Liquid Gift Received MCMINNVIU.E, Tenn. (AP) The Warren County I lined Given Fund reports receipts of J21.2US and one hali-jalloc of moonshine whisky. .Mis. C. l Rime, I'GK office secretary, said the jug was lell hy someone who attached a I'UK card with the notation: "Amount pledged: 'j gal. Balance due: None." The moonshine was turned over to the sheriff's office. rn., Nnr. 24, 1961 The Newt-Review, Rotcburg, Ore. 3 i r t v. r rj h & mm FORWINTER driving RtTREAD TIRES NOW! I J 7 0 : it ll S3 Smooth tires on slippery streets and roads mean dan ger and trouble. Let us put real, road gripping retreads on your tires now. You'll drive in safety this winter. ..Our retreads give new-tire mileage, because we use only top-quality tread rub ber by GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP A&R TIRE CO. Harry And. rum Leo Ragon 2555 N.I. Diamond Lake Blvd. Pkona OR 3-4421 . V THE NEW "MRS. AMERICA", Lila Mosson, of Detroit, Mich., is flanked by her run-ner-ups offer she won the crown of the 1962 "Mrs. America" Thursday. Left to right, Mrs. Arizona, Angelyn Almond, Lila Masson, ond Mrs. Minnesota, Gloria Schultz. (UPI Telephoto). Fire Wrecked Interior Of Yoncalla Restaurant Damage suffered by Loggers' Cafe, Yoncalla, in an early morn ing fire Tuesday was not as ex tensive as first reported, accord ing to Stewart Mathis, fire chief. Early reports were that the build ing was totally destroyed in a blaze apparently starting from a cigarette dropped in a trash con tainer. The fire, coupled with smoke and water, wrecked the building's in terior, Mathis states, but exterior walls and roof were relatively undamaged. WOOD SAWDUST 1 BLOWER I SERVICE I ' i : R0SE8UR&: LBR. CO. C5 SAWDUST . . . WOOD (Blower or Dump) (Dry or Green) POND LILIES Clean Old-Growth Douglat Fir DRY OAK & LAUREL WOOD LARGE PEELER CORE SLAB WOOD PLANER ENDS AH Delivariat C.O.D. ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. PH. OS 9-8741 or OR 3-5508 Deer Creek 4-Hers Given Awards At Recent Meeting I By JEAN RADCLIFFb 1 Al Radcliffe Sr. and son, Mike,' Deer Creek Livestock 4 H Club , traveled to Corvallis Saturday to members were told how to select see Al Jr. a student at Oregon animals for their projects in a Slate College. 1 talk given by Frank von Borstel, ! Mrs. Bob Zuck went to Castle county 4-H Club agent, at the re- Rock. Wash., last week to attend cent potluck dinner held by the : the funeral of a friend, Mrs. Flos-1 club at the South Deer C r e e k t sie Doughtrev. i Grange Hall Awards and pin- were given to 12 club members during the meet ing with a special award to Dan Hatfield i'or his outstanding serv ice to the club. Parents of club members were special guests for the dinner and meeting. Alaskans Visit ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Caughran of Anchorage, Alaska, were visitors of ; the Wiley McCraws last week. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cooper and the Dave Willifords. I Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gilliam of Salem were guest": of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hatfield last week. I Clifford Counts, accompanied hy George Van Fleet of Seaside. 'drove to Eureka, Calif., recently on a business trip. Mrs. Counts ac companied the men as far as : Grants Pass where she visited the 1 Richard Counts family over the i weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Melton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bud Richards, drove to Vancouver, Wash., last week where they visit ed Mrs. Melton's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G u s Sinilh. Dick Hanlin is spending a few days in Reedsport on business. Thrift & Gift Sale Many bMtitiful handcraft Hams, It nick knacks, cfariiinf and gifts. Sola i tort i Mm., Nov. 27 Cosrelloe's Winiron OSborn. 9-5495 BPA Manager Named PORTLAND (AP) Ferris G. Gilkey has been named manager of the Bonneville Power Adminis. tration's power operations in west ern Montana. Bonneville Administrator Charles F. Luce appointed Gilkey, assistant Portland area engineer, to succeed Harold M. Cantrell, who will become Walla W:alla area manager. ROSE SOCIETY TO MEET j The Roseburg Rose Society will' hold its regular monthly meeting Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at the home of Don Munroe, 1845 NE Todd St. All members, prospective mem bers and other interested persons are invited to attend. CARD PARTY SET j Lookinsglass Grange will hold a card party at the Grange Hall to night at 7:30. The public is in vited. There will be prizes and re-1 fresh ments. 33 MODELS (count "em -33 TO CHOOSE FROM i al your CHEVROLET DEALERS ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTER! Yo can count on variety like this only at your Chev rolet dealer's. Three mm pltle lines of tart plus Corvette. 14 full-tke Jet nmoolh '6i Cherroltlt. A'in new Chert II modela. And n it new Cor rairt. Junt take jour pick! CUUt BUUTTj v lirpi'l I Ooof Sdl. ImtA Cwivertibw (mplt l-Door 6-Pgnggr Station Wffa jfli.nv BH Aw 2 0pw Hm Bl Hit 5port ftymt L 1 1 'L-1I Bfmyne l-DoorC-Puspnyf Station Cheiy II !00 7-Door Sedan Cfttvrll 1(104 Poor ?Maw Chevy H Iff) -Poor Stition wvt CTwry It 300 ? Door Sedan Otry Tt Tto t Door $d fwyr H W Poor TStit gtiow Wigfm -tft ? Door Sf4 5 Cwy M Iws "Q Spy Cwp Crvjir 500 Club Coup Conratr 700 Cl'tft Como sua CifVsir 700 4-Door Sed Corvutr 7H0 1 Poor SfntTss Wipa Comir Wn Clul Cwip Corvf wotiTt 4 Poor SHn Ciywrr ffon;i 1-PooT Station Wfw it Corvifr Crbftef Sports Wfoa Com" Cr t ' w $vi r" See the new Chevrolet, Chevy 11, Corvair al your local authorized Clmrolel dealer's' HANSEN MOTOR COMPANY OAK and STEPHENS ROSEBURG ORchard 3-4446 Hills Bros. Reg. or Drip Occident R TOMATO CAT WHITE EC Mil F00 MM SUGAR GELA CAKE MK lue Star IPS mm U.S. No. 2 POTATOES 20 lb. Bag 43 Haa Dr!ve-N-Save Brond 4' 51' ,.W -.1" 0UR--251" SnowdrlH lb. tin j f j UTTek -',...89' SUP.8iH No. i tin ' If R U f 10 87c E Betty Crocker, ll Q ) C I J All regular 39c ronetiei fii R jg J j AR ME 5:89' EQ Turkey, Beef, Chicken, i"T r JSk R Macaroni & Cheese, . rjff)IC f X Tuna, Spaghetti & Meat lAl 0 VrVTI Balli 8 oi. pie R j Jf ARMOUR'S Bologna By The Piece lb. ARMOUR'S COLUMBIA Sliced Bacon 2 ib, 89' 15 denier, SI gauge, Ladies Mylon Hose $39 ens Crew Socks 31 99 PAD ft COVER SET Silicone Ironing Board Cover, Cotton Pad, Reg. 1.98 77 SPECIAL SERVICES I fynl ChKkf Ctfc.4 4) Pottvf Sramat Fof 1.1. 9 Film PraMif 1 Prices Effective Fri Sat, Sun. November 24, 25, 26.