12 The Newt-Reriew, Roieburtj, Or. Fri., Dec. 1, 19(1 PATRONItK NEWS-RFVIEW ADVERTISERS PIERRE I hod date with my wife lott night dinlrttj, dancing and fh theotr. Nothing's too good for my wife. How wot I to nortce 'til Chrit took our pof troit ot 427 S. E. Main St that h woi shll o glamorous ftirtn and I wot getting a pounch ond losing my hair? BILL Christmas Lay-Aways Invited - No Deposits Necessary ELECTRIC TRAIN DOLLS & PLUSH TOYS Gilbert troin, transformer, & run . . . ond It reverses. A Specially priced ot A1 -piece Country Club Set, Reg. 7-piece Form Truck Set, Reg. $12 5 piece Road Building Set, Reg. S piece Highway Paving Set, Reg. 3-piece Construction Uf, Reg. jo ooy warning uou, i only. Keg. v.tt TRICYCLES & WAGONS 2-yeor-oW WoUing DcJI, 1 only, Reg. $30 (.17 10" Heavy Duty Trike, Reg. $12 12" Heavy Duty Trike, Reg. $14 16" Heavy Duty Trike, Reg. $16 Finest Heavy Duty Wagon, Reg. Radio Tot Wagon, Reg. $4 "icism JOHNNY'S TOY HOUSE The follow! nf radio and tekvMea trefram ar reodars. All proa ran littiMi oro pooUskod Review dees aet SKcapt Nstseaslkility fee oarietii KPIC-TV Ch. 4 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 4 no Ctwtlntntal CUnroem (Mathl 4 30 Continent! CUuroem Gv'nf) e-l5--Educetltviel TV (Ton. ttuTI FrO 9 Play Your Hunch 10 00 Prlc ! lBhl 10 JO Cntxtolrallon 1 1 : oo T ruth or CanwautncM 11 30-It Could Be Yw llrii 0T Rpert 1? 00 Jan Murray )f 3S Rompr Room 100 Young Doctor Malono t 00 Mmk Doom For Deddy I 30-Mr't Hollywood J 55 AH f noon News ) 00 OMombor BrkM J 30 Vrvwit (Monday nry) J:30 Perentt oik about School (Fri. entvl ROSEBURC RADIO and TELEVISION - Weekdeya -$ Seturdey 1455 W. Herrerst OR 3-3002 Free liHmeres All Work Guar. KBES-TV Ch. 5 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 10 45 CBS Nawa 11 00 4. ova Of Lift 11:30 Saarch For Tomorrow 11 45 Guiding Light 1? 00 Collaqa Of Tha Air 1? Jft Ai Ttw World Turns 1:00 Pam Tha Word v 110 Housa forty I 00 Tha Mllllonalra 1 30 Vardlct It Your j 45 CttS Nawi S 00 Brlghtor Day 3 15 Jwrat Storm S 30 Edgo ot Nohf KOIN-TV Ch. 6 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY J oo Coirnta Of Thg Air 7 30-Carinm Tlma . I on Captain KangarM t oo Caiandar 9 301 Lova Lucy 10 00 Vldao Vlllaga 10 30 Surprlta Packagg 1) 00 Lova Of Llta 11 : so Saari-ti For Tomorrow 11 45 Guldlna Lroht 11 00 HI Neighbor (Man, through Thwrt) 17 trOHoitctt HOUtO (FT If1 VI U JOAi Tha World Turni I 00 KOtN Kttrhan 1 30 Hout Parly on Thr MiHionairo SO varetiei la Yourt ) oo Knohtar Day ) 15 S4Nrrat Storm 1 30 Ecgo of N-ght KEZI-TV Ch 9 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11-00 Tha Tavan 11 30 Lovo That Kob 11 OO Aitl-Oav Refuv-t U.I) Rtropact iMen-WMt-Frll Oraoon Farm Journal (Tuw-Thura) 17 )A Mahg A Para I 00 Day In Court 1 15 ARC Midday Raporf 1 30 C TV-Music (MonWadPrU 1 '30 FTv-l .tar atura (Tvat-T hurs) t oo Numbar Piaasg f 10 Sva Kayi Oft Quaaw For A Day Radio Programs -iMon Jay thru KRNR 1490 KC KRNR. . .Bradc!ttnf 14 haura, otl dam 4 waak, Monday mraugh Saturday. CBS wt on tha hour. Sunday through Saturday. TBS ttiirw an tha hart hour, Sunoay-Sat-tKday Frank Got. 7.34 am PIT, S:S KQEN 1240 KC MONDAY