JhoufiiJt StriktBr Air, St ki(aaa ... In The Doy's mum News EDITORIAL PAGE 4 Tht Ntwi-Rviw, Roteburg 0r. fri., Dec. 1, 1961 TRI-COUNTY PROPOSAL By Charles V. Stanton Franfc Jenkins The Soviet In ion proposed this week thai the lulled States. nuelear weapons tests. The Soviet proposed baa would apply to all tests in the atmosphere, In outer spare, under ground and under water. That is to say: The horse having now been stol en, let's lock, the barn door. Who ttole the horse? Why, the U.S.S.R! Having got all iU nuclear test ing out of the way in its recent se ries ot SO-odd explosions that shook the world and poisoned the air, it would now like to clamp on a ban that would prevent anybody else, including us from catching up on the testing of nuclear weap ons that we refrained from while the Geneva talks were in progress. That would be nice for the L'.SS.R. Under the proposal made this DEAR ABBY Abigail Van Burtn children when this started. He led me to believe that he was hap piest when he was with me. and was miserable with his wife. 1 took trips with him. and spent time County Commissioner Ruy Doerner has proposed that Douglas, Coos and Lane counties, through their respec tive county courts, meet in the very near future and plan uniform land use regulation for the so-called Sand Dunes ?rea. This area embraces the coastal lands between Flor ence and Coos Bay. The county courts earlier formed a 12-man commit tee, four men from each county, to consider the problem and report back to the courts. The committee was made tin larirelv of resiHpnt nf the urea. After thev hud lonkpH into the matter, thev recommended to the court that land!'" mme" "n nim- M? nusoano France and Britain join it now in ,e 0I(inances be set UD to cover properly lyine for a i 5"n?.?u.t .IT! .TSTS !. '?"vi..,J.. ..i, h. C.i distance of stx miles inland from the ocean. . it her.u i thought this man One thing- I like about Doerner's proposal a thine I would divorce his wife and marry believe is exceedingly important is that he urges the me. but everything changed over courts to keep advisory representation from the section H'8'1'- "' ' '""J h.m;, "d to be zoned, lie presents in his letter a plan for an advisory ti " vow h. seem, h.oov with group. In other words, no one is being pushed around, his wife. How ran anv self resDec- Land owners have been quite fearful of plans to create a I ting wife forgive a man for aome national seashore recreational park, under the National ! thing like that? Also, how can I I'arK Service. At the same i me thev nrp fr d that- 7.nn- mane mm see wnai ne owes mi: ing regulations by the respective county courts would be detrimental. But many of those contacted feel that some reasonable regulation of land use is necessary, but they object to having something "shoved down" their throats, as they express it. Expert Help Sought Commissioner Doerner's letter suggests that the three counties cooperate in the expense of employing a plan ning expert. This expert (Doerner suggests that help might be ob tained from the Bureau of Municipal Research) would U'nrlf W i Ml iha fPJnfli'liro nlunnintr prnnmiHiui TTia eil'irs- by" the Soviet Union the U S. Brit-1 t0 advisory committees' of citizens from the district prior am and France, and would be open I to laving them before the county courts for final adoption 1 You've Had It, Lady! DEAR ABBY: I have been see-1 DEAR ABBY: My problem is ing a married man for three not unique. It's that age-old in years. I waa married and h a d law problem. My in-laws couldn't be nicer, but 1 am getting sick and tired of seeing them. They come over every night of the week and all day Sunday. If y husband and I both work, and when we get home at night we spend the entire evening entertaining b i s folks. Every Sunday I have to cook dinner for four. If we tell them we are having company, they come anyway, and share our He broke up my home. Isadore was almost paralyzed with tension. He was such a small boy, to be atanding before such a large congregation! Nevertheless, he took courage and began to recite: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." Then his memory deserted him. Try at he would, he could re call no more. After a painful guests. I really have