7 ' V 6 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Fri., Nov. 24, 1961 TO COMPLIMENT MRS. BARTON D. FELDKAMP, obove, center, who recently moved here, o charming tea was given Tuesday by Mrs. Edwin Wyott, left, ond her mother, Mrs. 0. J. Feldkamp, right, at the beautiful Feldkamp home in Laurelwood. Barton Feldkamp is associated here with Umpqua Dairy. (News-Review Photo). TO MARRY Mr. and Mrs. Otwell McLish of Medford an nounce the engogement ond approaching marriage of their daughter, Jerri, to Robert S. Remmiro, of Roseburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Williams of this city. The bride - elect is employed at Rogue Valley Manor In Med ford and the bridegroom-elect is with Pacific Plywood in Roseburg. Dec. 16 has been set as the date of the wedding to take place at the Rose burg Assembly of God Church. Oakland Couple Sets Celebration Mr. and Mm. II. W. Kooicr ,of Oakland are celebrating their 50lh wcdrling anniversary Sunday, Nov. 62, with two events. Kirst there will be a family din ner at the Calapooia cluhhouaa at nnnn. From 2 to 4 p.m. there will be an open house party, with all friends of the fami.7 invited to at tend. Hrnts for the eelebrationn will he Mr. and Mr. Ivan I.uner and Mr. and Mr. Dean I.. Dauht of Siilhcrtin: Mr. and Mrs Ward Konzer of Walterville; Mr. and Mrs. Arville Kooer of Green Val ley; Mr. and Mrs. Jlervin Kooier nf Oxnarrl. Calif.; and Mr. and Mrs. Marl Fletcher of Clearwater, Ta. Charming Coffee Is Monday Event An enjoyable eoffee was held Monday morning when Mrs. R. I.. Harmon entertained at her Rivers dale home. Guests enjoyed knit ting and listening to music played by Mrs. Harmon on the organ. Those attending were Mrs. Ar gus Fisher, .Mrs. If. H. Kruse. Mis Don Kruse and Karen. Mrs. W. K. OH Jr., Mrs. I.. W. Cotlrell. Mrs. ' H. W. Conn. Mrs. Dale Cuilev, .Mis. W. C. Bailey. Mrs. Don Har mon. Mis. Darwin I.ee and Harley and Virginia. Lees Entertain At Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. Darwin I.ee of Rjv ersdaie entertained Saturday eve ning at a 7 o'rkiel; d:nner party. (Jurslj were members of their pi nochle el'tlv Those enjoying the dinner and evening nf rarri plav lvere Mr. and Mrs. Hill Mntthewi, Mr. and Mrs .lark Denlon, ,Vr. and Mrs Don Harmon, Mr. ami Mrs. Rill M.il son. Mr. and Vr Don Kruse, Mr and Mrs Neil In Mian, Mr. and Mrs. Fd Stril.-ke and Mi. and Mr. I.ee. Mrs. Christian Hostess At Home In Rivcrsdale II. H. Krue and l.eN.iir Kruse vera Ruests of honor Tuesday eve ning uhen the former's daughter. Xtt. Neil Christian, enlritaiued at a turkey d.nner at her home in Kiversriale. ( overs v.ere plated for Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Kruse. Mr. and Mrs INoir Kruse and l.yndcn. Mr. and Mrs. D"n Kruse, Jeff, Dennv and Karen ant Mr. and Mrs. t hru Inn, (Jreg, Mark and Dean. Party Given MissBevans To compliment Misi Penny Bev- ns, who will becom the bride of Ensign Jerry Andcrm Saturday evening, a charming miscellaneous bridal shower was given by Mri. Allen JntiebriUen and Mrs. Jack Smith aL the latter s home Wed nesday evening. A very lovely white and lavender mutif was carried out in the dec orative motif for the occasion. Re freshments served later in the eve-, ning were individual cakes iced to represent bridal packages. j dames were played and prizes were awarded to winners. Invited to enjoy the occasion with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. lngebritsen in honor of Miss