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KPIC-TV Ch. 4 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 00 Continental Classroom (Math) :J0 Continental Classroom (Gov'nt) IS educational TV (Tut, thru Fr 30 Play Your Hunch 10:00 Prtct Is Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Truth or Conseouencet 11:30 It Could Bo YOU 11:S5-Oay Report 1? 00 Jan Murray 12:30 Romper Room 1:00 Purex Special 2:00 Make Room For Daddy 7:30 Here't Hollywood 2 : SS Afternoon News 3 00 December Bride J:J0 Schooh) (Monday only) SERVICE in simcc tuiMNTtta PHONE OR 3-4123 KLUVER RADIO & TV n tatrtarf 27 ari IMS at SliMaat at tirlta WW ttt For PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS if MUM PRINTERS Orchard 3-8591 KBES-TV Ch. 5 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 11:00 Love Of Ute 11 30 Search For Tomorro 11:45 Guiding Light 1? 00 College Of Tho ir 12 30 As The World Turns 1 00 Pais The ord 1 30 House Party 2 00 The Millionaire 7 30 Verdict Is Yowrt 3 00 Briffhter Day 3 is Secret Storm 3.30 Edge Of Niqhf TUESDAY 4 00 Civic Program KOIN-TV Ch. 6 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7 00 Co-leoe Of Th AT 7 30 Cartoon Time I 00 CaDte.n Kangaroo 00 Calendar 301 Love Lucy 10 00 Video ViHaae 10 JO Surprise Package 1) 00 Love Of Lite 1 1 : 30 Search For Tomorrow II 45 Guiding Light U 00 Mi Neighbor (Mon, through Thurs) ,.00 Hostess Hcve Frdav 13 30 As The World Turns 1 00 KOI N Kitchen KEZI-TV Ch 9 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY V 00 The Teen 11 30 Love Tht Bf 1? 00 Mid-Oay Riwri 12.13 Retrowect (Mon-WMri) Oregon Farm Journal (Tues-Thuri) 17 jo Make A Face 1 00 Day (n Court 1 30 Face of the Earth fMon, Wed & Frf) 1 30 Loca Government (Te-Thursi 5 no Number Pea i 7 34 Seven Kevs Radio Programs -Monday thru KRNR 1490 KC KNR. .Broedcestinti 94 hevrs. s-i days a weeu Monday through Saturday. CBS rows on me hour, Sunday mrpugh ?turdv I US teauret on the hf hour, 5o-vjy5t- Stroay. Frank. Goss. 7 30 a m PST, 5 45 KQEN 1240 KC MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 4 Oft-News Around the World ABC a 30 Local New 4 tv-Weather CaosuW 4 50 County Agent 7 00 Mem.ngwav ABC 7 is Local News 7 tO Pawl Harwov ABC KYES 950 KC I MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY tOAOCAST TlMI: vtaMUrt. ; 4 t m : iuYT. t & " ' HJ I MOtOr TMffOUOM TU0T: MM1-- n v. Mw-Vav ! E t fri. Nihti Unhl OR 2-4111 SAKE installed by factory trained texhnidani lube trade-in 35 4Aa sjAsIu 72) 3:30 Parents ask about Schools (Fit only) 3.30 Talk of The Town (Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday! 4:00 Americans at Work (Mon. only) 4:00 Public Service (Tues. Only) 4:00 Social Security (Wed, Only, 4:00 Navy Report (Thurs. only) 4:00 Pet Parade (Frl. only) 4:15 TV Topics (Mon. Only) 4:15 0 To Market (Wed. only) 4:15 Public Service (Fri. only) 4-30 Captain Shipwreck 5; 00 (Cartoon Kernival TUESDAY $ 30 Oukk Draw McGraw 4:00 Northwest News 4:1S-Muntley Brlnkky 4 30 Ripcord 7; 00 Teen Date THINKING ABOUT A NEW HOME? Or PLANNING REMODELING Sea JACK MATHIS lesifa 1 pianist wrmt mill! It OR 2-1651 tfltr I fu. oa utAt SMALL EXCAVATION JOBS CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT RENTALS Cimprttsflr . iKhftaanrr . Cmrttt Via mar CttlMOr Kitty irtauaatr Hnf-Virl Caacrttl Bucket SCIIIMllla - llMI lUCI 4-i$ Visit With City Police 4 30 Sky King 5 00 Uncle EMI Straw S 30 Quick Draw McGraw 00 Your T V Weatherman 4 05 Channel 5 B eport 4 15 Doug Edwards With the Nes 4 JO It is Written J 00 Fllntstones 7:30 Industry on Parade J tb Recreation State o Jefferton I 00 O'CK VanOvke Show I 30 OoO-e Gil lis e 00 Red Skeiton 30 icrtabod and Me 10:00 Garry Moore Show moo ABC Lata News 11:15 Naked City 1:30 House Party 2:00 The Millionaire 2 30 Verdict Is Yours 3:00 Brighter Day 3 IS Secret Storm 3 30 E doe Of Niqhf 4.00 People's Choice (M-V-P), Waterfront (Tu-Thursl 430 Cartoon Circu 5.00 Rocky And His Friend 3. 