nothing pause he declared, ' That will be against them, but how can I let i enough." He was so right! The them know that too much is too j spiritual lesson was unintentional, much? but perhaps more effective than DAUGHTER IN-LAW I the recitation of the rest of the OEAR DAUGHTER IN - LAW! psalm. This is "ob" for your hut- "The Lord is my shepherd. band, rie sneuid itn mem, in EDITORIAL COMMENT THI LITTLE BLACK IOX Cool Bay Warld We read the other day where the Civil Delen.se Office has decided to install, in each of the nations 50 million homes, a bu4r-like contrap tion which will go off in the event of an enemy attack. These gadgets will cost between 17 and $10 each. The cost, the way the CD Deoole have it figured, will be absorbed by the nation's Scripture: Psalm 23:1- ! private power companies, rural electric systems and other suppliers Little Isadore Sofer, the aon of)0f electric power. This will mean an expenditure of some 1500 mil a Hebrew Christian, was invited i lion by utimi jor ouying 15d installing the little black boxes plus p0rogP?.mC'S?te. ehiwSS"!" tddi"on" millioB " "llin Up 450 l""'railter' ,h" Poland. He was assigned to re-vMli utomatical!y set off the alarms. cite the 23rd Psalm. If nd when we get these alarms installed in our homes we will be When the great evening came.i5ke 10 remember that, when the buzier goes oil on its so-secona Daih Bible Reading Menage By Roseburg Ministerial Assn. blast, we should turn on our radios and listen to Conelrad. The whole idea, it seems to us, is just a little far-fetched. What is wrong, we'd like to know, with the present system ol setting off the fire alarms in the event of an impending attack? Looking more closely at the proposal we can see that it could be quite possible that an ulterior motive has crept into the CD works. For instance, who wouldn't like to have a contract to manufacture 50 million buzzers? Might as well specify that they be manufactured in the shape of plums that's what they'll represent to some buzzer maker. Finally, we have one more, perhaps less significant gripe. A num ber of years ago we attended an outdoor music festival where tht thousands in attendance were asked to each light a match. The result was magnificent thousands of tiny pin points of light throughout the open-air auditorium. The buzzers? We assume they'll have to test these things periodical- There is a world of meaninff and Hinil AND DRY i nice WSV. that their Visits Sneuid be feelinf in lhps tW svnrrle Th lv anrl n. n.-uti.. I h.A . th. kill, n.ll in uvinr nf in aiirh HEAR HIGH AND DRY: If Is less frequent. It's a touchy bull-j remainder of the psalm follows as test. Fifty million buzzers going off all at once, we fear, would be just cm I., m ' f.raiMlina Uiif. whirl, ran r. 1 1 1 in r mi i - , , . i . for "adherence" by all states. The Soviet foreiRn ministry adds that the success of the upcoming ticneva talks "would undoubtedly be facilitated if nuclear nations -agree not to conduct nuclear tests ' during the talta." But, if any other . nations do resume tests (or the . Soviets claim they do) the Soviet . I nion reserves the right to re ; sume testing also. ' At the same time, the Soviet for '. eign ministry publishes a state- - inent of explanations of the pro posed draft (as Hie Soviet Union - sees ill of the proposal to call off ', all testing. The statement says the Soviet government is proposing to I "sink all weapons, both conven tional and nuclear, in the deepest ' part of the ocean." i It adds: "Humanity now has no other re- - course than to wreck its entire mil itary machine and create a world without armies and without weap ; ons. Otherwise, the nations will be .hit by a crushing tornado of nu- clear war within a few minutes not only the individual cities and - from the earth, but entira countries can be turned into deserts, "The Soviet Union believes in the strength of ideas and not in the strength of weapons. Those are fair words. . But Unfortunately '. We find it impossible to believe -that fair words, when uttered by .'communis!, ran be believed. Con sidering all the water that has ;gone over the dam in the past, we are forced to suspect that the So viet Inion believes that if you can maneuver your enemy into a posi tion