The Ilore You Tell-The Quicker You Sell! Want Ads Do The Job-Dial OR 2-3321 Real Estate 34 BR, 2 file bethi. room, all elect, kitchen, double gr- mf. city tecil.tiet, $14,300. OR evet. Spacious Suburban J Bedroom and Dn. t Baths. Patio and Carport, plus new 3 Room and Mm Guest HouM. Fruit, Rote. Camellia, Cardan. HO ISO let. Realty nke. SM.JOO or eachenge tor Kugond home. ROSEBURG REALTY & INS. UMPQUA HOTEL OR t-3344 Evonlnos Call Jim Doyle, OR M1U Bo Horn. OR 3-4740 $500 DOWN SHADES OF YESTERYEAR! Win ter bat done it again. Only $500 down payment and just $50 per month and immediate possession of a clean neat 2 bedroom oil heated home with a total price of rnly S407S. The sewer is in and paid for. No special assessments. $10.00 SOME PEOPLE collect antique furnishings. Winter collects antique prices. Like this low low price of less than $10 per sq. ft. for a bug low sparkling newly painted 3 bed room home surrounded by a wov en board fence and lawn. 1420 sq. ft. of home presents a 40 ft. front to a 180 ft. street frontage. Brick planter boxes with blooming flow ers and shrubs surround the !me. Can you imagine a kitchen 14X14 ft. with a pantry. W W caroeUng surrounds the fireplace. This is home at the antique price of only $13,900. This will easily F.H.A. or pay approximately $3200 down and the balance including all costs at $93 per month. Call Winter A Most Trusted Name In Real Estate LIST WINTER REAL ESTATE 53$ W. Harvard Across from High School DIAL OR 3-7043 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: Auto court, cabins, trailer spaces, on I acres of land, for sale. 7 rentals in auto court, 5 separate cabins, 3-aot house and restaurant bldg. Income now over MOO monthly, with restau rant leased out. Owner anxious to sell equity for $3750, bal. payable 1750 every 4 mo. inc. Int. JO ACRES of land, with 4-room cabin, uo Cavitt Creek. Owner states some re-log timber and several hundred cord of cord wood timber. Full price S3M0. FIVE room houie on 1 acre In Glide Oregon. Absent owner sjys sftl (or $5J00. Only 47S down, then $45 mo. payment t. Why pay rent? SEVEN acres and 1 bedroom house en Little River. Good garden land. Includes Irrigation system tor $7900 with 12500 down, bal. at US per month. See this now as absent own ar will ask: mora In spring. Little River Realty Co. Joseph A. Withers, Broker Glide, Oregon Ph. GY 4-3344 BEST VALUES MAIN STREET . . . Attractive J bdrm home, leroe living room, pic ture window with view, large kitchen and dining combination, Sep. Utility, thermostat controlled heat, Land scaped lot, alley. ONLY $.i, terms. NEWTON CREEK . . . Desirable 1 bdrm home on largo landscaped cor ner lot. nke living room, dining room, ceremtC tiled bath, oak floors, Ml furnace, attach, garage, curbs, sewer, paved street. P.P. $10,500, financing arranged. HILLSIDE VIEW ... 3 Bedroom home, close tn, 2 baths, lots of cera mic tila, 2 attractive fireplaces, air cond. unit, w to w carpeting llv. room, all birch kit., din. room, fam ily room. Inside utility. Over 3.000 sq. ft. living space plus an. carport and wood storaoe room. Bargain at $14,300. Refinance. 