15 Man From Cochle IM-W-F). Broken Arrow (Tue-Tnursi 5'45 Newscene 4:15 Doug Edwards TUESDAY 4 35 Kingdom of tn See 7.00 inf of Dtamood 3 00 Oueen For A Day 3 JO Open Mouse 4 00 American Bandtand TUESDAY t W Teen Beat 4 00 Evening Report 4 IJhews Nn 4 10 Border Fatral 7 00 Brotners Brannagan 7 30 61.0s Bunny 00 Bachelor Father 30 Calvin and Tne Colonel f oo Tho New Breed 10 00 Wesmmghouse Special pm.. PST, Monoev throuon Saturday. Lowell Thoman 5pm, PST, Monday fnough dv. Siwts Time 4 10 p m. Monday through Fr-sir, 1 SS pm. Saturday. MONDAY THROUQH PftlDAY U fi Ati My Shew 1 4 05 Bo JCtnson 'now 55-Stork Wane Report 30-Ci.H Engte ABC I 30 Local New I jo Weafner Caosu'e f 00 fit Cuo ABC 10 TO Eennrt II 00 Morning News ABC 11 )iTi0 Tfrt AUC 11 jo Ns For Woman 17 00 M'd Day Nes 1) w Market Report J5 mif-v1 PJ tt hour; C orrrrr ,ty Ctjn- I OHJrt, WtJ., TNj'I fcu''" T)tSaejf , fl' M 4i f- - Dt Nivr ' p m. , H-HaHMft TMvtaf, 1)0 0 m. flClrlL MOGaVAMt- ftuy --". 11 W I H.-FI CvS 1 m We I IWMv t , H-y , Tt . Tnvt , lr ; Cow"- j how Cr-l-tm ftc"c Hm. t m.; D ff. 7 ii. Wor . Art. Tm,ri., F'i.. vot-ity. 11 m; VtVorMj t0 Vow Wtn. II JO 5"-' 9 Pax P(jn'i-3. '? W, IVav. I (t ; K.vrn Hour, 1 m ; -xvjoaxj Jan. . Fr, ; Vu--l V 1 t m , J fF ; Mr. Wuttf. ) p m,t f aiand Vy , Twi , Trr., tf T "m ', 12 , v-al Movr, 4 9 m. Root Denies Wheat Talks With China PORTLAND (AP) Floyd Root, president of Western Wheat Asso ciates, laid Monday he was not approached about aale of wheat to Red China while he was in Hong Kong Oct. 29. Root made the statement in response to a report by the Chi cago Daily News' Manila corres pondent that Red China had sounded out the U S. government and Western and Midwestern pro ducers about possible wheat trans actions. Root said that to his knowledge, no member of a team of U.S. growers talked officially to any Red Chinese spokesmen in Hong Kong. Richard Baum, Portland, execu tive secretary of Western Wheat Associates, said the team dis cussed trade possibilities, "but under the present conditions, such action would be in violation of the 1961 Farm Act, which prohibits the sale of farm products receiv ing U.S. price support to commu nist countries." Tokyo Pays Tribute To Envoy's Father TOKYO (AP) Dr. Augustus Karl Reischauer, father of U.S. Ambassador Edwin O. Reischa uer, was made an honorary citi zen of Tokyo today, the 29th for eigner to receive the honor. Tokyo Governor Ryotaro Aru ma honored Dr. Rerschauer, 81, for his contribution to Japanese education during a 35 year stay in Japan that began in 1905. Dr. Reischauer is making his first visit to Japan in 20 years. Now retired, he liv a in Belmont, Mass. THANKSGIVING EVE DANCE Wed., Nov. 22 9 to 1 at- LINDY'S Music by Charlie Parrel and the Medicine Valley Boys 7:30 T ho Defenders 1:30 Alfred Hitchcock :00 Oicfc Powell 10:00 Csin'f 100 11:00 Report 11:1 J Jock Pr WEDNESDAY 5:30 Yogi Bear 4:00 Northweet Nowt Huntlov Brink ley o:30 Recreation Stat of JtHirson 445 Vern Reynold! Show 7:00 Success Story 7:30 Wagon Train 130 King of Diamonds 9:00 Parry Como 10: 00 Newherl ft BC 10:30 Brink ley's Journal 11:00 Report II: IS Jock Pear ROSEBURC RADIO and TELEVISION - VVMkdsyt t-S Saturday 145S W. Harvard ' OR 3-3002 Frat Etftfnats-AM Work Guar. ADD THIS SALESMAN Collins 0a 0er 12,000 Heme. TO YOuK STAFF For Information, D al OR 2-3321, Ext. 44 WEDNESDAY 4:00 Higher Education l You 4:30 Uncle Bill Show J: 30 Yogi Bear 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4 05 Channel $ Reports 4 15 Dow Edwarde With Tho News 4 30 RCMP 7:00 Leave It To Bmvt 7 30 Alvin and tne Chipmunks t 00 My Three Sons 430 Checkmate 30 Rifleman 10:00 Variety 11:00 ABC Late News 11:15 Stage Five 7 30 Marshal Dillon 4:00 Dick VanDyke thow 30 Dobl Gillis 00 Red Skelfon :30 Ichabod and Ma 