Bevans included Mrs. J. M. Be vans, Mrs. Sylvia Ander son, Mrs. l.ampi, Mrs. Howard Stewart. Mrs. Marvin Krueuer, Mrs. AI Fish. Mrs. Paul Bellen- dorf, Mrs. Joe Gamez. Mrs. Cal Dawiton, Mrs. Ken Kllison, Mrs. Norman 1-ewellyn, Mrs, George Keller. Mrs. Clifford OlmMead, Mrs. Norm Bleikman and Mrs. Gary Kummert. Friday-Tuesday Winners Told The Roseburg Duplicate Bruise Club, American Contract Bridge League, winners fur the r riday afternoon play at the Umpqua Ho tel for North-South players were Mrs. Ijiyd Burnett and Miss Ger trude Rast, first: Mrs. H. E. De Bcrnardl Jr. and Mrs. Ray Car riro. second, and Mrs. I.. K. Me Clintock and Mrs. Chester Morgan, third. East-West winners were Mrs Richard Davis and Mrs. J. M. Revans, first; Mrs. Harry Hilde burn and Mrs. Frederick J. Por ter, aecond, and Mrs. James Doyle and Mrs, W. F. Forrest, third. Tuesday evening winneri at the Mrs. Petersen Club Hostess Mrs. O. R. Petersen entertained her bridge club at a very lovely 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday at her attractive home on SE Over look Avenue. A miniature cornu copia fillet with pernettia centered the table, while wine - colored chrysanthemums and pink hydran geas graced the bufiet. Covers were placed for M r f . Thomas Martin, Mrs. A. D. Parr, Mrs. Jack Davis, Mrs. Kdwin Nol- te, Mrs. Horace C. Berg, Mrs. B. A. Young. Mrs. S. J. Cooper, Mrs. (. R. Fritz and the hostess, Mrs. Petersen. High scores for the afternoon's contract bridge play were won by Mrs. Parr and Mrs. Fritz. Timber Tovners Play On Monday The senior section of the Tim ber Town Duplicate Bridge Club held its first master point play Monday night. North-South winners were Mrs. James Doyle and Mrs. Walter Fisher, first; Verden Hockett and William Pritchett, second; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Patterson, third; and Mrs. J. P. Motschenbacher and Mrs. Don Oerrelsen, fourth. Fast-West winners were Mrs. C. R. Wade and W. ('. Callison, first; Mrs. H. N. Butler and Mrs. O. J. Feldkamp, aecond; Mrs. Charles K. Todd and Alva Perkins, third; and Mrs. Dan Hill and Mrs. II. E. DeHernardl Jr.. fourth. Winners for the junior section were Mr. and Mrs. D. I.. Mnnteith, first: second. Mrs. Edwin Myers and Dr. Bruce Tuck; and tying for third, Mrs. Carl Wimberly and Mrs. Raymond Bordon. All junior players with less than three master points are invited to attend the Timber Town sessioni which take place every Monday night at 7:30. Further information regarding the play in eitner section may be Visitor Honored Mrs. Russell B. Rummel enter tained at a charming bridge lunch j eon Tuesday at Rulh Bradley's Oak Tree Inn in compliment to her houseguest. Mrs. Harold McCor mack, of Fresno, Calif., who spent j the week in Roseburg. Autumn flowers formed the dec- , orations for the occasion. Covers were placed for Mrs. McCormack, i guest of iionur. an' Mrs. B. L. Jtanlenhrook, Mrs. Walter Ed- imonds, Mrs. Ira J. Seitz, Mrs. J. V. Short. Mrs. Harry Jacoby, Mrs. E. H. Miller. Mrs. M. L. Hall mark. Airs. Fred Schwartz, Mrs. w. I,, 'Inzer, Mrs. K. W. Fitz gerald and the hostess, Mrs. Rum mel. Contract bridge was in play dur ing the pleasant social hours with Mrs. Schwartz winning the high score prize; Mrs. Hallmark, sec ond, and Mrs. Fitzgerald, the trav eling prize. Banquet Enjoyed ! The Douglas County Sheriff's Posse members entertained their ladies at a most nmi..ihi li quet and dancing party Saturday imroi .1 me orai noom of the i:mpqua Hotel. Covers were placed for 40. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin and J. E. Walker, representing the Western .tug. co., Santa Clara, Calif. Dancing was enjoyed until 1pm Charming Tea Enjoyed Tuesday The lovelie.t affair of the week was the lea given Tuesday after noon at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Feldkamp in Laur elwood. when airs. Feldkamp and her daughter, Mrs. Edwin Wyalt. were co-hostesses in compliment to the former's daughter. inlaw, Mrs. Barton D. Feldkamp, who with her family recently moved here. Gorgeous arrangements of color ful flowers decorated the rooms, while Ihe tea table, covered by an exquisite eutwork embroidered lin en cloth, was centered by an artis tic arrangement of dahlias flanked by tall white tapers. Mrs. Al Bish op and Mrs. I.. E. Adams poured. Guests invited by the two host esses to honor Mrs. Barton Feld kamp were Mrs. J. V. Bergreen, Mrs. Carl Bonner, Mrs. Georgene Clark, Miss Jeau Crow, Mrs. Thomas Findlay. Mrs. Richard Fraley, Mrs. Thomas Garrison, Mrs. G. R. Hayes, Mrs. W. Hon ey. Mrs. Dirk Kruysman, Mrs. Don l.aBranche. Mrs. Joe Means, Mrs. Arnold Ryder, Mrs. Wayne Schulz, Mrs. Edward Sitton. Mrs. Robert Stevens, Mrs. Rog er Swcngel, Mis. James Whelchel, Church Women Meet At Melrose Mrs. Margaret McComas enter tained members of the Melrose Missionary Society recently at her home. Mrs. Glenn Davis gave the de votions. Missionary letters were read from Miss Corabelle Weist, World Missions to Children in Bra zil, and Dons Bruce in Assom, India. Dean Gausrell, Carol Arens meier and Evelyn Bowen were ap pointed on the nominating com mittee. Coffee and dessert were served preceding the meeting by Mrs. Mc Comas and Mrs. Joan Daiiey. The group held a recent work day at the church. Time was spent sewing aprons for the Navajos and tying a quilt. I After a sack luncheon at noon hostesses Mrs. Ralph Krohn and Mrs. Sadie Hall served dessert. Mrs. Davis gave the devotions from the fifth chapter of Solomons. Others present were the Mes dames Dorothy Farrar, Amy See- ley, Norma renn, Bclva Buckwalt ,er, Florence Doerner, Ina Moore land Alan: Margaret McComas, Nettie Kobhe, Elsie Iskason. Mar ; garet Holcomb, Eva Mae Clement, Ruth Nisonger, Esther Nickolaus and Miss Evelyn Bowen. ; Mrs. Holden McTaggart, Mn. Phil- lip Wassom, Mrs. Frank Dixon, ! Mrs. Gene Bolen, Mrs. Ted Barnes, ' Mrs. Al Hoffman, Mrs. Neil kaser, ; Mrs. Archie Hulter. Mrs. Marshall Smith. Mrs. Jeflery Currier. Mrs. Gordon Gerrelsen, Mrs. Donald ; Gerretsen, Mrs. Gil Commons, j Mrs. Al Bishop. Mrs. Dean jewel. Mrs. William Madsen. Mrs. Donald Kruse, Mrs. T. C. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Elliott Mot lachenbacher, Mrs. William Car jstens, Mrs. Phil Kaser, Mrs. Wil Ham Allen. Mrs. J. P. Motschen bacher, Mrs. John Wvatt, Mrs. Walter llrich. Mrs. Bliss Secov. Mrs. J. W. Wilder, Mrs. Everett Wimer, Mrs. Pa'. Sullivan. Mrs. W. Hunnicutt, Miss Sharon Stick ler. Mrs. Lloyd Roberts, Mrs. Albert Morene, Mrs. Jack Lewis, Mrs. Gordon Smith, Mrs. H. N. Jacob son, Mrs. Gordor Stewart, Mrs. Edgar Lewis, Mrs. Kenneth Ford. Mrs. Jack Vest, Mrs. A. M. Perk ins, Mrs. H. F. LeBeau. Mrs. F. J. Hermann, Mrs. Harrie W. Booth. Mrs. Horace C. Berg, Mrs. N. Charles Wallin. Mrs. Charles K. Todd, Mrs. Forrest McKay. Mrs. John William Robertson, Mrs. J. W. Byron. Mrs. Thomas Martin, Mrs. James Hughes. Mrs. M. E. Gro shong, Mrs. George Caskey, Mrs. Rudolph