where he has thrown away all his weapons, you will be in a fine position to hit him with everything you've got, including the kitchen sink, at a moment when he isn't looking. In that event, yon would have .the world by the tail. ! It's too bad we can't take the Soviet Union's word. But we can't. Under the communist code of eth ics, ANYTHING ia honorable that results in the destruction of your enemy. , So we'll have to keep our fingers crossed on this new proposal. Probably the employment of an expert is an unneces sary expense, rossibly the planning groups of the counties could come up with n program equally efficient without his help. But, psychologically, use of a neutral planning expert would assist in reducing fears. At a previous meeting I talked with several residents from thelSand Dunes area. They were not entirely ad verse to zoning and land use regulation, but they expressed fears of "those politicians" making tin their countv courts. At the same time I talked to one of the "Doliticians." lie's coming up for reelection. He wanted nothing to do with any zoning program because it might alienate some votes. It should be obvious that in such a situation the em ployment of a neutral person, thoroughly grounded in plan ning, would be of great help. Land owners wouldn't feel that they were voiceless, or that "those politicians" were desiring to mistreat them, as some apparently fear. Regulations Limited Doerner proposes action under a section of the Ore gon law permitting the county courts to regulate land use for a period of three years. The regulations could be im posed without a vote 'f the landowners. But the time for zoning would be restricted to three years if sufficient ob jection were to be raised. If as few as 15 per cent of the residents were dissatisfied with the zoning ordinance, they could, by petition, secure an election at which the people wouio oeciue wnetner to remain under the regulations. It is Tn T rsntninn (Vint t Vin -Aimlff nr.mFv,:aUw.nn-. v,na -' ----- j ....... .. vuxiivj vuiiiiiiiniMuii-i imn 111- fered a very good program outline one that should be given immediate consideration and action. There are two bills before Congress. One would cre ate a national park. This bill would permit landowners to reside on their property so long as they lived. All spec ulative values would be lost, however. Title eventually would go to the federal government. The state would lose taxes now paid by tha private lands, after an interval nf a few years, but some people contend the state would ac tually benefit financially from tourist income. Another bill, introduced by Cong. Durno, would author ize the U.S. Forest Service to administer its holdings in the area for recreational purposes, and would appropriate money to develop camp and picnic grounds and make other improvements. But Durno's bill doesn't affect intermingled private lands. Without some protection from "honky-tonk devel opment," such as may be found along manv parts of the Pacific Coast, it is doubtful if the Durno bill is sufficient to protect the area's recreational resources. Congress probably won't get around to a decision im mediately. The three-year period included in Doerner's easy for "self-respecting svrfa" ngti which can result in serious to forgive a man for something like : problems later if it isn't correct this. All it takes Is common sense ad now. and a determination to keep one's family together. He owes you noth. CONFIDENTIAL TO CHARLES ing. You broke up your own home' IN S.F.: Silence Is often guilt in- he merely helped. stead of golden. DEAR ABBY: This may sound silly, but I would like your opin- Everybody has a problem, ion. What do you think of a guy what's yours? For a personal re who writes you a letter with 36 piv wrjle , Abby. Box 3365. Bev personal pronouns referring to.ery Hills, Calif. Enclose a stamp himself and only 10 to you? We'ed, self-addressed envelope. are both 17. TERRY For Abby's booklet, "How To DEAR TERRY: Your guy has Have A Lovely Wedding." send 50e "l-strain." Perhaps the condition i to Abby, Box 3365. Beverly Hills, will improve with age. Calif. a matter of course. If the Lord1 a bit more than we could stand. (wgk) is my shepherd, then all these I other things