A 12 Thi Ntw.R.vi.w, Reitbur), Local Mitt Ltuiu Anderson, formerly I Jsrry Parkin, and Ellon Stone of o Ihu city and ho now makes Medlord ipnl th ThsnksRiving hrr home in thr lone Plaza in holiday hrrc iilitif ha former's Portland, is reported to be hos- parent, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Perk piulued in Portland. ins. M.lroie Grange will sponaor a public card parly Saturday, Dec. 2. at I p.m. at the hall. Pnnochle will he in play and refreshment will be served. The public it invit ed. Mr. and Mrt. L. I. McClim.ck and Mr. and M.-i. Phil SI rider were in Portland over Friday and Saturday. They went up especial ly for the huh tchool lootball game. Dr. and Mrt. Jofrsry Currier and children. Charlea and Peggy, and Mr. Currier's mother, Mrt. C. B. Wade, of this city spent the holi day weekend away. Tbe Curnert visited hit father, R. I,. Currier, in Arlington and Mr. Wade visited her sister. Mrs. A. Sautter in Bell Ingham, Wash. Albert Flegtl has returned to his home on SE l.ane Avenue, follow ing a trip to Portland to take his daughter. Alice Anne, back to St. Helen's Hall, following the Thanks giving vacation. He remained in Portland overnight to visit his sis ter and I brother before returning here. Mr. and Mrt. H. H. Turner of this city and their daughter, Car olyn, student (t Oregon Stale Uni versity, were in Portland for the Roseburg Beaverton football game and joined the Turners' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrt. Ar chie Rutter, of this city. They stop ped over in Kugene Saturday for tbe U. of O.-OSU football game Mr. and Mrt. Rex Roberts and daughter, Julie, and sons, Mark. Tom and John, of this city, joined their daughter. Becky, student at Marylhurst College, and spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Roberts' mother. Mrs. D. A. Lengacher, in Portland. They remained over Fri day for the Roseburg Beaverton football game. - Mr. and Mrt. William C. Morgan and children. Billy, Pamela and Corey, and Mr. and Mrt. Frank Sink of Portland bave returned to their homes, following a three-day stay here as guests of the former's mother, Mrt. Charles K. Todd, and Dr. Todd, on W. Sharp Avenue. Mrs. Sink Is a sister of Mr. Todd and of Mrs. A. M. Perkins of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Leland K. Wimber- ly and son. Tommy, of this city returned here Saturday from Port land, where they went for the Rose burg - Beaverton football game. Tom returned hera to spend the weekend with hit grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. h. E. McClintock, while his parents attended home coming at University of Oregon in Kugene. LEGAL NOT ICR OR 1ALI OR RIAL RftORMTY IN TNR) CIRCUIT COURT OR THI STATI OR OREGON ROR OOUOLAI COUNTY MARY FRANCO. Rtatnftff, VI. IOUIS FRANCO, Oka 100 FRANCO! WAR"? FRANCO, atta GLADYS MARIE FRANCO: EVA MARIE FRANCO; DALLAS BENNETT and CARMFN BENNETT, dba OALLAS BENNETT CHAMPION SERVICE STATION: STATE OF ORE&ON BV AND THROUGH THE OREGON STATE TAX COMMISSION; KFNCY CREOIT SERV ICE. INC. CARTER TIRE, CO. Datandanti. NOTICE It HEREBY GIVEN that tho undaraignad Sharttt of Dduglaa County, C oon. bv vlrtua of tfocrao and ordor Mia of mis Court in tha abovo-antltlod caua dalad Tha 1 4th day of Novombar. mi, win cr for ialo and toll at tha south front door and mam antronco to tha County Court Houta m Doudlak County at Rotoburg, Ora- on, at tha hour of 10:00 a m. on tha Hat day of Dactmbor. lftl. all of tha rloht, tltla and tnlaroat of tha abova-namad datandanti. an and attar tha 74th day of Fabrvory, lf, tn and to tha to' kwlng -date r load roal prop- arty altualad hi Oouelat County, Of agon, h Block 1 and Block fn Flat C, Umpou Park Fruit Landi, according to tha duly racardad plat tharaof In tha otftca of tna County Ciork of Douglas County, Oraoon. Tha tormt of tad tao will bo taah to tho h'onait biddar and will ba wd awblact conltrmahon of tha obova-ontiilad Court ubiocl to tho right of raoampiton at prov id- ad oy law. DATED thlt XHh day of Nova m bar, mt Data Of first publicalion Novambar 22nd. IRA C. BVRD, SHEtlFP OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON By Arda K. Garratt, Oapuly CASV NO. im NOTICI Of SALl t IN TH CIRCUIT COURT OF TH I STATI OP ORfOON POR THI COUNTY OP DOUGLAS TH UMPQUA SAVINGS AND LOAN A S SOC I A T IOM, Mutual Sav tngt and Loan Attociaflon. Plaintiff, v LLOYO A. HENDRICK and RET A I. HENORICK. huwand and w.ta, THE SI AT E TAK COMMISSION, and JOHN DOE and JANE DOl, hutband and w.ta, Oataodantt Bv vlrtua of an Cacwtlon hawad out of tho abova antitlad Court m