Ritzman, Mrs. Tnke Bren neman, Mrs. Lloyd Nelson. Mrs. Ralph Lesh. Mrs. A. L. Sevall, Mrs. lloiard Pattison, Mrs. Mar shall Haughn, Mrs. L. E. Adams, Mrs. F. C. Fitzpatrick. Mrs. George Powers. Mrs. T. L. Good win, Mrs. Lloyd Crenshaw. Mrs. Robert Kestcll and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. Open House To Be Held Dec. 3 Mr. and Mrs Ole Bunch will hold open house at thei. new home in Sutherlin Sunday. Dec. 3. from 2 to .1 p.m. All friends, neighbors and relatives are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Bunch were mar ried this month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Deardorff in Rosebutg. f ? . -. " '.' '..' ' tsjr' it!' 'i,' .r r "".'-' II J f. A: ,- i 1 ii ' '- 1 '" K'' '' ll " HARRY NUZUM, above, celcbroted his ninth birthday at a party given by Mrs. Donald Nuzum and Mrs. Dewey Chaniblen ot the Ladies Clubhouse in Tenmile. Balloons formed the decorations. Gomes were played ond refresh ments (including a birthday coke made by his grand mother) were served to the guest of honor and Lindo Ander son, Carol Lockwood, Christine Baughmon, Betty Hall, Charlotte Neovoll, Cherene Jennie, Ricky Newlun, Doyle Thankersley, Mory Jean Dickover, Linda Seigle, Gregory Stondley, Jerry Dovidson, Robin Burr, Devonna ond Jimmy Nuzum, Bobby, Rose ond Billy Allen. Gifts were presented to the guest of honor. Luncheon-Bridge Given Wednesday A lovely afternoon of card play was enjoyed at Sutherlin Wednes day afternoon when Mrs. 0. L. Torrey entertained her club at a luncheon-bridge. Arrangements of chrysanthemums and dahlias were used for decorations throughout the rooms. High score was won by Mrs. Frank McCord with second high going to Mrs. C. A. Petherick. Mrs. Bud Holm was low winner. Members attending were Mrs. Ed Lamoreaux, Mrs. Henry Hal vorsen Jr., Mrs. Frank McCord. Mrs. C. A. Petherick, Mrs. Bud Holm. Visitors present were Mrs. McCrae. Birthday Anniversary Observed By Karen Mehl Karen Mehl, daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. Gorden Mehl of Glendale j celebrated her 10th birthday recent i ly at a party given at her home. Orange and black decorations were used for the house and for the serving table. After the children had played games and the honoree had open ed her gifts, Mra. Mehl served re freshments. Favors were candy and miniature jack-o lanterns. Those present were Candaca Wells. Susan Major, Debbie What ley, Ann Thompson, Christy Swan son, Peggy Jo Edson, Barbara Vo der, Jan Mehl and the honoree, Karen Mehl. Umpqua Hotel were Mrs. G. W. u.j k ..Hi ur.u.. km.l I lock, first; Mrs. Russell Deihl and, I Mra. Harry Hildehurn. aecond; Mrs. Edgar Lewis and Mra. M. I. , Hallmark, third, and Mrs. James j Little and Mrs. William Norm, fourth. Model Meet Held By ESA Chapter Mrs. ('bailies Bailey, president of Beta lota, ESA, recently con ducted a model meeting at the home of Mrs. Dick Rerney with Mrs. Don RcRin, co-hostess John Davenport. Talk On Germany Heard By Chapter The! a Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, teachers' honorary soror ity, held its October meeting at the home of Mrs. l.yle Eddy with Dor othy Baumann as co hostess. Morris Kelley showed slides and gave a most interesting talk on his year's stay in Itzehoe. Ger many, as an exchange student un der Ihe auspices of International Relation of Christian V.iulh. Mor- Mrs. Bert Kleiner attended the ris told of family life and school meeting as a guest, together with