17 ACRES . . . RIVER LOCATION. Close In, Roebvrg School Dill. Riv er bottom land with 10 A. Irrigation rights. Comfortable modern 3 Mrm. home, plus 1 bedroom house with at tached carport. Fruit and walnut trees. Good barn and other build effigs. Tractor and equipment. Full TPrte $33,000 wilh $10,000 down. Lee Jones Realty 433 W. Military Ave. (West of Oak St Bridge) I OR: 2-2511 t-ESLIS BIACK. Salesman OS v-Ml? Lots And Acreages 35 MAGNESS REAL ESTATE Cnoice Acreages 4 54 Acres Of rkn Garden Valley bottom ground. ut 3 miles out. Out e town owner has decided to tel. 4300. I Acres bottom ground bordering creee, located Ui miles from Myrtio Croon. UrOOO, If Acres tn Glide area, all flat f round, $7500. Easy farms. The above bare ocmo are all Choice with good buiWtng kites. 916 S. E. Washington Ave CORNER LOT for sale. Chinederry and Ramp ob LOT tor sae reewatj Lmneil Ave. Call after 4 pm. OR 3-333. Farms And Ranches 36 SEVEN ACRES o ood sand, gond bu-id-tng site. Creek, sod tn permanent pas ture. CH OR 3 H- Exchange Real Estate 38 FOR SALE OR TRAOf $4,000 eou'W in j bedroom modern home an Mrae ot m Santa Rosa. Ceiit. tor hime w.m tmaM arreeoe m Glide or Su'herim. Can Or 4 $371 or SutherlM 3344. Miscellaneous Rentals 39 PARKING SPACE, downtown $5 mo. OR Timber And Sawmills 40 , haul wNTeo nr la' model desel Jong tstggei-OR hUJ. Timber And Sawmills 40 RELIABLE hone logoff wanted. OS f-Ult W AN T E 0 Lam or imell tract of Fimtter. OR 3- JO I LOGS. fiOUt.H LUVBER AND TIMBER WANTED. Hutt Lumbr,OR MMS. OPERATOR available tor akidder, y ardor, toOor,dom. R.ley, Ply 30S3 .Mnprllr,. WANTED Douglas fir, ctdar togs and cordwood " muttipiei of II. wo load and Haul It piled along aceeuible road. Keller Lumber Co. OR MM1 Building Materials 41 USED Building materials. 1300 NE Stephens ore !!U M PC 0 CwH. Co. OR 3-3304. PLYWOOD BLOWS complete hoc. Sea us tor your best buys. Mt. Scott Mtaii Yard, Sumriin Phone W- SAVE $$$ - LARGE SUPPLY OF I" Cabinet Stock Available in: CHERRY MAHOGANY WALNUT BIRCH ASH KNOTTY PINE KNOTTY CEDAR Also Vi" Pre - Finished Wallpanels TO MATCH! WORE SAVINGS AT THE WAREHOUSE Pacific Forest Products Halfway Between Winston-Dillard Let Ward's Do It... Let us re-roof your home NOW with WARD'S ASPHALT SHINGLES. 15 Year Guarantee V Nothing Down 3 Years To Pay Call For FREE ESTIMATES Buy It Installed Montgomery Ward OR 2-4811 Fuel 43 PLANER ENDS 24" and wider J4" ton,. Casn on Delivery. OR ntw 4:30 p m "a. C FUELCO. Dry oak, 14" and U" also. 14" tir. OR J-7S0S. DRY OAK AND LAUREL OR 2-2779 DRY OAK WOOD Call OR 3-3404 OAK WOOD 16". $13 on firound Of 2I Ot- livared. OR Z-3W7. HARDWOOD FIREPLACE and HEATER". OR 3-4421 LARGE PEELER CORES DRY OR GREEN Sawdust Blower or Dump GUY & FRANCES GILL FUEL 2814 NE Douglas OR 2-15?4 WOOD Peeler Core & Hardwood Red Diamond Fuel Co. OR 3-5082 Wood-Sawdust PLANER ENDS Pond II Mm short butt cuts from old growth fir. Slab