Thousands Strike By Air, Sea In The Day's News - By ' Frank Jenkins EDITORIAL PAGE 4 Th News-Revlw, Rot.burg Oro. Sot., Nov. 25, 1961 A TALE OF WOE By Charles V. Stanton DEAR ABBY Abigail Van Buren Daz'v B'be Heading Menage By Roseburg Ministerial Assn Nope! Scripture: Remans 11: I I The highest privilege of man is to present his body a living sac rifice, holy, acceptable unto Cod. Because this it in obedience to His loving plea, "I beseech you." That Something new in the news con ference line: At his home Thursday, former President Eisenhower held the second of a series of filmed TV j,a( to go unshaven interview; , 111 wmtii no aiHnua questions put to him by the net work interviewers. His answer are interesting because he i one of the woild's most distinguished men. Yesterday'! big question: Will Russia attack us? Ike's answer: The Soviet Union will never start a nuclear war because of Ameri ca's destructive power. In other words: Russia will not take the first bite, which we have conceded to her, because she knows that if she does she wil'. be destroyed. What about the Berlin wall? Ike replied: "I think the erection of that wall is a CONFESSION OF WEAKNESS. Because, let US Karly Friday morning I awoke shivering with cold. I observed that my electric blanket wasn't working. When I tried to restart it I discovered that the power was O't. DEAR ARHV- f .net Snndav I t., DFAB ARBV- Thi. ii in SOS The house was getting cold. I moved up the thermo- tended a wedding, and would like I am ready to blow my top. Ever Prompts the sacrifice, and it is by j slut nn the wall before I haooened to think that the fur- " know if what happened there is j since my daughte.- got an engage-l,he mercies of God that this be-1 rmr hail mitnmut ir- el-tiic controls jcustomary and pioper. After thelment ruiC, her boy friend hascome possible, lo present oneself nace had automatic electllC controls. brute and groom exchanged their practically been living with us. ; living sacrifice to God. one must Figuring that the power wouldilt be off long, I put marriage vows, he placed the wed-1 He comes here every morning 1 hecome alive to the things that be some more covers on the bed and piled in. ding ring on her finger and then for breakfast, and takes her to ( of God. "By the mercies of Cod" n..t u , ; 4 i ii, ff; thei- alill cme ,ne "" whlcn ncld work- He calls for her at work one must be alive to thi mercy But when t came time to go to the office tneie still lonJer ,han , ,hlnk ., lnd bring, ncr home 0f course he ' of Hii justification, i.e. peace. was no electricity. icssary. Here is what got me: Aft-lsays for dinner e-.ery night. And pardon. Know the mercy of the When I Plugged in mv razor, it wouldn't work, SO I," they let loose of each other. I he doesn't go home until it's light I grace and goodness of God. hence ' i ilarlnH n s nnl -..,1 I ...l.:. ll I M. U '-lh n.... ' J l i.u i . ... ai'iauu. i uuuiur. lie ctrq iiiuiks ine ma c luvuucai vi viuu iraueill have never heard of such a Uiing laundry to do. 1 am fed up. Do I thee to repentance." Know the in a church. What was the rea-il have to put up with this? Or ' mercy of becoming i new creature son for it? ' us this the way all the young peo- in Christ Jesus, 11 Cor. S:17; the HORRIFIED i pie are nowadays? mercy of intercession for "all who DEAR HORRIFIED: The guests! READY TO SCREAM ' come to God by Him," Ileb. 7:25. war. prooaoiy moveo oy me "per. ... ., Mercies of His comfort, euirtanr. and responded accord-! Wand infilling of His Hoi? Sn it And no breakfast! At the office I found things in a mess. We get telegraph news over a teleprinter. It can't run without electricity. So we were short part of our news file. formance,' .si' v A lite leased wire operates a rcpcrl orator, it puncnes moly. That kiss was out of placo:Tu,ur "-"' ooosni know t"t0ne aUve tn js 'falthfuj time for the teletvDretters on the tvnecastine machines. I'" church, and so was the ap-i'' a. working girl (engaged or orh- . ,. ...... A mnA . . And, of course, it wasn't working. Hot News, Cold Shop plause. .rwis.) dsn'. kr .ibi.,"s- "! 