The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, November 15, 1961, Page 8, Image 8

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One thing Is certain In this un
predictable world and that ii the
SANTA'S WORKSHOP will be featured ot the onnuol Episcopal holiday bazaar plonned
for Thursday ord Friday, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, ot Itie parish hall on SE Cass Avenue, to
which the public is invited. Pictured above ore Mrs. Horry Jocoby, over-all chairmon of
the affair; Mrs. Floyd Warner, decorations chairmon, and Mrs. Jomes H. Horris, president
of ttie Women of St. George's Episcopal Church. Not present for the picture were Mrs.
Robert H. O'Neil, co-chairman to Mrs. Jocoby, and Mrs. Robert D. Spongier, co-chairman
to Mrs. Warner. (Picture by Chris' Studio of Photography).
Farewell Dinner Honors
Days Creek's Glenn Iszler
Mr. and Mr. Harry T. Martin
and family of Days Creek were
hosts in their home for a farewell
dinner for Glenn Iszler. who has
since gone to Kansas City, Miss.,
to attend the Weaver Airline Per
sonnel Training School.
The potluck dinner was held In
the Martin yard with one long
table which was set with many
delicious foods. A beautiful rake
with the inscription "God Bless
You, Glenn" was served with ire
cream by the hosts after the din
ner. Games were played and visit
ing was enjoyed by all.
Glenn has taken a general corre
spondence course during the sum
mer, to prepare for this training
school, after receiving his diplo
ma from the Days Creek High
School for 1961. The training school
will give a four-week practical
course after which he will be eligi
ble to work for an airline company.
Glenn is the son of Mr. and Mr.
Ted Iszler of Days Creek.
Those attending the dinner to
wish Glenn well were: Mr. and
Surprise Affair
To Honor Mrs.
Mrs. Ed Dwigfct was pleasantly
surprised Friday afternoon when
she was honored at a pink and blue
shower at the home oi Mrs. Doug
las Croy on Lockwood Road in
Tenmile. co-nosiesses wnn Mrs.
Croy were Mrs. Ralph Dwight,
Mrs. Gary Newlim, Mrs. Bill cen
ters and Mrs. Richard Caster.
The table was centered with a
'ink stork under which wss a
eautiful cake decorated with pink
roses and a stork carrying a bas
ket with his bill. The cake had
been baked and decorated by Mrs.
Sill Centers. Mrs. Dwight opened
and displayed her many lovely
gift. Delicious refreshment were
aerved by the hostesses.
Enjoying the affair were the
truest of honor Mrs. Dwight and
Mrs. Leila Raines ot Roseburg,
Dixonville Young People
Enjoy Halloween Revels
A large group of young married
folk from the Church of Christ
held a Halloween party at the
George James home on the South
Deer Creek road recently. Hostess
es were Mrs. W. T. Dawson and
Mrs. Lloyd Bradley of Roseburg.
Guests came in costume.
Decorations in the family room
were carried out in the Hallow
een theme, with shocks of corn in
the corners of the room and large
lighted pumpkins placed about the
room. Lovely refreshments were
served at a late hour.
Young people of the Pine Grove
Church held a Halloween party at
the church recently. The church
Sunday School
Enjoy Party On
The Tenmile Community Church
sponsored a Halloween party Tues
day at the Ladies clubhouse in
Tenmile for the Sunday school chil
dren. Appropriate games were
played. Cookies and cider were
served and each child was given
a hag of treats to take home. The
Halloween motif waa used in dec
oration. Present to enjoy the party were:
Mra. Warren Lockwood, Carol, Di
ane and Michael; Frankie Lamp
man, Chiquita Sherman, Gretrhen
and Susan Good, Mr, and Mrs.
Ralph Dwight, Mark, Gail, and
Steven: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dwight.
Gregory and Lori; Mr. and Mrs
Bill Centers and Cheryl; Mr. and
Mrs. Preston Fun, June, John,
Paul and Kathy; Mr. and Mrs.