are true. Out of this truth flows all the claims of the EVERYONE'S OUT OF STEP BUT CHARLIE psalm. Bend Bulletin David, the author of this psalm. Former Congressman Charles O. Porter of Eugene hates to be knew the functions and status of reminded of his past friendship with Fidel Castro, preferring to a shepherd, for he had spent many days tending flocks himself. He knew the confidence which trustful sheep had in a good shep herd. Ai he sat in meditation note that he liked Castro once, but doesn't like him now. This is true. But it took Charlie too long to defelop his dislikes. At a dinner a few months ago in Mexico City, a group of Cuban refugees were discussing their homeland. Several of them believed. with his sheep around him his, and believed strongly, that Castro's executions of his political op- thoughts must have turned to Cod ponents would have stopped early in the game but for the implied often. How good Cod was and how; approval of Porter, eirly in the Castro regime. James Marlow Big Mystery Today Is Why Khrush Has Quieted Down tenderly he cared for his people It must have occurred to David that Rod was like i shepherd. What David was to his sheep, God was to him. WASHINGTON fAP) President In the current situation, this is 1.'.... .1 .. anA Tm ntm U' h nxl, . 1 I hi nil, ,lnr ItCIIUCU, K.I V. ' 1 1 III IV I ... u - ' fx ,'..-.' . . ' chev, despite all the heat over Why Khrushchev, from about ! ne ' nownere promises a smooth Berlin, have kept their own per- tne time tnc ana communist par- 7 yium sona relationship as restrained as ly congress met in Moscow a minuet. October, suddenly quieted down Nevertheless, the No. 1 mystery jon Berlin and ever postponed in why Khrushchev has quieted 1 definitely the deadline for a set- 0-own iiemeni wnicn ne waniea oy The meeting between the two I. h h ...,:.., h. We're reminded of the time Jimmy lloffa threw the dinner in Washington. A large number of Congressmen were invited. Porter was the only one who showed up. We get the impression that Porter is highly intelligent, but not Because God is our shepherd we ' velT niart. But he still thinks everyone's out of step but him. shall never be in want. God willj not grant all our desires, for some mm I t A i It n I fve'M House Parlors vide for all our needs. We need fear no evil. God does not say mere will oe no evu in our lives To Get Antique Furnishings WASHINGTON (AP)-The re-. The Red Room, now emoire. is nsi1. me iiuei iic uurs uiuiiii. - . . . . 1 - list lise is the strength to overcome 17 ,. u .'. I . .'".".Urgely furnished with the gifts of men in Vienna last June 3 4 was on the surface, a pleasant session in which they sought to know each other. Underneath it was about as tough as a meeting can be. It was there, face to face with Kennedy, that Khrushchev began the Berlin crisis by demanding the city be henceforth "free." He predicted the eventual triumph of communism through wars 01 110 era'.ion." For months afterward Khrush chev worked overtime to force Kennedy back on his heels with speeches, talks, bomb-warnings, building the Berlin wall and, fi nally, resuming nuclear tests. Kennedy, reporting on his meet ing when ho returned home, said the United States would stand firm. He added that Khrushchev should not be blamed for all the world's troubles, outlined a pro gram to resist communism every where, and began a military buildup. Since then Kennedy has talked repeatedly of his determination not to let Khrushchev get away with Berlin. did it because he was having so much trouble at home. That makes no sense. He was master of the congress, got en dorsement for humiliating old die hard Bolsheviks like Molotov, and so thoroughly discredited the im age of Stalin that the old dicta tor's body was removed from its tomb. A more reasonable assumption might be that he had so much work to do at the congress that he needed a vacation from Ber lin Nor could his troubles with Red China and tiny Albania, which seem to think he's not aggressive enough, look like a factor in cool ing off his ardor on Berlin. He's not about to have war with Ked China. Albania hardly count. It would be more reasonable to think Kennedy's show of deter mination persuaded Khrushchev not to push the Berlin business