wood Dry oak and laurel wood Large Peeler core. All Dtlivtrle$ C O D. R0SEBURC LUMBER CO Ph. OS 8 8741 OR 3 5508 Auctions 44 Auctioneering Services FARU SALES ESTATES BUSINESS CLOSE-OUTS Buy Sell Trde Auction Mry Frl. .1 t P.M. Rosebure Auction CaL V. Mumon. ifrf and AucranM, OR 3-JCH Miscellaneous For Sale 45 75 Sections " d'vn ti-e, practically new, 10c ecn. OR J-J0l atter 4 p m. KELVINATOR 30" ercc.1. range, excellent cond. SAC OR 3-K17. AUTOMAT 1C CorviHlo Wanner, working cond , 525 OR 21 S. 53 MERCURY. &.! r over $45; male Ciihunue, S.S. OR 2-H7 " USED GUNS BougM.'so'd. Traded. Umpqua Gun S'ore " BUT'S Scn,rn ft, eye', $17 50 Ph, OR 3 3JJ0 C U R l NG AN O SVOK 1 N G. porli. beef and pou try. Winston LOCiars. OS -5133. MOViNG Daveno ad iwng roeer, 3 ere livma room se. 5 P fVome set, Kf'w.naj'w e ec' range, lo, win- , in-i ton eiex. gu tar ano amp AH n good t Cond. Call UM J.J341 Myrtle Creek. RFPCSSESSEO '! Duomt for balance ; NEvV 'J uc"w fast Priiico wth Universal -biankft $!, 5 21 INCM Oener! Ectric TV exceptionally, nice. l!y N1 S me ffne to get good ued dry- HORN'S APPLIANCE 434 SE Jackson OR I5'I Miscellaneous For Sale 45 ELECTROLUX VACUUM cleaner, Ilka new, Xy J.E. Newberry. OR I0 orOR JJ'- fi t CU. FT. COLDSPOT chetl type deep treeie. I Hi. OR Mf attar a p m. USED chain saws tor sale. WkHon Chetn Saw OS I-J44I llo McCULLOCH Chain saw. Used vary lit tle. OR 3-3133 after 4 PM. DOLL CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER Phono OR 317 GRAIN FED Hereford locker beef. OR 3-7731 SHIRLEY cabinet sink with fittings, S40. Call OR 3-457 R C.A radio-record player comb., table mod el. New fireplace screen. OR 3-7444. COLEMAN7oll heater7 S357wcd hMter, 123. OR 3-7304 MAN'S suit and sport lecketi, site 37 or 34.CellOR -t-37l7arer J 30, TOP SOIL from new location. The best you have ever seen no roots or weeds, R iphF i sner, W I n son.OS 4-44T3. KILNS FOR SALE, free lessons, gtaies. greenware. Next to Winston Lockera, TRE VA'S CERAMICS. OS 4-JI33. 40 GAL. GAS hot water heater US. 150 gal. Butane tank, $15. OR both tor $;. UN 3-334f, Myrtle Creek. APPLIANCES, household furniture, garden tools, work trailer, all In excellent cond. Can be seen by appointment. OR 3-773. 154 EDIT lONof AmericanPeople'sEncvclo pedia with year books $125. OR 3-3421. after 5 P.M. SACRED RECORDS. Word. RCA Victor and Christian Faith and Smgsptratlon, Buy at your" Bible Book Center," 413 SE Jackson. GOVERNMENT GRADED quality meats tor pest freezer satisfaction, custom cuffing, wrapping and quick freezing. WINSTON LOCKERS. OS 9-5133 SUNDAY ONLY English Laurel, 35c up; Heavenly Bamboo, 50c to $2; Mums in bloom, 35c to S3. Landscape plants. Brooks, OR 34113, Pixie Gardens. N. end Broad SI. AT COST and below PEERLESS space heater, 40,000 BTU, $145; H.P. Briggs f, St rat ton motor, SI 10; new and used tillers; light truck chains, $17 5; 1 used MoPed motor bike, $5. Winston Cham Saw, OS 9-541. TIRE SPECIAL 14 and 15 inch Recaps $8.83 Plus Tax and Retreadable Tire NEW MAJOR BRAND Take