experiences. He described some of the following members: Mrs. Jack , the holiday observances in the tier Mathis, Mrs. Mike Wooton, Mrs man tradition and discussed some Charles Bailey. Mrs. Floyd Irwin, j characteristics of the people. The Mrs. Bill Werth, Mrs. Dee Bnyer.jialk was followed by an informal Mrs. Gib Hallett, Mrs. Joe Sinko, discussion. Mrs. Berney and Mrs. Rogaa. The program for the year was re- Plans were discussed for Ihe Viewed, card party and children's style-1 The November meeting Is to be show to he held at the llneisdale held at the home of Mrs. Fd Hor- Grange Tuesday. Nov. 28, Pro ceeds for the affair will be donat ed to the Crippled Children's Hos pital in Eugene. Entertain Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snyder en tertained member of the faculty of the Business Kducalinn Depart i mrnt of the RoHcburf Senior Itiuh School at their home on (tlenn 'Si reel for Sunday afternoon coftee hour. Miss Betty Maxwell enter 'tamed the group wdh an uilcret miE account of her experience 'while HrrKitnjf distributive educa tion cla-e in San KrancKcu Those aitcmling uere Mr. and Mrs. William (.reenan, Mrs. Vlor rtirf Wtrkland, .Mr. and Mrs t'hris W arnrs, Mts F.ther D ar and Ms Betty Maxwell. Winners Reported ' I'mpqua Rridvc Club uinnrrs for Nov. 1 at Ihe M C. Howker h.ime 'were: ty.rg for first: Mrs. II. II. 1 Duns and Mrs. K. A. Ludi-iman. and Mrs. L. I.. I.iiuman and Mrs. John Brooke; Mr. and Mrs. I). I.. Miinlirih. third, anil Mr. and Mrs Morton l illmoie. thud. I Nov. 9 winners were Mr. and Mrs. Morion Fillmore, firt, tying for second were Mrs. M. C Dem ent and Mrs. I.. I.. I. naman and Fred Harder and Mrs. Joiin ,Rrn.ike. Tom Hutton as co- gen with Mrs. hostess. Golden Are Club Plans For Christmas Party The Golden Age Club met Mon- dav eening at the Veterans Me morial Ruilding on Garden Valley Road for a social time of cards and rntertainmen'. Thirty - seven members attended. The next parly will be held Nov. H at the memorial building. A Christmas parly ia being plan ned for Dec. 11. Woman Trapeze Artist Hurt In Circus Fall riTTMURC.il (API-A womsn trapeze artist uas hurt in a to hl fall at the Kingling Brothers Rarnum & llailey Circus Thnrs dav night. Mrs Maria Dos Santos. 77, lud jut finished her performance and was lowering herself on a rope when she fjintcd nod fell. She complained of pain In her right elbow and shoultler and was taken to ihe hospital for xras. Woman Foots Doctors CHICAGO f API-Mis. Demitra C.ekas. woo said he waa told bv a phvsician in Ht2 she hd 14 h. to live, wil: erirbra'c her torth birthday Saiunlay with her son s lamiiy. if' rV J SPRAYGRANCE X N presenting l COR DAY SPRAYGRANCE IN LUXURIOUS DESIGNER CASE -ref illable! Try this exciting nw way to wear Fame or Toujour; Moi - the renowned Corday French fragrances! Your touch releases the instant elegance of over 1000 meas ured sprays front this gold-tone metal Spraygrance Deluxe cologne case, 5.00. Always leak proof, even on air travels. Refill ISO. Intensify your cologne with matching fragrance in Spray Parfum. Over 200 sprays in an exquisite jeweler's purse flacon, 5.00; refill 3.75. Spray grance Deluxe with Spray Parfum in I gift boxed ensemble, 10.00. eticiJ v:i ru FREE GIFT WRAPPING Plus GOLD BOND STAMPS 1175 W. Harvard Plenty of Free f arkinj Ph. OR 2 1961 GIFT TO YOU THIS QUALITY 3-RIKG NOTEBOOK M t ml I . . HondMmtly im printed with ysur ... 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