County s m Aire Stmhei For Christmas It's Gift Time For Her... 1 2 The News-Review, Roteburg, Or.. Fri., Nov. 24, 1961 A GIFT FOR HER con cost a little or a lot this Christmas and yet be in excellent toste. Costume jewelry, left, with reol look combines two strond fake pearl necklace with pear shope motif of sparkling ruby rhinestones. White gold watch, center, in shield shape has cluster of precious diamonds, contoured gold mesh bracelet. Sheer sandal foot seamless stockings, right, and crystal cleor, completely flattering to leg and ankle. 'TWAS THE NIGHT... Here's How Santa Came To Be Santi Claua has become aurh in important part of our merry making at Christmastime, that one can hardly imagine the holiday aeason without that jolly old fel low, his sleigh and reindeer. Yet I little over a century ago, A Ring Will Ring The Bell With Him Rings are th. oldest forms of jewelry. For many centuries rings were used to denote the station and rank of the wearer. This year, you can show your favorite guy just how he rates with you just give him a ring this Christmas. Rings have returned to fashion favor, reports th i Jewelry Indus try Council, and points out that there's a wide, vide variety from which to choose. Your choice may be an Insignia ring of his favorite business, Ira ternal or scholastic organization; i signet rins or ring bearing his ini tials in open letlcrs or engraving; a birthstone, carved nematie, onyx, tar sanDhire or ruby or a di- mond all in rugged stylized set tings. Whichever you choose, your gift of a ring will surely be worn with pride this Christmas and in the many years to come. YULE BANNED The Puritan Government banned the celebration of Christmas in England in 1643 in an attempt to do away with all forms ot frivolity. Pttai Him inlth the finest ' Give an eutslandin alt bu - ' ' ' - 'HIS' SPECIAL DUO Two favorite grooming es sentials, Aflrr Shave Lotion and Cologne. Estra fine qualilr. 2.00flr Hi 'HIS' ELECTRIC TRAVELER Pre-F.lcctric Shave I-ntinn. No-Crra Hair Control and Cologne Deodorant in non brrakahle container. Dura ble plaMic raw 2.r.1 rt' Complete Selection At Roseburg Pharmacy Your Pioneer Drug Store Phon. OR 3-3415 517 S.E. Jackson St. Santa Claus as we know him to day, did not exist! To be sure, children all over the country ea gerly awaited visits from St. Nich olas at Christmastime. . .but they had no idea as to what he looked like. It remained for a university professor to establish Santa's iden tity as we now konow it. On Christmas Eve, in 1822, Dr., Clement Clarke Moore, a profes-i sor at Columbia University, wrote: a poem for his children. It was called "A Visit from St. Nicholas"! and began, " 'Twas the night be- fore Christmas. . ." Dr. Moore wrote it solely for his! children's enjoyment and had nql plans to publish it. Rut fortunately for other children, and adults as well, his poem was heard by the daughter of the rector of St. Haul's Church in Troy, New York. She asked to be allowed to read it to the children of her father's par ish; she also sent a copy of the poem to the Troy. N. Y. Sentinel, where it was published for the first time on Dec. 23. 1823. It ap peared there annually thereafter and in 1930 was accompanied by a wood engraving. . the first pic ture of Santa Claus. Since that time, people ill over the world have come to know and love that kindly gentleman with the flowing while beard, twinkling eyes, and cherry red nose. 'Mail Early For Christmas' Plea Made By Postmasters ...And For Them Stressing the need for everyone to cooperate on his 1961 "Mail Early for Christmas" Campaign, Koseburg Poastmaster Robert Sni der said today, "Early mailing of all Christmas cards and gifts is the biggest single factor in getting everything delivered before Christ mas." He was joined in the plea by other county postmasters. Naturally, the Post Office De partment plans to expand its facil ities and to provide extra help during the Christmas rush, but in the final analysis, if you 11 follow these three simple rules, you can be certain not to disappoint friends and loved ones on Christmas Day: (1) Wrap your Christmas gifts se curely. (2) Be sure they are ad dressed clearly and correctly. (3) Mail ail your gifts and cards early. Don't Take Chancts The postmaster said .further, "I hate to see folks take chances on mailing poorly wrapped packages. Despite careful handling every year, too many packages break open in transit, and too oltcn we have to puzzle over names and addresses which are incomplete or simply cannot be read at all. "If you have