The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 28, 1961, Page 6, Image 6

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6 The Newt-Review, Roseburg,
90 Parents Visit
MCHS Classrooms
Ninety parent! attended class
rooms at Myrtlo Creek High School
(or ' Back to school night recent'
ly. Parent! were ushered by Fu
ture Teachori of America.
They wore Arlee Stringer, Bar
bara Lee, Cheryl Hampton, Susie
Mason, Dwayne Redwine, Bar
bara Roberta, Linda Swingen,
Elaine liornteth. Dun Fields
Donna Kinney. Sandie Theisi. Mar
ianne Jones, Terry Butler, Linda
Lee, Ginger McCauley, George Lai
lahan and Allan Manual.
Parents visited the classrooms
and each teacher spoke little of
what they were trying to teach
the students and now.
"Back to School" night was
sponsored jointly by the Myrtle
Creek High School and the Myrtle
Creek Parent Teacher Association.
Homemaker Contest
Announced At RHS
Roseburg High School's home-
making instructor, Georgene Clark,
announced recently that the an'
Dual "Search For the Homemaker
ot Tomorrow" contest will be held
at the school Dec. 5.
This contest, open to all senior
girls, is nude up of life problems
based on the home and the girl's
attitude toward others.
All girls entering the contest
will receive copy of "Betty
Crocker s Guide to Homemaking,
while the winner will receive a
Homemaker of Tomorrow pin.
The state winner will receive
$500 scholarship and a trip to New
York and one for her adviser. A
$500 scholarship will be awarded
to the state runnerup.
Two years ago, Sally Hill, a
RHS atudent, was the state winner.
She received trip to New York
and a scholarship as her prizes.
SHS Christmas Ball
To Take Place Dec. 9
Senior Susan Seaburg, Junior
Sherrl Hopper, sophomore Judy
Holland and freshman Janet John
son represent their respective
classea in Christmas Ball royalty
this year at Sutherlin High School.
Susan Bradley Is the G I r I a'
League honorary princess for the
Dec. dance in the Sutherlin High
School gymnasium.
' The theme is "Christmas Won
derland by Night." Dick Booth of
television's "Teen Date" will be
there to play records and enliven
the dance. The occasion will be in
formal this year.
Myrtle Creek Twirpert
Enjoy Seasonal Antics
For the past ten weeks, teachers
at Myrtle Creek High School have
had to put up with personality
clashes only.
Nov. 14. however. Whaml Pink.
Purple, Green! Clash Day and no
aun glasses. This was just part of
the antics that wen on during the
Twirp Season.
Sponsored by the FHA, Twirp
Season Included Clash Day, Blue
and Gold Day, Sweat Shirt Day
and Girls carrying the bovs' books
to class anjl finally with a costume
aance "escape.
New Car Acquired
At Myrtle Creek
Studonta at Myrtle Creek High
School are driving a 1962 BelAir
Chevrolet in their driver education
clasa, according to Forrest Loghry,
Instructor In driver education.
The new car la cream color with
the regulation dual control brakes.
This year's automobile is provided
with seat belts.
Each year the driver education
clasa is provided with a new car
through the Young Chevrolet Ga
rage in Myrtle Creek.
38e , 48c
Iceeemy Grade
Cell er visit Mr
tNte-leiMcted alant
Ort. Tuei., Nor. 28, 1961
Today's Youth, page 11)
music major at Willamette
University, will be with the
University choir in its concert
at Cottage Grove Methodist
Church Dec. 2 at 8 p.m. She
is the daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. F. Gordon Stewart of
Roseburg ond is a graduate of
Roseburg High.
RHS To Choose
'Club Of Month'
Participation in activities and
service to the school will be two
criteria used in choosing a club
of the month. The Roseburg High
School club evaluation committee,
headed by Jim Scott, a junior, will
make the selection.
Nesr the end of the year a club
will be selected and awarded a
trophy as a reward for being se
lected "club of thi Year." The stu
dent body will have a money-rais
ing project with aL the profits go
ing to that club.
The club evaluation committee
is made up of two representatives
from each club.
Glendale Junior High's
4-H Club Picks Officers
Mrs. Lewis Price' seventh gradt
4-H Heslth Club in the Glendale
Junior High School has elected
officers as follows:
Loretta Byrd, president; Penny
Price, vice president: Cheryl Ruo-
prath, secretary; and Nancy Fish
er, news reporter. Members will
name an entertainment chairman
at tho next meeting. j
Plana are being made for the 1
club to study community health
problems during the club year, re
ports Mrs. Gerald Fox.