Off Tires 750 X 14 $15.00 Tax Included Use your credit at MONTGOMERY WARD 1401 NE Stephens OR 2-4811 Used Furniture Rainbow Trailer Sales Old Hwy. 99 N. Winchester OR 3-7272 BARGAINS MATCHING GE washer and dryer, lale model. .... $'7S la USED refrigerators to cnoose from, starting at $34 WESTINGMOUSE range, TOPS . S7S TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC m SE Oak Av. OR 3-SUI USED DRYERS BRAND new clothes dryer. (One only) S AOS ONE used dryer tor t 15.00 MIXED used dryers. Take your pick at only $ 35.00 G E. dryer. Like new S 75.00 KENMORE pair. Both only ... $150.00 ONE combination washer -dryer. $tf.'S For further savings our U-Haul price is better. SOUTH STEPHENS HARDWARE ond APPLIANCE 1212 SE Stephens, OR 2-3751 FREE TOY BONUS for CHRISTMAS at WARDS Drop in to the Toy Depart ment and find out how you can get Free Toys. Come in and pick your chil dren's toys from our large e Icction for all ages and all price ranges. Your credit is good of course at Montgomery Ward 1481 NE Stephens OR 2-4SU S 1 Down USED DRYERS USED WASHERS USED RANGES LOW as $25 GRAY'S Home Furnishings Of Roieburg Inc. 1315 NE Stephens St. OR 2 3611 GUESS WHO... ..w'llVV " . . . . ran tht wrong way. Miscellaneous For Sale 45 KELVINATOR rerrlg., metal shower cabinet with cement base. OS -57. GOOD USED FURNITURE, George Hensell, 1431 SE Cobb. OR 3-434. Miscellaneous Wanted 46 WANTED used furniture and misc. Rose burg Furniture. 243 SEJackson, OR3 5104. WANTED ANTIQUE coins, guns, china. glassware, lewelry, clocks. Priscllla't An tiques. 247 SE Jackson. OR 2-1421. SELL your Handcraft Hems, needlework. art. Superior used clothing and house wares. Trhift and Gift Sale. Consignment: Nov. 1317. SALE: Nov. 37-Oec. 2. COSTELLOE'S. Wm, I on. OS f-5495. Trade Miscellaneous 48 FACTORY MADE IV house trailer, $150. Also If 44 Mainliner aluminum Trailer. Needs rebuilding, $75. Or trade for ?? Sutnerlln 4345. Musical Instruments 50 WANTED Good used 120 bass accordion, small site. OR 2-1472. PIANO STORED FREE In my home. Will haul. OR 3-3700. MAN'S $340 IK bass accordion with caw. Priced lo sell at $m. Not ok). Call after S p.m. Sundays through Fridays. OR 2-1344. 1535 W. Myrtle. Sporting Goods 53 '54 12 HP Wiuard boat motor with tank. OR3-3407 12' PLYWOOD Boat. Runabout design. Suit able tor fishing. $200. Call OR Boats And Motors 55 IS' RUNABOUT, two 7i H.P. motors. $300. OR 3-5441 Food And Produce 57 MAYETTE WALNUTS. 30c lb. or 35c lb in lots of 35 lbs or more. OR3-$85S after 4. WALNUTand" Filbert drylng7 Bacon Ba con, Curry Estate. CLOSING OUT BARGAINS Open evenings and weekends. Hercher's Dillard Market. APPLES "Staymarirwinesap'sr Harry'Wei- toy, lower Garden Valley Road. APPLES -Ortley,DeliciousTwinesap, New- tons. Marsh Ranch, Lookingglesa. Bring containers. OR 34445. SPITZ, Rome Beauties. Ortleys, Delicioui, Jonathan apples. Jack V Lanterns, Bote pears. Walnuts. Hercher's Dillard Market. WALNUTS-AND F I LB ERT S New Crop, cleaned and dried. Harry Wesley, tower Garden VaUeyRd. WILL-DELIVER