tha abova on- ttttao cauoa to ma dtroctad and datad thit 1 3rd day of Novombar, )4I, baaad upon a Dacraa rondorad and Ontarad In aad Court I on lha J)rd day of Novambar, 1HI, In i tavor of Iho UmpouO lavmsjt and Loon Aioclaton. mutuot tavingt and toan iv toctaion, cctrnmanding ma to maka Mla of tho following daacrlbad rati proparly, to-wit: LsH 1) ond tl. Blerk 1. Johnn Ad dition to Myrtlo Croon, Dougiat County Oraoon fa tatufy tha turn of tl .1T IS toaathor with tntaraat tharoon at tha ra'a of 0 par cant par annum tram Saptamoor 1, ittO. unlit paid, and tar tha tvrthar turn of i oo to a li't roport with mtarrt an tad (attar avm of lha rata of pr cant pm arnum, and far tha turthar turn at SlTton at a rawjabN attornay t taa. and tor plain tiff's ett and ditbuf amonta haram fix or rod m tna turn of Sll.fS. and tha coatt of and Upon tht Writ NOW. THEREFORE, by Virtu Of ad Fiacutton ad Dacraa and with tha tam mandt of Writ, I !! On th Tttl pV of Dacambar, 1HI of W ocock AM at tha aowth front door of tha Cnwnty Caurt Howaa to Roaabur, Douta County, Ora gon. tail at public Otx)ton and aubiact to radampiron whara oravsOod by law. and a tha high koddar tor cah bt hand, ail of tha rtflht, tM ia. and lntarat orhKh tha aoova nomad tovd A. Hanortca: and Rata L. Handrtctx. hwaband and wita. had on tha ?4th day of Jonwory, lM. and whkh all of tho attovo namad datandania had on tha JVd day of Novambar, )Hl. tha data of tad Dacrao, And tharoaflar had, tn ad to In abova da graptrty. or any part or port epn tharaof. to taMfy aa-d E acutn and Oacroa, nd ("toroat, coars ond arcrurng colt OATtD Of Roaabvrg. OrogOne thif Rfti day of Nnvavnbar, IHI. IRA C. BVRD, thtrtr Of Oouflat County. Oaoon By AKDA t. GARRiTT, Doputy Ort. Wtd., Nov. 29, 1961 News Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Manien and t children. Michael and Kathy, of j Hrownsville. Ore , rame to Rose burg to spend Thanksgiving with I Mr. Manion' parents. Mr. and Mi. Kiln B. Fuller, on SE Ter race Street. Mr. Jan Young and daughter, Tainara, and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. Ron Young, and Dennis Haniinerly, all of Portland were in Roseburg for Thanksgiving to visit the former aunts, Mr. D. B. Bubar and Mrs. T. R. Burr. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Themes and son, Parry, of this city, and daugh ter, Klisa. student at I niversit ofy Oregon, went up to Portland for the Roseburg-Bravertnn football game and then stopped back in Eu gene Saturday for the University of Oregon. Oregon Stale University football game. Cheryl Rhedea, freshman student at Walla Walla College. Wash., was at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rhode. Winston, over ne thanksgiving holidays. AUo vis iting at home was the Rhodes' two other daughter. Sonja Rhodes of IO Angele, Calif., and Flavia Wertman and son, Larry, from San Jose, Calif ; and their son, Lattell, a student at Milo Academy. Charles 6. Stanton, who ha been seriously ill at Community Hospi tal for the past week, following a heart attack, ha been discharged from the hospital and is recuperat- inff at his hum. at SA1 Part-nt . Stanton, who celebrated his (1st birthday. Oct. 5. it the oldest mem ber of the Southern Pacific Pen sioners Club in Roseburg. He is the father of Charles V. Stanton, News-Review editor. LEGAL Notice of contest. Unitpd St leg Department o( th Interior. Bit reau of Land Management. Ore gon Land Office, 710 N. . Holla day, Portland 12, Oregon, Novem ber 15. 1961. To the partiet named hereinafter. also all other pentons or partiei unknown claiming any right, title.! estate, Hen or interest in the min i mg claims drum bed herein: Whereas it appears that your ad-1 d re a ties are unknown and that you ' cannot be found after diligent ; xearih, you and each of you are i hereby notified that purnuant to the provisions of section zm. Unit ed States Revised Statutes and Ti tle 43 of the Code of Federal Regu lations, Part 221, the State Direc tor, State Office, Bureau of Land Management, 710 N. K. llnlladay, Portland 12. Oregon, directed con test proceedings against certain purported mining locations upon lands of the United States in Town- hip 32 South. Range 5 Went, Wil lamette Meridian, Douglas County. State of Oregon. The names nf Demons whose addresses are un known and the numbers of contest proceedings in which such persons are believed to be interested are as shown hereinafter. Brown. C. J. Oregon OH 279; Harpe, Clifford Oregon 01046.1; Le Deucer, Frank Oregon 010462; Whitman, A. W. Oregon 0104511, Oregon I 010460; Whitman, C. E. Oregon