Large Crowd Greets
Sutherlin Presentation
Nearly 900 elementary and jun
ior high students were on hand at
the Sutherlin High School gymna
sium last wetk to witness the Na
tional Puppet Theater's presenta
tion of "Ihe Nutcracker Suite." I
Audience Praised
The performance held the at
tention of the large audience. Stu
dents attending from the three
schools received special adminis
trative commendations for their
outstanding conduct before, during
ana alter tne program.
Yoncalla High Seniors
To Give One-Act Plays
The senior class of Yoncalla
High achool is busily practicing for
two one-act plays to be presented
Dec. If and IS. Mrs. Ruby
Thomas Is directing the play.
ine two comedy j are "Lite ot
the Party" by Donald Payton and
" Dummy ' by Arthur Kaser.
Bill Woolman will take the part
of Wilbur ln "Life of the Party";
Mary Thompson, Betty I,ou; Mary
Nucholts, Connie; Merrillin Pew.
Mrs. Maxwell; Roger Russell, Mr. '
maxwell; Lawrence Calkins, Bob;
and Jim Dodd, Cli..
In the play "Dummy," Red Wil
ey will play Roy Hitchcock; Fran
eis Huntington, Jane; Vivian
Payne, Emma; Dick Thiel. Roy's
pal; and Doug Fast, the Officer.
PHONE ORchard 3-6323
Model Car Club Sets
Wednesday Meet ,
"Throttle Jockeys," Roseburg
area model car club, Wednesday
will meet at tha hnrnn nf I. an Vi.
erra, vice president and secretary
of the club.
The meeting set for 7:15 p.m. is
open to persons from the seventh
to eleventh grade interested in
moaei car Duikiing.
Members' dues are used to fl-
nanr th rluh'a it.nHa.1 a -
display which, it is hoped, will
u entered ;n tne Douglas County
Fair next year.
A small plain fticnlou i. ...
' "'","" J IB pi LILUi
ly at the Newton Creek Store.
uiuceri oi ine ciud are Kaul
Lewis, president; Vierra; Jeff Wil
ey, treasurer; Roger Lewis and
David Smith, board of directors.
Russell Cary is the club sponsor.
Art Pollard, Roseburg's racing
ace, has donated four trophies to
the club.
The meeting Wednesday will be
held at 462 NG Hewitt Ln.
Riddle High Girls
Host A Play Day
Riddle High School GAA hosted
a IllaV H.V thi. -nnnth .-.II. .
' i J ...... i ... win; ou
girla present from Oakland Suth
erlin, Douglas, Myrtle Creek, Glen
uib mna nioaie. Karen White, GAA
president, and Miss Mary Lynn
Holm. iHviinr (vara in
1 " - - ... IIWIBD 1 I III
Alice Walker as program chair-
The ffirlt nlaviwi 1. ,1
morning, a luncheon was served
by the Riddle girls at noon, follow
ed by the program which included
D&ntnmimja hv rials una.
Alice Walker and Mabel Morgan,'
mna songs oy rai cyphert and Vie
A A II mm m mmwmkx . m mm sp m m m m M r
ORCHARD 2-4811
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Members Of Glendale Board
To Attend Education Meet
I mree Glendale bcnooi Board
members will be present when the
State Interim Committee on educa
tion visits the Douglas County of
fice Tuesday, reports Mrs. Gerald
B. Fox. correspondent.
The three are Mrs. Robert L.
Fisher, Mrs. Mary Conley and Ron
ald Miller. Marlen Yoder, superin
tendent, will alio be present.
Supt. Yoder reported to the
board on laws In regard to pupil
expulsion from school and on board
member, vacancy. He also asked
for any ideas on chsnges which
should be made in the curriculum
for next year. He pointed out sev
eral points to be considered in fu
ture adoption of school budget
for 1962-K.
Members completed a review of
Suzie Parker Is In Town
To Make Her Fifth Movie
Parker is in town to make her
fifth movie and her fourth come
back. At least that's tne way she sees
it. But then, Suzy Parker sees
everything in an offbeat, oddball
kind of way, and who is to say
that she is wrong and the rest of
the world is right?
"I make pictures so seldom that
they always say it's comeback
when I start a new one," she said
over a champagne cocktail at Ro
manoff's. "I can't help it if Fox wouldn't
let me work. Do you realize that
all I did for a year and two
months was sit back in New York,
doing my needlepoint and collect
ing a check every week? The
money was getting to be rather
ridiculous $1,795 a week for do
ing needlepoint."
She bootlegged a copy of "The
Interns" script and found the role
of a fashion model who falls preg-
Elkton High Schoolers
Institute New Pep Club
The following girls have formed
a Pep Club at Elkton High School:
Marylin Jeffcoat, Sue Grimsrud,
Freda Duncan, Pat Baimbridge,
Shirley Davis and Virginia Koon.
