r AoTUS KNIGHT PORTtR t fja a BEVERLY BROOKE V-a 8 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Wed., Nov. 29, 1961 ' 1, vJ V "I t -r : ! -"MTV . S i V; -ifl d : J h M v -J MR. AND MRS. A. E. BROADWATER celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at on open house held at the 7 Assembly of God Church of Roseburg Sundoy. They ore pictured obove with fheir sons ond daughter: Lester Broadwater, Roseburg; Charles of McMinnville; the honor ed guests; Mrs. Willis Coble and Clifford Broadwater, Rose burg, ond Virgil of Medford. (Picture by Wilson Studio). :i :. , 1 1 I i tL V THE BROADWATER FAMILY attending the golden wed ding celebration Sundoy of Mr. ond Mrs. A. E. Broad water are pictured obove. Back row: Mrs. Willis Coble, Willis Coble, Kenneth Coble, Lester Broadwater, Dolores Lankford. Mrs. LeLster Broadwater, Charles Broadwater, , i Mrs. Chorles Broadwater, Richard, Morcello ond Christine I Broadwater, Phyllis Coble, Mrs. Clifford Broadwater, Oif- ford Broadwater, John and Down Broadwoter ond Mrs. Virgil Broadwater ond Virgil Broadwater. Seated: Mr. ond Broadwater with Ruth Broadwater stonding between them; Mr. Broodwater holding Mork Broadwater, with Debbie, Dick and Larodel Broadwater in front. (Picture by Wilson Studio). ' . Christmas Bazaar Climaxes Glendale Church Effort Four Glendale churchei re eo JZT operating in an Inter Church Christmas Bataar to be held Nov. BO and Dec. J. The four churchei participating In the event are the lilendale Assembly of God, the - r.lendakt Church of Christ, the Clendale Holy Family Catholic fbureh, and the Glendale Olivet Tresbytenan Church, Two Day Planned The baiaar will be held on Thurs- day, Kov. 30, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at both the Glendale Masonic Temple and the Azalea Grange Hall. The following day, Dec. 1, the baiaar will again be open to the public, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - but at the Glendale Masonic Tem nl onlv. ' Alembers of the four churches have been working together on Diana for the baiaar tor nearly a -. year. Meetings of representatives 7 have been held at regular inlcr- vak since last March. In the mean 2.' time, individual members have been working aa they have had time . available, on a wide variety of gift items, some of which should ap- Z peal to every age, taste, and pock- etbook. Item Listed A wide range of ltema will be Included in the aale. The following list Is suggestive only, since it does not attempt to name more than a few of the gifts which the ladies are making ready: Fancy aprons and other clothing items, doilies, pillows, stuffed animals, dolls, doll clothing, doll furniture, knitted slip pers, Christmas decorations, toot- stools, hassocks, fruit cakes, gut candy, Christmas cookies, and many more, rrices will ranRe mostly in the comparatively low brackets. A wool afghan. the work of several of the members of one of the churches, will be a featured item. Fellowship Demonstrated The baiaar, according to com mittee members, has a tri-fold pur pose, as follows: to demonstrate the fact that churches of the com munity can and do work together; to make it possible for families on a limited budget, including the youngsters with their amall Christ ma allowances, to purchase real ly nice Christmas Rifts: and last. to earn money for the church projects. . la connection wit!1, the prices be ing charged for the gifts, repre sentatives of the group have made a apecial effort to keep the pnres at rock bottom. AU the gifts are new, but in many cases, left-over Card Club Enjoys Meet At Home Of Mrs. Hamer The Dixiette Card Club met at the Dixonville home of 4,'lethda Ha mer Wednesday, with Mrs. lrma Collins as cohostess. Winning high prize was Manon Bacon, low win ner was Clethda Hamer and the traveling prize went to Jessie Pyle. Delicious . refreshments were served. ' George Langdons Have Open House ? 