University cf Oregon Library Eugene, Orejon COliP Opposition Rejects To detain iaEaguer Military lid Soviets Detain U. S. Vehicles On Berlin Road BERLIN (API The Soviet Un-;tling 150-nun units from West ion today halted nine U.S. Army Germany to West Berlin, and vehicles for an hour and 14 mm- j from West Berlin to West Cier utes on the autobahn out of iso-1 many, for brief training periods lated Berlin in a tightened in-1 since soon after the crisis created spection of American convoys on by the Communist wall dividing the highway lifeline. The Soviets i Berlin. had warned earlier that such The U.S. Army says the rota troop movements were provoca-1 tion is necessary because West tive and could lead to "dangerous Berlin is too cramped for exten consequences." sive training maneuvers and The U.S. Army has been mov- troops in West Germany need ex ing convoys to and from West perience under Berlin conditions. Berlin in recent weeks in an ap-lBut the traffic is generally con parent test of Western rights of 1 sidered a demonstration of U.S. access to the disputed city, 110 determination to maintain its miles inside East Germany. The Soviets baited the nine ve hicles, forming the last secuon of a 150-man convoy en route from Berlin to West Germany, on the ground there was an error in the travel documents. The U.S. auto bahn operations officer, Capt. Harry Daniels, was called to straighten out the papers and the nine vehicles were then allowed to go on. The convoy movement then was completed without further inci dent. The first two section' of the convoy, eight vehicles and then six about an hour apart, had gone through unhindered. The convoy today was made up of Co. C, 2nd Battle Group, 6th Infantry. Later in the day, the Soviet news agency Tass returned to the attack. It said such movements are not "dictated by any kind of military considerations or require ments" but are "just a dangerous ct of military display." The agency added that a U.S. Army announcement of more movements next week shows that the U.S. command has decided to bring larger units into the opera tion. Explaining today's incident, a U.S. Ary spokesman said the Soviet stopped the last group in the convoy because the original convoy order listed seven light and two medium vehicles, when actually there were eight light and one medium vehicle. He explained that trailers are counted as a vehicle on these or ders, so a correction was made in a rewritten order. Normally the Soviet guards make only a routine count of the men and vehicles described in the travel papers handed them, tak ing only 20 to a minuics. The U.S. Army has been rights on the autobahn. shut- Reserves Write Protest Letter FT. Soviet Union Asks Seating 01 Red China UNITED NATIONS, N.V. (AP) The Soviet Union today called on the United Nations to seat Red China immediately in place of what it termed "the miserable clique" of Chinese Nationalists who now represent China. Soviet Delegate Valerian A. Zor- in blamed the United States for the long impasse over Chinese representation and warned that the Peiping regime has the right to crush Chiang Kai-shek by force, if necessary. The Chinese Communists, he said, have the full support of the other Communist countries. Launching the often-postponed debate, Zorin told the General Assembly: "Take away the American forc es from Taiwan, put an end to the American occupation of this is land and the clique of Chiang Kai-shek will not stay another day there. It will be wiped away by the hurricane of the people's wrath." Nationalist China's veteran dip lomat. Ambassador Tingfu F. Tsiang replied that if the United Nations should ever yield to the demands of the Soviet Union "this world organization would be ne gating its own principles and ideals." Zorin appealed to "all those who value the United Nations as an instrument of peace" to support his demand for the seating of the Peiping regime. He told the 103-nation assembly that the seating of the Chinese Communists is necessary "for the normalization of the international situation and the situation within Established 1373 16 Paget ROSEBURG, OREGON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1961 k if 282-61 10c Per Copy Screaming Mobs Want End To Present Dominican Rule ! SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican the strike after rejecting a mili- Rc public (API Th government tary pruposul to keep President crisis deepened in this strife-turn Joaquin Balaguer in office as country today with the major po- head of a seven-man ruling junta, litical opposition group openly de 'The armed forces would have vir- fving a military summons to end tually complete power under the a four-day general strike. proposal. Sentiment Favors Strike Balanuer earlier had declared Headquarters of the National j,, rai10 alidres that his present Civic Union said sentiment government would tav in nffire I throughout the country was for unless the opposition accepted the continuing the strike. ; military nronosal. A few shops did reopen m Santo Domingo. Traffic was half nor- Strike Appeal Made mal. The Ciie I'llinn also annealed The party decided to continue t0 strikers who have virtually paralyzed CROWD DEMONSTRATES Clapping crowd of demon strators on Santo Domingo's El Conde shout here Thurs day for resignation of President Joaquin Balaguer. At one time, false rumors of the president's resignation touched off wild celebrations. The holiday mood turned to wrath as the official Dominican radio denied the rumor. (UPI Telephoto). Proxmire Says Army I n Fault At Ft. Lewis FOLK. "r.'--'" ' th. United Nations itself. 100 Reservists called Dacx ro ouiv . - have written a letter oi proiesi ui their congressman quesiionin need for their Army service. A carbon of the letter went to Presi dent Kennedy. The enlisted men said they felt there was no emergency, Mai. James E. Vance. 49th Armored Division information officer, said today. -i j i .A Ihnu Vi a vi had prior service-some have had lens hungry mug like some of his ; h.i-ir tinmel simian brothers. loreign i""" ---- ,,,: hl. . H;, ,Hience men wno nave never i (himponaut Is No Lens-Hungry Mug KINDLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Bermuda (AP) Enos, the twice- aroundthe-globe chimp, is Two Lawyers Selected To Settle Blast Cases there's nothing wrong with the Another step in the long job of .oversee and determine settlements ,32nd Infantry Division from Wis- settling claims from the Aug. 7, ion suits estimated at 59 million. consul the fault, if mere is one 1959. explosives truck blast in Rose- Thev will be scaled down ma the i lies with the Armv. burg was taken Thursday with the total will not exceed $1,199,265 The Army failed to do several appointment of two "masters" to j which the Pacific Powder Co. of j things it should, the senator said Tenino, Wash., Pacific Powder as he wound up an inspection oi Sales of Oregon and several insur- Ft. Lewis Thursday, but it is try- ance companies have agreed to ing to straighten out the problems. pay. This amount is just about the total assets available to the com panies blamed for the blast. The stipulation for settlement in cludes the liability of Pacific Pow der; its insurer, British & Over seas Insurance Co. Ltd.; W. H, Gerretsen and his insurer; and D. L. Johnson number of which have paid for claims. Sandeberg will oversee evalua tion of Claims for property dam age and Goldstein will handle the claims for bodily injury and death the country wilh anti- Balagucr work stoppages to "sus pend the strike and abstain from all activity that could serve as a pretext for acts of violence." But a few hours later Civic Union President Viriato A. Finllo told newsmen there hart been heavy protests against halting the strike and he felt he could not interfere. Heavily armed troops and screaming mobs clashed in Santo Domingo Thursday the third and worst day so far of the general YORK (AP)-The govern-Lilled , thT A iSSt from against me lommu- siinii.. m !.., k v.. . i rust party in the United States w01ncl, abm lhe leads to a nondescript three-story. Tne .minovernment .lemon,!. reu-Di-ick building in midlown ,ion8 incud.d ,, lhe Na. Manhattan. Uinnal Pain in i headquarters, Red Party Heads Refuse To Register NEW ment drive party's national seven short blocks south of the Empire State build ing and a few steps off Fifth Avenue, at 23 W. 2tilh St. The government set a deadline of midnight Thursday night for the party leaders to register as arms of the Soviet Union. They have refused on the ground they will not "lend their signatures to such a lie." Face Big Penalties They are faced with what "The