Mon., Not. 20, 1941 The Newi-Review, Roseburg, Or. 3 IT'S BYRD'S MARKET FOR LOW COST FOODS TO MAKE A FESTIVE MEAL LOW COST WE WILL NOT BE KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD! IF YOU FIND A LOWER SHELF PRICE ANYWHERE, PLEASE TELL US AND WE'LL MEET COMPETITION! 1 DAIRY FOODS Philadelphia Cream Cheese .. ... 'p 39c Kraft Cheese Spreads tS. 499c Mellow Cheddar Creese 'fo&.fX 59c Creamery Butter G,X'Z : 65c 49c Chips For DipsVvU 59c Whipping Cream ES".. BAKING NEEDS Ur.l... M.. N crop IUIIIUI IIICUIJ 8-c PICKLES-RELISHES l-oz. pkg. Nestle's Morsels '.X.. 59c 39c Vodera Gem sue So. I tall tin . .. CtuMaJ nit.,-, Stor Brand JIUIIGU VI ecu wiica Marshmallow Creme 29c Pillsbury Flour 25 ltJ.87 Kraft Ready Dips Swiftn'ing All purpose 3 lb. Shortening con 69c Ripe Olives Stuffed ( Banquet Cucumber Chips N2tx.o, Sweet Nubbins 'tV. 19c 39c 5-oz. jar Pickles? 59c 39c Seedless Raisins MfLaa 69c Black & Gold No. 2 1' 2 can ... 33c p;n!63c Buttermilk 22c Pie Crust Sticks TX pack 38c Cookie Sheets A"r'r;cZc. 88c Black & Gold No. 2! 2 can .... 43c 43c 43c PARTY FOODS Popcorn Buddy Buy bag 57c Olympic Beerrit, 99c Tobasco Sauce RZt' 39c Worchestershire Sauce Vo 39c rL. for tv mk vncciiu limn Haf gal. 49c your sizt cKoic . Mince Meat i0 39c Spiced Apricots Spiced Pears Spiced Peaches 43c Spiced Crab Apples B'2 43c lOVl-OZ. pkg. Of Wheat, small . . 499c . 499c 33c . 75c Manischewitz Wines I 1,39 rL.w f...l. Rice. Corn vncA vcicui Pretzel Sticks Nabisco .............. rll U: Wide selection VUIIU I1IIIC full filth . FRESH MADE DONUTS Watch thom being mod 3 doz. 1.00 FOR ADDITIONAL SAVINGS WE GIVE AND REDEEM U-SAVE STAMPS PHEASANT PUMPKIN 229 AA LARGE EGGS ess 21.05 WHITE SATIN SUGAR -89 INSTANT POTATOES tgs 31.00 HUNTS FRUIT COCKTAIL . 5991 JACK-0-LANTERN YAMS 499 OVEN QUEEN FRESH FROZEN 1 ZEE PAPER NAPKINS Assorted Colors PKG. of 80 10 BYRD'S WILL BE CLOSED Thanksgiving DAY Open Wed. 'Til 9 P.M CRISP LARCE STALKS IB SERVICES AT BYRD'S - CHECK CASHING . . . BANK MONEY ORDERS Regular Packages Asst. CEL 3k Product Price Jl Good Thru T Wednetdov Snappy crisp, tender, long stalks for stuffing, for tur key dressing. sear -w 9 s r a if Ttiti-ixvr IU. 111 II XVVV'IVJ! big salad lb. Xl 1 . 33c BUNCH CiiDCDOD r.DADCC f" yUf FRESH PINEAPPLE YAMS or SWEETS RED LETTUCE orROMAINElO' BOILING ONIONS 19' r Trv these haled . j ' or candied VQ,( 5 cd cc Li d r rrrr i yo-n9, tend.. stalks tasty . , bun 19' JELL0 M. J. B. Reg. Grind Only 41b. can lb. tin .. 59c 2 lb. tin ..1.17 6 ox. instant 79c COFFEE TABLE TESTED FROZEN Peas ..Corn HUDSON HOUSE SALE CREAM CORN TOMATOES GREEN PEAS YOUR CHOICE No. 303 can FRESH NUTS Holiday selection Walnuts, almond, mixed nuts with no peanuts, filberts. brazil nuts or fresh roasted peanuts lb GROCERY PRICES GOOD THRU. SAT, NOV. 25 nirc rILO I Apple, Cherry, berry, peach, pump- n Kin or mince. l. .1 mi 1 rni in v I rill.3DUrl I It A II L l1IVb f I U4I1L I'HALJ ion of regular cak mixei, 12 99V 4aiT ; Jfcw- .aCMh 1 QQ Qsr liJJ 78m MEDOLAND 1 W ire fDCAM o IVL UiLMI'l If I I 1 1 f four choice of flavors. Demonstro I W INUu tion Tuesday and Wednesday. r,: 03 J half irin II lb GALLON I r2 Whole KERNEL CORN ' BO?Vt J CUT GREEN BEANS AHNT APPLESAUCE J S 51.00M 11 . 