pit i It 1 i OUTRACING DEFENDERS Halfback Red Wiley tucks the pigskin under bis arm and takes off for the Yoncolla Eagles os he finds running room in Saturday's B chompionship game ot Pendleton. Late in the gome Wiley took a short poss from Dwight Pontius ond raced 32 yards for the TD which gave the Eagles a 12-12 tie ond a shore of the state title. (East Oregonian Photo) Conquering Indians Are Welcomed In Celebration A hardy group of loyal Indian! fans hravcd the elements to wel-ion come the newly crowned stale A l football champs home Saturday at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. The rooters, many of whom were linn hie to maki the trip to Port land to nee the Indians bomb the Beaverton Beavers 250 for the crown because of the weather, cheered loudly as the busses car rying the players returned to Rose hurR accompanied by a police es cort. Rosrbure Mayor Pete Serafin opened the celebration with a wel-lon coming speech in which he praised the Tribesmen for their brilliant showing against the Beavers. Sera fin stated, "The hoys have earned their plaudits. They proved they not only could, but did handle the best teams in the state." UCLA Draws Rose Bowl As Coast Squads Meet In Rough Battles By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I Michigan and Washington in com UCLA's Bruins draw the Rose piling a 7 3 record and a winning Bowl assignment and with It the 310 in the Big Five, big fob ot trving to restore West Last Saturday's traditional bat- Coast football prestige that sagced this year with inlersec- to their advance billings as hard tional losses. fought affairs. The Uclans won the bowl berth Halfback Charlie Mitchell ran with a 10 7 victory over Southern 123 yards with less than two mm California last Saturday in their jutes to play to give Washington finale of the regular season, and Trojan coach Johnny McKay commented: "The Bruins are a good, sound team. I think people will be sur prised by their showing in t h e Rose Bowl." Opponent Unknown An opponent for UCLA will be chosen by the Big Five repre sentatives later this week or pos sibly not until early next week. Big Ten champion Ohio State draws the most mention and .i...l4 fit tlii.Wva he chosen and accept, the Pasadena game would see a rematch. Ohio State beat the Bruins 1J-3 last Oct. 7. UCLA also lost to Linficld Set For Bowl Play MCMINNV1I.I.E, Ore. (AP) I.infield College meets Pittsburg (Kan.) State in the Camellia Bowl in Sacramento, Calif., Dec. and it will be sort of a reunion for the team s head coaches. I.infield Coach Paul Durham roomed for several days with Carnie Smith. Pittsburg mentor, during a footlmll rules meeting in Chicago last January. He's a ternlic guy," Durham said Monday of Smith. "He's I real solid person." Preparations Begun I.infield began preparations today for the football rham - "-''" " - ' 1 laan. Tits W,IHBla tuinm-jul in n . i-c " the howl by virtue of its 1 7 vie- lo--y over Whiltier (Calif ) last Saturday nlghl. It will he the first time a Pa- rific Northwest school h.j been represented in the title clash among member schools of the Na - tional Association of Intercollrgi - ate Athletics. rinisnmg u ursi tinnrieaieu season in its 65 year grid history. I I.infield will he riding the crest of a 13. game winning streak piin niiTK inv jni pri iuii aeainst Pittsburg. Bast Team Durham says this is undoubted Iv his best team in 14 years as head I.infield coach. Prior to this year, Durham rated his lf.7 squad, which posted an I 1 record' ur thai Vmihu.! i'rtnrP. , T!: Zt p ih.t nrnvided th. ..urk for l.,n.lhlK l'h""' Thursday, fields win over Whiltier. In less! than 3 minutes, Parrish moved! the Wildcats 80 yards for their first touchdown .which rame II .,r.i ,..u. nm,n n .r . half. The Wildcoais so dominated the second half, in which they acored twice, that Whitlier never pene trated bevond the I.infield 4.V yard line, and then not until late M uic lourm quarter. Coach Roy Thompson wai called ! to recap the hixhliiims or me first major championjhip victory hv the Indians. Thompson said. "In my experience as a coach and a player these kids Friday night were the finest