THROUOH PRI0AY 4 Ofi-Nawt Around thg World ABC 4 30 Local Nawi 4 jl Waathar Capsufc 4 50 County Agant 7 00 Mamlngwav ABC 7 45 Loral Naws 7 50 Paul harvoy ARC KYES 950 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY aeoaiKAST TIMBi fcMv, a mm. H 4 M o m i Sumtavt am M 14 fm MONDAY THeOilON SATueOAVt Hmmm tlne news C tfto Hfwri WWhr-Vm IS mieutes post' mm hour Mwt awnmory ai i Knight's Illness May SACRAMENTO. Calif. (AP) -California's 19B2 election cam paign juit won't be the tame if illncaa feta Goodwin J. Knight down. He ian't out of It entirely, but hia doctor aaya he'll be bedridden for (bout two monthe bjr hepa titis a liver ailment. How toon the uaualljr ebullient former governor tan bounce back ia a question which could change the complexion of the Republican primary in June. Knight will be 65 on Dee. t, and he 'a up againat a vigoroua 48-year-old opponent in the race for Him FOR LESS MONEY track. Reody t 'Wlw do" S20 voloe. . . ,, 9.99 vranaer rvujrrci TONKA TOYS Casper the 110 $10 I. ... . . Newborn Babv t.99 k case with window front. Reg. $8 S.94 $13 .... I. n.. TO" Di. .L ki n tit m mm $l .... 10. " UM.k.kl. $20 !!. 1 " . . '"""' " " "' ' 7.77 AUTO & 1.17 . Gilbert Oval Auto $15 e,ee Gilbert Figure 1.99 Aurora Model arlMed ea a free auMie service fee Newt-Review eteeived trans Hie resooctlre eteriem. Tke News ies) fro erlieeJ etkedulea taraishoe' rkia newspaper. fen-Talk et The Town (Twotdave Wadnatday. Thursday) 4:00 TV Topics (Monday wily) :00-Publlc Sirvlca (Tuat, Only! a 00-43 Ta Mark at (Wad. only) 4:00 Fubllc Svrvfca (Tlwrtr 4:00 Fat Porade (Fri. only 4:15 Amarka Af Work 4:15 Social SacurHy (Wad. only) 4:1S-tuo-tc Sarvlca (Pri. Only) 4:30 CaDtaln Shipwradt 1:00 Kartoon Karnlval FRIDAY I JO-Almaflac Nawiraal S:4S-tportarnant TtM N Trtpi 4:00 Northwaat Nawa 415-Hwntray Srlnktoy 4:30 Parry Maion 7:30-lntamalronal tNowtlma 1:30 Tha Dataciivat ff:30 Olnah thora ADD THIS SALESMAN Callleg 0 Over 11.000 Hornet TO YOUR STAFF Fee latenMtiea, O.el OR J-J321, lit. 44 FRIDAY 4S-KaUidoacopd 4:30-Unch III Show 1:30 Muck labarry Hound 4 00 Your TV Waatharman 4:0 Channat 1 Raport 415-Ooug Edwarda With Tha Nawt 4:30 Sport! Spaclacutar 7 00 Tha Country Show T: 30 Young Paopla'i Concart '30 Routa 44 0 30 Twilight Zon 10:00 Untouchablas 1100-ABC Lata Nawt 11: IS Slaga S 4: OS Paopla't Chatca (M-W-P). Watorfront (Tu-Thurt) 4-10 Cartoon Ctrcua S:fln Rtxky And Hit Frtanda 4:11 Man From Cochl (M-W-F), trtkan Arrow (Tut-Thura I- is Nawacana 4:1S Ooug Edward FRIDAY 4-W-Mlohwoy Patrol 7 0O Oaath Valtay Oavo ? 30 Young Paopla't Coneort 30 Roulo 44 :30-Fathar Of Tha trtdo 10:00 Twilight 2on 10' 30 Eyawltnau n no Pexfi.nd wrtattlng 11:45 NtghUcano SATUR0AY 7 Ht-RPD 4 oo Cartoon Tlma 30 Sky King - S-30-Ooon Hauaa 4 00 Amarkan Bandttand 4-5ft Amarkan Nawsstand 5 00 Jack Boon, snow FRIDAY I 10 K ft Cartm 4 00 Cvantng Raport 415 Nawi Nina 4 30 Third Man 7 30-Stralghtaway I OO Tha Hathaway JO Tha Fimtitnnaa 00 77 Snsaf Strip 10 00 T argot M 00-ABC Nawi P m , FST, Monday through Saturday. Lowall Thomas S p m.. FST, Monday through Prt. day, Spartt Tlma 4 It pm. ManaJay fhrougn riday. 