'he d hours, sh it asking for nervous DEAR ABBY: When are we 1 oxheuttion. Your daughter should ".Vn pre" women going , .earn to Wk, "L'!"S ErirX&2 But that wasn't .11 IfSaikiMormcnS, waTt AlMiX J- Lveryone around the place was cold. Althouph we ,,, ihpir h.hanH. h... hav. ,Jarr.ngt hit own laundry rvi. ?e 18 freedom deherance lrom hnvft Hpvprfll riiffprpnt hpulintr rinvirp. fill have plprtrie i siav nut hftfailkA thi-tv hnv am fill . But bo fair with him - DerhaDs:lne Power and bondage of sin. not controls. Even the gas burners wouldn't run. They have 'children to raise, no means of sup-' " "our oaughtor't do electric safety devices. Iporting themselves and no place I !" p-s-. To much togetherness v ui. no. i 'visn 1 hed a dollar fori' ynamiio. .u nut i;uiiue ; to go. I -vish I hed a dollar for To operate our linccasting machines we cast the typeiwas chasing around and living it remember, that soviet wan was on metal Slugs. Mem' ior me slugs is Kepi molten, nut. up wnne nis wile had to pretend jwhat'i yours For a personal re not built to KEEP IS ot'T. It it is melted bv electric heaters. Heat is controlled byihe d'dn't know i and just keep py write to Abbv Box 3365 Bev-!,,?,c-b!vU S KcKI- .THEIR ,PEO:lthermostates. When the electricity goes off. the metal "Till hut'Ae omn ""' ierly Hills. Calif. Enclose a s'tamp LE hlLftlW" Then it takes a couple of hours for the pots !aMJ'i&!rf.-.d envelope. because their svstcm. the com- to munist system, does not keep tneir people at home." What of the Soviet people? ike's reply: ' Sooner or later, the people of the Soviet Union will get the word that the Free World is AGAINST aggression. That know ledge, when gained, will create pressure inside the Soviet Union fur disarmament." Asked about extremists (John Bircheis, Vigilantes, etc.) Ike re plied: "1 don't think the U.S. needs SL'PER patriots. We need patriot ism practiced by all of us. We can Ret along withuut who make radical statements and attack peo ple of good repute who are PROV ED patriots." He was asked about officers who try to indoctrinate their troops. He answered: "I believe the army officer, the navy officer, the ai.- officer should not be talking about political mat ters, particularly domestically, and NEVER in the international field unless he is asked to do o be cause of some particular position he might hold. He added: "It is had practice, very had, for an officer, even when testify ing under oath before a congres sional committee, to express opin ions on political matter that are contraiy to the President's opinions." "thaw" before we can start casting type. So our crew stood around trying to keep warm, un- .able to work. After a time a circuit was restored. Power came on. Our dark offices were lighted. Our machines began run ning. After a time the metal pots began functioning and we were in business. In the press room we hat! a first section "laced" on lhe press. The press started rolling. Then the power went off again. The Associated Press, which had been filling us in on the news we had missed, was notified to hold up. We went back to doing nothing. Soon it began to get cold again. The coffee that had been made during the period when we had some "juice." quicklv disappeared. The metal pots froze. The big pot from which stereo types pour metal to cast pages "frosted" over. Candles were lit in the newsroom and in the display advertising department as people struggled to put the newspaper to gether. The press run, usually completed m an hour and half, needed five hours. and tell the men to go jump in a lake. We could raise our chil dren better without these phony i Have A Lovely Wedding." send 50c fathers. I to Abby, Box 3365, Beverly Hills, AX ABBY FAN Calif. slavery: life, not death. "Holy" He is to see that his body is kept from all contact with the degrad ing or sensual, II Cor. 6:17, there fore, "acceptable to God." Jewish sacrifices were the best of their kind; and man must consecrate all his powers, or God will reject his offering as a mockery and a sham. "This is your