football team I have ever seen." Thompson went on to tell of the precision with which the Indians romped to their victory praising every boy who played. The head coach added, "They weri not awed by Multnomah Stadium, and after a mistake which coat us five yards the first play, played perfect : hall throughout th- game taking Beaverton by storm " i Prior to the game Thompson sairj j he was worried about the Stadium and the fact that the Indians were "a little rambunctious" during Thursday'! practice session. How- tips along the coast all lived up a 21 17 victory over Washington State. A fumble provided Oregon State a 62 triumph over Oregon and unsung quarterback J i m Smith engineered a 20 7 victory for Stanford over California. Only Oregon Slate sees action this week, closing out its season playing at the University of Hous ton. UCLA tailback Bobby Smith provided the winning touchdown for the Bruins in the third quar ter of a rain drenched game by fighting six yards for a touch down. Smith had booted a 31-yard field goal after Mike Haffner aet it up with e 61-yard run. That came in the second quar ter but the lead shifted to CSC when Trojan quarterback Pete Beathard ran a quick kick back 52 yards for a touchdown. At Eugene, Ore., left end Roger Johnson, a standout on defense for Oregon State, fell on a fum ble at the Oregon 16 in the aecond quarter. Then Johnson caught a pass from quarterback Terry Bak er to aet up a two-yard scoring plunge by fullback Tom Gates and tn, ,OU(.h,own won the game. Washington's Mitchell ran his ,2J yjrd, to cip , 64 yard drive bringing victory alter Washington lSle j u i2 at the half and j I7.1S i(lrr three quarters. Stanford's Smith, known most- v ln, school's star baseball 'pitcher, threw key passes on two I luuchdown drives as the Indians heat California for the first time j , (our y,rs. Ken Habajian l scored the first touchdown on a 1 !"". ', . n , i j k .ik. t ..... wrni anil mi itt w"" Halfback Stan l.indskog had set up the finale with runs of 49, 2 and 21 yards. An early-season 21-14 loss to 'California cost Washington the title and a chance for a third jtrip to the Rose Bowl where the ; Huskies twice had defended West- crn honor with victories o v e r Wisconsin ana Minnesota, This time they finished 211 in the conference, tied with South ern California. Cal and Stanford twin wuunu w . j Dinner AtSutherlin i Will Feature Awards Sulherlin Junior lli.h'a foolh.ll inoai! . lea m win ne nonnrofl at i In m anaiihelll ilinner lit he nil an IbV thJnuuhcr, in Room 14 at the Wita. C I a 11 Tuny Bruwn, head coach. Is In1 rhaige of the program which will be highllthted by special awards ,op,ir, n)iW bv ,h( vo, es and the judg ment of f.'oach Brown and assist ant roa-h John Murphy. The yell leaders will serve the dinner while the mothers will he in charge of the food preparation. reports correspondent Mm. Jerry lUCMutn, Friday morning a deadly calm had settled over the team which also bothered the head men tor. The calm lasted until after Fri day s dinner and was typified by a conversation between Mike Flury ana J (inn veroeramoes. Bundle of Nervas ' Flury, a bundle of nerves, said, i naven i even nit anyone vet. while talking to Verberkmoes be fore the game. In reply Verberk moes, wno nas Been iniured and unable to play all season, said. "Mike, you can hit me if it will help " Thompson felt the team did more to unwind him than he did to help mem, out Dy game time everyone was ready to go. It didn t take long for the In- dians to prove just how ready they were either. The line led by guards ever, Paul Nolle and Bob Welch andd,y, wiln Alabama's final bid for tackles Tom Hobbs and Doug John tore the Beaverton line aDart throughout the game, giving the Roseburg backficld of Paul Broth ers, Mike Flury, Al Joelson and Bill Kirkpatrick plenty of running room. Couldn't Stop Flury "iney couldn t slop Flury, he was the key to ou- victory," said Thompson after the game as he praised his 210-pound fullback. Thompson went on to praise his line saying, "We beat them up front with the line doing a great job and Brothers got fine protec tion for his passing." While Thompson