black top road. S50. OR 3-7300. ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes for families or single elderly. OR 3-4540. FURNISHED housekeeping cabins. 2050 NE Stephens. Roseland Auto Court. FURNISHED CABINS. Weekly rates. M N E Stephens. Pacific Motel. O R 3-793. ONE ROOM furnished cabin, close to Na tional Plywood, 130 month. Call OR 3-371'. FOR SALE OR RENT- 3 Bdrm-hous. $45 mo. OR 3-3487. NICE FURNISHED duple, suitable tor cou ple or single person. Near Mark s No. 2. 145 mo. OR 3-4551. ONE bedroom completely furnished duplex on paved street and sewer. Fenced yard. 140 per month. OR 2-3450. jTWO BR house, 945 SE Mill St. 15$ mo Write John L. Rundetl, P 0- Box 454, Dram, Oregon. Or prion TE 4-9111. TWO BEDROOM house Fremont Ave. Hdwd floors, fireplace, wired for washer-dryer. Garage, OR J-47r)?. LARGE 2 bedroom house with big dlninq room. Ii mi. on HaPDV Vallev Hwv on Porter St. Ph. Ken Dresser, OR 2-17M. TWO Bdrm modern! red house. Near Mark's Mkt. No. I. Reasonable rent. No Fri. eve. or Sat calls pleas. OR 34791. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished duolex one1 block from Or y hound Depot. Adults only. . OR 3-7505. TWO BR unfurnished house on paved street In Winston. Ret. required. Inquir at Th Dixi Auto Court in Winston. FURNISHE07"l-2 bedroom "cabinsWaterand garpaqe disposal furnished. 135-145. 24tt Diamond Lana Blvd. OR 3-3341. ONE BEDROOM house, near Joseph Lan Sch. 140 oer mofith. Water furnished. Water furnished. Williamson Real Estate OR 3-4X3 I LARGE 2 BDRM unfurnished hous. oil fur nac. carport, 4 blks to city center. Adults. 175 mo. 1541 Diamdhd Lake Blvd. OR 2-4104. "FOR RENT OR LEASE 155 Acre on th river out past Umpqua. 4 bedroom modem home, good pasture, barns, fully fenced. 100 per month. STEVENSON REALTY OR 2-1414 Eves call Sutherlin 2445 MODERN 35' 1 bdrm trailer, US per mo. OR 3-414 or CR M0. TWO nous trailers for rent. Modern. Adults, no oets. call in emoon. OR 3-SOOJ. . TENWIDE. 3 Bdrm trailer In Quiet peaceful Timber Town Trailer far Arju-'S only. 3010 N6 steehem. OR 3-4316. I Timber Town Trailer Park, 3010 NC Steprt- ons, OR -ji. M.L!l Uoma Des.lr 32 1UUU1IC I1U11IC I ttl IV8 TRAILER SPACE AVAILABLE. t Winfrs ter Village, on North umpQu. OR 3-l5. "CENTRALTRAILERPARK 1S1 DIAMOND LAKE BLVD. Spares all paved Just A bwcK to buSnt center. Adu OR 3-410 TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK 2010 NE Stephens Bst accommortat mn tor all S" trail, ers. Incl all electrics Paved St, land scaped. bo lawn, mtrd gas. I bHXK from Sa't way Aftuit O'v OR 3-J' Real Estate Wanted 33 1 THOFE 4 BR fym mfi CSi.. 1$ m.ts Of Rosecurg. Bo 3e. News Rev ew L0 wih g'av-tv spr -g. good ger-vn gr.xinei. atsva''nn ovr sno fs Cs f " IV"- l-4l JO. n bw'd"gs ncessry. ct OR Rcai Estate 34 eSNFR T0ANSPCR0EO NCE tr-m home. tt o. a-ag. b". KM tves.es r.-t urstll if e.u a ' efl . Mnvd ffvys. ec- Or".c al O'l h.r-nsva E i 'ft. t'- Mils - bivhood !' SiT FhA OPC-Oved OR 3-4J1! JCX'30 f LOf m MVi C's." Ms weJ tft ps,.rep. MC.c lr-, 0'4a A'SO. J tvm tv n A tv eo.- r-er-- tr " m, pw:, r ct SJ or. o : 'et 1 S m. 34i TWO idrm house, eil NB Jackson, WO ; down bal. It rent. OR MUST SELL Poor health, unit apt., good location. OR S-HU ON k'lVER. 3 Bdrm home, fireplace, hdwd j floors, Vibhs.$li00.OR i-UU. TWO BR hout. 14 yrs. old. close In, small yard, attcnd grge; M500. 1323 N. fc. Commercial. OR3-4ill atter . TWO bedroom"VriTrsome, south Deer Creek. In walking d'ttanc of CftyfCrt and Knool 14.000. Call OR 2-2714. SMALL HOUSE and krt for sal, or trad tor trailer house under JO n. wtit . S- Srd, Corvaliis. Or. MAGNESS REAL ESTATE PRICE REDUCED OWNER TRANSFERRED, wants a saw IMS week. Masnv older horn on t acre of good soil, i bedrooms, large living room, den, Irg dining room, big kitchen with built-in dish washer, full basement, furnac, 3 fire places. This charming hom can be yours tor roil 114,500. 