Mondays and Thursdays, any $5 order free. Have apples, walnuts, filberts, dned prunes, home made Cider, squash, other vegetables and produce. Phone OR 7-1431 HARVARD AVE. FRUIT STAND Seeds - Nursery Stock 59 EL WOOD Cypress, 3 to 4', $1.50 each; bo wood, 1 to 2', $1 each. 423 W. Ballf. OR 3-371. Eves and Sunday OR 3-4S4. Hay And Grain 61 CLOVER and oral! hay. Ph. 3747, Oakland GOODCLEAN BARLEY OR 2-22:4 GOOD CLEAN Fescue and rye. alto lotus hay. $35 at barn, $jo delivered in S ton rmore.OR 3-35. FOR SALE Eastern Oregon Alfalfa, any amount. Also In 5 ton lots. Wll take live stock or sheep tn trada. Ph, CReswell TW 5 Jit. LC.P. Pellet Mill Custom Pelleting Also in stock: Alfalfa and molasses pellet Alfalfa, 25 per cent barley, molasses Hog Pellets 15 per cent Hog Pellets 18 per cent Hog Supplement 43 per cent Dairy Feed 16 per cent YOUR MOST ECONOMICAL SUPPLY OF QUALITY FEEDS h. C. Pen-in, Oakland Ph. 2833 Livestock 63 WOOL RECEIVED DAILY. Nlchol's Store OS 107 WANTED - Cattle of alt kinds. UN 3-4S'T. or UN 3-3344 Myrtle Creek. W. A. BiCn. GENTLE riding horse and bridle. Musi sell this week. SUJ OR 3-ti. Shetland mare with co't at side and re-bred. L. Peris,OR 1-471S. FOUR year old mare and child's p well trained, very gentle. OS f-55f. GOOD Jersey cow; tf steer. DeHeen, Lone Rock Ro , bide. FOR SALE: One framed Border Collie and one sfarfed. Art Rychard, Yoncelle. Phono VI f-2470. SHEEPMEN ' Sr'ocnheprrdnpupt. from good working ptocA. DU Crr. Sutherlin. Pnone 32V2. SCHRtCKER 4 SON AUCTION Phone Sutherlin 31 Livestock a every Saturday at 12 :30 p m. Always g good active market tor alt lendt gf livestock. Ichrleker and Son, Owners Mgr. G. A. Brown, Wghmeiter Dr. Don Rone, veterinarian Pet. & Pet Supplies 67 ROBERTSON BOARDING KENNELS, CtS and dogs. ' j mi. NE of Diamond Lfre Blvd. on NE R-'te Rnje Rd-0 S'. i " OBEDIENCE TRAIN YOUR DOO Bo Kennen OR -0'J kiks r9 Pood Deief WMftE AND CREAM Toy Poodle ruppM C nemp'onshp otoofl'inev Mav pwoov C-o nd f.rtt Mrt Pegiration papers fw iwri gree turnHM $110. OS ' ar wr.t Bai in w .niton. , D - 9 D & C v rets & Pet Supplies 67 PEKINGESE, temei. Rtetonebie. LACK PODDLE pup. 1 mo. A K C. Ph. OR 3 MSi Old. Not MINIATURE hite poooie. male. Call after P M. OR 3-71S3 REGISTERED BOSTON Tf RRltR PUPPIE5 Can os -am AN"50RA PERSlATiitteni,"sJ0(ect to regTs. tratipn. One Chihuanua puppy. OR 3-aMJ. FRENCH POODLE PUPPIES. C!I wf" Creen. UN 3O0J OOUGT'AS COUNTY" HuwANESocietyAnT. mal Shatter. OR J 39C7. PUREBREO Lebreoor puppiei, 10 wis old. OS f S7 BEAUTIFUL 5 months" meTeC'howTfrom excellent btoodnnei akC reg. Cheap to right party. OR 3-W74. CHILDRENS pels, hunting or all around dog. Registered Norwegian E IV hound pup. OR 2-404. PCOCKER SPANIEL, female 4 GERMAN SHEPHERDS. 