reasonable service." the creature should serve the Crc- TOP BRASS Rear Admirol Gearge C. Towner, com mondant of the 13 Naval District, is shown here talking with Copt. Howard C. Duff, Naval Reserve deputy chief of stoff, at a luncheon in their honor in Roseburg Wed nesday. ' A number of top-ranking U. S. Novy Reserve officers accompanied the admiral. Prior to the luncheon, an inspection of the Roseburg Naval Reserve unit was held. News-Review Photo). Petition Urges Modification Of Harvard Traffic Light (See Story Page I, Column 4) Hospital and Stewart Park roads. . I The people protesting also con A petition urging modification in I tend tne -uninterrupted flow of the operation of the traffic liaht;,.. For Abbyi booklet, "How Tolol If man wen made to rule. at the intersection of the U.S. Vet-islfe5 0 the makes it very iv is equally nuc nidi nr wds i erans nopuai entrance anu " - difficult. , . to make a left turn. Eisenhower Deplores Rise Of Extremists In U.S. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YOKK (AP) Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower deplores what he calls "super-pa triots" and the recent "rise of extremists" in this country. He also urged armed forces of ficers to shun partisan politics. Among other points covered by Eisenhower in the second of a ser ies of filmed television interviews presented Thursday night over ahe CBS TV network: 1. He learned at -the first Gen i eva summit conference that Ni i kita Khrushchev, and not Soviet ... .. . ... ,, ,. ,, I Premier Nikolai Bulgamn, was vve were nuue iraniic dv me lime me power came on the bn nf the Soviet deiecatinn again late in me morninjr. But, after all, there were some people having jt much harder than those of us striving; to pet out a newspaper. Power company repairmen, telephone linemen, and the crews of sreel and road departments, utilities and others trot no sleep. They worked throuph the nifrlit, fiffhtiiifr the extraor dinarily deep snow to locate and repair damage. Dav- Crews Kept Busy licrht revealed a mass of broken trees, burned cables, down poles and other wreckage to be cleared away. New re in that reply, he was speaking ! ports of damafre poured in. oenerai oi ine Army, ine jraie people abused utilities because thev con dn t shave, cook meals, call their neighbors on the telephone. "We pay our bills, why can't we have some decent service?" "If one more person says that I'll scream," said the girl at the telephone ft one of our utility offices. Perhaps it is (rood for us that our utilities do fail us at times. It makes us aware of how dependent upon them we have become. Maybe we'll be a little more apprecia tive of them when they are functioning properly. Too, vve mair t-ontiva u-hnt a Qwoll in), thov Hn in ni-nviila fni mi was asked why Stalin's body wi!"'Vf t-...- . removed from its tomb in Mos-comI0'1, . . ... .... . , , , ., ii a jusi ime ine newspaper i n can print juu items without a mistake, but let us put in just one little misteak somewhere and everyone tells us about it. See, what we mean? And, maybe, after all that, you won't be quite so un happy with us for being late with our Friday edition! highest military rank in the U.S. He was speaking as the world's most distinguished professional sol dier, Uie man who has handled bigger armies than any other man now living. He was speaking also as an ex President as a former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United SUtcs. In flash back to Russia, he cow s Ked Square. His reply: "It shows that Khrushchev is UNEASY about something." Comment? How's this: ISN'T COMMON" SENSE WON-riEKFL'L? His definition of extremists in cluded those who would "go back to eliminating the income tax. . . made to obey; and in obedience is his greatest pleasure and profit I Cor. 6:19 What? Know ye not mat your body is the temple of the Harvard Ave. has been submitted l lost business otfices and to the Roseburg City Council. j Business Lost The petition, spearheaded by "This results in Pnn VnAl nl lha Wocf Ciria Phnr. ttnr nrnfoucinnnl Holy unost w hich is in you, which j macy 8d signed by over 100 per- stores) located along Harvard. To ye have of Cod, and ye are not sons protests the continuous 24- make a left turn into the Veterans your own? For ye are bought with j hour operation of the traffic signal Hospital entrance, it must be done a price: therefore glorify God m i -seven davs week regardlesa of: against the red light for there is your body and in your spirit. I traffi, or ebb. no break in trafic." -or. a:".