11700 down payment, balance t 194 a month. This won t last call for appoint ment. 916 S. E. Washington Av OR 3-5594 Wiley's For Real Estate H ACRES GARDEN VALLEV perm anent pasture and lotus. Soma fruit Irees and berries. 2 B R. house and good barn. 1IS.OO0, 15000 down. S ACRES IN FRU'T and walnuts In city on Melros Rd. No house but have an ed om ing 3 A tract with old er but very comfortable 2 B R. house. Irrigation from the river. Sell either one or both. Rip tor devlopmnt. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, oil fvrnare. fireplace, til batn. oak floors. Paved street, on sewer, attecned garage. Nic lawn with fenced-in back yard and large patio. Like new. 111,900, EARL WILEY REAL ESTATE 428 S.E. Main St. Real Estate New Listings 1 PIT7ER STREET J bedroom homo, Concrete foundation. Urge living room, rang and oil heater. Owner may consider taking tn good came traitor Ml treoe, plus 1300 cash. Excellent property for Cos In homo or rental. 2 WINSTON J bedroom homo on the Wert side Large, lot. concrete foundation, hardwood floors, inside utility, den and ether desirabW features. Priced at $1400. FHA or G. I. financing. 13400 down to assumt present Gl loan. J LITTLE RIVER 2 bedroom horn on 4 acres of land. Concrete foundation, cor port, insid utility, 2 landscaped acres, hardwood floors, tc 29 down. 4 S. W. CARNES ROAD Large 3 bedroom hom on acre lot. City wetr, pavad street frontag. patio, II x 24 fool grag, xcllnt garden ground. 110,000. Larg down payment necessary. $5 W. AUSTIN ROAD 3 bedroom home on desirable lot. Priced ot 14000. Putt bath, Insid utility, paved street, concrete foundation, hardwood floor and ll O reasonably priced, compact hom. 11000 down. Owner may consider trad for country hom with 25 to 40 acre and 1 bedroom homo. 4-NEWTON CREEK HOME Beautiful, larg 4 bedroom homo with Areolae, hardwood floors, paved street, sewer, etc. Price reduced for qukk sl to 113,750. Federal Gl Loan of 19000 may be assumed at 179 per month Inc. taxes insurance, principal and insuranc. Call ut regarding term on FHA or CI fi nancing. STEVENSON REALTY NEEDS YOUR LISTINGS Stevenson Realty 967 S. E. PINE ST. Evenings Leonard OR 3-7711 - Sconce, Sutherlin 2665 Stevenson OR 3-8744 SERVICE DIRECTORY Firms And Individuals With Better Service THESE SERVICES SAVE MONEY IF YOUR SERVICES ARE NOT LISTED HERE PHONE OR 2-3321 FOR ASSISTANCE ALTERATIONS DOUBLE-BREASTED sulfa restyled to in- gle. 119.95. Mrs. Oiftord. OR 3-444. .e',! APPLIANCE REPAIR MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR. BOB MIL LER SERVICE. Dial OR JVSS11. PARTS SALES 5ERVICE MAJOR SMALL Generally 1 day service Best stock of aopliance parts in county TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 77T SE Oe OR AMTn amnV u'u BUUI LET HARRY DO IT! EXPERT body wrk-Pointing our seeciolty. Free estimtes, tnsuronce end customers. All orortc guorontfod. Call Pol Motors Body Shop. 2164 NE Stephens, 22401. BARCUS MOTORS Inc. PaintiniZ, body and fonder work lo your specification, free estimates, last service. All Work Guaranteed 1420 N K. Stephens OR BOOKKEEPING i bookkeepino serv.ce. p . BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry E. YJung. OR 3-J41. FOUNDATIONS house raising, leveling, re pair. Worn FHA approved. Cemmt, b'ocK worK, fireplaces. Free estimates, Cl Mr gei. OP J-Of5 or OR 3 844. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery OR 3-8341 CRH RHSE BURG OR 1-3043 KINPFRGARTEN OR 3-U34 CRANE SERVICE CRANE SERVICE ERECTION wort, concret POurng CH Ci-tt Thornton, pav or ngnt. OR 2-2tW9 ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL IRING, oars w. Lansing 4 suooiie. Oonn J Onver. OR JM3 EXCAVATING. SAND, GRAVEL ' 0O7'NG. leve"ig; a'o g-avet roctt, river I loam and road mrrii. ChgrK Iveely. I OSMIif. DA-R KXCAVATIN'G Bonded "d Insured New Masev Fe'guson :?0 BacthO 0 'cn g " sewey Drrl Isaacs o"er operator c r l :4 riOAR FINISHING . se t E issnr J' (t. 1 v-a- wr ence. L-g. sn -g a-d fift.srt-f. O-d toor rr'.n shed. OS -i;l FURNITURE REPAIR ALL K ' S PS U R N ' TuR E R F P A ! O ret . '"O F'ea es' mjitfs. P rup de' ver fl - ' SO" r'uri-r. OR J-'4l. . W. Rilf. IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE N E W R E V I E W ADVERTISERS 34 TWO ftdrm house. SU W. ftraccotl. Tee. a won 'rir or inr nouit mm m ' Call OR btwn J i pm. - I WEST SIDE modern 3 bdrm. Flrapiac. wilt to-wall carpet, ooubM Mrag- Lot -. By ewnar. No Sat- It 3-i252- CANYON VI LLE JUST S block from tho now Sonta Ctiiont Home, I this lovely 1 Bdrm hom w'th hdwd floors. Urge utility, oouoi oarage, 2 tot nicety land scaped, patio. Only H0.500. Shown by appOsntmant C ail Shady Point Trailer .Sales OR 2-1438 3 NEW HOMES ) Bedrooms, built-in appliances, ftr pic, other desirable feature. M 150 to II 4.900. Rsonb terms. Possible leas option. THE HOMEFINDERS Real Estate 43S S. E. Main OR 2-4721 Day or Nifiht SOUTHERN ORE. LAND CO. 223 N. Moin Myrtle Creek, Ore. OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOU 4i ACRES on paved road with wa ter rights on creek. Roomy 2 bed room homo sits back from tho road, has full foundation, large front room dining room comb. Bullt-lns 0or In kitchen. Has well water, spring on back acres, partially fenced. Mev In btfor Christmas. SIOOO. 11000 down, Ji mo. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY IS THIS attrctlv 2 bedroom (torn, situated on 4' acres, 2' ml. from town. Property go to creek confer, fenced and all usable. Kitchen door opens into enclosed garag and wash ing ar. UOOO down or finance Overall price 111,500. payabto ol S'S mo. Trade Your House In Myrtle Creek FOR I acr commercial property on Row River at out skirts of Cottag Grove. City water, septic tank for commercial us. Building, 54 V 21 to rset on foundation. Highway front ag makes thit a dslrbi location. Sea us today. UN 3-3861 Salesmen UN 1-3391 Frank Zimmor Lull Zimm.r PHONE OR 2-1614 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Umpqua Valley Hardware Fairbanks Morse Domestic and irrigation water systems. Estimates gladly given 64 S. E. Rose OR 2 Hit LANDSCAPING TILLING LANDSCAPING Qualify nurtery slock, reasonable price. Brown's Valley Haven Nursery. OR l-Tfltt. LAUNDRY . PRY CLEANING LAUNDROMAT Laundry troubles? Busy? Leav It. We'll do It. Corner of Court and Main. Phv OR 3-Mll. LOANS Loans Auto - Solary Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Biirdick Manager fi-14 SE Stephens OR MIMEOGRAPHING CHRISTMAS LETTERS, mimeographed witfl colored In. Small S'eno Srvk. OR 3-3444 MOTOR REWINDING-REPAIR JIMMIE'S ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP Eiduslv Deic Distributor Motor Rewinding Repairing 3SB Ng Garden v si ley B ivd. OR S-Ttil Electric Motor Service Company Al Hammell Prompt repair ond rewinding e All tVorK Gurnteed 1 mil south Fairgrounds, next to Ponca Hous Ph. OR 3-4301 i PAINTING, DECORATING HV6 VOUR HOWl redecorated for hoi. Oavt. Wmter rates. 4 mo. t pay n Werest charge. Marn't Pelnling $er. Mar Preston CM OR ?-04. arts $ P M. SEPTIC TANKS JEPTiC Tanks CLE ANf O RosBur (gnl tatoo Service. Ph. OR 3 335, STENOGRAPHIC SERVICES TVP'NG. mi meogrftehftg. dupiicatong Dgnng OR 3-34S or OR J-3J14 TOOL SHARPENING PLOW SMAOPENiNG. welding. Ja 4f i Cat Ave Vac Svjp OR Hur? i m-n-n-n-"Jl THf SURGERY ( , TRFE SURGE RVP-un.g f H hmdt. Tears pt torai references JC MAY LANDSCAPE C OR 17X1 or OR Van ' . 1 Wfll QDI1LIMA Real Estate Water Well Drilling her . m epfrwv.s credit. "0h H.L D'LI.ii C I S!) in si Jeckoen ,