4 SS p.m. Saturday. Monday Through Friday 1? P-Atl NroM Show 4 05 Bog Johns Mww 7 lS-Stock Marko Raport 0 Cliff Enow-ABC 30Lacal Nawt S 54-Waafnor Captulo t 00 Scat fast Chip ABC to 30 Esichango II Oa-Mld Mornmg Nawa ABC II 1 T alio Ta! ABC 11:30 Nawt Par WomaR 11 OA Med Day Nawt 11.10 Markot Rapart iMnutM ent tno Kavri Cvmnnv CiKrol mmn, rtvrt , mm Tw bn, I seaii raoaaAMSt MowMi sIwi x.ei cm ,m uu s.a- " V . twt. IV1, j Cunlr-I Mw CKrltflen Scc HmH. I AS a m.i rSr" T"" M.i wwt, II mm., va,M kw II ia 1,.? '"-- . I Lmmmrmm tar, Iffli lm ,.. rrwrt . rl i ax,iKl UtlM. 1 , m . , m i Mr. MvtK. I m m.i 0 SlsftrariM '"" Tlwn erikna inn a Ml. lliaemM Mtjr. 4 mm. Alter Election governor. And Richard M. Nixon haa promiaed to atage the most intenuve campaign in California hiatory. There are other Republicana who'd like to be governor, but the Nixon-Knight contest already haa touched off bitter sparka and could be the liveliest entry in the pri mary. Democratic atrategista would prefer to see Knight Slav in and put on an active fight. They fig ure that every vote taken away from Nixon in June would help Democratic Gov. Edmund G. Brown'a chancea in November. TOD with wove kit. Rea. S25 .... 11.41 ,.,, ... - ., , , ... laming umii, Tour unotce or Ghost, Sister Belle, Matty, Reg. t 17 , . , . Do in thAu der ttrrjn earninn """" ""' " Te.-.el.tb C...J I. D all aia.. ROAD RACE SETS Roce, Reg. $20 12.1$ t Auto Race, Reg. $30 .... ll.lt Motoring, Reg. $25 1J Jl 10:30 Hara and Now 11:00 Raoort lltlf Pront Raw Cantor SATURDAY l:)0-PI tha Ptear :00 hrl Lawla :30-Kinfl Loonard 10 00-sFury I0:30-Maka Roam tor Daddy 11:00 Uo Data 11:30 Mr. Wliard lt:00-MSA Bawatbal 130 Dan Smoot 1:45 Saturday Mat In 1:00 All Star CoH 4:00-TaNt Back 4:30 Roy Rootri 1.00 Man and tha Chaltano ?:30-Taiaa of want Far 4 30 Tall Man f:00 Saturday Nltd Mawlaa 11:00 Saturday Clnarna Va SERVICE It 1'tVICI tlMMHTl'I PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO & TV a amtnf n fun tM at luitns at tsren lHi nt SATURDAY IOod-NCAA Warmu 10 IS-NCAA Football 1:15 Pott Gama Sc or aboard 1:30 Saturday Matlnaa 4:30-iPL Gama ot Waak J ThU ! Tha Llfa 4:0O Dan Smoot Raoort 4:15 Channat 9 Rapnrt 4-30 Stava Allan Show T: 30 Parry Maion 30 Tha Oatandan t 30 Hava Gun, WIH Travo) 10 00 Guntmoka 1100 Pinal Raporf 11:J0-Slaga 4 O'Mk rant aln ITahtwaairH 10 00 Vtdso VllltMja Junior 10 30-Mlohty Mow a PiayhouM 11:00 Allakaram 11:30 Roy Rooarg 11:00 Sky Ktng 11 JO My Prland Flick a l:0OSafvrday Nawi 1 : 30 Accant I 00 Armchair Thagtar J 30 Rad Dunning 4-00R.C M.P. 4 30-Gama af tha Waak 5 30 Advantura Thaatar 4:00 Front lar Doctor 4 30 Tha Callfornlana 700 Tha Third Man 7:30 Parry Mason 30 Tha DaarMtri t-SO-Mava Gun, Will Traval 10 00 Gunamoka II 00 Saturday Raportar 11:04 Thaalar 11:15 Nawi Nino Pinal 11:30 Incara Thaator SATURDAY M 00NCAA Foefbal 1 SO Pim Parp I on ir prc Film 4 00 Emarahl pmpirg Bawling l oo-Fight of waak 7 45 Malta That sparg I 00 -Swaat Success 30 Laavo If to Raavor 00 Lawranca Walk 10 00 Tho Roaring W' 11:00 Now Ntna Final 11:ISMavHi Friday I JS Sufharttn Hour 10 Monty Snxm Show II 00 CBS Block U 10 AAontg Smith Stw 4 10 Rck Johnian Show 7 00 CBS fttoc 7 ) Night Watch 11:00 