OIMH; Whitman, R. L. Oregon 0IO4.SA; Whitman, Ruby L. Oregon 010460. The numbers of contest proceed ings, claim names, dates of loca tion and the section (where deter minable), township and range re spectively, are shown below. All are placer claims. Oregon 011279 Bear. Blue Bird and Ust Chance located 918 35 Sec 25, T. 32 S., R. 5 W; Oregon 01046.1 Strurkett located 101735 Sec. 25, T. 32 S., R. 5 W; Oregon 010462 Freezeout located 101735 Sec. 25. T. 32 S, R. 5 W: Oregon 01045S Bear, Blue Bird. Last Chance, Strurkett. Grubstake, and Freeieout located 714,34 Sec. 25. T. 32 S., R. 5 W; Oregon 010460 GrubMake, Freezeout and Strurkett located 121532 Sec 25. T. 32 S., R. 5 W. It is alleged in the contest pro ceedings with respect to each of the foregoing placer claims: 1. That the land embraced within the claim or claims ia non mineral in character. 2. That minerals have not been found within the limits of the claim or ctaima in sufficient quantities to constitute a valid discovery. You are herby notified herefore. that the said allegations wilt be taken as confessed and the said lo cations will he declared null and void, without further right to be heard either before this office, or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within 30 days after the fifth publication of this notice as shown below, your answer speci fically responding to the allega tions of contest. You should state In your answer the mailing address to which you desire further notices to be ent to you, and make reference to the contest and location in which you are indicated herein to hold inter est. STANLEY D. 1.FSTFR thief. Minerals Adjudica tion t'mt Land Office 710 N. E. HolUdiT Portland 12. Oregon First Publication November 15 11 Second Publication November 22, 1 1WI i Third Publication November 21. ;i9ti I Fourth Publication December I, ' IfRil Fifth Publication December 13. AMI PATRONIIF NKWft.RKVIKW ADVERTISERS LEGAL Nonce to ceaoiToas Nonet ii Hfeeev given tt unfla,itad hat Mn aepatnla. acu'i. of th La.t Will ant tattamaAt ! .f Vaan.ira. McHwd H Nriam havi claim aealn.t Ifta aatal. ot , ttcaaaol ' ttmfnt tno tarn, with proof vauehart within n manlrt, a1r fts ia f th.. nooca to lha un4artinad at la Hica a Oanial Koonono. Attarnav at La. fcqu'tabla aWiWtna. aaaaourf Oraoan. Dataal ana firal awbuahao ttua ISth tt LOaeaiNf vcenstoa. F.Kutria at tha t.l.t. a etll VCfNIIHA. aacaaua. NOT ICR TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given ini tha under signed hai btm bv the Circuit Court et fit SUlt of Oregon tor the Courtly of Ooufllot appointed etutrl ef tne Este'e Ot ALLAN J. AKfF HURST, Deceased Ad persons having claims against Hit estate re i notified to present the Mm verified at reouired by It r th undersigned t Ifte I Low OHtctt of (Conor 4 Garrison, Atterney of Low, MS Doug lot County State Ban UiKiing, Koteovrg, Oregon, witnwi tu months tram tne date of tma notice. OAT CO November I. Htl BARBARA M. AKCHUtST, iKocutrm of the Estate of ALLAN J. AKEHURST, Oeceeseel NOT ICR OF ONO SALI SCALED biOS will bo received by the un dersigned until I o'clock p m. Pacific Stand ard Timo, on tho llth day of Oocombor, 1941, ond Immediately thereafter will bo eoOlKly oponod by Iho School Board of School D trict No. 11 Douglat County, Orogon, tor tna pure ha to jt not Iom than par and accrvod tnltrt on tho toilowinfl dotcribied oonoral 0li0ation coupon bondt f School 0trict no. II In tha principal amount of IHrOOO datad January 1, 143, in danomlnatloni of tiooo aach and maturing tar tally in nwmar kcat drdor, at OltOw: I '000 an January t70OO an Janutrf )0QQ on January 144 144 14 147 la 110 11 17? 171 t'OOO on January tOOO en January $7000 on January J7000 on January S'OOO on January I, .7000 on January 1, I J 000 en January 1, 17000 on January 1, S7000 on January 1, S7000 on January 1, SttQO on January 1. 175 177 Bonds will boar Intorast payabla tamUan nually at men rata ar ratot not aicaadino tho lagal rata of intaratt par annum ns shall ba tpacifiad by lha ucctttul biddar. Both tha principal of And tha intaratt on tha bondt will ba ead at tho otftca of tha County Traaturtr. Oougiat County. Oraoon. Bondt will ba tot to tho hignatt biddar. tho School Board rotarvat tho right to rafact any an an oiai. each Did mun ba uncon ditional, and mutt ba accompaniad by cartl had chock or cathltr't chock tn favor of tho District of or upon a bank doing buimait tn tho Stata of Oragon In an amount not lot than 3 par cant of tho par valua of tha bondt ottarad tor tola. Tha chock of tha auccaittul biddar