Worker," the Communist news paper, calls "monstrous penal ties" five years in prison and a 510,000 fine for each day of viola tion. One of the party's first reac tions was to slash the number of its officers to three. The. party declines to identify them publicly, but Claude Light- foot, a f oi in er party official, told reports mat Balaguer had re signed. Troops forced back the an gry crowd wilh tear gas and deto nation bombs. Ouitt Returns Te City Quiet returned ti the eanital at dusk as troop patrols enforced the nightly curfew. ine Civic Union, in what it called its final proposal, demand ed Thursday that Balaguer step aside for a provisional governing council of five or seven members excluding Balaguer who would elect a chairman by simple ma jority. The military plan proposed that all legislative powers be vested in the ruling junta until general elec tions within two years, that Con gress (largely made up of mem bers of the old Trujillo Dominican party) be dissolved and that the military hiwlpnr mtllH nn hm Chicaiio's American they arc: duced below the 1962 estimate nf Gus Hall, general secretary; Elii- 24 million pesos. abeth Gurley Flynn, chairman; "The government could not bt and Benjamin Davis, national sec- Communist," it added. rctary. All are from New York. A party spokesman declined tol say how many officers the party! determine amounts to be received by the injured. David Sandeberg and Barnett If. Goldstein, two Portland attorneys, were appointed by the U. S. Dis trict Court in Portland. They will FT. LEWIS, Wash. fAP) Sen., Proxmire arrived unheralded at had orcviouslv W'illiam Proxmire, D-Wis., says Ft. Lewis last Monday nighl and Lightfoot said his posts as na- made a quiet tour of the base. He Uonal vice chairman and Illinois siepi wi-n me men, aie wun mem, chairman of the party were watched tr.em train and said be anion i those abolished at a meet talked with at least 1.000 "all of ing of the party national execu- uiem enlisted men wun no crass tive committee in icw York scv- around. Thursday, at a news conference just before he boarded a plane for home, he told something of bis conclusions. Proxmire said the troops should Winston PO Dedication Set The 32nd. a former National Guard outfit called to active duty WashinntonSt. Traffic Altered recently, was sent to Ft. Lewis: have been told why they were neing cauea up, now long uiey had to serve and why they were sent to Ft. Lewis instead of Camp McCoy in Wisconsin. President Kennedy answered for training. Complaints -were re ported, and Rep. Alvin O KonsKi, R-Wis.. spent five days at Ft. 'Lewis, starting Thanksgiving Day. He claimed there was criminal representative of a Army negligence in ixeaimem oi insurance companies what he called the "lost division. arnl .. . Motorist! on SE Washington Arm The Justice Department has P'"ued with what to do when they promised "prompt action" for Rot 10 ?E Stephens St. on a one failure of the leaders to register, wd' r'c' only to find they were but no date has been announced. I entering a two-way street as they There is yet another deadline. The government has specified tnat it tne leaders did not regis ter, each party member must register by Dec. 20. Hall, actual leader of the party under nis title of general secre will p.m I here are been called to duty. "'We are here because we are trained." Vance said. "We cer-! tamlv heme that a soon as other! nennle are trained, we'll be re placed." Winston's new post office he dedicated Saturday at 2 with two field service officers from the Post Office Department as guest speakers. The new office, which was com pleted the day before Thanksgiv ing, is now being used by the pub- no lie. Phebe McGuire, correspond ent, said todav. The dedication, sponsored by the Winston Chamber of Com merce, will have W. T. Andrews. Seattle, regional field services of ficer coordinator, and Ed Komp, Eugene, field services officer, as guest speakers. Mrs. Paula Burt, postmaster, will welcome residents to the dedi cation, while Lpuis Lorenz, presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce Yturri May Seek ;ath.lAn II The U. S. Circuit Court has UliT ilOminUliOIl asked all atorneys involved to meet Dec. 6 in Portland to work out pro cedures for establishing all claims. SAI.EM (AP)-Stato Sen. Anth ony Yturri of