1 PICTURED above on their golden wedding anniversary ore Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Broadwoter, who were honored ot an open house affair at the Assembly of God Church in Roseburg. The decorated ond tiered anniversary cake was topped by the numerals "50". (Picture by Wilson Studio). Couple Honored On Anniversary Mrs. John Horn was hostess at her lovely home when she enter tained Xi Omicron, Beta Sigma Pbi, members. During the meeting new secret sister names were drawn and final plans were made for the rummage sale. The children and grandchildren 1 lections were offered bv nephews i Mrs. Horn and Mrs. Meredith -f-t.i DANIEL LEE RADFORD, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris L Radford celebrated his second birthday Nov. 6 ot his home, 1660 NE Morris St., Roseburg. Cake and ice cream were served to the guest of honor and his paternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Radford; his ount, Mrs. L. K. Radford, and her daughter, Patty; his maternal great grandmother, Mrs. Roy Keller, ond sending gifts were his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Fenwick; aupt, Judy Kelly, and uncle and aunt, Mr. ond Mrs. John Rond of -Hawthorne, Calif. Quartet Entertains Group At Meet At John Horn Home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Broadwater were hosts and hostesses for a re ception held in the social rooms of the Assembly of God Church of and nieces from Portland. These i Wilson had the cultural program, included several sentimental num-1 "Music. ' Robert Robbins, vocal bers and closed with the beautiful , music director at Roseburg High, 'Precious Roseburg Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. i were Mrs. The affair was arranged to honor Mr. and Mrs. Broadwater on the occasion of their 501 h wedding anniversary. Arthur Edward Broadwater was Memories. Ray Tofte. Spore. Mrs. Wayne (iumm. Rich ard rtickerson and nay lotte, who played the piano accompaniment. Mrs. Tofte also played the guitar. A short family history was read born in Tyrone, Mo., and Bertha by Mrs. Carl Weikum. and Rev. Culler in Delphi, lnd. Her family moved to Tyrone while she was very young, and the two met while attending grade school. Their mar uage look place at the home of her parents Nov. 12. 1911, and they took residence on her grandpar C. O. Ross, pastor of the church offered the blessing. Among the large number of rel atives and friends coming to offer congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Broadwater were the following: sons and their families, Mr. and Vocalists was a cuest sneaker. He told of his Mrs. Lee musical background and of exper iences in his work. Robbins pre sented '"The Lancers." a quartet of Roseburg High School boys, who sang selections from classical, modern, spiritual, folk songs and one of their originals. The quartet is composed of Doug Glover. Greg Heinz. Dave Hooper and Jack Ste venson. and moved to Oregon where they settled on a farm near Amity. Here they lived until 1952 when they Mr. and Mrs. George Langdon'came to the Roseburg area, and were honored at an open house I now live on Carnes Road in the ents' farm, where they lived for a Mrs. Clifford Broadwater and chil- numoer ol years, later moving lo areni jhn and RuthAnn. of Dixon Iowa, then back to Tyrone. Their Ville; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broad next move was to Oklahoma. Hater an(j children. Richard. Chris where they were living in 1936 tine. Lauradell, Marcella and Mark wnen iney ten tne can oi me west, f McMinnville: Mr. and Mrs. Vir- scraps of material or left over bits of trimming materials or wool were used so that the outlay on the part of the maker would be low enough to permit its being priced reasonably. Because the baiaar was planned for the person who would find it the answer to his o. her gift prob lems, the hours were set so that father, molher, or the children would be able to visit the sales floors, together or separately, to make their