to an explosion. Any suggestion about Khrush chev's motive fur quieting down on Berlin is shee guessing. Here is another: rhat when he evil; we need not fear it. He fills the cup of life to the brim and beyond. He pours out more bless ing! than we can contain. He is the Good Shepherd who delights in doing good lor ilis sheep. Eugene F. Gerlitz, pastor first Baptist Church The scripture reading published Nov. 24 based on the Scripture from Romans 12:1-21 was errone ously credited to the Rev. Vera' who responded to First Lady Robinson. It was written bv the Jacqueline Kennedys plea to pro- Rev. C. O. Ross of the Assembly vide historic antiques for the of the White House famous state parlors the Red Room in empire period and the Green Room in classical American will be com pleted soon. The Red Room currently is closed to tourists while workmen put a new fabric on the walls to replace the old red silk brocade. The Green Room is on view. though, with all newly acquired furnishings from many donors ot God Church instead. Parcel Delivery Bid Protested PORTLAND (AP) A United Parrels Co. application to provide : small parcel delivery service on major Oiegon highway trade routes drew considerable opposi- program would probably suffice until Congress makes i.pIKaoveV'rWtoATnTervrew us niuiu. But never, in all this long-range put up the wall shutting off West and often long-winded dialogue, 1 Berlin from East Berlin and the West failed to do anything about it he had won a major point any way and could relax. Meaning: He wanted to make the West acknowledge that com munism completely controls East Germany and East Berlin and has either man said an unfriend ly or derogatory word about the other. This has left the door open for future reasonable dealings. Khrushchev even sent his news- Hal Boyle Some FamiliarSoundsThat Always Precede Christmas NEW YORK (AP) Sounds that always precede Christmas: "You just get finished paying for one Christmas and then the lion as hearings neared the end of j next one cornea along.' the first week. The chief opposition to the Uni ted Parcels bid came from West ern Greyhound Lines. Inc., which "Who invented Santa Claus any way?" "I hope, you saved the cards we got last year. Myrtle. Otherwise . 1.. .1.- -...u I i. xut UUIUIIIJ iui its ' . ... I .... 1 nely formed Lightning Dispatch i ho" " know who to send .( cards to this year? Some 40 major Oregon truckers "Dickie, I've already taken you you pick one out and lug home yourself." v "Well, it only comes once year thank heavens!" "Yeah, I read her letter to San ta Clans. It don't make sense to me. She's got 10 dolls already. What does she want four more for'" "Could you fit me out wilh a pair of arch supports, doctor? 1 Kennedy at White House request, giving the President chance to state his position in full in the Russian government 1 newspaper, Izvestia. Khrushchev had the same re lationship with President Eisen the West isn't going thing about it. By bow reality of the wall, the West ad mitted his point From the verv beginnin dispute the Russiani have told the West in effect that the two Cer Reader Opinions Khrush Makes Orb'tal Flight Sound Difficult To The Editor: On reading The News-Review account of the successful U. S. orbital flight, it occurred to me that perhaps the Russian prem ier, Mr. Khrushchev, has been making mis erbit routine sound toe difficult. Over here, even a chimp can do it!!! Jim Dovle, P.O. Box 1311 Roseburg, Ore. President's home. This room now shows off the works of American craftsmen who followed the style of Sheraton, Chippendale and ilepplewhite. According to the White House curator. Mrs. John N. Pearce, Mrs. Kennedy and her fine arts advisers have laid down a pat tern for the first-floor formal rooms. According to the master plan. Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. Douglas Dillon. The Blue Room, still incom plete, will represent the period of President James Monroe. The Green Room gets a big lift from the distinguished examplrs of early American furniture donat ed by Bernice Garbiseh of Ke York and Cambridge, Md., daugh ter of the late automobile magnate Walter P. Chrysler. A STRONG FIELD HARTFORD, Conn tAP) Eight of the 10 leading money winners nil the pro golf tour played in 10th In surance City Open at the Wethers field Country Club. Missing among the top 10 were Billy Casper and Tommy Bolt, the latter being fon ed into idleness because of a PGA suspension sustained for using pro file huge state dining room and , '""'ty the PGA championship in famed east ballroom win ne rep-, -""--" resentative of the period of 1902 when the White House was re modeled and refurnished in digni fied 18th century style under the direction of the occupant of that time, President Theodore Roosevelt. LEGAL LEGAL hower until the American V2 spyjmanips wore not going to be re plane, brought down over Russia, I united. Recently Kennedy ad m it em ba massed him. Then he belit- ted this was so, as long as the tied Kisenhower aid broke up the i Russians wanted to keep them 19G0 summit meeting. I separate. gdV.nhye Gore Says Soviets, esi au- of t Red China Fearful Of Direct Attack NOTICI OP PINAL ilTTLIMINT None twrtby givtn that Friday. Dt ctmbtr 13. 1H1. t th hour of :30 0'clocR m in If Circuit Court Room In th CourthouM. (toitburfl. Douglas County, Oro on. hat bMn fixad as tt tlmo and plact tor hMricg oolrclioru. H any. to tha llnal account tilad by th undersigned In tht Circuit Court ot tha State ot Oregon for OouglsU County. GORDON 6, CARLSON, 'Ewutor ol the Li t Will and Testament of DAN ORGtSlCM. Deceased. H0. 7310 NOTICI OF SALI Of REAL PROPERTY IN TH CIRCUIT COURT OP THI STATE OP OREGON FOR THI COUNTV OP MULTNOMAH DEPARTMENT OP PRORATE in tha Matter of tht Guardiansh.p of tht Ptrson and Estate MABEL VAN BUREM C. MOORE. Incompetent. Notlct l hereby glvan that tht undersigned Guardians of tht titate of MaDel Van Buren E. Moortv Incompetent, by virtue of an Order of Sate issutvl out of tht Circuit Court of tht State of Org on, tor tht County of Multnomah, duly made and entered on tht 21st day of November, 191, in t:t above entitled Guardianship, licensing the Guardians to sell tht hereinafter described real property belonging to the said Incom petent will offer for sale and sell at puoi-e or private salt, tor c.h or up4ft credit, after tht Mth day of Decemotr, upot such terms ts may be approved by lit Monday, Court, at tnt Homeflndte Reirty, DouQlns County, In tht City ot Roseburg, Oregon, 'Postmaster Offers Helpful Hints To Insure Delivery Of Yule Mail NOTICI Nolie, It htttbt given tlt : rwwrrr 4. 1HI. Dtrf tha hours I 00 a.m. and 1:00 p m. Standard tlma. an ! all tha following described real property elactlon will be hew In tha Norm Kottjorg oated In Douglas county, Oregon, fo-wit: Sanitary District tar tha purpose of electing The Easterly 47 feat of Lot 4, Binr WASHINGTON (API British h Directors to the Board of Directors Jt. City ot Roseburg, County gl Doug- AmbaKaHnr HiU nrn..i... I Mi0" Senitery District. las. state gf Oregon nmoassanor Mr Uawd Ormsby Th, plK, ,d election shall! Ine sale will Da made subiecf to the con- OOre said Thursday that the Ria-'be the ott.ee of the Sanitary District, l , firmatian by the above entmed Court . jor Communist powers are takine'NC Aiamegg. In tad Oislnct I Data ot Firtt Publication: November 74, nut ths.r H.ff.rli. - ait. I "" " Directors gl mi. Date of Last Publication: December 7Z, With Thank.Rivini! a recrnt mem- ire projram, there'll be Irs dan i "formidable achievements 'r uincrences on Aioanialth. Norm aoteburo samter. ohm-ci. because thev are afraid to utacli alia bait ram. Secretary mi. each other directly. j Tfor pinal jiTTtiMiNT In nnm nt t ; ft. 1 I tlx...-. ! tur.hv bI.h that tha under- . , '" soned. es edmini.treirl. gl the estate of! Mnce he came here a monih aso. ijoMN wesley ball, deceased, has filed the British diplomat Said theier final account in the Circuit C our I Communist Dowers have marl. " '' O"" ooiat county. in In- I nth day gf December. 