Ontario saia loaay since returning from outer space, I the chimponaut refused Thursday i to do even a cartwheel for news- men at his press conference. Enos was brought to Kindiey AFB aboard the destroyer nlnrlort him from Vance quoted Mai. Gen. Harleyjtn Atlantic alter his historic jour- B. West. 49th Division command-: Wednesdav. er. as saying ine leuer was noi "ne'g really quite a cool guy, will give the response. .Mayor Al- a representative of the entire mvi- and not tne performing type at fred Daniels will act as toastmas 1 l., ... on nno an1 71 nrih .... . . . , . ail, saia i.api. jerry rinneg, niriter. . Force veterinarian. The Douglas County High School Fnns showed no outward ill ef-1 hami u-ill nrnvide music. Boy tr.i. (mm hf nrh.ial flicht Full c,.t Trmm la? uill narticiDate in gets early start, page 2 i results of the medical checkup' the flag ceremony. : CO TEAM CO Roseburg hoop- unn't he known, however, until i in nun house and tour of the! sters clash with Klamath Jails i after he returns today to Cape new building will follow the dcdi l cation. in training on his I - The amount available for settle-1 he mav seek the Republican nom ment has been divided into twojination for V. S. senator or for funds. A total $440,000 will go for Congress in Eastern Oregon, deaths and injuries, and $729,263 Yturri said he will announce his will go for property damage. It is decision in the near future. He expected the payments of claims :was Republican leader in the 1961 will be completed sometime next 'Oregon Senate. year. Property damage claimants yturr; 5ajrl that he was leaning will receive about 10 per cent of toward a bid for the Republican their claims, and death and injury: nomination to oppose Sen. Wayne ih first two aiiestiona Wednesday tary and the party's other lead when he said in a news conference " r9 keeping themselves in Washington tne men were " v.'?'" i'h".". sion of between 20.000 and 25.0CJD men. No disciplinary action will be taken, West said. The division was called to ac tive duty Oct. 15. The letter, dated Nov. 21 and mailed to Rep. Joe Kilgore, D Tex., also complained about fa-, Canaveral. cilities at Polk, reactivated re- He is back claimants will probably receive all the masters will allow in determin ing the damages. In Today's News-Review Morse, D-Ore., th'i incumbent sen ator. Yturri. however, said he also was considering a race against in cumbent Democratic Congressman Al Ullman of Baker. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY drive., "lhrf:()p ''., fr U. S. called to duty to help spare the nation humiliation or holocaust, and they would be out of uniform in less than a year. As for Ft. Uwis instead of Camp McCoy, Proxmire said this big Northwest post offers better facilities for combat training and maneuvers than the Wisconsin in stallation, lie listed what he called three other Army shortcomings: Lack of a priority system In calling up men in the Army Re serve. Failure to match special skills with iobs where they can be used. And poor coordination between Army and National Guard supply systems. A reporter visiting the head quarters Thursday found none of them available for interviews. The exterior of bears no mention "Communist." A red. white and black sign near the door reads: "The Worker, founded 1924 working people's paper." centlv to provide a training site. I space-monkey's diet 250 banana I Vance said the base has been pellets a day. He was given a ft--,, AMtr flanavtt open to the press and military in- bonus of two oranges and two ap- lCUII ltfUII VCllvVU snectors and tney nave tound la- pies as a reward tor nis acnieve- cilities adequate. ! ment but that's all. tonieht at I. sports page. senator it would turn that into four-way contest. Former state Treasurer Sig I'nander. Portland Robert Mississippi Youths Attack 3 Newsmen U Thant Lashes Tshombe As 'A Very Unstable Man' Test Ban Sessions Central Douglas' United Fund to tal cent K i Fund officials said today. ALL-STAR NAMED Billy White Cook, Silverton, and Glenn E. By late morning $45,2b7.0.,i had makes little West Coast all-star Brixlcy. Corvallis, already have been contributed to the campaign football team, sports page. I announced their candidacies. as returns from business firms URBAN PLANNING includes; Republican officials have urged, and