Milford Dowdy, LeAnn, Timmy,
D.lic.ous D
m m mr mtm m. m ah.
fsyajr rp
Mrs. James Lortie and Kalhv and
Mike: Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson
and Carl and Ricky: Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Matthews and grandsons
Marty and Gary Knighten; Mr. and
Mrs. Winston Smith and hhawn;
the Rev. Alice May Woolley; Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Quinn and Esther;
Mr. and Mrs. Is?lrr and Sandra
and Randy; Mrs. Lois DeWals and
sons, Jerre and Don; Guy A. Mont
Mr. and Mrs. Art VanLeeuwen
and daughters, Nanci, Sandra and
Heidi; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ho-
vey and daughters, Harriet, Helen
and Doris; Mr. and Mrs. Durnin
Swingle? and Diane and Lyneve;
Mra. Ralph Martin and Kay;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin and
Msrilyn, Linda, Colleen, Tim and
Becky; and the host and hostess
and Jerry and Karen.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Krell and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cm me were
unable to attend but contributed to
to gift which was presented to
the bonoree.
Ed Dwight
Mrs. Jack Hill o! Camas Valley,
Mrs. Norman Lee of Winston, Mrs
Tony Anderson, Jim and Don;
Mrs. Mable Newlun, Mrs. Glen
Good, Mrs. Don Gilbert, Mrs. Wil
liam Stoffal and Judy; Mrs. Al
fred Centers. Mrs. Ormond Daw
son, Mra. R. D. Lockwood, Mrs.
William Norton and Linda; Mrs.
Don Lakey. Mrs. Roy Cornell and
Timmy, Mrs. William Cook, Mrs.
Conrad Lakey and Dwain; Mr.
J. A. Melius, Mrs. Lloyd Thomas,
Mrs. Ted .Benedict and Ava Ma
rie; Mrs. Wayne Breitenbucher,
Mrs. Walter Coasts and the host
esses. Mrs. Douglas Croy and Dee
na; Mrs. Gary Newlun, Jeff and
Terry; Mrs. Richard Caster. Mrs.
Bill Centers and Mrs. Ralph
Dwight and Steven.
was gaily decorated with cats and
witches and goblins and ghosts.
Interesting games were played.
Young folk came in costume and
prizes were given for the best
and doughnuts were served.
Miss Carol James was hostess
at a Halloween party at ber home
on the South Deer Creek Road
Friday evening. A large group of
young people attended, dressed in
Decorations were carried out in
the Halloween motif, with large
jack o lanterns placed about the
rooms. Delicious refreshments
I were served.
Lot-en, and Joe; Dean Campbell,
Mrs, Gary Newlun, Uremia, Ricky
and Jeffrey; Mrs. Don Lakey, Mr.
and Mrs. Conrad Lakey and Dwain
Mr. and Mrs. Don H arson, Jer
ry and uonnie; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Lynch. Gavle. Marv. Don-
nie and Dannie; Mr. and Mrs. Neal
Smith and Roland Lee: Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Gaster, Betty and
rerry; Air. arm Mrs. i.eorge Butts,
Carmen and David; Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Croy, Deana and Connie.
I f If I E C
GLENN ISZLER, above, was honored at a farewell dinner
given ct the home of Mr. ond Mrs. Harry T. Mortin and
family of Days Creek, prior to his leaving for Kansas City,
Mo., to ottend the Weaver Airline Personnel Training
School. '
Calapooia Club Is Scene
On Party For P.
The Paul Hansen family, whose
ranch home east of Sutherlin, was
completely destroyed by fire re
cently, were honored at a delight
ful "Home ' shower Thursday eve
ning at the Calapooia Women's
Club near Umpqua.
A potluck dinner was aerved at
Large bowls of bright fall flow
ers formed the table centerpiece.
Many beautiful gifts were present
ed to the honorees following the
Those en loving the party were
Air. and Mrs. Paul Hansen and
family; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mon
elt. David, Sandra and Susan; Mr.
and Mrs. lion ferguson; Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Bsrnett and family; Air.
Charming Shower Party
Given At Ashbaugh Home
Mrs. Jack M. Johnson and her
small daughter, Rella Renee,
were the inspiration for a charm
ing shower party given by Airs.
Earl Ashbaugh at the Ashbaugh
home in Days Creek.