will ba rotalnad At part paymant of tha bondt or to socuro tha School District against any lots raw It mg from fail ure of tho biddar to comply with ma farms of bid. Each biddar shall inckjda In hit b-d a sfatamant of tna total Intaratt cost to tha District, H hit bid It acctptad. Tha auccatt tul biddar will ba hirnishad with a wntlan opinion of tha firm of Shular, Sayra, Wintrta Rankin, Portland, Oragon, as to tha val idity of tha bonds. Bonds will ba daiivarnl complata without untiu dalay at tha axe" of tha School District at such bank in Oragon at mo auccatiful biddar shall namo. ROBERT WHEELER Clark, School District No. SI, I Camat Valiay Oragon Se eclion CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CASH RATI atrtiaM for lunnist Wittiif Mitten Irate att Carol of Triojnkg 1-Day rotg 2 line , 3 Day rotg 2 Itnot . 6-Day pot 2 boat , 3VDoy fotg 2 linct , ...$1.3 1.00 1.75 2 50 5 50 j 1 Day rare 3 ling T 30 I 3 Day rat 3 linoo . 2 50 6-Doy rota 3 lino .MWMM 3 30 Day rat 3 linos - T- , 7.50 ctiDir v.i.t r tt tvt set tt V tw t Mtnl ctie(t tor crteiL DIA0LINIS tittlt farf Iftoititf 1 m. ttf Fritf Toj vaunt. ee. m H rMrves btl rifnt tt tiiMify, fM at rijut Ciisiiflti kt cost. ADiUSTMINTt -tl r-y Hvfmsaauiit taaft warrettu. tatif w MnmHtettir. tt t ttt la laartKa) tori fora tts art isrtrraat irastia. aaJ aansibilttf tt hrs.M b) ctnact tastnaa 0 ts4s RiN Bat It itW Ban) 1ai ttfa SUIKRIFTION RATaS h SntM Br Mart Ma Matt, tl Ik an. mm. ; tn amm. I SS: n I"" I SaMa tl tnaa. t. aS - aat ' " tin M nalM. na M ' atH, III m. ,aa, mas. ' tamar M SaMaat P I Inh Saa ana. tl II, m ami. til It: H. aal, 1M. Pal fat Chi iu IMM tart taw 1 M I HI taMiwiai aM h PM Is Hi mi Paptr Delivery If yvr ssac i irat )liTraJ Call OR 2 1341 Mm. ttira Fri. latwaats 6 Md 7 P.M. Sot. Only 3 to 5 PM Personals aiDI W.NTEO r O.'ea at Araaoaaa o$ a vis SaiNKINO OUIW CaAlcalilAn anvmaua. Oft J-aaT. YOUNO WOMEN of any ii"fh"r,W, ran Ddontial edvtce may contact Catnei Chor- P as. raaway, euaoe. Oregon. Dl l-Jaa. IN DEBT? OONT tat bi'ie eeet yee ab, yevr crew, tveryttxng yaw 9wn IP voo are bi daof bovond veue eO'ittv to ay and tmrniir ent to ga out of eeet, aae BuDC-FT CON SIH t AN! 5 ad have u etpla.ii euf DFBT REDUCTION Pi AN yfM One piae to pay ail omh. at a pav maf vu tan oHei. No security, no cesignera. Not a loan company Budget Consultants Licensed and Bamled Ro.seburi, Oickob I rb. OR 2 r.91 I C3 SC Main St, OUT OUR WAY Hi OWLV THREE BLOCKS 1 THE ALTTDMOSlLe ) I FUHA HOME THIUK ) IS CERTAIWLV a' m fOFlTTrfOMEWE ELEVATIWG, ISN'T OOTrJOW IS FIVE- IT?ARAf3t-PiCKEn; 1 ttL f 3ETA STICK AkJP I POESKI'T SPEMO ) -Jw 4sZ!A WE'LL ArffcTASkJRE IT V AMY MORE TIME f 7 yw BEFORE ASK1M' IP J 7 ALLEYS THAAl 1 r Yr TMEVLl. REMT IT W6 DO WOW J V 'W' AM J.WHLnXM5 BOKM FIFTY YEARS TOO SOOkl J:.?0 Lost & Found 12 LOST Boy't dark rim glaisas m front of tho Snappy Sarvtct. OR 3-4043 tvas. LOST Lady's black rimmad glassas. PiaasacaiiOR2-jj73. LOST Tire chain, between Anderson Mar ket and city cantor. Call OR 3-SO: LOST - 14 tt. light blue plywood boat. Liooral reward. Call evening t, OR 2-3110 LOST TAN BRIEF CASE containing I important records, papers, and text boom of Tho Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. Records are irreplaceable. Any one tindmg part or ail please call UN 3-4401 Mvrlla Creak or contact Snarran Koala, Box 42S, Riddle Ore. Help Wanted 14 CLERICAL ASSISTANT Man or woman. Chief responsibility will bo to operate a boo keeping machine. Typing skill nec essary, shorthand desirable. Apply lo Box 403, Newt Review. CREDIT MANAGER MUST bo experienced. Immediate opening In Medford, Oregon perman ent position. Writt P O. Box tea, Roseburg, giving age, experience, starting salary desired, ate. Inter view will bo Sunday December 3, In Roseburg. Help Wanted Men 15 PART TIME Insurance Inspector for Riddle, Cenyonvilia Myrtlo Crook. No canvassing, no sailing. Apply Box HI, Eugene, Ore. MEhTwANT6D Pert tlmoor full "time. tor established Fuller Brush Route. fjlOO a weak guarantee to start tor full time. Phono OR 2-131 between 1 and P.M. Salesman Wanted SELL Frigidaire Appliances BETTER Than Average Earnings Apply in person UMPQUA VALLEY 6.15 S C. Stephens St. Help Wanted Women 16 WANTED Housekeeper. Ph. 7941, 1107 Maryland Ave., P.O. Box 97, Myrtle Point, WANTED Young Housekeeper to cook on ranch. Private room turn. Write Box 404 News-Review. Needed At Once Telephone Solicitors Your homo or our office. SI. IS PER HOUR. iloady work ajt m barrier H you can talk. Reply Box 404. News Review SALESGIRL WANTED Preferably expetifneed to han dl sales floor for Frigidaire and other top line appliances. Apply In Person Umpqua Valley 15 SE Stephen St. Work Wanted 17 SPARE time truck, auto tune up. brakes, transmission. Estimates. Pnone OS 4-lf. IRONING AND MENDING. OR 2-3471. EXPERIENCED cook dower OR11J47 IRONING it HOUR-" OR M)t ryt , HOUSEWORK. 