plants trickled into the CDUF Douglas County projects, page previously at public gatherings olfice. )6 I that Yturri run for Congress. Today ends the first five days DOUGLAS county cnairmeni yturri is not up tor reelection f the neighborhood campaign De- MCCOMB, Miss. (AP)-Four young men attacked three news men on the streets here today, sending one crashing into a plate glass window of a store. The three were Tom Uhrbrock and Don Underwood of Life maga zine and Simmons Fentress of Time magazine. Uhrbrock was knocked into the window and smashed it Fentress said they were walking toward the McComb United Fund Total Now 61 Per Cent today climbed to over 61 per) , steph t of its goal of $,3 936, United (our who CJm m o , 'into towi are named lor group, page 3. Agricultural to the state Senate. His term runs until 1964. GENEVA ( AP) U.S. Delesate ! Arthur H. Dean left for the United i States by plane today but said he is readv lo return at short notice to the nuclear test ban conference I if the Russians show a change of UNITED NATIONS, N Y. (AP) The secretary-general made the heart. rtin Secretary General U statement in answer 10 questions I Dean and Briton .Minister oi , ... 7u . .-j in , ., K.t , 1 t his first news conference since State Joseph Godber decided to CAIRO (AP) - Egypt famed Jean Bellivier, one of four mem- Thant today lashed out at tvatan- . -i-Mml tn the no Imn.i i...-. th. nntiations to their sphinx, silent and aloof for 4.600 bers of a French government mis- month ago. deputies after Soviet Delegate I years, has been raugni up in a slon in Cairo arrested last week He said that the U N. Congo nr:Semvon K. Tsarapkin in the three spy case ny talking. on spy charges, told investigators Famed Silent Sphinx Caught Up In Spy Case- By Talking ga President Moise isnomoe as "verv unstable man. ' u inani ing chairmanned by Mrs. ixtus Knight Porter. The neighborhood campaign will continue until neigh borhoods in the central Douglas area have been canvassed. .Monday noon, workers in the campaign will meet at the Ump- qua Hotel lor ine nnai luncheon. Last year at this time the cam paign had achieved approximately 02 per rent of ill goal of 182,993. sport ing goods store. He said one of the men came to him and asked. "Are you from Time magazine?" Fentress said he replied: "I am here on business." He said the man prodded him in the rlest ith nis finger, said, "Your business is our business," and then struck him. The group then attacked Uhr brock and shoved Underwood. The attack occurred as McComb braced for new tests of its deseg- rennrt regated bus terminal by "Free- idom Riders." Mayor C. H. Doug. las had strengthened his police force and vowed an end to violence. crossed Stephens, won't have to be worried about the situation any more. Chief of Police John Truett said he has received authority from tho state Highway Department to ruako Washington Ave. one way to Pine, and the street markers have been repainted to so indicate. When the Pine St. couplet went into effect, the short section be tween Stephens and Pine on Wash ington VII nvarlnnLrnH Th .11 ,1 i...:u: . ". 7 . : ine uunuing ; nad no authority to change it with of the word i out the Hiehwav Commission'! an. proval. Motorists in the left lane had problem as they headed west on Washington on the one-way street intending to cross to Pine and go south. They had to job across traf fic to get into the right hand lane for the half-block section. Now they ran go directly across Steph ens and stay on the left side, mak ing an easier turn onto Pine. This change brings up another problem, which also will be cor rected when authority is obtained. This will involve making Wash ington Ave, one way to Spruce. Northbound traffic on Spruce will then have to go north to Douglas and east on Douglas to Stephens. Meanwhile, cars turning east from Spruce onto Washington will find they will have to turn south Enterprise on vmt 10 uas.inen east on uaic icpnens ueiure uiey tan grb town or travel further north. Chief Truett says that all will be straightened out when Washing ton Ave. is made one way to Spruce. Washington will carry heavy tralfic when the new bridge is opened. stituted his maior problem. U Thant made no attempt said he would unveil concrete ,.,ai,n ,nd its financial costs con- sessions after the talks resumed; Cairo newrpapers say an Egyp- that Mohammed Soad Abdel Ha- plans next weex lor ueanng "u the secessionist Congo Prownce. The Weather AIRPORT RECORDS I Partly cleudy with a few show ers tonight and Saturday. Cooler tonight. Highest temp, last 14 hours Leweit ttmp. last 24 heurs Highest temp, any Dec. (St) Lowtst ttmp. any Oec. (55) Precis, last 14 hours Precip. trem Dec. 1 T Pret.p. from Sept. 1 1 5.0$ Eiceis frem Sept. 1 Sunset tonight 4:3' m. Sunrise temerrew, 7:27 e.m Tuesday said his government "n omciai inr. ..