Azalea Grange Elects New Slale Of Officers FARM FOREST FACTS TflUfl-l BY BOB BRADLEY , llrfl COUtm tXTtHSlOH rotate By MRS. GERALD B. FOX The Azslrs Grange elected offi cer it iti monthly business meet ing. Officeri were named ai follows: Mrs. Blaine Johnson, master; George Mewman, overseer: Mrs. William Chupp. lecturer; William Chupp, steward; Lewis Brady, as aistant steward: Mrs. Margaret Hill, chaplain; Don Brady, treas urer; Mrs. Don Brady, secretary; Joe BillingUea, gatekeeper; Mrs. l oeta Rife, Ceres: Mrs. Joe Bil lingslea. Pomona; Mrs. Lawrence Mullarkey, Flora; Mrs. Lewis Brady, lady assistant steward; Mrs. George Newman, home eco nomics chairman: Mrs. Loeta Rife HE assistant chairman: and Law rence Mullarkey, Ben Phelps, and Howard Lhiavaris, executive com mittee. After the meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bilhngslea, and Mr. and Mrs. William Chupp served refresh ments. Visit In tlmira Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pinkley and his mother, Mrs. Lelah Snyder of Now! At Last! A Hearing Aid Worn All IN Your Ear! Tbia amazing device may be the answer for your deeineu. Tb.uaands are using this revolutionary development called Golden Ear. Golden JCar ie so small and ineon apieooaa that it can be won all im the ear. No Cords! j No Tubes! I No Wires! I fw OAMflvtt) rfnofff)trtJtifi I wirWeiirt tmt r MigatiM Ciw in f call. Horn mppoint Mnt in Dotif lot County. LEE CAMPBELL HEARING AID SPECIALIST 53 S. I. Jackie Far Aeeeintment DIAL OR 1-7137 Glendale. drove to Elmira. to vis it with Mrs. Snyder's brother-in- law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. F. M Snyder, and family. The William Bare family of Glen dale visited with the Robert Nich ols family of Rochester, Wash., on I recent weekend. Mrs. Paul Diggins of Springfield has arrived to visit with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wright, and children in Glen dale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright of j Glendale visited recently with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Billings, and family of Springfield. Mrs. Juaniti Clare and her daughter, Nancy, of Glendale spent ! a recent weekend at their vacation 1 home in Bandon. Help With Harvest Mrs. August Moschkau. Mrs. Ed Sutch. Mrs. J. Ward. Mrs. Earl Low den and Mrs. Sam Dowdy, all of Glendale, spent several days re cently, helping to harvest walnuts in the Canyonville area. Recent weekend visitors at the August Moschkau home near Glen dale were her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schul thess, and family. Another guest was John Simons. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Marriott, who have been living in Glendale for the past five months, have return ed to their home in Sacramento, Calif. They will spend the winter in Fresno, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Krone of Washington spent one night re cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whiting Martin of Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brady of Glendale were hosts recently to her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. Macauley of Eugene. Several members of the Glen dale chapter of the Eastern Star attended the recent Friendship Club of the OES meeting in Grants Pass. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Place, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brooks, Mrs. Herb Webber, Mrs. Fred Wright, Mrs. Ed Bailey of Sunny Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Edson, Mrs. John Sether, Mrs. Pete Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Henry La Prath, and Mrs. Dean Smith. Mon., Nov. 13, 1961 The Newi-Review, Roieburg, Or. 5 For the tree planter, seeing sur vival results in the field is prob ably the most conclusive evidence of whether a certain method of planting is good or not good. This is why we are holding a meeting on tree planting on Saturday, Nov. 18, on the Ross Myers' tree farm, Suicide Creek. It will be a chance for you to observe, at first hand, how well the paper sheet mulch method works on true firs on various slopes. It will also give you an opportunity to compare the results of this method on grand, white, no ble and Shasta firs with results on Douglas-fir. In addition, we will have a chance to see how well the trees on the Douglas-fir plantation (ob served last year) have done dur ing their second growing season, I when summer temperatures far ex- eeeaea previuus years. Last of all, we will have second year and some third-year survival figures at this meeting on the orig inal paper sheet mulch planluig which was part of an experiment employing nine different methods. This original planting was done on the Adam lluessner ranch on North Myrtle Creek and gave us our first inclination as to the effective ness of paper sheet mulch. The information which will be made available to you on Nov. 18, should be both interesting and help ful to you in deciding how to plant certain areas. You Christmas tree growers should be especially inter ested in the true firs. We will meet at 9:45 a.m. at the Tenmile Store and then go direct ly to the paper sheet mulch plots. The meeting will be over by noon. Be