Games wero played and prizes
won by Mrs. Dorothy Low man,
Mrs. Don Moore and Mrs. James
Lortie, after which the guest of
honor opened her many gilts,
with the asistanre of Mrs. Vaugl.n
The shower cake, beautifully
Coloradans Are Honored
At Lovely Dinner Party
Mr. and Mrs. Delton Allen enter
tained at a dinner at their home
in Hayhumt Valley honoring Mr.
and Mrs. Clark Ridpalh ot Yuma,
Those enjoying the dinner were
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ridpath; Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Wilson and family
(mm Myrtle Creek; Mr. and
Mrs. Don Wilson and family of
Winston; Mr. and Mrs. leo Wil
son and familr of Aloha; Mr. and
Mrs. Rav Wilson. Mrs. Roberta
Turpin and family; Mrs. Darlene
Cox and son; Mike Baldwin, Mrs.
Merle Ijne and Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Lane, all of Yoncalla.
Degree Conferred Friday
At Douglas Court Meeting
Douglas Court 1, Order of Am
aranth, met Fridar night at the
Masonic Temple. Mrs. Inca High,
myal matron, was assisted by
James Dohbin, myal patron.
Mrs, Henry Halvorsen, grand
representative to Maine, was given
The degree of Order of Amar
anth was conferred on Lillian O.
Jones and Helen and W arren Barth.
The court and dining room were
decorated with fail flowers.
Refreshments committee mem
bers were Mrs. Leon Hughes and
Mis. Robert Hansen.
annual Christmas bazaar to be held
at St. George's Parish Hall by the
Women of St. George' Episcopal
Church. The theme of this year's
event to which the public ii invit
ed is "Santa'i Workshop."
Mrs. Harry Jacoby and Mrs. R
H. O'Neil are general chairmen
for the affair. Mrs. O'Neil and
Mrs. Laura Haughn are planning
the morning coffees and noon
luncheons. Menus for the latter
will be announced soon. The hall
will be decorated by Mrs. Floyd
Warner and Mrs. Robert D. bpan
gler and their committee.
This year Mrs. Mike Gibbons is
in charge of the neighborhood
guilds, each to be represented at
the bazaar with a booth displaying
articles for sale. Lest there be con
fusion due to the professional ap
pearance of these items, let it be
said that 'hey are all handmade by
the members of the nine guilds
who have been at busy as Santa's
proverbial elves for weeks and
The sale 'of delicacies and trifles
will take place Thursday and Fri
day. Nov. 30 and Dec. 1st. More
details will be announced.
and Mrs. Lester Richardson and
houseguest, Mrs. Chloe Wheeler of
Compton, Calif.; Air. and Mrs.
Howard Burdette, Mr. and Mrs.
Fay Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. Oren
Gildersleeve, Leo, Dies, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
George Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
r.illnn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Crouch and family; and Mrs. Ar
chie Moore, Mrs. Antonia Hansen,
Mrs. James Nichols, Mr. and Mrs.
L. R. Orumpaugh and family:
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Sprague and
family; Yvonne Murdork, Donna
Boyter. Mr. and Mrs. William Ben
nett, Mrs. Harold Cole. Mrs. Leon
Millott. Mrs. Guy Cole and Mr.
and Mrs. James Stearns.
made and decorated by Mrs. Mil
ton Long, had on it the inscription
"With Love to Rella Renee." with
rosebuds and roses. Mary Dunlap
assisted the hostess in serving this
rake and coffee to Mrs. Lowman.
Mrs. Wade Worthington. Mrs. Par
ry Kline, Mrs. Vernon Lamm, Mrs.
I.ortie. Mrs. Art Vanleuwen, Miss
Kay Prickett, Mrs. Bennetl, Mrs.
Winston Smith. Mrs. Bill Lewellen,
Mrs. Stanley Girt, Mrs. Moore.
Mrs. Joe Rackerby. Mrs. Lylc
Jones and Mrs. Johnson.
Ladies sending sifts but unsble
'o attend were: Mrs. I.eRoy Ben
son, Mrs. Howard I.illigren. Mrs.
G A. Brown. Mrs. Claud Howard,
Mrs. Edward Shanks. Mrs. Flor
ence Brady and Carol.
Garden Valley Miss Has
Party On Sixth Birthday
Mrs. Jack Dentnn nf Hanlaii V.I.
lev waa hnstMa Tiiriaw f k.-,t.
day party honoring her daughter.
fiajy on ner sisui oinnaay. i,ames
were played in the multipurpose
room with prizes going to every
Invited were Gretrhen rtratk
Michele Madson, Tern Bashford,
Debbie Murpney. Patty Phillips,
Jule Harmon. Terri Butler. Tern
nentoo, iieonie Stritzke. Elaine
Hushes. Pattv Jnh R..bu u-.l
hams and Becky Robinson. I
The teachers. Mrs. Rapp and
Mrs. Emerv. mmeH thu gnum in
birthday refreshments.
