' fcv ; 'j imports :j F . . 1 . , ' i- v. - ) ; ;.!.': i I . v.. j j ,': ' : vii. Y :::: ii 1 Two Young Oregon Couples Held In Cross-Counfry Check Spree Mob., Nov. 27, 1961 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 lorado. He added that the lncalls ' firm checkwriter was found in, number 0( INDIANAPOLIS AP) Two five admitted cashing eight bogus voung Oregon couple, and anj check, in Anderson and six in Anderson. Ind.. teen ager were lndianapolu, totaling about O0 held today for what authorities tpptrson a'd they admitted said was a crosscountry check- fashing bad checks also in Call- h.nH uhi.ii lornia, jchu, jh"" -u- jewelry store .ecretary became suspicious. Byrl Lindholm, 22. Portland. Ore.: his wife Tina, 16. and Loren L. Brunner, 17, Anderson, were arrested Saturday night after Mrs. Mildred Heavrin questioned a check they gave her to pay for a alln- .... INDIES CRICKETERS TOPS when Congress reconvene, in Jan When Mr.. Heavrin called the ..... uarv. to determine whether the check ; ''aket Club w all four wa. valid, she learned -36 blank Death Of Bridges Not Likely To Change Present Partisan Lineup In U.S: Senate CONCORD. Nil. (AP) A to the continuing strength of our to complete the balance funeral service at the New llamp- country. " Bridges' term, which expires shire state house at noon Wednes- Furmrr President D;jht r day is planned for Sen. Styles Eisenhower at Augusta, lis., said! Powell can not aupoiut himself. Senior Republican that in close assiU'Kitum with 11.. ilhiM liuva In i-.ii'n a onv. the Senate, who died Bndces "1 came to learn hnw.ernnr and be aDDOinted bv his to umiiiuiiu sunrtav. rieenlv he was dedicated Lindholm and Brunner were Brwfw,. death w,s not Ijkt.,y SSSiSerf Sur " tiSS?- "'fT.ri: ! f -":. P.1".' I a, other tribute iuij Mi i. lineup m ine aonait oui a uoerai- V;. n,. -lu.h pi.h-H i vlinn are to be placed against the others, conservative struggle to choose a a' AnS U.aBn. Ige" this week, state police said. successor in the Senate Repuhl.-, ' VVX most Juv, can leadership appeared possible . ,,,:,;,. i i,.i..- ,., r,i, hv the Republican party." of He wa. the second leader of Congress to die in ' 10 days. House Speaker Sam Rayburn died Nov. 16. Bridges entered a Washington the I successor, the president of the i hospital Aug. IS wun severe pui. I state Senate. Samuel Green. mor.ary 'congestion anct on sept. former 1 Manchester Republican. j-"" " Concord sullered what his Bridges' body will lie in state 4"" 11 from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. Tuesday ami from 8 30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Wednesday. draft, and a mechanical check writer had been stolen. She then notified state police who instructed her to detain the trio. Police Sgt. Charles Epperson said the three implicated another couple. Richard J. Stephens, 22, also of Portland, and hi. wife. Kennedy Pays Tribute j Powell Seen Successor major trophies in the A and B di- President Kennedy led the trib- Many political observers in tia visions of the Montreal Cricket ' utes to the senato., chairman of ditionally Republican New llamp- Club this season, something that ; the powerful Appropriations Com-1 shire believed republican Cov charged from the hospital Nov. 3. He was born and reared on a small farm in West Pembroke, Maine. When he was 9, his father died and Bridge, plowed land and miiKea cows to help his moiner Mary, 18, were arrested, and all Simpson. hadn't been rone in the club's 35- year history. Inspired occasionally by calypso music, the West Indian, swept the leaeue honors easily. The West Indian Club also had Knees and later the league', fastest bowler, L e n i ment describing mittee and second ranking Reoub. W esley Powell, a graduate of I the Lust lican on the Armed Services Com- Bridges' staff, would be appointed church Private Service Set A nriv:iti funeral KprvirA for the immediate family only will j and two younger children. He be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday at worked his way through the tJni- Concord Congregational ; versity oi Maine, earning 15 cents an nour in dairy Darns. mittee. I tu succeed him, altnougn some President Kennedy telephoned i other reports mentioned Bridges' Bridges' widow to extend condo-i widow. issued a state- The appointee win nom ine seal nome Bridges as "a I only until Uie 19t.2 election, w hen i from Bridges' oifire said the senator died peacefully in his sleep at 5 a.m. in his Concord, Nil., by complications a levere coronary 'great patriot who devoted his life 'the voters will choose a senator I suffered Sept. 20.' In the Senate, Bridge, generally was regarded as an articulate spokesman for the conservative arising point of view, though he regarded attack ! himself as a "middle-of-the I roadcr." Ht,Hlli MM iiiiiiiiiL.JiiluilL:)gAi3i - DETERMINATION OF IDENTITY of oviatrix Amelia Ear hart ond her navigator Fred Noonan may be made from the contents of the box shown above. It contains teeth ond bones which may be those of the two flyers. The remains were discovered Nov. )1 by radio newsman Fred Goerner, right, of KCBS. Dr. Theodore McCown, left, will seek to determine if the remains ore actually those of the aviatrix and Noonan. (UPI Telephoto) Terry Jo Leaves Hospital For Return To Home Town MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - Eleven-year-old Terry Jo Duperrault, sole survivor of the sunken ketch Bluebelle, ha. left the hospital and returned to her native Green Bay, Wis. Mercy Hospital said Terry was released at 5:30 p.m. Sunday and left by plane soon afterward. She was accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Ralph Scheer, with whom she will live. Terry Jo was orphaned by a Nov. 12 sea tragedy near the Ba hamas. Meanwhile, a friend of Julian Harvey, skipper of the Bluebelle, said Harvey told him that the sight of blood on deck had caused him to panic and jump overboard before committing suicide. James C. Boozer said Sunday that Harvey pledged him to secrecy, then related that mast snapped, knocking over board Harvey's wife, Mary, 34. and Dr. Arthur Duperrault, 49, Green Bay, Wis., optometrist who chartered the 60-foot sailing ketch. "I lost my nerve when I saw the blood and guts on the deck and I jumped overboard," Boozer wm it ivix v f i ti i iw r i iVMiiy -v oi j TT jj - - - Q I z ... . Take the 1481 N. E. STEPHENS AT. GARDEN VALLEY JUNCTION ORCHARDs2-4811 quoted Harvey as saying. Two days later and less than 24 hours after the little girl survivor of the Bluebelle was rescued Harvey killed himself. Boozer said that after consult ing with his pastor, he went to the Coast Guard with the story I Harvey told him. It did not jibe with statements ' the Coast Guard . got separately from Harvey and Terry Jo. Harvey told the Coast Guard a i squall dismasted the Bluebelle. knocking holes in her hull, and a fire broke out. He .aid all the! passengers jumped overboard to escape the flames and he escaped in a dinghy. ! Terry Jo said the masts "leaned" but did not fall; she saw no fire and smelled no smoke, and Harvey left her alone in dark ness on the ketch after telling her the Bluebelle was sinking. She said she saw her mother, Jean, 38, and brother, Brian, 14, lying motionless on a bloody deck when she came topside after hear ing Brian screaming and a lot of stamping. She launched a raft and was picked up more than hours later. Serve historic DM 1 PROOF f OLD CROW "" KEMTUCftT mtAIOHT j m1 BOUaUOM WHISRtT . -f4 MS. the bourbon more people prefer to anj other M tM i"l.it C4 nf. 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