- guio. Director oi loreign rtuuum to W . . Lmrol. tn en in n l,,''!ed fr'nch 'P rin for the ministry of culture, was to wmiM at?r tn na controls to en-'. 1. ,.t u.t,- v.Ain . . . . cloak his dishke for Tshombe. ".,., J, .m,n, i t" ... ,;r . p.sia uuu P .! ..u.' uhn-e naratrnnners in Fluahelh " " "-" - rirmn mm . i . V sicer me comriu mr me .. i ?, iu .hi?ii tJa inn I-v ffi The two Western delegates said rig the ancient monument and the lumiere" wiring to a French firm, Icial, to'beating, earlier , the lust as emphatically their gover, Pmid , lor 1 LaSociete n Lc.air.g. ... -- mmuub vuimuia. - giae Cairo nave pern r-iauun mru attributed to Tshombe that the . .m nnmion thev did rentunes of history with recorded beatings were planned by Tshom-' . . k con(eronce I voices to a musical accompam- " he's fe. in order to infiuence no' br"k P ' hV ZTw to ment and shilling colored lights. 43 US. Sen. Thomas Dodd, who was' The deputies are scheduled to f)(akt m Englln present at the time. - meet with Tsarapkin Tuesday. f-rencht German and Arabic, and 13 "I would say that Tshombe is Western snurres said the confer- , the tourists flock to hear. 50 capable of making any kind of ..-,, ...n. Hnn tn a routine i The Egyptian ministry of cul statement. U Thant replied.1.. .... ,:. . ...i, lure put out about S3 million v. w. v. . -" .- - ,, ,l. In. possible Frrntn Ci , et the , ,ound and lijht). i Local newspapers Roberts Creek Water Vote Slated Monday Temperature To Slide Down In Next Five Dayt Temperatures will be near or slightly below normal for the next five dass according to a report from the Weather Bureau station at the Roseburg airport. Maxi mums will he mostly to 52 and minimums 30 to 40. Precipitation will be moderate, occurring most ly after Sunday. Douglas County residents with big hearts today are helping chil dren of the Oregon Fairview Home in Salem to be a little happier this ... ,, . ..,u , l.a ' . , . oi one or iwu niiruusi m Aiirr n niuu I K -mi uiuc who . .M know him. I tet the imnressmn but Ull n0 Progress is thit Tshombe is a very unstable without a radical change in man." 'Soviet position. Members of the Roberts Creek Water District vote Monday to fill et two chairs on the district's board I of directors. There are no con- newspapers said the gov- tests emment is setting up a commis- J. C. Donnelly, Incumbent, will sion to investigate the contract. seek a five-year term on the Christmas. Maguid as one of nine persons hoard. Elmer Crawford is a can The Douglas County Association arrested on charges of being mem- didate for a two-year directorship for Hetarded thildren. sponsor of a bers of the "e-pionage network which will finish out the unexpired gift collection for retarded children working to overthrow the Nasser: term of Ray Michael. at the home, has set up collection maim " t rpnrn omr a s in rami foii t wm nnpn it ine nis- uur in ' -" tn called the charcn absurd. Children At Fairview Home To Get Roseburg Yule Gifts trirt office from S a m. to S p m.l Gilt wrapped articles are rwing what the Al Ahram reported tndsy that I Holdover members of tne noara oeposiu-u.i ... o mw .. v.. lumiere'' the arreted members of the are Charles Hall. Grover Follett ter, Roseburg Credit Jewelers and French mission would go on trial and Lmeiy rtUuami. Joliell u nears. nwuuts s-u., ui. reported that next week. 'chairman. itioa reports. For those wishing to add pres ents to the collection, Uie associa tion makes these suggestions: Toi let articles, small toys, boxed can dy, games, story books, costume jewelry and model planes. The gift wrapped packages should be marked as to the age and sex of the child for which the gift is intended. "No item Is too small to he ap preciated and retarded children will thank you," the association said.