prepared for wet weather and bring your friends along. Camas Valley Couple Home After Three-Week Trip PAY OWN PICEON BILL MOBILE, Ala. (AP) The city of Mobile disclaims responsibility for pigeon damage. The City Commission rejected a $2 hospital claim for emergency room treatment for a man hit on the head by a flying pigeon at Bienville Square in downtown Mobile. By MRS. WILLIAM BANKS Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pryor have returned to their home in Camas Valley following a three-week so journ visiting relatives in Laredo, Mo., and Spokane, Wash. While in Missouri they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pryor and children. Friends were hosts in Spokane. The Pryors report very good weather on their trip across the country, missing the storms both en route and returning home. Parents Visited CpL Ken Kirkendall and family have spent the past few days visit ing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirkendall in Camas Valley. Kirkendall is sta tioned at Twenty-Nine Palms Ma rine Corps Base in California. Mrs. Eli Thrush has returned to her home on Wildcat Rd., follow ing several days spent visiting at the home of former valley resi dents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pitts, in Springfield. Great-grandchild Bern Mrs. William Busch received word of the birth of her first geat grandchild. born Oct 17, in Long Beach. Calif.. -to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson. The baby, a boy, has been named Michael Sean. His mother is the former Denyce Ryan, granddaughter of Mrs. Busch, and a frequent visitor of the valley area. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Plicket have purchased the Ruben Weikum home and will move in the near future. NOT REALLY NEW KITCHENER, Ont. (AP) Dr. Wolfgang Sporrel, a professor of anesthesia, told a meeting of the Kitchener Waterloo Academy of Medicine that mouth-to-mouth re suscitation is not new. He said it was described by two Danish physicians in 1796 and also is mentioned m the Bible. Single Handle faucets I For New Homes t Old HARRIS PLUMBING ft HEATING 1301 S. I. Stephens OR 3-1171 rnrri An Electric Blanket v'ith every electric clothes dryer purchased rrvLLi from a Calf Ore fecnco league dealer before December 10. is a woman with BEHIND EVERY WELL-DRESSED MAN IT AN ELECTRIC ") U CLOTHES DRYER jj Electric clothes dryers, those marvelous sunshine-mokers, mean free dom from weather worries end back-breaking work for every home maker who owns one ... Clothes dryers olso mean time - extra time to devote to more rewarding pursuits, like for instance giving that extra bit of ottention to Dad's clothes. V.Tiy waste time dragging heavy wet clothes to o clothesline -fccnging 'em up -taking 'em down? Put them in your clothes dryer end flick a switch! Why spend hours ironing, when Just a touch with the iron will do for most things when they're dried electrically? Those extra minutes of drudgery you save in every bu;y day rrcas freedom ta do the nice things for your family! Dealers Ihted below have late model clothes dryers and free electric blankets waiting for you! Bergh's Appliance Scrvict Roseburg Umpqua Valley Appliance Roieburg Carter Tire Co. Roieburg Weirern Auto Associated Store Roseburg Horn's Appliance Roseburg ... k.. r. -ryj t ,l r rr Goodwin i Appli. & TV Sutherlin Montgomery Ward fir Co. Roseburg - , ,. ' Western Auto Supply Sutherlin Phil's Appliance Roseburg Quality Furnisher, Roseburg Kelly Furniture Myrtle Creek South Stephens Hdw. fir Appli. Roseburg Myrtle Creek Bldg. Supply Myrtle Creek Trowbridge Electric Roseburg Western Auto Myrtle Creek EVERYDAY ' it ccidenH: Flour CFF ,1 Our v Extra (fJt A Low Cash Prices Savings s? 10 lb. Bog CHASE & SANBORN Reg. or Drip Mb. Tin Inst. Coffffee Chose & Sanborn 6-oz. Hunt's Potatoes-1' IFiryDt Cocktail Hunt's N.. 300 Tins f ec Mark's Fresh Lean GR. BEEF Won't cook away! 3iF NECK BONES lb. 12 EXTRA FANCY, FIRM, RIPE BANANAS 2 W IHloirinnief s Chili 29 Macaroni & Cheesed 252,9 fflasW PoMoes ,h,24 CARNATION INSTANT n7irsTTr7ri 14-Qt. Pkg. See bar far New Diet Plan Idea PARKAY Margarine 1 -lb. Pkgs. 'Mm n ROYAL Gelatin Ass'r Flavors nit BAKER'S Choc. Chips 6-oz; Pkgs. 135' McCormick Tea Bags 48-Count pkg 55c Kraft Froth Caramels 14-or. cello bag 2 (or SureChamp Meol Ticks Dog Food js-ib. b.g 2.29 Kleenex Table Napkins While 50-count 4 for 1 Kleenex Facial Mark's Restaurant MARK'S BAKERY W. Harvard W- Harvard FINE FOOD THE FRESHEST Umi tm Nli. ft Baked Goods In Town! MARK'S COFFEE SHOP - S0UTHGATE Enjoy fin fooel mnd mocka prpmrd umior tfc wownwfnt mi Lwci Harris. CMplt Mrvic. Op dairy t m.m. 7 p.m. Qo4 Sutteivyt. TiSSlie Ass't colors, 400-ct. 4 for 89 Feminine Nopkini Feins pkg. of 12 2 89c If We Don't Have It, Ask Us! It It Isn't Right, Bring It Back! FLASH!! SAVE ALL YOUR CASH REGISTER SLIPS FROM ALL 3 MARK'S STORES Spend Your Dollar 3 Times Many eicitiaf rhift iM keaea. et Mark's naw n4 CMrtmas. H't Itk. . run I. a.y! Watch 1 J MARK'S 2525-2529 W. Harvard MARK'S No. 2 Southgote All grocery pricee good now thru Wtd., Nov. IS or Mark's W. Harvard end Mark's No. 2, Southgate. Wo roservo tho right to limit quantifies. No tale to dealers. II