-; it, which are Cod's. I Cor. any man defile the temple of God, Recommendation Made and the rights of people to union-j pie ye are. temple of God is holy, which tcm- ue . . . and those advocating some form of dictatorship." It also included, Eisenhower said, those who "make radical statements and attack people of And be not conformed (fashion ed) according to this world (age)," Gal. 1:4. The Lord Jesus gave him self for our sins that lie might deliver us out of this present evil good repute who are proved pa-1 age. Before we were saved we triots." I "walked according to the course of Speaking as a general of the th' world- according to the prince Army. Eisenhower said it wa, , of the power of the air, the spirit bad practice, very bad" for an officer, even when testifying. of i Castro Said Urging 2. The Soviet Union would never start a nuclear war because 3. Sooner or later the Soviet DnT1niCtll1 TrOUblf people will get the word that the 'VlllllllVUII IIUUMIC free world is against aggression 4. The foregoing will create j The petition also contends the him shall God destroy: for the. Complaining chiefly to the fact ; LP' k"P i" J " S that traffic backs up for several foRf,y eveninss and durln moT. blocks on . Harvard Ave. during , when vlsibillty js Dad. heavy peaks of the day, the peti tion recommends the light remain on continuous green or amber from approximately 5 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. on weekdays and all day and night on Saturdays and Sundays. It also suggests possibility of a manually-operated switch for the cross walks for soecial school events. The petition states the Harvard traffic jam is particularly severe starting about S p.m. and during the hours of church sessions on Sunday and that at these times traffic is light on the Veterans WASHINGTON (AP) - The pressure inside "the Soviet Umon ! "lent of Fidel Castro of , ,iong wi,hout Him. Ai V Luha was rennrten trulav In hj i ,u: lor uisannameni. ,T . Z TV , . I aaian '"' 5. The erection of a wall be- ' iV a ' . T ,nMer order, its philosophy, (man s ac- between East and West Berlin is a ' ie lnJ e strlfe-,orn Do"1""-' count of all things), ever seeking that now worketh in the children of disobedience." "Fashion" means: "scheme" of this world-or der. The devil will rope you into his scheme, unless you surrender your body to God; Col. 2:8. I John 2:15-17. Cain "went out from the pres ence of the Lord and builded a city which became filled with in ventions "progress": music, arts: its whole end to forget God. get And ever since. is fatal world- sign of Soviet weakness. jean Republic. Kennedy Opens Domestic Meets Reader Opinions Fallout Shelter Talk Bothers Local Reader To the Edito,-: This writer is getting fed up lo the gills by all the rot about fall out shelters, and survival in a nu clear war. We don't hnve a shelter, nor do we contemplate getting one. We left Nebraska many yean ago so we wouldn't have to hike to the "cyclone cellar" every time HYANNIS PORT. Mass. (AP) i' clouded up. We hoped that per- i to eliminate the super-natural and : President Kennedy opened a sonally we wouldn't have to go K Th ramnual nf th Iwtv nf I'lpiomauc quarters nere saiu h ot rea itlties from tne mina: ana round nf conferences Krulav with uai 10 me -ave .nan se utaii former Premier Stalin from the i rall broadcasts from Cuba are I its religion (to soothe man's con-1 key advisers on defense spending! While the matter is very con- tomb in Moscow's Ked Square shows Premier Khrushchev is un easy about something. In connection with Thanksgiv ing Dav Eisenhower said: "We've urging