All Ntght SlMtW 1 OALocal Nawa 1 00 Kw Oragon OraoR 4 00 Hamingway ABC 4 30 A law Draiar AFC 4 45Snaaaitng Of Swf-ABC Harvty i ABC BC 4 004g Margae-ABC 4 15 Local Nwt 0 00 Tangwn H op Sgn Off s J -mm mm CALENDAR OF EVENTS cMSbmorroiu Friday, Dec. 1 Reaeburf Duplicate Bridge Club. Umpqua Hotel, 12:30 p m. This la an open club and all bridge play era are welcome. Anyone desiring a partner call OR J-4566. Driver'a License faaminer, S3T SK Roberts, S a.m. to S p.m. Sheriff's Pessa, at the Fair grounds, ( p.m. Heme Creup ef Alcoholics Anony mous, call OR 2-4059, 1 p.m. Christ's Ambassadors ot the As sembly of God Church. Winston, 7 p.m. PNS Club of Roseburg Rebekah Lodge, rummage sale, 9 a.m. 4 p.m., basement of IOOP Hall. Umpoua Radio Club meeting, at the clubhouse on Klamath Ave., 7:J0 p.m. Loyal Order ef Moose, f t m I night, Moose Hall, t p.m. Olalle Valley Club, Upper Olal la Community Building, potluck supper, T p.m. Veterans ef World War I and Auxiliary, Douglas Barrarka 176. Veteran's Memorial Building, I p.m. Riversdale Grange, Grange Hall, g p.m. Douglas Court Order af Amar anth, Maaonic Temple, I p.m. Vis itors welcome. Nlt Wits Knittlna Club, at home of Mrs. Lloyd Thomas on Reston Rd. Women of the Moose, rummage and white elephant sale, at old 88 Cent Store, 9 a.m. IDDDDDD EVERYONE had irnniMi Last Night! EVERYONE WILL HAVE FUN TONIGHT & TOMORROW NIGHT at the Rose Room RE-OPENING PARTY! JINNII AMORDE el Hie Boldwj Orgea with her "Roseborg Beet" Injoy the Amesing Mogie ef LOWf.lt RHODEN Fun and Surprises for AIM! 1 SEE YOU THERE!! ROSE HOTEL m- MONTGOMERY WARD 1411 N. I. Steehans ... Oaen Mn. Airline Picture Tube top line qualityV at new low price ON POPULAR 21" 1USES NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS 2 3S88' Instill! re lin ysrue aM Enjoy Korp TV pictvres with a super oluminiied picture tube. ..made for Wards by a leading tube moTrufodurer. Guaranteed for one year. (Tube may or may not contain re-proceed envelope.) COMPARE AIRLINE QUALITY AND LOW PRICES ON ALL OTHER SIZE TUBES Dillerd Cub Pack lie, at the Del ia rd School, 8 pm. Women ef St. George's Episcopel Church, baiaar, (am. Luncheon served 11 a m. to 2 pm. Women's Association of Oakland 'Community Presbyterian Church. at the church, 1 p.m. hsther Cir cle hostess. Saturdey, Dec. 1 Alcoholics Anonymous, basement of Pacific Building. 8 p.m., fur more information call OR 3-6e2. Buckeroo Square Dance Club, the barn, dance-of-month instruc tion at 8:30 p.m., regular dance at 1 p.m., ladies bring potlurk. South Deer Creek Grange, Grange Hall, 1:13 p.m. Trl 'n' Square Dance Club, Ea gles Hall, Myrtle Creek, 9 p.m. Olalle Squares, Olalla Commu nity Building. 9 p.m. Buckeroo Square Dance Club, annual jamboree. 8:30 p.m. All square dancera invited. Zonta Club, rummage sale, at Woman's Club on Mosher St. Doors open at 8 a.m. Knights of Pythias Girls Drum and Bugle Corps, rummage sale at old 88 Cent Store across from In dian Theatre, 8 a.m. Proceeds to finance trip to Seattle World's Fair. Boots and Calico Square Dance Club, Sadie Hawkins Dance, Win ston Community Hall, 9 p.m. All square dancers invited. United Spanish War Veteran's Auxiliary No. IS, a' home of Cath erine M illikin. 