11 U hour, tlon. OR M7i;. Own t r art sport a- IRONING SI HOUR It Mvt Coral Ave . OR 3-K' raOPFNTPR mm rihiiul .vwi, ai.. .Ill typesotformtca lnstaiied.ps Vjij. j 1ABY SIT my home, wttn c".td over" Own tr spot t 1 1 on. OR J-Wii ! RELIABLE MAN withes rarpter"plijmb ' mo and m. loo. can tai n-..! . "ALTERATIONS All wor."py4(anted. ORHt4 SEWIN(5 "antVpe OS a4l Initruction 19 1 PRIVATE DRtVING INJtRuCTlONi OR ?ItJ privaFE "Tutoring Maur. taMc&eriif. certttod teacner. OR Ijfjt. Loans And Finance 21 DIKOVNIED contract Hr Country Rae'ty. OR yf or OR eBJ I WANTED discounted confraefs. aise equities 1 Pttone OR 3-ltl r OR S-a9l. REAL "ESTATE LOANS to t:VM,ua?"d nwtvwgee. AutomoO.'e. tvrn-tu.e nd so nature loane. Laventiee iofF.i : nance CeP . temertY (tim.K,, tnoXn tnel F"aHe Corp SE Oak Ot j-4 Family Finance Home Owned1 end Peete Leon us it 'l i . m st wasnton ' c! )iMiiUi Nwi Rtvicw Wont A6 Business Opportunities 23 FOR SALE tavern and rtsttur'nt. GY a-31Ai APPROx'iwATELV 2 acres with hxr rental units suitable tor trailer park or wrecking yard, in inoutnel area. Reasonable lermt can be arranged. OR 2-l9l. TEXACO has station for LEASE on Garden Valley Blvd. Good potential For information call OR 3 3753 OR 3 3533 FOUR PLEX 4 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED apis. Situated 4 blocks lo city center. Each unit fully modern, separata batns. In coma &29 per mo. Total price tlt.fOO. WEST ROSEBURG NEWER DUPLEX Built In 145. 1 fireplace, both with electric heat. In coma $15 per mo. Excellent opportunity to live In one unit, rent other, tit,- 500 with $'000 down, or will finance FHA. STEVENSON REALTY 967 SE Pine St. OR 2-1614 ASSOC I AT t DISTRIBUTORSHIP FIRST TIME OFFERED. FULL OR PART TIME Large National Crop- highly ethical and well rated has exclusive distributorship available In the RoseDurg area. All ac counts are established by Mfr , you service and collect. Each exclusive ter ritory has polential for over 100 ex pansion. You are backed by financial and technical assistance from the AAtr., ptus a program tor national and local advertising. A small initial investment is necessary for a starting inventory to provide you with a business having a high potential. Good references and a proven administrative ability required as Mfr. will finance up to N it you Quality; however, you must be able to invesl a minimum of 2!00. For com plete details on this outstanding oppor tunity to participate In one ot the na tion's leadinq inaeVries. write. Includ ing phono number lo; Box 05, News Review. Miscellaneous Rentals 24 PARKING SPACE, downtown. 3-3590. 1014 SE Pine. Commercial Rentals 25 FOR RENT OR SALE Commercial build ing 5000 sq. ft Large parking area. $250 ! mo. Wl NE Stephens. Dial OR 3-4444. i WESTSIDE OFFICE (TWO Bdrm house, nice yard, $70 OR 2-1S42 THREE ROOMS, outside entrance front and! 4 pm. back. One room suitable tor sinq'e apt., with kitchen and full bath. 1447 W. Harv ard. OR MS7. Apartments For Rent 27 FURNISHED APT. Outsioe entrance. AJult,. ur...... m t-i.A vtt r.a.iui.u FURNISHED Apts. including water, dec, gar-1 bage, good location. $40 and $50 mo. Union Gap Apts. Su'herhn, 4314. PlNEMOTEL kitchen un.ts. utilities, linens turn , weekly or montniy. winter rales. 9f Business Rt , North. OR 2-404J. 1 UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom dupi and gir- oe. I biotK to Postottice and banks. Adults. No pets. Lease, uk jhw LARGF unfurn. downstairs 2 Bdrr aot CW to Rose School City center, uk 3-7021 j CLEAN, roomy 1 BR furnished duolex j Elect, he At, Adults. No doos. 2444 Harvard. OR 2-3254 eves or weekends. I TWO and 3 room turn acts., $40 and U mo I Private entrance, private bath. Downtown location. 170 SE DouOias OR 3-4401 CLEAN. " nicely turnishe-d 3 room apt. with bath, automatic washer and carport. Adults OR 3-S2VI , COMPACT APARTMENT, furnished, stove. I raff ig , tiled drainboa'd and shower. Easy UOKeep, ground floor, oufMOe entrar.ee. Eastvde on city bus line. $55. 