any articles of un usual size or bulk, better check with the Post Office before at tempting to mail them." the post master warns. The limits on size and weight of packages vary, de pending on where you mail your package from. As an extra pre caution against loss. Postmaster Snider advised placing both re turn address and the recipient's address inside the carton or pack age before it is wrapped. If you use Christmas stickers or seals, out them on the back of 'your Christmas cards and pack J ages so that they will not con flict wun llie auu.'l-ss UH uic num. Make sure that correct postage is firmy aflixed to each card and Darkaee. When mailing gifts, it's a good idea to place a piece of transparent cellophane tape over the addrpss Dortion of the label to prevent defacing it in transit. And alwavs De sure, oi course, iu include the recipient's full name, street address, city, lone and state. Because the entire Christmas mailinir or-riod is primarily a bat- lie against time, "Do it now" is the slogan from here on In. Don't put off your Christmas mailings 'while you still hive ample time I because this means that dreaded 'pile-ups will occur at the post of fice, csusing unavoidable slow downs in deliveries as the holiday , approaches. Cooperation Aikad The postmaster asks the coop eration of all business firms to delay mailing circulars and cata logs until after Dec. 25, to keep the mails clear tor the Christmas rush. The postmaster said he is most appreciative "of the interest and cooperation shown by the mailing public so far, and reminds patrons that all mail going long distances should be sent by Dec. 10. Christ mas packages for local delivery should be mailed not later than Dec. IS. Be sure to mail your Christmas cards for nearby des tinations at least a week before Christmas, Snider concluded. "ft. J IfAA" ' " A vH V v. V A. .4 ,..' rr 't- 4 -hJ. THERE'LL BE A STAR-STUDDED CAST ready and waiting on Christmas morning for the presents under the Christ mas tree. With scenes like this, it won't soon be forgotten that Christmas is for children, too. ' " My, ft I FINGERTIP SPORT COAT in pure wool is the last word in warmth and good looks, fea tures cope shoulders with welt stitching, plus 2ip-in lining. CLOTHES PLEASE No man can resist that mood when he unwraps his packages and finds a fun invitini, sports shirt, corduroy jacket and slacks set, lounging paiamas with comple menting bathrobe, princely slippers or a host of other handsome things to wear. Lasting Gifts Are Plantings A well-rooted Christmas tradi tion is the thoughtful custom of giving living plants as gifts. From the colorful poinsettia to the sophis ticated dracaena, living plants are always welcomed. While some, like the poinsettia. are seasonal, many plants will Jive indefinitely with proper care. Here are a few essential tips to aid in the selection and care of potted plants: Make certain the plant you choose is healthy. Sagging stems or drooping leaves are often dan ger signals ... Be sure the plant is in a red clay pot. The natural porosity of a red clay pot helps! maintain the proper air-moisture balance of the soil, and safeguards! against over-watering. Keep plants out of drafts, away from radiators, and avoid sudden changes in temperature . . . Test before watering. If the earth around the plant Is moist, giving easily under slight thumb pres sure, it doesn't need watering. Kach plant species has its in dividual needs. Your florist or nurseryman can tell you what they are, and in many cases will fur nish a printed card of such pointers. ...And For Him... V J T aV X GIFTS FOR YOUR SPECIAL GUY in jewelry Ond accessories will always bring a smile. For exomple, he'll go for a fine gold combination pen ond pencil; a good lighter is al ways welcome as is a combination key choin and knife; on attractive gold-filled mesh watch band if his watch is good; or give him a new automatic-wind watch. Other ideas ore two-tone gold tie bar ond cuff links set, travel alarm, a fine ring or religious medal with pin back. Don't Overlook Yule Gifts Of Cosmetics For Ladies Don't forget those gifts of beauty for your Christmas belles. Every thing from single lipsticks to com plete cosmetic sets come gaily packedaged and ready to meet her requirements for only the prettiest and most practical this Yule sea son. Lipsticks are hidden in gala Christmas beils or ride on dimu nitive sleighs accompanied hy a bottle of nail polish in a matching shade. Cosmetic kits take form within distinctive colored leather kits or as part of elegant