Officers elected were: President
treasurer. Pat Baimbridge; and
drill master, Sue Grimsrud. The
club will participate at the basket
ball games and various high school
- v
"slsf2 mmmMm Li.aasasi.ssiisiisiisiisiisiis.s-i
the School Board policy. At the
next meeting they will consider
additions to the policy in regard to
policing of school properties and to
matters pertaining to members of
the teaching staff.
Members extended to high school
and elementary teachers an oppor
tunity to schedule a meeting wilh
the Board. Each group is to set
its own date and then Invite the
Board to attend. The evening will
be spent in discussion between
members and teachers, with none
of the school administrators pres
ent. Dates of the regular December
School Board meetings were chang
ed because of the school vacation.
Meetings will be held Dec. 8 and
Dec. 20.
nant. "It would be ridiculous for
any other actress to play the
part," she Informed her agents.
But her loanout once was too
high. So she convinced Fox to
save its weekly stipend to her.
As a free-lancer she peddled her
self to Columbia at a price it
could afford.
"I wanted this part and I got
it," ahe said. "It makes me boil
ing mad when people say I don't
want to work. Of course I want
to work.
"I was lousy in my first pic
ture, 'Kiss Them for Me.' Every
body was bad in it, even Jayne
Mansfield, if you can imagine
that. I was so bad that Stanley
Donen, the directo who discov
ered me, refused to recognize me
"Anyway, my next picture was
'10 North Frederick.' I worked
damned hard on that role. I don't
care what you thought of the pic-
lure; i was good in it.
About her acting career, she
continued: "I'm really serious. I
want to really make a go of it,
so I won't have to go back to
fashion modeling, which I hate,
Merrillin Pew has been elected
president of the Bible Club formed
recently at Yoncalla High behoof.
Other new officers are vice presi
dent, Cheryl Bjork; secretary, Don
na Larson; treasurer, Judy Pat
rick, and reporter, Jan Herring.
Later in the year, a program chair
man will be named.
Take the
and meet your friends
and neighbors
VS. Na
Restoration Of Girl's Sight
Is Said A Miracle By Priest
SHERWOOD, Tenn. (AP) "It
was a miracle." said The Rev.
Joseph Huske. "I know it."
That was his explanation of bow
4 year-old Margaret Jackson sud
denly found vision after three
months of blindness in this Cum
oerland Valley town about 75 miles
southeast of Nashville.
Doctors who bandied the case
were unavailable for comment But
Margaret could see again and
laugh with the other children, her
brown eyes sparkling, her pug nose
full of tiny wrinkles.
The story came to light recently
when a Nashville Tennesson staff
writer, Rudy Abramson, learned of
Margaret's recovery. He came to
Sherwood to interview Margaret
and Father Huske.
The little girl became ill and
went blind two years ago. She was
taken to Vanderbilt Hospital in
Nashville and examined for weeks.
Several doctors thought the blind
ness was caused by lead poisoning.
Few gave her parents, Johnny
and Charlotte Jackson, any hope
she would ever see again.
In time she returned to Sher
wood and to the Epiphany Episco
pal Mission where ber father, a
self-taught electrician, carpenter
and mason, worked with Father
"Almost every time I went into
the church, Johnny or Charlotte
would be there," Father Huske
said. "Sometimes both of them
would be there with Margaret say
ing their prayers."
The Jacksons were still praying
23 New Pupils Arrive
Twenty-three new students have
entered Roseburg High School
since school opening.
One girl, Sirkka Helena Han
hineva, a senior is from Finland.
She is living with her aunt and
uncle for this school year.
Three girls enrolled since Mon
day, Nov. 20. Two are seniors and
one is a junior. Thirty-two stu
dents have withdrawn since the
beginning of school.
Club's Uniforms Arrive
iiu n i , i : ..L C l i
uver luv nuseuurg: mgu ouiiuui
pepsters received orange skirts and
weskits Wednesday. The outfits
were tailor-made in Portland and
a n L.
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the following October when the
leavea on the mountains around
Sherwood started turning. Then one
night Margaret became ill again,
showing the same symptoms she
had just before she lost her sight.
The girl was rushed to Vander
bilt Hospital a second time. But
she was feeling better when she
arrived and the doctors could find
nothing wrong.
Back home once more, Johnny
started to light a cigarette and
Margaret grabbed for the match.
The cigarette waa forgotten. John
ny threw his arms around his smsll
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daughter and then began striking
more matches.
"Every time, she would reach
for them." he said. "After that,
her sight gradually came back.
Her left eye is a little weak now,
but she doesn't even need glass
es." The three Jacksons have left
Sherwood, Johnny was called Into
the Army and his wile and daugh
ter recently went to join him at
Ft. Polk, La.
But Margaret's "miracle" will
never be forgotten by people in
these parts.
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Sale Price 15.88
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