11. at the hour Oavisl M. Steinmctx Margery Walls Cuardianl. Harry C. Baughmen Attorney for Guardians 001 Yeon Building Portland 4. Oregon vihich aUo make deliveries along the ame routes also opposed the bid. , United Parcel! aaid it would pro Mde door-to-door service for par-1 you've seen them all sr., si. ,-uuini. v. ... . .., ,h , , .... r to see the Santa Claus at Mary's Why do you have to nee the Santa Claus at Ciimhels, too? When one Santa Claus, you've seen nrv PiMlmnliir Ki.hr1 Smrlr .airl our nf anntji I hri.tti... .,nl, ,, iMi.ina thai., mil.... tn in .vb.. i m.. m,hm a, ..... ; 4 XC&tA 'Zi STZIVXI 'ZZZn dellVfred be ithe ',ndustr,al ba5e w "WtrrTJ. niiecr now until the end of the year " ',,h' rl .1 I " ra . . I Uimtmas. ptter. M MKlUnt m,, M mo tt "... Ti V . t .1 year. j.f offered these helpful hints on I R, n, ,j ,,,. K,,.. ..., meni inereoi -- i uiiii i i no ii up erybody is so sentimental Ev and Hay," Oreson's interstate routes, both north ami south and east to I'en- iiifiuii. as well as ui major vsjpmhi . - ... , . ... c.v...... ;ti Vnitrd Parcel alw.y. make, me feel blue; vice president, said this otiid! "Upn t you think it a time you orovide dailv oickuo and next dav ' down and wrote your , annual delivery to some 123 Oregon cities ! "r ,Allnt Martha. Susie? Aft ..ill. n inmr. nrnmnl I'k.i.l.. t: n.. j -j-j , r ' . t s. ...i.-..ii.. nets iiuaiir ut-iKit-u ne sale delivery betore Dec. 2.S aoesn t really like it. four-cent postage on your Christ- IV . n ., ,1 l-ook. Maude, for the last time mas cards. Sent by firsLclass mail. , UUrinn rOSI IWlOnTn i a drab and dreary social svsten j "i wnicn promises oi a vroraer s ( I tell you I don't want nothinc . Uiey are sorted and delivered first for Christmas except some litlle peace and quiet. Now can I please finish reading my newspaper'" fcvery time mv wife hears the and U you include your return an- W ASHINGTON (AP)-The Asri i i-uw nn a r-W an va limit thaw U ill . .1 " " :J , cuiiure uopanmem said inurs- I iur.niru ii. uir r rm t . day fam Dro(lucl Drjce, dro chins or KiortM, or 11 mry are n.arlv p.- NOTICI Or THI PROPOSED INCORPORATION OR AOOlTlONAL CONTIOUOUS TERRITORY WITHIN WINSTON-OIL LARD WATER DISTRICT, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON Th Osytitujr ot mor than 15, of th fail vottTM of th territory hrinftr Pr ttcuirl dKribd hcvirtg bw Med wit th County CkeK l Douglas Coufti. 0--901, stirtQ for th hereinafter drr.bed It ri'txy contiovout ta Wlntrt-D'sia'd watt? O strict t Doogistf County. 0"W. ta r lKludd trt. ifKtXDWttj with, ind nrtciad to th uit Vvtir District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, tt sound or 'Jinul Bells' she seems ! undeliverable, they will be "turn-. an(j mid November mj bo crazy, mie incs 10 Duy oul lu outside of Tortland. i rr 111 JUM .nrioITt nri5im.(pvpnf ft01T j( 0Wf , MsQ ym fan wnlp a .onai Opponents contended this wouW nn " yo An Martha UnoWj .1;rorgf hai tireidv boiight mr message on the Chnsimas card place a burden on earners . I what you want ! a mink j,, for t hVistmas. but i sent by first class mail, whereas. ready serving these pointu and i riRni, in niini no y" he doesn't know it. I haven't told nly 'm,r iRntre ia authorued NOTICI TO CREDITORS paradise have been postponed so notice is hereby g.ven tt.at th un.i Often that the tMHint hmvm ln,t "" 00t"td AttmMiittrtrn i uurn inai me people nae ion ot tf EjU,t Cnrl c Cbw, I faitn in the mystical incanta-1 ah pwten nv)n ciim gmt th ,tati tlOns Of Mairxism. I "CW1' rt r-Ot1'tl ta prtnt tn fKOff of th County Court of Douqla Coun. . m with proper vouchr within l month tv. Oroon. on th lh ru ot DKiWMr, rvent of a dav npn,ill(, nr;, Ar.mrA "oviousiy referring to the con- tn t n not.c t tn utov. w, t to w ocock m, m th counw if they are . . " "Z '"I'JZZ J 7? Oict beteen the Soviet Inion and '"T mLZHSl l?l 5T-5L SSST MT. Hcd Ihina. though he did noti.,,,, crrwor, tn me Jooo.m Uciuon , name them, OrmitbV Gore Said in Dated an, first awglished thit 4tt) aav gf mcerporatiois ssHtts w .nstar-Ollla'd Water D.i. a speech oreDared for the Nation. , Ngwnsbgr. mi 1 " Doug.as Count.. Oregon, at me tgt. 1 It w .. . u . , I LI(.S K LSO"l. HTTT.n sr-eiri lowing OeKnDed territory ai nr viuu. Aniuiuuus poll- gt tna ittate of LHARLI that a service such aa United Par- didn't like the Christmas tree ,1 n)m )f( The department said lower pne es lor meat animals, alms fruit, corn, cotton and esss were re sponsible for most ot the decline. I'nce increases lor some veje- eels proposes already is available, i picked out last year! So thii yearj your nuim illir, m unsealed third class rate 0".f"B,1 ,lrn Xht tnr'nl tables, poultry,' soybeans and milk The News -Review fublitheel