2 males. J fe males 1 GREAT DANE, female I COLLIES, 3 mos. 1 BEAGLE. J'i mos. I BEAGLE, female 2 V'l. 1 TERRIER, male 1 CHIHUAHUA, female 1 TERRIERS, females t PART TERRIER and Poodle, mala 1 PART Pekingese and Pomeranian t PART Pekingese and Cxker 1 PART Pug 1 COCKER and Toy Terrier, 3 mos. Pari Cocker and Terrier puppies Douglas County Human society OR 2-3907 Poultry And Rabbits 68 BROADBREASTED Turkeys oven ready. George A. Thomas OR 2-37 or OR 2-3995 120 NEW HAMP hens, 7 months old. $150 ea or si ea and take all. OR 3-4924. RABBIT FRYERS - Ready for your o. treeie. Free del. on Tuesday. OR 2 WANTED - Ltva poultry. Roseburg Poul try, us T-5400. no Sunday calls. ORDER HOLIDAY TURKEY now, farm fresh, oven ready. OR 3-4779. TURKEYS farm fresh, oven ready. HURRY order now tor Thanksgiving l Sander's rarm, uk j-'wz. WANTED 1 case a week fresh eggs. AA large and lumbo site Will pay market price. Deliver to Canyonville Market, Can- yon v me, or eg. Farm Equipment 70 MODEL L JOHN DEERE tractor with attch. $400. OR i-4174. JOHN DEERE model L tractor wilnplow! good condition. OR 14700. NEED LUMBER? FOR F RAMING and sheathing houses, barns and outbuildings.. 2 k 4 studs, 1' boards and 2" construction lumber. Avail able tn mow sues at wholesale prices. Umpqua Mfg. Co. I ml. S. on 99 BR OR 3-7411 NEW EQUIPMENT! EZEE Flow, Howard Rotavetor SoRvlC Blades end rotary clippers MARK II potthoie diggers LELV end cyclone broadcasters DOMESTIC water irrigation systems CORK. Iron rooting, teld fencing More good used equipment, too! RANCH EQUIPMENT SALES Days Creek. Ore. Closed Sun. JE 24413 Trucks For Sale 76 $150 tor my equity lit 141 Ford pickup. or trade, or 2-1325. '50 GMC pickup, 4 speed transmission, rea son Die. can ok z-auj. 3 FORD pickup, $70 OR 3-4512 '54 FORD pickup, low mileage, $7S. Or irada tor long box pickup. OR 3-aon. SELL or trade for light car '54 GMC pickup, long wheelbase. OR 3-3002. l5t FORD V ton pickup. Heavy duty, long wheel base, low mileage, tail 257 Suiher lin. FOR SALE Or will trade 151 Mack (eg truck and Page trader. In good condi tion for real estate property or what have you tor equal value. Call OR 34134. Mobile Homes 79 SELL or trade '50 10' Ireiler for house or furniture. OR 3-345. If COLUMBIA 32' house trailer, $250. or best offer. Sutherlin 42SS. '41 1' TRAILER house, perf. cond.. $1200, i trade lor cows. OR J-7493. . 157 2-Bdrm, t7it, awning and cooler. Take trade. OR -4X1. EQUITY IN '54 iV tenwide Columbia trailer. See at Dee Lite Trailer Court, K el ley's (Corner. FOR SALE OR TRADE for real estate 2 bdrm wV universal trailer house. OR 34257 atter 4 p.m. FULL LINE OF NEW AND USED Mobile Homes Travel Trailers Camp Traders PARTS AND ACCESSORIFS DEPT. for Trailer Maintenance Shady Point Trailer Sales 1 ml. S. Hwy BR OR 2-1431 C. H. BOH 101 S EARL SMITH TRAILER HOMES Co. Venus Hcnslce Rollaway Vacation Models by JEWEL. Complete Line Trailer Supplies inO NE Stephen! OR S-221 SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF QUALITY built Mobil homes ot surprisingly low prices RELIABLE TOWING DRIVE OUT TO Rainbow Trailer Sales OM Hwy 99 BR ot Winchester "LIVING" E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N By Great Lakes At J Gr J Trailer Soles 4J1 NE Garden Valley Blvd. See It Now 5i Mobile