1175 SE Douglas Ave., 1:30 p.m. Hayloft Squares, at Preshern Barn. Dude Sibley caller. Break down of dance o' the month at 8 p.m., dance at 9 p.m. All singing calls featured. Ladies bring pot luck. SATURDAY RADIO LOG KRNR 1490 KC (MuilC Fxcapt Ai ttitd 5:J5 Sign Oo I' Johnson Shew irtO-MofMt Smith Snow 4:00 CBS Block S:$5 Spo1 Tinw M0 Pappy' Plarttr Party 12:00 Sign Off KQEN 1240 KC (Music Except Aa Ulttd 4V0O KQEN MutrC 4:30 News Around Th World ABC 4:15 Wtathtr CpMJl 7:45L0Ca)l Ntw I 30 tocat News 10:30 Exchange 10:45 Keep Oregon G'in 11:30 Paul Hervey Newt-ABC IJrOO Mid Day News 2 00 Keep Oregon Green l:30-ERChng Music, news Is Sports 12:00 Sign of KYES 950 KC Bmte: music-news-weothr 4:00 im til noon The Lerrjv Hlatf Show noon till S: 30 Bob Nelson P.M. Show SpeclM features: Head lino newt on top of tho hour Weather-vane ot w past the hour News Summaries lAj past ho hour Meeting Memos 4 past tho hour 10 30 to 11:30 om Teen Beat 2:30 to 2:30 pm Teen Beat 3 31 to 4:30 pfn Hl-PI-Cditf DANCE Every Saturday Night LINDY'S Music by Charlie Parret and the Medicine Valley Boys t Fri. Niyhn Until OR J-4111 SALE InstslUel by (itry traliesr tsMkniclemt TV tutx trssale-ln Local News 1 1 Mrs. R. R. Clarke. af this city spent Thursday in Eugene attend ing to business. j Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Moere and family apent the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in Portland Ma lting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wyatt and sons1 Mike and Kelly, of this city were! in Portland over fnday for the Roseburg Beaverton football game.' Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gesllne and1 their three elder sons of this city; went to Portland Friday for the! Roaeburg-Beaverton football game.1 Fame Martin, who is employed j in San Francisco by Sylvania Elec-1 trie, spent the holiday weekend ' here visitine her narenta. Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Brand had over the holiday weekend their j son, Don, who teaches at Florence, I Ore., and their daughter, Barbara, lot Medford. Rick Petersen, sludent at Uni versity of Oregon, spent the holi day weekend here with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Petersen, on SE Overlook Avenue. Karen Wishart, student at Uni versity of Oregon, and Kent Wish art, student at Oregon State Uni versity, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wishart. Mr. and Mra. J. E. Barnes re turned to Roseburg Tuesday after speng a week in Martinez, Calif,, with their son-in-law and daughter.' Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Ingram, and children, Larry, Marilyn and Mar cia. , Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kilby and children, Maureen, Patrick and Ferren, of Medford were guests of the holiday with Mrs. Kilhy'a par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Camp, bell. Mra. Campbell, who has been ill for several months, is mucbi improved in health. I Jack Joss of Reno. Nev., arriv ed in Roseburg Thursday night having been called by the critical illness of his mother, Mrs. L. W. Josse, who