overnight cases that also can accommodate night ies, robe and slippers. j Manicure sets, with or without i shining efficient cutlery, are pack aged in regal leather kits or gay ; plaid containers. While dusting pow-1 der pairs with cologne and even delicately scented soap joins the Yuletide spirit in packages adorn ed with happy symbols of the sea son. Important are the scents co lognes and perfumes that win a favored place beneath every girl's Christmas tree. A brief descrip tion of the lady, he likes and dis likes is sufficient for any willing sales person to take over from there and insure a most successful gift. KRIS KRINGLE? Kris Knngle is not a German term for Santa Claus. The name is a modification of "Kristkind." who according to German legend, is a white-robed angel a messenger of the Infant Jesus, bringing gifts to children. Buying Slated To Increase Rapidly Soon AU during the month of Novem ber, Douglas County merchants have been receiving special stock meant for Christmas sales. With Thanksgiving here and gone, the tempo of holiday buying is ex pected to increase until it reaches its climax a few days before Christmas Day. Most retail stores have all their holiday stock on the shelves, al though some merchandise will con tinue to arrive mostly specially ordered goods. The more prudent customers have been using the layaway plan since late in October. A small percentage has Christmas gifts al ready purchased. Most, however, wait to start their buying after Thanksgiving and the merchants are ready for them! Something Dirf.rnt IncludMl Besides the increase in quantity of stock items and those suited to the holiday season, store managers have added extra gift items to please those who are looking for "something different." One store manager, in assessing services given to customers this year, said his store is stressing the necessity of courtesy of clerks to customers during the Christmas season. He said he believed the poiic; would be general through out Roseburg. 4 Curtesy Strcsssd "In a time of rush, excitement and possible bad weather, tempers might grow a little short, and we think that courtesy from store clerks will do much to ease the tension and make people more happy with their purchases," h. said. Starting this week, department and men's and women's clothing stores will begin to show signs of wearing holiday finery. Windows will remind us that time is getting short. . .only days until Christ mas. Sales Rim Wrapping, cards and packaging accessory departments have en-' joyed increased sales since the last week in October. Gifts are already on their way to foreign countries to relatives and friends and members of the armed forces. Primarily, Christmas is suppos ed to be for children. That this is true is supported by the report from one toy store which reports its basement h full of toys on lay away and that the volume of busi ness far exceeds that of other Novembers. i il USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN tV $1 DEPOSIT HOLDS CHRISTMAS r a lilmiw'BVW7 s. w f m I I ""v I I Mr II 1 aH i Uw ' ( ii I m ii wji l Choose The Toys You Want Now!! $1 DEPOSIT HOLDS Your SELECTION UNTIL DEC. 23rd J f f Reg. $13.95 Reg. $7.98 Reg. 11.95 Reg. $1.98 Table & Chair REX WALKING PENCIL SET WAGON DOLL Coloring Set Folds, All Metal Box 28" X 13" X 4" 36" tall Popeye, numbered 10.77 1 5.77 j 9.77 1.37 Christmas Gift Package FAMOUS MAKE 35 mm Slide Projector With2 5lidc $aC.Q95 Travs...ONLY Ol) i 40 X 40 Inch Radiant Screen S f i.dS? ft: as ft mm "i i I it f 1 THE C f c ONLY 98c When You Buy rejector Photo Lab Ph. OR 3-6125 627 S. E. Jjckson St. TOYS FOR BOYS 2.98 PANTHER PISTOL 1.49 STURDY LOG TRUCK 4.98 FLINTST0NES BALL AND BAT 79c I 4.98 TOOL SET 2.77 6.98 FIRE TRUCK 4.88 PLASTIC EARTH MOVERS 93c ) TOYS FOR GIRLS LITTLE MISS FURNITURE SET 59c 98c CANDY LAND GAME 77c SEWING CARD SET 59c SEWING MACHINE SET 3.98 LOOMS, ADJUSTABLE ........ 98c & 2.98 TEA OR BAKE SETS 1.98 a- roses ?:lprrr;:r:L. just received .ft aM AIM 0 L 1 1 a g DECORATIONS FLOCK A TREE QQC Knit 06 PACKAGE TIES If). Assorted W I GLITTER m, -C-, Assorted STYROFOAM Balls .OC HUNDREDS OF OTHER Decorations to Choose From Christmas Wrap Christmas Cards 3c Boxed or ST-pS Individual Christmas S 10W I Miniature I Sprjy ORNAMENTS u..,, 771 24 25c G&O PARK-N-SHOP Daily 9-8 Southgate Shopping Center Sun. 9-7 Always Plenty Of Free Parking TRAVEL KIT Fitted Oftc D rrom l l r'"' w n GIFTS FOR ALL BUBBLE BATH In jar ta. PYREX CASSEROLE And Rack SEWING BOX Attractive gift CUPS & SAUCERS Assorted 9 3" i 1" I 77' I