was praising his earn auer tne sparkling victory, Beaverton Coach Duke Moore aaid, "We didn't react. We were simply outcharged all night." Moore called Flury the best back the Beavers had faced all year and cited Brothers for his fine display of passing. Grid Champs Will Be Feted Tuesday The state champion Rose burg Indians football tram will be honored at the annual ban quet Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Umpqua Hotel. A few tickets are still avail able at J.C. Sporting Goods, the Umpqua Hotel and the Douglas County State Bank. The banquet is aet to start at T p.m. ln Casanova, head football coach at the University of Ore gon, will be the guest speak er. OS A A Drops Oakers From A-2 Action PORTLAND (AP) Petitions for the establishment of a Class A 1 all star football game were pigeonholed by the board of con trol of the Oregon School Activ ities Association Saturday. The hoard in its annual fall meeting said it could not cs-l tarnish any . . ' more all star games, hut would still support the Shrine (oolhall games and Pendleton and Portland and the F.lka benefit game in Kastern Oregon. The board also took the follow ing action: Vetoed a proposal for a 16 tram A 1 basketball tournament. The tournament now includes eight ,,,m, in , dlvi,lon Turned down a proposal to move the opening date for bas- kelhall lames bark from Dee. 1 , )(rc ,j ln mt (n ,fnfduIe to 20 saines. I Approved Al membership fori 'Madras and Milton Freewater in ! Ihe Intermountain League and 'denied a petition from The Dalles asking to be moved from the In ""m,ln '" " . M'prwvea request from Oak '""! - (ication beginning with the cur rent basketball aeason. And granted a request pi'"t Rurk move from A 1 classification in 1923. from B to Mac Wood That Good-Chevron harvard at umpqua Yoncalla-Pilot Rock Battle To Deadlock, Share State Prep B Eleven Co-Championship Yoncalla missed its second bid back Red Wilev open in the flat las Bill Wilson and Red Wiley were the Rockets broke t receiver loose i the B 11 man crown evaded the in three years for a clear cut B 11 1 and tossed to the fleet back whj ! man state football championship raced the remaining distance to the ! as the Eagles came from behind to 'goal line to knot the score. j Iim thm I'ilnt linr-lr Dn,Vili 19.19l L'n ik. In..rtk A.trin ll Saturday at Pendleton. I When the final gun sounded with 1 the score knotted at 12 all the Ea- es fought their way to the co gels were in possession of their i chamoionshiD. second state co-championship in' three years. In 19.S9 the Eagles played a 13 13 deadlock with St. I Mary s of Medford in the final game. The Rockets opened the scoring to take a SO lead in the first quarter, then the Eagles soared back with a 42 yard sustained drive to knot the count in the second pe riod. Nine seconds before the half- time break, the Rockets hit pay dirt again to grab a 12 lead al intermission. Drives Haltad Battling from behind the Eagles Ihreatened to tie the score at sev eral different points during the sec ond half, but each time the Rocket defense dug in and halted the drives. Finally, with less than three minutes left to play and the Eagles facing a fourth and 32 situ ation on the Pilot Rock 32, quarter back Dwight Pontius found half- 8 Th Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon., Nov. 27, 1961 Battle For Bowl Bids Goes Into Committee By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The battle for the postseason bowl spots comes off the gridiron and into eight committee confer- 'ence rooms at as many sites tO- a flock of honors and the annual war between Army and Navy this weekend temporarily sidetracked. Only the Orange Bowl commit tee has finished its work, having Colorado and Louisiana State set for its Jan. 1, 1962 extravaganza. Now it remains for the Rose Bowl committee to tap Ohio Stale as an opponent for UCLA in the Rose Bowl; for the Cotton Bowl committee to select Missis sippi to iace Texas, and for the Sugar Bowl committee to sweat out 'Bama'a game against Au burn before inviting it to play Southwest Conference co-champ Arkansas In New Orleans. These three are pretty well de rided