10:00 Garry Moore ShOW 11:00 NiQhtsceno 11 :3w Theater WEONESDAY 4 30 Whiplasn 7 00 T.ghtrooe 7 30 Th Aivm Show I 00 Father Knows Beit 30 Checkmate 30 Mrs. G. Goes To Coilegs 10 00 Theefer 11:00 NohiKent 11 :30-T heater 11:00 ABC N-vS 11:15 News Nnt Final WEDNESDAY S 30 Teea Ranoers 4 00 Evening Report 4 is Nes Nino 4 30 Lock-Up 7 00 Assignment Underwater 7 30 Steve Anon 30 Top Cat 00 Hawaiian tye 10 00 Naked City 11 OO ABC News 11:15 News Nine Ptr-el Friday I 15 Sutherlm Hour 10 Monty Smm Snow II 00 CBS B'ock 13 10 Vonfe Smith Snow 4 10 Jonnson Show 7 00 CBS Bock 7 15 N ght Watch 13 00 Ail Ntgnt Snow 1 00 Local New 3 oo m Ceeon rVeen 4 00 Hemingway ABC 4 30 Area: D r.er ABC 4 5-Soeeking Of So"' ABC 5 OG Paul Hary-ABC 5 30 News ABC 4 00 Ed Morgan ABC 4 15 Local News t OC Tiquen 17 00 Sgn Ott Supreme Court Says States May Relieve Women From Jury Duty WASHINGTON' (AP) The: Lanza conferred with his broth-1 tribunal denied 1 healing to I'.S. Supreme Court, with a bow er. Joseph, after the latter was Salvatore Agron. a Puerto Rican to women who feel their place is put in the prison on a charge ufiboy facing execution in New York in the home, ruled unanimously i violation of parole. Joseph laterifur the slaving of two 16 vear-old Monday that states may relieveiwas restored to parole and the: women of jui-y duty unle they volunteer to serve. I in the The decision was Riven case of Mrs. Gwendolyn Hoyt.l sentenced in Florida in 19 to 30 years imprisonment for kill ins her husband with a baseball bat. In an appeal to the high tribun al, Mrs. lioyt's lawyers argued ' she wan unconstitutionally de-1 prived of equal protection of the ; law because the jury that tried1 her was all-male. Florida law I says: "The name of no female shall be taken for jury service unless said person has registered with the clerk of the court her desire to be placed on the jury list." Justice Harlan, delivering the decision which turned down Mr Hoyt's appeal, said there ha. been an "enlightened emancipa tion" of women over the years. But .till, he .aid, woman is con sidered to be the center of home and family life. "We cannot say," he continued, "that it is constitutionally im permissible for a state, acting in pursut of the general welfare, to conclude that a woman should be relieved from the civic duty of jury service unless she herself de termines that such service is con sistent with her own special re sponsibilities." Florida is not alon in this po sition, said Harlan. He related that of 47 states where women are eligible for jury service, 17 1 Tne commission'. Broadcast in addition to Florida, plus the;Bureau sked the commission re District of Columbia, give women! cenly 'or the inclusion of the an absolute exemntinn character question. The bureau Today's decision does not mean that all women who volunteer must be taken for jury service. The decision simply upheld the Florida law which says no wom an shall be taken unless she reg ister, her desire to be put on the jury list. In another action, the high court agreed to review a case in volving use of an ' electronic eavesdropping device concealed in a prison room used for con ferences between prisoners, their lawyer, and friends. The appeal was filed by Harry Lanza, who was sentenced to a year in jail for refusing to testi fy about conversations he had in the room in the Eastview prison Westchester County, N.Y. Schrunk Proposes Portland 'Square' PORTLAND (API A proposal that the city of Portland try to acquire the downtown Pioneer Post Office site for possible devel opment of an open area like Union Square in San Francisco wa made Monday by Mayor Terry scnnin. He recommended that Ihe City council instruct the Planning Commission to review the site and the old postal building that occu pies it. He suggested that the 86-year-old building be torn down. "It i entirely possible