the people of the Domini can Republic to kill President Joaquin Balaguer and anybody working with him, and suggesting science and allay fears of judg-1 cj,'i defense and trade policy. ! troversial. we think a majority nf got a lot of things to be thankful '", ';;J' Inr lirl nf ll lhor' nnt - juuis. war. . . We are prosperous, we're a free people. . . We are a people that are respected for our strength and not only our mili- have lived in Cuba recently were Pfinnrlivl rimnt, ivfvlhina miai. tary strength our economic j bl(. to creae disordcr strength throughout he world U.S. officials said the Balaguer In discussing extremists the onvernmenl nH nrnneirmerali,- former president said: monii Rut u must be transform-1 The iart nf iho meetings was the honest argument indicates the cd by the renewing of our minds, delayed for more than hour by belief th;.t it i3 a waste of time nn. o u,hat i tho linnd mil ' nnnr u-pather uihleh held nn the I and money. However, there is 0n also that they go into the streets ; acceptahle and perfect will of God. flight of a group of Cabinet offi-1 aspect that was broadly hinted in '"" For this is the will of lioa, even ciais ana otner aiaes wno came '""" ") i I i,n..ii..n T ThEi 11 I fmm U'ashinptnn ago. Within the Dominican Republic. D... v. phinnn The official. Hid nnt reach the! The secretary of Commerce anti-United States groups organ- rnnireuahonal Christian home of the President's father, thought that if people went to by Dominican exiles who i ,,.h I former Ambassador Joseph P. spending their money, instead of j Kennedy until 11:15 a m. i saving n. ana nuying ueiense First problem on the agenda uonns inai ine economy wouiu i U.S. trade policy. Secretary ; spruce up. une way ui increasing Commerce Luther H. Hodge's spending was to alarm the popu- late added starter for the lace so tney wouui uuua snelters. ized groups in the Dominican Republic I dont think the iniled states appear to be working hard to keep needs super-patriots. We need pa- down disorders, triotism, honestly practiced by all Meanwhile. i'.S. Navv vessels people that are more patriotic continue patrolling just off the Do than you or anybody else." Iminican coast. Interim Group Sets Efficiency Study Supreme Court Rules Claim Release Valid SAI.E.M (AP)-The Oregon Su- SALEM "- "nPt ' preme Court warned today that be made to make the legislature fraud and misrepresentation arc more efficient, and possibly to tne oniy ttrounas lor revoking n 8lor,cn , ,M,ions Sam Iaiey out-of-court settlement of claims , , .. , .. .. for damages for personal injury. Iw'"' counsel said Friday. A Portland woman. Mrs. I. K. He said the Legislative Counsel Wheeler, had sinned a release Committee has named 1 seven agreeing io settle he- in jury claim I member subcommittee to do the for S.00. 1 he high court refused jnb ;nrirhe1ra.JtC'Cfo,r0,ot.,h,i -'.Co;"" -iU .urvey Mrs. W j-clcr, then ) years oW.I" "P""', of 1'11sl4",ve. P" .mr.,i i,,,, t iqu , t. Itionj. It also might get into the land. She had stopped at'an inter-l'"",'on ,of bow much supervision section, and a truck hit her car ,he fr'lture should give to state from the rear ! "cpanmems io see ll incy are ioi She signed 'the settlement fiirlowin legislative instructions. $.'i00, but later, she found that she Members of the subcommittee had a severe back injury that re-are Senate President Harry Hon in. quired an operation. .D-Klamath Falls: llouie Speaker ne inon suca. Itrcun Judge Robert Duncan. D Meilford: Rep. James W. Crawford ruled in her C. R. Ilovt, R-Corvallis; Sen. Al favor, outlawing the release. ire Corhett. D-Portlanri; and But the Supreme Court, in an Rcp. R. F. Smith, R Burns, opinion by Justice A. T. Goodwin. .... .,. : km ii. reversed Judge Crawford. ndlf,JXin. h Dee 13 held that Mrs. Wheeler ran collect fir" mw,", hfr I)fc- only the $."00. i Haley also said that the com the huh court said that such niittee would revise the Hate laws release, in which lhe parties re-, dealing with probate matters, linquuh all future claims, are! It also will do some work on valid, unicss there is fraud, mis- eliminating ambiguities and incon conduct or misrepnsentation. sistencies in the laws. The News -Review Pyblltkxt I? Ntwl-Ratiaw PvUiikiaf Ce. S4S S. I. Mala Sr., .me. Oraaaa The Cartoonist Savs: Let's You and Him Fight Khru, Kekkonen ' was a Hold Parleys meetine. ioinins Undersecretary I thereby tiving more employment, of State George Ball: Howard Pe- and finding an outlet for more Ore- MOSCOW Khrushchev terson, the President's trade ad viser: and Theodore U. Sorensen, P) Premier! 