on pairings, with 'Bama Coach Bear Bryant, having de cided on the Sugar Bowl if picked still trying to get a perfect 100 season, plus a share of the South Hagedorn Is Best Guesser on Hagedorn was the champion of the weekly Football Follies i crashing 50-20 victory over Mich he ended eight games in front of igan wnjcn warppe( up the Big ins m-.icsi. cuiupcuiur. Haeedorn Dirked 198 winners for the year, missed 60 and saw nine games included in the weekly picks end in tifs. The winners nearest rival was last year's champ, Niel Cellers, who ended with a record of 190 68 9. For the final week of action Tel lers topped the 'juessperts" with 11-3-2 mark. '".', v ",h,'ii n ,1 T i.rl r?,7l Bill t.ould 184 74 9; Jerry Cornell i IT fl tk lian Mill, ll! SI IH f a" . ict at a livui iut i , Sports In Brief i ........ ills Orange Bowl trip. Virginias Jen? "air. and guard Al tteigel. football 128-16 upset of Maryland killed the1 Buck Shaw, former head coach I Arkansas accepted Sugar Bowl Terps' chances for the Gator t Sanla Clara and with the San hid, Colorado and LSU accepted Bow , Francisco 49'ers and Philadelphia ! Orange Bowl hid, and VCI.A Klsewhere, Rutgers finished its K.agles of the National Football ! clinched Rose Bnwl berth after ; firxt perfect season with a 32 19 Iafaaue, will be the featured speak i victories Saturday. victorv over Columbia, which had i er. Shaw coached with Wehfoot rr." unix. nniiy i u - ney resigned as nean coacn at Tulane. BASEBALL TAMPA, Fla. Rules commit - tee rejected proposal for legali- lation of the apithall. TAMPA. Ha. Boston Red Sox traded shortstop Don Ruddin to Houston Colts for shortstop F.d die Bressoud BOWLING i CHICAGO Don Carter wnn, men's title and Marge Merrick of Columbus, Ohio, took women s cr0wn in World Invitational Tour nament. GOLF MOBILE. Ala. Gay Brewer sank 15 foot birdie putt on last hole and won Mobile Open with ,72 hole total of 2.5. ROGER'S TUNE-UP SHOP Oppaiite Vat's Entrance Jvit Off Harvard Ate. 121 W. Wk.rt.n St. 0 2-403.1 FAST SERVICE ON Aumtiv Tun Ut Crfefjrtn Gtrn It built Relit! lncti YOU CAN DEFEND ON US! afernoun the PAT attentat was thwarted as the two B powerhous- Defensively, both teams proved tough in the hard-fought contest. Guards Don Wiley and Scooper l-ee led the charging Eagles defensive unit as it continually stopped the Rocket backs. Pilot Rock was stingy with the yardage and sever al times refused to give up first downs when the Eagles had fourth and inches to go. Rushing Curtailed n rushing, the hard-running Yon-1 calla backs were limited to 112 yards, while the Rockets picked up 184 yards. Through the air the Eagles gained 82 yards completing four of 10 attempts, including two TD passes one from Red Wiley and one from Pontius. Pilot Rock completed one pass, but it was a good one as it went for 40 yards ITeague in the end zone to knot and six points nine seconds before! the score at 6 all. halftime. With time running out in the first The W Boys for Yoncalla contin half it appeared as the midway ued to set the pace on the ground score would read 6 8. However, eastern Conference title with LSU and most likely the top spot in the final Associated Press poll the following week, bringing with it the national championship. oeorgia lecn is already in the Gator Bowl, but that committee must pick between Miami (Fla), a Friday night winner over Northwestern, and Penn State, which beat Pitt 47-26. The Hurri canes wind up against Florida this week and may get the nod. having beaten Pcnn State 25-8 earlier in the season. With Missouri having eliminat ed itself from any bowl consider ation after a 10 7 loss to Kansas' Jayhawks and with Syracuse al ready in the Liberty Bowl, there remains a pool of bowl eligibles that must fill both spots in the Bluebonnet, Gotham and Nation al Trophy bowls, and the other spot in Philadelphia's Dec. Liberty affair. 