0R2-I577 FURNISHED 1 Bdrm'court apts. Water.; garbage service turn. Washing fat ilit.es , available OR 3-420J or irv. Garden Vai- lev Meriiet. ! WALKTOW0RK St ROLL TO SMOI FROM your downtown stramtmed apt h vtew Windows. For appointment can OR J.4HI -r..nt ,-rv-.ntt,TMfV-P n n.M.Mir.u rti Ani.uuM ; ONE bedroom, separata inttnen, e"Md floor, codven-enf parsnng. Private en'rante, full batn with tiled m tub and i"or. Large clone's and storage. ti. It V Harva'd OR 7-1 577 Kchlhagen ApfS. Jafon S' at lane Ave. Modetn. reasonaOiO rent OULTS OR 3 V.u 0904 p, T l'v Bachelor Apt. FURNiSHFO. Fattide, cox-t. ev . keep l twri pr.va'e efraixa t o d'a-nnoard and hoer. 1 or I eduits. 10 mo OR MS". roOO APARTMENTS l.J.J bdrm apt. turrmhrO Of ynnjrn Wr ad garh sev pr ov.oxt atO heat tn ome. Rents fern taj up. SWlMMiNO POOL Terrace Apt. e eo"00d I wcheter Mot a'er heat OR 3 ' v,t Mom1 Vste Hemes Hot water heat Westwvo Cf Wane -drver ,h S4 OeAhtll Apts Rao-ant Heat OR )- TWO NICE APTS. FURnhfo B4i.fw aos P'twte ce tv sw'founO"-gs 'n ca'rwt. oarpaoe oaio Autonaiic iau" v t uei Aouits en, no dog. Inovt CtKO et j SHADY roiNT TRAILKR SM.KS 1 mi Ninth 99 BR OR 2 By ). R. Williams Apartments For Rent 27 1 CLEAN, comtortablo opts. With or without furniluro and ulilitiat. OR 3-743. ', END APT. of tri-plex. Rafrlg., stovo, water. i garb. tarv. turn. OR 3-6745 or OR 3-7M4. ; FURNISMEOOr3rooitlpartmonti. , OB CLEAN, furnished apt. $4i. 74 S.E. Jackson TWO bedroom ftjrnisheoruptalri apt. Also two-room cabin. OS V-5413. TWO BEDROOM apartment. Range and re frigerator furnished. Call OR ONE BORMep1TcioelnT.WS. Phono qR3-ll3 eves. THREE I BR opts. WeithVil Apts. 3117 W Harvard. All utilities paid. FURNISH ED AP T Sedults only. $0 "d $ mo. Close, convenient location, (44 SEBrockway Ave. Apts. OR 2-03f. TWO APTSratt654 SE"Stephans, upstairs. Back apt. unfurn. $30. Front apt. partially turn, s0. Sea McAneney Real Estate at 1634 SE Stephens tor key and information. Rooms For Rent 28 ROOMS for rent tn a brand new home. Kitchen privileges. $10 per week. OR ' 7-4JK. WANTEDmiddle agldy to share utilities and housework. Phone OR 3-3341. NICEIwingoomsriU-S ET'Blakel-Aye. p Nocks SE from bus depot. Room And Board 29 ROOM AND BOARD at, Jo Ann's Boarding House. OR 3-7947. Houses For Rent 30 WINSTON Clean, turn. dplx. I blk W. But. sect. Also turn. bach, cottage. OS 9-4434. MY R TL E CR E E K 3 Bdrm housaTChrlstlan Addition, on Thomas St. 90.UN 3-3419. two BR modern house, unfurn., near US Plywood. Calleves. OR 3-4540. RENT or lease small furnished house. I or 2 adults only. Water paid. OR 3-4191. DUPLEX l BR near Mercy Hospital, Laurel- wood Dlst. Inquire 473 Riverside. OR 3-S190. SMALL 2 BR house $S5. W9 Newton Croak Rd. OR 2-1359faHer5. CLEAN J room house, garage. 1444 NW Beacon Way, OR 3-4544. FOR lease or-rent. 3 bedroom .home on Newton Creelc.S95 per tnonth.OR 2-371. SMALL unfurn. or partly turn, home, $40 mo. Seeat ?11 NE Jvan. OR 3-7753. NICE TWOBdrm house,' $45 mo. Call OR 34517 ONE BR modern furnished homo to 1 or 3 adults. In GerdenValley. OR3-4979. ONE and one-half BR unfurnished house. OR 3-3350. ONE BDRM ranch style, picture windows. near Roseburg LbrCo; $55.OS 9545ft. WESTSiDE 1 bedroom unfurn. duplex, gar age and storage room. OR 2-1443. THREE BEDROOM HOME IDA!. Cadar St.. OR I-27II GOOO ONE BR furnished house in west Winston. OS 9-5720 NICE clean furnished one bedroom duolex. Water, garbage paid. $45. OR 3-549, 2-4S90. , ""J6 TVZZT ""' , 'h quiet location. OR 3-4434. UNFURNISHED newly redecorated 3 bed room house, weitside. $45 mo. OR 3-2223. Two Bdrm house, unfurn or partly. Close in. OR 3-737$, Sunday or after 4. CLEAN. 3 room furnished house. i:3 SE Stephens. OR 3-1170 ON BEDROOM modern houre. 5 mile out biacx too road. $S0. OR 3-7300 ONE TO FOUR Bdrm homes tor families or smote elderly. OR 3-4S4I. FURNISHEO housekeeping 'cabins.'' 3050 NE Stephens. Roseland Auto Court. FURN I SHE DCA B I N ST Weeklyrates. 46?0 NE Stephens. Pacific Motel. OR 3-7939. THREE BDRM newer home. Fireplace, car peting, patio. Green Dst. SV2. OR 2-ailJ. VEBV nice unlurnivhed 1bCroom duple, fenced yard. Near Joseon Lena Scnooi. tii. Water and sewer pa OR 3-S77. LARGE 7 bedroom house wrn bq dining room. i mi on Hsooy Valley Hgnway on Porter St OR H'SI FURNISHED cabin hje" "tr ont "room , hitch en. snower, TV, laundry facilities. US mo. Adults. Bob-Hil Trailer Court. SMALL turn duplex. Walking dt to town 10 mo Hof-cod water, garbage disposal turn. Inq U'4 Wosner. OR 3-fSU. CLEAN two bed'ocm unfurnished duo'es pe i bocs from Greynound Oepol. Aow'ts Only OR 3-7S. TW0 BR unfurnhed house on paved street1 in Vsmston. Rt required. Inquire et Tne t Aut Court m Winston. FOR LEASE EOUR bedroom house. NE Jackson. Inouire hou'-e In rear uo'tn. FuRNlSHEO'l-T'DedroorrTcabini-Water-and gartMoe disoosal furnished. t'S-j4j. ' lau O amoTHt Lake Blvd. OR 3-Jjee ONE BE D ROOM-hou 'el-near Joseph "Lae Stn 10 oer motn. Wafer turnisned ii amw Re) Ettate OR -43v,J W'NSTON. NicesmaH? oedr'aom "home. fenced vara 0t 1 H grwav I eock. Ve- c"t Nov latn. $. OS L R iT-E I tORM'unhJ'-.sro o-rur. "t cafpe-t. a M N citv r'r' Adu'M mo. Ida) 0amod La a . OR :-4ioa RENT OR SELL T "OFF C 'ose m on V II St. Rent MS mo"tv HANDY REALTY Harva'd at P loer OK 3 S4M Ooufl warren. Salman OR 'e Homes For Rent 31 VOHERN M' I bdrm taierj SJi per mo ! OR U or CR 3-4.