is a patient at Mercy Hospital. Carl Felker of this city drove to Eugene Thursday .evening to meet Josse and brought him back to Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mellis, who reside at Kirkland. near Se attle. Wash., . spent the Thanks giving holiday weekend here vis iting the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mellis, on SE Glenn Street, and are spending this week vacationing at the Es ther le at Taft, Ore., before re turning home. Bill Wishart of Roseburg, and his two brothers and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Wishart of Idaho Falls, Idaho, and Mr. and ' Mrs. Kenneth Wishart of Twin Falls, Idaho, returned here last week from San Diego, Calif., where they were called by the death of their father, George Wishart Sr., former resident of this city. The Idaho Wisharts remained here over Thanksgiving and went on to Ida ho Friday. Misa Ethel Webb of Rnsehurg has received word of the death of her sister, Mary Louise Conkey. 92. who died Mm, day in Jackson. Miss., while visiting a daughter. Mrs. Dale Newton. Mrs. Conkey and her dauchter. Mrs. Jcppesen. had spent the last year and a I half here with Miss Webh and had left in October for Minnesota to visit their son and brother before both going to Jackson, where Mrs. Conkey had expected to remain for the winter and Mrs. Jeppeson had gone to Omaha. Neb. to visit a daughter. Mrs. Jeppeson and Mrs. Newton took the body of their mother to Sauk Centre, Minn, for burial today. Mrs. Jeppesen plans to return to Roseburg at a later date. Movie Showtime FRIDAY, DIC. I. 1N1 INDIAN THEATtE (Wt WM t it Comolrt trwws 7 WMI SO. "6vrytrUnrj's Ducky" 1:10-10:35. "ThA SrvMpmAn" : only. STARLITE DRIVF-IN Ootm 4 30. slMws lart ! 7 00. "Prii aiwtt" An "Ghost 01 Drwmtrip Hollow." CLOVE RLE AS DRIVE. IN fSilhrllrl "Th Lovfrt" Art "Try Prrvtlt life of AOArn nd Eva" TRI CITY ORtVE-IN Shows slsrl l t M. "Thr? Piwr of Mn Company" And "Wings of ChAnco." GRAND THEATRE ISutfwrllnl tar nf lk opon. Af IS Show At 7 no. "eon Hurr." Also MkKtfa short subrKts. SATURDAY, DEC. t INt INDIAN THEATRE Kldrl, Main rjnnr opto 17 30 CompiO'f how AI I 00 ' Ev trythtng't OucHy." "Th Shrvonvtn onrj 7 color cartoons Out ar f OS EvanmQ RnnM Opnn 0 AS. Compiata Shews 7 00-1 SO ' Ev. arything I Ducky" 7. 10-10 IS. "Tha Shaap man" 0 SO only. STARLITE DRIVE IN Oom I JB SKnws lart at 7 00 "Parts E'uas" and "Ghost of Oragitrp Hollow" CLOVERLEAP PRIVE-IN (suthaMinl-f-Tha Lovart" and "lhy Pnvats L-ra of Adam and Eva " TRI City DRIVE IN Shows ilarf af I SB Tha Plaatura of H'S Company" and -Wtnfjs of Chanca ' GRAND THEATRE IfcihVr'Inl (Soy of f-ca opans at a I Show at 7 (Yl "Ran Hur.v A is Mwcrad snort tuRiacts. BENE TT A iwtnttonl Dmys opon S O Snow at 7 00. Homo Rrqm Tha H.IL ' DANCE Saturday Night DECEMBER 2 Good Live Music Ploying 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. MyrtU Hotel Lounge Myrtle Creek U.S. Crime Rate WASHINGTON (AP) Crime continued to increase in both ur ban and rural areas during the first nine months of this year. This ia the gist of the FBI's uniform crime reports for the period, announced today by Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy. City crime jumped 4 per cent over the same period in I960, while the rural increase waa 9 per cent. In making his report, FBI Di rector J. Edgar Hoover pointed out that the 4 per cent city rise is especially significant in light of substantial increases and new peaks in all crime categories in 1960. A sharp rise in suburban areas helped account for the increased city crime. The over-all percent age rise in cilies in the 25.000 to 50.000 population group, many of which comprise the country's suburban areas, was 10 per cent. An "alarming" 23 per cent in crease in forcible rape was re ported 'w cities with populations from 250.000 to 500.000. The 30 cities in this group reported 935 rapes, compared with 761 during the same period last year. At the same time, forcible rapes for all cities reported de clined 1 per cent, while increases were chalked up in all other crime categories. Included were a 4 per cent increase in murders, larcenies of $50 and over and auto thefts, a 2 per cent rise in rob beries and aggravated assaults Ritter Theatre Canyon ville NOW thru SUN. "Gone With The Wind" Clark Gablt Vivien Leigh Lttli Howard Olivia DoHavilland Evtningt . 6:00 Saturday Marina .... 2:00 Sunday Marine 1 :00 Rag. Adm. 65c, 30c SATURDAY MATINEE December 2 "MERRY ANDREWS" plus 3-STOOGES FEATURE nd CARTOON IM11I1.11 1 .MTtrmTrti New thru Sarurddy William Wrler's "BEN-HUR" One complete ihow eoch night Bos Office epem ot 6:45 Show ot 7:00 Sunday, 2.30, with Continuous Showing Special Admission; Adults, $1.00 Students, 7Sc Children, 50c Also Selected Short Subject Saturday and Sunday "HOME FROM THE HILL" Robert Mitch um Eleanor Parker plul ShorH end Cartoon Ends Tonight "Upstairs and Downstairs 'The Killer Shrews" Fri. Open 6:45, Show 7:00 Lost Complete Show, 8:20 Sot. Open 6 45, Show 7 00 Lost Complete Show, 7:25 Friday & Saturday Only "THE LOVERS" Also 'The Private Life OF Adam Cr Eve" ADULTS ONLY Ma ana under 1 1 will be edmrfttrj Admission SI par parson la ease tke oeeaKar it ketj TMI l0Vt ,H U skes af tfa GreAst Tliterre af II 00 Midtxte Hi tnmmj t SefunJev .ifs. Continues Climb and a 5 per cent increase in burg laries. The statistics were supplied to the FBI by police agencies throughout the country. Teeight i Saturday "THE PLEASURE OF HIS COMPANY" Fred Asteire Debbie Reynolds Lilli Pelmer Tab Hunter plus "WINGS OF CHANCE" Jim Browa 'rentes Raffarty NEW HOURS: Thurs., Fri. a:30 Sat., Sun., Helifjeyl 5:30 Closed Moil., Tuei., Wad. tmssm ijaPfflft all Open i:30 Shows start 7:00 Now thru Sun! paul NEWMAN joanne WOODWARD SIDNEY POITIER ...you doss t usr t lay the Pons blue Bll loer-mdn YOU'Vl GOT TO LIVE IT! LOUIS ARMSTRONG DIAHANM CARROLL plus: The Ghost of DRAGSTRIP HOLLOW Open 6:45 Shows start 7:00 thru SAT only Matinee Saturday at l:00--0pen 12:30 n mickey . budov plut . ford Sheepman smnrr mi rcsa aon suaaacn MaclAINE .teaasw-wnxuaa Sun-Mon-Tue KIRK DOUGLAS Tha shocking story of what four men did to l girl... and what tha town did to them I : V ONE COMPLETE SHOW NIGHTLY ot 7:00 FEATURE ot 7:50 dally NOT tor Children REGULAR PRICES eg m4.rsha.ll CHRISTINE KAUFMANS jf 4 mXL "i