16 These incli'de: Auburn. Kansas. Utah State, Wyoming, Rice. Duke and Maryland, in addition to Penn State and Miami. Kansas has a blanket invitation to the Gotham. Dee. 9 in New York, and is also a Liberty fa vorite, along with Duke. Auburn has been given the nod by Wash ington's Dec. 30 National Trophy affair. Neither has accepted. fthin ClatA f.imnA I. Ik. I A , p, n. i:. i,u . Ten title Minnesota lost 1 Wisconsin 23-21. Cf'I.A won io the 'Big Five title an" the host spot with a 10-7 victory over Southern California. Arkansas' 28-0 victory over Tex - i as lecn uea it wnn Texas for ilu "io "y nmti (ion jthe SWC crown and sent the Ra-!"ian. a former letterman and now zorbacks into the Sugar Bowl. 1 Kugene businessman, and was I'Bama was idle while Auburn begun in 1939. , . . ,, I Bowl nd co-SWC title on Thanks- O'' Miss will prob- ,K, . . . . . Y ... :,. , ,kl. - , Mississippi State. The Rebels also had last weekend off. Colorado nailed down the Big Kight title with a 35 0 victorv over Iowa Stale, in addition to 1 already nailed down a share of the Ivv League crown Harvard ; got Ihe other share with a 27 0 i victory over Yale. 1 In other top games Saturday.' J Michigan Stale kept lllinon win-; ; less this year. 34 7. Iowa romped over Nntie Dame 42 21. Syracuse beat Boston tollege 28 1.1, Dart- mown knocked Princeton out of a share of the Ivy league title 746 and Rice heat TCI' 3V1 to stay in he running for a bowl i okI. Phone ORchard 3-4436 Household Moving Storage HEAVY HAULING WAREHOUSE FLEGEL Transfer & Storage Co; DON'T MAKE A MOVE TIL YOU SEE FLEGEL Roseburg, Oregon Al Flttrl, 0ntr latter Cay, 'airman At IIKINS VAN IINIS rugged through the middle and around the ends. To add variety to the attack and keep the Pilot Rock J.f.na... kn.t I'tnti,. mnA full. hack Rill Thnmrjsnn came in for their share of rushing action. Pilot Rock opened the scoring in the first quarter of the play-j off game when the Rockets re-. covered a fumble on the Yoncalla in. The Rockets immediately start-1 ed a march downfield which was climated by halfback Dennis Ham- ilton's four-yard plunge to paydirt. Skip Carries' kick missed the mark as the Rockets took a 6 0 lead Yoncalla Scores Yoncalla came back early in the second quarter to march 42-yards for a six-pointer, but also missed a iirsl-anrj goal to go on tne ruoi its conversion attempt. Red Wiley i Rock nine, but then lost 23 yards and Wilson led the march down- as their hopes seemed to be fad field, then, after reaching the Pi- ing. Exhibiting the determination lot Rock seven, the Eagles took to the air. Red Wiley faked a run, faded back and threw to end Eddie Tittle Drives Moves Team By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Yelberton Abraham Tittle, like the fabled Rumpelstiltskin, has a name that's virtually impossible to remember. But his exploits are hard to forget. Acauired in an Aug. 15 tiade that caused little stir. Tittle has been the No. 1 offensive weapon for the New York 'giants in se ries of stunning triumphs, the lat est a 37-21 walloping of the Cleve land Browns Sunday. Tittle. 34 with 12 years experi ence in the National Football league, completed 18 of 27 passes I for 253 yards against the Browns j nd kept the Giants rolling toward the Eastern Conference title with their fourth consecutive romp and ! ninlh victory in their last 10 games. Under the Bald Eagle s guidance, the revitalized New York of fense has accounted for an amaz ing 170 points in the last four games as the Giants built and maintained a one-game lead over the defending league champion Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagles (8-3) kept pace Sun day, whipping the Dallas Cowboys 35-13 behind Sonny Jurgensen's liva touchdown passes. They still have three games left, -including a Dec. 10th meeting with the Giants at Philadelphia. In the Eastern Conference, Green Bav. a 17 9 winner over De- troit Thursday, holds a command ing lead over the I. ions and San Francisco 49ers. tied for the run- I ner-up spot at 6-4-1. The Packers. at 9 2. can wrap it up with one Oregon Grid Team Honors Set Tonight UNIVFRSITY OF OREGON. Eu gene Oregon's 1961 football team will be honored today at the an nual Oregon Club banquet in the Eugene lintel. The banquet is I scheduled for 6:30 p.m. I Highlight of the banquet will be 'he awarding of the Hoffman Award, given annually to the (team's outstanding player. The v . ,i k.. .u. -i..k to- seniors tackle "d Paul BauCe. , Rmwn halfwit Ron Anderson, halfback Ben and co-captain lrl,ev Rmre hlfhi-lt Mik. C.aechter. placekicker Dick Leut- ringer, end and co-captain Kent Petersen, halfback Jim Puckett. guard Mike Rose, tackle Carry Stensland, halfback Joe Sutton, end mrmor i.en i asanova at aania Clara anci is a lonctime friend of 'he aifable Oregor coach. 