that a development comparable to Knion Square should be developed." Ihe mayor said, "with underground parking and a ground-level park with plantings, flower, fountain and benches, and possibly a band stand." Schrunk suggested, too. (hat any underground parking project he designed also a a community fall out shelter and application be made to the federal government for fund. The mayor also said (hat if it is found economical to restore the building, it might be converted into a pioneer museum. The General Services Adminis tration ha been asked to declare the property surplus, and Schrunk said there ha been indication that it might soon take such action. Coroner's Inquest Set In Death Of Salemite SALEM (AP) Dist. Atty. Hat tie Kremcn said Monday she would call a coroner', inquest into the death of Mr.. Evelyn Babcock last Friday. Mrs. Babcock, 29. wa found dead of two gunshot wound, at her home. Police said it appeared that the woman wa shot when a loaded revolver fell from a shelf. Police believe the woman fired two bul let into the ceiling in an attempt to summon aid and then shot her self through the heart after scrawling a note to her husband. aryhaaVi tal erxut HSaaa HOMIS rkt REYNOLDS MAC ISTATI hat ter Ml. Cell OR 2-1411 w a ai eahce, 10 S. I. Ceaa. It! parole action was investigated bv the Joint Legislative Committee on 'Government Operations. The committee immunity from Harry I.arua. but he refused answer 19 questions. Amonu other act.ons. the. hiKlv Financial Statements Presented In Channel 3 Application Case WASHINGTON (AP) State-1 ments designed to show the appli-1 cant for a Channel J television station in Salein, Ore., is finan cially qualified to build and oper ate it were placed in evidence Mon day at a Federal Communications Commission hearing. The applicant is Willamette Land Television Inc., Salem, of which W. Gordon Allen is presi dent, director and sole slock- holder. Meanwhile, a decision still wa awaited from Uie commission on whether it will order expansion of the hearing to consider whether Allen ha the "necessary charac ter qualification for a license." A decision on this question may come soon but one attorney in the case speculated it might be de- i lavpd unl'l January or later. I "ls0 sked tot hearing be held in Salem. Allen's counsel opposed any en largement of the issues. brief hearing today before FCC Examiner Charles J. Fred erick, attorneys for the applicant company submitted statements showing Allen has cash and loans available exceeding $107,881, and that estimated cost of construction of the station and operation for the first three month, would be $80,000. Stanford Professor Urges Social Security PORTLAND (AP) The federal government should extend social securit rypovisions to include sev erance pay for unemployed work ers in field, where re-employment orospects are unfavorable, a Stan ford University economic, profes sor .uggested Saturday. The professor, Melvin W. Reder, spoke to the concluding session of a Reed College conference on labor-management relations, one of five social science conference. being held this year in observance of the college s 50th anniversary. Reder said the payment, could be based on age and past earning. AEC Stays Silent On Hanford Plant OLYMPIA. Wash. (AP) The Atomic Energy Commission ha declined comment, pending fur ther study, on a proposal by the state of Washington to build a $95 million electric power plant at the Hanford Atomic Works. Earl Coe, state director of con servation, said Monday tie wrote to AEC Chairman Glenn Seaborg asking the latter', view, on prob lem, in connection with the proj ect. Seaborg replied that the propos al would have to be thoroughly evaluated before the commission could respond. "The Atomic Energy Commis sion is undertaking immediately the necessary analysis," Seaborg said. The power plant