selections, with parti cular attention being paid to the fact that father and children would need to be able to come after school or in the evening. Earnings from the project will be earmarked for different funds various i of the different churches. Kor ex ample, one church plans to chan nel its profit into mission giving: another will use at least a part of the proceeds to finance Its thnst. mas baskets for the needv: and an' other plans to use profits for church building improvement. i1 fisted ..... . . -. , v ; . U:4 ; I . : - ' il atn iii"ri 11,1 1 '' "" ...1 i f J VMaaMaydkiMaaaattMaM Green district During his years in the East, Broadwater was a farmer, but on coming west he took up the car penter trade. At present he is par tially retired, spending a portion of i anon: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tofte. his time in the management of a small business venture. He enjoys fishing as a hobby, and the two do quite a lot of traveling, having made two trips r.ast in recent years, and many snorter trips to visit relatives in the west. Mrs. Broadwater is proficient in hand work and makes many beautiful quilts. Both attend the Assembly of God Church in Roseburg where they take an active part in church activities. R. F. Nickerson and children Richard. Randall and Dawn, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Nickerson, all of Portland; Mr. , and Mrs. James Gibbs of Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher and children Dcbra and Jenclle of Seattle; and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Gregory and sons Terry and Stephen of Rose- Six children were born to the i burg, marriage, sons Charles. Robert. Other guests included Scott Rich Clifford. Lester, and Virgil, and ardson of Sheridan: Mr. and Mrs. one daughter, Lucille, now Mrs. Harry Wilson of Cottage Grove; Willis Coble. One son. Robert, died Mrs. Alfred Coble and daughters, in infancy, and the others reside Ann. Sue. Jean, and Sandra, of in McMinnville, Roseburg and Med-1 Crescent City. Calif : and the fol- ford. lowing Roseburg people The church social room naa Deenj Mr ind Mr, Walter Smith ,ndler, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morberg. beautifully decorated with gold daughters, Sandra and Phyllis; j Don Morberg. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. sin-amci auu urns .uu ,.,... iMrs. oienn Bicuaniel. Mr. and Mrs. flowers. The lace-covered gift ta-! rielmar Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. ble held a lovely centerpiece ofjuilson. Rev. and Mrs Earl N yellow chrysanthemums. An r-t Peterson. Sir. and Mrs. V. A. Rnhn COMBINED EFFORTS of women from four Glendale churches will be culminoted in o two av Christmas bazoor set for Nov. 30 ond Dee. I. Pictured obove. representatives of fhei four churches display o few of the items which have been turned in for the bozoar. They ore, from left to right, Mrs. Norvol Sheppard, Glendale Assembly of God Church; n LeRoy Dixon, Glendale Church of Christ; Mrs Merle Johnson, Glendolt Holy Fomily Catholic Church; ond ot the extreme right, Mrs. J. E. Bryan, Glendole Olivet Presbvtenon Church, wtio is shown odjusting the ties on the opron being modeled by her doughter, Mary Uoh, 5. at their beautiful new home in the Elkhead District Friday evening. After inspection of the residence, guests were escorted to the Elk head Community Hall, where visit ing was enjoyed and refreshments served. Mr. and Mrs. Langdon received a colonial iron fireplace set from their friends.. Those enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. George Langdon, Donna and Donald ' Langdon. Claude Bradway and daughters. Sue and Diana, from Springfield; Dr. and Mrs. Ivd Rapp and Ed McCall from Mitherlin; Mr. and Mrs. James Wales. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Agec, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thorp, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. r'ed Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Macguire. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Lansdo". Mr. and Mrs. loyd Finney, Carolvn Bowman, Barbara Thorp, Marlene Thompson, Iiennis Thompson. Ro berta and Donald Macguire and Dies I.angdon The Flkhead Women's club spon sored the party. Springfield Man Grange Speaker H. F. Gwinney of Springfield, state grange insurance director, was guest speaker at a recent meeting ot the l.ookingglass Grange. He discussed grange in surance and answered questions from the group. A politick dinner was served, fol lowed by a musical program and visiting. Mrs. Neal Meyer and Mrs. Perley Oar were hostesses for the evening. Guests for the evening inrluded: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Provost, Mr. and Mrs. Fdsar Walcott, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wittrock. Ken and l.or en; Mr. and Mrs Jor Wilson. Sher ry and Tommy; .Mrs. ljge Ollivant. Faye and Dan: II F. Swinnev of Springfield. Miss Shcili Aldrulge, K.. !...!. 1 1 ... . . I. SI i .ill. " ,"J"'. the cake, and Mrs It,. ....... ...... .in, ru Scott. Members attending were: Mr. and Mrs Neal Meyer. Mr and Mrs. Robert Scott, Mr and Mrs. Leslie i ..., !., ih. honored auesis. Black. Mr. and Mrs Clare Mere- granddaughters Miss Phvllis Co dith, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Paulson. I Wf anrf Miss Christine Broadwater Mr and Mrs Tom tindla, Mr-iof,, lh, pit b,x,K. and Miss and Mis Cliff Bolins, Mr. and ; noloirs Lanuford was in charge of Mrs. Perlev Oar, Ana Roth and Xlft table. Mrs Willi Coble Lige Ollivant. cted as receivin- hostess. ,, f. All those serving wore beautiful' Yoncalla tOUple (jives ! bronze corsatea of helichrysum Lovely Dinner On Sunday i"h o'd nhNm The granvWaush-, ' Itera had chrysanthemum corsascs Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sefton of Von- The coi-saces had been fashioned calia entertained at a turkey din-lbv Mrs. Frieda Karcher, Mrs Rut ner at their home Sundav haung and Mrs. Owens. as their g.iests Mrs. Glads Hlnk-I For her .-nniversary day Mrs enship and son. Richard, of Tyee: ' Broadwater chose a shirtwaist Mr. ami Mrs. Grorte Roberts of dress of soft blue and wore a larse Canvonville; Miss shcrn Roberts while orchid arranged with s.iUt of Eugene: and Mr. and Mrs. I nhhon. Mr. Broadwater wore a George Meyers and Cariene and ; yellow boutnnmere. j Greg of Lakeside. ( During the afternoon musical se-i gil Broadwater and children. Dick, Debbie and Dawn, Medford; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Broadwater and daughter. Delores, Roseburg; son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Coble, and children. Phyllis and Kenneth. Roseburg; Mrs. Lou- isc Wilson of Cushing. Okla.: Mr. and Mrs. Terry Broadwater of Al bany; Mrs. Goldie Fisher of Leb- Mrs. Horn reported on an inter view with S. Clarence Trued, local music instructor and composer. She told of his varied and colorful career in the field of music. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Horn, assisted by Mrs. Robert Triplelt and M r s. Robert Kidder, to the previously mentioned guests and to Mrs. Jame Fourtner, Mrs. James Daugherty, Mrs. Neil Christian, Mrs. Harry Hill, Mrs. Meredith Wilson. Airs. Bert Shoemaker. Mrs. Sid Domen ico. Mrs. Clarence DeCamp, Mrs. R. L. Wiley and Mrs. William Web er. At the next meeting a cookie exchange will be featured. Mrs. Florence Powell will be hostess at her borne at 123 W, Cardinal Sutherl in Methodist WSCS Bazaar Committees Named The Women's Society of Chris-1 FroUcher. Final plans for the ba tain Service of the Sutherlin Meth-'"" were made, odist Church met for a covered Committees for the bazaar are: dish dinner at noon Thursday. f?ncy wolk- Mrs. Dick Riggs, Mrs. i- .h. .k. 1 ih- nri,int i Harold Jones and Mrs. O. U Tor. V. f w.tsh the' meetm food- W". Riley Powers. Mrs, Mrs. Lon Welsh, was conducted by the meeting! Mrs. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Leland Spore and children, Stephen and Anita: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gumm Mr. and Mrs. Rod Nevue. Miss Kathryn L. Miller, Mrs. Joy MU ler, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oil, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weikum. Mrs. D. E. Hiatt, Mrs. Susan lull. Miss Karen Hiatt, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Dunn, Mrs. rvainryn , iini.. n..nu iuiu sir. j , n , . . Vl.l, UIWU), U.IUIU X'lWUJ. ,.119. b twi I irnlvn f:nmm XI r nnH Mr. i ...... . -. - ........ ............ .tn noskins am Joanne. Mrs. Virgie Hoskins. Rev. and Mrs. C. O. Ross, the Rev. and Mrs. Leon ard Floth, Mr. and Mrs. John Qui bell. Mrs. W. G. Krueger, Mrs. C. E. Rosela-d. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Force. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Broadbent, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Roell. Mrs. H. M. Pru ett and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Karcher and Jennine, Mrs. Lorraine McKinnev, Mrs, Harry Collison Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willey. Mrs. Lena Kersey, Mr. and Mrs. Bundy, Mrs. Ida Mae Smith. Mrs. Violet Weber, Mrs. Mary Valentine, Mrs. Sharon Shaf. rangenrint of dried materials with gold candles was placed on the piano and chrysanthemums were on the guest book table. An inter esting feature was a family tree on a large poster with family pic tures placed on the branches and borders. These included pictures from five generations. Mrs. Clif ford Broadwater had arranged the tree and the dried flower arrange ment and all of the women of the family assisted with the other dec orations and planning The refreshment table was cov ered with lace cloth over gold, and featured gold candles in crystal holders on either side of the beau tiful three-tiered wedding cake, which had gold leaves and flowers and was topped with a large white bell with the letters ,50" in gold Mrs. Clifford Broadwater and Mrs. Willis Coble cut and erd Charles Broad water poured coffee. Mrs. Lester Broadwater and Mrs. Virgil Broad water served punch These ladies are the daughter and four daush- Stoltenberg. Mrs. Edna McKean. Mrs. Julia Fisher, Mrs. I. Kincaid I. Gowey and Mrs. H. V. Church; aprons, Mrs. Tyndle Coin, Mrs. Lulu Treman and Mrs. Addie Car. lisle: rummage, Mrs. Jessie Coop er. Mrs. R. C. Williams and Mrs. Albert Trask. Those present for the dinner and meeting were Mrs. Leslie Gleason. Mrs. Rosa Stilwell. Mrs. Icel Clark. Mrs. Frank Martin, Mrs. Leland Linn, Mrs. Pat Peters. Mrs. Alvin Steele, Mrs. Ward Watson, ana Airs. Juyrue Lundeen and the hostesses. Airs. Aaron Johnson and Airs. Albert Trask. Also present were Airs. R. L. Hill and small son. Randy, and the Kev. Eugene Groves, guesta. Square Dancers Hosted By Mr. And Mrs. Monett Air. and Mrs. Robert Monett en tertained a group from the Buck eroo Square Dance Club at their home near L'mpqua Friday eve ning. The evening was spent prac ticing a ikit for a club party. Refreshments were served to Mr. and Airs. Jesse Lee, Air. and Airs. Harry Sprague, Air. and Airs. Paul aw i . . ,t., . ? rV aw s.s . ... i ?r Mrs. E. Tmlsilh and Mist Anni ! Hansen, Mr. and Mri. Eugene Lee Felt. i Cherry and the host and hostess. Fit , f Y : .';! t ' 'a V- a l s T r- --m . THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH women will sponsor their onnuol Christmos bazoor Thursday, Nov. 30. from 8 a m. to 8 p m. ond Friday, Dec. 1. from 8 am. ta 5 p.m. at the parish hall, 1024 SE Coss Ave. The business men's lunch will be served Thursday from 1 1 a.m. to 2 pm. A horn locf dinner will be served that dav from 5 to 7 p m. Friday, Chili ond clom chowder will be served trom 1 1 o m. to 2 p m. Seef rolls, aesserts ond coffee will be served at all hours of the two day event. Above Mrs. Marshall Houghn ond Mrs. Robert O'Neil ore shown. They ore both on the food committee. (Picture by Chn' Studio of Photography. i