14 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Qr. Wed.. Nov. 29, 1961 Eastern Visitors Guests At Umpqua By MRS. 0E0R6I MUNSON Llovd Trufant, Jamri Hart and Skipper Rosen, ill from Brunt wick, Maine, ire gueU it the Munich ranch on Joelson Rd. near t'mpqua. The latter is a grandwn of the Munsons. Pertland Folkt Visit Mn. Ellen Krolin and Mr. and Mri. W. Matton, all of Portland, were weekend guests at the home of the former's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mode, on their ranch near Umpqua. Pesgy Murphy of Oregon College of Education at Monmouth, spent the holidaya at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dclmar Mur phy at linpqua. On Sunday they look her oack 10 scnuoi. Mr. and Mrs. Bin Miller and daughter Bitty, Mrs. Jerry Paul son and suns Jerry and Steven, all of Portland, were wtekend guests at the home o( Mary Kainp. Mr. and Mrs. lion Coffey, their son. Albert, and daughter, Dianne. of Woodland. Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hippslrin and daugh ter, Carolyn, of Eugene were guests Saturday at the Munson I home on Jwlson Rd. They visited 'also at the Clark, Murphy and ! Anderson homes. They left for their homes on Sunday morning. Woodlot Owners Asked To Eugene Tax Meeting Woodland owners, undecided about tlieir choice of taxation laws, will find enlightenment at the meet ing of the Small Woodlands Asso ciation Saturday, Dec. 9, Harris Hall, county courthouse in Eugene, beginning at 1:30 p.m. W. C. Nash, Creswell, associa- STOP THAT RATTLE If the rattling of a flashlight or other metal object in the glove compartment of your car is an noying, here's how to eliminate it. Pad the glove compartment with a layer of foam rubber. First make a pattern, then cut the foam rubber to size and glue to the bot tom, back and aides of the com- 'trtnient. tion president, explaini that the new furestry tax law passed dur ing the last session of the legisla ture and the optional tax for own ers with holdings of 1,000 acrea or less have left many woodland own ers "more than a little confused Two state representatives, slated to clarify the new forest tax set up, are Paul Liniger, state Tax Commission, who will explain the new tax law going into effect Jan. 1, and E. R. Manock, staff forester j with Oregon State Forestry le 1 partment, who will discuss the op- tional tax for owners of 1,000 acres or less. Tom Cochran, representative of the Industrial Forestry Association, will discuss the Tree Farm move ment in Oregon. College Students Celebrate Holiday At Homes In Glide By MRS. ARTHUR SELBY Viinv rnilppft Ktudinti. all Glide High School graduates, were home to spend lhanksgiving wun weir parents. j Included in the group irom aoutn- ern uregon toiiege oi cuuvauun were Linda Moore, Pat Henry and Bill Franks. HEAVY LOSS ST. LOUIS (AP) Illinois Ter minal Railroad officials had bet ter keep an eye on their locomo tives. Stolen recently from the rail road's right of way were 109 cross ties and six sections of track, each weighing between 1,300 and 1,500 pounds. From Oregon State University I were Lauren McClure. Bob Shruin and Bob Sendelbacn. From the Lni versity of Oregon were John Liv ingston, Marydell Casebeer. Eu gene Hopper, David Cellers, Karon Weaver. Gary McCormack, Jerrv Rust, Glen Kolf, John Young and Lloyd McCraw. Nursing Student Horn Marijean McClure came home to spend the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McClure. She is in her second year at the University of Oregon Nursing School at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson Sr. of Cottage Grove spent the i Thanksgiving holidays at the home oi tneir son, John Ihompson Jr. The latter is principal of Glide High School. Linda Moore brought home a classmate from Southern Oregon College of Education, Miss Theo Chang, to spend Thanksgiving va cation at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Moore. Miss Chang is from Honolulu, Ha waii. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Shrum and sons. Randy and Andy, drove to Eagle Creek to spend Thanksgiv ing with Mrs. Shrum 's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlisle. The Shrums also visited relatives in the Portland area. ' Mr. and Mrs. Mert Weaver, Kar en and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bradstreet and Alda Brumbach at tended the Oreson State-Oregon football game at Eugene Saturday. Also attending the game from Glide, were Dan Evans, Dan Mag ness and John Livingston. FLOOD IS COMING DILLON, Colo. (AP) Dillon, familiar to tourists driving on U.S. Highway 8 across Loveland Pass, is being forced to move. Waters of a new dam. part of the Blue River Water Diversion Project, eventually will cover the town site. Most of the buildings already have been hauled to the new location six miles away. 1 rpB? - Sl I ijij mBITS r leaky gutters? REPLACE NOW AT BIG SAVINGS! 19 Box - khaptd, heavily galvaniied for g rea t r du ra bi I i tv, tt tt n g t h. Water-tight klip-Joint connectors. 4" deep, 10' length. 11 Rej. 1.80 BUY 2 DOORS AND SAVE EVEN MORE! Folding plastic: spoce saver in closet, pantry. Steel trock. 32 x 80-in. Better quality door now S-88 ... 3.66 each St OU-HI. 2$7 Til Your Tub Wail Area Yourself! Enough wall tile, mastric, cleaner, spread to go V high around o 5' recess Complete kit .... 18.88 Rtg. 2S.7S NEW! WARDS BEST GARBAGE DISPOSER Grinds wastes faster, quiet er than before! Equals any on morket. 44.95 Economy Q QC D.sposer 29.88 07 7J Ntf Money Down CEILING VENT FAN For Room Comfort! Fresh air ot flick of switch! Fits 8" vent pipe, 9" opening. Better quality 1 A A free Day-Nite thermostat! Complete Central Heating Systems $' wdamper 23.50 Gas or oil, you'll get a custom designed, guaranteed job at a guaranteed price! Nothing down, to 3 years to pay, low as ........ 10 Monthly (; MONTGOMERY WARD 1481 N. E. STEPHENS OR 2-4811 4 BIG DAYS! WED.' THRU SAT.1 NOV. 29-DEC.2 No Money Down! Up to 3 years to Pay! FREE estimates! Installation available! Li r ) OPEN NIGHTLY UNTIL 9:00 (Except Sat. and Sun.) Beginning Fri., Dec. 1 Santa Is At Wards Nightly 6:30 to 9:00 (Saturday 10 to 5) t mm mmm m II N . r W 1 Ufi: llSti i j - VcV;'?Fl Vy-. jrV? a completely installed roofing ! t iob... absolutely FREE! 1 V -i I I f r value buys! Gleaming White 3-pc. Bath Set at a Special Low Price! I SMART MODERN LINES 5' steel rub, big 19x17" it teous china lovatory, toilet. Complete let fittings 16.24. No Money Down GLASS TUB ENCLOSURE Smooth-gliding aluminum framei with heavy glass panels. Fit 41 1, 5' tubs. With rowel bar. .. No Money Dowo $ygoo 33" i i i . . . . Nothing to buy simply fill out Entry Blank then bring or mail it to Montgomery Word! Up to 15 squares (1 500 sq.ft.) of Wards 'amout asphalt 3-tob shingles wilt be osedl A golden epport unify lo win a FREE roofing Job . . . don't miss ill All you have to do to enter Contest is submit Entry Blank! Contest closes Dec. 2. f sraaMsaS)ane j ENTRY BLANK for Installed Roofing Contest ! NAME 2 ! ADDRESS , Z I PHONE. : S Approximate tixe of aiyrooL I em Interested lot O Asph oB 3-lab 2 Asphalt Hexagon ORoD Roofing Ctfiet J ............................. ...I ' l -As.'-' YOU may win a completely Ifislalled insulation iob . . . absolutely FREE! Nothing to buy simply flit out Entry Blanks than bring or moil it to Montgomery Wordl Up to 1 200 sq. fr. of Ward's Spun Rock Wool Insulation will bo installed for tho wtnnerl A golden opportunity to win o FREE Insulation Job l . . . don'l miss ii! All you have to do to enter Con test is submit Entry B'anlJ Contest ends Dec. 2. ENTRY BLANK for Installed Insulation Contest NAME. ADDRESS PHONE . Approximate siie of insulation iob If I should win Conteit while having insulation installed, I understand that the full purchase price of the installed job wiQ be refunded. - - i . If? Ali. ft fPT) fHf i 14 I jjCST y A It 5 t f t ) i -j It I 10-YR. TANK t i I tS-YR. TANK I tj 10-YR. TANK GUARANTEE II lank fo Hi Itr 3 yai yo 41 a iw biol.r HIEI II failure eccun ia ms S y.ara, prf 50 r. el cvncnl prir et ntw hto tr plyl 1 0 k fof each edd.rie.al yer. a special low price! TS-YR. TANK GUARANTEE If lank tafl tt finl 7JAyaerf,yougtto eMbaalermU U failure occvn in nut Vh yaoni yon pay 50 ef cvmal price ef new Itaanrr plus iTa for each edat eaaolyaniw Value-packed Glass-Lined 52 Callon Electric Water Heater No Money Down s69 Scientifically designed to conserve both heot end electricity! Rust-free glass-lined tank keeps wafer pure, clean gives you crystal- C clear woter year offer year! Thick Fiberalas insulation wrops in heat. Automatic operation '' j with thermostatically-controlled temperature. I j installation available. U f I'