would utilize byproduct steam from a nuclear power reactor being built at Han ford. A federal proposal for the proj ect failed to get through Congress in the last session. Daniel L Goldy, deputy director of the Area Redevelopment Administra tion, said in Seattle Monday that Congress will be asked again during the forthcoming session to approve the project. Indonesia Gets Rice Under Peace Food Plan JAKARTA, Indonesia fAP) The United State, has provided Indonesia with an additional 50 000 ton. of nee under the U.S "Food for Peace" program. Indonesia will pay $13 4 million in rupiah for the rice. The I'nited State will return more than S10 million for Indonesian economic development. Since 13.V4 Indonesia ha bought $186 8 million worth of L'.S. agri cultural surpluses. Of the rupiahs paid, nearly $131 million worth have been returned for economic development. ROSE ROOM Count Down "9" boys at a darkened playground on the West Side of Manhattan, Agron, both in Mayague, 1'uer- to Hi co. .tabbed the two boy. to voted to grant; death and almost fatally stabbed prosecution tola third on the early morning of to I Aug. 30. 19..9. Hi counsel aaid he " u,a " uepanmeni is con Uaa then one day sot hi. 17ih: tl.nu'?g 10 ,ake "r! dlf!m,e birthday. Samuel Miller. Washington at torney for the anultcant. offered I in evidence a bank statement showing that on Nov. 3 Allen and Mrs. Allen had $17,881 on deposit in the Lebanon Branch of the First i individually they are only a frag National Bank of Oregon. ment of the earth's story in that The bank, he said, also ha. indi- vicinity. H is the combination of cated it would be willing to lend Allen $40,000 on notes receivable held by him from the .ale last summer of radio stations in Leba - non and Salem to Glenn Stadler. Miller also submitted a letter from the Swiss Bank Corp. of Zurich stating Allen has on de posit with the bank an amount in excess of $50,000. Frederick set Dec. 18 for a brief session to the letter attorneys. receive notoriiation of i 115 euucauonai ara aesmeiic vai as reauested bv FCC ue" ,n" related form, of outdoor The financial statements also showed a contingent liability of $13,500. Miller explained to re porter, that Allen and John Tru han, owner, of KBAM at Long view, Wash., sold that station to Paul Wick re in 1958. Wickre. he said, alleged fraud in the sale and obtained a $23,000 judgment against Allen and Tru han. The case still is in litigation. FCC counsel, he said, had sug gested that in event Allen eventu ally would have to pay the entire judgment, the contingent liability shown in the financial statements should reflect any such possibility. Miller told the examiner be had no objection to this. Extension 'of workers. He said the govern- ment also should encourage un ion, to push for better severance pay provisions in their contracts. Reder said union, have many real virtues, but that promoting economic growth i. not one of them. ' He .aid many provision, in un ion contracts which limit output; such as make-work and feather- bedding, are well-known. But unions are not necessarily a cause of inflation, he said. Un ion leader, may try to hold down 1 wages and price increase., he said, but to keep this up very long would make for political instability within the union. Unions are sometimes blamed for causing an inflation which they merely anticipate or even follow, "he .aid. Mazamas Group Hears Bjerke PORTLAND (AP) -Fifty n.em-' bers of the Mazamas, mountain climbing organization, got survival lessons recently from Odd Bierke. ! Spokane, a Norwegian-born out-of-! door expert who wa. a com mando in Ihe last war. Among the lessons: Porcupine., possum, and squirrel, can be trapped and they, along with dog and cau when one i. faced with starvation make good survival fare. I get mad when people sav they'd rather die than eat cat or dog." Bjerke