Garrets Complimented
At Going-Away Dinner
Air mnA lr i(l.,l...
entertained Mrs. Helen Breeder.
Mr anH tra UimM Turn, ki -
and Mrs. Bob lGat and Mr. and
Mrs. r.arl barren at a dinner par
TtlA HMtlfifWI In knu. "I
Mr. and Mrs Garrett, who left
Koseburg recently to make their
noma la Lai Vegas, Nev.
v y J I
8 The News-Review, Roseburg,
Moose Members' Children
Enjoy Gala Evening Party
A Halloween party was held at
the Moose Lodge for all children
of Moose members and their in
vited guests. Games were organ
ized for the smaller children, and
a dance for teenagers. Refresh
ments of gaily deocorated cup
cakes and punch were served.
Children attending were: Louise
Griffin, Jarkie Mathis, Maria
Ramsdale, Pam Neves, Dwight
Codu, Bruce Coder, Vicky Cader,
Marsha Stritzke, Sharon Hansen,
Sharyn Devitt, Connie Rackleff,
Brad Rackleff, Jackie Hansen, Ter
ry Hansen, Scott Kytola, Susan Ky
tola, Allana Kytola, Danny Math
ingly, Ernest Hernandez, David
Arrant, Mickie Langsen, Lee
Ramsdale, Ronnie Ramsdale. Ter
esa Stone, Arlene Cankle, Dwight
Cankle, Kevin Stone.
Dallas Famworth. Dan Farn
worth. Rose Ella Woocon. Bruce
Benson, Bobby Benson, Leslie Ma
gar, Doug Magar, Joe Irene Mc
Cuen. Bill Mclntire, Harold Peak
er, Bud Cox, Ronda Hagg, Ladona
Hagg, Wade Hagg, Karen Lundy,
Steve Lundy, Dorothy Lundy, Bob
by Buchhalz. Vickie Buchhalz,
Marylin Brock, Arthur Brock, Al
vin Brock, Ronda Schick, Ronnie
Anderson, Diane Barmore, Nita
Barmore, Walker Barmore, Gene
Henrickson, Debra Stableford.
Marty Denny. Terry Vatland,
John Baerste, Mel Valland, Kathy
Denny, Melvin Stafford, Danny
Stafford. Raben Reed. Richard
Reed, Brendi Reed. Allen Reed.
Eva La Mar. Laura Reed, Linda
Smith, Carenne Smith, Natalie
Delightful Wedding Shower
Compliments Miss Turnbull
A bridal shower .at the South;
Deer Creek Grange hall Friday
honored Miss Jean Turnbull, bride
elect of Pat Beckley.
The gift table was covered with
a rose-beige satin cloth, decorated
with a large white double wedding
ring arrangement accented with
pink and white dahlias.
Lovely corsages, made by Mrs.
Dale Owen, were presented to the
guest of honor, to her mother, Mrs.
Harry Turnbull, and to the bride-groom-elect's
mother, Mrs. Lynn
Highlighting entertainment for
the evening was a musical version
of "This is Your Life, Jean Turn
bull." Appropriate songs were
played by Mrs. Greg Wadsworth.
After sifts were opened, refresh
ments were served buffet style
from a table covered with an ecru
lace cloth and an arrangement of
pink and white dahlias and pink
candles to match the color scheme
chosen by the bride for her wed
ding. Mrs. Dale Owen and Mrs. J. T.
Wade Jr. served coffee and punch.
Hostesses were Mrs. Eva Wade,
Mrs. Howard Hatfield and Mrs.
Dale Hatfield.
Invited to honor Miss Turnbull
were Mrs. Curtis Barker. Mrs. Eu-
Party Is Given
By Junior Women
A get-acquainted party for new
members was held recently at
the VFW Hall by the Roseburg
Junior Woman's Club. Decorations
were in the autumn motif. .
After a short welcome by the
president, Mrs. George Stroop, :
games were conducted by the pro-
gram chairman. Mrs. Larry Han-!
Ion. and her co-chairman, Mrs.
Austin Welt. Prizes went to the
winners. j
After a delightful evening, deli
cious refreshments were served by
Mrs. Thomas Smith and Mrs.