Hgwt-kgvigif fuMitkitif Cg. 54S S. I. Meitt Sv.i ftgtgkiiff. Orgflgft were partially offsetting The mid November farm prire ticians clandestinely intriMiie against each other and the grown I up powers take it out on little Al bania when they are atraid to at tack each other " CHARLES V. STANTON Editor CECRGE CASTILLO Managing Editor ADDYE WRIGHT Business Manager DON HAGEDORN Display Adv. Mgr. rrgoett ii.l i- .i - i . - Daoartment Z":' ""a Z'.u "vet wa aNut one per cent be- "nne ine reauueR or coirmu-, tri Afcni. I' m . u i. . ' low a vear a:o num have destroyed most of its eh cmw. ok3 I cord Mark packages containing dreams. Ormsby Core said, the "l breakable sifts, "tragi. "Han- uie ,nu" Ul Pr,cp Pat n u-t..r ns.tmn. .t,n i,.,. J " ami'"f,' ' Aim u-ith r.r " Put mn i.twl farmers for commodities and w"rn nation still hae not Arcn e4r, (nlW, a, fltM ., ; rirrvinS the recinirn UltludinK inteirst. taxi completely disproved the Com mil- ovnt tn th crei, t c th carrint( me recipients ann senn- . j nut thtwirv tht trttffrn-- 5' 0'on tv oovQa count ayvj r' name and ari.trew invnie ev- ,-,,n "r ,,r' rrmainra - - tn tm, M. f fmir. mi .t Member of the Associated Tress, Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, the Audit Bureau of Circulation Entered second class matter Hay 1, 1920, at the pest office at Roseburf, Oregon, under art of March 1 187S Subscription Rates on Classified Advertising Tage necktie, how about this one It Avo,rt "n'lrM packinc ot your made from the skin of a cobra." "Bobby, you come out of that closet this very minute. No, mom my isn't try in? to hide those pack ages. She's Just just keeping them for a friend. They're no con- .v !i-ry package. ou mean your bo only gtve. n PnnclUMOnt lht? rMmater you a bo of chocolates" My boss: ,aidi ..Bv takirf? a hue fXtra gives m a $2S gift certificate, a carff Wlth your Christmas mailings bottle of scotch and a kiss, if r, .ht now. vou li avonl disauiwint- there's nobody Is in the oltic."! mg friend and It.ved ones The drx of record. riion to apply for membership in "Could I please have a one way : post oflire is fully prepared for With farm product prices oft the Kuropein Common Market i ticket to Timbuktu or Bali or the big Christmas mail uh. biit one per cent and the index of pne one step in the process of disprov- anyplace else here they don't through your cooperation in mailing s paid by farmer unchan&cd. ing the Marxist view that the play Christmas tunes on the ra , early and often, a siiKktestcd by the farm price level declined to capitalist world wul destroy it dm? ' ithe .National Improved Mail .erv-,.. per cent ot parii CASON, OKHMtf STATS O AflCHlf SABl. CHILD HOT ICS 0 PINAL ACCOUNT (N. 14, ta th C 'Cuit Court ti P tt of O-t Don for t Cawhr OooflU. at a Unit the same level as for among th non Communist coun the previous three months tries will destroy them and assure The index was up about one per ,he ultimate victory uf Com cent. howeer. from a ear a,;o. munim. and was the highest November in L Ormshv Gore said Britain's de th hv f t M ee m th terv Of Vet 4 Sac ttt Courtroom Of ti t C Ov" h pOOnttl M 4 Cou" t t.m art tvac tor e' oo,crtni thrr n th irttmt thvt- DJ 4 "rtt BVDih' Nov. t. IHt D' Of ttt puB'iCI' O" D I. '! WtLLUV tttN CM'LO. J. Aatc-jfttor S-uc M Ha l o "'.YHADt a HALL A'Of tear Atjf.-r ajt-'i'if rKotif aU'o'i'a I rtiS At 0'9M 80'nlng at point th jct on lir iTvn sctioni K rtfl Ji. Towmrtip ;i Sooth, Rro wtt. ft V , Dougl Countv. O'toon. t fh Horin rt-of lit of th Cool S,v-totJrfl H-n-r No 43; rwhomsj thnc North oot h tiri in to trt tjtxt'Or. (0"' tvrirncn to SaKtiO"! 1. 17, M ntf J'l fhx Wf I ri,i lo-q tn WCtiOrl In t tr cfon COrnajr COr-mon iCliOn 17. 1, 70; th-ic S0u" 1 pmi on tn ftKtion tir to V W'On CiX"r common to Sx!Or) 1. X. IS anJ JO; thnc South to (xt C tat btvord th South right-of-T of H'IV N. 2: trrx E Itt t t WMf ftJ f COU"ty 34 Ne . fK Nhtty o-g fK nvnt right -o-v f CtXrnfv ja , 7 tg f N0'thif cor"' o HK'-on of Hiort- V N 41? od COwry 94 NO ! 1l NOrthOaOgVIV O f Kvlrl r oMjf.v l'- of Civ Biy io out M-fltiway H. J ta th ptx f 0g.nn.n A i p'gr tr'mlit mv ' ' hartj on n.a propo r -tat or of rn f- p.c iVim J Da' f i r 01, rf '.Mmotf, IH1. r.fri'.e SEM 0tjtv. C C DvS'l Cavty, osteon 1