-OC. TwO house tra-'eri or rent.Woo'-'AauttS. "o oeM. ca'i m a"erroon. OR 3 Wi ffNA'DE. 1 Bdrm trail- m o e oeaofl i Town I'ilT AJu"S Ontf X a Nf S'eeeS OR Jie Sift I or t Ft m mooariTfurt" M fa.te't AA t Of'v lov OtKiro'ij' , cog Tra -er Pa-i. Jv'l ht Siepn ij'a. Mobile Home Parks 32, TRAIL" SPACE AVAILABLE, of Winches tor Village, on Not" Umpqua ORJ-It S. "CENTRAL TRAILER PARK 1541 DIAMOND LAKE BLVD. Spaces all paved. Just 4 blocks tg business center Adu'tt, CR 3-4104 TIMBER TOWN TRAILER PARK 2010 NG Stephens Bast accommodation for all sire trail ars. Incl. all electrics. Paved SH-. land scaped, b'g lawn, metered gas. 1 block from Safeway. Adults Only OR 3-4314 Real Estate Wanted 33 THREE 4 BR horn with acreage, I miles of Roseburg. Box 399, NewsReview. LAN0with gravity spring, good garden ground, elevation over 900 tt. Cash. For homesite, no buildings necessary. Call OR 2-4)30. Real Estate 34 WILL sell equity k nice 3 BR home, south east district tor SSOONKO view. OR 3-4554- THREE BDRM home, small down payment. Consider trade. OR l-27M. TWO Bdrm house. 451 NE Jackson, S5O0 down bal. like rent. OR 3-4732. ON RIVER. 3 Bdrm home, fireplace, hdwd floors. IVsbafhs. S14.500. OR 3-4444. TWO Bdrm house, 533 W. Broccoli. Take sport trlr or trlr house as dn pyml. Call OR 3-5443 Otwn 2-5 p.m. TWO BR house, 14 yrs. old, close In, small yard, attached garage; $4500. 1323 N. E. Commercial. OR 3-4111 after 4. TWO bedroom smalt home, south Deer Creek. In walking distance of church and school S4.000. Call OR2-2754: TWO BEDROOM HOME, 1 acre on river frontage. Green District. Our equity. 13,100. Call OR3-34 fwO LOTS Garden of Meditation. Rose burg Memorial Gardens, price $350 tor both. Phone Sutherlln 2443. TWO bedroom house tor lease, trade or what have you. Call OR3-7750 atter a.m. MUSTSELC-Poor health. 3 unit apt., clear. good location. OR 3-7541. 50X100 FT. LOT In Myrtle Creek, has well, let pump, septic tank, garage. Also, 2 bdrm house in Albany, presently rented tor S5S mo. Full price $5,400. OS 9-5425 after 5 p.m. OWNER TRANSFERRED: NICE 3 or 4 bdrm home, patio, garage, tile bath, full basement, well insulated, hdwd floors, ec onomical oil furnace. Extra lot, fine netgn borhood. $14,500, FHA approved. OR 3-4311. HELEN GLENN REALTOR We speetaliTO In homes, acreage, river property. Personal service ti our policy. List With Us-We'll Sell It Corner of Kane and Washington OR 3-3492 OR 3-3903 OR 3-3244 $14,000 THREE comtortablo bedrooms. Birch pleasure kitchen with snack bar and bu'lt in appliances. Attractive dining room with beautifully paneleld fire pace wall. Ceramic tiled bath With vanity. Termite resistant. Term available. By Builder! Take trade. Call Today CR 3-5977 4 NEW HOMES 3 Bedrooms, built-tn appliancos, fire place, other desirahle features. $12, iso to $14,900. Reasonable terms. Possible lease option. THE HOMEFINDERS Real Estate 435 S. E. Mam OR 2-4721 Day or Night SERVICE DIRECTORY Firms And Individuals With Better Service THESE SERVICES SAVE MONEY IF YOUR SERVICES ARE NOT LISTED HERI PHONE OR J-3321 FOR ASSISTANCE ALTERATIONS DOUBLC-BREASTEO wit! rHtyW to aiiv fll. S1..IS. Mrs. Gifford, OR 3li APPLIANCE REPAIR MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR. BOB MIL- LERSE RVICE. Dial OR 3-SHS, " PARTS SALES SERVICE MAJOR SMALL Generally 1 oay aervlc. Bait Itock of aDPtlartce Parti In county TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC 731 SE Oak OR S-iSJI AUTO BODY LET HARRY DO IT! 1 EXPERT body work Painting our specialty.; Free estimates. Insurance and customers. Ail work guaranteed. Call Pal Motors Body snop, ziaa Mb vepnens. -vt. BARCUS MOTORS Inc. Painting, body and fender work to your specification. Free estimates, fast service. All Work Guaranteed 1420 N E. Stephens OR 3-5566 I BOOKKEEPING BOOKKEEPING SERVICE. Pick UP od de liver locally. Reasonable rates. OR BUILDERS, CARPENTERS CARPENTRY and cabinets. Harry t. Ysung. no i. 7.iia FOUNDATIONS, houe raising, leveling, re pair. Worn PHA aoproved. Cement, block ork, fireplaces. Free estimates, Cal After