said. "Hunger is a funny thing. People change their mind after a week or two of going without food." The lesson were given in For est Park where food was gathered from the woods. It included dan delions, plantain, mushroom., fir needle, (for teal, fir bark, snow berries and elderberries. The drama, trie taemor, ttie profress of the greet land we eve ia told by matter ttoryteker NEISON (XMSTEO A radio presentetioai of PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY mow. wed. rm. KYES KRNR 12:30 pm 5:15 pm stories of Pacific I'onrrliiiiil luet., Nov. 21, 1961 The Newt Review, Roieburg, Ore. 5' Interior Department To Continue To Back Dunes National Seashore Jam? A. Mount, chairman of bordering forest, the ancient dune Ihe Committee lor the Oreuon and other lands essential to the Dune, has been informed hy Sen. project ire in private ownership. Neuberiter's olliee that the De- I ( Mrs. Neuhrruer) believe that the partmenl of the Interior "will con- most practical wa to pull toseth- linue to recommend the establish - " ... '' """" Mvm The committee was hishly grat-1 ?'"na . 5"'',Pr "s . en"rL ter (roin the otlne of the Secre tary o( Interior further stated: "The National l'ark Service of this Department identified the Or egon Duties area in a l'J.'9 report on the recreation survey of the Pacific coast as one of the most important relatively unspoiled sea shores in the Nation. "There is usually a combination of values that ei ves an are its tip i nificance. In the case of the Ore- I gon Dunes, while the dunes are in ; themselves the spectacular feature, 1 the beach and its related bird- I me and marine ute. the dune, with ! forest, streams, ponds, wildlife and 1 u,e ancient forest-covered dunes b lyond the lake, that constitutes unit of national significance. Your bill would authorize the ac- quisition of the essential private lands in this area and it. protec tion, preservation and manage ment a a segment of nature for recreation. 'Since the fresh-water lake, the IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS Movie Showtim TtxMar, Nav. II, ml INDIAN THEATRE Doom hot f Curt. In at 1:00. "Sons and Lovart" tor aaulu only at t.I. Starlitk DRIVE-IN Raopani Tlwaday mgnt WMnatday. Na. a, mi INDIAN THEATRE Doon apan a 43. Com plata ilwai f:Q0-:ls. "Tha Camancharoa" 7.2S-t:4S S1ARLITE ORIVE-m Raapani Tlturaday ntgni coming THURSDAY THE ROCKET SHIP THAT CHALLENGED OUTER SPACE I ACTUJUir. FILMED IN SPACE! DAVID McLEAM-CHARLES BRONSON JAMES GREGORY MARY TYIER MOORE PLUS co-Hir flOWIM KEEL 9 TIM IttMIIF IMNTf ANDERSON CARL MOtUMAM -THE PLACE mm H I III PANAVISION'I lllll TECHNICOLOrT I HU Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day MENU Served 12 Noon to 9 P.M. Soup Salad Palivh Dish Veaeiobla Mathed Potatoes & Gray Home Mode Hot Biscuits, Jam & Money ENTREES: Golden Brown Roost Turkey With dreuinQ and Of" cranberry uuct aJ Southern Baked Ham With iweet po'oioa. 1 A A ond truit toucf Fried Chicken 2.2S Homemade Mtnce or Pumpkin Pie Coltee or Tn CHILD'S PLATE fA Including Milk Vv FOR RESERVATIONS CALL OR 2-4622 PIANO ROLL j er the several elements of this po tential national seashore is througii a legislative approach such as von propose, involving the purchase ol the conservatior and manage ment unit designed tn preserve this outstanding area for public enjoy, nient." Tonight Sandra Dec and John Gavin in "Tammy Tell Me True" With the delightful music of America', beloved Percy Faith! In Color plus Selected Short Subject. TONITE! Opn 7:30 CURTAIN at 8:00 o. m. law hen era sons& 2a lovers 5 Adult. 18 or over $1.25 starts Wednesday FOR ONE WEEK Opan 6:45 Shears 7:00-9:1 S It's the BIG Story of the BIG Land T,,vN and a WAN! mm - HE VAYHE IS 20. CWKmcOtZ --f- tSOLOl e. m wa COLOR a Mtwaut TO DINE on CV af ft'-i. ' UV Visa COiNU 40 N. W. GerdM VaHav '. Acme fnm Va' Heap. Iitrmce