1 MAN WINS SHOTGUN At a recent meeting of the Aial- ea Rod and Gun Cluh. a 12 gauge Winchester shotsitn was won hy Gene l.anglev of Tenmile. reports .Mrs. Gerald B. Vox. correspond- ent The next regular meeting will be Monday evening. FOR behind the Eagles secondary and I went 40 yards with nine seconds i left to enjoy a 12S halftime edge, ! Tinial nrftviHori the DOUer be hind the Rockets TD pass, with ' end Chuck Hemphill handling tne receiving. An attempted run was stopped short as PATs seemed to be out of the grasp 01 DOtn teams Desperate Trias Yoncalla tried desperately to get back in the game in the second half, but saw each drive halted ; before the goal coma ne reacnea. Finally the Eagles forced the Rnrkeis In nunt late in the came and Pontius returned the ball to, I the Pilot Rock 30 before being I L. j brought down The Eagles battled their way to i that has led the Eagles all sea son, Red Wiley took a short pass from Pontius on the fourth down. Red Wiley got behind his block ers, picked the openings and threaded his way through the uinnlH.ho farkleri for 32 vards andlvard nass from Carnes (pass fail- the tieing TD. A chance for sole possession of Giants Over Browns, 37-21, Toward Eastern Loop Title more victory. They meet the Gi - ants at Milwaukee next. The 49ers remained in conlen- tion by beating Minnesota 38 -28. In other games, Chicago edged Los Angeles 28 24. Baltimore thumped Washington 27-6 and Pittsburgh . nipped St. Louis 30-27. Despite Tittle's prolific passing, the Giants scored all their touch - The Sign of Dependable WINTER CAR SERVICE COMBINATION OFFER Adjust thir 11 mfr 7'aMria .w . ...J ojf Medallion and snap markt art OUARANTIIO t. tfeMnrta in wmfc. mnh.i an,t tnatriis 2. Aff sitvt Itnrrm! rrwi Hf. inpt rvrxaievhl rt-nrh,r,j rr,rr-rJ in Mrtiav pawnrf c&r lee ftw p ftwwttM. Tt" m.-U an hot it rhfj, m r awl itaaBtf no it rmr MrtPfti at tim ot d)."4menl. t ' .i i iir jrour ooiior ooyi zi jiwm Resinrc I braking I capacity I II Stop uneven I II tire wear t e Smooth out. se your ride isaa. I FOR ONLY I U 6 BEr,Xc3s 1807 N. E. Diamond Loke Blvd. Phone OR 2 3334 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Eagles wnen trie run was nanm inches short of the goal line on the PAT attempt. .... Rolling to a co-championship in the game, played in 32-drgrre ; weatner wi.n snow piira up on I the sidelines, the Eagles ended .the 1961 season with a 10-11 rer- Yoncalla 11 naa won lu straignt. The statistics of the champion, ship game between Yoncalla and i'uoi noca. Yene. Pilot K First downs iz i Rushing yardage 112 14 Passing yardage 2 40 Total yardage W 204 in 1.1(1 1.1 risscs ... - Passes intercepted 0 0 Fumbles lost 1 0 Yards penalized I S 1-15 Score by quarters: Yoncalla fi 0 B 12 6 S 0 012 Pilot Rock Scoring: PR; Hamilton 4-yard run (kick failed). Yoncalla; Teague 7-yard pass from R. Wil ey (run failed). PR: Hemphill 40- ed). Yoncalla; R. Wiley 32-yard pass from Pontius (run failed). j downs on the ground with Y. A. rambling five yards for one in the key clash that has just about eliminated the Browns (7-4) from title contention. Bobby Gaiters ! st,rcd ,wice. on runs of 1 nd 11 ! y". r-ncn nai nt-s itm me Ion a 33-yard jaunt with an inter- ception and Pat Summerall con- , trihuted three field goals. brakes Add fluid Align front end to manufacturer'! specifications e Repack front wheel bearings e Balance Iron'' wheels Any American Made Car Replacement ports if needed and torsion ba "djoitment not included 7ire$lone WINTER TREADS APPLIED ON SOUND TIRE I0DIE5 OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES FOR 7 50-14 block rbhn whitewalls 2 for 24.24 r. ! lox anH 2 trade-in tires ALL SIZES AIL TYPES LOW PRICED OPEN TO SERVE YOU 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. ...... ii wilts more 22