SOW OR OR MM. CHILD CARE Mother Goose Nursery "NORTH ROSEBURG KINDERGARTEN OR OR -S3M CRANE SERVICE CRANE SERVICE ERECTION wo-, concrete pouring Call Ciitf Thornton, day or n.gnt. UK Z 2t09 TH'S it three line News-Review classified Cost only U SO for 4 day To pietl voitr want ad Dai OR J-Ji?i ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAL W'RtNG, suooites. OPn ; dat . Lens.ng a. Oliver. OR eaie. EXCAVATING. SAND, GRAVEL DOZING, fevei'ngi eio gravel rock, river team end read materials. Chenes keeiy. OS t)H?. D&R F.XCAVATINtf Bonoed antf tnso'd hew Vaisev Ferguson 1M ckhoo 0'lcn.g and tevver wor Derrel tsaac'on owr operator OR J-reM FLOOR FINISHING vtikti Floor fenrtce. 15 veare eBoer-ence La vino, sanding 'd ftA'aning. 04 ttoors refnisned. OS FURNITURE REPAIR AlL KINDS FURNITURE RFPAiR ret-. tna Free estnav Pcup oe'ver. i on Furniture. CR J-4UI. eJI W. Baitt j EVERY WEEK IS THRIFT WE'.K IN WANT AOS t Real Estate 34 TWO BDRM home, hardwood floors, tire. place. Fairhaven osi isj . OR 2-4257 after S and woononas. MELROSE 30 ACRES, well dreined wtfi modern 3 bedroom home. AMPLE good water. Barn, chicken house, woodshed, shop and garage $4500, will food paper as part. WESTSIDE TWO BEDROOM. Hving room and din ing room, kitchen end laundry, large lot, carport. On sewer. Close to shop ping center. $4250. SI7M down. HANDY REALTY HARVARD AT PILGEft OR 3 5458 Doug Warren, Salesman Oft ote Extra Special Self Liquidating 4 FURNISHED apts. on Hwv In Win ston. Each has I B R. Liv. Rm. kitch en and bath. Central utility. Excellent return on Investment of only $4750 full price. $3000 oown. Don't da lay I EXCELLENT building lot an Cattle St., Green. $400. 20 A EXCELLENT pasture Fencod. 4 miles out. 3 story, 4 B R. plas tered home. Barn and other bidgs. Consider exchange tor t B.R. Rsbg homo. $14,500. Terms. McAneny Real Estate 1634 S. E. Stephens OR 2-1371 Evenings Jim Cook OR 3-4247 Maxine Sevall OR 3-7151 Pauline Rtase GY e-3374 See Young's First Home With Income 3 BEDROOM modern home -vith small rental unit on same lot wth steeping room in basement that has always brought In a substantial amount. Rentals should take care of payments. Lot Is in commercial zone. Price $13,500 with a substentiel down payment, balance by the month. 2 BEDROOM home In the country immediate possession. Large lot end a nice view. 4 miles to Roseburg. $7,000. ? BEDROOM modern country home with hardwood floors. Room for ad ditional bedroom in me full base ment. Large living room with tire place. New oil furnace. I't batns. This lovely home with the 3 view acres at $12,500 should solve your home problem. Will go FHA or State G.I. Good well. WE NEED listings on 3 end 4 bad room homes and large or small terms. Roy O. Young & Son We appreciate your listings. 45 YEARS IN ROSEBURG. 333 S. f. Cast Ave. PectflC BWg. Phono off let OR 3-4471 Evenings call LtNoIr Krust. OR 2-3954 (exceot Friday tvenlrtg end Saturday) IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Umpqua Valley Hardware Fairbanks Morse Domestic and irrigation water systems. Estimates gladly given 648 S. E. Rose OR 2-1S1 LANDSCAPING TILLING LANDSCAPING Ouility nursery stock, reesonabte prlras. Brown's Vai'ey Haven Nursery, u"rf-'o. LAUNDRY - DRY CLEANING LAUNOPOMAT Laundry troubles? Busy? Leave It. WH oo It. Corner of Court and Main. Pn. OP 3-3011, LOANS Loans Auto - Salary Furniture Pacific Finance Loans Pacific Industrial Loans Dick Burdick Manager 644 SE Stephens OR .rfiivfia MIMEOGRAPHING CHRISTMAS LETTERS, mimeographed Wh colored tnk. Smaite Stene service. OR MOTOR REWIN DING-REPAIR JIMjV'F S ELECTRIC MOTOR SHOP Exclusive Delco D'itributor Motor Rewinding; Repair ino 3D NE Garden Vaileyfl'vd. OR 3 Ttt Electric Motor Service Company Al Hammell Prompt reoair end rewinding Ail Wor Guaranteed 1 rmie soutn Fairgrounds next to Pancake Heue Ph OR 3 4:H PAINTING, DECORATING HAVE YOUR HOME redecorated for holi days. Winter rates. 4 mo. to pay no Interest charge Mark's Pamting Servre. tVf Pr&n. ca" OW 7-IV4. et'e' 5 P M. j ROOFING I SHINGL'SG m el kngs bv ma touore , Wy pner-d oo s i) e I SEPTIC TANKS i -.,.,,., . SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED PosOburg lnm lafion Service. Ph. OR a-tt. STENOGRAPHIC SERVICES TYPING, mimeogreon.fg, dup''eai-e Oenro G"'on OR ?-M c C J -Ti ! TOOL SHARPENING PLOW SHARPENING, wkj'"g. 2iS) ft C"ie Ava vffc- fp j-eT TREE SURGERY t.fe sur.F.v-.'u.". af ail v.a'l o local rf.'.c. JAC AAT LN04C.e C3 OS J-'jiJ or o. V WILL DRILLING Water Well Drilling Nomine Omv" on OfCOvad Cf 00 t. OMR WELL OR'LLING CR vri t jkss