Charles Thomss to members and
to the following guests: Sylivia
Lowery, Sylvia Kaufman, Barbara
Rivers, Maxine Bowne. Marilyn
Converse. Joanne Harmon, Bar
bara Edwards, Karen Boyles and
Georgia McClannahan. j
Night' Slated
Tail Eta Eta met Wednesday
evening at the home of Mrs. Bill
Phillips. Plans were made to make
and sell Christmas items. Mrs.
Roy Woodall was appointed sales
"Newcomers Night" is the theme
for the next social to be held at
the Earnest Peel residence at 191
NE Lombarriy Drive Nov. IS. New
comers to the Roseburg area are
to be invited especially to get ac
quainted with members and other
At the conclusion of the session,
refreshments were served to mem
bers. Mrs. John Elliott. Mrs. Jess
(Walker, Mm. Esrl Munion. Mrs.
Rov Woodall. Mrs. Earnest Peel.
'Mrs. Ted Vrettas, Mrs. Wayne
Wheeler, Mrs. Rill House and the
hostess, Mrs. Phillips.
Frances V. Alexander
Fsmtsrly atsscietii with
Interior Designer
Color Consultant
Drapery Decorator
Commercial It
Custom Interiors
OR 3-4441
Ore. Wed., Nov. IS, 1961
Koop, Dorey Koop. Eobhy Elliott
Mike Syner, Carolyn Yearn.
Jerry Kreiger, Diana demons
Mary Rose, Margaret Moelber, At
fred Vaiman. Mike Perry, Pat Vei
boncoeur, Rosa Harding, Ralph
Stout, Judy Kelley, Dumpy Col
lier, Sherry Lemon, Tim Roberts,
Leo Dressier, Carol Collier, Gary
Cox, lonnie Bakke, Joyce Staf
ford, Bruce Pfleiger, Linda Coder,
Ken Cooper.
Stanley Stritzke. Barbara Rams-
dell. Tommy Sanders, Betty Len
ninger. Eugene Surkamor, Kathy
Scheirmeister, Larry Boeiste, Doni
Ross, Mike Fromdahl, Larry
Fromdahl, Marlene Deross, Pat
UeKoss, Lloydene Cole, Shirty
Sitsler, Don Briggs. Kathy Walker.
Diana Walker, Norma Cham-
bliss, Shirley Jensen. Carol Pull
man, Glenda Pullman, Mary Reed,
hniriey Scrape, Debbie Collier,
Eddie Spencer, Florence Hutson,
Cheryl Dunham, Terry Logasz,
Mike Perry.
Linda Davis, Jim Koch. Donna
DeBolt. John Lawrentz. John Wi-
mer. Grant Worden. Bob Furrvs
John Olmsted, Don Brows, Leslie
rancn, uoug onggs jr., Linda
Owens, Mike Snyder. Donna
Brown, Bill Stephens, Ralph Sal
lee. LeRoy Clarke.
Connie Clarke, Ella Worden, Bob
Thomas, Albert Gallmeyer, Stan
Stritzke, Evalene Stewart, Mary
Famworth. Mary Daun Epperly,
Steve Garrett, Barbara Handy,
Alan Grauf, Norma Pritchette, Lin
da Coder, Mike Warford, Sandy
Mclntire, Brenda Bailey, Marlene
! Wooton and Carol Surkamer,
gene Boise, Mrs. Lynn Beckley,
Mrs. Joe Brumbach, Mm. Vance
Cox, Mrs. Robert Franks. M r s.
Robert Findlay, Mrs. Floyd Haas,
Mrs. Dale Owen, Mrs. Harold Mc
Cormack. Mrs. Wendell Rockwell
and Juanita. Mrs. Phil Strader,
Mrs. Frank Strader, Mrs. Maurice
Weber Sr., Mrs. James Wads
worth, Mrs. Jack Wade, Mrs. Greg
Mrs. Ted Rockwell. Mrs. Clyde
Kester, Mrs. Roger Sanders, Joyce
Hatfield. Jean Hatfield. Mrs. Neil
Hart, Mrs. Maurice Weber Jr.,
Mrs. George Bryan, Mrs. W. A.
Pearce, Mrs. Helen Carrico, Mrs.