Home With 12' z 18' Living Room Angeles Airstream .Troveleie Automotive Wanted 80 carspIckVp WANTED Your best ca'.h Price! Before you sell see: ATEN AND PHILLIPS 1323 SE Stephens OR 2-3421 ! a iir , i oa'SoK, Nov. 11, 1961 Tht Automotive Wanted 80, Used Cars Pickups Wanted Cash or trade for equity. Johnson and Thiele 1358 SK Stephens, OR 3 6391 Autos For Sale 81 '55 PONT I AC, 4 door sta. wgn. Power steer ing and brakes. R4H. Might trade. Ph. OR 2-71 atter 5 FOR-SALE190CHE VROL ET Coupe. New pamt, new uphotttery, tS2 Chev. engine 3 carbs. cam, chopped flywheel. Gl anced, special ingihon, etc. tie. OR 3-451. 190 GALAXiE "good cond, only 75.000 ml. Mum go, win lake O'oer car nr equnv. Call JE 3-4361 Canyonville. Ore. Or write M. A. Merntt, M.lo Academy, Mi to. Ore. Wh lolesaie Why Pay Retair BUY WHOLESALE! '53 PONTIAC 4 door sedan. R&H, transmission I J '55 FORD V8 2 door sedan. R&H, standard iA Q O transmission 7 J '55 PONTIAC 4 door sedan. R&H, hydramotic trans- JCnQ mission. Clean. . w U '53 CHEVROLET 2 door $0 0 0 sedon. R&H '54 CHEVROLET BelAir 4 door sedan. TQR R&H, powerahde v) 7 O '54 FORD V8 4 door $ l4$348 sedon. R&H, '52 DODGE 4 door S O Q sedon. R&H 17 O '53 STUDEBAKER 2 door sedon. R&H, standard transmission, new seot covers JOQQ and tires O '52 FORD V8 2 door woqon. R&H, standard $ 1 "7 O transmission I O '53 BUICK 4 door sedan, R&H, standard $1QO transmission '52 FORD V8 4 door sedan. R&H. .... I 7 O ...'128 '52 BUICK Swciol 2 door sedon. R&H, DynaHow tranmision, new M7Q paint '52 OLDSMOBILE 2 I J mo door sedan. R&H I eU '51 BUICK 2 door hardtop R&H, Dynaflow $1QQ transmission I O 50 CHEVROLET Vi ton pick-up. Heater, jotq new paint , 3 O EASY GMC OR BANK TERMS The Wholesale Lot 1182 N. E. Stephens Russ Bryon Lot Manager Th. Lot With Th Big Clock BARCUS Used Cars "60 OI.DS R8 Tudor hardtop, R & If, standard trans., low miles, sharp $2408 '59 DODGE Custom Royal 2 door hardtop, Kill, Pow er equipped, famous D500 motor. A SHARPIE! J2098 '50 PLYMOUTH V8 4 d n n r. R It II, push button drive. Special at only $ 598 '53 CADILLAC 2 door hard top. Kill, CLEAN 398 '53 CHEVROLET Tudor, spe cial 248 '53 PACKARD sedan, standard trans. $ 298 '53 HUDSON Jet sedan, econ omy plus performance for only ) 298 '53 PONTIAC 4 door, R It H. automatic trans ( 148 '56 FORD ( cylinder Vj ton pickup. II D. bumper mud and snow tires f 848 IMPORTS '59 SIMCA Station Wagon t 79 59 TRIUMPH sedan I .38 '60 SIMCA deluxe sedan, only 16,000 actual miles. S 838 '61 1 FT. TRAVELKZE trail er house in new condition with K Z Lift trailer hitch for only $17 TERMS TO SLIT YOU BARCUS Open evening tit tundayl ft I i OR S-SM N. Stpena at Garden valley R1. Try Want Ads! Low Coif ond quick rcsultl PATRONIZE NEWS. REVIEW ADVERTISERS Autos For Sale lf.9 CHEV. Tudor. $43 for my equity. OR 3-140. e'ter 3 30 weekends. WORK CARSsecond cars,-clean 'carsTSee ; JALOPY JUNCTIONtwst. Ojd Hwytl $. j 1947 STUDEBAKCR sedan, new motor. Terms. OR 2-1440. I9S2 DeSOTO'VS Firedom 2 door hardtop. $150. Call OR 3-i9. '55 FORD Ranch wgn, auto, trans. RAH, $571.1957 Ford P . U , $795 OR 330, '51 FORD 3 door.' $150 C W. Mode. Id ley Id Rl , Bo 199Z Ring. '! FORD Fairlan. small VI. auto. tram. I'm full pnea. win lake trada. OR 2-4.7T. TRADE -U FORD Victoria Hdtoptor pickup of aqual valua. 