'be President's special counsel. n,l Finnish Presi- Secretary of Defense Robert S. dent Urho Kekkonen conferred in McNamara was or hand for dis- gon lumber. Well, the people are alarmed, all risht! The papers are full of "bomb shelters," "fallout." and 'survival" to the extent that manv ADDYE WRIGHT Business anoger DON HAGEDORN Display Adv. Mgr. CHARLES V. STANTON Editor GECRGE CASTILLO Managing Editor Member o( the Associated Press, Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, Ui Audit Bureau of Circulation Entered as second class matter May T. 19.0. at the post office at Roseburit, Oregon, under let of March 2, 171 Subscription Rates on Classified Advertising Tag O n?, , ;&y.'.;: -V' ' "Ji aaiaaaw . - ;k -.1, r.,. -n n CUSSIOn OI OCienSS DUUgeiing ailU ptvpic ,uuanj utiun m remote Novosibirsk friclay and an-. . .. uar iu.i , th. nounced their talks w-ere held in, Ro,wpll " ,; (;npatr,c deputy : corner, and we'll be either blown a spirit of open mindedness. mu-' ,Pcr(.tarv of j(,(ense joined ,ne to smithereens, or burned by atom tual understanding and sincere Broup commi, (rom Washington ic radiation. confidence. for ttl, two-hour session with the1 So it seems to this writer that The secret talks were a su present on the defense budget the most outstanding result of the preme effort by Kekkonen to find for tne (lscai ca;. starting next scare has been to bring a out just what Khrushchev wants juy j feeling of hopelessness to the el- from his small beleaguered home-1 others wilh the President. Mc- derly, and a feeling, as Dr. Wm. land. ,N'amara ;nd Cilpatric for the de- Oenne says, "of impending doom" Allesing a threat to both coun- fense budget talks were (len. Ly- 10 the younger. So they figure they tries from West Germany. Russia man I.. Lcmnitzer. chairman of misht just as well get as much has demanded joint defense talks, the Joint Chiefs of Stall: Cen. i "''fe'' out of the remaining days Such joint defense could have a Maxwell D. Taylor. Kennedy's'' possible. They are going to en tremendous impact on Finnish in- militarv adviser: Budset Director' J"y h''" while they can. for they dependence and neutrality. David Bell: and McGeorge Bundy. 'don't kmw when or whether to- A joint communique issued bv presidential assistant for national morrow may come. Khrushchev and Kekkonen gave security affairs. I This attitude certainly doesn't no details of the discussions. But ! "" respect for law. or the nsihls . I oi otners. Ann certainly mere nas i never been a time when these atti- the communique, which referrjd " 1 ' " rrfcw . uiues were moie neeaea man ngni - i... .-a m.. . . now. l'""' I SALt.M tAi-i - me state Jus- i Mavhe we should .,, , , nee iiepanmeni enare itecov- iveKKonen win iiy nacK in .vios-l(.rv Dinsinn enllected I diplomatic quarters in Moscow- were encouraged by the tone of c. ClfL T,nn,4 we should take every DrnDhet of doom out and riumn him prv llinmn rnl epted Hi' ...... i i . . .t cow Saturday then take the train from runaway, nonsupporting fa- Caves and plug up the entrv. Then lor home. ithers in October Altv (;en Rnh- ih. ri nf ,,. m i...l The conference opened shortly ert Y. Thornton ennounced. He job of licking the Russians, after Khrushchev reached the city said this was the second highest Glen A Wellman. after interruptinjf a tour of Si- monthly total in the division s 1036 YE. Walnut St , berian farming -reas. , six-year history. I Roseourg. Ore. WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY: AFTER CHURCH 11 to 5 TIL CHRISTMAS For Your Added Shopping Convenience 4