Thelma Tester, Mrs. Pearl Dietsch,
Mrs. Edward Karcher, Mrs. Clif
ford Broadwater, Mrs. Sam Haas,
Mrs. Dean Wadsworth, Mrs. Leroy
Kinyon, Mrs. Ernest Weber, Mrs.
E. J. Melton, Mrs. Walden Hat
field, Mrs. Robert Hall and Mrs.
Ray Puckett.
... and You'll Agree-It's . . .
Roseburg's Newest and Finest
627 S. E. Stephens
Lynn Riley
Pat Fromdahl
Gwn Robinson
We Will Remain Open As Late As Necessary
To Serve Our Clientele '
Park FREE at Adair's
or Serv-Ur-Self Lot
"1 "
CELEBRATING their ninth birthdays ot the Lortie home
in Days Creek were Gem Marie Moore, left, daughter of
Mr. ond Mrs. Bill Moore, ond Kathy Jean Lortie, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James Lortie, oil of Days Creek. Gomes
were played, refreshments were served and gifts were pre
sented to Gem and Kothy from Valerie and Denee Kline,
Julie. Jackie ond Larry Duncan, Penny Lewellen, Susan
Benson, Donello Schneider, Ronda Crume, Timmy Sue
Moore,' Joyce, Ellen and Paul Harvey, Phillis Barber ond
Mike Lortie.
Local Women
To Woodmen
Bea Cornilsen, Viola White, Al
ice Christensen. Alma Walker and
Ann Strong, all of the Woodmen
Circle Umpqua Grove 51 in Wins
ton, were elected to offices during
the Western District 3 Convention
held in Eugene. Saturday. They
were duly installed as first vice
president, attendant, assistant at
tendant, musician and captain.
Daisy Godfrey of Sutherlin was
installed as chaplain. Zelda Puck
ett was installing officer.
Registration was at 10 a.m. in
the Eugene Garden Club, where a
luncheon was served at noon by
the hostess Grove 29.
Cornish of the Winston grove
During the convention Viola
White served as second vice presi
dent; Ruby Tucker, chaplain, and
Alma Walker, musician. Ann
Strong captained the district team
which included Agnes Veach. Jes
sie Thomas, Phebe McGuire, Besse
Cornish, Sarah Cyrus and Alice
At the 6:30 p.m. formal banquet
Mrs. McGuire was toastmistress.
The evening meeting, starting at 8;ery Club was entertained Wednes
p.m., consisted of seating of dis-jday afternoon at the charming
tinguished guests and presentation
of the C. S. Flag. A special drill
presented by the Winston Umpqua
Squaws was followed by junior
graduation, the installation cere
mony and the presentation of
Several local members remained
in Eugene for the night returning
to their homes on Sunday after
attending a breakfast held at the Miss Shirley Russell, a guest,
home of Mr. and Mrs D. L. War- assisted Mrs. Decker as she serv
ren. the former past state piesi-'ed delicious refreshments.
OR 2
Are Elected
District Posts
dent. During the breakfast a meet
ing was held to discuss plans for
the state convention to be held in
Portland in 1963. The meeting was
presided over by Zelda K. Puckett.
national committeewoman and
state manager, and state presi
dent, Effie Boland, both of Port
land. Plans were discussed for the
state to sponsor some project at
the Woodmen Circle Home in Sher
man. Texas, where a room was
completely furnished by members
the past year in honor of the Ore
gon state manager, Mrs. Puckett.
The site designated for the coming
state convention will be the Ben-
- Hote. in Portland in May of
Local state officers are Alma
Walker, musician: Jessie Thomas,
first vice president: Viola White,
attendant, and Phebe McGuire,
past president.
Sewing Club Has
Afternoon Party
The Roseburg Art and Embroid-
I home of Mrs. tan Decker, rollow-
ing the business session, the aft
ernoon was spent socially.
Those present were Mrs. H. P.
Conn, Mrs, Edward Deal, Mrs.
Jess Bowman, Mrs. Lyle Hibbard,
Mrs. Martha Erskine, Mrs. Wil
Bjm Bailey, Mrs. Henry Snyder,
Lis. George Cluck, Mrs. Walter
i Russell and Mrs. M. W. Schneider.
In the
Umpqua Valley
Across from
Hansen Motors
Open at 8:00 A.M.
Monday thru Saturday
For Appointment Phone
- 4561