01 MI6I. OR U CHEVROLET, QOOd motor, goo, tiras, on. ,lu out. Phona OR 2-J23J. ": VOLKSWAGEN ' daluxa Micro-bus. Irn macuiata cood. OR 3-IS2,. 'ao FORD Falrlana 500. , eoor. auro,, p-slMrln,, orakas. 7.000 ml. Mlnialar s car. 114 Plaasanl St. OR 2-424. umH mi '61 PONTIAC Cotolino 2 dcor hordtop. R&H, Hydramotic transmission, full power 61 PONTIAC TEMPEST 4 door sedon, R&H, hydramotic transmission, low mileage. '60 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 4 door R&H, Hydramotic transmission, '58 PONTIAC Super Chief, 4 door sedon, R&H, Hydromatic '58 CHEVROLET BeiAir 4 door sedan. R&H, powerglide '58 PONTIAC Safori, 4 door station wagon, R&H, Hydramotic transmission, clean '56 PLYMOUTH V8, 4 door sedon, R&H, new paint '57 FORD V8 Fairlane 500 4 door Fordomolic transmission, power '55 PONTIAC, 4 door sedan, R&H, Hydromatic '57 CHEVROLET V8 210 series, wagon, R&H, Powerglide, local '55 BUICK 2 door hardtop. R&H, Dynaflow transmission. Clean '56 BUICK Century, 4 door Estate power steering, power brakes '54 FORD V8. 4 door sedan, R&H, stick shift 56 BUICK 2 door hardtop. R&H, transmission, one owner '55 DODGE Royol 4 door sedan. R&H '54 CHEVROLET 210 2 door tedon. R&H, stick shift, shorp PICKUPS '60 DODGE Vi ton pickup, heater, 4 speed, no spin rear axle '57 FORD V8 Vi ton pickup, heavy duty wheels '55 CHEVROLET Vi ton pickup. Only 25,000 miles '50 CHEVROLET Vx ton, H, 3 speed . EASY G.M.A.C. OR BANK TERMS OPEN SUNDAYS MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM MONTE HORD "TRADER" SCHROEDER OR 2-1116 OR 2-1786 CORNER OAK & ROSE OR 3-6555 I ( vrr-J i rkvi'iki: REAL BARGAINS Half the stock liquidated 24 cars. All must go. NEW AND USED Some reduced as much as $300 OLD PAL MOTORS Used Car Lot Across From ROSE HOTEL 840 SE Stephens St. OR 2-2572 News - Review, Roscburg, Ore. 9 ' 81 'S FORO Calan, Cub sadan. Automatic. Por slwing. R1H. ate. etc. Original owner, snarp lliti. OR 2-llir Its, CHEV li pickud. ."with 4 speed. aUe tts7 V w. Needs iMrt. No Friday nignt V Saturday calls. Ph. T& 7.52IS. Azalea. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED 'SI STUOEBAKER. 4 cvl . standard transmission. Have Had this s. tone. Just make decent after. Needs home. Si DODGE Vt hardtop - Reel Choice SJ PONTIAC HARDTOP 'S3 OLDS Super N. motor overhaul. lao ritica pric.. 'S2 MERCURY (In fact we have I of CASH FOR CARS USED PARTS AUTO WRECKINO AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Jalopy Junction One Ml. louth on Old Hwy It Phone OK 2-4661 mm 23098 22398 22898 .21398 .21398 .21498 $698 ...21198 ...2528 .21298 748 hardtop. full power. ... hardtop. R&H, steering 4 door one owner. wagon, R&H, Dynaflow, Dynaflow 2898 .2378 2898 .2598 J428 J398 JI048 798 . '348 OH OGEE irr. iifrrr (4,