677c H M JW JSST m r - I Jodau Joniorroiu Monday, Nov. 10 Knights of Pyttiios, Pylhiat Hall Wmifoo Oillord Kiwonit Club, 6:30 p.m. Contract Bride Ltiuiu, brgin npis, home of Alls. Alorni Bow-kt-r. 7 30 p.m. Oboditnco Trials sponsored b rm,xiua Kennel tluh, Pavilion on fairgrounds 7:30 p.m. Junior Duplicate Bridge Club 7:30 p.m., players requested to bo present by 7:20 p.m. to set up ta bles and boards. Buckoroot, workshop, at the bars 8-10 p.m. Alpha Zeta Thota Rho Girls Club No. 30, 10OF Hall, 7 p.m. W niton City Council, City Hall. Douglas Camera Club, 880 SB Jackson, social, 7:30 p.m. Roteburg City Planning Commis lion, 7:309:30 p.m. Emblem Club, Elks Club, ft p.m. Douglas Chapter of the Oregon Pilot's Association, courthouse au ditorium. 8 p.m. Douglas County Chapter of the Oregon Council of th Blind, home of Kilery Jones, 1:30 p m. Hammond Organ Society, at Grave's Music Store. 7:30 p.m. University of Oregon Mother's Club, home of Mrs. Kichard Cren shaw, 203 V. Bowden, dessert l.M p.m. Harry Jacoby speaker. NuDolta executive hoard meet ing, home of Mrs. Arthur Lamka, 1664 W. Ann, 7 p.m. All chairmen requested to attend. Youth Temperance Meet, l.reen Community Church, 7 p.m. Organ izational meeting. Tuesday, Nov. 12 Resaburg Kiwanls Club, Umpqua Hotel Civic room, noon. Glide Kiwanis Cluo, 7:30 p.m. Associated Vclunteers card party. VA Hospital recreation building nusic room, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. alcoholics Anonymous, bite me:U of Pacitic Building, I p.m.. or information. Roseburg Duplicate Bridge Club, Umpqua Hotel, 7:15 p.m. This is an open club and all bridge play ers are welcome. Anyone desiring a partner call OR 3 4566. Boots and Calico beginners square dance lessons, Winstoa Community Hall 810 p.m. for in formation write t'U box lot or cau OK 3-3436. Sutherlin Girls Drill team prac tice, 5 p.m., East Grade School olaveround. new members wel come, write Box 262, Kt Suthcrun lor information call OK 3 bb& Roseburg Duplicate Bridge Club at Umpqua Hotel, 7.15 p.m.. open to all players of Douglas County, anyone desiring a partner for the play is asked to call OR 3-4566. Army Reserve, 1814 vY. Harvard, 8-10 p.m. Lookingglass Home Extension Unit home of Mrs. Ron Meyer, 10 a.m. Project, "inserting sleeve gus sets." Miscellaneous bazaar sale benefit scholarship fund. Hucrest Garden Club home or Airs. V. W. Schuetze, 1590 NW Calk ins Road. Umpqua Rsbokah Lodge, 8 p.m. at hall. Election of officers. Daughters of Union Veterans, potluck dinner at Oliver Plumer borne for members and guests. Little River Heme Extension Unit, at Mrs. Guy Shari's home. Lesson, "Making Sleeve Gussets." Dog Obedience training classes. Highwcy 99S across from Kelley's Korners. Molrose Grange, Grange Hall, 8 p.m. Umpqua Post If, American I.e ?ion and Auxiliary, at Veteran's Memorial Hall, 8 p.m. Job's Dsughters, Bethel 8, Ma sonic Hall. 7.30 p.m. Intermediate bridge lessons, 7:30 p.m., home of Mrs, Morris Bow ker. South Umpque Archers shoot. Riddle Warehouse. 7 p.m. Slo Kart Cart Club, 7:30 p m , Pacific Chainsaw. Everyone wel come. Woodmen Circle Workbasket, 7:30 p.m. Garden department or Roseburg Woman's Club, clubhouse, 10 a.m. Roseburg Art Associetion, Rainbow Garden Club. Field trip. Missionary Society of Melrose Community Church, business meet uis. 10 a.m. Oregon League of Seniors, Can yonville IOOF Hall. 2 p.m. Dillard-Winston Methodist WSt'S general meeting at church. Pol luck, 12:30 p.m. FAIR EXCHANGI TULSA, Okla. f AP) President of the Exchangette Club here is i Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. Puhlicity chairman is Mrs. George Washington. 1 ffM? BEWARE or WIUTIOHS too FOR THf HAPPY umi ooo TOPS IN QUALITY! LOW IN PRICE